Debit cards with cashback from Belarus. Cashback Aliexpress for purchases from China. How to get cashback

For those who don’t know, cashback is the same operation, as it allows the client to take back a part of the pennies spent on purchases in online stores.

Cashback from Belarus (photo to be illustrative)

For the citizens of Belarus, it is economical to make purchases via the Internet, turning back with some part of the spent pennies back, you can get the cashback service Letyshops (LetyShops). Wine allows you to buy goods with cashback not only in foreign stores, but also in Belarusian Internet hypermarkets.

How to use cashback services?

Earlier BELNAVINI already wrote about those who work like wine. Robiti purchases, turning the singing vіdsotok vіd vtrachenoї sumi to that, now it can be leather. Golovne, choosing furniture, hand-made equipment, home improvement materials, different clothes, and accessories in online stores, do not forget that you need to go to the website of the store from the website of Letishops (LetyShops).

Tse allow not only to bring the goods, not leaving the house, to take care of the quick delivery and that is a quick turnaround. possible problems, but save pennies.


How to withdraw cashback from Belarus?

In order to withdraw cashback, it is necessary to check, if the amount is confirmed, please exceed the minimum withdrawal threshold for the selected currency. Then, to bring in your bones, it is necessary:

  • Select and create payment information (for example, enter your mobile phone number. You can also enter money on WebMoney, YandexMoney chi Kivі hamanets)
  • Choose your data, where you plan to withdraw pennies
  • Calculate the sum, as it is necessary to enter (you can change the minimum)
  • Press the "Enter" button

In addition, as the payment is made by the managers, if everything is destroyed without pardon, the pennies will be repaid for the rahunok.

How many shops in Belarus turn money and money?

Like in Belarus, they turn pennies from purchases, they grow steadily. There is no fixed video. Some online stores turn over 30%, others - less than 2%. The widest figures are 5-6%.

Significantly, you can withdraw money approximately 3 days after the purchase.

Hello everyone!

There are more cards from cashback in Belarus with leather rock.

Їx, which are issued by different banks, get out already over hundreds.

From one side - good.

From the other side - cheaply complicates the choice, especially for beginners.

And it often happens that people are more than sorry, choose "plastic" with far from brighter minds, getting lost in the propaganda of diversity, after which they say: " Movlyav, there is nothing good for whom» !

And just like that, pick up cards with cashback from our brotherly Belarus wise minds You can really appreciate the melancholy of such a crop.

And navit zdivuytes, as if in the past they didn’t turn stained glass windows for buying money, it’s great (or maybe, navit fool, they didn’t work like that before).

Cashback is available. Pennies, like you spent, crying with "plastic" for the purchase of goods and services, you can turn. Not povnu sum, zrozumilo. And a singing vіdsotok.

It's visible to everyone

And it is not necessary to think that banks and shops will give customers a similar opportunity to take on a bribe.

Yak bi not so!

Really, it's like that thing:

Wait a minute, it's simple, but it's brilliant!

Damn, to the one who came up with such a scheme, maybe I handed over the Nobel Prize!

Vіm, vin on tsomu hyipі and without that, I guess, having earned badly (not having left those others without profit).

Give respect to your mind!

If you look at the cards with cashback from Belarus with the rosette, choose one of them, respectfully know your minds, they will show you.

Sometimes varto miss the rubbish, after which there is no return of pennies.

More can be carried out as shares, yakі zbіlshhuyut, for example, the sum of the return. It would be wonderful to issue the option of returning money for purchases and ignoring the vouchers of the mind.

How to choose a card with cashback?

Otzhe, trohi vіdvolіksya, wanting to say / guessing about dosit important speeches.

Ale, all the same, on the very cob, I announced the news about the shortest cashback from Belarus, pererakhuvat find your options, connected with bank cards

Like a card in Belarus, like a return of pennies, can you pay the best?

Not only tі, yakі guarantee a high vіdsotok, but y tі, which, in order from the above words, can be propagated:

  • the number of places is great;
  • the versatility of vikoristovuvanoy "platinum" is privablya - it is on the verge of decoration, as well as the service.

Seeing the finances that have turned around, most of the time, for example, the moon is on the rahunka. Notification about the client is received via SMS (for whom a separate service is connected).

Here, in a flash, I described the wild order.

In the case of a skin tone, the cards can be like okremі vіdminnostі (which can be recognized only when looking at individual minds).

Zagalom, I’ll tell you for sure: cashback from Belarus Є!


I’ll start, maybe, from the most popular “plastic” that propagates the turn of the minds of Belarus.

For your sutty - a credit card. And to put it more accurately, a rose stitch card. Vlasne, it’s so popular, it’s obvious: a total of 0.0001% per river, so the rate is practically symbolic.

Type of "plastic" - Mastercard.

I wine is issued for 3 years. Moreover, for the entire whole hour, only 4 Belarusian rubles (and if the turnover of the cost exceeded 50 Belarusian rubles, the service level is not charged).

Another overdraft can be added: up to 10 thousand Belarusian rubles, while the regular rate is 14%.

Skіlki turn?

Tse everything is fine, fine, but then we decided to find out about the possibility of turning stained boxes!


  • І її the value varies in the range from 1 to 12 vіdsotkіv.
  • Pennies are turned, like cards holders, to spend on purchases in partner stores.

I won’t be able to change my partners here (it’s rich, marvel at the banking website), but if you understand the scale, I’ll show you the best ones:

  • "Elektrosila" (for purchases in this number of stores you will get 5%);
  • "Korona-Techno" (here you can check 4%);
  • "Zv'yazkovy" (corresponds to the servants of the chains, why are you buying here? Todi take 3%) too thin.

Everything is on the verge of narahuvannya for a month, yaki sound the next to be cleared in the rest of the numbers.

What is visible?

Well, blatant propositions are bad. Especially, if you make such great purchases, then turn around.

That and mind the choice of cards are generally accepted: the service rate and the hundredth rate.

From the other side, "plastic" is not direct directly to cashback.

Vin more attracts people like rose stitching.

But for the sake of turning around, you can know the propositions of the cіkavіshe: for example, it's a Belarusian cashback service. I want to tell about it in other articles.


Pension card with cashback from Belarus.

Issued by "Belarusbank", it's popular.

  • Term dії: 3 rocks.
  • Release rate: 11 rubles at the door, 12 rubles - remotely.
  • Service rate: daily.

What to do?

If you choose a card with cashback on the territory of Belarus, having fallen on the “record” - take 1-12% of the return from partner stores.

List of partner stores:

  • 3% "Evroopt" discount card don't hope), "Susidi", "Vitalyur", "Bilmarket", "Rublіvskiy", "Korona", "Prostore", "GUM", "TsUM"
  • 2.5% in pharmacies
  • 1% when paying in ЄРІП (utility payments, fines and etc.)

"Idea-bank" and yoga "SCHE"

Card features:

  • Type: card with moneyback.
  • Payment system: MasterCard.
  • Term dії: 3 rocks.
  • Release rate: free of charge.
  • Service: 15 BYN per river.

Skіlki "pour"?

Rosemary cashback:

  • 3% at gas stations (gasoline and other purchases), subway, perekarnі, gyms, water parks, sporting goods and bike shops, car wash and parking.
  • 1% for other unpaid payments from selected cards. Do not cheat: ERIP, transfer from card to card, replenishment of electronic hamants.
  • Partner stores: "5 Element", "Kravt", "Buslik", "Mila", "GUM", "7 Karat" and others.

The maximum turnaround is 500 Belarusian rubles per month.

"Boomerang" from PriorBank

Cardboard features:

  • Type: cashback card.
  • Payment system: Visa Platinum payWave.
  • Term dії: 4 rocks.
  • Release rate: 450 BYN.
  • Service: no cost.

Why nі cashback with her?

What to give?

  • Cashback: from 0.7 to 1.3%, when connected to the "Key Card Loyalty Program" - up to 15%.
  • Partner stores: all stores and service points.


Axis is one more card of stitching, for example, I can drink among Belarusians.

Її issuer є "MTBank".

Cashback is more likely to be rewarded for stained cash, but not for credit.

  • The popularity of this banking product can be easily explained by the next indicator: 0% rate.
  • The one with such an ostentatious display: no costly decoration.
  • If you want to pay about 30 bel for 3 hours of service.
  • Card type - Mastercard.

Tse credit card, ale pennies turn for stained glass of sweet money

Skіlki turn?

Well, it’s okay, those who want to talk to us specifically - wash the cashback:

And why not get more than 200 per month Belarusian rubles. Such a maximum limit.

There are a lot of partner stores, їх - again - it’s a little, but I’ll guess a few of the most popular ones: “5 Element”, “Lamoda”, “Ziko” too thin.

"Map #1"

Possibly, deyakі people should trust advertising and that you should pin your choice on the card with cashback to Alfa-bank, which is the best in Belarus, only on the basis that it is called “Card No. 1”.

However, such an approach to the choice of proposition is fundamentally wrong.

I’ll explain right away why this banking product cannot definitely be called the number one behind the fact (and it really works in pairs with other analogues).

  • The "plastic" itself is issued for 3 years, for which you will need to pay more than 1.99 Belarusian rubles.
  • And for regular service you need to pay 11.88 bel.
  • Here, in a flash, the displays are normal. More precisely, please.

Skіlki turn?

But what about turning?

Get better:

  • 1% - if you make any purchases;
  • 2% - when making purchases in one of the requested categories.
  • cars;
  • zha that products;
  • more expensive;
  • roses;
  • sіm'ya ta sobistі vitrati;
  • sport.

Plus, on the website of the bank, read the whole list of operations, for which you don’t need to turn away - visit partner stores.

For example, for MCC code 5411.

Mіzh іnhim, by itself given code Ide more purchases from Belarusian hypermarkets.


For cashback to Bilagroprombank, here is the best option, such as the Sperm Whale card.

Such an axis of the marine name, yak, in fact, cannot reach the sea-ocean of the year.

Those who know English can easily understand: "A lot of pennies."

It’s too much to know: it’s rich - it’s quiet, what are they looking at, what is quiet, what are they turning around?

Skіlki turn?

Rozmir cashback is stored here:

  • 1% - if you buy goods, paying without preparation, at stores that are not partners of this bank;
  • up to 5% - always make purchases in partner stores.

The entire banking product can be downloaded “online”, although the wine itself is not virtual, but entirely plastic.


You can get a card from MasterCard free of charge at MTBank, it's called PayOkay.

Її call to draw up for 3 years with a mindful payment of 19.9 bel.

One of the “chips” of the card, for which one to choose, - no cost insurance. So it's easier to take a visa. Well, you can cry with “plastic” in any European country without any problems.

Tue, I, as always, wake up, and we need cashback.

Skіlki turn?

Narahuvannya here like this:

  • 1.5% - for all payment transactions (for some reason, low transactions are repaid on the MTBank website);
  • 3% - if the buyer is covered by one of the MCC codes (a new promotion is carried out quarterly);
  • 5% - hotel booking on Booking, Tax Free return.

Costs for “plasticity” should be considered not as a reminder of a current month, but on the cob of an offensive one.

In the meantime, it seems that when the money is returned from Bookingu, there are hitches, shards without intermediary on which Maidanchik, payments are processed for a long time.

On the other hand, it’s okay with cards with cashback from Belarus.

Chi is not better to speed up by the services of the turn of the vіdsotkіv?

Bachite yourself, what do you think on the cards of the Belarusian banks in 2018 I would like it to be tsikavishe.

Andje, I named one of the best options.

Is it possible, more logical, to know which cashback service is in Belarus?


The best Belarusian project. My loves.

The reason is good return rates + goodwill.

More details about this site, it smells of warmth and indulgence.


Tezh site of our smallest brothers. I don’t know much about anything else, but it’s just a cicavo – // – the official website of the project.

UPDATE-2018. Having mercy, the service is UKRAINIAN.

The principle is that there are more Russian services, the servants of which serve as the hulks of the Russian Federation, who work without problems in this country.

Belarus actively buys goods through ePN cash back, Letyshops, Megabonus, KopiKot.

It’s important to look, I, maybe, look at the okremіy topics, it’s necessary to look at the stones not only the services of those propositions, but also the category of goods and shops.

Ale - for example - buying goods from the "Aliexpres" I already guessed, you can take it back:

  • vіd 5.5% for "ePN" and "";
  • від 5% from "Letyshops";
  • 4.55% from KopiKot.

Moreover, I named here the minimum numbers.

In the case of banking propositions, there are options for guiding.


Tim is no less, more people are basing themselves on “plastic”, lower services, which is not only about the return of stained pennies, but also on the other possibility of a banking product: for a line (as a credit product) or simply for saving money (as a way to go about debit card).

Let's bring the bags.

Vishche you read mind.

You and choose what you like best. Especially for others, for cashback, the “Magnit” stitching card is nice.

Yak bi was not there, do not miss garnu mozhlivist to save on the purchase of goods and services.

A lot of fans of online shopping already know about cashback and actively claim their service. Cashback - an operation, when a client turns a part of stained glass to buy pennies. The term wins not only in online trading, but also in the banking sector and in the gaming business.

How to get cashback

It's no secret that the competition between online stores is already great, so the sellers are ready to turn a part of the pennies from the purchase to the one who gets new customers. For this and created cashback service. Koristuyuchis them, the buyer earns his own. When buying for a solid sum, you can turn up to 7-10% of the spent pennies, such a possibility looks even more pleasant.

Sliding bonus points and cashback. Bonuses only work in stores, and you can win them only there, and the pennies, turned by cashback, can be transferred to the card through the payment system and withdrawn to your account.

Cashback service is a special site that provides services from getting new customers to companies and purchases of online stores and discounts to customers. Cashback site otrimu payment to shops and companies for acquiring new features, and pay buyers a part of the sum, redeemed for purchases, stimulating them for purchases in the future.

Similar services are provided by aggregators of online stores. The Letishops website will go over 900 stores, so you can choose everything here that suits you.

Golovna umova robots service polagaє that koristuvach go to the sites of stores for messages, as they become available after registration.

You can withdraw part of the sumi back using a different method:

  • to the rahunok mobile phone ()
  • to hell webmoney ( available to the citizens of the Republic of Belarus)
  • to hamanets Yandex.Groshi ( available to the citizens of the Republic of Belarus)
  • to a bank card
  • by PayPal
  • on Qiwi

Is it possible to return pennies for purchases in Belarus?

Cashback has appeared in Belarus recently, services are still connected to a small number of stores, but it’s possible to save money on purchases by turning back part of the stained pennies.

On the Letishops website for Belarus, you can get cashback at Aliexpress,,, and other stores.

Aliexpress is a very popular store in which to make purchases of bags of all SNDs. How to get cashback from Aliexpress? In order to buy on Aliexpress from the return of pennies through the Letishops website, you need to register on the site and select Aliexpress from the list of stores, then click on the button “Activate cashback on Aliexpress”, activation takes place in a few seconds.

If so, you can go to the site of the store and start shopping. For clarity, it is necessary to install the Letishops extension in the browser, as a reminder about cashback.

Sob guaranteed to take a penny, work to switch from the service to Aliexpress before buying a leather.

LetyShops- Service, which is trusted among fans of online shopping. For two years of work in Russia, buyers have already been paid 100,000,000 rubles, the service has hundreds of thousands of customers, who have discovered for themselves a miraculous way to make a big day of shopping.

Benefits to the LetyShops service

  • mozhlivіst turn koshti navіt todі, if klієntom vikupovєsya less than part of the product
  • promos - active cashback, prizes, promotional codes
  • return up to 30% of stained pennies, fallow from Maidanchik, where purchases were made
  • premium face record gives you the opportunity to deduct revenue from leather purchases

Cashback is possible on a mobile supplement from purchases on Aliexpress, so that you will always be able to save money on purchases, look over the balance, withdraw money in a manual way.

When shopping from mobile annex In other stores, cashback is often ruined, because. at mobile versions The websites of the stores do not have a code for this fixing and posting. Purchases from a computer are superior.

For a successful cashback cashback follow the rules

  1. Install the extension for the browser, to tell you about the activation of the cashback and tell you about the new shopping hour.
  2. To make purchases within one browser session after the transition from the service site to the store, otherwise you can not take pennies.
  3. Cashback is an advantage to online shopping, you won’t be able to return a penny, just to buy goods by phone.
  4. Since cashback is often ruined, it is recommended to win for shopping okremy browser with Letishops extensions. Victory yogo only to go to Letishops and go to partner sites.

Register in the cashback service

Cashback services allow you to kindly save - up to 90% on certain goods from Aliexpress to Belarus. A lot of such maidanchiks appeared, but the deacons of them are non-competitive and quickly curl up or zatrimuyut viplati. Therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to protect the kіlka factors and to rely on the ratings.

Cashback via Aliexpress for Belarus

What is cashback and how does it work?

Cashback, which allows you to save money on purchases from Chinese online stores. The seller turns the pennies, but rob it through an intermediary. Aliexpress pays cashback service commissions for successful purchases from its own marketing budget. Then the site will tell the coristuvachas a part of the stolen income.

In order to make purchases cheaper (from the average by 3-10%), it is necessary to buy goods for the help, formed by the Internet Maidan. You can also speed up to pay with a bank card with the cashback function, or you can use other methods. This is one of the types of loyalty, with which the client takes back a penny not before (for this principle, shares are "prized"), but after the purchase.

The average hour for the return of the money is about 30 days after the store confirms the return. Deyakі services to transfer cashback for purchases to the internal account already in 2 tizhnі, іnshі zmushuyut koristuvachіv chekaty up to 3 months.

Which cashback to choose for Aliexpress in Belarus? Top best

Cashback services work one kind of the same with the minds of robots, the cash handling of pennies, the ways of withdrawing money.

When choosing, follow the following directions:

  1. Security of money. Payment for EPN requires 30 days, for LetyShops - 33-60 days, for BeBack - 85 days.
  2. Minimum payment threshold. Kopikot allows you to withdraw 500 rubles. Return fee from Aliexpress - 5.5% of the sum of the order. Tse means that you need to spend 9 yew. rub. for purchases, in order to collect the minimum amount of money. And Cash4brands has no minimum amount.
  3. Support service. The normal support service gives a variety of support for a maximum wager of working days and can help solve the problem.
  4. Zvorotniy zv'yazok іz koristuvachami. Good, as the administration confirms the supply of koristuvachivs, it is actively contacted by social measures.
  5. Cashback amount. Most sites show approximately the same number of turns. It is necessary to be afraid of unverified cashback services, as if they were trying to propagate over that high vіdsotok.
  6. Variability of payment methods. What more ways of seeing are available (WebMoney, Qiwi, PayPal, Yandex.Groshi, phone, bank card), more better.
  7. Coupons and promo codes. Deyaki cashback services dodatkovo proponovat coupons and promotional codes, so they sum up with a hundred pennies.

All refurbished cashback services, which work in Belarus, may have a high reputation and a good reputation. The price of that change, if the dovira koristuvachiv is converted for sale.

Epn cashback

The best service for the return of stained pennies, which is victorious in Belarus, is tse ЄPN cashback.

Epn cashback is an official partner of Aliexpress, which directly cooperates with a Chinese online store. Therefore, the site offers a lot of coupons for a discount of up to 90% and a high return rate on purchases:

  • 6% - goods for the garden and the city, clothes, interior items, mobile accessories;
  • 2% - smartphones, computers and tablets, audio and video equipment, TMall;
  • 4% - other goods;
  • up to 90% - special propositions.

You can check for price changes, search for the most interesting propositions in various online stores through one service, withdraw more pennies in 15 ways.

The middle hour of depositing money is 30 days after the confirmation of the pledge. Є extension for the browser, mobile program, referral program, draws of prizes are held.


The site spіvpratsyuє z more nizh 1000 іnternet-shops, including aliexpress, servіs prіvіs prіvіvannya telіv Booking, iHerb store of natural cosmetics, organic produktіv і vіtaminіv іnі, іn.

For Aliexpress, these are the return rates:

  • 1.95% - technology and electronics;
  • 6.5% - interior items, clothes, garden accessories and mobile accessories;
  • 3.9% - other categories;
  • 1.3% - TMall;
  • up to 90% - okremі goods (the rate is different if you buy special rates from Aliexpress on LetyShops).

The maximum cashback is 40 dollars. Check-in hour - from 33 to 60 days. The minimum amount for a visnovka is 500 krb.

Є extension for the browser, how to ask cashback activation. Coristuvachs can use promo codes, you can connect a referral program (allowing you to earn 100% cashback for purchases, robbed by a third person for personal promotions) or a loyalty program (up to 30% to the standard rate).

You can win a premium account, which gives 30% up to the standard cashback rate. Tsya servant cost 150 rubles. Month Premium is given free of charge for 7 days upon registration.


Ebates is the same American service of private exchange of money for a purchase, which is practiced in Belarus. Over 1800 stores represented: Victoria's Secret, eBay, Amazon, Aliexpress. From skin purchases, they are rewarded with 2 to 20% of stained sumi.

Ebates works in Belarus.

Upon registration, a $10 bonus will be secured, which will become available after making purchases for $25. Payments are applied to PayPal once a quarter: 15 fierce, 15 grass, 15 sickle, 15 leaf fall. The minimum amount is $5.01.

Affiliate program is a good idea: you get paid $5 for a skin purchase, which will turn you into personal benefits. Only a few pennies will become available after the purchase of at least $ 25, as a result of the acquisition of the coristuvach. Є special promotions: $75 for 3 new letters, so you can go for personal messages for 3 months.

The international discount system converts up to 3.6% of the sum of purchases from Aliexpress (1.8% for the category "Telephony and telecommunications", 1.62% - TMall). Cashback hour: from 46 to 75 days - for Aliexpress and from 50 to 120 days - for TMall. Discount coupons available for different categories.

Depcount is an international discount system.

Mobile add-on and extension for the browser, active pages in social networks (you can quickly view information about promotions, discounts and sales), Affiliate program(30% from the cashback of the received koristuvach). Multimedia service (including Russian).

Pennies are withdrawn from BTC in rubles to a bank card, to Skype vouchers. There is no minimum amount, and the withdrawal of expenses is carried out without commission.


Russian cashback service has been working for 8 years in 10 countries and more or less 5 thousand. Internet shops. Kubochka's retailers regularly promote new services (recommendation system, self-learning, discounts and promotions, extension for browsers) and improve the Internet Maidanchik.

When registering a correspondent, you will receive a vital bonus - $10. Є partner program and system for connecting vipadkovy referrals. That is, new participants, who came without a referral message, will automatically join before registering as a correspondent.

Koshti can be displayed in bitcoins, dollars, euros and rubles on bank cards, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, mobile phone, QIWI, PayPal. There are no commissions, krim vipadkiv, if the koristuvach is not robbed of special purchases, but earns only on referrals. The minimum amount of withdrawal is 100 rubles, 10 € or 10 $.

You can withdraw back from 2% to 90% of the sum of the deposit in the category of goods, special propositions and status in the system. The rate of the new client is increasing in the world of purchases.


From the paid purchase, 1.6% -3.27% is rotated, but not more than $ 41. The average term for confirmation of cashback is 30-45 days. The system of rewards does not take the fate of gift certificates and paid delivery. The amount of cashback is formed after the redemption of all discounts, coupons in the store or Aliexpress.

The loyalty program allows you to withdraw up to 50% to cashback:

  • newbie - rhubarb on the cob(after registration);
  • arithmetic - 7% to cashback (mind access - 1 $ withdrawal from purchases);
  • merchant - 14% (from $2);
  • economist - 22% ($5);
  • shopaholic - 31% ($21);
  • treasury - 40% (from $ 144);
  • master over the coin - 50% (from $ 2584).

Money can be withdrawn to WebMoney (R-and Z-gamants), PayPal, QIWI, Yandex bills, mobile phone or bank card. Minimum amount of visnovka:

  • 1.5 $ - WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex.Groshi, mobile account;
  • $5 - PayPal;
  • 15 $ - bank cards.

Є the maximum amount of cash withdrawals, but the cashback service does not limit the number of mining operations.


Rozmir cashback deposit in the form of loyalty programs:

  • 5-10% up to the cob rate (up to 7% fallow in category) with reaching 150 rubles. on the rahunka;
  • 10-20% - up to 1000 rubles;
  • 20-30% - from 5000 rubles;
  • 30-40% - from 20,000 rubles.

Service Cash4brands.

The pennies will be secured by the protract of the day after the confirmation of the Aliexpress confirmation, cashback can be withdrawn to WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex, bank cards, mobile phone, PayPal, VK. The minimum payment for QIWI, WebMoney and Yandex.No money, for bank cards - 500 rubles /, for mobile accounts - 15 rubles /, VK - 100 rubles.


Cashback from Aliexpress in Belarus - up to 3.92%, but not more than $19.25. Bonuses are secured for a period of 60 days after confirmation of the purchase. For lucrative friend koristuvach otrimu 100 rubles. disposable.

Є especially mind the victorious service:

  1. Wimicati Adblock and other browser extensions.
  2. Don't victorious bonus programs stores
  3. Zastosovuvat only promocodes in Kopikotu.
  4. Form the cat after launching the cashback service in the browser.
  5. Do not shop in private browsing mode.
  6. Unique sites from advertising at the time of purchase (in other tabs).
  7. Clear cookies before launching cashback and final purchases.
  8. Don't victorious mobile supplements stores

Pennies (minimum 500 rubles) can be withdrawn to PayPal, WebMoney, bank cards, World of Tanks, Yandex and mobile. Є charitable programs (funds "Spoluka", "Zhiviy", "Line of Life").

Cash back in Aliexpress - up to 59.5% (deposit in the category and special offers). Є referral program (10 rubles). For registering a correspondent, I charge up to $50. The pennies become available until the redemption after cashback is withdrawn for special purchases.

Sales processing service.

Free (and earned on referrals) coins can be withdrawn to the mobile account, OkPay, Perfect Money, Payeer, QIWI, Free-Kassa, bank cards, bitcoin-gamanets. The minimum amount is $1.

How to earn cashback from Aliexpress?

Dekilka ways to get the biggest cashback from Aliexpress:

  • take part in promotions, sales and raffles both for an online store and for a cashback service (which is not covered by the rules of the site);
  • pick up promotional codes and coupons;
  • buy goods in bulk, along with other purchases;
  • follow the distribution of goods to burn (distributed with discounts on Aliexpress are updated today about the 11th anniversary of the wound).

(Service, for the sake of services, returns to the client a penny sum of money for purchases). A year later, having served services in other lands, I understand a little: cashback in Belarus is richly folded and water-reinforced light, which can be in equal parts of Europe with the laws of Europe.

It is not so easy to make money for Belarusian citizens, like, for example, in Russia. That's why I wrote about those, how you can save for additional cashback services in Belarus.

What is the article about?

Who jokes that you know!

I, like a human being, like a half-heartedly longing for the wondrous world of the Belarusian cashback, I understood, I immediately got the joke of the service of Belarus through the poshuk systems. As a result, having revealed just an indistinguishable number of people.

Vtіm, my joy was before the hour. It was not without reason that it was reported that at least half of them were Shakhrai organizations.

Even then I am sensible, I will gladly need to give you us in front: try to bypass one-day sites (Like Keshberi), with anonymous pіdzіlih vіdgukіv with obviously twisted likes.

We don’t care about who this cheap trick was paid for, but instead they started to scam just to show off - however, they lead them to clean water.

Shakhraї under the mask to the cashback service

Well, that garazd, I will spare you a look at the details of my blubbering across the open spaces of the border. I'll just say that I'm using the method of trials and pardons.

Then now I can once again call the cashback service in Belarus, which is 100% not victorious as scammers for stealing your coins, and which is an average statistical coristuvach, you can boldly take it on the olive — it’s called Letyshops.


The most popular service in the CIS for turning stained-glass boxes on maidanchiks of the Aliexpress type.

I'll tell you about my damage to work with the service, about pluses and minuses, and about other nuances. I can immediately express the blatant hostility of two words: the service is good.

  • Otzhe, I’ve been working on the interface for some time now, and without mentioning the docking options, I’ll come up with the function: “Mobile phone renewal” for the Republic of Belarus. Tse vіdrazu gave me an additional plus before this service that really needs a function. Here you can already see that Letyshops has the best cashback service for aliexpress and other stores in the Belarusian segment today.
  • Then I put a special add-on for Chrome, which automatically backs up purchases, went through a short registration and gave it away right away with the service.

And yet, a bunch of cashback is not so attached to respect, like in other similar overseas services, like, for example.

However, the main advantage of Letishops is not in the first place.

I'm going to win over the top pluses of Letyshops:

  • Nasampered: permanent promotions with promotion (importantly dependent) cashback;
  • In a different way: the bonus system is accumulative, depending on how much more the client buys - the more there will be more and more turns;
  • Thirdly: Russian technological support. On all meals, as they blamed me for a stretch of the mustache path, I took off the swedes and informative tips;
  • Fourthly: the number of stores in the whole world is not less than 900, most of them are scattered across the post-traditional lands, and in small places there is still one such store.

I would also like to respect: cashback is secured differently and deposited according to the policy of the store itself.

And the axis z is the norm for pennies. The cats arrived promptly, after which there was an electronic notification. I want to know that deyakі koristuvachі mayut problems z zarahuvannyam.

Choosing special promotional codes allows you to receive cashback promotions

Letishops uses the rank of letikods - these are promotional codes, which will increase the amount of cashback.

For example, lithic code ALIEX_SALE increase the amount of your cashback in the second time for two doby (it is expanded to all other Chinese online stores:

  • everbuying;
  • tinydeal;
  • buyincoins;
  • that in.

You can tweak the extension for the browser, but it’s often stupid, and it can deprive you without cashback.

It is necessary to register early in Letishops, and after that, join all official groups of that group to receive relevant information.

Understanding, nothing will spare your waters. As a minus to the service (in my opinion) it is possible to point out the following aspects:

  • while the official mobile program is still running;
  • starting amount of vision - 500 Russian rubles(For deyaky, the sum is even more significant);
  • not the best, especially compared with other foreign competitors, cashback cashback (prote compensated by regular promotions and bonuses).

In this manner, Letyshops for today is the only one best services cashback from Aliexpress in Belarus, which is not the best cashback service on Aliexpress in Belarus.

Service of the insurance financial climate in this country (and not only in it), there may be a better service, as well as in the Russian Federation. In a word, this is a miraculous local grave, which miraculously copes with its tasks.


However, Letishops is not the only one. You ask: Can you use cashback to the Crimean service in Belarus?

Well, judging by my findings, the most profitable Belarusian cashback services after Letishops are, maybe, Kopikot and ePN cash back. The very same resource is the most victorious for a resident of the Republic of Belarus.