Expanding the cluster for the hour of formatting. Select the size of the cluster for formatting hour Minimum size of the hard drive block

Surely, you have already seen such a picture more than once - you see the power of the folders with files and you shove, rozmіr tsієї і rozmіr files, sho borrow on disk, save in nіy. The cost is small, but still it’s possible, not "step" tse Windows, like, for example, at a glance with zhorstky messages, which are seen by the Explorer for real files with a whole real world?

No, for the first time Windows doesn’t get anything, it actually pops up like a folder with files, so it’s free space, which won’t take up space on the disk. All on the right is near the clusters, or rather, in the modern world.

Mother right with clusters is rarely brought up, when formatting a disk, it’s been expanded, and few people have respect for the moment, but still, it’s different. But what about the whole cluster? Speaking with my simple cluster- the least amount of memory on the disk, you can write a file to the yaku. If you see the disc in front of you, it looks like it’s in a cell, then the cluster will be a bright cell. It is not necessary, however, to stray clusters with sectors, you can talk about clusters even if they are logically divided on the disk with a file system, which indicates the size of the cluster.

And now about those who can’t wait until the month that they are busy with files on the disk.

On the right, in the fact that a priori, a cluster cannot be half-completed, either by employment or by necessity. Let's say the cluster size is at your warehouse warehouse 64 Kb. How do you write to a new file with a ROM? 2 Kb, then everything is the same on the disk 64 Kb. Take a look at the first screenshot.

text file 2.81 Kb borrows on disk 2 MB and all to the fact that such a rozmіr can cluster itself. I realized that it is irrational to conquer such a cluster expansion, shards of space on the disk in the same way can be quickly restored, however, not so unequivocally.

Note: you can recognize the total number of clusters on the disk with the command fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo X:, de X- volume letter. Data are shown in the sixteenth system of numbers.

Vicoristannya clusters in a small rozmіru tezh maє nedolіki.

Koristuvachs of any operating systems at least once stuck with such concepts, like a cluster. This word means a single value, according to which it is possible to understand the size of the room for saving files. Call the rozmіr to lie down in obedience to the memory of the wearer.

you need


  • In order to recognize the rozmir oseredkіv (clusters) on a hard disk, it is enough to understand how this value is formed. This expansion is displayed during formatting hard drive the program itself, the algorithms of which are the same for all utilities. For example, for carrying a volume of less than 1 GB, the size of the cluster is up to 1 KB, for 4 GB, the value is moved up to 4 KB, and so on.
  • However, do not forget the data zvedenih tables program formatting virnі. When converting from one file system to a different cluster size, you can add the same value, which is standard for the resulting file system. For example, after converting a hard drive from FAT32 to NTFS, the average amount of information saved does not exceed the value of 512 bytes.
  • Іsnuє skolka ways to quickly recognize the size of the cluster, without installing additional software security. One of them will help you to defragment the system and other divisions. For this, press the "Start" menu and select "Control Panel". Click on the "Administration" icon at the top of the window.
  • At the window, open the label “Keruvannya computer” and go to the section “Safeguarding data” (an extension to remember). For this block, it is necessary to run the "Disk Defragmentation" command.
  • Press the "Analyze" button. After a few seconds, the vibrations of the hard disk are automatically scanned. Press the button “Vesti zvіt” to look over detailed information hard disk mill. Have a vіknі vіknі vаgі vаgu vаdіnі ryad "Rozmir klustera". For this application, the value was 4 KB, and the system share was less than 12 GB.
  • It is better to save the information about the selections in some cases. Press the "Save Yak" button. In the window, enter the directory of savings, name the file and press the Enter key.
  • 10. 06.2018

    Blog of Dmitry Vassiyarov.

    Which cluster size should be selected when formatting - I can’t choose

    I am familiar with my readers and today it is acceptable for me to move from theory closer to practice. Today we know, what kind of cluster expansion to choose when formatting NTFS. The NTFS itself often stands at the expense of the majority of coristuvachs, to which it is pushed. The real task is to blame for the hour of preparation of the hard disk before reinstall Windows. And also in other situations.

    On the other hand, we can guess what kind of cluster and NTFS and what kind of connection between these concepts. Also, the memory of the computer (flash drives, memory cards) is broken up into sectors with a total of 512 bytes and 4 Kb, so they are grouped into clusters. Obviously, the cluster expansion is a multiple of the sector obligation.

    Ale, I generously thank you for your intuition and computer intuition, as a help to choose optimal size clusters. On whom I will finish and say goodbye to you.

    Up to quick insights in new topics of my blog.

    (hard drive or a flash-accumulator) is not a big piece, but a system of memory centers, which are called clusters. The skin of them is given a unique serial number. Still hanging, the rest of the memory is broken into blocks.

    Now let's wonder what the cluster expansion is like. It's simple, a chain of expansion of one disk in the middle of the memory. For help modern tools you can set absolutely be-yak value. The cluster expansion is being restored at the hour of formatting. Vin can be less than five hundred and twelve bytes and more. Tse already stale for your purposes.

    Now let's figure it out, now the entire cluster expansion is being restored. To fight for the correct capture of your information on the other hand. I also add to the optimization of robots. It appears that it is necessary to plant the purpose for which the victorists need to be attached. As mentioned earlier, the size of the cluster is determined by the hour of formatting the accumulation of information. The first was given the opportunity to koristuvachs to work independently on the Windows XP operating system.

    Before starting this process, you need to choose the type of file system. For big accumulators, it’s better to set FAT 32 sooner. Also, the varto is filled with the standard cluster size. NTFS more pidide for hard drives. True, in any case, your attachment will be inaccessible to such operating systems, like Windows 98 and similar to it.

    After that, as you are assigned to the file system, you need to set the size of the cluster. No matter what you do, the system will install a standard expansion, which will add some kilobytes. What should be done to protect the hour of the choice of expansion? The smaller the cluster, the more data you can place on your nose. For example, if you want to complete the cluster with a large one, the file, which can be smaller, will still occupy the entire cluster. Well, it's true, at times, all the data from the disk will significantly increase. As soon as you install a rozmir, which is more expensive than one kilobyte, then the files of similar rozmiriv take up only a quarter of a comm and no more. It’s also worth giving priority in quiet vipadkas, if you have a flash drive without victoria. Such a situation will have fewer clusters. Prote significantly change the speed of reading information.

    To that you are to blame for the fact for which you will win the baptism. If you plan to trim a movie library on one of the hard disk partitions, then you can format it with the maximum cluster sizes. To give the disc the opportunity to richly swipe and revise the data, as if on a new record. Yakshcho tse will be system disk, then this cluster is not guilty of revisiting the standard expansion. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of brown money, adje Operating systems avenge a lot of files in a small space. Until then, I’ll bring it to the point that the disk will be used for a great amount of time to collect data.

    It's too early for any computer to perform such a procedure, like formatting a disk. When you want to start, the system needs power supply, which is a cluster expansion, which is often put in a deaf corner of the ears (and not only) of the PC.

    How the computer collects data

    In order to understand how to choose the optimal size of the disk cluster more quickly, it is necessary to look at the robot at a glance. To forgive everything, you can figuratively show the memory of the hoarder at the sight of the stone, on the walls of which impersonal numbered small screens are stashed.

    Also, there will be a directory (disk map) that is needed so that the system does not look at all the “screens”, but it knows, for example, that the file with the audio recording is in the screens with the numbers 45 to 62. when writing the file to the memory, there were no empty screens that could be left to sleep, and the computer wrote the file at the screen from 45 to 50 and from 65 to 77.

    Apparently, it is displayed in the catalog, and if the system needs to get a file for work, it won't "marvel" at the disk map and "delete" the required record from the screenshots. The size of the cluster can be figuratively compared with the size of the box.

    Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that a computer cannot put shmatochki in one screen other files, otherwise there will be stray in catalosis. Obviously, either part of the file can take up the entire volume of the screenshot, or it can be smaller. From the pointing butt, it is clear that only one screen can be used - at least one memory is possible, which is seen for saving a small file, which is called “cluster expansion”.

    Navigate to format

    We are going to do this operation to clean up the disk again. Even though the space is occupied by anonymous files, then in case of extreme remoteness, the system will work according to your needs, but in some cases you can get stuck in the whole procedure in general.

    If you want to viconuate formatting, then it is not obov'yazkovo physically to see the data from the skin in the middle - you can choose such a parameter, like "shvidka cleansing zmistu". With this method, the disk as a whole is erased, and only entries from the directory. The system will be given a command to accept the cluster as data, which will be replaced, obviously, when writing a new file, the old data will simply be replaced by the new one. Tse vikoristovuyut deakі programs that innovate deleted files- As long as there is no new record in the cluster, it is still possible to win in the same place.

    Another reason, if you need to change the power supply, what size of the cluster you need to choose when formatting, will be to change the file system.

    Vіdminnostі mіzh rozmіtkami diskіv

    If you continue the analogy with the room filled with screens, then you will understand that you can different ways order the data in them, as well as systematize the entries in the catalog. The skin of such methods will be called a perfect file system, with its advantages and disadvantages.

    How will you hack from them, lie in the first line of the operating system, as you plan to hack the computer itself, and what kind of expansion files will be stored in your memory.

    Here, it should be noted that the concept of a “cluster” is taken up to the rosettes created for the Windows OS family and the Macs of the Apple type.

    FAT file system

    The hard disk layout has been used in DOS operating systems and early Windows, up to XP version. At the same time, under the understanding of the “cluster expansion”, the meaning of the minimum lot of the hard disk was nabul, as it could be seen for the collection of data.

    Clarification! Physically, the smallest disk space with data is a sector, with a volume of 512 bytes, such as in a cluster, stale in the OS file system, can be reduced from 1 to 128 pieces. Obviously, this value can be from 512 bytes up to 64 Kbytes.

    FAT itself is used in three versions, which are reviewed by each other to record the cluster number in the catalog. Tse FAT 12, 16 and 32. It was understood that the number of “screenshots” could be given to those who had it, more of them could “increase” the OS of the computer.

    Nedolіki that obezhennya FAT file systems

    The reverse side of the medal is those that, if there are more screenshots, lower the system, then not everyone will win, but only those who will stick numbers. Through this great hard disk, you may either not be formatted in this file system, or show a smaller amount after the operation.

    Another minus is those that the cluster occupies a few sectors, then you can spend free space even if it is 32 Kb, and from them only 1 Kb will be occupied, then the decision 31 will be left unoccupied.

    The exchange, as a rule, to select the minimum and maximum size of the cluster for formatting, will be advanced:

    FAT file system version

    Maximum number of clusters

    Minimum size of the cluster / Disk volume at any value

    Maximum cluster size / Disk volume at any value

    Maximum file size

    512 b/32 MB

    2 28* = 268435456

    512 b/128 GB

    *Through OS specifics.

    ** Some programs or OS that support FAT, theoretically, can read clusters over 32 KB. In such cases, the limit values ​​were 64 Kb and twice as much for the maximum volume of the disk. But if you spend time in such a situation, 50% and power reached, some kind of cluster selection, we’ll take it - it’s better to divide the disk into 2 parts and make a “screenshot” with a volume of no more than 32 Kb.

    NTFS file system

    Created to replace the old versions of FAT to support disks of great technologies and new technologies that are implemented in operating systems. In front of us in front of us, there is a possible number of clusters, the number of which can reach 2 48 . This allows NTFS to be copied on disks with a volume of 16 Exabytes (16 million Terabytes), and the size of the files that are copied is limited only by the capacity of the carrier.

    If the cluster expansion when formatting NTFS partitions can be done approximately, as well as at the front - from 512 Bytes to 64 Kbytes, then the file system's capacity for additional security is much greater. Її records can be accessed by the access rights of a computer, є the ability to assign quotas of available disk space, and moreover, the files themselves are protected from failures, for example, when electricity is turned on.

    Bo qia file system far from the exhaustion of their resources, then virishuvati, what kind of cluster expansion is necessary to set up, it’s good to happen on your butt.

    What does the size of the cluster add to - like a bag

    The biggest problem you can create is too much disk space, which is not viable. But only in that case, as there are a lot of small files on the disk. For accuracy, it is necessary to indicate that the storage capacity is 1 TB, the number of times it is used by various files - video, audio and text documents, and the skin from the files in the borrowing of the cluster which is not vikoristovuєtsya).


    Spend (GB) as a cluster expansion:



    zag. rosemir

    For locking the cluster expansion for formatting, 4 KB are installed. With what yakscho on the disk є 100 thousand text documents, 100 bytes of leather, spend 460 megabytes.

    Important! It is necessary to remember that the greater the size of the cluster, the less pressure on the hard drive.

    It can be seen from the table that it is not planned to save a large number of other files on the disk, so that the destinations for music and films, then it is better to set the maximum size of the cluster. In the other case, it is necessary to choose among the bajans to save hundreds of megabytes and potentially more avenues for carrying the nose, and also to think about how to accumulate 100 thousand other files on the new one.

    I’ll respect the next step on the system partition of the disk, on which the system is installed. As soon as the hour is installed, the volume will be formatted third-party programs If you are allowed to choose the size of the cluster, then you can’t guess what only in papacy Windows close to 90 yew. files, and more close to 50 thousand. - at the papacy of a koristuvach ... It’s better for him to deprive the golden mean, proponated by the system.