What are go links. Buying old posts on GoGetLinks. Doba traffic

Gogetlinks (GGL, gogetlinks, goget, gogeta)tse service of purchase and sale of eternal messages, within the framework of the service you can buy eternal messages, messages in the eyes or send pictures.

historical fact

Gogetlinks under the ceramics of Oleksiy Kurakova.

As of today, Gogetlinks has over 43,000 and over 8,000 sites (today it adds from 10 to 50 sites).


The tools of the service do not require special knowledge and skills, and they are inspired by the simplicity of typing and for advertisers, and for masters of sites.

Vikoristovuyuchi zvichayny exchanges, webmasters to actively purchase supplies for their Internet resources, but modern algorithms search systems, zokrema, Yandex, quickly recognize such sites that are not only able to create the effectiveness of an advertising campaign, but also to use sites and filters.

For the help of the Gogetlinks service, webmasters can redeem only natural eternal forces and not be afraid of imposing sanctions on their sites and search systems.

Service provides the following services:

  1. Placement of contextual messages on the sites of controversial topics. Operating with such messages from the texts, the advertiser of the building can manipulate the interests of his target audience.
  2. Putting on the sites of the old advertising notes. Such a strength, framed by phrases, to be known by joke systems and bring more content, lower SEO strength.
  3. Placement of posting pictures, as an innovation of the domestic Internet, on the sites, graphics are placed at once from the posts.

The tools of Gogetlinks can actually see the middle of other systems, which can not only spy on websites, but also guarantee long-term results.


Sites registered with Gogetlinks are moderated manually. Ale, the system does not accept sites that aggressively sell messages, but copy textual content.

Vіchnі silannya oprachuyutsya only once, and їх trivalіst zhittya dolіvnyuє termіnі іsnuvannya site. The warranty term, which is set by the retailers of the service, will be drained after 3 months, but you can insure them, insured by the insurance company, 15% of the total cost. The optimizer is subject to the same material error, as the side of the request is not indexed for more than 45 days.

Why do I choose for myself Gogetlinks, and chi not іnshі podіbnі bіrzhі psilan? Everything is simpler, here there are anonymous advertisers, who are ready to pay pennies for eternal services. If you want to earn money by selling posts on your resource, then I would send you here to the first place. And now let's get down to looking around the stock exchange.

I visit all readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about one of the most popular services for webmasters and optimizers, and the exchange itself Gogetlinks .

Why, for the most part, well, everything is simple here, like in other similar services (RotaPost and Trastik.com) you pay for placement on your site once, and not every day that month, like for example SAPI(Wizard.Sape).

It is also similar, but there is more than enough to place the message, and the other articles (Miralinks or WebArtech), in fact, they also sell the eternal message, only in the honed relevant text.

Why Gogetlinks herself? Sometimes called Ggl chi Ggl. It's just that this service is recognized as a leader in this market, it has been working for a long time, it has a great reputation and an assortment of advertisers and vicons.

Promoting your sites from Gogetlinks and earning money from referrals by webmasters

I started practicing with GGL like a webmaster, posting articles on my blog, in such a rite of otrimyuyuchi indiscretions of profits of any kind (marvel at the article about Earnings on the Internet without contributions). Trohi pіznіshe vyrіshiv takozh buti optimizer (advertiser) that bought dekіlka vіchnykh silan and marveling at how tse rob that yak efficiency.

There are three factors, which, when promoting a blog, lead to good results, and it is necessary to develop all three directives, otherwise a weak development of one of the factors, to reduce the overall success of promoting your Internet resource:

1. First (basic) factor- optimization of the unique content for the evaluation of Yandex and Google search engine systems. I want to say that the rules of internal optimization are not so foldable (read the article, how to promote the site yourself), but remember that, be it small, a detail can be thrown into the whole process in a flash. The folding process is monotonous, but even more necessary. An excellent helper for you can be a cost-free Yandex Wordstat service.

2. Zvorotni sent(how to lead to your site from others) are still one of the main factors that contribute to the success of promotion. You can buy the same message yourself on Gogetlinks or on similar exchanges (Miralinks, RotaPost).

ale build up masu silan obov'yazkovo is necessary step by step, so that there were no sharp streaks, otherwise it is possible to impose sanctions in the form of shock systems. Do not overdo it with direct inputs (it’s better to know one, ale harder and thematically close to your donor), so dilute the mass of messages, without anchor messages, at the look of the url or the domain, and also at the look of the new name of the publication, on the side, as you put it through.

A lot of webmasters earn only in this way, since the skin itself has the same sites, it’s even more difficult to monetize in other ways.

Є navіt tі, who buys already promoted sites to earn money on them. This kind of activity for the sale of old houses Gogetlinks becomes the main and dominant for such demanding people (for example, the creator of the blog 9seo.ru earns more than 500k rubles per month in this rank, may have a staff of spivrobitnikiv, over 30 sites for such constantly write freelance articles), just can be for making money on the show contextual advertising in Google Adsense or Yandex.

Well, and ІKS (earlier, until 01.09.2018 tse buv ТІЦ), in the case of which the variability of the placement of the old posts is most likely to be deposited, it is possible to promote the writing of good and necessary texts (to increase the number of brown content, and also good behavioral factors which is beautiful for a great network of sites). During the rest of the hour, optimizers began to more often use services and programs that help buy the help of "good" online donors(ce XTool, CheckTrust ta in.) .

If you earn pennies in advance, then you need to bud for three months. We gave the whiskers to trivatime three days - in the evenings of Monday, in the middle of that Friday, obviously, as a matter of fact, close the whiskers themselves. From the picture you can see how much money I had and if pennies came and how I got them.

As a result, you may have a table that will be hovered over, for which your site may be in positions in Yandex and Google search engines, as well as those sides, which, in the opinion of search engine systems, may be the most relevant to these search queries. Positions, as well as the designation of relevant parties, I create for the help of the free program Site Auditor (it’s like it stopped working, but now I’m miraculously working again).

Tobto. head thought, what I want to convey to you, I think that sending to your site (backlinks) is necessary buy not only and not shoes on head side your site, and on all sides, like buildings, poking around at the top of the speakers of the systems at the Top for more or less frequency requests. Did you understand? Once again, I repeat the backlinks with different anchors not on the headline, but on the specific side of the site itself, which is shown, as if the search engines thought it was the most relevant to that request, which vikoristovuvatimetsya as an anchor. The first thought is simple, but it’s hard to get to the rich optimizators-pochatkivtsiv.

Also, varto accentuate your respect for the fact that buying 10 letters from different maidanchiks (donors) in Gogetlinks is better, less than 10 backlinks, and a total of 3. However, from a good donor for the presence of free money, we will not be able to buy a sprat of backlinks, shards of all the stench to transfer the dynamic and static vag (and perhaps, the trust). Ale for a low budget will be optimal purchase from Gogetlinks from other donors for one and the same site, which is being pushed through.

So I guess I’ll guess what I’m buying backlinks from thematic resources of your site, Vykhrachtu, the Zrostannnya Ix - Index of the Yakosti Site (Kolishnyoye TIITS - thematic to the Index of the Cituvanni), I am important, so, like prazuvatima, it is bought in the same place, ale of a non -dumigious one (for the most illegal minds - non -spamenia of the dominance, yakstniy, yakstiy. vede posilannya toscho).

Remember that a large number of resources from non-thematic resources to your site can be brought to a stop to the new Penguin (Google filter) or Minusinsk Yandex, which is waiting for you to add them to Disavow links or in other ways to get the Minusinkabong link.

If you can’t find the donor sites of the topics you need from GGL, then you can buy from the Maidanchik on the topics of ZMI, Business and Portals, and the resources of such new resources are suitable for our Internet sites, and you are unlikely to use the purchasing filter there.

How to set up a GogetLinks campaign to promote a website

To finish the theorizing already, let's practice a lot for the cob you need to create and improve your advertising campaign in the Gogetlinks exchange. For which you need to go to the tab " Optimizer”, open the tab “ My campaigns» and click on the button "Create a new campaign"

They gave you a chance to add different fields, checkboxes and lists, so you will need to save or select. I will try to explain what you need and how to fill it in, but you’ll work it out like you need it, vikoristovuyuchi my butt.

Having entrusted the food sign from the skin of the paragraphs of the points, moving the cursor to it and clicking on it, you can read about this recognition. We gave a brief introduction to the skin ones:

1. Campaign name in GGL it is necessary only for you, so that you do not get confused with any other of your companies. Golovne here give such a name, like you matima sens.

  • First two ( contextual requestі short notes) are similar, but in the first place, the vibmaster inserts a backlink in the already existing text, and in another write an additional propositional phrase with 15-30 words. I don’t particularly care about retail and I promise, because the webmaster is cheaper.
  • Articles: in given type The webmaster in charge writes an article for the topic you have suggested and inserts your suggestion there, which pleasantly flows into your site, so that the subject matter of the article is zbіgaєtsya z possilannyam, where you go.

3. Let us go to the fields where we will be responsible for adding the anchor (hyperpositive text), keywords (the tag webmaster and the hour of writing the article) and the URL of the target side of your site. It was clear that one backlink in our advertising campaign is not close to us, we are pressed by the writing and in the new window we have more fields to add an uncircumscribed number of possible return messages:

Button " Add more anchor...»clicks for the appearance of new fields to add data to the gate, and the button « Ready allow you to save everything in the data base of the Gogetlinks service. Respectfully, for the skin version of the anchor in the field " Plan»Ring, I put one, well, or better two, or three. I’m sorry that the impersonal messages of the return with absolutely the same anchor were suspected, which, obviously, is not Url ( https://site) or by naming the site ( website). More below, I put a tick in the position Close campaign”, so that this anchor could be seen on the list, if the number of return messages is indicated, it will be successfully placed.

4. I'll still check the box in the GGL campaign, what allows webmasters to cheat the words I have given in anchors. Because like them, I will ring the vicorist direct entry per-joke request, then this will be done by deaking the anchor sheet.

Prodovzhuєmo competently build our company.

As I already guessed, the importance of choosing the topics of donor sites is important to reevaluate. It should be noted that rubrics on GGL make subrubrics, but not just like that, as daily sounding plus signs before the name.

If you click on a mouse on a rubric, you will see a list of subrubrics and you will click on everything possible options you can find out more about the exact selection of topics for donors. I’m ticking the box only next to such topics like Internet". Maidanchiki, yakі trade beks in SAPI and similar to the kind of stock exchanges, shards poke systems can just ignore them. That made everything clear, let's go!

Kіlkіst zvnіshnіh posilan on the side of the donor, it’s necessary to intervene, but don’t overdo it with cym, because you don’t have enough of them, sound no more than 3-5 pieces. Then you can put or uncheck the checkboxes in the fields of the region. The nature of the sides».

What do stinks mean?

first tick ( The pages are not in the index of the Poshukovo system (with a guarantee of indexation for 70 days) it means that you allow webmasters to place your message through the Gogetlinks exchange only in their new articles, which have not yet reached the Yandex index. I love this option is ideal(the most similar to natural), in such a case, the backlink appears overnight with the text of the new article and the search system does not make any claims to them.

Ale іnodi, I put a tick to my friend ( Sides in the Poshuk system index), thus allowing me to add my return letter to articles that were published earlier and already indexed by Yandex and Google. The stench will look not so natural, like the first one, but it allows the webmaster to place your backlink in the article as close as possible to the subject of your message. Warto remember that sometimes your message can be spent on the side of the old floor, so that the poshuk robot has already stopped entering it, or it will drag on for a long time, I recommend that you remind the poshukovo message to such a side, so that the stench will be predicted later.

Dali install bazhana vartist posilan s donors, scho mayut different CEO shows. In this way, you tell the webmasters that you are ready to pay for the backlink from your sites. And they will be guided by the same price, proponuyuchi their services to you (even if the stink can be like a check in the form of an optimizer, so you yourself can make a return search).

A lot of optimizers in GoGetLinks do not be too wise and set average prices. Zagal I respect the correct decisions. Just don't forget to marvel at the hour when the application arrives from the webmaster marvel at your postal prices for the eternal supply, the stench can be lower for the one you set. Should you pay more food?

For example, such situations are possible, if a price is set in the webmaster's campaign 100 rubles, and you proponuє wine for the price 200 rubles, because You have set such a price threshold for setting up your campaigns.

Yak same check the real price from the webmaster at Google? Just click on the button " Report ”(I’ve given the right hand to the address of this site) with the proposition (application) that came to you, and marvel at the price of the merging ticket.

So, as I will myself to send a request to the donors I need, then I will send my company for webmasters for anyone on the exchange GoGetLinks at the nailed " Visibility» (for a return search) for your campaign (tab « Optimizer» - « My campaigns") I put " Prihovana«:

Until then, in order for you to send Ggl to the exchange or launch a campaign for a good search by webmasters, you just need to click on the text in the column "Visibility" and choose the best suitable option:

Sometimes, put prices lower than the average, even if you want to, but still bear fruit in the plan that propositions come to me (applications - GoGetLinks will inform you about them by email) view webmasters for prices, which are significantly lower Quiet, as they themselves have declared in their webmaster campaign. But it’s already special, as if you yourself have built up in the world the development of the exchange.

So, after setting that run-in price, you can check the box “ Set the price for all campaigns» for more shvidkogo nalashtuvannya your other projects at GGL. Your optimal prices will be duplicated by them.

Search for shortest maidanchiks at GoGetLinks

It should be said that the GGL exchange has black and white lists, as you sing-songly guessed at the black ones to add those donor sites, that you don’t want to bachiti from the search for Maidanchiks and that it’s not your fault to submit applications to you. I have the will to bathe the eternal blessings in many places - Gogetlinks.net, Miralinks and RotaPost. Because the donors won by me in the various exchanges did not overthink, I add the extra credit (they put a backlink in the list of three services) to the black list of the two that are left out.

Add Maidanchiki to " black list» ta « White List"you can forgive the pressure on the red cross at the pillar" To black list» or « Have a white list» at the depositor « Optimizer — Catalogmaidanchiksiv»:

White List vikoristovuyut those optimizers, like pushing through Gogetlinks a lot of sites on similar topics, often buvayut spіvrobіtnik іnternet іgіnіy z produvannya sіtіvіv, skіlki stink do not want to waste an hour on the search for naіynyh donors, then often misplaced insertion of the list of the bans. Spend to the list of such agencies a great success at such a time you will always have a lot of applications, which will be well paid.

As an optimizer, you also have a chance of good donors to add to BS And now for upcoming sites that are poking around, do not pick up suitable maidanchiks, but simply tick the box. Shukati only those sites, yakі є in the white list» Save an hour and increase the efficiency of your feasibility for a resource that you can use.

For example, mandruyuchi expanses of the Internet me traplyayutsya on the eyes of cіkavі sites, on which I would be happy to buy a backlink. You can contact the admin of the site without intermediary, but you don’t have power. That's why I add such donor sites to the white list of the exchange, then when I ask for maydanchiks, I put a tick all in the same field "Only a few sites from the white list", and I will expand the filters to the maximum. As a result, I can to know that buy a vernier message from a cіkavih meni domenіv z tієyu umovoy, scho stench vzagalі buli dodanі to GGL.

Now let's get down to the joke of the Maidanchiks: go to the tab " Optimizer» - « Poshuk maydanchikiv". Earlier, having looked at the troch іnakshe, but in the rest of the hour, they upgraded it and made it more usable for my idea.

Purchase of eternal messages from selected maidanchiks

We have completed the search for filters, now you can search for the most recent advertising maidanchiks yourself, so that you can place your backlinks there. Since the maydanchiki are updated when the filter is set, then it is not necessary to press any additional buttons. To convert the maydanchik to the level of the site, simply click on Url address platforms and in the new veknі vyvchaєte tsey site on the subject of yoga quality. I'll call for help cy-pr.com already handy, informative and spot on.

As soon as you have selected a suitable donor and the price for the placement of an eternal donor is yours, then the time has come to proceed to the process of buying through the GGL interface.

To buy a backlink on the donor’s Maidan, I need to check the box next to the selected Maidan (website) and the required type of placement (contextual, note or article), then tick the box “ Insure look around(+14 vodsotkiv to the price - sorry, but the guarantee is not cost-free) and click on the button " Lock in»:

In a similar rank, you will continue to buy the best ones for you for the price and SEO of the donor sites and buy (call) backlinks on them. Ale, do not forget about those that need to be trimmed fluency build-up masi silan(which is especially critical for young sites), otherwise you risk to use a negative filter of search systems. It will be necessary to give you a sheet of information from the GGL from the instructions that you will need to review the task, which is written by the webmasters.

For rechecking the placement go to tab " Optimizer» - « look around» and look at the side of the donor site for the purpose of checking all your efforts (for which it is sufficient to click on the URL of the webmaster, which is the task).

If you have no complaints before placing a backlink, then choose the option. Praise". If the vikonovets did not grow up like that, then you can squeeze on the cross. For additional treatment» and describe the shortfalls you marked. After adopting everything you described, Danish look I’ll renew my request to you for re-checking and the exchange sent about the notification to the mail.

So if you are out of food, then raju to you marvel at the sight Pokrokov instructions about those, how to properly purchase supplies in GoGetLinks:

How to earn money on the exchange of eternal messages

This exchange is recognized not only for buying backlinks on your sites, which are used for their promotion by optimizers, but also for earning webmasters in Google to sell space on these resources. As for the optimizer, it’s more smut to take away the cost of the yakomog for the future, but for the webmaster, sell your service for a yakomog for a higher price. Well, why do we marvel at the whole process from the right side?

First, you need to add your Maidan to the Gogetlinks exchange. Just think to the receptionist to finish the hard and all sites-candidates will have to go through manual moderation, but it's good, it's good to work on this exchange so attractive for advertisers (optimizers).

Yakscho all harazd, then you will be asked to quote a price for accommodation all types of looking around (contextually requested, note that article), then we will work on optimizers for an hour to search for maydanchiks.

If you can, you can focus on setting the average price by the exchange, with which you can set the price no more than the lower one in this case for the average.

They let you sleep, are you ready place backlinks on new and old sides If you uncheck the first item on your site, you will have to accept the suggestion through GGL, and you will need to write a new article.

Bagatioh tse not vlashtovuє and stench overwhelm just another point, sob vykoristovuvaty statti, scho already є on its own resource, just adding to them proponovanі optimіzatorov silannya. How robitimete you will write yourself, ale when you install both ticks, the earnings will be significant Ale, robots will be richer. Everything, far onslaught " Ready“, why do you sing a row with an additional maydanchik that informs you about the knowledge of її on moderation.

Check for the completion of the site administration moderation, after which you can start earning more. At this exchange, the number of minds is low, yaki it is necessary to take steps to get rid of the imposition of sanctions:

Dali, on the tab " Webmaster» - « My maidanchiki“By clicking on the URL of your site, you can, if necessary, change the deeds of the adjustment, as they were done when adding the site to the exchange. Clicking at the stovptsі " Visibility» For the site you need, you can choose one of two options for working on the exchange:

1.Checks for applications for placement from optimizers- for whomever you want, the price for accommodation will be taken such as you have set for your Maidan.

2.Create a smart search for optimizers yourself on tab " Webmaster» - « Campaign Search". In this case, the price for placement is already due to the optimization of the optimizer's campaign (advertiser).

If you come application for placement, then you are guilty to go to the GGL tab " Webmaster» - « The task of that proposition» - « Nove"and click on the writing" Report“On the contrary, one of the propositions.

If you see something from the managers, if you need to respectfully look at it (if you don’t want to see it, then click on the button “ Vidhility«).

Gave a necessary look at the new account old side your site (in the index and not in the Yandex index - depending on the mind set by the advertiser and your gains at the current moment) and click on the button " Viconano» at the date of issue, and in the supplementary date enter the URL address of the side, de wi was posted in the future.

First of all, the GoGetLinks system itself is to misread the correctness of the language of minds (backlink visibility, the number of callable messages), and then pfrfpxbr (optimizer) can be misinterpreted and praise your work.

If you put your backlink in a new article, then money will go to your account only after indexation tsієyu new side Yandex, and as if they looked around at the old article, then once after the praise of the head of the optimizer.

You can learn more about the work as a webmaster on the GGL exchange by watching this video:

More varto guess what GGL has affiliate (referral) program(You can remove referral and view statistics by selecting the second item from the list of your login in the upper right corner).

Vzagali, the GGL affiliate system is more than welcome and I’m glad to tell you that your site is especially suitable for such topics.

I wish you success in optimizing your sites and making money on them and to new posts on the sides of the blog seosait.com.

Hello, new readers of the blog site. Today, I want to report on the most popular among webmasters and optimizers on the exchange of eternal messages.

The very understanding of the "vіchnі" is led to the fact that on this and similar services (GetGoodLinks or RotaPost) you pay for backlink purchases only once, on the vіdmіnu vіd monthly payment in the exchanges of these SAPі (once there, however, the whole process was automated through ) .

Іsnuyut sche y exchange of articles (Miralinx abo WebArtech), yak tezh, it can be said, to sell eternal messages, but may sing sevnі vіdminnosti, on which we are mentioned in this publication.

Well, Gogetlinks (abbreviated as Ggl or Ggl) is the leader in this market, because it has a large number of webmasters and optimizers and a high reputation, which adds to it a large number of advertisers.

Promotion of sites from Gogetlinks and earnings on referrals

I started working from GGL only as a webmaster, looking around on the sides of my projects and taking into account how to do bad things (div. article about). Trohi pіznіshe I vlіz also in the skin of an optimizer (advertiser) and actively buy new posts in GoGetLіnks (mainly for commercially primed projects).

The author of this service should be shown a short video clip on the topic - what is Ggl:

To complete the concept, embedded in a blog site, I will tell you about three main aspects of promoting the site, which, however, can contribute to its success. Moreover, these factors are mutually connected, and the daytime, or a weak infusion of one of them, lead to the whole work, as you were led in two other directions:

  1. The first (basic) factor is the chain of acknowledgment of sound systems. Really, the rules of internal optimization are still clumsy (read about it in the publication about those), but it’s easy to understand for yourself that, be it a dribnitsa, it’s not varto. Zagalom, on the right, I am foldable and tedious, but life is necessary. You can serve as a good help here.
  2. Returning strength (what to lead to your project from other resources), as before, is the main driving factor that contributes to the success of the promotion. About those, yak maє (texts of affixed backlinks), you can read at the guidance of the article. Backlinks themselves can buy everything in the same service similar to it (Miralinks, RotaPost).

    ale build up masu silan Necessarily obov'yazkovo planned, without fanaticism and sharpness. More direct input (more often than not, one will be enough, but the most important and thematic one for your site, which one you can know) and more dilution, without anchors, posting at the url or domain, and also at the same time, name the publisher (publisher). In this manner, you will not see "beyond the limits of decency" and will not be taken advantage of by a spammer.

  3. Well, and the trend of the rest of the years is the whole act. No one can resist them at once, because everything can collapse on its own through the unnatural for your topic behavior of coristuvachi on your site and in the search engine of Yandex and Google.

І schob zaive not shirryuvatisya about everything transcend the work itself with GoGetLinks, I will tell you to marvel at their short video clip about how everything is miraculous and good (guarantees, insurance on the river, etc.):

Now let's look at this exchange at the glance of the webmaster, as one of the ways to make money on your site.

I have already pointed out an article about the 17 main ways to make money on the Internet three times more. The activities of the webmaster create a number of low sites, which are self-supporting for earnings for additional sales from them. Moreover, such networks are not only in services similar to Sapi, but also in our today's hero GGL (and others like them - Miralinksі, Rotapostі toshcho).

Deyakі webmajstri vzagalі zaroblyayut less in this way. For example, it’s worth to see Bigpikcha’s house, that and I have one project, which can’t be monetized by anyone else, krim placement of eternal posts and articles (moreover, it’s wonderful when you feel and rank well).

Wish you can choose your network by way of buying already prepared and often promoting resources from other webmasters. Earnings on the exchanges of eternal settlements become the main and prevailing for them (100,000 rubles per month, having earned five years of Alex Pro’s “loot out of harm’s way”, first selling his network), but allows you to work without being high in the future, like a need, when earning money on the show or Yandex).

I myself don’t particularly care what it is necessary to rely on yourself for income for the help of Gogetlinks and what about it. As long as your project’s reputation is not high, then you can forget about the installation of contextual advertising, and you won’t be able to get a penny from Miralinks.ru, RotaPost and GetGoodLinks during the whole period.

On one of my side projects, I tried everything (context, Vpodskazke and a number of lesser methods), and only began to sell from the new effort at all the guessing services (Crime SAPI), I saw the real success - the applications sip like a horn of prosperity, and navit with a stream of highly dependent prices for the distribution of stink, like before, they are not exhausted.

Money earned from DML you can, if necessary, often vikoristovuvaty for a set of masi valy valy site, or else you can bring it into real on WebMoney (at the same time, however,) or Kіvі (I choose them for the rest of the hour through the manual vikoristannya).

If you see the visnovok in the future, you will have to bud for three months (hold your own, so you didn’t take the affixing of the message and didn’t flow in a penny earlier than an hour). And then we’ll try the visnovok three times a day - in the evenings of Monday, in the middle of that Friday, so you’ll wind up the visnovka itself, as it was shown on the screenshot (click for the sum of earned pennies at the upper right fold, choose “balance”, and then choose " Bring in the bones").

Registration in the exchange and the principle of passing through GoGetLinks

As a result, for example, I have a viyshov Excel file with a table, where you can find it, for which my blog may have positions with Yandex and Google, as well as those sides, which seem to be the best for search engine systems. Positions, as well as the appointment of relevant sides, I’m here for help (I’ve rested for an hour, but I immediately got up again).

Tobto. the main idea of ​​the remaining two paragraphs is about what backlinks are needed buy not only and not so on the main page, and on all sides, like buildings, poking around at the top of the speakers of the systems at the Top for more or less frequency requests. Did you understand? Not stupidly all the backlinks with different anchors on the headline, but on the specific side of your site itself, as far as the search engine systems are concerned, the most relevant to that request, which vikoristovuvatimetsya as an anchor. The speech is simple, but the bagatma did not understand the rest.

Well, it’s better to buy through Gogetlinks 10 letters from different maidanchiks (donors), lower or 10 backlinks, and a total of three. However, from a good donor for the presence of free money, we won’t be able to buy a sprat of backlinks, for all the stench will be transferred to a dynamic and static voice (possibly, what th). Ale for a low budget will be optimal purchase from Gogetlinks from other donors for one and the same site, which is being pushed through.

Well, and you, singsongly, may be aware that you are buying backlinks from thematic resources of your site, you should increase the thematic citation index for your project and, which is more important, such backgrounds can be significantly shorter, lower purchased in the same place, or non-thematic .

Well, for the great number of backgrounds from donors of knowledge on your subject, you can easily have a drink or two, and then you may be able to add them to Disavow links (read about the report in the designation of the article) or in other ways or Minusynska.

However, not for all topics at GGL you can know enough number of donors. You can buy ZMI, Business and Portal topics from the Maidanchik, for the stink of the world seems to be practically for everyone.

Setting up a campaign in GogetLinks to promote the site

Let's move on from theory to practice. You have to work hard to create and improve your advertising campaign in the stock exchange. For whom it is enough to go to the “Optimizer” tab, open the “My Campaigns” tab and click on the button "Create a new campaign":

Vіdkryєtsya vіkno addovnnya z vіznіchchyu vіznyh іnіv, chekboksіv і spiskіv, yakі nebhіdno zapovnіt аbo vybrati. Let me try to explain what I myself and how I should write there or choose, well, but you will be free to work everything in your own way.

Instruct from the skin point to stand a sign of nutrition, moving the mouse cursor to what you can read about this recognition. And now let's go through the points:

GGL - how to pay less to an optimizer and how to get more money

About the importance of choosing the subject of donors, I have already said a little more. I’ll give your respect more to those who in Gogetlinks have not realized far away the visualization of what rubrics. Guessing about it is not easy, because there are no intuitively sensible pluses in the meantime, name the headings of something similar.

Prote, by clicking on the name of the heading in Gogetlinks, you will be able to add all the contributions to it to the subheadings and you will be able to choose the topics of the donors and to emphasize them more. I'll put a tick next to the subject of "Internet". I'm flooding the movie with vibranimi obidva. Well, as for the Maidan people who trade beks in Sapi and other similar exchanges, I see that there is a great deal of ignorance of their search systems when ranking. Let's go.

Kіlkіst zvnіshnіh silas ring out around the borders, but at the reasonable borders. Then you can put or uncheck the boxes in the "Nature of sides" area. What do stinks mean? The first tick is significant, so you allow webmasters to place your message through the Gogetlinks exchange only in their new articles, as they have not yet spent it on the Yandex index. Zagalom tse practical ideal option (similar to natural) Both backlinks will be announced at the same time as the text of the new article.

Ale, I'm still ticking my friend, allowing them to add my backs in those articles, as they were published a long time ago and already indexed by Yandex. The stench will look less natural, lower at first glance, but the webmaster can place your backlink in the article the most relevant topics, to povnogo її zbіgu. However, their appearance can be delayed, especially as the sides, where they were spread, have not been updated for a long time and, apparently, the poshuk robot of the runet mirror has not entered them for a long time. In the worst case, you can’t go to her vzagali, or you don’t betray your backlink, which is bad.

Also, webmasters can feel free to tell me about your request, for whom the field “Description of comments before the date” has been transferred, so I write down the ones that are shown on the above screenshot.

Dali install bazhana vartist posilan From donors may differ Seo shows. That. you tell the webmasters that you work at this exchange that you are ready to pay yourself the links for the backlink from their sites. The webmaistry will be guided by the price itself, proponuyut you their services (even if they can, as a check in the form of an optimizer, so you yourself can set up a return search).

A lot of optimizers at GoGetLinks "not wisely slyly" set average prices. Zagalom correctly. The axis is only a few hours before the arrival of your application from the webmaster next to marvel at their cob prices for the eternal service.

Tobto. There are possible situations, as the webmaster's campaign has a value of 100 rubles, and the cost of promoting the proposition is 200 rubles, because You have set such a price threshold for setting up your campaigns.

Yak check the real price from the webmaster at GGL? Just click on the “Report” button (I’ve given the right-handed address of the site’s address) with the proposition (application) that came to you, and marvel at the price at the merging window (it’s not possible to take such a screenshot at once, I’ll send it to you).

At zv'yazku z tsim I took for a zvichka greatly underestimate the prices, so I'm ready to buy an eternal message from webmasters (up to the minimum possible in the system). Roblu tse for two reasons. First, because Since I’m asking for the donors I need, I don’t allow you to win in GoGetLinks the “Prihovana” (for a return request) for your campaign (tab “Optimizer” - “My Campaigns”):

Until then, in order for you to send Ggl to the exchange or launch a campaign for a good search by webmasters, you just need to click on the text in the column "Visibility" and choose the best suitable option:

Well, in a different way, if you want and see, but still bear fruit in the plan that I sometimes come propositions (applications - GoGetLinks will inform you about them by email) via webmasters for prices, which are significantly lower Quiet, as they themselves have declared in their webmaster campaign. But there are already nuances, as if you yourself have learned in the world of robots.

So, after setting that run-in prices, you can then check the box "Set price prices for all campaigns" for a more flexible setting of your other projects at GGL. Your optimal prices will be duplicated by them.

Search for optimal Maidans from GoGetLinks

I will immediately designate that there are black and white lists in this exchange. For I’ll call, singly, I understood, to add to the black varto quiet donors, who you don’t want to joke about the Maidans and if you are not guilty of submitting applications to you.

I buy a nightly message in a few places - , GetGoodLinks, Miralinks and RotaPost.

And I’m explaining a little more that I’ll be for a fringed budget best option purchase backlinks from different donors (without repetition for one project). Since then, so that I won the donors in the various exchanges, they didn’t overthink, I’m already adding (they put a backlink in the list of three services) to the black list of three (read about those, how to grow in, i).

To add maidanchiks to the GGL blacklist, you need to go to the tab "Search for maidanchiks" and at the bottom of the list of filters, click on the "message" My black list":

You can add donors already in other exchanges, as well as copy NA announcements from GoGetLinks in Excel format.

I think that z tsim mustache understood everything. If you want to, and with the choice of maidanchiks, you can add them to the National Assembly, let’s just press on the red cross at the heading “To the Black List”:

The second list of vicorists has a lot of optimizers, which are passed through Gogetlinks successively a few sites of similar topics. May it be a good idea to add some good donors to the BS and for further resources, who are poking around, do not take up the selection of suitable maidans, but simply put a tick in the box “Shukat only those sites, if they are on the white list” , and a little bit below I will show everything on the screenshot). Save an hour and improve the quality of the masses.

For example, blukayuchi expanses Runet me іnоdі traplyayutsya on ochі resources, from which I want to take help. You could contact the admin and buy a backlink directly, ale me. That's why I add such donors to the white list of the exchange, because when I ask for Maidanchik, I put a tick all in the same field "Only a few sites from the white list"(Div. third behind the rachunk is a screenshot of the second paragraph), and I will expand the filters to the maximum.

As a result, I can to know that buy a vernier message from a cіkavih meni domenіv z tієyu umovoy, scho stench vzagalі buli dodanі to GoGetLinks.

And now, without intermediary, we move on to the search for maidanchiks: the tab "Optim_zator" - "Search for maidanchiks". Earlier, having looked at the troch іnakshe, but in the rest of the hour, they upgraded it and made it more usable for my idea.

Purchase of eternal messages from selected maidanchiks

From i all. Now click on the “Know” button and start looking over and choosing the best donors that suit you from this exchange. For this click on the Url address of the maydanchik and in the new veknі you will see the site for clarity. I will ring out for help for help, handily, informatively and purposefully.

Did you select a suitable donor? І price for the placement of the eternal message sent to you by the government? Miraculously, the time has come to proceed to the process of buying through the Gogetlinks interface.

Because I’m in the setup of the campaign in GGL by selecting manually specifying anchors, then I will need to select the text closest to the subject to the donor in the Anchor column list, check the box with the required type of review, tick the box “Insure + look at 2” up to the price - sorry, but the guarantee is not free) and click on the "Remove" button:

In a similar manner, you will continue to give backlinks that are suitable for you at a price that Seo shows donors and buy (call) backlinks on them with the anchors you need. Ale don't forget about fluency build-up masi silan(which is especially important for young projects, for which the norm would be to buy for one request for a day and start later). You will need to get a sheet of information from GoGetLinks from the information that you need to review the task, which is reviewed by webmasters.

For rechecking the placement go to the "Optimizer" tab - "Look" and look at the side of the donor site for the purpose of checking all your efforts (for which it is enough to click on the webmaster's URL address, which is the task).

If everything is bad, then choose the option "Praise". If the webmaster has done it wrong, then you can click on the cross "For additional support" and describe the marked shortfalls. After adopting everything you have described, looking back, I hope again for you to re-check and the exchange has been sent about the notification to the mail.

Well, and in perfect raju marvel at the miraculous Pokrokov instruction about those, how to properly purchase supplies in GoGetLinks:

Earnings on the stock exchanges

Vlasne, now the time has come to move on to food earnings in Google for webmasters. Tse will not look at the same, but from the other side. As for the optimizer, it’s a smut - to take away the cost of a yakomog cheaper, then for a webmaster, it’s a smut - to sell your service for a yakomog at a higher price. Tobto. in the presence of a conflict of interests, the prote can be separated at the borders of the stock exchange.

It's worth it to get your Maidan accepted in Gogetlinks. Right in that think to the receptionist to finish the hard and all candidates must go through manual moderation, but only once again and work on the exchange so favorable for advertisers (optimizers).

Have a blast with you you will need to register, and then go to the tab "Webmaster" - "My Maidans" and click on the button "Add site":

Enter the URL of the site, after which it will be created automatic verification on Тіц відмінний від zero, вік (more pіvroku) and more deakі criteria, report description. Yakscho all harazd, then you will be asked to quote a price for accommodation having looked around all types, then we will work on optimizers for an hour to search for maydanchiks.

If so, you can focus on pointing the average price right there, or you can go to the Maidan catalog as an optimizer and wonder if you can ask for links on sites similar to yours.

They let you sleep, are you ready place backlinks on new and old sides your resource. If you uncheck the first item, you will have to accept the application through GGL, and you will need to write a new publication.

Bagatioh tse naruzhuє and stench overwhelm just another point, sob to win publications, which are already on their own resource, just adding to them the promotional efforts of optimizers. Virishuvati you, ale when you install both ticks, earnings will be high, Ale and more trouble. That's it, press on “Done”, after which you will bang a row with an additional maydanchik and inform about the importance of yoga on moderation.

Check for the end of moderation, if you can start earning more. At this exchange, the number of minds is low, yaki it is necessary to take steps to get rid of the imposition of sanctions:

Dali, on the "Webmaster" tab - "My Maidanchiki", by clicking on the URL of your site, you can, if necessary, change the deeds of the upgrade, as if you were adding this site to the exchange. By clicking in the “Visibility” column opposite the site you need, you can choose one of three options for working on the exchange (deposit depending on your rubbishness):

If you come application for placement, then you will be guilty to go to Gogetlinks to the tab "Webmaster" - "Settings and propositions" - "New" and click on the "Report", on the contrary, one of the propositions.

As a result, you should be aware of the tasks, for which you are responsible, you should respectfully recognize (if you don’t want to beat it, then click on the “Vidhility” button).

Then you will need to take a look at the new or old side of your site (in the index and not in the Yandex index - it’s necessary to think of the advertiser’s set and match yours to the current moment) and click on the “Vikoneno” button at the start date, and enter the URL in the addendum storіnki, de vie, vlasne, and razmіstili vіchne zaslannya.

First of all, the GoGetLinks system itself will misrepresent the correctness of the language of minds (the visibility of the backlink, the number of incoming messages), and then the optimizer will be guilty of misrepresenting and applauding your work.

If you sent money to the new statute, then the pennies on your account will be repaid only after indexation tsієї novії storіnki Yandex, and yakscho rozmіstili look at the old statti, then once at the time of praise the head of the optimizer.

You can learn more about the optimal strategy for working as a webmaster on the Google exchange, marveling at the presentation video:

What else do I want to say? They have miracles (you can take away referral and marvel at the statistics by selecting the last item from the list of your login in the upper right corner) - what else do you read for help.

The partner program is more like pributkov and definitely raju її vikoristovuvat these sites, like they won't follow the theme (de є tsіlova for tsієї do the audience). My success in my field Narazi like this:

Truthfully, I have been practicing with her for a long time already (rocks six times). Let's start, I think, it's not bad at all ...

Good luck to you! To fast zustrіches on the sides of the blog site

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