Select the optimal heating coil. How to choose a heating coil Features of choosing motorcycle heating coils

The coil, often called a bobbin, is an electrical transformer that moves and creates a high-voltage electrical pulse. The pulse transforms into a spark on the electrodes of the spark plug and takes up fuel from the cylinder. The brightness of the spark and the originality of its creation ensure the reliability of the engine.

First, add a new bobbin, try to understand its reliability, behind the vodka of the hairdressers. Enjoy the mileage that you see in the device, and the engine’s acceleration and fuel consumption have not changed, maximum fluidity ta vikhlop CO.

The design of the cat must ensure:

  • reliable insulation between windings and turns;
  • high electric support between the body and mass;
  • quality of the body, especially plastic parts;
  • presence of microcracks;
  • reliability of electrical contacts and connections.

The high-acid bobbin reaches temperatures up to 180°C.

Tipi cat fire

The heating coils will ensure sparkling for all candles through additional separate devices. The B-116 igniter coil and these varieties are connected to the switching devices:

  • B-114;
  • B-115;
  • B-117.

The windings, devices are similar, but there are different supports and inductance of the primary and secondary windings and are used for vicorising in different systems zalyuvannya. For example, B-114 is used with contact systems, and B-116 is used with contactless transistor distributors. Resentment of cats arises from unrecognized schemes, not only due to malfunctions, but also due to shortcomings.

B-114 and B-117 are similar to the standard ones, but there are different terminal assignments and winding data. In some cases, this mutual replacement can give a positive result, but adjusting the fire using the standard method will not work. There will be activities after the fact.

Kotushka B-114 has a higher transformation coefficient than in others. The B-114 really needs to work hard in the engines and run on low-octane fuel, for example:

  • ZIL 130, 131;
  • GAZ-53, 66, 3102;
  • KaVZ.

Characteristics of popular steaming cats

Transformation coefficientDesign featuresStagnation of the coils
B114-B227 R, M, DRZIL-130, 131; GAZ-56, 66, 3102; PAZ, KAVZ
B115-V88 R, M, DRM-412, 2140, 2141; GAZ-24; ZAZ-968 and in.
B116153 R, M, DRGAZ-2410, 31029
B11778.5 R,MVAZ-2101, …07, 2121
B118115 R, M, E, DRZIL-131; GAZ-66 and in.
27.3705 82 R, MVAZ-2104, ... 09, 2121; M-2141; ZAZ-1102
29.3705 90 R, SVAZ-2108, 09 (MSUD); VAZ-1111; VAZ-2110
3009.3705 70 Z, ZGAZ-3302 (MSUD)
3112.3705 80 Z, ZVAZ-2107, ... 12; GAZ-31029
8352.12 R, MVAZ-2110,…12
P - opening of the magnetoconductor;
Z - closed magnetoconductor;
M - oil-filled coil;
C – dry cat;
E - shielded coil;
DR - the coil has an additional reference (0.9...1.0 Ohm)

They can be affected by a number of insignificant nuances that affect the performance of the engine. For example, the B-115V spool can be replaced by the B-117A. The characteristics of the B-115V and B-117A are practically identical. The level of spark discharge in the B-115V is tighter - 38 mA, and in the B-117A it is narrower - 30 mA. A strong spark is strong, a low one is weak, and replacing the B-115V with a B-117A does not lead to further negative consequences. Ale owners of cars with tachometers will find out that the displays on the device do not work together. This is available through the availability of the 117 model of additional resistor. So replacing the practically new B-115V fittings with the B-117A, or just like that, is always correct.

If your car has a B116 heat exchanger installed, you should know that they are produced in two modifications. For contact and non-contact systems. Modifications 03, 04 for contactless.

Modern cars most often have individual seals, for a skin candle you need to seal it. Individual transformers for skin candles significantly simplify the heating system, including electric lancet submodule

The most popular generators of such devices are:

  • German company Bosch;
  • Taiwanese Dynatec;
  • Italian

If the first company, Bosch, can be regarded as the general distributor of devices, then other Dynatec and ERA produce their clones, but to achieve a high technical level and for reliability they may not sacrifice the original, regardless of the lower price.

Vashtuvannya classic cat

All cars, built before the 80s, have one boiler, which is a transformer that moves.

The main elements of the installation: 1. central (high-voltage terminal), protected by a cover; 2. plastic cover; 3. secondary winding; 4. primary winding; 5. magnetoconductor; 6. slimy core; 7. body.

Pulse 12 is applied to the primary winding, which transforms into a high-voltage discharge with a voltage of 20-30 kilovolts at the spark plug electrodes. High-voltage voltage pulses are supplied to the spark plugs step by step with the help of a contact or electronic distributor.

Individual cat washing

Individual beans are in no way different from the classic ones, but they are more reliable, although they, at a minimum, sometimes take part from the original, which is rich in drives its resource.

In addition, a diode is often installed in individual bobbins, which produces a high voltage.

Such coils heat up much less and are more reliable and easy to adjust. central processor for reach optimal robot engine at different locations.

Features of replacing car heating coils

For example, if the BYD F3 ignition coil for the 4G18 engine went wrong, then you can choose a couple of options for replacement:

  • equipped with a vibrator - BOSCH, F01R00A010;
  • similar, with serial number 880317A, which is manufactured by ERA.

It’s no joke that Dynatec doesn’t vibrate the ignition devices for such engines.

Doctors, according to car service technicians, the Italian ERA bobbin is as reliable as a Bosch coil, but much cheaper, there is no sense in wasting pennies on the original. Prote the German brilliance of BOSCH suggests a richly re-converted version of the Chinese version, and a cover version of the Italian company ERA.

Please note that the BOSCH company, being a generator of original ideas, regularly modernizes its products, which cannot be said about companies such as ERA, which publish copies.

If you are purchasing BOSCH spare parts, be sure to check your product number. Between the same series there may be minor differences in the shape of the fastening or the thickness and diameter of the gaskets, which can complicate the installation of the device. ERA spare parts are more convenient, the range of their products is much more modest, lower than that of BOSCH.

If you are the owner of the car of the Volzhsky plant, and you have a marvelous Radian auto industry bobbin produced by COATE (Stary Oskol), then feel free to exchange it for a Dynatec analogue. AvtoVAZ recommended such a replacement back in 2012, and it was done without cost at company service stations. It would be better to replace the module with a similar one from BOSCH.

Features of the choice of motorcycle coils

Not only automobile engines of internal fires and stench are equipped with moving transformers for spark creation:

  • govnovih engines;
  • mopeds and motorcycles;
  • lawnmowers;
  • chainsaws;
  • electric generators.

If you are choosing a coil for a Verkhovina moped, if you have installed a B-300, then remember that a device with a similar name B-300B has fewer turns in the alarm circuit. Therefore, replacing the B-300 with the B-300B is impossible. Stop the engine from starting. If you replace the B-300 with a similar device like the IZh motorcycle, the engine will work well.

Radian scooters such as “Murashka” and “Tourist” were equipped with B-51 reels. View car attachments, this is surprising because not 12, but 6 volts are supplied to the primary winding. With its design, the B-51 is in no way different from other motorcycle cats. A lot of Vlasnik motorized scooters with B-51 coils replace them with 12-volt cars. The transformation coefficient is sufficient to create an acid spark no worse than B-51.

Vibir coils for chainsaws

If you are the owner of the popular Taiwanese chainsaw Shtil: MS170, MS180, 017 or 018 and actively work with it, then you may have already encountered a problem with the magneto going out of tune. The Shtil company completes all chainsaws with the same coils CH000013-5. Shtil 180 cats have proven themselves to be equipped with reliable devices, so there is no need to replace Shtil 180 with an analogue, except in extreme cases. Practice has shown that analogues of bobbins of 180 unknown pickers do not vibrate two working tires. At the same time, the original models are subject to more than one reaction, perhaps with intense interest. Also, 180 coils are not suitable for use with other Chinese chainsaws.

When buying a cat, we must first pay attention to its characteristics, take advantage of the infusion of its inconsistency into the operation of the engine and choose a choice from household brands. If you have chosen an analogue, be prepared to have to change the parameters of the firing system.

The ignition system coil is a very important element, the main function of which lies in the conversion of voltage from low-voltage to high-voltage. The voltage is given to be out of the middle rechargeable battery generator chi. The coil of the contact ignition system is significantly different from the similar element of the non-contact system.

Contact system coil

In a contact system, the coil consists of many important elements: a core, primary and secondary windings, a cardboard tube, an interchanger and an additional resistor. The features of the primary winding are equal to those of the secondary winding – fewer turns (up to 400). In the second winding of the coil, its capacity can reach 25 thousand, but in this case its diameter is much smaller. All copper darts from the cat are well-isolated. The core of the coil changes the light of the vortex jets, it is made from a mixture of transformer steel, which is also one type of well insulated. The lower part of the core is installed in a special porcelain insulator. Today there is no need to overthink the principle of the coil's operation, it is enough to remember that in a contact system such an element (voltage converter) is of key importance.

Coil of non-contact firing system

In a non-contact system, the heating coil has the same functions. And power manifests itself only in the middle element that transforms the tension. It also means that the electronic switch is interfering with the life of the first cat. As for the ignition system itself, the non-contact system is much better for its richness of parameters: the ability to start the engine at low temperatures, there is no disturbance in the uniformity of the spark distribution in the cylinders, there is no vibration. All these advantages are provided by the cat itself in a non-contact steaming system.

Purification of the cat

When it comes to the signs of the presence of a contact ignition system versus a non-contact ignition system, everyone is immediately interested in marking. In fact, you can immediately determine which system the cat is being tested for. However, we point out the most modern and technical features of the coils, so we will point out the importance of these parameters:

  • The coil in the contact firing system has a greater number of turns in the first winding. This change immediately flows into the support and the vastness of the stream that passes through. In addition, the interfacing of the wire on the contacts is ensured with safety (so that the contacts do not burn).
  • The contacts of the spool valve in a non-contact system do not become dirty or scorched. Such reliability allows one to overlook one important advantage: the setting of the moment of firing does not take many hours.
  • The coil in the non-contact ignition system is stronger and more reliable. This advantage is directly related to the fact that a non-contact spraying system is a more reliable option. Therefore, in such a system, the coil gives greater pressure to the engine.

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  1. They have different markings, which indicates the difference between the two cats.
  2. In a contact system, the coil has a greater number of turns.
  3. The contacts of the coil changer of the contactless system are the most reliable.
  4. The coil itself in a non-contact steaming system gives great pressure.

More recently, throughout the evolution of carburetor gasoline engines with a contact system, the firing coil (or as drivers of yesteryear often called it - “bobbin”) practically did not change the design and appearance of high voltage transformer metal sealed glass filled with transformer oil to improve the insulation between the turns of the windings and cooling.

The invisible partner of the coil is the distributor - a mechanical low-voltage switch and a high-voltage distributor. The spark was supposed to appear in the main cylinders at the moment of compression of the burning mixture - strictly at the right moment. The distributor acted and generated a spark, and synchronized with the engine strokes, and distributed the spark plug.

The classic oil-filled boiler - “bobbin” (which in French meant “cat”) - was extremely reliable. Due to mechanical infusions, protecting the steel glass to the body, in case of overheating, heat is effectively transferred through the oil, which fills the bottle. However, with the low-censored verse in the original version “On the right was not in the bobbin - the idiot of the seats at the cabin...”, it turns out that the reliable bobbin did fail from time to time, perhaps because the water is no longer the same diot...

If you look at the diagram of the contact system of the firing system, you can see that when the engine is turned off, it can be stuck in any position of the crankshaft, both from the closed contacts of the low-voltage switch in the distributor and from the open circuits. If, when the engine is turned off at the front, it is stuck in the position of the crankshaft, in which the cam of the distributor closes the contacts of the breaker, which supplies low voltage to the primary winding of the firing coil, then if for any reason the firing switch is turned on, the engine does not start, and the key is deprived of the coil of the coil could have overheated and burn... Because a steady stream of 8-10 amperes begins to pass through it instead of an intermittent pulse.

Officially, the coil of the classic oil-based type is irreparable: after the fire, the windings collapsed into ruins. It’s been a long time since electricians at car depots managed to repair bobbins - they flared the body, added oil, rewound the windings and put them back together again... So, the clock was on!

And even after the widespread introduction of non-contact ignition, in which the contacts of the distributor were replaced by electronic switches, the problem of burning coils began to arise. Most switches have been transferred automatically vimknennya the stream through the boiler is fired at a high speed, but the engine is not running. In other words, after turning on the ignition, it started during a short time interval, and if the driver did not start the engine for an hour, the switch automatically went out, protecting both the coil and itself from overheating.

Dry cats

At the next stage in the development of the classic boiler, the combustion chamber became visible in an oil-filled housing. “Wet” cats changed to “dry”. Structurally, the same cat itself, without a metal body or oil, is coated with a ball of epoxy compound for protection against sawing and burning. She worked with this same distributor, and often it was possible to sell both old “wet” cats and new “dry” ones for the same car model. The smells are mutually interchangeable;

For the average car wearer, the change in technology from “wet” to “dry” essentially had no advantages or disadvantages. It is clear that the rest was prepared well. “Profit” was cut off only by the producers, and the scraps were used to prepare the “dry” cat much more simply and cheaper. However, since the “dry” bobbins of foreign car manufacturers were thought out from the very beginning and were prepared to dry thoroughly and served as much as the “wet” ones, the Radyan and Russian “dry” beans gained filthy glory, and a lot of problems with the taste and went out of order to finish it often without whatever the reasons.

So, otherwise, today’s “wet” boilers from the fire have completely given up the place “dry”, and the content of the remaining ones is practically not a problem.

Bulk hybrid cats: the original “dry” cat and the original non-contact ignition switch were combined into a single module. Such designs were found, for example, on monoporous Fords, Audis and others. On the one hand, it looked incredibly technological, on the other hand, the reliability decreased and the price increased. Even two wuzleys, which warm up better, were combined into one, so that the stench cooled down more quickly, and when it came out of the way, the replacement was cheaper...

Oh, and into the treasury of specific hybrids: on old Toyotas there is often a variant of the cat that is integrated directly into the distributor distributor! It was integrated, naturally, not tightly, and when it came out of order, the “bobbin” could be easily removed and creamed.

Firing module – distributor type

A significant evolution in the cat world took place during the development of injection engines. The first injectors are small in their warehouse “partial distributor” - a low-voltage coil of the coil is already commutating the electronic block of the engine, and the spark axis is in the cylinders, as before, distributing a classic runner distributor, which is driven into the From the split shaft. From this mechanical unit it became possible to see the combination of the coil, which had a number of sides around the coil, which corresponds to the number of cylinders. Such units began to be called “fired modules.”

The electronic engine control unit (ECU) contains 4 transistor switches, which supply 12 volts to the primary windings of all four coils of the firing module, and these in their own way send a high spark pulse and apply tension to your candle. More and more often there are simplified options for combined coils, more technologically advanced and cheaper from the manufacturer. The stench in one housing of the module of the firing of a four-cylinder engine is located not just from two coils, but from two, but also from several spark plugs. In this scheme, the spark is supplied to the spark plugs in pairs - so that one spark plug comes at the moment required for the spark, and the other spark is idled, at the time of release of the processed gases from that cylinder.

The next stage in the development of combination coils was the transfer of electronic switches (transistors) from the engine control unit to the casing of the firing module. The removal of pressure transistors that heat up during operation, “free” by reducing the temperature regime of the ECU, and when some kind of electronic switch switch fails, it is enough to replace the coil, and not change or solder the folding and expensive control unit. In some cases, individual immobilizer passwords are often prescribed for each car.

To the skin cylinder - according to the cat!

Another typical solution for modern gasoline cars in the field of ignition, which works in parallel with modular coils, is individual coils for the skin cylinder, which are installed in the candle well and in contact with the without any middle ground, without a high-voltage dart.

The first “personal cats” were cats themselves, but then they lost switching electronics – the same as with ignition modules. The advantages of this form factor are the ability to handle high-voltage darts, as well as the ability to replace one coil rather than a whole module when it goes wrong.

True, it is easy to say that in this format (coils without high-voltage wires that are mounted on a candle) there are coils that look like a single block, united by a filament base. So, for example, love vikorystuvati GM and PSA. The axle is truly a terrible technical solution: the coils are cleaned, but when one “bobbin” goes out of order, you have to change a large and expensive block from the collection.

How far have we come?

The classic oil-filled bobbin was one of the most important and lowest-cost units in carburetor and early injection-powered cars. Raptovy exits from harmony with respect to rarity. True, it is reliable, unfortunately, “compensating” for an invisible partner - the distributor, and then - the electronic switch (the rest, however, was the only ones left out). “Oil” “dry” cats that came for change were rejected for hope, but still more often went wrong for no apparent reason.

The injection evolution has caused trouble with the distributor. Thus, various designs appeared that did not require a mechanical high-voltage distributor - a module and a coil around a number of cylinders. The reliability of such structures has decreased even more due to the complexity and miniaturization of their “detritus”, as well as the extremely important minds of their work. Through a number of rocks with constant heating from the motor, on which the coils were mounted, cracks were created on the dry ball compound, through which the voltage was lost to the high-voltage winding, sparking breakdowns in the middle of the windings and ignition bath. In the large pots installed near candle wells, there are even more baking ovens. Also, do not like the lower current seals of the motor unit and the increased gap in the electrodes of the spark plug, which is created as a result of the remaining work of the rest. The spark always looks for the shortest path and often finds it in the middle of the bobbin winding.

As a result, today the most reliable and correct design with basic and fastenings can be called an ignition module with embedded electronics, which switches, installations on the engine with a wind gap and Communication with spark plugs and high-voltage wires. Less reliable separate coils are installed in the wells of the block head, and it is not at all far, in my opinion, the solution to the appearance of united coils on a single ramp.

The car boiler is ignited with a small metal vibrator, which is used to ignite the spark plug in engines. The resource of the cats is obviously small, because they have to work under great stress and especially aggressive minds.

Why do you need steaming cats?

Engines running on gasoline and gas are liable to burn out. The best way to deal with problems is to use electrical devices on a spark plug. However, the operating voltage in them reaches very little tens of thousands of volts. Here you need a coil, the fragments in it can be converted into a 12 volt current from the battery to 50 thousand volts. In this case, the cat, despite its simplicity, seriously suffers from external influxes. Therefore, the average mileage will be 70 thousand kilometers.

Report about the device

Many electrical devices are based on the law of self-induction. A heavy-duty ignition coil consists of the following elements:

  • The outer ball, there you go primary winding, with goods honey diameter 0.8 mm. Number of turns: 250-400 pieces;
  • Inner ball, there you go secondary winding from a thin copper dart with a diameter of 0.1 mm. Number of turns: 19-25 thousand pieces;
  • The core is made of special transformer steel, which has a miraculous accessible ferromagnet.

You can also see switching devices, both high and low voltage terminals. Others are connected to the battery and metal part of the car, almost directly to the frame.

It works like this: the flow from the assembled engine (in the car, the generator or the battery) initially operates at the first winding, creating electromagnetic field. When the lance is opened, the effect of self-induction is avoided: in the second winding, when the power is changed (reducing it to zero), a pulse of electrodestructive force is induced. Unscientifically, the secondary winding “relies” on the sudden change in power in the primary winding. In this case, the EPC value depends on the number of turns and the thickness of their winding. As a result, from just a few volts, you can subtract tens of thousands of volts that are required by the firing system.

Core Let’s fumble around - this way we’ll get less warm. The heated core introduces nonlinearity into the system, which is why it is not possible to achieve a consistently high inductance value for the entire coil. As soon as the core is activated, the inductance will be too low.

To avoid inconveniences, own a cat additional supports(allows overheating to be eliminated) and capacitors (to soften the voltage cuts that overflow the spark), isolate skin from balls(Does not allow the lance to close itself). It is significant that the cat often compensates for the shortfalls of high-voltage darts.

See the steaming systems

In addition to the need to ignite the combustion chamber, the following systems are available:

  • Rozpodilcha. One cat took in all the work on a robot with many cylinders. The system is outdated and not very reliable, today it occurs only in older cars;
  • “Twin spark”. High voltage from one coil will ensure the operation of two candles, which operate from synchronously swaying pistons. In this case, the energy provides a spark in one candle, and the other is wasted. The DIS systems are separated and the DIS-COP has been modernized;
  • Individual. The cat is placed directly on the burning candle. The demand for high-voltage motors is also falling. Also called the COP system.

While the COP system is not necessarily expanded, the current automakers demonstrate the advantage of it itself: regardless of the complexity, it appears that the end-fired system includes only a few elements that must be properly handled until the pistons collapse in the cylinders. With it, waters play against reliability, readiness for repairs and, not surprisingly, external view- There is no more wiring under the hood that sag.

Let's figure out the replacement time

There are a lot of problems with the cat, why do they duplicate them? burning candle. And to yourself:

  • Gasoline consumption has increased;
  • The engine is expected to work;
  • Tension set in;
  • Exhaust gases have become more “harsh”;
  • The engine started “three”;
  • There was suspected vibration in the unit;
  • It has become important to start.

In this case, as we wrote above, the resource of the cat can be replaced with a coat a number of reasons: ingress of water, oil vapors and auto chemicals, overheating. Some cats will immediately get out of trouble through the breakdown of insulation. The candles themselves can overwhelm them, causing the cat to burn out. Particularly in case of spills, individual systems that operate at extreme temperatures will require additional protection.

About the expensive preparation process

What are the great transformers and winders for electric motors, but small automobile coils cost decent pennies. Of course, there is no sense in comparing automotive electrics with this at the station, but it is also only possible due to materials and manufacturing technologies.

The fragments of the secondary winding are folded with a different wire, which cannot be properly wound with a simple right hand: a wire with a thickness of 0.1 mm must lie evenly, without any distortions. If you want to put a lot of friction in the cat, you can be blamed for the fact that the whole vibration is starting to heat up. Due to overheating, the insulation will fail.

Very important pressing of wires. When the engine is running, the car begins to vibrate, which also plays a role in the separation of other wiring in the middle of the coils. If the stench swells loudly, there is a risk of a short burst.

The temples hang down to the materials. The body of the coil may be subject to greater mechanical stress. Today the case is made of impact-resistant ABS plastic. The insulating materials in modern cats can lead to chemically aggressive substances.

Can be used for a long time

Virobniks place the coils in housings lined with epoxy resin, and most often with transformer oil. Be careful to prevent the device from overheating. It is also on the conscience of the owner of the car that he will never have to inspect the part for mechanical damage.

The coils should be kept near the wiring. High-voltage particles need to be kept clean. They are stuck together with glue, as they are covered with a ball of oxide and brood.

Don't forget follow the candles. They change very rarely, unless some spark plugs fail during the vehicle’s entire cycle from purchase to delivery to the vehicle, the faulty spark plugs need to be replaced as soon as possible, nakshe stink "vb'yut" cat.

Unfortunately, the ignited coils are beyond repair. The coils in them are laid so tightly that even if the insulation breaks down, the situation cannot be helped. In this case it is necessary to change the entire device. They themselves suffer from episodes of overheating.

Robimo is the right choice

It’s best to choose the original using the vehicle’s VIN code. Since the fire cat is located here in the middle of the fire, it reacts strongly to any changes in the characteristics specified by the car's generator. For example, since a candle consumes a lot of energy, you can’t protect the cat, but the rest will simply burn out. You can deduct another “bonus”: if you call The spark plug gap is very large If the voltage is high, you need to find a workaround to test the insulation.

You can also go to the dealer and provide him with information about the attack:

  • Auto engine;
  • Model;
  • Rik release;
  • Vehicle body type.

You should choose the cat to place in the box where it was installed abnormal possession. Or you can simply remove the cat and ask the dealer to select the same identical analogue.

Brand tour

The number of OEM-coils is significant due to the fact that these companies are violating the fact that they will be overinsurance. Doesn't mean that the original is stupid. As soon as you win, you will almost immediately select the spare parts you need, install them and turn on the road.

For expensive goods, gain respect for those that lie near the boxes with names advancing companies: Valeo (France), Beru (Nimeccia), Magneti Marelli (Italy). The vigor of cats from these companies is very high, but the price seems to bite.

The most popular cats are from these companies: Bosch (Nimechina), NGK (Japan), Tesla (Czech Republic).

Budget decisions may benefit from cats from the Czech company Profit, as well as from the Danish JP Group. They will have to be replaced more often than travel devices, but in any case, their purchase will be profitable.


Knowing how to choose the right way to fire a cat, you will always be beautiful. According to Pershe, this device will go out of order and finish often. Many car enthusiasts confuse problems with the catalytic converter with spark plugs or high-voltage wires. In a different way, the various specifications of the manufactured coils and their robots will help you not only recognize the part, but also correctly select the related components, like guessing the spark plugs and wires. As a rule, fire-catchers don’t cost a lot of pennies, depending on what you have new car With an individual heating system, replacement will cost a pretty penny. At the same time, we are happy to replace the cats from Valeo, Beru (they are definitely recommended to you by your friends in the motor industry) or as a finance company, Profit and the Danish JP Group. Don’t forget that you can get a complete diagnosis of the ignition system at your service station.

The ignition system of an automobile gasoline engine is designed to remove the burning mixture in the engine cylinders. For this purpose, the power of high voltage is used to create an electrical breakdown in the wind gap of the spark plug. Place the fragments of the vehicle's on-board voltage at the most important number of drops 12, then to form high-voltage pulses from the ignition coil. All of them, without a doubt, work on the same principle, except that when choosing a heating coil for a specific type of engine, it depends on several factors.

Firing the cat

A high-voltage transformer, considered by car enthusiasts as an ignited coil, is constructed in the classic way - two windings (high-voltage and low-voltage) and a metal core made of special transformer steel.

The ability of the ignited coil to always lie in the core of the manufactured windings, the low-voltage parts work at high values ​​of the flow, and the high-voltage ones are vulnerable to voltage breakdowns between the power turns. To turn off inter-turn breakdowns and damage to the insulation of wires through vibration, the windings of the coils will leak through special warehouses.

Tipi cat fire

Historically, automobile engines were equipped with one ignition coil, and the supply of voltage to the necessary spark plug was organized in a contact-split method. This design revealed a number of shortcomings and was immediately replaced by a folding one, since a number of coils were placed in one case, the skin of which was suitable for molding high voltage into two candles. Nowadays, most of the new power plants have individual firing coils for the skin cylinder and are installed directly on the firing candle.

On one side, the level of the ignition system has increased, and instead of one coil on the engine, the fragments are installed like a splint. Otherwise, there is no need for long high-voltage wires and the reliability of the system as a whole increases, so the output from one coil can be reduced to only one cylinder, rather than two or all Immediately.

Yak cat, pick up a car

Most car manufacturers destroy their boilers by igniting a completely new model of power plant. As a rule, coils are not interchangeable in terms of structural and electrical characteristics. The installation of an incorrect cat can lead to the following consequences:

  • the presence of a normal spark on the spark plug;
  • getting out of the way of the coil control circuits;
  • out of the way of the cat itself.

Does that cat have a fire? Speed ​​up the electronic search system for your car or your VIN code. The result of your search may be an original spare part or a new analogue. third-party vibrator. Don’t stress yourself out with trips to the store, you can get it done in the best way possible!