data converter. Often used by conversion programs

Under the conversion of files, it is possible to change whether there are data from one format to another. This process is, as a rule, based on saving the main logical-structural changes in information. The conversion process can be like with files (if the file is converted to a file), or “on the fly” (conversion is carried out every hour for export / import of data, or when the converter is different). If you thought about how to convert files, then let's take a look at what to do with the process.

Conversion problems

When converting data, you may have some problems, or problems, such as the loss of information. Alebuyut conversions without spending. As a rule, it may be related to the width of the other data format. As an example, you can put it like this: when converting data from the “plain text” format to “OpenDocument Text”, you practically don’t have to waste any information. And all to the fact that the OpenDocument Text format includes even more possibilities, lower than plain text. First, on the other hand, when converting from the OpenDocument Text format to the simplest text format, there will be a loss of information, basically the formatting of the text will be lost (visualization in italics, font, tables can be missed, etc.).

Programs for converting

Let's take a look at the help of some programs for converting and for some formats.

For texts:

  • LaTeX2RTF- given program recognized for converting data from LaTeX format to RTF format
  • LaTeX2HTML - a program that allows you to convert data from LaTeX format to HTML format

For images:

  • dcraw is a program that can help you convert files with RAW format TIFF format has PPM.
  • ImageMagick is a program designed for batch processing of graphic data
  • XnConvert given utility created for batch processing of graphic data, as well as for converting graphic information from one format to another

For sound files:

  • LAME - with the help of this program, you can encode audio in MP3 format
  • oggconvert- tsey supplement convert media files to open format.

The next step is to indicate that a lot of programs for editing sound data are already installed in the converter. One such program is Audacity.

To convert video files, use a program called VirtualDub. This program is used by a free program for converting video files.

Also є i universal programs for data conversion.

  • FormatFactory is a cost-free converter for video, audio, and also graphic files.
  • Any Video Converter - the program is also given as an envelope for video and audio files, it is available for both paid and non-cost versions.

Now you know what this conversion is and you can convert files yourself, and choose which format to convert these other data into. You will be asked for our articles: “

Today, it is often difficult to understand the conversion or convert files from one format to another. Truthfully, not all of them state that such a conversion, for some principles, will go through. Let's try to look at the data on the application of the universal PDF format, which today is one of the most extensive documents of various types.

Basic understanding: what is conversion

Vіdshtovhuyuchis vіd, so be it, technical terms, we can say that the conversion is effectively a translation, or the transformation of one format into another. Well, it’s true, there’s a lot of people to introduce into Oman for themselves, “translating the format”. Acts, for their lack of information, are aware that the conversion of files is carried out simply by renaming, changing the extension (letters after the extension point) to something else.

Absolutely wrong! Not only that, if such a rename before conversion is not possible, then it will not be possible to open the file again in a program that has such an extension, nor in a “native” addendum.

It’s necessary to clearly understand what the process is, in which case it’s more common to take such titles as a logical-structural summation of data (information).

In addition, there are two types of conversion: conversion from file to file and change to the format “on the fly”. Another option is most often used in data export and import operations.

Often used by conversion programs

For the correct transformation of the structure of any document, the chi file is vicorated special utilities that took away the name of the converters. These can be divided according to types: straight and universal. I realized that in the first time such programs are oriented exclusively to the deck of such formats.

In another, the functional set includes a larger list of data types, which are widely separated and not included in one class, however, such versatility is often set under the sumnir quality of the file in the conversion process.

At once mi vіdshtovhuvatimemosya in PDF format as the most universal for office documents, yakі can avenge the text part, graphics or other structures in the multimedia gallery.

Converting PDF text files

The simplest processes can be called the transformation of the text into PDF format. Standard text files, created, let's say, in Notepad, are not visible to us. Take the widest DOC format, which vouches for an addendum Microsoft Word. Data conversion here can be done in a number of ways.

The first and simplest way is to achieve great savings. When choosing the command "Save like ...", it is indicated at the end, at the bottom of the instructions, the type of data that is saved. Simply click on the list to expand, and select the new field from the assigned PDF document type, identified in the extensions.pdf.

Such a function, honestly, is only available in office suites in 2010 and later. Otherwise, conversion to PDF document Word transfers the choice of add-on plugins that will be embedded in the Word shell.

One of these is the Save as PDF or XPS utility, a retailer that is Microsoft itself. Once inserted in the format menu, when saved, the field will appear.

There are two options, before speech, lie down to what is called converting into a liota. For direct conversion, you can use an anonymous converter software, for example, Solid Converter PDF or Word to PDF Converter. The first program is the best, the shards can carry out transformations both in the direct and in the reverse direction. In other words, the direct conversion of a PDF document to Word is the same as a reverse conversion from PDF to DOC.

Convert PDF to Word document

Just as it was said, the utility was guessed. You can also use converters like PDF2Word Converter, there is no particular difference.

PDF conversion in Word is affected by bugs with the same algorithms. Behind the great rakhunok, especially unimportantly, even more smut - the result.

However, be aware that in the best way transformation є zastosuvannia Adobe software reader. For analogy with Word, it also has the command “Save like ...” and the list of supported extensions and types of documents. Enough to just choose word document, after which the transformation "on the fly" will be broken.

Here you can win in another simple way. It is enough for a PDF document to see the required fragment or the structure itself, copy it into and then paste it into a text document word editor for saving. It is true that such a method is not enough to destroy the structure of the document formatting. But it’s all the same, insulting ways are good, if you want another, don’t try PDF conversion from Word, but rather copy data. Itself through tse mozhut vinikati problems.

Convert small images to PDF and back

Vzagali all the information, as we perceive visually, can be translated into PDF-format. That graphics is not to blame.

For such transformations, there are specialized utilities that can be called such as JPEG to PDF Converter, Image to PDF Converter, etc. The processing process is identical to that used for editing office documents. For an analogy, work and be-like a program for converting any kind of turning around.

Well, I know, at the rich vipadkas you can beat and have the power of Adobe Reader, instead of the format menu, the graphic file type is selected differently.

Possibility of online services

Nareshti, if someone wants to deal with such transformations manually, be kind - in the Internet today, there is a large number of online converters. Vykoristannya їх warehouse difficult. Upload your file to a song resource, select a direct conversion with the choice of end format and activate the conversion process. Withdrawal for a small amount of time the file is stored on the hard disk of the computer.


Axis, scho all s nutrition "what is the conversion", and in the simplest ways to get out of it. I would recommend, let’s say, that it’s better to spend a couple of minutes on the installation of the latest utilities, or to know the portable versions, so that it doesn’t affect the installation, lower the number of online services, and the result may appear to be different. But it’s more worthwhile to work with graphics, so it’s necessary to translate from PDF.

shodo text documents, then it’s miraculously possible to get by with Word and Adobe Reader. How does it seem that the wheel is now to blame? Tim more, what is the result here ahead of time. As practice shows, most of the wines are richly shortened, lower the number of converters used for direct conversion of formats. Vlasne, navit in robots, such a technique looks richly simpler. The only thing that is necessary - Adobe installed Reader, as there is no such thing on a computer, or a plug-in for Microsoft Word (I know, as a version text editor released earlier than 2010).

Even more often, all attachments or programs can only work with the same file format. All higher education programs for work with video files and graphics, as well as various photo frames, media players.

Specially for facilitating the conversion of the necessary format, an anonymous converter for various formats has been split. All the stinks are simple in victoria and allow for a couple of minutes to recreate whether it's a video, an audio file, an image, a text file.

However, depending on the data that should be kept in the original format, the conversion can be carried out from the second data. For example, when converting text files into MS Word, the default text format will need to click on the table and image. Converting audio files, images and video files will sound free of charge.

Classification of converters

Behind the type converted files converters are subdivided into audio converters, video converters, text, graphics and universal converters.

Biggest extensions universal converters, to the extent possible, it can be seen as an image conversion, as well as an audio and video file conversion. The main nedolіkom є versatility itself, and not like the content of files.

Converters look like they have a lot of add-ons (both paid and cost-free) that are installed on the computer, and look like Internet services, which allow not only converting a file from one format to another, but also converting videos and music, adding an effect to the image, otrimavshi on output required format.

Also, a lot of programs can be integrated with all Internet browsers. As a result, audio and video files do not need to be shuffled and captured - they can be easily saved in the required format.

For the acquisition of some media files, it is faster to use higher-specialized programs, which can only be done with video and audio files. The result is to overthrow us ochіkuvannya!

First of all, remember that the choice of the program is to lie down due to the presence of the necessary functions and the quality of the file conversion!

Dovzhina and vіdstan Mass Enter the volume of bulky products and foodstuffs Area The volume and unity in culinary recipes Temperature Tisk, mechanical stress, Young's modulus INFORMATIC Courses of Zhinocho Odvyagu that rosemiri cholovyo odeuu, Kutov’s shvidki, the frequency of the overturned Kutovo sliced ​​the pitomium of the moment of the moment of the circle of the pytoma (beyond the mass) Temperature difference thermal expansionТермічний опір Питома теплопровідність Питома теплоємність Енергетична експозиція, потужність теплового випромінювання Щільність теплового потоку Коефіцієнт тепловіддачі Об'ємна витрата Масова витрата Молярна витрата Щільність потоку маси Молярна концентрація Масова концентрація в розчині Динамічна (абсолютна) в'язкість Півчутливість мікрофонів Рівень звукового тиску (SPL) Яскравість The power of light computer graphics Frequency and frequency of wheezing Power in diopters and focal length Power in diopters and lens size (×) Electric charge Linear charge gap Surface charge gap Volume charge gap Electric strumЛінійна щільність струму Поверхнева щільність струму Напруженість електричного поля Електростатичний потенціал і напруга Електричний опір Питомий електричний опір Електрична провідність Питома електрична провідність Електрична ємність Індуктивність Американський калібр проводів Рівні в dBm (дБм або дБмвт) Напруженість magnetic field Magnetic flux Magnetic induction Exhaustion of clay doses of ionizing vibrations Radioactivity. Radioactive decay Radiation. Exposure dose: Radiation. The dose of dozens of prefixes was lost. Transfer of data. Typography and processing of the image. Mendelev

Output value

Value Revamped

bit nibble byte symbol machine word Machine word MAPM quad word block kib_bit kib_byte kilobyte (10³byte) meb_bit meb_byte megabyte (10⁶ bytes) gigabyte gigabyte (10⁹ bytes 10¹⁸ bytes) floppy disk (3.5, dv. ) floppy disk (3.5 wide) floppy disk (5.25 double) floppy disk (5.25 wide) ) Zip 100 Zip 250 Jaz 1GB Jaz 2GB CD (74 xvilin) ​​CD (80 xvilin) ) DVD (1 ball, 1 side) DVD (2 ball, 1 side) DVD (1 ball, 1 side) DVD (2 ball, 2 sides) ) Single ball Blu-ray Disc Double ball Blu-ray disc

Report about the number of people who win a lot of information

Zagalni vіdomostі

These data are necessary for robotic computers and digital technology. Dani - tse be-yak іnformatsija, vіd commands to files, created by koristuvachami, for example, text or video. Data can be saved in different formats but most often they save it as a two code. Days of tribute are saved at the same time and victorious for less than an hour during the singing of operations, and then they are removed. They are recorded on the extensions of the time-based storage of information, for example, in the operational memory, in the name of the extension with sufficient access (English, RAM - Random Access Memory) or RAM - operational memory attachment. The day the information is kept for a longer time. Attachments that will secure trivale savings - tse hard disks, solid-state accumulators and different types of accumulators.

More about data

Data is information that is stored in symbolic form and can be taken into account by a computer or by a human being. Most of the data designated for computer access are saved from files. Deyakі z tsikh files vykonuyutsya, so the stench of revenge programs. Files from programs do not sound like data.


In order to save money in the event of breakdowns, win the principle of transcendence, so that they save copies of data from different places. If you stop reading data in one place, you can put them in another. On this principle, the robot is based on the overworld array of independent disks RAID (in English reduntant array of independent discs). The new copy of data contains two more disks, combined into one logical block. In some cases, for greater reliability, copy the RAID array itself. Copies sometimes take away from the main array, sometimes in a different place, or go to a different country, on the way to the decline of the array under the hour of cataclysms, catastrophes of war.

Format data saving

Data saving hierarchy

Data are processed in central processor and the closer to the processor attachments, which saves them, the better you can get them. Shvidkіst obrobki danikh also lay in the type of attachment, for which the stench is saved. Extend the middle of the computer next to the microprocessor, where you can install such attachments, surroundings, and sound like the most visible, but small attachments are closer to the microprocessor, and those, which are larger, or more, are farther away. For example, the register of the middle processor is even smaller, but it also allows you to read data from the speed of one processor cycle, so that it stretches ten thousand milliards of a second. Qi swidkosti with skin rock will be painted.

First memory

Primary memory includes the memory of the middle processor - cache and register. Tse is the best memory, so the hour of access to it is the lowest. Operational memory is also considered primary memory. There's a lot more money for registers, but there's a lot more room. The processor can be directly accessed. At operational memory streaming data is being recorded, as it is constantly being scored for robotic scoring programs.

Secondary memory

Add secondary memory, for example, accumulating on hard magnetic disks (HDD) or a hard drive, located in the middle of the computer. Data are saved there, which are not so often victorious. The stinks are saved longer and do not disappear automatically. The big one is seen by the programs themselves. Access to these data is more important, lower to the data of primary memory.

Zovnishnya memory

Old memory can sometimes be included in the secondary memory, unless it is included in the other category of memory. Zovnishnya memory- ce change noses, for example, optical (CD, DVD and Blu-ray), Flash-memory, magnetic lines and paper information, such as punched cards and punched lines. It is necessary for the operator to manually insert such noses into the read-out device. Prices are equally cheap in pairs with other types of memory and often wink for saving backup copies and for the exchange of information from hand to hand between koristuvachs.

Tretinna memory

Tretinna memory includes a memory attachment of the great obligation. Access to data on such outbuildings is more appropriate. Sound the stench vikoristovuyutsya for archiving information in special libraries. Behind the supply of coristuvachiv, a mechanical “hand” is to know and help the nose, which it reads attachments, from the supply of tribute. Nosії in such a library can be different, for example, optical or magnetic.

See the noses

Optical wear

Information from optical media is read into the optical drive by a laser. Under the hour of writing these articles (spring 2013) the widest optical nose. optical discs CD, DVD, Blu-ray and Ultra Density Optical (UDO). There can be only one hoarder, or they can be combined in one annex, as for example in optical libraries. Deyakі optical discs allow you to re-record.

Napіvprovіdnikovі nose

Napіvprovіdnikova memory is one of the types of memory, which are most often victorious. This is the kind of parallel memory that allows one-hour access to any data, independently, in the sequence of data that was recorded.

Mayge all primary memory attachments, as well as attachments of flash memory and conductors. In the rest of the hour, as an alternative to hard drives, hard drives become more popular storage SSD(Vid English solid-state drives). Under the hour of writing tsієї statti tsі accumulated koshtuval richly more expensive hard drives, but the speed of recording and reading information on them is significant. When falling and hitting, the stinks stink more richly, lower magnetic hard disks, and work practically silently. Crimea of ​​high price, solid-state accumulating, in pairs with magnetic hard disks, it is easy to repair it higher, and the amount of money spent on them is even more harmoniously compared with hard disks. Hybrid hard disks go solid-state accumulator and magnetic hard drive, zbіlshuyuchi tsim swidkіst і terms ekspluatatsії, і zmenshuyuchi tsіnu, porivnya z tverdotіlimi hoarders.

Magnetic noses

Surfaces for recording on magnetic noses are magnetized at the singing sequence. The magnetic head reads and writes data to them. The butts of magnetic noses and storage on hard magnetic disks and floppy disks, which may have come out of the jam. Audio and video can also be stored on magnetic cassettes. Plastic cards often store information on magnetic sleepers. Can you debit credit cards, card-keys in hotels, water rights, and so on. In the rest of the day, the cards will make microcircuits. Such cards sound like a microprocessor and can beat cryptographic charges. They are called smart cards.

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Main views

Data conversion can be used both during file operations (file->file operation), and on the fly (for example, when importing or exporting data, or during operations with multiple pipelines).

Apply conversions

For example: converting (converting) text from the "plain text" format to the text in the "OpenDocument" format, converting multimedia files (graphics, music, etc.)

Problems of conversion and ambiguity of conversion

Conversion can be with the wrong information, or use the information. Sound related to the "wealth" of this chi other format of data. For example: the transformation from the "plain text" format to the "OpenDocument Text" format should practically pass without cost, because the OpenDocument format includes everything and more options, lower format plain text. And the axis of transformation from the OpenDocument Text format is in a simple text format, better for everything, saves the entire text warehouse, and may be more important (for the simplest types of changes) to format the text (seeing in bold / italics, fonts, tables, placement on the side of the thin). n. - will be spent).

Apply a conversion program


  • LaTeX2RTF (translator, recognized for converting documents from LaTeX format to RTF format)
  • LaTeX2HTML (LaTeX to HTML converter)

Image file

  • dcraw (program for converting files from RAW format to PPM and TIFF formats)
  • ImageMagick - package for batch processing of graphic files
  • XnConvert is a utility for batch processing graphics and converting graphic files from one format to another.

Sound files

  • LAME - a useful add-on for encoding audio in MP3 format (MPEG-1 audio layer 3)
  • OggConvert is a free program for converting media files in open format.

In addition, the converters of sound formats are used by more programs for editing sound. For example, Audacity.

Video files

  • VirtualDub is a free program for converting video files.


  • FormatFactory- converter video, audio and graphic files.
  • Any Video Converter is another video and audio converter that is available for free and paid versions.

Div. also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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