Windows 8 1 image for update. Windows system update. Saving data in shadow copies

Disk Windows update 8 Place a thorough selection of tools from diagnostics and updates operating system. You can help with any faults in Windows robots.

If you haven’t created a system update disk before, you can do it on your or any other computer with the operating system installed a copy of Windows 8.

The update disc can be written to a flash drive or CD/DVD media.

And now everything is in order:

Note: Using these instructions, you can create an update disk for both Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 (only USB drives).

If in the control panel you have the option to view not by category, but by other or large icons, then click on the item “ renovation»You can skip ahead to point 5.

3. At the menu, press the very top line “ support center».

4. At the bottom of the “Support Center” window, click on the item “ renovation».

6. Connect the flash drive to your computer. The new disk will contain a system update.

7. When appointed as an ensign, indicate the point “ Copy the update section from your computer to the update disk" and press far. This item is available on computers with Windows 8 installed. Please note that when selecting this item you will need more times Have a good time on flash drive.

8. In the next window, select from the list the USB storage device that you plan to use in the update disk space and press the button far.

If a flash drive is available, you can burn the update disc to a CD/DVD media.

9. After the warning, all data on the flash drive will be deleted. If there is no valuable information on your flash drive or you have created a backup copy, click the “ create».

That's all. The process of creating the Windows 8 update disk is complete. For a properly installed 64-bit version of Windows 8, the data size on the flash drive is 225 MB.

Windows 8 can be equipped with a rich arsenal of update features. First of all, the Refresh Your PC mode, launching which allows you to update the functionality of the OS from the update disk without deleting files. In order to use this “soft” form of bringing the OS configuration into the working state, the “system” implements a complete rearrangement of all data on the disk (Reset Your PC).

Variety of renewal methods

Retailers have provided a number of methods to the customers, looking at how you can update the Windows 8 system. Windows versions, Actions are also unique and daily news in the new “ten”. We will explore all available possibilities:

Below we will describe in detail how to update Windows 8, the advantages and disadvantages of the skin from the descriptions of the methods.

Update without deleted files

Not everyone knows that this option operates in two modes:

  • saving personal files of the account manager, Metro add-ons and all desktop programs and adjusting the registry;
  • turning the system to the image assigned to the user, saving all settings at the time of creation of the program and adjusting it with drivers, etc.

The first mode will have no alternative at all, since Windows 8 is installed independently from the disk and it does not create wim images of the system for further download.

If you purchase a device with an installed eighth transmitter Windows version During the launch of the Refresh Your PC function, you will select the factory disk partition with a specific set of drivers and programs that were initially installed on the computer.

So that it is possible to “softly” update Windows 8 to a completely working system configuration without bugs, viruses, etc., after installing the system, drivers and themselves necessary accessories You need to create a powerful Wim image. In addition, it will be possible to replace the standard one, one after another.

Yak zrobiti wim-image

To edit and create images in “Visimtsi”, the console program recimg has been transferred. We will worship her in the coming rite:

  1. Open the command line under the administrator name by pressing Win + X and selecting the option in the pop-up console window.
  2. The command line needs to create an entry recimg / CreateImage C: \ Image \ Img1 (without the speck).

The program creates an image of a production line on disk, which will become the base when installing a system without deleting files.

You can create more than one image, the artist can choose how many to create:

  • recimg / CreateImage C: \ Images \ Img2 create another updated image and set it as the base one;
  • recimg / SetCurrent C: \ Image \ Img1 split Img1 back to base;
  • recimg / ShowCurrent show which image is in present moment basic;
  • recimg / deregister describes all the requirements for creating an image and creating a basic factory image of the system.

The Wim-image is not intended for the user of data, so it is not suitable as a full-fledged backup copy. However, when you install the Refresh mode (updating the system in Windows 8 with saving data from the user), the OS will save all your programs, files and registry data that were relevant at the time the image was created.

What will you lose after the catastrophe?

The withdrawal of data from savings, as previously described, can be carried out through the savings method or without it. This will be displayed on the system as soon as possible:

  • in both cases, you will lose permanent documents and special files, registration and Metro-additions;
  • Using this method, the desktop program folders Program Files, updates and all system settings will also be saved.

The only thing that cannot be saved is a large number of special settings (desktop, etc.) and additional settings (Internet browsing profile, saving program panel, etc.).

How to launch the Refresh Your PC procedure

Updating Windows 8 using this procedure can be done practically in any situation, but if you go into it, only grinding disc. If Windows 8 is installed normally, the download process will come down to a few steps:

  • press Win + R and in the input field of the window write the command systemreset (without a comment),
  • confirm by typing “Viconati”.

We can change the BIOS settings

If redirection is not possible, downloading is carried out from the update or installation disk. Before doing this, do not forget to go into the BIOS mode and check whether the specified priorities are correct, so that the backup or installation drives are read first.

To enter the BIOS, you need to restart the device by pressing Del on the keyboard several times; on some laptops, the entry is via F2 or ESC. BIOS versions on various outbuildings are separated. This may be Award, AMI, UEFI graphics - all methods of storing a disk that is first in the market may vary. However, you can use flash drives without entering the BIOS. To open the window to select the installation method without changing the BIOS settings, press the button at the hour when the device starts:

  • Award BIOS - F9;
  • AMI - F8.

On laptops, please click on F12.

We're entering Wednesday

Check out the upcoming events:

  1. When in love with installation disk After selecting a language, click on the entry below “System Update”;
  2. Go to the diagnostics section;
  3. Select the “Update” command.

After completing the procedure, your program and all system settings will be lost (except for some special adjustments), especially if you were able to create a Wim image in the described way. Otherwise, a clean system will be created, in which only photographs, music and similar data will be saved.

The ease of updating and saving data by reinstalling the OS on top of the original one

Before the system is reinstalled, please only do so if there is no backup copies, To update Windows 8 via Refresh Your PC. Ale obov'yazkovo may finish trimming and one more mind - the system is guilty of entrapment on its own.

What is the importance and the main importance of collecting data from saving data by restoring - a new mode of turning the operating configuration of the system in the “all-time” way Omu, saving at the same time I would like to use the special data of the koristuvach.

Another important feature is that Refresh Your PC is already concerned with the process of automation. There is no need to go through any of the first stages of the classic method of reinstalling from a disk, nor is it necessary to adjust the settings after the installation is complete.

Renewal without saving data

In English versions of Windows 8, this mode is called Reset Your PC and it is “hard” - it formats the system partition, and any other partition, and then completely reinstalls the system. No data, systemic or intended for the accountant, is saved. The Reset Your PC mode is available there - in the diagnostics section, which can be accessed either from the operating system, from the update or installation disk.

With a version of Windows 8 installed on your computer or laptop, everything becomes even simpler. You will also need to familiarize yourself with the specifications on the device to find out how to restore the Windows 8 system to the factory settings. On different cars there will be a lot of fun, but the best one In other ways It’s “harsh” to reduce almost to zero the system infected with a virus or through the gentle actions of the government.

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We'll discuss it today Windows function 8 under the name Refresh Your PC, Which allows you to “throw off” (or turn) the system into a new state, in essence, “softly” reinstall the system, without seeing the data of the koristuvach. However, not everyone knows that this function allows you not only to return to the system “clean” image of the system, but also to the image created by the user, and to place the necessary set of programs and system adjustments. In this article we will talk about Windows options on creating and managing purposes for creating Windows 8 update images.

It’s easy to remember right away about the specifics of the function (in the Russian version of Win 8 the function is translated as “Update PC without deleting files”). Ozhe, when discounted computer For the additional Refresh Your PC function, Windows saves all data for the data store and MetroApps, replacing directories Windowsі Program Files on the originals, which are taken from the Windows 8 installation disk or from a previously created WIM system method. Everything is installed in the system third party add-ons(Crime MetroApps) spoil What is difficult to do manually, how many hours could you spend on their installation and configuration...

If you installed Windows 8 yourself, then after installing such a wim image, there is no update in the system, and when you try the Refresh window, the system will ask you to insert the OS distribution kit. If the computer comes with a pre-installed OS, the entire system requires image modifications to include specific drivers, system utilities and programs installed by the vendor.

In Windows 8, you can replace the standard system update image with a new one, in order to avoid the need for specific programs and customization.

So, your job is to customize the system to your heart’s content: install and customize the required software and drivers, make the necessary changes to the system configuration, install - in general, customize the system for yourself, and after that this wim image of the system, until then You may be advised that it is not necessary to reinstall the OS.

Note. The creation of the wim image will not include information for the user data, installation of Metro Apps and information for the user settings (when the Refresh your PC function is running, the stinks will not be cleared). The image will only be installed “classically” Windows add-ons, System files and settings.

To work with Windows 8 images that were created when the system was updated using the additional Refresh Your PC function, there is a special console utility recimg.

Based on the Windows 8 production line, we create a new image of the update, for which we enter the command:

Recimg/CreateImage C:\RefreshImage\Image1

The command recimg / CreateImage creates a new image to replace the production mill, and will automatically register it in the core of the base update point when the next “discard” of Windows 8 is launched for the additional Refresh Your PC function.

System image ( CustomRefresh.wim) The savings will be saved to the directory C:\RefreshImage\ (which can be changed to something else). If the directory is daily, the utility will create it automatically.

Windows 8 has the ability to support several purposes for updating images. Using all the same recimg / CreateImage commands, we can create another image (which will be saved in another directory), for example:

Recimg/CreateImage C:\RefreshImages\Image2

The utility is to create another image and re-assign it to the core of the base one. If you need to recognize the first image as a base image, use the command:

Recimg/SetCurrent C:\RefreshImage\Image1

To find out which image is being displayed in the base frame at the exact moment, use the command:


If you need to select the system image registration and return to the original one, click:


This command enables the selection of the update method assigned to the user, and since the system has a separate section of updates, creations by the generator, which will automatically be used to update the system. Since the partition is daily, if you try to reset the computer, the system will return you to the original one. Windows distribution 8.

Also, the latest version of Windows 8 update allows you to easily get a “clean” system at your disposal, or replace the set of programs and drivers you need without the need for reinstallation.

Porada. Varto understand that the creations of the wim image cannot be selected in the same way, so the data of the correspondent cannot be removed (it is not possible to extract files from this wim image, they are simply not there). Its main task is to restore the system according to the savings of data of the koristuvach.

Update from saved settings

point to bichnu panel, Click on Settings -> Change computer settings -> Underground. Three options will be available here: PC update without deleting files, update with we'll see again purposes for data acquisition and special methods of acquisition. To enable the Refresh Your PC function, you will need an installation disk. Windows 8 or the image Windows 8.

The first krok is the simplest. Danish method The update will give you the ability to save specific settings, files assigned to your account, as well as add-ons installed from the Windows Store.

ale Zagalni customization The computer, however, will be taken off before I get cleaned up. What about all other add-ons that have been installed? using standard methods, All stench will be removed, and Windows list Show it on your desktop after the update process.

Next, you need to select “Update PC without deleting files” and click on the “Start” button. It is important to carefully read the foregoing and click the “Next” button. At the same time, the system will ask you to insert the installation disk into the drive. Insert the disc and click the "Update" button. Now only a few people have lost the chance to check the completed update operation, which will cost approximately 30-40 dollars. Upon completion of the process, you will have a clean Windows 8 This is the only difference that all adjustments will be incomplete.

Because Windows is not interested

Since it is not possible to deny access to the update function in the standard way (Windows does not care), download from the installation disk under the BIOS to deny access to the “Choose Actions” menu, already known from the previous article. Here you will need to go to the “Diagnostics” section and click on “Discovery”.

Then all operations are in no way different from those that were written above. The Refresh Your PC function can also be enabled with the help of “Special options”.

Updating without saving the purposes for the account files

Now let's marvel at another option. As in the other case, going to the next update point without changing anything, updating the saved files also did not help. It is acceptable that the problems are related directly to cloud record administrator

This time you need to select the function “Scale all data and reinstall” Windows". Of course, not only everything will be seen third party programs, Ale programs installed from the Store Windows, And also suitable for the client’s settings, together with the client’s oblique record.

Let's just say it, Windows just reset to zero. The method of completely renewing the product differs from what we used when updating and saving money.

After inserting a disk into the drive, the system allows you to select two methods for deleting files, smooth and hard. You can also delete all information from the section assigned to the client. If you don't care about Windows, you can do the same thing as in the first step - using the installation disk and immediately clicking on the Master's options.

What to do if there is no installation disk

Now you can move on to the third, remaining scenario. We already know how it is possible to renew the work of a flawed or poorly running Windows 8 for an additional installation disk, unless the installation is up to date.

However, what is there to do if the disk itself is missing? It’s quite possible that all data will be deleted, and Windows itself will need to be reinstalled, since, of course, you won’t be able to create it again Windows image 8.

This method allows you to update not only personal data, but also change systematic adjustment, ale tіlki installation of additional supplements. There are two options for creating this image. The first, mentally, can be shvidkim, and the other will be remembered. Trebozh Takozh, pier, is not able to send the naval -worships, the vyn qilki is not allowed to vice the vivnivnik with a binding operational system, and the deposit of the system of systems is vidalanny -bylshami unit critically important files. Let's marvel at this method.

Creating an image of Windows 8 in the command row

Open the Start menu and launch the command row with administrator rights and enter this command:

recimg/createimage D:\backup

"recimg" is a special utility command line, "/Createimage" -The command itself and "D:\backup" - tsehlakh. If there is no backup folder, it will be created automatically. The CustomRefresh.wim image file will be on drive D in the backup folder.

It is also necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the created image will now be created at the core of the update point, and it is important to remember from the installation disk that the update will be created not from another, but from the created image.

If you have problems, you need to go to the "Select Actions" menu, using the additional key Shift + F8 or selecting the disc. Then you need to select Diagnostics - Renew and enter the target operation system.

Reinventing Windows 8 in a completely new way

The most beautiful vikorystuvati new image Windows 8. Yogo, as well as the “Swedish” image, needs to be created from the beginning. Then, select Settings -> Control Panel -> File Update Windows 7-> Creation of the image of the system.