What are smartart little ones? Creation of circuits for additional Smart Art.

Small Art SmartArt- These are pictures of ready-made blocks. You select the block you need and insert it into the box.

Click the SmartArt button. A window will appear in which you need to select the required baby. You can gulp and get to know the groups of babies. For illustration, I chose the Simple Cycle drawing from the Cycle group (Fig. 4.9).

The fragments of these little ones are used to describe various processes as a final confirmation of the work, and you may need to insert such a little thing into the table. So we’ll tell you a little about them in a report.

Terms play a key role in current and ancient history in a short, even visual manner. Terms can be used in school to discuss scientific concepts or discoveries that have emerged over the course of epochs or fates. It can also be used in school to discuss history lessons and many other subjects.

The time scale provides information that can be used in history, paleontology and any other research that allows visualization of subsequent elements. Vіn zvichay e horizontal line From segments to an hour. The skin segment can be divided into different parts.

If you put the little ones in front of the store, show up right away new group Robot tabs with SmartArt little ones, which consists of two tabs – Designer and Format (Fig. 4.10).

In addition to the Design tab, you can do the same.

If you are really interested in changing the layout, then click the Refresh button in the Drop group to rotate the layout to the cob view.

Add messages and animations to the chart

We just have to make it interactive by adding activities and animations, and then so that students can deny previous access to the Internet. One important point: we need to break down ours in order to prepare it for conversion, fine tuned sending and adjusting the animation of the koristuvachs.

How to adjust the time scale

After everything is broken down, the presentation will look like this.

However, as you can learn from this article, it is a creative, complex and, at the same time, labor-intensive process. There is a very simple way to earn money. It’s even easier to edit in Vikoristan.

In principle, there are only 2 levels: periods and periods. You can add any information to the “Podia” window, including images, sound, audio, video, etc. The interaction window is short and allows you to customize the font and color scheme.

On the Format tab for working with SmartArt babies, you select commands for changing the skin shape (Fig. 4.16).

Vikorist tools on these tabs can be developed on the fly.

  • Change the figure by selecting a banana from the list.
  • Create a larger and smaller figure using the additional buttons of the Shapes group. Before speaking, there is another way to change the size of the figures, as you know. You can change the size and shape of the skin figure using the additional frame that appears when you see the figure. Just pull the circles or squares, and the size of the figures will change.
  • To make the shapes flat, you can select the third style using the Double Edit button (this works only for tridimensional styles). When you press this button again, the shape buttons will become voluminous again. In a melody, this button is intended for ease of editing of volumetric shapes.
  • Change the style of the figures, the vikorist one and the same group.
  • Add WordArt style to the text of the form with the same group. You can choose a style, like an outline, fill the background and create animation for the text. There is practically nothing limiting your imagination.
  • Arrange the shapes using the Arrange button menu. The SmartArt baby is made up of several shapes. You can regroup the axis itself: you can bring it to the foreground or background, align them in a way that suits you.
  • Set the size of the visible figure, which will appear at the end when you press the Size button. To delete a shape, go to it and press the Delete key.

Reading textual works and presentations can often be tedious, especially when the subject being described is poorly known to the audience. Therefore, with a higher level of attention to material, robots are able to insert various small pieces, diagrams and diagrams. It is not better to understand the text, but also to simplify the understanding of what is read and said.

Enjoy our book about creating great presentations

You can set colors for bars and backgrounds together. Pobudova presentations – tse hour. The rest of my time is to paint my beautiful illustrations in a slide show. We can also provide you with beautiful illustrations from our slideshow. We also have a sweet compliment for your friend. Please take it, read it first.

Among the most popular office supplements Word, Excel, Power Point have the ability to insert pictures into a document and create interesting diagrams. Creation of diagrams and graphs can be achieved by integrating Excel with other office programs. All these office programs have the ability to create awkward schemes.

A tool that allows you to easily create barvy schemes is called Smart Art What can you translate as a smart artist. And this name of the tool is true, the fragments in its arsenal include a number of different layouts, which is called “just in case.”

On the left side you can choose styles such as “List”, “Process”, “Cycle”. Now is the time to add great content and make it meaningful for your audience. What if we want something new or five or more objects? You can also manually move other elements around the slideshow.

You can easily change the layout and save your content. Depending on the type of data you see, certain types of diagrams work faster than others. If you don't know which style to choose, read the style list and create an iteration. How do you test the product, for example, test the process, to show how the product goes through the selection process. Cycles are similar to process maps, but the idea is that the smell is endless. Use the cycle type diagram if you imagine a process that is trivatime.

Power Point Smart Art Button

For ease of reference, especially navigation in the layouts is combined with the following groups: list, process, cycle, hierarchy, links, matrix and pyramid. For example, the “list” group has settings for displaying any list, in which the sequence is not of primary importance.

Cycles are non-stop, non-stop processes. If you run a company whose processes run for months, be aware of the storage cycles of these processes. Hierarchies are used to show how everything fits into an organization or process. One natural strategy for this type of diagram is creating an organizational card for a company or group of individuals.

Another useful way for the hierarchy is to show the parts of a larger whole. Make it clear that you are victorizing the hierarchy in order to show the truth in the middle of the finished product. At the lower butts, you learn that there are no diagrams of the joints: balance diagrams, leikas and six-cutters. Zagalny flow - those that show with diagrams how parts relate to each other.

Sequence is important when describing processes, so the groups under this name are combined patterns, which are described using additional arrows. The structure of the organization can be better shown using additional layouts from the group “Iierarchy”.

Before using this useful tool, it is necessary to understand the specific features of the layouts. The first thing you need to wrap is the size of the layout and the size text information, which is included here. We will not say that the proportions of the schemes are well suited for the place allocated for it on the Word page or in the presentation. These layouts are poorly scaled or scaled at all, so it is also necessary to create schematic representations of processes and objects.

Matrix diagrams are similar to table diagrams, but it is more about taking one object and dividing it into equal parts to achieve the goal. Pyramids are similar to hybrids between process diagrams and hierarchies. The skin of the pyramid is unique and shows how the parts of the pyramid fit together.

Get amazing presentations

This is a wonderful saving of time, which leads to good graphical results. We have a wonderful compliment for your assistant, who will guide you through the entire presentation process. Learn how to write a presentation, design it like a professional, and prepare it for strong performance.

To insert a Smart Art object into a document, you need to go to the “Insert” tab in 2007 and above and select the appropriate button from the “Illustrations” group. After pressing the mouse on this button, the “Select Baby Smart Art” window will open, where you need to select the required template.

How to choose a baby Smart Art

After pressing a template with a bear, it is immediately inserted into the text and can be edited. When you open the designer window and the entire arsenal of editing tools this type Malyunkiv. Ok, here you can change the appearance of the diagram, its color scheme and style.

Enjoy our new book: outside kerivnitstvo creation of outstanding presentations. This presentation is not a genetic sign, but you may be different. The axis of your aides is the creation of presentation skills.

Follow us to learn more about presentation tools. . Recently I was asked to correct several slides that I had yet to do. The designer created a diagram with three flowing circular arrows, which were repeated several times in various presentations at my company. In this case, the circular flow diagram was a similar diagram. The diagram is less than evocative of aesthetics.

So, Microsoft has not deprived people of their respect to make their documents and presentations easy to read and easily understood by little ones.