Borderless contact form id. How to create a link form on WordPress

05.11.2016 28.07.2017 by Jman

Today's lesson to help your wordpress site get a nice and functional form zvorotny zv'azku. We are looking forward to helping you with the Contact Form 7 plugin. I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out the normal contact form and I don't know any good alternatives to this plugin.

  1. Opportunity Contact form 7
  2. Installing and configuring the plugin
  3. Two options for blocking spam - filter akismet and captcha
  4. Placement of the contact form at the merging window
  5. Sprat of splicing vicons with different shapes on one side

module capability

Once again, I’ll guess what we’ll do with the plugin, so if you need a callback without a plugin, you’d better see an article about html form zvorotnogo zv'yazku, there setting trohi folded, ale, zate, more universal option (to the skin site) and less navantazhu server.

The main advantage of the contact form on Contact Form 7 is in simplicity - customization, may be unbounded functionality and automatic installation of the design for any WordPress templates. With help, you can create not only a form for correcting the site. The plugin can be tweaked to create a pop up button, a gate call, or a collapsible profile with checkboxes and drop lists. Also, you can attach files to transfer files.

In a word, the plugin is megafunctional.

Why are you still being praised by the food “robit or not rob the form of a zv'yazku?” (You can simply place the contact details on the required pages), then I will say unequivocally - robit varto.

In a first step, correct the notification directly from the site better, lower the return mail program and there, fill in everything manually. No one can save time.

In another way, the contact form can be customized and not allow you to take the sheets of the standard form - it will be easier to navigate in them. For example, you can put a standard title for the notification "Invitation" and all sheets from the side of the notification will come with this title.

Thirdly, using the contact form allows you to attach your email address and, by the same token, avoid possible spam, which inevitably appears when your email box gets into free access.

Fourth, it's just stylish and modern.

Installing and configuring the plugin Contact form 7

The plugin is in the built-in wordpress base, so there is no need to find files here, grab them yourself and then send them to the hosting. Everything is easier to fight - through the wordpress admin panel, enter the plugin distribution, type in the field for the search "Contact form 7" and install yoga. If you didn’t install any plugins, then report instruction how to install the plugin here.

Contact form 7 plug-in customization

Plugin customization consists of two stages.

The first one is the setting of a specific form. Other forms can be rich, skin from them can avenge their own collection of waterings. In a word, under the skin task and the skin side on the site, you can create the form of a free link, wordpress does not allow - the list will be stored in the plugin database.

Another stage is the insertion of the form on the side of the site. The skin form, created by us in the middle of the plugin, is our own unique shortcode. To insert on the side, you will insert only yoga.

Father, let's go.

For the beginning, in the left menu of the admin panel, we know the Contact form 7 tab. Below it is a split menu with two items - “Form” and “Add new”.

As long as we don't have any ready-made forms, let's move on to the "Add New" section. There, a side is shown, as if pronouncing to choose the language, and in the same place the language was ordered for the engagement. Just press the blue "Add new" button.

Nalashtuvannya form is divided into okrem_ blocks. I will look at them in order.

Block "Form name"

The first block is given for the name of your form - put the cursor on the text "Without a name" and enter the name you need. The name will only be shown to you in the list of contact forms of the plugin, so I will work it out for you, so that in the future you will not get lost in everything different.

Form template block

In this block, the standard irrigation configuration is set. Won to take revenge on the name of the leader of the sheet, yogo email addresses, The theme of the sheet, instead of the sheet and the edit button.

Zirochki marked the fields of obov'yazkovі for filling. If such a field is left empty, then success will not be restored.

Irrigation can be adjusted for additional sizable html marking.

If it is necessary to fix the irrigations themselves, then you can see the unneeded ones and add them, as you will need them. If you don't want the theme of the sheet to be entered manually - just delete the last block.

The fields are added even more easily. Z right sideє Generate tag button, by clicking on it, you will see a list of all possible fields that support this plugin.

Select required element and adjust its parameters. The plugin is Russian, so all the settings are intuitively understandable.

The first checkbox indicates the obov'yazykov_st or the neob'yazkost' of the field (vin add a zirochka).

After setting the field, you will get 2 shortcodes:

  • “Expand this code and insert it into the form template” - this code is inserted into the form code in the same way as the others;
  • "I insert the following code into the sheet template below" - we need this code to design the sheet in the block below.

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In this way, you can add the number of fields, checkboxes, drop-down lists, elements for attaching files, etc. to the form.

Block "Sheet"

Now our task is to complete the sheet, so we will take it off. The sheet does not in any way add to the practicality of the form of the inverse connection, it should serve only for the transfer of those information, as it was entered into the form.

Our task is to include all the information in the sheet.

The first point is to indicate the e-mail address, which will be the address of the notification (you may be the same).

Another point is to indicate the electronic screenshot, from which sheet it will be sent to you. I wouldn’t change anything here, it’s ordered for lockdown Postal screenshot Your blog has been added to the new tag for the names of the people who edit the messages.

Give us the subject of the sheet. By default, the topic is taken from the field, as if it were to be filled in the form. Alternatively, you can visualize this element, and enter a specific topic in the field, which is automatically set in the skin sheet. I'm so zrobiv for the forms of the virtuous zv'yazku zі storіnok about services and advertising. Information to call always to come with one and the same topic “Initiation of services” or “Initiation of advertising” - just and zrozumilo.

Add the "Reply-To:" tag to the field of additional headers in order to remove the note from your blog and add the note to the blog, and to that address, by specifying the address of the sheet in the form field. Minify the field is not varto.

The "Sheet template" field is valid for the internal change of the information you have taken. For zamovchuvannyam it is not necessary to avenge information about the clerk, those and the text of the notice, introductions to the field.

The site is indicated in the kintsi, from which the sheet has been corrected.

If you added additional fields to the form, which were not set behind the lock, then do not forget to add the additional tag to the sheet template. You are given the ID number in the "Form template" block, where you will generate a valid tag (field "Insert the next code in the template sheet below").

be-yaku text information which block (crim tag) can be changed to your taste. So you can add descriptions and change tags by sections, placing them in the order that suits you.

Block "Sheet 2"

If you want to be reminded of something else, you can put a tick in that block.

This block is fixed similarly to the front one. For locking all the fields in a new filling in order for the sheet to go to that person, as if filling the form (mabut, not to forget the wine).

You can make a copy, for example, of your manager or an accountant.

Block "Information when correcting the form"

You can add a reminder to this block, so that you can chime in, after that, as soon as you press the button to correct the notification. If you want something to change - be kind, I'll fill it all up.

Form activation

After you have filled in all the fields, turn on the cob to the “Form name” block and press the “save” button, I will turn right-handed.

Plugin to place the form you created in the list of available ones and add it special code roughly looking like this:

By inserting this code in any place on your site, you will accept a ready-made form for contacting your potential clients.

Fight against spam - Akismet and Captcha

Spammers deliver a lot of trouble to the owners of sites, and the skin is a new form that allows writing, only adding a lot of spambots.

If you disable the contact form plugin in the basic version, then, in a few hours, you will be attacked by empty empty and stupid reminders.

You can contact spammers in two ways:

  1. Put a general captcha (you can do it with an add-on plugin - Really Simple CAPTCHA).
  2. Speed ​​up anti-spam plugin for wordpress - Akismet.

The first option is non-manual, so I can manually enter additional characters. Tse is not so foldable, but it does not fit the decor.

The Akismet plug-in is a good way to independently analyze the data, to enter (names, email addresses, messages) and on the basis of the database to create a listing about spam or non-spamness notifications.

In addition, akismet is on the top of wordpress sites for spamming comments before articles. So, with this choice, it is not necessary to install additional plugins and create a landing page on the site.

Defend against spam for help Akismet

1. Install the Akismet plugin on your site and activate yoga.

2. Add additional data to the contact tags:

  • in the field after the author's name is added akismet:author
  • in the email field of the worksheet guide akismet:author_email
  • in the field for the site address akismet:author_url

You can enter the axis like this:

As a precaution, the contact form is to block all notifications sent by spammers. You can check the filter robot for the help of a special test name "viagra-test-123?"

If the re-verification was less zhorstka, you can re-verify only part of the watering, for example, im'ya that e-mail, And leave the site addresses without rechecking. In this case, the amount of time spent on spam alerts will increase, but you will spend less time on alerts.

Read also: Quick plugins for folding mobile version WordPress site

Defend against spam for help Really Simple CAPTCHA

If you see that Akismet is not in control of you (letting a lot of spam or blocking necessary notifications), then you can turn on the captcha. For whom install the Really Simple CAPTCHA plugin.

Please contact form for editing

Select Captcha from the list of tags. In the custom tags, you can choose to expand the picture with symbols, otherwise you can’t change anything. The lower part of the setting window has 2 tags, one is for displaying a picture, the other is for entering data for a picture.

To start the captcha, you need to copy and paste these tags in the left of the form template, in order to save the changes.

Placement of the form of a salutary link at the splicing window

If not, the contact form is guilty of roztashovuvatisya in some kind of song distribution of the site, for an hour, the client is guilty of the mother's ability to take access to it from the skin side of the resource.

In such situations, do not manually change the correct form. It’s easier to place a button on the back of the seat, attaching respect. The pressing of these buttons can already lead to the opening of the form.

In this rank, a person can manage the maintenance of the site without overwhelming the necessary side.

Fight for the help of one more plugin - Easy FancyBox.

1. Plugin installation

We will install the plugin itself in front of you, it will be at the base of the plugins, so, in the admin panel of your blog, enter your name in the plugins. After installing the plugin in the "settings" section, the "media files" tab will appear.

It is necessary for your contributors to know the type of content, which is guilty of being viewed by a merging blog. For zamovchuvannyam varto only Images, it is necessary to add Inline content.

On this plug-in setup is completed, go to the setting of the button of the gate link.

2. Paste the code on the site

In principle, you can tweak the textual message, but the button-picture will look better.


add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');

Win will allow you to select all shortcodes in the sidebar.

I have a wiyshla axis such a nice splicing shape:

Sprat of different splicing forms on one side

Sometimes you blame the need to place on the site a copy of forms with different settings and fields.

For example, one button you have to fill in the form with name and phone number and serve for making a return call from the site, and the other one is responsible for entering another form to deide a detailed application for making a request (with an address, a field for a description, a possibility to attach a file, etc.). etc.). At the Contact Form 7 plug-in itself, you can generate a wide variety of form options, but can you shove them into different buttons of one side?

title= "Name another form"]

< / div >

< / div >

In this rank, you can set up bagato different buttons with the forms on any side of the resource and the stench will not conflict.

For today's lesson of endings, now without practice you can make a turning point with your clients for additional functional and beautiful contact forms.

I already tell you how you can add a subdivision of a corrected notification to contact form 7 and how to change the number in WordPress, but in version 4.2 the CF7 plugin allows you to set more customization. Today we’ll talk about all the additional improvements for WordPress plugin contact form 7.

In this article, the block of assignments is described, only the addendums of the plug-in, as you saw pokrokovo to add Contact Form 7 to the site, go for the sim request: CF7 or speed up navigation on the side below.

How to fix the problem with the plugin: - You can go to the specified URL.

Side navigation:

If you have been looking for information about how to create a form or you need a beautiful one - you can go to the messages and read the text for you.

Additional settings for Contact Form 7

from plugin version 4.2 dodatkovі nalashtuvannya contact form 7 - extensions

on_sent_ok:- Submit contact form 7, ask if the notification was successfully sent. Suitable for displaying information in Yandex metrics (counts) or with a method google analytics. In order to speed up the process, I need to add the function to the javascript code, or the code itself, for example, the axis like this:

on_sent_ok: "alert(" Alert sent successfully ");"

on_submit:- Submit contact form 7, help if the edit/send/submit button is pressed. Ideally suitable for the purposes of google analytics and yandex metrics Meti, even if you can still find out why the successful correction of the notification did not help. You can tweet the bottom line in the same way as the front one on_sent_ok:

on_submit: "alert(" you clicked on submit button ");"

demo_mode:- additional parameter CF7, which allows the robot to test the form without changing the post. So bimoviti test mode form. To turn on yoga, do it, write the following code in the add-on settings for the axis:

acceptance_as_validation:- additional parameter CF7, used in the acceptance checkbox and enable the button for correcting the increase of the active for the push, press if the acceptance is false. Chi is included in the additional settings of the CF7 axis with the following option:

acceptance_as_validation: on

on the given moment That's all, follow this post to get in the know. New settings for this plugin will be posted here after they are released.

Setting google analytics goals in contact form 7

At once Try to tell you how to fix the goals in contact form 7 google analytics.

Vibachte, camping on 06/26/17, this code is not relevant for linking because Google has updated the code for the week of goals. Check for new information. Thank you.

For the first time, you must register in google analytics (, and also go to "Administrator", select "Account" and "Resource", create "Given" and there set the numbers.

We create a manifestation:

And also robimo meta with settings, text fields can revise:

Since you have created a meta, you can access it through the following code:

Gaq.push([ "_trackEvent", "order", "view"])


Let's say we have the following code for creating a goal in google analytics: _gaq.push ([ "_ trackEvent", "order", "view"]), now we can write a description of the sub-adjusted notification in contact form 7:

on_sent_ok: "_gaq.push(["_trackEvent","order","view"]);"

If so, we want to check all successful corrections of the form, or the axis is the following code:

on_submit: "_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "order", "view"]);"

so we need all the clicks (from far away and not far away from the form) on the "Repair" button

You need to write down this code in the additional settings of contact form 7.

Customized contact form 7 meti metric

Setting goals in metrics is simpler than lower in google. The robotic mechanism is similar, we create an account in the metric, we create a meta and we accept a code.

If you don't know how to get the code, use the instructions below:

1) We register in Yandex Metrics. For whom it is possible to speed up the metric. If you don't have a face post on Yandex, you can do it here register.

2) We add our site to the metric and send our code to the site, which is given by Yandex.

3) At the split line, select the label tab, look at the skin below, see the line at the merging window:

4) Click on the "add meta" button and remember it as if it's on my skin, in the end it's necessary to click on the "add meta" button

on_submit: "yaCounter2015xxxx.reachGoal("Form1");"

with such an implementation, we will take care of the goals in case of any variant of the development of podia, whether the form is corrected or not.

As you understand, we insert this code into the contact form 7 additional settings, as shown in the little one:

Submit contact form 7 for submit / edit button

I want to go into more detail on the plugin's underside. The on_submit subpoena allows you to push the submit button or submit. It is necessary to complete the handy functionality in additional settings, which allows you to work with the power of the effect when you click on the button to edit and richly else. To add a wiki in the addendum settings, write:

on_submit: "goBlackFon();"

De goBlackFon - tse your function with recorded special effects.

The price of a new approach is to display the contact form 7 plugin on a new level and allow you to fix the moment of pressing the Edit button without checking the results of the edit. For example, it is necessary for us, in the event of an inadvertent announcement, to show the effect on the side, or to work, whether it be otherwise, we are responsible for hearing the parameter itself.

Submission sent in contact form 7

On_sent_ok - check if the notification was sent successfully and does not work if the person did not fill in the required data. At the Basi function, real real: Google I Yandex Meti, ryznoye family of the efaeki on the stroke of the psyl vіddovka lifes, the editori on the Inshi stirds of the VIDPLEVARIS, the abstain of the functions (Psli of that yak of the people, it was reserved for itself) supplements for further work with him and a lot more. I had to implement the generation of a request for an attachment file after the completion of the form on_sent_ok, It is necessary to write down the plug-in settings in the addendum. Let us just need to call our function after the correction is made, to work the axis like this:

on_sent_ok: "myFunction();"

otherwise, you can write the code directly in the settings:

on_sent_ok: "function () (alert(" Alert sent successfully ");)"

AT new version CF7 code won't work anymore.

If you need to add a number of goals, for example, to metrics and Google analytics, then you need to speed up the axis with the following code:

on_sent_ok: "yaCounter2015xxxx.reachGoal("Form1"); _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "order", "view"]);"

To test the robot and this form, you can throw 2 Alerts into the code, such a plan:

on_sent_ok: "alert (" Alert sent successfully "); alert (" Another test ");"

At the end, I want to add, which is nice vicory contact form 7 additional settings you can work with more tasks, like putting tasks in front of you.

I don’t support the innovations of the retailer of this plugin, and bookmark your post, like it, I will add new settings to this world according to your creation.

Visnovok Contact Form 7 to Template

If you add a little more to this post with information about the introduction of the CF7 plug-in in the right place of the template, so as a rich reader to click on the food itself.

It’s easy to add Contact Form 7 to a widget or a post, we just need to simply take a shortcode and insert it in the right place, and the axis with a pretty bell in the template will have to tinker.

To view CF7 in a WP template, I'm using the following code:

Whether it’s a dumb blog or a site for people, you need to communicate with people and just with people who are stuck, and for an hour you can just leave the commentary for full bilateral communication. Therefore, in our article, we will look at the installation, configuration and operation of the plug-in for WordPress - Contact Form 7. This plug-in allows you to create and install on the site a form of a return link, which significantly expands the possibilities of both the blog itself and the introduction. The plugin allows you not only to edit the notifications, but also to resend the files, but about everything - in order.

You can install the plug-in in the traditional way, through the admin panel - the "Modules" tab, then - "Add new", then - "Get new". And download the rest version The Contact Form 7 plugin can also be uploaded to the server via FTP, to the /wp-content/plugins folder.

Having enabled the plugin, it is necessary to activate it. For which one turn to the main console of the administrator panel and there we can:

So that you didn’t have any problems with the plugin setup, let’s look at it in detail, how to do it right. After all the descriptions above, the following tab will appear in the admin panel of your blog:

When pressed against it, it will appear that the plug-in is fixed, as it adds up to a number of points:

- Adjustment of the "Title" field of your future form of a return link.

- Redaguvannya all zaproponovanyh polіv forms.

- Adjustment of the addressee field.

- Adjustment of additional fields and functions.

In customizing the field "Title" you can change the name of the form link. For this left paw, click on the current name “Contact form 1” and enter your name. This function is organized only for the transparency of the administrator, and does not change anything. Press the "Save" button.

Let's continue to create the very form of the link. Here you can add and remove fields for expanding or changing functionality form a zvorotny zv'yazku. To add an additional field to the form, you need to press the button "", and from the list of tags you will also select the type of field you need.

In this mode, the settings for locking do not transfer the "Attach file" fields - we added it ourselves. For this drop-down list, you need to select "Managed file" and check the box "Obov'yazkovy field". So, when filling in the form of a return link, it will not be corrected until the file is attached. So znuschatsya over vіdvіduvаchami - zhorstoko, to that the danish functionality is induced only like a butt - "Obov'yazkove pole" is not necessary to activate in this moment. Remember to give the field "name", in our case - "Attach a file", but you can specify whether it is better. Offensive croc - copy the command code and insert it into the left part of the window. To see that field, you just need to see the record in that field.

As a result, we take:

Do not confuse the order of the fields of the form, so that the fields will look like the beast down, according to the scheme that is familiar to all. For a new set of functionality of the plugin, you can add the "Captcha" field in order to prevent the penetration of spammers. And to organize this function, you will have to install one more plugin - Really Simple CAPTCHA.

How to find the addressee?

In the "Address" field, enter the email address for which notification will be sent, which is yours.

The field "Vdpravnik" - here you can specify the parameters of the vdpravnik.
The "Subject" field - will be displayed by those who are corrected.
In the "Additional headers" field, you can enter an additional - (e) header - (s) of information. Alece is not obov'yazkovo.
In the "Attached files" field, specify the files that need to be attached and edited.

“Vicoristouvati - HTML sheet format” activate after the banner.
Dodatkova function - substitution of another address. One more address is added to the list in the field "Victory Addressee (2)".
The filling of the form of the zvorotny zvyazku is completed. Now it is necessary to add її to the side of the site, call її call "Contacts" or "Zvorotniy zvyazok".

How to add a form to the site? Create a new page on the site with the name, let's say, "Contacts".

Enter all required information. Title the page "Contact". Switch the text editor to HTML mode and paste the next code in the side (if you requested it earlier):

Publish the side and go to the site. Voila, the result of your work is in front of you!

Everything may be ready, one problem is gone, and you yourself decide what you need to do. Your side with the form of a return link can be commented on. For whom to hide, the comments are necessary to turn down, and for whom, follow the steps:

- Go to the admin panel on the "Contacts" side, then - "Power", uncheck the box "Allow comments" and update the side.

To this end, our work on the formation of a gateous link is completed. Just keep in mind that the Contact Form 7 plugin can be used practically as a form, and you can experiment with it if you can.

Contact Form 7 is a short, cost-free contact form plugin for WordPress. Moreover, the vin of the flooring is good, which easily makes it possible for other similar plugins. Seriously, I haven't hacked the plugin yet, which I've beaten him for equal customization. Today we’ll talk about setting up a contact form and take a look at plugins that seriously expand the capabilities of Contact Form 7.

The peculiarity of Contact Form 7 is that it is known as a novice, who simply needs a contact form, so for a baked professional, who loves to tinker in the settings and work everything “for yourself”.

I'm not going to bother with the installation of the plug-in, the impressions that everyone gets into trouble with.

After activating the plugin, one contact form is already created and completed. It’s even simpler, but for my own purposes I’ve made it even simpler. I don't have a contact form on my blog, so I'll have screenshots for this site.

A comprehensive list of forms is simple and intelligible, handy, how can you immediately select the contact form insertion shortcode without switching to the form editing mode.

I will look at the contact form settings in blocks, so it will be clearer and more accurate.

form template- a field in which the contact form fields are edited. HTML is supported, which allows you to customize the form as you like. You can add a caption to the skin field, you can insert a block of explanatory text, add a caption to the field in italics and that's all, on which to write fantasies.

I, as a lover of minimalism, removed all the signatures, and added the names of the fields to the placeholder fields.

Contact Form 7 support 16 types of tags, Yakі zroblyat form be-like folding. These and primary text fields, and special fields for phone number and E-mail validation, and checkboxes, and other fields. Let's take a closer look at the report.

Nalashtuvan is rich, but far from being zavzhd all the stinks of vikoristovuyutsya:

  • Check mark " Obov'yazhkove field"- rob the field of obov'yazkovim for filling.
  • fields idі class allow the field to be recognized as an authority class or as an identifier. Sometimes it is necessary to recognize the field of other styles.
  • fields sizeі maxlength set the expansion and the maximum allowance in the field. I have never once won a win and I can’t come up with a suitable script for a win. If you have any ideas - share in the comments
  • Nalashtuvannya author's name in the Akismet plugin, I also didn’t win in any way. Victory to fight against spam.
  • Significance for the lock I vikoristovuyu mayzhe zavzhdi. I don’t like to sign the fields in the form, so I value the value of the vicorist saver / placeholder

In the fields, a code is generated, which must be placed in form templates(They looked at the trochs more) and sheet template, About a new troch below.

addressee's appointment make it simple. Vlasne, the address of the vlasnik, for which it is necessary to overpower the form, the address of the administrator, which is automatically created on the basis of these forms (you can fix the address), the subject of the sheet.

additional headings- setting from the series “for additional information”, to know if it is necessary. field " Attached files»Check only if your form allows you to attach and edit this file. In this way, the code is added here, generated by the tag "Directed file".

In the field" sheet template»come on old look to be sent to the clerk of the list with the data of the contact form. I will not explain how to work with him, you can see everything from the screenshot.

Literally a couple of words about options " Destination-2 ": You can submit the contact form to one more email address. Nalashtuvannya similar to the block with the addressee. The thing is easy to finish, but not everyone needs it.

Well, the rest of the block is fixed - reminder. For the dermal okremo form, you can change the text of the warning about the skin. I won’t be afraid, I might need something else, I’ll give you all the information and so get it informative. Ale, it’s already possible to change it, it’s so fast.

Modules for Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7 Integrations

An even tighter plug-in for integrating contact forms to the site and third-party services for MailChimp and Google Docs. The plugin has a specific functionality, but with the development of CRM systems in large companies, its growth is growing.

Contact Form DB

It is easy to re-evaluate the value of this plugin: it allows you to record the corrected contact forms in the database of the site. Now, for sure, nothing will be ruined and you will always be under your hand. Plus, the plugin can show statistics behind the help of the shortcode. "Infobusinessmen" can brag about one to one number of people signed up for seminars

Contact Form 7 Select Box Editor Button

The plugin adds a menu that you can see, where you can choose the addressee of the form. It’s a more convenient thing, but it’s not necessary for all sites.

Contact Form 7 reCAPTCHA Extension

As the name suggests, the plugin adds the ability to insert reCAPTCHA into Contact Form 7. The original plug-in already supports the insertion of captcha, but the leader of the global market is still reCAPTCHA itself, it will not be possible to install it.

Contact Form 7 Modules

The plugin allows you to insert hidden fields into contact forms. Far from everything is necessary, but if I get to know them, I am still a raju. In addition, these fields can collect data about the post or the third party, in which form the form is edited, can transmit the url of the side and the author of the post.

But still not all ... I often had the same situation when adding a new field to the form, I simply forgot to add the field to the sheet template. You yourself will understand what I knew about only if the first sheets came without data from the first field. This plugin adds a module, adding some, you can forget about adding fields to the leaf template. All completed fields will be edited automatically.

Contact Form 7 Dynamic Text Extension

Amazing plugin that adds two new types of fields to Contact Form 7 - a field with dynamic content and an attached field with dynamic change. To put it simply, the value in the field is formed by a shortcode, with a lot of hints that scream with boundless possibilities. A lot of informational shortcodes have already been introduced into the plugin, so you can protest the plugin's robot without getting lost in the net settings. But all the same, this is a plug-in from the “not for everyone” series, keep it on your way.

Contact Form 7 Phone Module

Add a simple, but sometimes necessary plug-in, which adds an input mask to the phone field. Be in good condition for the standardization of the collection of information, which is good for a great reception, and when transferring numbers from the system analysis.

That’s all for now, I’m sure you haven’t lost the power “How to add a contact form to the site” or something like that. Well, everything is bad, nothing came out of you, everything was broken and nothing worked - write boldly in the comments, everything is fine.

Away from the day

Comments: 62

  1. Psyonid

    Have a nice day. I want to push the button "zamoviti" on one of the goods, koristuvach going to the page with the contact form, de one of the values ​​​​is already entered (selected from the list, for example) - to lie in the product, from which buv rehіd.

  2. Andriy Zenkov

    For your blog, not vicorist, but rich clients by inserting the plugin itself. pracyuє vіdmіnno, nіyakіh narіkan, galmuvan i t.p.

  3. Kostyantin

    What about working with the Contact-Form-7 plugin: 3rd Party Integration?

  4. Pavlo

    Thank you! Nice article!

  5. Alex

    It is necessary for me to increase the possibility for a koristuvach to add fields. For example, you need to enter Not 1 person, but 10. I don’t want to work “spread” for 10 equal fields. I would like to see the button "add a koristuvach" so either add the field, or show it earlier. Can you reach with this plugin?

      I don't think the CF7 is that crazy. Try FormCraft with Codecanyon

  6. pycc site

    Dyakuyu for the article. Ale, all the same, do not go out to fill out the form for your site

  7. Mike

    Good day. shanovny, and how to insert the form of the pivot link on the slider and the timer of the pivot return?

  8. Azat

    Good afternoon! The form edits the sheet. After the correction, the party is guilty of re-advancement, and then the deputy of the third party pardons ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE. You see the chrome. With a zagal you can show a side, nibito. Google knows nothing. Reinstalling the plugin - Marno. Techpidtrimka hosting to say that watch.js is blocked from Yandex. tse Webvisor, which is a connection to the site. Without it, the same is absolutely the same, that’s how it is, through the Yandex script, here the site is falling - it’s like madness. what could be the problem?

      Why is it good, really. To enable CF7, I would try editing on the default templates. What is the cost of the contact form, and what is on your site is cheated - food for a friend and an okremy

  9. Maksim

    I live! I have a problem with editing files, but the problem is that files come without names only with extensions. It is important for files with the name of the Russian language, as for the file the first letter is called Latin, and the other Russian, then the files are delivered with the normal name. Who is stuck like that, how to solve this problem?

    • Ivan

      I got stuck with the same behavior. Maxim, why did you solve the problem?

  10. Alex

    Good day. Nothing stuck, so you can fasten the class or id to the menu labels (select) (required for selecting the PIB reference from the list and the first photo. Just for the photo and required). Thank you in advance!

  11. Ostap

    Hello! Stuck with such a problem: there were about 6-7 ready-made forms of packing on the site different sides site, sogodni zayshov and having revealed that the plugin is pishov (!!!) himself! Stand on the sides of the shortcode, but there is no plugin itself! Seeing back as much as a day ago, only then we will show up again! Ale on the right in that there is no backup in that half of the important forms yaki already boules! If you want to make a backup, it’s still quiet, but there is no such possibility. Having installed the rest backup of the site on which there is no plugin already, if you want to reinstall it and see what I see:
    The catalog is recognized already. /home/nat0703/g/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/
    Plugin installation failed
    Who knows what the problem is, please be kind!

  12. Dmitro

    Dyakuyu for the article - know in the comments what shukav)))
    Axis The best food"The sheet is not overpowered." I contacted the technical support of my hosting - they said to transfer from php5.2 to php5.3 ... Zrobiv, everything is OK.
    hi be happy

  13. Andriy

    Good evening! Can you point out the problem. Everything is corrected and crim files reach. Please name the files to come. There is no wpcf7_uploads in the folder. Putting 777. All one can not be put into the folder.
    Maybe someone is having this problem. Go ahead!
    With respect Andriy

  14. Oleksiy

    It's wonderful to go out. You need to change the width of the form. I will prescribe how to put two numbers through a slash (60/20 for example) and the width does not change. What do you add divacity, on another site, with the same topic, everything works

    • Andriy

      The whole problem is in your template, and more specifically in style.css
      There are written zhorstki frames for all text fields, so the expansion is not changed

  15. Dmitro

    Can someone on this site help:
    Call for the possibility of selling goods to the cart for additional Ajax purchase form, like on this site: You can and not Ajax, but for the help of Contact Form 7, the smut worked.
    Specifically: adding the product to the cart in the form of a special form, in order to order the product from the taobao website, sending it to the new і zvorotnі danі (It's all easy to fight for the help of Contact Form 7). After the completion of the form, the goods are sent to the bag !!! At what price is that, yak they showed you in the same form.
    How can I realize such a possibility!?
    It is necessary that the qi z qієї forms went to the box, in which case the sum of the prices of the spell and the year will be carried out, they will be sent to the post office for payment.
    I’m sure, on this bastard, people hesitate to get the evidence of this weirdo. I will be more wise for advice. I'm looking for comments...

  16. Oleksiy

    Good afternoon, I'm stuck with such a problem. From one site it is managed, but not from another. I’ve interrupted everything, why don’t I know the problem, can anyone suggest?

  17. jaks

    Hello, I have this kind of problem. Everything is working fine and the sheet is being corrected, but I don’t reach me, so I’ll send you an e-mail in the form, trying to change it to another mail, please be kind

      Write to the hosting technical support, because they have your request

  18. Mikhailo

    Good afternoon. Please, tell me why on the right. Chi does not work contact form 7. After completing the form, I think for a long time and in the bag I see a pardon 504. So the form itself is completed correctly, but the leaves do not reach the post, the same is the same for the entrance and registration in special office(Plugin wp-recall).
    Tell me, be kind, why work?

      Good day. Setting up a mail server for hosting is necessary to marvel, go back to the tech support

  19. Sergiy

    I live! On the site of installation of the plug-in of merging vicons "dreamgrow-scroll-triggered-box". And also the Contact Form 7 plug-in. The idea is that I want to bring the CF7 inverted link into the merging form. Ale, when pressing the “correct” button, no visual information is displayed, so there is no confirmation that the field was filled in incorrectly, or the confirmation was successfully corrected. Ale, when you inform me, come to me by mail, so the function of editing by e-mail works. What will you please in this vipadka?

  20. Yuri