Garne document formatting word. Yak svoryuvati beautiful write in Word

You, melodiously, we used to have beautifully designed texts, Word programs... The stench is yaskravі, and it is easy to see on the smallest of the whole text. For strict documents it is necessary, but for special documents and leaflets, it is necessary!

It’s like that. Onslaught "Insert", then - "Malunok", then "Ob'єkt WordArt". I will write a vibramo required style. Write ts'go embossed "Ok". That’s all, it’s beautiful, you have it written. You can experiment by choosing that writing style.

So, not forgetting a little! The size of the reverse writing is possible to change, as it increases, so it changes. For a tsiy klatsaєmo lіvoyu clavіsheyu Misі on karttsі-writing, the black edging appears near the writing. Then write Misha to the right lower kuta, do not hit the double-sided arrow. If the arrow has appeared, I press on the picture with my left key, either to the right or to the bottom. You can hurt your sides overnight.

Similarly, you can use the font size. For a tsiy klatsaєmo lіvoyu clavіsheyu Misha by karttsі-write two times. Show up promptly. Vіknі has the name "Rosemir". By clicking on the arrow next to the word "size", you can vibrate the size of the font.

It is still possible to remember the font itself. For a tsiy klatsaєmo lіvoyu clavіsheyu Misha by karttsі-write two times. Show up promptly. Vіknі has the name "Font". By clicking on the lines under the word "Font", you can change the font.

So, I’ll write the text itself as soon as possible. For a tsiy klatsaєmo lіvoyu clavіsheyu Misі on karttsі-writing, the black edging appears near the writing. And at the bottom of the side a little window will appear. I will call it Vibiraєmo "Zminity Text". Write the letter “Ok”.

You can also remember the color of the text. For a tsiy klatsaєmo lіvoyu clavіsheyu Misі on karttsі-writing, the black edging appears near the writing. And at the bottom of the side a little window will appear. New vibraєmo picture "Farba, go from jar to brush." Write the letter “Ok”.

Zagalom, experiment, and know your own style of beautiful writing!

Zavdannya 2.

Prepare an eye for the logo (shape mark) of the organization for guidance. on the panel Word Art Button Figure Vibrate Shape button.

Enter the text at the window of the entered WordArt at the three paragraphs, so when you enter one paragraph, you will only delete one row.

Crazy, for the present day MS Office Word is the most popular text editor. However, Word still gets lost official supplement... All appearances for the font references are used for documents. However, the Microsoft distributors didn’t add any data to their product in the bidi - with the help of MS Office Word, you can easily open it. nice text... Ale for all, it is necessary to speed up not with fonts, but with a special component - WordArt.

WordArt is a special tool that will transform the text into a picture. You can change the background of the picture, the exchange, put on the screen. Zagalom, behind the help of WordArt, you will find it beautifully written for a couple of khvili.

For a cob, in the MS Office Word menu, select the item insert, And then the component WordArt(Fig. 1).

You will be prompted to vibrate the layout of the text (fig. 2).

Viberit was honored for you the option, for which you appear at the end for writing the text (Fig. 3).

You can set the font, size, boldness or italics for new V. Experiment and vibrate, so that you will be more honored. Just enter text and draw OK.

For example, we have published the title of the leaflet for the stingazet. The result of the representations in Fig. 4.

Easy to customize WordArt layout. Klatsnіt on the text-images. Beast to respect, at the top of the MS Office Word menu there is a new item format... Vibrate yogo (fig. 5).

Here you can change the layout of the text-picture, fill, contour, the position of the letters, tidy up or add tin, change the obsyag - in zalny, vibrate the required version of the design. For example, we posted changes to the text on the screen. For all my vibraє my item change figuru(Fig. 6).

In the bag, you have sent a message to the text " hwilya 1"I get a tin. For all, in the effects of tin (see fig. 6) we chose the item" nі tіnі". The result of editing the WordArt object representations in Fig.7.

From and everything. Garny heading for a ready-made, too much to come up with a text!

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Do you need to open a garnet for an additional computer? There are some difficulties in stock! For help Microsoft Word You can create unique masterpieces, which you will normally use on a color printer. There is a lot of visibility that you specifically need to create: write the letters beautifully, arrange the text, insert a picture with the writing, but what? Let's put it on lightly.

Nice writing and headings

Do you want to create a wall newspaper or a poster on a naked board? Let's experiment mo. A visual Microsoft Word and a headline. It is permissible, like this: "A trip with Murom to the saint." Know in the menu above "Insert" and select "Malunok" and then "Ob'єkt WordArt".

Now we will wonder, how beautiful it is to write.

The yak can be seen from the butt, it is possible to vibrate not only vertically, but the font, size. Then the ready-made volumetric text can be stretched to your own relish.

You can write, like in Russian, so on English Movies be-like texts.

Turning into kazka

Do you want to write TV in the Kazakh genre? Or just want to experiment? The price can be changed without pratsi. write nice font I write the letter really and not in the warehouse. Write, for example: "A axis and a kazochtsi ear ...". I want to get ahead of you: how and where you go with the signature of A.B. Smirnov, you will have to make peace with him, but not all fonts are correct. As long as your Persha letter is identical to the Latin alphabet, as in the form of "A axis ..."

Vibiraєmo, like the letter will be visible in the text, the font is chosen, hanging in rows and displayed in the text.