Which browser is 32 bit or 64 bit better. Main advantages of Cyberfox

The majority of web browser s 32-bit and 64-bit version nowadays, and it is up to the user to decide which version to run on the computer.

The comparison guide analyzes the performance of select browsers to find out which version of it performs better.

You can use the 32-bit and 64-bit version of browser or compare the performance across browsers to find out which may be most suitable for you.

For no other reason, like plug-in support into account though so keep that in mind. Privileges can be important depending on what you using the browser for. You will also need the same plug-ins for instance so, like Java, you cannot speed up the 64-bit version of the browser as it will not be supported.

Performance is not everything of course and there may be other reasons why you pick a particular browser over another even it it may use more RAM or perform worse in benchmarks.

The test system is a decent Intel Core i5-2500, 8GB RAM, 256 GB solid state Drive system with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 and Windows 10.

32-bit vs 64-bit browsers

Most web browsers are 32-bit or 64-bit versions. The best way that 64-bit versions are not found in the middle is that one can click on the extra link to display 64-bit download links.

The 2 exceptions are Microsoft Edge which is only offered as a 64-bit version and the “new” Opera browser which is only offered as a 32-bit version. Oskіlki tse, Opera will not be included in the tests. Disable Call for Microsoft Edge is somehow related to parts of Windows 10 and not the standard version.

All browsers have been updated for the newly updated Windows 10 PC. During the day, changes were made in browsers and all were fixed for additional supplementary provisions, which are obvious from the manager.

After the upcoming tests were carried out for the Okremo skin web browser.

  1. RAM is broken after default installation.
  2. RAM usage with 10 websites open (ghacks.net, startpage.com, youtube.com, betanews.com, reddit.com, slashdot.org, producthunt.com, twitch.com, amazon.com, google.com)
  3. Mozilla Kraken benchmark (low better)
  4. JetStream benchmark (high her better)
  5. Google Octane benchmark (higher better)
  6. RoboHornet benchmark (higher better)
  7. Dromaeo benchmark (Higher better).

First two tests of the temple lamp RAM usage. While RAM usage is not that much of an issue anymore on modern systems that come equipped with 4 Gigabyte of RAM or more, it needs to be considered that the browser is just one of the programs run on a system and that a high RAM usage may result in performance drops if other demanding applications are run.

benchmarks test the browser's JavaScript performance.

The benchmark results

Browser RAM on Start RAM 10 Tabs kraken jet stream Octane RoboHornet Dromaeo
Mozilla Firefox 43.0.3 32-bit135.8 583.1 1263.5 143.88 22168 107.4 928.12
Mozilla Firefox 43.0.3 64-bit145.6 905.3 1241 141.52 22586 109.75 872.46
Google Chrome 47 32-bit144.6 738.4 1273 162.83 28468 hangshangs
Google Chrome 47 64-bit121.9 744.6 1081.6 173.03 29814 hangshangs
Pale Moon 25.8.1 32-bit105.4 501.7 1719 hangs17016 105.81 751.11
Pale Moon 25.8.1 64-bit179 741.3 1830.1 hangs14000 88.9 649.13
Vivaldi Beta 2 32-bit95.7 620.6 1150.6 166.54 28316 150.7 hangs
Vivaldi Beta 2 64-bit107.4 1029.5 1076.9 171.81 29633 156.02 hangs
Microsoft Edge 64-bit88.2 1238 1256.5 193.96 29883 91.09 660.05

One thing to look at is the result of trying out what I'm saying, what hangs were found quite frequently. Google Chrome won't work RoboHornet and Dromaeo benchmarks, Pale Moon froze while running the JetStream benchmark, and Vivaldi froze running the Dromaeo benchmark.

Only two browsers, yak went all tests without freezes or hangs boules Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge. More than that, the other browser is tested on the great country, if walking from benchmarks.

Other interests are those that Vivaldi enters from Google Chrome into benchmarks and from RAM only to those who are of the same rank. In addition, it does not work with the RoboHornet benchmark with Google Chrome did.

Mozilla Firefox 32-bit vs 64-bit

RAM usage is nearly the same on start but once all ten website fully loaded it was apparent that the 64-bit version of Firefox used way more RAM than the 32-bit version. It will also be revealed, but the deuce of them is to be seen especially on the outbuilding, de RAM is scarce.

Benchmarks on the other hand show only marginal differences which means that users won’t see a performance boost in either version when compared to the other.

Google Chrome 32-bit vs 64-bit

RAM is not nearly identical in the two versions of the Google Chrome web browser. RAM permission to launch can be set before other parties are encouraged to launch in 32-bit version.

Wow, the 64-bit version of Chrome won't have the same RAM capacity as the 32-bit version on all 10 versions of websites has been exciting.

As for testing, then, the 64-bit version of Viconan is for benchmarks, and for Chrome versions froze during the RoboHornet and Dromaeo benchmarks.

Pale Moon 32-bit vs 64-bit

RAM has been successfully launched and after loading the sample sites in the Pale Moon browser. The 64-bit version did not perform as well as the 32-bit version in most benchmarks, and both versions froze during the JetStream benchmark.

Vivaldi's RAM was awarded for a good time to launch and stick with those websites that work in the 32-bit version of the add-on. The 64-bit version on the other panel has a higher RAM count of all browsers in the test.

Performance was on-pair with Google Chrome with only marginal differences between the two. Yak far as 32-bit and 64-bit version performance is concerned, it is close and unlikely that anyone will notice differences while using the browser.

The results are the same, not just through hairpins and freezes experienced benchmarks, but also based on parity and 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the same browser. Most differences are marginal and not visible to user sitting in front of the device.

Now You: Do you prefer 32-bit or 64-bit versions of browsers?

Cyberfox - based on Firefox web browser, processor optimizations and overcoming all the advantages of 64-bit architecture. The browser promotes more high productivity per hour of web surfing on the Internet

cyberfox- one of best versions Firefox web browser that supports 64-bit architecture (x64, 64-bit) and Windows 8 SDK. Optimization Browser pid Intel processors that AMD.

You can also get a portable version of Cyberfox, which means that you need to launch a browser with a large data saving device.

Browser tag your profile, okremy like Firefox - it gives you the ability to tag your own bookmarks and history. A new addition and allows you to beat some of the extended functions.

The main changes are known "under the hood" and are supposed to be improved on 64-bit systems, which, as it turns out, make the browser swedish and stable. Tim is no less, and it is also his fault to evaluate the victorious memory with equal productivity.

What suits you Firefox browser, and you want to win the 64-bit version, Cyberfox є zhytєzdatnymi solutions, so you must try to evaluate it to the robot.

Main advantages of Cyberfox

X64 bit web browser
Inspirations on Mozilla Source Code
Call for help Visual Studios 2012
Vikoristovu Windows 8 SDK instead of Vista SDK
Call for help Intel C++ Compiler
Sumy with Windows 10

Google has released a 64-bit version of the Chrome browser. Vaughn є more safe and may pratsyuvati shvidshe. For those who have a victorious 64-bit operating system, we are happy to install a newer version of Chrome.

How to check the bitness of the installed version of Chrome

To find out which version of the browser is installed in given moment, follow the next steps:

  • click on the end Menu;
  • hover over an item Dovidka;
  • wrap Pro Google browser Chrome:

At a glance, look at the information about the browser. If you do not support 64-bit on the temples, this means that the current version is 32-bit:

How to install 64-bit Chrome

In order to upgrade to the 64-bit version, you can see Chrome is not updated.

1 Go to the side of Chrome's attraction:

2 Change your mind and get the 64-bit version. If you want to download "32-bit", click on the button:

that choose Windows 10/8.1/8/7 64-bit:

3 Press Accept, wash and install:

4 Dock the download and run the download file:

Close the next one Chrome browser, otherwise you will revoke the pardon in the process of installation:

5 After the installation is completed, the power of the browser is changed:

Yakshcho you still patted qiu pardon, start the task manager, notify the display of all processes and terminate all Chrome.exe processes. Next time, run the ChromeSetup.exe installer again

P.S. Not surprisingly, the 64-bit version of Chrome is installed in the Program Files (x86) folder, go ahead and install the browser from scratch.

Nutrition about rozryadnіst or bіtnіst cіkavit bagatioh koristuvachіv. What does this term mean? Otherwise, hanging on to see the show, the skilki at one and the same time learn the same information about the other one. Is it necessary to know such a characteristic, like browser rozryadnist? On the right, in that the web pages are either programs that work through the Internet, and are expanded with improvements to other versions of the browser. To that, the deacons from them can simply not be recognized for the hour of the conflict with the discharge Internet Explorer.

How to designate the rank

For various operations locking Windows win 32-bit Internet Explorer for availability on the computer of both versions. The retailers blocked the possibility of installation by a browser behind a promotional 64-bit version, but with a 32-bit browser, you can easily install it with a standard browser. How to use Internet Explorer as a browser for locking you know about it. It is broken, so that the conflicts between the addenda can be eliminated. Prote the situation should be changed. The main problem of using 64-bit Internet Explorer is due to the fact that there are still few plugins of such bitness, as if they are stuck on web resources. As a result, the sides may simply not show up in the browser.

Updated both versionsinternetExplorer dosit similar. So, few people care about such parameters, like Main side that obrane, post_yni cookies, security parameters, fast and int. Prote, є y vіdminnostі. So, the HTML5 repository does not have a single session Storage. Non-permanent or session cookies vary depending on the browser bit rate. Also, the retailers provided various plugins for the other versions of the Internet browser.

So, how do you install 64-bit Internet Explorer? Without a doubt, looking at those that are automatically downloaded at the same time and the 32-bit version. Browser, which can be of great versatility, is necessary for the correct operation of the programs and components of the system itself. In the rest of the hour, a 64-bit Internet browser will remove more support, and new plugins and additions will be developed. A lot of websites switch to extensions, which will allow the pages to be displayed correctly in a browser with a high resolution.

Not everyone knows that the popular browser Mozilla Firefox may 64-bit version.

Do not put the 64-bit version of Firefox at a glance, look out for a few of them on the 32-bit release, maybe English language interface, but not less, won't, won't, and won't work stably.

Microsoft's program leader's space will be occupied by Chrome, Opera and Mozilla. The stakes are too high, to think about support for 64-bit versions - trump team, which is guaranteed to support on all versions operating system- 32-bit versions, overriding 64-bit brothers.

How to install Mozilla Firefox 64 bit? Everything is in order.

I’ll tell you about every change, that the Firefox 64-bit selection is recognized only for 64-bit ones. Windows systems(AMD64 or x86_64) and not workable on 32-bit Windows to have the processor run 64-bit instructions (Intel EM64T or AMD64). To run Firefox 64-bit, you need to install 64-bit from the start Windows version(Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition or Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x64).

Remaining version Firefox 64bit you can always get it on the website fresh versions Mozilla products: http://nightly.mozilla.org/. There we go for the Windows 64-bit at the bottom right corner.

Download, install and run. I want to respect that Firefox 64-bit may have suspected the name Minefield, which in our translation means "mine field". Ale not lakatimemosya - wine dosit stable and spritnishy, ​​lower yogo classic brother. The Minefield icon is a dove, not a fiery ore like the classic Firefox, which depicts an earthy sack with a putrid note. Mabut, means "let's bring the whole world"!

Everything is miraculous - Minefield starts to finish it quickly, quickly works. What are the problems?

Pіdtrimka additional that expansion. I want an addendum Firefox extension based on open source cross-platform code (XPI), it is theoretically possible to support the same number of upgrades in the 64-bit version. Ale, apparently the truth, I have not yet had a chance to speak with them. Where more problems are blamed due to the inconsistency of supplements in the form of 3-ї versions of Firefox pіd hour transition to the 4th.

Adobe Flash. And the problem of Flash support in Firefox 64-bit is real. No flush, okay. everything looks vague, but sometimes wine is simply necessary!

Ale, all the same, there are solutions and problems! Install Flash Player 64-bit and forget about this problem. At first glance, everything works, but don't forget that Flash 64-bit is still in the prerelease phase, and Firefox 4 is still in beta.

Antiviruses. It's absolutely fine to use Kaspersky, use the KIS-2010 version. Vіn mercilessly tries to distort the traffic and that zavantazhennya, hopelessly pushing the computer to 2 hvilin. At every time, the very hour at the new one went to re-check Flash Player 64-bit size 3.2 Mb. The problem rejoices in the inclusion of web traffic analysis in Kaspersky, which is not particularly correct, but effective. Possibly, the problem has been fixed in new versions of KIS - not yet revised.

Firefox doesn't save open tabs. Perhaps the problem of the remaining folding Firefox 4 beta 10 64 bit, but when restarting the browser, it does not show the sides that were opened when disabled. I don’t know, they’ve done it this way, but I know how to restore the original tabs. For whom we go to Minefield Options and choose in the field When Minefield starts meaning Show my windows and tabs from last time.


Mozilla Firefox 4 beta pre 10 64-bit is a fully promising browser and may be, so the retailers will not be delivered to a new cross. Insignificant problems, more for everything, timchasov i owe at the next hour, but be usunenі.