How to designate xp 32 64. How to designate the size of the operating system of the processor in Windows. Deciding bit depth in ubuntu

Razryadnistyu operating system a number of battles (discharges) are called, which are completed at the same time in one cycle of the processor hour. For example, Windows XP can be 32 bits (indicated by x32 or x86) and 64 bits (indicated by x64).

Golovna distinctive feature A 32-bit system compared to a 64-bit system is impracticable to work with RAM, which is overwhelmed by 4 GB all the same, it will only mean 3.5 GB, and a 64-bit system can handle up to 192 GB of RAM). To find out about the discharge Windows systems XP before the addition of additional memory lines can be accelerated in many ways, introduced into the system.

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Appointment of capacity

Knowing the capacity of the system helps to increase the time of installation software, drivers of attachments and new igor. The simplest way to change the capacity in Windows XP is:

  • Clack right button mouse behind the icon "My computer";
  • Vibrati in context menu item "Power";
  • Yakshcho inserted 64- discharge system, then on the “Zahalni” tab there will be a double entry ( Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition);
  • For a 32-bit system, the bit rate is not specified (Microsoft Windows XP Professional version 2002 Service Pack 3).

Exhibition "Power of the system"

Analogous writings from the assigned number of reports about the "bitnity" of the system can be cited, following these lines:

  • Press the button "Start" -> "Vikonati";
  • Type "sysdm.cpl" -> "OK";
  • Open the tab "Zagalni" and look at the information about the system.

Review of information about the system

Another way to determine the bitness can be the ability to recognize the "bitness" of the processor: if the wine is 32-bit, then it will be impossible to install a 64-bit system on the computer. To find out about the capacity of the processor, it is necessary:

  • Press the button "Start" -> "Vikonati";
  • Type the command "winmsd.exe";
  • In the window "Vidomosti about the system" in the column "Element" know "Processor";
  • If the name of the processor starts from x86, then 32-bit Windows XP is installed, and if not, then 64-bit.

Indirect signs of a 64-bit system

Reviewing instead of the root disk or the processes at the dispatcher's office can help you determine the capacity of the system. For example:

  • You need to open the folder "My Computer" -> "C:/". When installed 64- bit Windows XP on disk C: there will be two folders "Program Files", in one of which programs are installed that work in 64-bit mode, and in the other, with "Program Files (x86)", programs are installed that work 32 -discharge robotic mode;
  • Press the keys "Ctrl + Alt + Delete" and at the dispatcher's window the task, which was seen, on the tab "Processes" look running processes. If there are processes in the middle of them with the *32 sign, then a 64-bit system is overwritten.

The number of magic numbers for unknown numbers means nothing else, like the size of the operating system - that is the size of the processor and operational memory exchange the number of battles of information at once. Tse arcane purpose for a complete understanding of the picture is necessary to change the subtle architecture of the computer. Until 2004, when choosing a version of the operating system, it was important to know the bitness of the installed processor, but 32-bit processors are no longer allowed, so the power went by itself.

Nobility, 32 (it's called x86) or 64-bit Windows OS is installed only in different installations of programs, which will suggest such a choice.

How to determine the size of the operating system

Regardless of the folded and confused instructions on the official Microsoft website, determining the speed of your operating system is even easier. For the entire fleet of versions Windows way however, it looks less like visual design. A small amount of checks for those who want to check the rozryadnistnost only in Windows XP, about everything.

For Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8, the information about the discharge is in the same place. Robimo click with the right mouse button on the "My computer" icon, select "Power". In the window there is a tab “Zagalni” or “System”, sound it will be shown behind the lock. Look at the "Type of system" item and look at the data required. You can use it yourself if you know the "System" icon in the care panel - Start, Care Panel, System.

A row of information about the capacity looks something like this: "System type: 64-bit operating system."

For Windows XP, there is one caveat: if the capacity is not explicitly specified, then the system is 32-bit. And as it is designated as 64-bit, the proof is obvious.

Why is practical insight

Headquarters between 32 and 64-bit systems are used in operational memory. For a capacity of 32 bits and an exchange of 4 GB, it really gives a modest result at a boundary of 3.3-3.5 GB. How to put more memory, all the same pratsyuvatime less than three more than three gigabytes. It is impossible to bypass the obezhennya.

64-bit systems offer significantly more coverage. The maximum limit is set to 192 GB on the Windows 7 application. As you can imagine, getting close to the limit is practically impossible, not seeming about those who would overstep it.

Skeptics argue that programs for 64-bit systems take up a lot more space on the disk and in RAM, but not so important. Most of the time, with a permanent save, they give music and video files, and a 64-bit system is installed for the purpose of having more richness of the “RAM”, lower x86 version.

The choice of a 64-bit operating system will inevitably take an hour of work with great ambitions to process significant arrays of information. Trivial graphics, editing and re-encoding video, chopping and sound processing are more comfortable in the boundaries of a 64-bit system. What's more, a lot of great software vendors in the world are selected to support 32-bit systems in newer versions of their software.

Nasamkinets varto respect: old programs run on a 64-bit system, but about current versions drivers. Drivers for x86 systems cannot be installed on a 64-bit system. Yakscho required driver I will build for your (yakіsna, ale summer sound card.

Without a doubt, I thought about the capacity of the processor and the operating system. Do you know what it is, what it is pouring into and how it shows up? Let's take a look at the current power today: how to determine the capacity of the system in Windows XP, 7.8, 8.1 and 10 and what it is.

Ninі іsnuє dvі bitnostі (bіtnostі) Windows: x32 (or x86) and x64. What is it? Windows capacity - її zdatnіst up to one-hour processing of the specified number of bits of information (32 hours 64). The most important version of 32-bit Windows in the form of 64-bit Windows is limited by the address space, which OS can be “batchy”. In the first case, the figure is theoretically 232 bits - approximately 3.5 GB, and for 64-bit Windows, the figure reaches 192 GB, which is more low enough for a robot and a PC.

As soon as we understood the bitness of the operating system, let's move on to practice. I'm sorry for the old XP-shki. For those who don't know how to set the system capacity in Windows XP, right-click on the computer (the icon is on the desktop) and select "Power". More than anything, you have 32-bit XP installed, and on the screen you can see the information at the end with similar data.

If you choose a 64-bit system, the information in the "System" row will be updated, and it will be written that you have a 64-bit system.

Windows 7

For "simka" all the same. We go to the "Powers" (having pressed the right mouse button on the computer, which is known on the work table).

Below are the articles and other ways, yakі dopomozhut rozіbratisya z tsm nutrition.

You can right-click the mouse on the computer (you can change it on the desktop) and turn on "Power". As you have already mentioned, the procedure is similar to other systems and it is difficult to get lost.

You can also click on the "Start" button (the button appears at the bottom of the screen) and in the Metro menu you need to know the computer icon, then click on given image with the right mouse button and in the menu that appears, press "Power".

In the row "Type of system" we know the information for you.

Windows 10

Viklikayemo "Start" (the button appears angry at the bottom). Tisnemo "Parameters".

Vіdkrivaєmo split "System" and go to the tab "About the system" (it will be for example).

In the row with the name "Type of system" the bitness of the victorious OS is indicated.

You can speed up in the following ways: go to the "Control Panel" - "System and Security" - "System" or right-click on the mouse on the computer and select "Power" (you will know the version of your Windows ). If you enter through the control panel, then you need to select "Category" in "Pereglyad". In this vipadka you will be like ours a little lower.

Alternative methods for determining the capacity of Windows

Classical Methods of Appointment Windows bit depth looked at. Now let's move on to asking for information using less popular methods.

Command row

How to zastosovuєtsya before any edition of the desktop OS from Microsoft. We start the command line - click on the "Search for Windows" button and enter "cmd" or " command row". Whenever the utility appears, press Enter to run it. You can also launch this program by pressing the Windows button (between Ctrl and Alt) + R. At the window, type cmd and press "Enter".

When the program is displayed, you need to type systeminfo and press Enter. The program will scan the data more often and the next time you know the row "Type of system" (14-a).

Enter the command "dxdiag" in the command line (as in Windows) or the command interpreter line ("Win" + "R") - we talked about it in the last paragraph. The “Operating System” row has required information about the rozryadnіst Windows be-any release.

Vіkno vіdomosti about the system

Another way to expand the Windows bit rate is to use the "Vidomosti about the system" tool. Calling vins for the help of a one-time inquiry per row otherwise, for help, use the "msinfo32" command.

We have to click the “Type” row, stitching at the first insertion of the vertical frame of the program, de-stashing the menu.

The remaining way to recognize the bitness of Windows is to use utilities to collect and visualize data about the computer. Tse AIDA, Speccy, CPUZ and other analogues. Ale cі programs need to be invested, installed and only later you can see all the necessary information. We recommend that you use the methods described above.

Which version of Windows is installed on your computer: 32-bit or 64-bit?

On the power supply, you need to install the programs on your computer or laptop or increase the RAM memory.

The terms 32-bit and 64-bit describe how a computer's processor (also called a CPU) processes information. The 64-bit version of Windows handles large amounts of RAM more efficiently than the 32-bit version.

See the instructions below in the sections below to determine which version of Windows is running on your computer (32-bit or 64-bit) and which edition of Windows you are running.

Computers under the supervision of Windows XP

  • Press the Start button, click My Computer with the right mouse button and select the Power item.
  • As in rozdіlі The system was written "Release x64", the computer works under 64-bit codes. Windows versions xp.
  • As soon as the distribution system wrote "Release x64" on the day, the computer is running a 32-bit version of Windows XP.
  • The release of Windows XP, which you victorious, is indicative of the distribution of the System in the upper part of the window.

Computers under Windows Vista or Windows 7

  • Press the Start button, press the Computer with the right mouse button and select the Power item.
  • As instructed in writing System type stated "64-bit operating system", the computer works under the instructions for 64-bit version Windows Vista or Windows 7.
  • As instructed by the System Type, it says "32-bit operating system", the computer runs on a 32-bit version of Windows Vista or Windows 7.
    The release of Windows Vista or Windows 7, which you win, the appointments of the distribution The release of Windows in the upper part of the window.

Windows 10 computers

  • Press the Start button, press Settings - more System - more About the system
  • As instructed by the System Type, it says "64-bit operating system", the computer runs on a 64-bit version of Windows 10.
  • As instructed by the System Type it says "32-bit operating system", the computer runs under 32-bit version 10.
  • The release of Windows 10, as you see it, is brought to the distribution The release of Windows is at the top of the window.