Entertain the robot program in Vikonavets. Informatics at the first school Starting environment of the Robot

It will be difficult for the people who have been programmed to deprive them of their choice on this or that other editorial complex, and even their a priori is completely impersonal. Well, so as not to get lost too far in all this fuss and fuss, I would like to give a short and brief excursion within the framework of this article about the most comprehensive software complex, which reveals a whole range of possibilities for young people, as the article suggests by our programmers. It is very important that if you decide to use the robot program in the future, as this conversation is about, you are guaranteed to take away basic skills from programming and other editorial activities.

Therefore, having chosen to use the robot program again, with a clear recommendation from me, you will receive a fully functional complex with many programming tools that There are fakhіvtsy up to professional software provision for this class. In the opinion of the current masters, directly active development of this programming, the program in the form of a Vikonavian robot, is voiced in the title, after downloading and installation, opens up endless possibilities for newcomers who may touch all the basics They have supraconical galus.

Enchant the robot program for free and without registration

The standard setup file of a program called Robot Studio usually includes a number of software tools that support a variety of tasks and does not require additional downloading of a third-party distribution. In other words, the advertised product is an ideal solution for newbies and already professionally qualified pharmacists who need to turn to the program to find nutritional supplements that have been lost in in our youth, unregulated, but suspended “in the wind,” let us say so.

There is a great number of integrations in the training of the teacher to make it even more advantageous and visible for representatives of the younger generation, until they respect themselves too much. In response to my thoughts, which were formed during the course of numerous questionnaire surveys, it became clear that there is simply no shortcut to this functionality and it is impossible.

Please review all my unspoken statements about the drive of this powerful and richly functional add-on for your purposes and goals, as a novice programmer, we will help you decide on the acquisition of the distribution kit from our site The site is asking for instructions on what to ensure, in addition to maximum speed, and the availability of advertising. You can also download other software from our site absolutely cost-free by going to the relevant section of the catalog.

The system can be used for the development of the following topics: “Vykonavetsya yogo commands”, “Procedures”, “Functions”, “Cycles”, “Mental Operators”, “Changes”, “Arithmetic Formulas”, “Logical Operations and Logical Changes” i", “Global changes”, “Operators of introduction and derivation”, “Symbolic rows”, “Arrays”, “Matrixes” and others.

Language programming at the center Vikonavci I'll explain Russified, programs are typed and edited using an additional editor with special syntax.

Basic designs are maintained movie C.

A reminder about amends When broadcasting, the text will be displayed in Russian language.

Dreams of awakenings manager Possibility of configuring programs in a step-by-step mode with different procedures and functions. The values ​​of these variables can be controlled by timely programs in the step-by-step mode.

Vikonavits' lives are displayed on the screen, vikorist animation.

For the Vikonavian Robot, a recheck is required the correctness of the decision Reset after finishing the robot program.

System benefits

The program runs on 32-bit operating systems of the line Windows: Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and crazy about them. Works on all current computers, borrows close to 1 MB on the hard drive.

In the operating system Linux you can run the program from the middle Wine. Additionally, you need to copy the font files from the Windows\Fonts folder (from the computer on which you installed Windows) to the folder /home/user/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts/ on your computer Linux.

After unpacking the archive, the program immediately stops working and does not require additional adjustments.

This site is no longer updated. Website K. Polyakova “Vikladannya, science and life” moving to the address kpolyakov.spb.ru. New addresses of the page you've been up to: Please, update your bookmarks. After 5 seconds you will be redirected to the new site automatically.


What is it?

From this page you can download the latest version of the system Vikonavci, methodological materials (div. side Methodology), as well as a localization file for English language, which will ensure the replacement of all language keywords, interface elements and system reporting on an English-language basis. Please note that with an updated version of the program it is also necessary love and localization file.


October 8, 2014
A new work program and control robots for the “Algorithmics” course (34 years old) have been posted. Author - L.A. Kayushkina, MBOU ZOSH No. 1, Ishimbay metro station of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

October 7, 2013
A new work program “Algorithm” has been posted for the education of the Vikonavians Robot, the Chart and the Turtle (Federal State Educational Standards, 34 years old). Author - N.Ye. Leko, Zosh No. 9, Tikhvin metro station.

3rd breast 2012
New lessons from Vikonavian Robot have been posted. Author - S.V. Chaichenko, MBOU Grushivska Zosh Aksai district of the Rostov region.

June 4, 2012
The initial program for the training of the Vikonavians has been added: Robot, Chartmaster and Turtle (34 years old). Author - N.Ye. Leko, Zosh No. 9, Tikhvin metro station.

February 16, 2012
A methodical task has been added to the task of Viconavian Robot. Author - N. Handramai, kerivnik - E.A. Maslova, lyceum No. 23, metro Kemerovo.


Navchalne seredovishche Vikonavci and methodical developments are expanded according to the principle "Yak є" - "As Is". This means that you are using them at your own risk and the risk and the author do not bear any responsibility for the harm that will be imposed on you especially and on your computer as a result of the selection of programs and techniques on this site.

  1. posting materials on other websites;
  2. expansion of new and changed materials;
  3. inclusion of materials to collections on any media of information that is distributed on a commercial basis;
  4. obtaining commercial benefits from the sale of other proprietary materials.

Use of the materials means that you have accepted the terms of the license.

Inspire materials from other authors

Course "Algorithm" (7th grade): Vikonavi Robot, Chart and Turtle. Author - L.A. Kayushkina, MBOU ZOSH No. 11, metro station of Ishimbaya Republic of Bashkortostan (472 Kb)
Work program “Algorithmics” (5th grade, Federal State Educational Standard): Vikonavtsi Robot, Chartmaster and Turtle. Author - N.Ye. Leko, Zosh No. 9, Tikhvin metro station (220 Kb)
Learning lessons from Vikonavian Robot. Author - S.V. Chaichenko, MBOU Grushivska Zosh Aksai district of the Rostov region. (2 454 KB)
Basic program: Vikonavtsi Robot, Chart and Turtle. Author - N.Ye. Leko, Zosh No. 9, Tikhvin metro station (200 Kb)
Author - G.A. Gavryukova, Municipal Educational Institution Zosh No. 68, metro Ryazan (ZIP archive, 3,380 Kb)
PROGRAM/TURTLE subcatalog with examples of programs for Vikonavian Turtle
PROGRAM/KURS subcatalog with sample programs for programming courses outside of Vikonavian
PROGRAM/FRACTALS sub-catalog with examples of programs for generating fractals

After unpacking the archive, the program will be in its original state and will not require additional settings.

Vikonavets Robot

Seredovishche Programming Idol

Often during lessons at school 20.1 it is necessary for the Vikonavian “Robot” to go down or go up in gatherings. It is necessary to understand that the descent and descent is affected one cycle. As a rule, in order to verify the feasibility of the algorithm, it is necessary to add information at meetings. The algorithm must proceed independently from the number of odds, for example, for two odds or for twenty.


On the unsloped field there is a horizontal wall that continues unswerved to the left and ends in a descent that descends to the right. The height of the skin step is two cells, the width is two cells. The robot is located on a horizontal wall for descent. The baby is given one of the methods for rotating the convergence and the robot (the robot is indicated by the symbol ).

Write an algorithm for the Robot that collects all the documents generated at the meetings. It is necessary to prepare only the plants that satisfy the whole mind.

For example, for the induced little one, the Robot is guilty of filling in the following:

The final reassembly of the robot may be more satisfactory. The algorithm must ensure a sufficient field size and a certain number of steps. Under the hour of defeating the algorithm, the Robot is not to blame for its mischief.


This is in the center of the Idol programming. Once the program is open, go to the Robot menu -> Edit environment

We'll go. Use the left mouse button to click on the walls of the room. The diamond (robot) is moved to the desired location by pressing the left mouse button

Visible in the edit mode of the menu Robot > Edit environment. Next we will write the command “Vikoristovvat Robot” on the first shodintsa.

I’ll first guess the commands for the Vikonavian Robot.

The commander said that

The algorithm must ensure that the field size and number of steps are sufficient

This means that the Robot is responsible for following the “Rest Now” cycle. It’s sized like this: there’s a wall below the robot, but it’s not clear from below. On the 4th row of the editor we write the command

It’s still not clear from below.

In the middle of the cycle it is necessary to sequentially exit the commands:

right down fill up right down fill up left down down fill up right down fill up

The finished program looks like this:

Vikorystuvati Robot alg start nts until bottom is not right right down fill up right fill up left down down fill up right down fill up kts con

To verify the algorithm, we need to add a few more steps and verify the result

Well, the algorithm will collect clients for any number of stages of convergence.

It is very important to write programs for Vikonavian Robot. This task is submitted to the task with a high level of complexity and allows you to earn an additional 2 points (for the right reason). Let's get on with our work.

A 9th grade graduate is guilty of a statement about algorithms, please write. To record algorithms, you can use language programming or formal language. Vikonavets Robot can vikonuvati algorithms, which can be done more specifically. The robot is given the title of Graphic Naval Commander (GRIS) because the results of its work are presented in a graphical form.

Who is this Vikonavets Robot?

Find a field in a cage (like a leaf sewn into a cage) on which there is an object, which we call a Robot. Vikorist we can keruvat with this Robot - move it along the walls, prepare the walls. And in most cases, our task is to write such a program for the Robot, which will end in the well-prepared song of the client.

Vikonavets Robot enter the package Idol (Set of Basic Worlds), which was developed by the Scientific Research Institute of Systematic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NDIS RAS) just for starting the program at school. Around the Robot in the Idol system there are other Vikonavians, but the stink of us has not yet been noticed.

Zavantazhiti vikonavets Robot

Well, we need the cob. Don't let those berate you because the name says 32-bit, the program runs perfectly on 64-bit Windows. If you use Linux, you can download the version for that OS.

Next you need to install the desired program. Here, I suspect, you are not at fault, the process is standard and intuitively sensible. If you can’t get out of the way, write in the comments, I’ll definitely help you. One thing - I recommend, when installed, to check out unnecessary items (all except Sereda Kumir)

After successful installation, a shortcut to launch the program will appear on your desktop

And after starting the program, we can open the program window

Vikonavets Robot - vikno program