Creation of simple plugins for ointment. Best plugins for Mozilla FireFox - dobirka

Hello everyone. Earlier, I already published a list of brown ones. Now the time has come to publish Mozilla Firefox, so you can download it directly to your computer. The main part of this article will be in the guest post, which I kindly nadislav Bogdan Saenko, author of the blog. Well, and to another part, for tradition, I will add my list of seo-plugins.

Plugins for Firefox

This browser extension is similar to car wrapping with a new spoiler, tinted fold, chrome rims and beautiful vinyl stickers. Here you can’t go over the smut, so that you feel comfortable and don’t look dumb. So with the plugins for Firefox, there are thousands of eyes rozbіgayutsya.

I would like to present to your respect a dozen brown plug-ins to save time, increase the productivity of your work and your safety.

Greater visibility with plugins for Mozilla Firefox

Do you often do things that you know cіkavu side on the Internet, do you want to save money, so that you can live longer? A popular web addon is a plugin for Firefox. With this help, you can create notes for yourself from any part of the web side. Notes can replace text, photo and video. You can sync with your phone to access your personal computer.

The Greasemonkey extension for Firefox allows you to create scripts to write any speeches. Tse mozhe buti nalashtuvannya prompt requests in the browser or transferring Gmail message to the tab. If you are interested in that installed extension, you can find a large number of scripts in koristuvach on sites such as For the help of these scripts, you can automate a lot of speeches and master them for yourself.

If you are constantly moving between your iPhone, laptop, tablet on Android, then the Xmarks plugin is created for you. With this help, you can synchronize bookmarks, type passwords between us with your devices: computers, laptops, mobile phones, tablets, etc.

What are the sites, how do you see today? If you can pick up your favorite bookmarks, you can call them up with the help of the Speed ​​Dial. This extension will show thumbnail images of the skin of your selected sites when you launch your browser. Thumbnails are automatically updated to current versions in background mode.

Additions Mozilla Firefox for robotic video, images and in.

Video streaming cannot be processed without an active internet connection. And on such sites, like YouTube, there is no way to download a video clip. Easy YouTube Downloader comes to the rescue. This plugin allows you to save videos from YouTube and other sites on your computer, so you can later look at them offline.

As often as you need to take screenshots of websites, Awecome Screenshot makes your life easier. Once the plugin is installed, simply click on the camera icon. You take a screenshot of your web page, click here as well. You don't download it again. With this help, you can annotate an image for an additional text, lines, etc., and also erase it uncommonly.

If you will be without the Internet for an hour, for example, if you go to the country house or sit in a taxi, then the plugin for Firefox Read It Later will allow you to save the volume of the web site with one click. At that hour, if you do not have access to the Internet, for the help of this plug-in you will still be able to enjoy your favorite sites.

Security and privacy

On the Internet, there are anonymous attachment systems, such as: tags, attachment pixels, beacons and others. The Ghostery plugin makes parts of the web page visible to the invisible eye. For example, if I go to the site, then once 7 systems of posture guarded for my session. This plugin will help you to get rid of security systems, blocking their scripts.

Java and Flash - web technologies, for the help of which they are created dynamic web pages with live animation. The negative side of these technologies is that advertisers of a different kind are unkind and vicorous for robotic trackers and scripts for browsers. p align="justify"> The NoScript plugin enables Java and Flash on all sides, except for trusted websites, thereby stealing your computer.

AdBlock Plus is one of the most popular plugins for Firefox. And it doesn't matter why: they block adverts, voicing, spitting, calling, blinking, like they're talking. This plugin is even simpler for customization and customization.

The LastPass plug-in is more expensive if you get to the right to encrypt your data and securely, but at the same time it is easily accessible to save your special passwords. Vrahovyuchi sogodnishnє rozmaїtya that number of sites, yak vymagyut login and password for authorization, tsya plug-in becomes simply unreplaceable.

Other Firefox plugins

Do you need full access to the FTP server, but don't you want to log out of your browser? It is possible with the FireFTP plugin. Vіn pratsiuє at depositor Firefox browser she hopes you full access to the server so very ok okrema program. Work with Firefox on Mac, Windows and Linux.

How about copying and then pasting the text that you want to edit to Twitter? For the help of the Tweetlight plugin, you just need to see the text you need, press the Ctrl + Shift + E keys (or context menu) and win a meeting with your microblog to follow.

Thank you very much Bogdanov for those who gave me a guest post with brown plugins for "mozilla". Well, now, as I said, let's move on to my list of plugins, more of them, as you guessed, will be seo topics.

The first, on this list, is obviously worth it - a plugin, without which you can't get along with a seo-optimizer. This plugin has everything - in terms of displaying bubbles and the number of indexed pages in search engine systems, up to statistics zvnіshnіh posilan that presence in the catalogs that . It seems like a plug-in from the “must have” category.

- One more seo-plugin for reviewing the bubbles of sites.

For the functionality of wines, rds bar'y is heavily compromised, but if you don't need reports about the site, you can get Firefox add-ons.

- a corny plugin for those who will rise in price with bourgeois sites, but if you do not shine with knowledge of foreign language.

Zdіysnyuє translation more nizh for fifty mov, є vbudovanie vocabulary, russian decoder, virtual keyboard voice synthesizer movie and more rich all sorts of lotions. This plugin is on the list of popular ones on the official site of Firefox (I think it's not a gift :)).

Have a good time, doby, shanovni chitachі, vіdvіduvаchі and іnshі individuals!

On the Internet, it is possible to get a lot of browsers that allow you to look at the sides of the web of light. If my vibir fell on the browser, and from that hour I, not bezpodstavno, vvazhu yogo best browserіz usіh іsnuyuchih. The main argument for the arrogance of this speech is the browser core, to which you can install the impersonal plug-ins that extension.

Of course, from the past years, expansions have appeared in Opera, and next, if there are new ones. Google Chrome, but if not, FF is still missing (i long hour) to become a leader in your gallery. Vtіm, for relish and color all different, and we won’t compare any better browser.

Today, I will tell you about the best (in my opinion) plugins that expand the functionality and improve the main characteristics Firefox, and also about those, how to make them the best and how to make them look better.

The best plugins for Firefox in the author's opinion

Zavantageti the browser itself, as if you don’t have a raptom, you can.
Get plugins and extensions for FF you can do everything from the same site, but yourself

I won’t tell you about the installation of the browser and plugins until the new one - there is nothing foldable there. Vtіm, literally before all the plugins about yaks I tell you, I have already written instructions for zastosuvannya on my site, and to that, please refer to the article for it. It seems that everything is for you;)

Tse bula was my special dobrka plugins. There is far from everything, more so, that I am constantly trying something new, writing articles, changing my taste and more. Therefore, look for all the other features either in the section about ", or for the tag "Firefox plug-ins", or simply through the search on the site (perebuy at the upper right corner). rіznі nalashtuvannya, as if you are in love with the article "" abo "", otherwise beautiful themes, icons and other joys of life.

If you want to know more, then you need to learn how to professionally and understand those who know, then.

But I don't pretend to be the truth. To whom all those that I recommend are worthy, and to whom all the bells and whistles will not be needed (if I want to show people, I don’t need to block ads on sites), and who should be familiar with other browsers (if there are similar plug-ins) ). Well, for my own skin, but I strongly recommend that you create a "mozilla" with the rest of the list, and you will be more happy for everything :)


Two words like so. It goes without saying that it’s not all yet, but I’m guessing that it’s already turned out brown and I needed a shoe.

Thank you very much for reading.

Yak and zavzhdi, yakscho є kakіs nutrition, additions and take іnshe - write in the comments. Here you are welcome.

Mozilla Firefox is a kindly browser, which adds to the look of the plug-in program for individual customization of skin peeling. Below you will find only a small part of the programs, which are most often used for maximum efficiency of work in the Internet.

Firebug for Mazili - Analysis of the program code of the site in two clicks

When creating a site, editing a template or program code Okremi sides of the webmaster are often matched because the result of the work is not valid.

Online radio for Mazili

Today, the radio is no less popular, less for hours of old transistors, but the methods of listening to it have changed. In the world of the Internet, practically all media resources have smoothly moved to the world wide border and the natural supply - as you can hear radio on the Internet, for example, through the popular Mozilla browser Firefox?

Adobe Flash Player

Imovirno, some of us want to get stuck with the problem, if friends threw off their efforts to review the video, but we don’t want to fight for everyday minds.

VKopt (VKontakte Optimizer)

VKopt (decrypted as VKontakte Optimizer) is a handy, cost-free add-on for the Mozilla Firefox browser, which allows you to use the functionality of the social network with a variety of riches blue services. In a word, the script will significantly simplify the life of VKontakte.

Installing Yandex bar on Mozilla Firefox

Yandex Bar is a kind of helper for the operational search for information on the Internet to improve the geopolitical position and the main advantages of specific coristuvachs. So, like a lot of brown plug-ins, for example, Personal Plus, Yandex Bar is easy to install.

IE Tab V2 - support for the Internet Explorer engine.

Rich koristuvachs want to just once, but still had to stick on the Internet with problems of the correct display of some web resources or exchanged functionality vіdvіduvanih sides. Tied taka incorrect robot from the selected web sites in the browser Internet Explorer like a foundation.

FireFTP: cross-platform intermediary

Dodatkova FireFTP program to serve for the correct safe work Mazilla Firfox browser in the middle of the FTP-SFTP links.

Lightbeam for Firefox - your information about all events in the world

Lightbeam plugin- tsya program for the visible browser Mozilla Firefox. Assigned to display a visible linkage of a joint work between any web-resources.

Plugins for the Mozilla Firefox browser are specially designed to make it easier to work on the Internet.

Having succumbed to the problem, you are taken for jokes її vyshennya, reading the mass of instructions and navit not suspecting about expansion, as if they are created with the method of virishuvati tsі zavdannya in seconds.

Vіn bude zrozumіlyi і korisny yak osvіdchenim koristuvachami, і newcomers.

Everything is necessary - just add it to your browser, if you can use it the same way, just like that.

The only concern will be those who, when moving to a new web site in the future, as a revenge on their own video files available for downloading, will be affected. For this varto, it’s not enough to fire up yoga and make a video that you deserved, in just a couple of clicks.

Additional allow you to take advantage of anonymous popular sites:

Cream tsgogo, for greater comfort wines different formats of the same video recording, allowing you to capture a bunch of files in a single hour and convert them in the process.

The addition has been created as simple as possible for victories, but with the help of which it accommodates the mass of functions and possibilities.

The tool, expanded in 2006, also for the analysis of permanent modifications and its recognition as one of the most relevant when working in the Internet, as one of shorter expansion creations for zahistu danikh.

Vіn blocking be-yaki, scho carry a threat to JavaScript, Java applets and other elements of web pages.

Reveal your respect: you may still be able to create a larger list and turn off selected sites from blocking yourself.

Being added to your Firefox, you can successfully defend against the most widespread attacks, such as:

  • CSRF attacks;
  • XSS attacks;
  • attacks on cross-zones DNS іz zamіnoyu.

NoScript allow to hide strife and close everything possible options perehoplennya danikh, while not weakening and not improving the functionality of the computer. The new one also has the progressive DoNotTrack technology, which is aimed at turning off quiet quirks, which are invisible.

A richly functional translation, which will allow you to expand in the content of foreign sites, in addition to the design of my own. Grounded at once on three translations - Google, Microsoft Bing and Translator, wine may have 90 mov and building parity with text, the size of which is 10 thousand symbols.

You can enter like a translation of the web page as a whole, so there are a lot of words that are present on it, phrases of that word, like you can see the mouse. ImTranslator keeps a history of all the perfect translations, so you won't be allowed to waste the information you need.

Before yoga functions also include:

  • movie recognition;
  • voicing the results;
  • bad order.

Added new hot keys to speed up your work with text. May editor and spelling proofreader, splitting for 8 mov.

For that number of wines, you can use the virtual keyboard to enter data. Reimbursement for practicality and simplicity, vin povnistyu tsmu vіdpovidaє, and basing not on one, but on many dictionaries, vtіlyuє shche y naіyinіst translation.

Not the most technical, but rather more corny, but the brand, which is often victorious, blames for creating screenshots of web pages and allows you to make comments for them in different styles.

It also allows you to hoard objects on the screen and choose what you need to work:

  • add a screenshot;
  • save the PDF-format;
  • Export the result to OneNote.

Catch your respect: FireShot Pro has other add-ons that can be used to capture a screenshot open tabs with just one click of the bear.

It also has an editor that allows you to scale the picture, crop it and change it in any way possible. The very blame for the creation of comments that may be a great set of koshtiv for this one.

Web Of Trust

At the border, there are shkidlivih sites and their additions have been created to protect the coristuvachiv from threats, what to look like in them.

On the view of other additions, wines are based not on the analysis of web pages by a computer, but on the thoughts of real people. Hundreds and thousands of people all over the world work and vibrate in the course of purchases and stumble upon vague sites, as a rule, deprive them of reviews about them.

For the help of a well-thought-out algorithm, it analyzes the lack of assessments of other web sites and, in its own way, strengthens the reputation of the skin from them. If the animated icon turns green, it means that the site can be trusted and safe.

Yellow color to ask you to be respectful, even though the party did not deserve a new trust. Chervoniy vkazuє on nebezpeku that for the sake of deleting the site yaknaishvidshe.

Krim tsgogo, additionally independently blocking domains, as if they carry an undisguised threat, including entrapment from the Internet of doubtful ones shkidlivih programs, as well as guarding against purchases in online stores of a suspicious character.

Not far away additions, creations for Mozilla Firefox, including in order to no longer have to constantly press the "Update" button.

As the site is not self-supporting, but you check for any changes - this is an addition for you. ReloadEvery is up-to-date, even if millions of people often follow sports magic, changes on the stock exchange and other processes, which can change for a moment.

Vіn succesfully update the selected side after the task interval hour. To turn on yoga, just click on the yoga icon, go to the required site, and set the required period. In reality, the standard intervals are 5-, 10-, 30-seconds, as well as 1-, 5-, 15-minute intervals.

To restore respect: yoga functions allow you to create, improve and save power intervals.

In the meantime, as an addendum, it is possible to update all open tabs in a variable period of an hour, as they are selected randomly.

Corisne extension to the browser for those who have regular problems connecting to the Internet.

Scrapbook allows you to save web pages so that you can navigate offline, so you can look over them. In other words, I create the whole database of data from similar sides and may with any low possibilities:

  • save not only the text of the site, but the th picture, the style of the design and multimedia inserts, complementing with the same structure;
  • saves a lot of tabs;
  • it is possible to take care of those sides, to carry out efforts, placements on the chosen side;
  • we hope the creation of a large number of data bases is possible.

having perfected the rest version, retailers gave її a joke required information in the database behind the headline and navigate by hour.

Krym tsgogo, for greater success to the savings of the sides of the coristuvach, you can leave out the comments.

There is also a block for notes and the ability to edit the web side: see, add, change content on the side.

The topic of confidentiality of special data in the future is gaining more and more wrappers, obviously, additions and plug-ins are regularly created, one of the most important representatives of such plugins is Ghostery.

As an add-on to the browser, it is oriented to the search for beacons and other lace bugs, as a special place on the sites of their masters and advertisers, to swipe for opinion.

You can find more than five hundred companies and find such giants as Google and Facebook, giving all the information you can at once about how to collect data from them. However, the main reason for this lies in the blocking of vbudovannyh documents, different pictures and scenarios that threaten oneself.

Reveal your respect: Ghostery does not care about registration, but about the introduction of any special data. Wikoristannya supplemented entirely anonymously.

For the development of that full plug-in, the GhostRank function was also added to the new one, as it allows the unbelievers themselves to add the bugs they know to the base.


At the link with exchanges and blockages of other sites, which are constantly blamed, and navit social measures Try to bypass those barriers, as providers set them up, became relevant. One of shorter options for those who win the browser Mozilla Firefox є FriGate, which on the basis of connecting to a proxy server eliminates all problems. You successfully try to unblock web pages, using the least resources for the price.

Warto means that FriGate recognizes which blocking site, and which one is not, when entering on the main, fully accessible web site, the wine is turned on. The only minus is that the robot has been improved a little because of the blocked resources and, unfortunately, it is not possible to correct it.

In order to increase the visibility of their product, the retailers have created a selection of algorithms for accessible coristuvachs, which are supposed to provide access to websites. Zalezhno vіd them shvidkіst robots can change from a smaller or larger side.