Enter Yandex into the Keruvanya panel. Quick start panel

The current appearance of the task panel in Windows 7 is different from the task panel in Windows XP. Windows 7 has an elegant, evocative look.

However, edged panels Swedish launch, Like Windows XP, Windows 7 does not. Program shortcuts are placed directly on the task panel, separated from tabs hidden programs. And it’s not difficult to place on the panel a shortcut to the programs that you use every day.

Click the left mouse button on the icon required programs on the desktop, without releasing the mouse button, drag the icon down onto the back panel (shown by the red arrow). Then you let it go, and the shortcut will disappear on the task panel, becoming available to you at any time.

If the shortcut on the panel is no longer needed, click on it without releasing the left mouse button, pull the shortcut up and “throw” it onto the desktop. From the panel the label is immediately familiar.

Practice - you may not succeed the first time. Sometimes the order panel is loose, if the settings indicate: Automatically attach the order panel. Before speaking, you can adjust the panel in advance as you please. I’ll show you how to earn it.


Use the right mouse button to press the Start button. Open up context not menu, in which you choose Power.

The Power panel and Start menu window opens. If you want the panel to be locked (the icon at the bottom of the screen), to be on your watch for the entire hour and not to go anywhere - then check the box in front of Lock the taskbar, and check the box in front of Automatically lock the taskbar - take it away.

If you want the command panel to appear only when you move the cursor to the bottom edge of the screen (desktop), then, for example, uncheck the box in front of “Lock the command panel” and check the box in front of “Automatically attach the command panel”. Other customized panels are less important, so I won’t bother with them.

How to install the launch pad in Windows XP

You say: I don’t have such a panel in me! This means that it is not activated.

In order to activate the Quick Launch panel, be on the panel first, or click right button Misha. The task panel menu opens. Choose Power.

The Power Command panel window opens.

Here, check the box next to Display the quick launch panel. If the checkbox is not checked, then the panel is disabled.

tick (ensign) opposite Display the task panel on top of other windows.

I also check the box next to Automatically attach the panel in advance. If you don’t put it, it means you’ll spend the entire hour washing at the bottom of the screen. I respect, especially, if you want it, only until you need to adhere to it.

Other points on this tab are not as important and understandable without explanation. If you check the box opposite Show the anniversary date, it means you have lost the anniversary date, etc.

Just don’t forget to activate all the checkboxes you have checked, click the Freeze button, and then OK.

How to add a shortcut (icon) to the Windows XP launch bar

To add an icon to the Quick Launch panel, hover your cursor over required icon on the desktop, press the left mouse button and drag the icon onto the command panel. When a vertical line of black rice appears, release the button and the icon appears on the panel.

If you want to move the icons one at a time, you will also drag the icon with the cursor and drag the panel to quickly launch, and the vertical line will move to the visible place where the icon will appear when you release the mouse button. With this order, you can place the icons in the order that suits you.

Of course, you may find the ease with which the Quick Launch panel provides you, and you will begin to gravitate to the icons there at random. I'm sorry, the icons can fill up the entire panel, but they won't do anything!

There is a way out of this situation! You can grab some of the pictograms. To do this, move the cursor over the separator (circled with a red oval in Fig. 5). When this happens, the cursor changes to arrows, indicating left-handed-right-handed. At this moment, press the left mouse button and pull the separator with your left hand. In the world of moving the separator, icons are starting to appear. I will make 4-5 icons visible.

You don’t have to worry about the badges you’ve got - the stink won’t go anywhere! Just press on the arrow (circled in red in Fig. 6) and that’s it welcome badges appear in front of your eyes. Press whatever icon and the program starts!


In 2013, Opera's developers decided to move their product to the WebKit engine, becoming a major blow for users of this popular browser. However, the main reason for their storminess was not the engine itself, but external look The new Opera has a painfully confusing interface Google Chrome. Dissatisfaction with the redesigned Opera among some business owners was so strong that they were convinced that they were switching to other browsers, including Mozilla Firefox.

Fortunately for those who are interested in such cases, there were a minority of them. While most of the prostitutes were worried, they reconciled and accepted the new Opera with all the shortcomings that existed at that time. Over the years, developers have fixed various bugs, and then improved the functionality, but the browser still doesn’t work. What about yourself? For example, change functions sound system in the express panel.

Apparently, the new Opera has Yandex. It’s a good joker, you can’t say anything, but we still sing that more people would like to take their place at Google. It’s bad that it’s impossible to change Yandex to Google using the standard browser methods. Luckily, the creators of Opera have removed a small loophole that allows you to change the settings in just a couple of minutes.

At the bottom of the profile of koristuvach in catalosis Opera Stable the file is under the name . This initial text file can be expanded. You can open it with Notepad or a similar editor. Finding the file is very easy. Insert into the address row of Path Explorer C:/Users/USER_NAME/AppData/Roaming/Opera Software/Opera Stable then click on the transition. Thus, the USER_NAME row element needs to be replaced with the customer's name. You will have your own.

It is also important to note that this approach is only true in Windows 7 and 8 (8.1), but in XP it will be even different. So, instead of the Users folder there will be Documents and Settings, and the AppData folder will be Application Data.

Now open the file And find two rows at the new step:

"country": "ru",
"country_from_server": "ru",

Replace "ru" meanings "us" and save the result. By the way, this block of code should look like this:

"country": "us",
"country_from_server": "us",

That's all. To change the situation, restart Opera.

Once you open your browser, you will see that Yandex is in the express panel, and that’s where Google has taken its place.


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The Express panel in the Opera browser is even easier. Swedish access to the most extended sides. It is installed in this web browser, but for various reasons, it may appear incorrectly or incorrectly. Let's figure out how to re-install the Express panel in the Opera browser.

The Express panel is part of the start page, which opens when Opera starts. Also, at the same time, after changing the settings, when the browser is launched, specially designated pages can be opened, or those that will be opened before the end of the remaining session. In this case, if the customer wants to install the front side of the Express Panel, he will have to face a number of awkward steps.

First of all, open the main Opera menu, marked with the logo of this program, with the window facing the left side. In the list that has appeared, look for the “Customization” item and move on to the new one. Or simply type Alt+P on the keyboard.

On the page you opened, there is no need to go anywhere else. Look for the block to set “At the hour of startup” at the top of the window.

As a matter of fact, there are three modes for launching the browser. We change the switch to the “Open the cob” mode.

Now, the browser will launch from the front page where the Express panel is installed.

Expansion of the Express panel on the home page

U previous versions Opera, on the most home page The Express panel may also have been disabled. True, it’s easy to re-install it.

After launching the browser, the front page was opened, which, as a matter of fact, was the Express panel of the day. Click on the icon that looks like a gear at the top right corner of the screen, and go to the front side controls section to set up the Express panel in Opera.

In the section on the front page, once it opens, simply check the box next to the “Express Panel” item.

After this, the Express panel was turned on with all the tabs that are displayed on it.

In new versions of Opera, you can enable the Express panel on the home page every day. This does not mean that in future versions this feature cannot be turned back again.

As a matter of fact, it’s easy to open the Express panel in Opera. For this reason, it is minimally necessary to know what this status is intended to do.