Who was this. Oleksandr greyam is white, like a "vipadkovo" vinaish phone. Ship on underwater wings

Oleksandr Graham Bell was born in Edinburz on 3rd of February 1847 in the same philology. Batko, Melvill Bell, using the "Visible Mova" system, in which the sounds of promo were indicated by letters; vikoristovuyuchi tsyu system, people could correctly vymovlyat words navіt unknown to me.

Oleksandr ris in the atmosphere of music and declamations, where the sounds of the human voice were given special respect. At the age of 14 years, he moved to London to the date, under the curation of some sort of literature and oratorical art. And three years later, having already opened up an independent life, playing music and oratory at the Weston House Academy. Grounded for nine years in acoustics and the physics of human motion, Bell became an assistant to his father, a professor at the University of London.

In the spring of 1870, the fate of Bell fell ill, and the doctors pleased you to change the climate. Sim'ya moved to Canada, and in 1871 roci vin was already alive in Boston, American, speaking at schools for the deaf and dumb with the system of visible language.

At that hour, the company "Western Union" was joking about the method of one-hour transmission of several telegrams over one pair of wires, to avoid the need for laying additional telegraph lines. The company voted about the great penny prize for the wine-maker, which would propagate a similar method.

Bell began to work on this problem, winning his knowledge of the laws of acoustics. Vіn conceived to install at the transmission point a splendor of tuning forks, leathers from which they made bi in the upper line of the strum, which pulses with a singing frequency. At the point of receiving ci pulsations, the blame was also taken by tuning forks, tuned to the correct frequency. So Bell decided to send these telegrams at once, for the number of musical notes - Danina's music, like a child she fell in love with.

At work on the "musical telegraph" Bell was assisted by a young resident of Boston, Thomas Watson (Watson).

Bella's horizon was supra-lingually wide, which was recognized by his fellow students; The various illuminations were lowered in a new light, and it allowed them to easily overcome in their experiments such different spheres of science and art - acoustics, music, electrical engineering and mechanics.

Oskelki Bell was not an electrician, he consulted with another famous Bostonian, the scientist D. Henry, after whom the unit of inductance was named. Glancing at the first glance at the telegraph in Bell's lab, Henry yelled: "Don't throw a pink one at a stranger!"

Best days

Without overworking the "musical telegraph", Bell at the same time would begin to act like a device, for the help of which he would help to make the sounds of the movie visible to the deaf and dumb at once and without middle, without any letter designations. For tsgogo vіn mayzhe rіk propraciuvav at the Massachusetts otolaryngological hospital, setting up various experiments for the development of human hearing. The membrane is small for the head part of the apparatus; strengthened for the rest of the head, it recorded on the surface of the drum, which wraps around, crooked, consistent with different sounds, warehouses and words. Rozmirkovuchi over the infusion of the membrane, Bell dei shov іdеї іnshoy pristroy, z kakogo, as i wrote, "become possible to transfer different sounds, yakscho succumb to the humming of the intensity of the electric strumu, vidpovіdnі these kolvannyam at the gap repeat, as if vibrating this sound ". To this unknown still, Bell gave the sonorous name "telephone". So the work on private buildings to help the deaf-mute brought to the thought about the possibility of creating an annex, which seemed necessary for all people and undoubtedly plunged into a distant development.

Pratsiyuchi over the "music telegraph", Bell and Watson prakyuvali in spring rooms, de buli installed transmitting and receiving equipment. The tuning forks were steel plates of a different age, hard fastened with one end, the other electric lanceug.

As if Watson had a chance to swipe a scarf, which got stuck at the gap to contact and when he zachіpav іnshі cloaks. Tі, naturally, derenchali. The scarf got stuck like a primitive diaphragm. In all the many stories of Bell and Watson, the vilny kіnets just zamikav і rozmikav elektrichny lansyug. Now the sound of the shawl was inducted electromagnet colivannya at the magnet, a hand-stitched handkerchief from a handkerchief. In tsomu, there was a retail trade between telephones and all other previously known telegraph outbuildings.

For a di phone, you need an uninterrupted electric strum, the strength of which would change at the exact soundness to the sound of sound waves in the air.

Falling down on the phone for an hour of the most important breakdown of the electric telegraph and appearing to be unsatisfactory.

In 1876, Alexander Bell demonstrated his apparatus at the Philadelphia All-World Exhibition. At the walls of the exhibition pavilion, the word telephone sounded ahead - this is how the winemaker recommended his telegraph, which means "to speak". On the press of the mouth of the contraption, I felt the monologue of the Prince of Denmark "Buti chi not buti?", which is being victorious at the same time, but in another place, by the winemaker himself, Mr. Bell.

Winahid Bella became a sensation of the Philadelphia exhibition. I don’t care about those that the first telephone set was working with a shrill sound, it was possible to use it with help not far away 250 meters, but even without batteries, by the power of one electromagnetic induction, yoga priymalne and transmission outbuildings were however primitive.

Having organized the Bell's Partnership for the Phone, the winemaker began to work hard to improve his child, and through the river patented a new membrane and fittings for the telephone. Potim zastosuvav for zbіlshennya vіdstanі transmissions vіdіlny mikrofon Yuza and zhіvlennya vіd batteries. With such a look, the phone has safely woken up for over a hundred years.

On 11 March 1877, the fate of Alexander Bell and Mabel Hubbard turned up in the father's house of the betrothed, and young friends made their way to England.

Tsya more expensively played a great role in the history of the telephone. In England, Bell successfully continued demonstrations that attracted a large number of the public. Nareshti, "a miraculous phone call" was given to the queen herself and the royal homeland. The titled individuals sang, recited and moved one by one over the wires, rummaging through their meals about those who were good. The Queen was overjoyed.

The newspapers rang so much about the success of the phone in England that Western Union had a chance to change its position before the vineyard. The company's president, Orton, having judged that the electric telephone of the wines is a teacher for the deaf, such fahіvtsі, like Edison and Gray, can create a better device. At the beginning of 1879, the Western Union company created the American Spiking Telephone Company, as it engaged in the manufacture of telephones, ignoring Bell's patent law.

Bell's followers, having taken out loans, did business with the New England Telephone Company and rushed to battle. The result of the struggle, however, was the creation, for example, in 1879, of the united "Bell Company". In babies of the same year, the price of shares increased to 995 dollars. Alexander Bell has become an exceedingly rich man.

Wealth was accompanied by fame and all-world popularity. France awarded him the Volta Prize, founded by Napoleon, worth 50 thousand francs (before Bell, this prize was seen only once), and promoted him to the cavalry of the Order of the Honorable Legion. In 1885, the fate of the vin having adopted the American bulkiness.

And on the wooden wound of the 4th sickle, 1922, in the USA and Canada, all telephones were switched on. America praised Alexander Graham Bell. 13 million telephones and thousands of different types and designs were locked in honor of the great winemaker.

Oleksandr Graham Bell is the best friend of the first phone call. He came to the USA as a vikladach for the deaf and developed the idea of ​​“electronic thinking” while seeing his mother with hearing impairments in Canada. That's why I was embarrassed to find a microphone, and then - "electric current device" - that's how I called the first version of the phone.

Who created the first phone?

Vinahіd telephone became the culmination of work, vikonanі richness of people, and brought to a whole low court calls for patent claims of a number of companies and numerical companies. The first phone of the wines of Antonio Meucci, and Oleksandr Graham Bella is credited with the discovery of the first practical phone.

How was the robot of Oleksandr Bella working on the winehouse?

Bell asked a group of investors, one of them father-in-law Gardiner Hubbard, to help with a perfect harmonic telegraph. The annex has become one of the most exciting innovations of the day, allowing one hour to overpower the wake-up call.

Ale Oleksandr biv more zatsіkavleniy at rozrobtsі I'll add voice transmission, like vin pіznіshe called by phone. After several negotiations, the investors allowed Bell to work on both technologies, adding more respect to the popular harmonic telegraph.

However, the result has a phone change. As Bell later explained: “Just as soon as I started to work so that the electric stream changed for intensity in exactly the same way, as if it changed again for the span of the hour of vibration of the sound, I would be telegraphing the building.”

On June 18, 1876, Bell was awarded a patent for attachments, and three days later he made his first successful telephone call to his assistant, electrician Thomas Watson, in response to Bell’s famous words, transmitted over the wires: “Watson, come here. I want to hit you."

  • The mother of that retinue of Oleksandr mali deafness, which suttvo vplinula on yoga activity.
  • Oleksandr didn't use another name "Graham". Batko gave yoga to young people on the eleventh day of the people. Earlier, I asked you to give my friend a name, like two brothers.
  • The lad learned how to play the piano miraculously in his youth.
  • Oleksandr vivchav the voice of a man and worked with the people initial mortgages, which were prescribed for deaf people
  • Bell, conducting experiments with sounds, practicing with the "harmonious telegraph" and "phonautograph".

  • Vіvchav vyvchav acoustic telegraphy and experimenting with it at once with the electrician Thomas Watson.
  • Oleksandr having finished old look add on, and until the eighteenth year, over one hundred and fifty thousand people will have telephones in the United States.
  • The person also explores other scientific fields, such as conducting medical studies, searching for alternative dzherel paliva, experimenting with metal horns, building ships on underwater wings and a lot more.

How did you help him find a phone?

Alexander Graham Bella maw has a lot of strong character pics. Vіn buv duzhe optimistic, napoleglivy and disciplines. The vine-grower was an optimist, to the fact that no one was inspired by his wine-growers, people did not succumb to their potential.


in the spring 1870 1871

Oleksandr Griham Bell was born in Edinburz on 3rd Birch 1847 fate, in sіm'ї philologists. Batko, Melvill Bell, using the "Visible Mova" system, in which the sounds of promo were indicated by letters; vikoristovuyuchi tsyu system, people could correctly vymovlyat words navіt unknown to me.

Oleksandr ris in the atmosphere of music and declamations, where the sounds of the human voice were given special respect. At the age of 14 years, he moved to London to the date, under the curation of some sort of literature and oratorical art. And three years later, having already opened up an independent life, playing music and oratory at the Weston House Academy. Grounded for nine years in acoustics and the physics of human motion, Bell became an assistant to his father, a professor at the University of London.

in the spring 1870 the fate of Bell was sick, and the doctors pleased you to change the climate. Sim'ya moved to Canada, and in 1871 roci vin is already alive in Boston, Pivnichnoamericana, speaking at schools for the deaf and dumb with the system of visual language.

At that hour, the company "Western Union" was joking about the method of one-hour transmission of several telegrams over one pair of wires, to avoid the need for laying additional telegraph lines. The company voted about the great penny prize for the wine-maker, which would propagate a similar method.

Bell began to work on this problem, winning his knowledge of the laws of acoustics. Vіn conceived to install at the transmission point a splendor of tuning forks, leathers from which they made bi in the upper line of the strum, which pulses with a singing frequency. At the point of receiving ci pulsations, the blame was also taken by tuning forks, tuned to the correct frequency. So Bell decided to send these telegrams at once, for the number of musical notes - Danina's music, like a child she fell in love with.

At work on the "musical telegraph" Bell was assisted by a young resident of Boston, Thomas Watson (Watson).

Bella's horizon was supra-lingually wide, which was recognized by his fellow students; The various illuminations were lowered in a new light, and it allowed them to easily overcome in their experiments such different spheres of science and art - acoustics, music, electrical engineering and mechanics.

Oskelki Bell was not an electrician, he consulted with another famous Bostonian, the scientist D. Henry, after whom the unit of inductance was named. Glancing at the first glance at the telegraph in Bell's lab, Henry yelled: "Don't throw a pink one at a stranger!"

Without overworking the "musical telegraph", Bell at the same time would begin to act like a device, for the help of which he would help to make the sounds of the movie visible to the deaf and dumb at once and without middle, without any letter designations. For tsgogo vіn mayzhe rіk propraciuvav at the Massachusetts otolaryngological hospital, setting up various experiments for the development of human hearing. The membrane is small for the head part of the apparatus; strengthened for the rest of the head, it recorded on the surface of the drum, which wraps around, crooked, consistent with different sounds, warehouses and words. Rozmirkovuchi over the infusion of the membrane, Bell dei shov іdеї іnshoy pristroy, z kakogo, as i wrote, "become possible to transfer different sounds, yakscho succumb to the humming of the intensity of the electric strumu, vidpovіdnі these kolvannyam at the gap repeat, as if vibrating this sound ". To this unknown still, Bell gave the sonorous name "telephone". So the work on private buildings to help the deaf-mute brought to the thought about the possibility of creating an annex, which seemed necessary for all people and undoubtedly plunged into a distant development.

Working on the "musical telegraph", Bell and Watson were working in different rooms, where the transmission and receiving equipment were installed. The tuning forks were steel platings of various vintages, hard fastened with one end, and the electric lantern flickered with the other.

As if Watson had a chance to swipe a scarf, which got stuck at the gap to contact and when he zachіpav іnshі cloaks. Tі, naturally, derenchali. The scarf got stuck like a primitive diaphragm. In all the many stories of Bell and Watson, the vilny kіnets just zamikav і rozmikav elektrichny lansyug. Now the sound of the plate was induced by the electromagnet of the plate in the magnet, which was hand-stitched from the plate. In tsomu, there was a retail trade between telephones and all other previously known telegraph outbuildings.

For this phone, an uninterrupted electric strum is needed, the strength of which would change at the exact soundness to the level of sound whistles in the window.

Falling down on the phone for an hour of the most important breakdown of the electric telegraph and appearing to be unsatisfactory.

At 1876 roci Oleksandr Bell demonstrating his device at the Philadelphia All-World Show. At the walls of the exhibition pavilion, the word telephone sounded ahead - this is how the winemaker recommended his telegraph, which means "to speak". On the press of the mouth of the contraption, I felt the monologue of the Prince of Denmark "Buti chi not buti?", which is being victorious at the same time, but in another place, by the winemaker himself, Mr. Bell.

Winahid Bella became a sensation of the Philadelphia exhibition. I don’t care about those that the first telephone set was working with a shrill sound, it was possible to use it with help not far away 250 meters, but even without batteries, by the power of one electromagnetic induction, yoga priymalne and transmission outbuildings were however primitive.

Having organized the Bell's Partnership for the Phone, the winemaker began to work hard to improve his child, and through the river patented a new membrane and fittings for the telephone. Potim zastosuvav for zbіlshennya vіdstanі transmissions vіdіlny mikrofon Yuza and zhіvlennya vіd batteries. With such a look, the phone has safely woken up for over a hundred years.

11 worms 1877 The fate of Alexander Bell and Mabel Hubbard turned into a father's house, and made friends young to England.

Tsya more expensively played a great role in the history of the telephone. In England, Bell successfully continued demonstrations that attracted a large number of the public. Nareshti, "a miraculous phone call" was given to the queen herself and the royal homeland. The titled individuals sang, recited and moved one by one over the wires, rummaging through their meals about those who were good. The Queen was overjoyed.

The newspapers rang so much about the success of the phone in England that Western Union had a chance to change its position before the vineyard. The company's president, Orton, having judged that the electric telephone of the wines is a teacher for the deaf, such fahіvtsі, like Edison and Gray, can create a better device. I on the cob 1879 Unfortunately, the Western Union company created the American Spiking Telephone Company, as it engaged in the manufacture of telephones, ignoring Bell's patent law.

Bell's followers, having taken out loans, did business with the New England Telephone Company and rushed to battle. The result of the struggle, however, was the creation of a naprikintsi 1879 the fate of the joint "Bell Company". In babies of the same year, the price of shares increased to 995 dollars. Alexander Bell has become an exceedingly rich man.

Wealth was accompanied by fame and all-world popularity. France awarded him the Volta Prize, founded by Napoleon, worth 50 thousand francs (before Bell, this prize was seen only once), and promoted him to the cavalry of the Order of the Honorable Legion. At 1885 roci vin having adopted the American bulkiness.

A doschovim wound 4 sickles 1922 To the rock in the USA and Canada, all telephones were switched on. America praised Alexander Graham Bell. 13 million telephones and thousands of different types and designs were locked in honor of the great winemaker.

On June 3, 1847, the winemaker of the telephone and the founder of the American company Bell Labs, Alexander Bell, was born in Edinburz. “When one door is mended, another opens. And we often like this ...

On June 3, 1847, the winemaker of the telephone and the founder of the American company Bell Labs, Alexander Bell, was born in Edinburz. “When one door is mended, another opens. And we often, with such greedy respect, marvel at the door that we started, that we don’t mark the opening” Alexander Bell.

Vіn zahopivshis sciences in the child, just like experimenting with sound. After moving to Canada, and then - from the USA, Bell continued his work and built an electric piano, for the help of which it was possible to transmit music by wires. And in 1876, roci wines took away the patent for the telephone (with an alternative version, the culprit of the telephone was the American Italian traveler Antonio Meucci).

Vinahid did not finish it - having made a sound and roaming with help, it was possible only at a distance of 250 meters. To this, the wine-maker continued to do a thorough cleaning of the attachments. Nezabarom Bell, together with two partners, having fallen asleep the Bell Company telephone company. This company started the development of telephony in the USA and the emergence of new telephone companies. Even before 1900, 1.5 million telephones were installed in the United States, and two years later - 13 million telephones.
Oleksandr Bell died on 2 sickle 1922. To instill the memory of the winemaker telephone call in the USA, it was included in one whilin.

The biography of Oleksandr Bell is 100% consistent with all book canons in psychology, economics and business. Amazing, but true! In most cases, the great ones seem to go against the grain, and the stereotypes of the people's tradition go to the level of conservatism. And the axis is the share of the culprit by the phone, like someone cherubing the beast, at the same time giving a new piece of the puzzle. І Oleksandr clearly saw himself, and from vdyachnistyu he accepted everything that gave him life.

Psychology Sim'ya. Vihovannya. Vіchnі tsіnnostі.

Oleksandr Graham Bell was born at the Scottish municipality of Edinburgh, on the 3rd of February 1847, at the same philologists. Did Yogo was the founder of the school of oratorical art throughout the country and the author of the book “Vytoncheni urivki”. Vzagali, starting his career with a Shevtsy. However, I sighed to the perfect inculcation of yoga on the stage. A bunch of wines, speaking at the theater, then becoming a reader: reciting the lines from Shakespeare's p'es. Having successfully nailed yoga, having begun to give lessons in diction, I opened the school of oratory in London. So the vinicla of the family on the right, young Belli became the purveyor.

Oleksandr's father became the head professor of rhetoric at the University of London. The future winemaker has grown up in the atmosphere of music and that quivering setting to the sound of a human voice. At 14 years of age, I moved to London before the date. And three years later, after the well-being of medical and philosophical enlightenment in Edinburz and Würzburg, having already opened up an independent life, playing music and oratory at the Weston House Academy. Having grounded the acoustics and the physics of human movement, Bell became an assistant to his father, Melvilla Bell, who at that time was actively working on the method of developing literate diction.

Mom Oleksandra Bella was weak. All the novelties of sound development were assigned to the very same. Batko, having invented the “Visual language” system, in such a way the sounds of the promo were signified by letter symbols and pictures, which mean that at this hour you can have the mimicry of the language device - in fact, the tongue and the lips are formed in harmony. As a transcription of words, but for people, they didn’t feel the sound at all. With the help of Belli, they began to speak deaf-mutes in England.

The tragedy that happened in their family: Oleksandr's brothers died of tuberculosis, forced them to move to Canada in 1870, then to America. There, the stench continued to work with people and sound. The work at Boston was successful. The young Bell started school in the city, de-navchav the basics of family methods of other vikladachiv. And just like a new one, it turned out to be a steady stream of income, he turned to his own succession of transferring his voice to the wires, which are still in England. Bell, having created a small laboratory, in which he experimented at night, it would take an hour from the outside. Mabel Hubbard, the daughter of businessman Gardner Hubbard, appeared in the middle of the young teacher's podpichnyh.

Vaughn lost her hearing to chotiri roki, falling ill to scarlet fever. Ale Oleksandr Bell Zumiv learn to speak. Years of marriage, having made friends with Mabel and Stink, they lived 45 years of happy family life, and with Father Gardner, Stink became close friends; Another one of the patients of Oleksandr Bella was a five-year-old syndicate of fur trading in the name of Thomas Sanders. Over the years, the Sanders and Hubbard have become these people, as if they gave a penny to the promotion of the great winemaker.

The telephone was created in a period that had entered the telegraph era. Tsey pristriy buv requests everywhere and was listed as the best-knitted link. The possibility of transmitting sound on the station became a real sensation. At this article, we can guess who is the first phone to blame, in what turn it happened, and how it happened.

Breaking through the galusi rosette zvyazku

Winahid of electricians having become an important step on the way of telephony creation. The very tse vіdkrittya allowed the transmission of information on the vіdstanі. In 1837, roci, after that, like Morse, having presented his telegraph alphabet and broadcasting apparatus to the wide zagal, the electronic telegraph became a victorist everywhere. However, for example, in the 19th century, a perfect addition comes to change.

What fate is the phone blamed for?

The telephone will wake up its appearance, forward, to the German great Philip Rice. The very person could construct attachments, which would allow transferring the voice of a person to the great victorious galvanic stream. Tsya podium became in 1861 roci, prote until the creation of the first telephone set 15 more rokiv were left.

The creator of the telephone is Alexander Graham Bell, and the invention of the telephone was invented in 1876. The same Scottish doctrine was presented at the All-World Exhibition of its first device, as well as by filing an application for the withdrawal of a patent for wine. Bell's phone worked for a distance of no more than 200 meters and a strong sound, and then, through the cracks of the flooring, he finished up the extensions, which victoriously, a hundred fates would come at the imminent sight.

History of wine on the phone

The speech of Oleksandr Bella was crushed by a vipadkovy rank at the process of being thoroughly telegraphed. By the method of a vchennogo bulo otrimanny I will add, which allows you to transmit over 5 telegrams at once. And to that, having created a sprinkling of pairs of plates, having adjusted the frequency. Under the hour of the last meeting, there was a small accident, after which one of the plates got stuck. Partner vchenogo, poachivshi, what happened, began to bark. At this hour, Bell himself was working on the primal outbuilding. Yakois mit vin sensing faint sounds of storm transmission. This is how the history of winemaking begins.

After a demonstration by Bell, I will build a lot of vchenih, they started working in the telephony closet. Thousands of patents for winemaking have been seen, which allow perfecting the first apparatus. Among the most significant ones can be named:

  • vinahid dzvіnka - attachment, creations by A. Bell, not mav dzvіnka, but notification of the subscriber zdіysnyuvalos for help whistle. In 1878 roci
    T. Watson ringing the first ring for the telephone;
  • creation of a microphone - in 1878, a Russian engineer M. Makhalsky constructed a carbon microphone;
  • the creation of an automatic station - the first station for 10,000 numbers was expanded in 1894 by S.M. Apostolic.

Bell's taking away the patent, becoming one of the most profitable not only in the Successful States, but also in the world. Vcheniy having become supernaturally rich, that all-worldly vidomim. However, in fact, the first person who created the telephone was not called Alexander Bell, and in 2002 the US Rotary Congress recognized it.

Antonio Meucci: first caller

Vinakhidnik and vcheniy z Іtalії in 1860 having created a device that transmits sound through wires. If you ask for information about those who have a phone, you can boldly name the date, scatter the right first line, Antonio Meucci. Win calling his "brainchild" a telephone. At the time of his enrollment, he is alive in the Happy States of America, he is already in the capital and having gone through a deplorable financial situation. A great American company, Western Union, got stuck in an unexpected way for an unknown vchenny.

Representatives of the company asked for a large sum of money for all the seats and rozrobki, and also promised to take advantage of the registration of a patent. The hard financial camp was embarrassed by the talented wine-maker to sell all the material of his fortunes. Vcheniy long hour check for help from the company, however, having spent patience, he himself applied for the withdrawal of a patent. Yogo prohannya was not pleased, but the right blow for him was the reminder about the great winemaker Oleksandr Bell.

Meucci, having tried to defend his rights against the court order, did not get any money to fight with the great company. The right to a patent for an Italian winemaker was granted no more than 1887, at the time of the end of the term of this action. Meuchchi did not dare to gain the rights to his wines and died in the absence of guilt and evil. It took only 2002 to reach the Italian winegrower. For a resolution to the US Congress, I myself was guilty of this person, as the phone was blamed.