Verify Apple serial number. Check iPhone before buying

Mayzhe half Vlasnikov iPhone from our country bought their telephones from "sirih" dealers. Tobto the equipment was brought from the USA, Europe and Asia by private individuals. And while the trend is being saved. This article is for those who buy a phone from such sellers. If you’re not sure that an iPhone was brought to you, then the axis of the article is how to remake an iPhone copy of the original Apple smartphone.

The situation is like this. You knew on the Internet good store with a guaranteed price, they closed the iPhone with delivery and check if you bring it. What do you need to work, what do you need to respect, to get rid of problems with locked devices (like D.M.) ...

In some countries, the iPhone is sold locked under a singer operator. Tse mezhuє їх vikoristannya in іnshih kraїnah i vmagає unlock, scho not always possible. Krіm moreover, shorazu after leaving new firmware be brought to the checkout exit of the filling. Possibility to get services on rozlochtsі telephones (there may be advertising intermediaries), but only additional pennies - $ 80 and more. І do not make sure the result is guaranteed. Rather, calmly check the iPhone before buying.

Gentlemen, take note. Apple products are covered by a worldwide warranty. However, it is not necessary to use the iPhone through exchange for a variety of telephones from various telephone operators.

How to buy the right iPhone and what you need to pay attention to when buying a phone.

Nasampered, if you work in the store, ask the seller for the iPhone imports.
Subbyte Pro SIM cards For recheck iPhone. If you don't have a micro sim (for iPhone 4S) or nano cym(for iPhone 5), then check the phone for the possibility of ringing the ringtone.

As a rule, found devices - tse phones from the window or replaced by a lot of purchases. Chi buv iPhone replacements can be recognized by IMEI (send in the end). It is respectful to open the box, to marvel at zahisnі plіvki boules on the field without bulbs, looking under them.

Before buying, it is necessary to indicate which side of the iphone, and the number of charges for the operator.

Axis of what you need to know about your new phone:
- The country for some reason imported the iPhone.
- Recognition of what is in the room to the man on the box, but in the middle of the box.
- Well, if it is impossible to assign the model to the device as an operator. Check iPhone for IMEI.

The main data of the phone can be recognized without opening the packaging. On the back of the box there will be a sticker with barcodes and tributes about the iPhone.
We are tickled:

1 Model number
2 Serial number
3 IMEI number

This information can be retrieved by turning off the phone and launching the “Settings” program. At the menu “Basic” > “About attachments”.

Verify that the numbers indicated on the box are displayed in the telephone settings. If not, then as much as possible tsey pristriy pobuvala at the guarantee store.

Yakscho serial number Starts at 5K, only factory updates.

1 iPhone revalidation per model

By model number, you can find out from which country the iPhone was brought.
Letters after digits up to the sign “/” indicate the region of sale and warranty service.

For example MC131TA/A - iPhone phone 3G 16Gb Black, available from Taiwan (Chunghwa Telecom)

Official Russian telephones (PCT) have the following numbers:
MB489RS/A, MB496RS/A, MB500RS/A, MC131RS/A, MC132RS/A, MC133RS/A, MC134RS/A

Below is a list for independent verification

Greens - good (unblocked).
Chervoni - nasty (blocked).

AB (AE) – AOE (operators Etisalat and DU, unlocks)
AB - Egypt, Jordan (operators Vodafone and Orange, blocking)
AE - Saudi Arabia (operator Mobily and Support unlocks)
B - UK and Ireland (operator O2, blocking)
BZ - Brazil (operator Claro, VIVO, blocking)
C - Canada (operators Fido and Rogers, blocking)
СZ (СS) - Czech Republic (operators O2, T-Mobile, Vodafone, unlocks)
DN - Austria, Nіmechchina, Netherlands (operator T-Mobile, blocking)
E - Mexico (Telcel operator, blocking)
EE - Estonia (EMT operator, blocking)
ER - Ireland (unlocks)
FB - Luxembourg (operator: LUXGSM; Tango - unlocked);
FB - France (operator Orange, Bouygues, SFR - blocking, but with the possibility of removing the sim-lock on additional minds) blame the iPhone 4 (4s) when buying at the apple store (the operator will have blocking)
FD - Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland (operators One, Orange, Swisscom, blocking)
GR - Greece (Vodafone operator, unlocks)
HB - Israel (operators Cellcom, Orange and Pelephone, blocking, but with the possibility of sim-lock on the smart minds)
HN - India (operators Airtel and Vodafone, blocking)
IP - Italy - blocked
J - Japan (SoftBank operator, blocking)
KN - Denmark and Norway (operators Telia and NetcCom, blocking)
KS - Finland and Sweden (operators Telia, Sonera, blocking)
KH - China (operator China Unicom, unlocks)
KH - Korea (operator China Unicom, blocking)
LA - Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Peru, El Salvador, Ecuador (operators Comcel, Claro, Movistar, Porta, TM SAC, blocking)
LE - Argentina (operators Claro, Movistar, blocked)
LL - USA (AT&T operator, blocked)
LT - Lithuania (Omnitel operator, blocking)
LV - Latvia (LMT operator, blocking)
LZ - Paraguay, Chile, Uruguay (operators CTI Movil, Claro, Movistar, TMC, blocking)
MG - Ugorshchina (T-Mobile operator, blocking)
NF - Belgium, France (operators Mobistar and Orange, blocking)
NF - Luxembourg (Vox Mobile unlocked)
PL - Poland (operators Era and Orange, blocking)
PO - Portugal (operators Optimus and Vodafone, blocking)
PP - Filippini (Globe operator, blocking)
RO - Romania (Orange operator, blocking)
RS (RR) – Russia (operators VimpelCom, MegaFon, MTS, unlocked)
RR - Moldova (Orange operator, blocking)
SL - Slovakchina (Orange operator, unlocked)
SO - PAIR (operators Vodacom, unblocking)
T - Italy (operator TIM and Vodafone, unlocks)
TA - Taiwan (Chunghwa Telecom, unlocks)
TU - Turkey (Vodafone operator blocked)
TU - Turkey (operator TurkCell, unlocks)
X - Australia (operators Optus, Telstra, Vodafone, blocking)
X - New Zealand (Vodafone, unlocks)
Y - Spain (operator Movistar, blocking)
ZA - Singapore (SingTel operator, unblocking)
ZP - Hong Kong and Macau (Three, unlocks)

Guaranteed to work with our chains of phones with indexes TA (Taiwan), ZA (Singapore), ZP (Hong Kong).

With the improvement of the lowest prices, more and more "sirih" devices will be imported.
Well, and especially RS (Russia).
In other cases, it is necessary to check the phone by IMEI, or rather by the SIM card of your operator.

2 Check iPhone for serial number

The serial number is given much more information.
There are 11 signs, for which you can recognize the model I will add, the color, the date of preparation.
Chi is activated, and iPhone is under warranty.
Otriman information can be read with the help of what is in your hands.

Technical characteristics this iPhone can be viewed on the website Chipmunk

iPhone Serial Number Warranty Check at Apple

3 Check iPhone for IMEI

More information about attachments can be taken from the IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity - 15 digits).
Before speech, you can recognize yoga simply by typing on the keyboard: * # 06 #
For all the information that is available when rechecking the serial number, IMEI can still be used to determine the unlock status for the iPhone. Tobto. the ability to work on the phone with a stylish operator.
On this site you can see the technical characteristics of the iPhone, which are checked

4 Recheck unlock for IMEI

You can check it on the following sites:

Here you can find the service of pidtrimka, as you may need to unlock your iPhone for a penny.

5 Checking the Activation Lock status

First, the Activation Lock function appeared in the operating iOS systems 7 and the camp on the breast of the past year її is activated by 78% of all iPhones. After the appearance of the little iPhone and the iPad, it dropped noticeably.

You can check your iPhone at To check the status of the Activation Lock function, you must enter the IMEI form or serial number mobile annex, as well as captcha (type letters and symbols for protection against bots). I’ll allow you to hide your purchases, I’ll build it, which is already blocked by the front vlasnik. If you have the Activation Lock feature turned on, you need to ask the seller to turn it on, for which you will need an Apple ID and password.

Check iPhone before buying. (IOS)

Neumovirna bulk of clones and podrobok led to rich food, how to check iPhone for correctness. The most expensive and one of the most popular brands is Apple, that's why the popularity of the product is significant. Make rough copies, as if they are taken literally for all parameters, it is not important to note them, but there are a number of imitations. The stench needs a special approach to signify that the original smartphone is in front of us.

Starry look

Before tim, yak get down to systemic ways Perevirka, varto vivchiti zovnіshni yakosі I will add. It’s imaginary, to wind up the winds in such a simple way to get into the habit, that a smartphone is a pidrobka.

In the first place, varto respect the logo, in the original product of the company Apple bitten an apple only s right side Yakscho є yakіs datkovі elementi аbo mіsce sting zlіva - tse podrobka. Also, the name can be used to imitate, respectfully follow all the letters, in the original the name of the iPhone, so that the letter is given every day or added, then it’s also a letter.

Don't tell me what you got iPhone model s yakimis additional functions, like the original is daily. Vbudovane telebachennya, stylus, dodatkovі antennas chi similar - tse sign of the supplement. It is impossible to follow tricky sellers, similar in the Apple assortment is not available.

iPhone - it’s better to take a conservative line, the elements in it are madly changing, but there are no additional SIM-slots or microSD cards are not to blame. Given the amount of memory, use the standard one - 32, 64, 128 and 256 GB, the presence of 40 or 70 GB is clearly indicative of a Chinese letter, and it is unimportant. Varto vrakhovuvati, that the working memory capacity is smaller for orders when buying by an order of magnitude, the operating system borrows 5-10 GB.

iPhones prior to version 5S were released only in standard white and black colors, as well as in black, black, black, and gold. color, know exactly what the feed is.

At mobile supplements Skype for Android and iOS has appeared in the wake-up call of the voice assistant

Original attachments may have a non-separable case, which is why it is stuck with models, where you can take access to the battery without disassembling the rear panel, the product is not original.

Software security

An offensive method, how to check the iPhone 7 for correctness, including other models - the same operating system. How the Chinese didn’t swear, the stench can’t be installed iOS attachment, but pompous showman iPhone. As soon as you activate your smartphone, you can go to Google Play and zavantazhity addenda call, then you have an Android, independent of the data in the information attached. In the original, for the attraction, the AppStore is to blame, because such a possibility is, then everything is safe.

In fact, it’s not enough to deceive for additional help, but looking at the new ones, they can sell refurbished, stolen outbuildings.

Verify the correctness of the iPhone on the site

The first time to buy a smartphone, varto check the iPhone’s correctness for the number, it’s especially important when you put it on hand. Buvay, scho zі the smartphone vykonuyut pevnі manіpulyatsiї, schobi impossibly bulo vіdstezhiti іstorіyu pristroi. It is often similar to vikonuetsya for illegal methods of otrimannya I will add.

In order to improve the originality, I will add, it is necessary to take the serial number. Є 3 months

  • At the back of a smartphone;
  • At the box with outbuildings;
  • In the operating system.

The serial number is added to the firmware of the smartphone and it is impossible to change it, the retailers about it were sloppy. For authentication, you just need to review the information on the site:

  1. Go to the site;

  1. Enter the serial number of the smartphone;
  2. If you want to receive information about attachments, yoga model, name, characteristics of the attachment, version operating system, Memory capacity, etc.

Zavdyaki this information can be determined by the real date of purchase, I will add it, legally, the wines were imported from the country, the term of the guarantee is just that. In such a rank, there will be no sumnіvіv at spravzhnostі.

Which is better - iOS or Android?

Check iPhone for correct serial number

Use a more primitive, but sometimes effective way, how to convert the iPhone to the correctness of 6s or 7. How to get over it, or rework it, and then sell it under the eye of the new, practically change the number of key powers.

The serial number on the roof, box and system does not work. As if in one place there is a smaller number, in front of you there is an evil spirit, which is changing or being repaired. If you re-verify through the site, you can show the normal parameters, but through the help, you will understand that the spare parts were taken from another attachment. If you try another number, then the activation date will be significantly earlier. Renovated iPhones are uncompromisingly sold as new, shards of stench are small and defective.

On the back, there will be a reminder of the wadis on the fastenings, which indicate those who have a smart phone. Sometimes they stick seals there, the factory does not install them, apparently, the iPhone is under repair.

Chinese phone makers will improve their craftsmanship in front of the creation of similar "replicas".

How not to get stuck in the market? How to convert an iPhone to the right one, how to buy wine by hand or in an online store, and not at a great salon steward operator Who is the official Apple store? How to convert, and then activate the device? Why is activation due to the purchase of a phone, regardless of the model?

Rechecking iPhone for correctness for strange signs

Learn a few ways to check the iPhone for accuracy, and in most cases it is recommended to go to all of them in sequence. If a smartphone is sold by hand, then, as a rule, the buyer can take the gadget in his hands. About the obvious notification of the iPhone, the following signs should be noted:

  • visibility of the antenna,
  • availability of slots for more or less one SIM card or flash card,
  • the presence of buttons on the front side of the gadget (on the original iPhone, there is only one round button).

A lot about the smartphone rozpovіst yakіst yogo roboti: the help of iPhones are safe with displays that are behind the RETINA technology, so that it can be more secure even though the image is (may be the highest number of pixels). Krіm tsgogo, obov'yazkovo varto look at the emblem of the "apple", which is on the right side of the building I will add. Keep in mind that this logo cannot be a sticker, but we will apply it to the images after Farbi's help.

Nareshti, deyakі maisterno vykonanі pіdrobki can be shown for the help of a simple vimіryuvannya of the diameter of the display. Let's guess that in the original versions of qi, the showcases may be like this:

  • iPhone model 4/4S - 9.1 cm (3.6 inches);
  • iPhone 5/5S - 10.1 cm (4 inches);
  • iPhone 6 - 11.9 cm (4.7 inches);
  • iPhone 6+ - 14 cm (5.5 inches).

Also, do not forget to send the seller's instructions to the phone. Original instructions This basic guarantee for the device will become another confirmation of the correctness of the smartphone.

How to check the iPhone for reference on the official Apple website?

Checking the iPhone for accuracy on the official website of the maker - maybe, most best way reconcile with the original gadget. Go about the portal, which will help you to recognize all the necessary parameters, I will add it and change the legality of the smartphone for help with the serial number.

Recheck iPhone for originality by serial number

The serial number is a cipher, which can include numbers and letters - a total of 11 or 12 characters. You can know yoga on the box (after I write SerialNo):

Such a serial number itself is guilty of being displayed on the iPhone screen, like going to "Nalashtuvannya" - "Basic" - "About this attachment". Zreshtoy, we go to the official website of the picker and we know the menu item "Pidtrimka":

After entering the explicit serial number on the screen, you will be prompted to confirm that the iPhone is correct. Next image to tell about the update or whether there are problems with the gadget:

If the iPhone is correct, you can confirm the confirmation:

Recheck iPhone for IMEI verification

Another simple i available way IPhone rechecking for correctness of matching IMEI numbers with different numbers. Vin is also displayed on the box, and is also indicated on the SIM card tray. In addition, yoga can be played in the settings of the smartphone: "Settings" - "Basic" - "About this attachment":

You can check the correctness of IMEI on the website of the international identifier -

Re-blocking iPhone for Apple ID

Even though all the re-examinations are more likely to be tested, and the results of the re-examination turned out to be successful, accept residual solution about the purchase is still not Varto. You can’t ignore the fluctuations, if the gadget that is being bought, you can change it in the blocking camp. I can unblock the activation by adding it to the right account, and also, if the seller is not able to enter apple password ID, smart phone with great ability to be stolen.

Reverse iPhone blocking by Apple ID you can do this:

  1. Go to the "iCloud" menu.
  2. Change your mind that blocking is not enabled:

If you want to see this picture, ask the seller to unblock the device. The real master of the original iPhone, which had previously activated її, is easy to break that fast. In another case, the phone can be stolen.

The growth and quantity of the product, it is necessary for you to know how to correctly convert the iPhone to the correctness when buying.

It is also important to note that the phone is not stolen and that you have the right to warranty service in iStore stores.

More often than not, the details of the device can be rebuilt once in the original model, and even the Chinese details were not well worked out.

I’ll add it to the hull, that software shell.

Today's news is even more foldable to look at the original Apple products Therefore, before buying, it is important to familiarize yourself with it, as you can confirm the originality.


What do you need to know aboutiPhone?

The simplest way, how not to waste money on shahrai, is to buy less from official dealers. It may be possible to change online stores or supermarkets of technology, as more than one river sells Apple technology. good advice on different online maidanchiks, they give the purchasers a guarantee service.

It's important to note that official dealers have 20%-30% more iPhones prices, according to Apple. The very same person who orders smartphones directly from the USA through rozpovsudzhuvachiv. Another way to save is to buy an implantation device, which is known to the authorities.

Remember, in all ways of buying for a lower price there is a mass of "underwater stones", you need to know about it. The first way to save - tse attachments from the USA. In the States, it’s really a lot cheaper, lower with us, that’s right fresh tickets there are no problems.

However, you can't just take the attachments from the US. Such a purchase is not a sensation, even a gadget is not practical anywhere, around the USA. Depending on the legislation of America, skin purchases of the phone can be secured to one of the national service providers style tie.

Such a binding is imposed once upon purchase. In the Russian Federation, an American operator is not functioning, so a smartphone is not practicable. – the procedure for inclusion in the operator's network.

Merezha can tell you a lot about it without the need to unlock it. Such smartphones are called innovations. Revisions iPhone - a telephone, which was earlier than purchases, and then back through the breakdown of buildings. At Apple stores, buyers who are dissatisfied with the device’s robot can turn it back and take another smartphone without cost.

Smartphones turn back to the Apple specialized repair centers. The stench is again “reinventing” and is being re-listed for sale at a reduced rate. In the US, this technique is not very popular, and the axis in other countries similar to the iPhone is bought more often for the original model.

Just like the first two options - the price of a 100% original addition, then the third option for a smartphone - a Chinese sub.

Modern letters can be spun not to look like the original behind the original signs.

As a rule, Chinese iPhone poshiryuyutsya on Avіto, OLH and other similar trading sites. Sob don’t be fooled and don’t take a bite, it is important to know such words:

Select seller

With a 100% guarantee, the original iPhone can be purchased from popular retailers in the country. Yakshcho vie maєte namіr buy akіsny goods and protect the trochs, respect for next rules for choosing a seller:

  • If you know about sales on the site, you should pay attention to the rating of the seller and yogo advice. Search yogo im'ya that phone number on Google. Often shakhra and unscrupulous sellers are discussed on thematic forums or else. So you change the opportunity to spend the evil-doer;
  • Always ask for more more photos phone and yoga equipment. At the best time, contact the seller for additional video calls and ask him to show the product and give the serial number;
  • Ask for more information about the phone- de and if vіn buv pridbany, for some time having been in operation, chi bv vіn at the repair, as often falling that іnshі nutrition, vіdpovіdі on yakі know vlasnik whether or not the phone. Here you can help a psychological official. As a rule, a person who resells non-standard devices will not be swayed by food and think about it for a long time;
  • Find out about the guarantee that the smartphone is not locked. No guarantee obov'yazykovoy vymogoyu when buying, ale bagzhano, sob її the term is not passing, and even so you can afford to save on repairs and technical services.

What are the parameters for reviewing the original in the form of a copy?

Apple has a lot of respect for the safety and health of its devices. Kozhen koristuvach can independently show a report or confirm it.

The re-verification procedure is due to include a glance external parameters telephone, as well verification of all serial numbers and software shell:

Stage 1. RecheckIMEI, serial number and parametersiOS

Do not buy an iPhone without a box of a receiver, even if you need help, you can immediately tell if the phone is correct. Match which is indicated on the barcode of the package with the number which appears.

Go to the settings of the device and open the tab "Basic". And then "About my attachment". Vіdkryєtsya vikno, in which vіdobrazhatimutsya all the factory parameters of the smartphone. The stench is to blame for the information given on the box. However, the data is not identical - details of theft of the device, and the seller tries to sell it to you in the box according to the other model.

Stage 2. Verification through the official websiteApple

The help of yoga can be reversed by the skin of the koristuvach for help on the Apple website. Tse dzherelo є naychnіshim i naynadiynishim. Revising borrow all the money:

Return respect, The main meta service - check the possibility of service maintenance. It is recommended to go to the site to find out when you buy a phone at official points of sale. Often, shops in the middle can try to sell an iPhone, which they previously turned through a non-working camp.

Online service show this information:

  • Smartphone model;
  • Serial number;
  • Date of purchase;
  • Presentation technical support and the possibility of warranty service.

Important! As an effective warranty term - if it is a non-binding parameter for a smartphone, then the field "Diasna date of purchase" may be marked with a green tick. Tse means that the correct smartphone was received from the official dealer.

For the IMEI number, you can check on the website. The service will show the country of preparation, the date of purchase, and information about those who have been refurbished.

activation lock- What tse i yak pereverit?

activation lock- This function, as it allows you to block. In this rank, at the time of the phone call, no one can unlock it. Activation Lock is activated through the service. Data about those that the phone was stolen, mittevo add up to a single base. danih Apple.

To overthink, why don't we steal an iPhone, beat the next steps:

All about bindingiPhonebeforeApple ID

Apple ID- Tse online service, without binding to some kind of impracticality. The site is required for the identification of a koristuvach. In simple words, koristuvach I create my own oblique record at the system, and then we will enter the data of the oblique record on the skin of our devices.

By this rank, wines are attached to the personal side. , gestures and other biometric parameters will be available on all gadgets. It is not possible to get a quick phone call from a time to steal another person.

Before buying an iPhone from a non-certified shoe reseller. Before the smartphone is not guilty of binding any oblique record. Just make sure you don’t wiyshov from the official record of the past years, please sign up and the seller include the ID that you can sign with your smartphone.

If you use the wine to those who have forgotten the password for a long time and at home you will quickly figure out how to fix it, say such a purchase. There is no way to get in with an Apple ID - the phone is stolen.

Well, the seller is really forgetting, or not knowing that it’s not enough just throw the phone back to the factory settings, ask for yoga vikonati vidv'yazuvannya vid Apple ID with you:

  • Go to the settings of the device;
  • Click on an item "Basic", and then on Apple ID;
  • A key will appear at the window to enter physical record Sometimes a gadget cannot be linked to an Apple ID. As if the phone is still fixed behind someone else's side, im'ya koristuvachcha that photo is seen in lashings;

  • Click on item "Security and password"("Password and Security");
  • Press the key for the new window "Walk"("Sign out").

This article describes how to find the serial number or IMEI / MEID number, CDN and ICCID of your iOS device.


  • Numbers assigned to the next page at the “Nalashtuvannya” program, on the outbuilding itself, iTunes or on pochatkovіy packaging.
  • Identify your iOS device for an hour before the service apple tricks you can follow the serial number or the IMEI / MEID number.

Search for serial number, IMEI/MEID and ICCID numbers

  1. Go to the menu "Settings" > "Basic" > "About all accessories".
  2. Find the serial number, IMEI / MEID number and ICCID I will add.
  3. Would you mind inserting the data in the registration form or going back to the Apple support service? Type in and reduce the number to copy it.

Dosi did not know the required number? Div. stepped apart.


Vlasniks of these annexes can, and the IMEI / MEID number - on. As there is no possibility to enter the program “Nalashtuvannya”, for the retrieval of the upgrade, you can name the IMEI / MEID number instead of the serial number.

  • iPhone 8
  • iPhone 8 Plus
  • iPhone 7
  • iPhone 7 Plus
  • iPhone 6s
  • iPhone 6s Plus

The owners of these add-ons can, and the IMEI / MEID number (MEID - the first 14 digits of IMEI) - on the back panel. As there is no possibility to enter the program "Nalashtuvannya", for the retrieval of support, you can name the IMEI / MEID number instead of the serial number:

  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPhone SE
  • iPhone 5s
  • iPhone 5c
  • iPhone 5

  • iPhone3G
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4 (GSM model)
  • iPhone 4s

Assuming you have an original iPhone model, the serial number and IMEI number are printed on the back panel.

iPad and iPod touch

Serial number of iPad Pro, iPad and iPad iPod touch be found on the back panel. on iPad models you can also know the IMEI number. MEID - the first 14 digits of the IMEI number.


In addition, the serial number of the device can be found in the iTunes program.

To insert data into the registration form or return to the Apple support service, select "Editing" > "Copy serial number".