Internet, Telephony, TV station – QWERTY. Internet, Telephony, TV station - QWERTY Error code 101 what to do

Mobile Internet access is no longer available today. For rich people, smartphones with various “smart” programs have become not only a source of greedy access, but also a reliable assistant for everyday people. Messengers, navigators, mobile banking and other joys have long and dearly entered our lives. On a daily basis, everyone called to access as much as a voice, including a mobile connection. The number of these koristuvachs is growing mobile access, which is important due to the specifics of the manufactured robot. The mobile Internet today is another stage of freedom not only for couriers and online consultants, but also for the clerks of all business lines. In a word, business often lies heavily behind a reliable connection.
Especially for its readers, MR conducted tests of the quality of mobile Internet access services from four communication operators represented in the capital region. The speed of data reception and transmission was carried out at 8 different points on the territory of TINAO for additional assistance primary smartphone, which supports the 4G network. The test locations were chosen in an open space, located near the place of massive crowding of people, some of the extinction simply in residential areas does not correspond to the logic of quick mobile access through the presence of most people chіv wired. home Internet. At the skin point along the skin operator, 2 measurements were drawn and then the average of the two values ​​of the fluidity of receiving and transmitting data was determined. Vikory was more popular for the worlds mobile app"Speedtest" in the mode of automatic selection of the fastest server. The tests were taken on working days (from 18 to 21 June 2016) in the interval from 9 to 18, so that the demand for the possession of operators was not peak.
Map of data transmission speed points in TINAO.
Table 1. Average speeds for receiving/transmitting data (Mbit/s).
As a criterion for assessing the results of the vikor, the ability to watch and broadcast the video at the current speed was taken into account. The recommendations were taken as a basis YouTube service by bitrate for different types broadcast at standard frame rates. The results of the transmission speed variation were assessed using a special scale, as shown in the table below. The operator was given a score ranging from 1 to 6 points for the ability to demonstrate the ability to transmit video via a cable at a specific point. At speeds below 1 Mbit/s, normal video transmission became difficult and the operator deducted a penalty point (-1).
Table 2. Estimates of service efficiency depend on transmission speed.
Table 3. Results of assessing the cost of mobile Internet access services.

As can be seen from the diagrams, Megafon is the leader in the number of mobile Internet access services in New Moscow. The other place is occupied by the operator "TELE2". This result is amazing, so TELE2 is on the Moscow market. mobile connection Just like that – June 22, 2015. The third place in the ranking is based on the results of our seeding tests for MTS, the fourth place is for Beeline.
Tsikavo, the test at the village of Komunarka did not add up to the hidden picture of extinctions. In this regard, “Beeline” showed outstanding results, and one of the best results among all other operators.
In addition to presenting estimates of the global level of yoke, summed up across all points around the world, it is also necessary to look at the stability of yakness in the whole region, which is characterized by a range of data. The stability of this product means there is less variation in the results of extinctions. High stability confirms that base stations The operators are arranged rationally, there is enough space in the service area and the focus on them is optimally distributed. Based on Table 3, we can now see: the range of results for the selection of data transfer speeds "Beeline" will be from -2 to 10 (12 points), the "Megafon" award - from 6 to 11 (5 points), the "MTS" award - 0 up to 11 (11 points), “TELE2” prize – from 3 to 9 (6 points). Thus, it can be seen that the places in the ranking for stability of speed are divided in the same way as behind the leading level: the leader is Megafon, followed by the operator TELE2, then MTS and the ranking is the highest Our payout for operator capacity "Beeline". Moreover, just like behind the lead level, the leader is ahead of the fourth place for stability more than 2 times.
The research is independent, does not claim to be absolutely accurate, and does not provide an assessment of the capacity from the perspective of an average employee of mobile Internet access services. MG will continue to perform similar tests in the near future to determine how operators work on the subdivisions of the service level.

Pomilka 101 on Google Play on Android, decision. Regardless of all the advantages of the Android platform, which we will not overdo here, this operating system has several defects. One of them is a series of benefits for every hour, try to engage with programs from Google. Play Store. We continue to look at the options for canceling amends with different codes, which may arise in the process of updating programs. Pomilka 101 on Google Play - this is a very old and persistent bug, like the ones Google fakes have for unknown reasons my hands haven’t done that yet. This problem has been around for a long time and appears on phones released due to the fact that they run older versions of the Android platform (4.0 and older). You can benefit from using such programs as Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp, Skype from Google Play. You will remove the notification about the downloaded acquisition and the comment: “I was not able to acquire the program through option 101).”

This, despite the inconsistency, can be completed easily, like other benefits with digital codes already familiar to us. If your Android device has “delighted” you with notifications about 101, try to complete the following steps:

Method 1

1 . Visit Menu -> Adjusting parameters -> Program -> Add-on Manager -> Google Play Store.
2 . There you will see two fields - “ Clear cache"ta" Clear data" Choose offense according to your choice.

3 . Go back to the menu and restart your device.

Now try again to download or update the program from the Google Play Market. Shvidshe for everything. The problem with the appearance of the settlement 101 is over. Since the bug is not going anywhere, and you won’t be able to use the program again, you will have to delete your image Google entry and then add it back.

Method 2

1 . Visit Menu -> Setting up -> Oblikovy record.

We can continue to develop methods for eliminating problems associated with code fixes that appear during the process of installing and updating programs.
Code 101 - mercy on Google Play. This, one might say, is outdated, as I feel like I can’t be corrected by Google’s spyware. This has been a problem with phone programs for a long time, but it has become even more common in versions Android platforms 4.0 and the new ones that were released are largely due to this. You can use it when you try to install and launch the programs Facebook, Skype, WhatsApp. And it looks like something like this: “It is not possible to run the supplement through the code 101.”
What kind of guy is this? long time ago A few can be obtained even simply, like similar reprieves. If your phone has already received notifications for the code 101, try signing in the following steps:

Method 1:
1. Menu - Settings - Programs - Manager - Google Play Market.
2. Select through the following points.

3. Re-lock your phone.
After that, launch the device and try to quickly access the Google Play Market program. Most importantly, there is no mercy. If she still shows up again, then try deleting the account entry, and then register again.

Method 2:
1. Menu - Settings - Cloud recording.

2. View an account entry from regional registration Google.

Today, when working with Internet resources on a daily basis, clients often encounter a situation where, instead of accessing the client’s website, information about those who are interrupted is removed. The reason is the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET command or “Connection has been reset.” Why can I blame you? pardon given? How can you fight against it? We'll try to get married right now. To achieve this goal, we will use a number of basic methods.

What does the reset code ERR_CONNECTION_RESET 101 mean?

If you try to address the cause of the illness, you can work out what is to blame for many episodes. So, for example, pages on the Internet may be blocked by the system. This may be due to the unfavorable nature of the resource or the increased threat to it. Error code 101 ERR-CONECTION_RESET In some cases, you may notice that the web browser has been configured incorrectly. As a rule, the settings of proxy servers are different. Also, sometimes situations arise when problems arise at the boundary itself. Through this access to the Internet it simply becomes impossible

The hosts file can be edited using the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET command.

First of all, you need to take a look at the hosts file. This file may have blocking settings assigned to it. You can find this object in the main directory of the system. To do this, first in this folder you need to go to the System 32 directory, and then to the etc directory. Hosts file In most cases, we are welcome. To do this, you will first need to set the following parameters in the view menu for displaying received objects, such as files and folders. Just do it like that Denmark file You can't see it. Here you need to change the command context menu, Yaku can be viklikati by the way of the right onslaught of the target. Then you need to select the item “Seek help...”. As an editor, you can use the standard “Notepad” or something else text editor this kind. Now you need to marvel at the space. Everything that is added below the assigned local host address and the next row with one, after which localhost is written again, must be deleted. These are special blocking records. After this, you will just need to save your money.

Setting up the network and web browser

The error code 101 can be caused by one simple reason: incorrect parameters are set in the browser. Like a butt, let's take a look at a popular Internet browser Google Chrome. Let's assume that the error ERR_CONNECTION_RESET appeared when trying to connect to any website. How can this situation be corrected by vikoryism and adjustment? It’s easy to finish... For this you need to press the button with three buttons or use a wrench to go into setting the parameters. After you scroll down the window a little, you will need to go to show dodatkovykh nalashtuvan, then you need to go to the “Merezha” section. Here you can change the settings of the proxy server. It needs to be activated. For new windows, you need to select your browser power. The following in the parameter settings local measures install automatic assignment these parameters. In the case where the provider does not transmit proxy work, these scenarios do not need to be modified. The same goes for setting up the InternetExplorer browser or any other browser. Enabling proxy settings is a legal rule for all programs that access the Internet. The same goes for setting up Internet Explorer or any other Internet browser. Enabling proxy settings is a legal rule for all programs that access the Internet. Before connecting parameters that are used to set up local protocols and networks, then, as a rule, it is necessary to set up automatic removal of the DNS address, IP, etc., if the provider has not set anything else. The problem in this situation can only be caused by incorrectly entered data, so you just need to check that it is valid for the data that was transferred when the connection was created. Make sure there is also a checkmark next to the row that turns on local proxy addresses.

Lists of faults for antivirus and firewall

Internet resources are often blocked by the security system. You also specify the reset code ERR_CONNECTION_RESET (the connection has been reset). There is a simple way out of this situation: it is necessary for the browser itself, which is used for Internet surfing, to add a new rule to the list of faults in the firewall. The blocked resource in the antivirus package must be identified as reliable, but only for the reason that it is so.

Solving the problems of the measure for the additional command line

The ERR_CONNECTION_RESET signal, which indicates that the streaming connection has been reset, may also be associated with problems in the local network. To correct problems, you can use different fixer programs. Name this type The program is similar to the English word "fix", which means "to correct". Ale in the zagalnogo version, you can work even more simply. To get started with the Vikonati menu, you need to click command row. At the console you need to enter the command ipconfig/all, and then press the enter key. Vikoristannya for this purpose It makes it possible not only to scan until problems are evident, but also to automatically detect faults.

Optimization using additional third-party programs

In some cases, you can use the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET option with the help of a specialist software security. For example, you can use the AdvancedSystemCare software package, which is a powerful module used to optimize Internet connection. Dana program Allows you to increase the speed of access to the limit. You can also identify potential and real failures when you try to activate certain resources. The participation of the koristuvach in this process is absolutely unnecessary. However, it is necessary to understand that this is a backup, and not the main method of obtaining amends of this type. It is necessary to handle this module with great care. Failures were wasted when the automated correction of the grinding did not produce the desired result, and the effect was less lasting.


By itself, the problem of the appearance of the described thing ceased to be critical. However, to solve the problem, we first need to identify the cause of the problem. If you approach this food from a practical point of view, you can conclude all the necessary operations in the same order as they were presented in this review. It is necessary to add that the statistics did not look at it possible reasons blame for malfunctions associated with the activity of viruses. People from unscrupulous sites can cause websites to be blocked on the Internet.

Manually editing the Windows registry by deleting keys in order to correct repairs is not recommended, as you are not a PC maintainer. Changes made while editing the registry can lead to the failure of your PC and permanent damage to your system. operating system. In fact, there is one coma, placed in the wrong place, it can spoil the computer’s charm!

In connection with such a risk, we recommend using reliable registry cleaning tools, such as WinThruster (from Microsoft Gold Certified Partner), to scan for and fix any problems associated with Troubleshooting 101. corist cleansing of the registry [Zavantazhiti ], you can automatically search for bad registry entries, send them to daily files (for example, click on %%error_name%%) and send non-working ones to the middle of the registry. Automatically created before skin scanning backup copy, which allows you to make any changes with one click and protects you from possible damage to your computer. Most importantly, removing the [Enter] registry amendments can dramatically increase system fluidity and productivity.

In advance: Since you are not familiar with your PC, we do not recommend editing the Windows registry manually. Incorrect use of the Registry Editor can lead to serious problems and damages Windows reinstallation. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of the Registry Editor can be corrected. Please contact the Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before that, how will I manually renew my love? Windows registry, you need to create a backup copy, exporting part of the registry associated with Pomilka 101 (for example, Google Chrome):

  1. Click on the button Get started.
  2. Enter " command" search in a row... DO NOT PRESSURE YET ENTER!
  3. Soft keys CTRL-Shift on the keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Press So.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the key associated with Troubleshooting 101 (for example, Google Chrome), for which you need to create a backup copy.
  9. At the menu File Select Export.
  10. On the list Protect from select the folder until you need to save the backup copy Google key Chrome.
  11. In the field File name Enter the name of the backup file, for example, Google Chrome backup.
  12. Get over it, what's next to the field? Export range vibrano meaning Vibrana Gilka.
  13. Press Save.
  14. The file will be saved s expanded.reg.
  15. You now have a backup copy of the registry entry associated with Google Chrome.

The consequences of manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, but they may seriously damage your system. If you would like to obtain more information about manually editing the registry, please be aware of the instructions below.