Post the rss address of the page. What is the extension of an RSS file? Subscribe to RSS for the additional service Google Reader and Yandex.Subscriptions

Read RSS feeds- Activity is more intimate, and the skin itself chooses the way in which to engage in sex. You can read RSS in aggregator programs, browsers and other services. Ale inodі is richer handy – send notifications about updates to the post office.

There is a great number of RSS feeds available in the Feedreader program, which have not been updated for a long time, but are simply wonderful: cost-free, richly functional, simple and handy. However, the actions, like, the most valuable pages, I added from Chrome browser For the help of the cool Slick RSS plugin, it’s even easier.

But there is a spoon in every barrel of goodness. These are constantly checked by RSS programs. Google browser Chrome and the computer robot were fired. Therefore, these pages do not need to be updated in real time, but can be read (or skipped) in the evening over a cup of tea, if you choose to transfer them to your email subscription.

Most blogs and sites use the Feedburner service from Google, “burning” their pages with its help, signing up for subscriptions, exporting and publishing a lot of wonderful speeches. Normal Feedbuern account subscriptions have a subscription form not only for the RSS program, but also for email. For example, on the side of the page on Terekhov’s blog, at the bottom right there is an envelope icon for an advance payment.

And if you look at another blog that is lower than SEO, the SeoProfy blog, then there is no such thing as what we sent there. Just a suggestion to choose an RSS reader.

If you open the “Choose Your Reader” list (select your e-reader), you can access a number of anonymous services... You must not click on any of them. Subscriptions to email from RSS are also not available.

Some recent searches have brought me to two services that have the most praise and that allow you to receive blog updates by email directly from the RSS page: and .

In principle, the service can be set up in the same way (you can also register): enter the address of the site or RSS feed, write your mailing address and select the delivery period (in real time, once a day or so).

Today's menu includes a new article from the SeoProfy blog.

Such an axis will serve and such an axis will cope. And the little girl’s axle runs from the stitches.

In the photos: Vanessa Essler, Italian actress and fashion model.

As planned, I’m starting to slowly register for various searches of supplementary agreements from the web. First on the list of relevant projects for information was (detailed). I’ll publish it a little later detailed inspection, and today I will introduce you to the heights of one task, how you will benefit from working with it. There is information about getting vacancy pages (post) from RSS to the post office. Moreover, we filter applications based on the keyword we need.

In principle, updates to RSS feeds can be monitored in different ways: whether you add a page to bookmarks, or use a special reader program, plus there are various services on the Internet for snatching RSS to Email:


It is likely that other projects will be started, but these may be completed. The first two sites have the classic functionality of sending RSS to email, where you simply enter the address of the RSS channel and your email. The remaining couple are still working on another principle, which is exactly what we need.

Previously in the world, I had already used a number of vikorystany applications, including sending SMS when purchasing goods in a store. This project will help you extract RSS by email with the addition of a special filter (key phrase).

Algorithm for setting up RSS via IFTTT

Please register on the IFTTT website first. Then, from the top menu, select My Applets, and then click on the New Applet options to create a new applet (previously called recipes).

The very principle of the robotic service lies in the fact that you, first of all, indicate the action of the mind for which your applet will be used, and in another way, you indicate what action may be taken as a result.

The whole process takes 6 hours:

1. Select a service for the trigger. Click on the “this” button (the most amazing little thing), the new tab will display a list of different options that we need RSS.

2. The purpose of the trigger (think about it). For RSS feeds there are 2 options:

Select another item “New feed item matches”, so that a new element will appear in the RSS stream, which will be avoided by the keyword or phrase you specify. Click on this trigger and the service will ask you to fill in the following options:

The page for new jobs/vacancies on can be found at the current address (as it is not important, you can find it on the new RSS site):

In yakosti keyword especially vikorist “wordpress”, because All formalities related to this CMS system are required. Next, click Create trigger.

3. Let’s go to the choice of action – the “that” button. As a service for the implementation of the task, we take Email.

4. For mail, there is only one option - intensive notification. The service generates a sheet in HTML format and also supports the insertion of pictures.

5. At the end of the day, you will need to fill in the parameters of the mail notification - select the subject of the sheet (Subject) and instead (Body).

How significant you can write the original text or express it special parameters From the “Ingredient” block. With this help, you can add various information from RSS to email: the title of the post, the text, the author, the message, etc. When finished, click on “Creator action”.

6. Finally, you will need to check all the parameters of the applet and finish working on it - the Finish button.

After creation, all applets are stored in the My Applets section. There you can turn them on or off immediately. Because our job is to extract RSS emails from Weblancer, we end up with the following lists:

Advantages of the method:

  • There is no way to monitor the transfer of work to Weblancer.
  • I only need the information that the RSS exchange includes in all categories.
  • What do you do different types activity and not just WordPress development, you can create a number of applets.
  • This is obviously great (especially if you get notifications about new listings in Gmail).

Before speaking, when the RSS is removed by email, there is still a delay (less than a year), I understand through the technology itself or the frequency of reading the page by the IFTTT service. If you want to be the first Vikonavian, you need to either monitor the site regularly, or look for alternative solutions - perhaps, through the RSS reader, data will come faster. However, especially the flexibility is not critical + you can manually remove vacancies from Gmail along with other important information.

If you know any other options for sending RSS to email, please tell us about them in the comments.

Good afternoon, dear blog readers!

A few days ago, I received a notification in the mail about the request: “How to subscribe to RSS?” Right now I just want to put it on the sheet, explaining what it is and where it is. Just after a little browsing with this people, I realized that it would be better to write an article and show step by step the entire process of subscribing to RSS or E-mail.

This topic has already been destroyed thousands of times on the Internet. On the topic: How to subscribe to RSS, E-mail, additional readers, programs, etc.? Hundreds of articles have been written, although they are incomprehensible and understandable.

Based on everything that has been said, I want to create my own little manual :-)

Use your hands more tightly. Get yourself some tea and cava with a bun. Well, get ready, after a few minutes you will find out what rss is and learn how to use this technology.

1) What is RSS?
2) How can I make an advance payment for RSS?
3) How to get RSS updates to E-mail?

And also:
4) Subscribe to RSS for additional readers (Google, Yandex.Lenta)
5) Subscribe to RSS for additional help special programs
6) Pros and cons of the singing subscription form

What is RSS?

RSS- this is a “special technology”, through which information is transmitted to MEREZHI. Otherwise they seem to be one of them manual ways take away the remaining updates my favorite blog site.

RSS helps you quickly retrieve updates, among other things. Look, almost all sites and blogs have their own RSS feeds.

I hope that most readers stay tuned for updates on a number of sites (blogs). Of course, since there are only a few pieces, there is nothing to say here. Going through 2-3 blogs is not important for anyone.

How about 20-30 blogs?

This is already a little problematic. Regardless, there are no everyday problems. It's just a lot of time. But this is not good. Need to speed up the time spent on the Internet :-)

Before speech, for those who do not have an “unlimited” Internet, RSS is just like before speech, since this technology does not require blogs (sites) to check their updates. So it’s really easy to use RSS as a vikorist!

Pros of RSS subscription

  • Mitteve brings updates to your favorite blogs and sites
  • There is no need to visit all your favorite websites and blogs to check their updates.
  • For the time being

There is nothing to say about the minuses, because there are none (although for some people there may be none).

What is better than RSS subscription or E-mail?

I don’t have a lot of daily concerns, except that email updates are slow to arrive. For some it is more important, but for me it is not so much.

I subscribe by email and RSS. To read RSS, I choose Yandex.Subscriptions, so that I can connect to the newsletter by looking at updates on various sites and blogs.

Well, you have already realized that subscribing to RSS for free will outweigh the prepayment to E-mail. Also, RSS subscription takes a few other forms of reading from E-mail. Who are you going to change after reading the article to the end?

How to get RSS updates to E-mail?

Let’s start with the simplest subscription form (E-mail). You have already come across her on other sites and blogs. Maybe they just didn’t mark it, or maybe they didn’t know. If an advance payment is made to the electronic screen, it is processed through the additional Feedburner service, which is operated by Gaucher (Google).

Almost all bloggers use this service, although I still note minor problems with the service.

P.S. It seems that Gosha has forgotten on Feedburner and will soon be gone, but for now there is no way to subscribe to E-mail.

What is the prepayment form via E-mail?

Let's look at the entire process of prepayment by E-mail using the example of my prepayment form.

1) To start, enter your E-mail in the special field on the prepayment form:

2) Next, press the “OK” button or press the “Enter” key

3) After which a new window opens, where in a special field you need to enter characters to confirm that you are not a robot (this is necessary to combat spam)

5) If everything is divided correctly, it may appear like this:

6) Now you need to confirm your email. This is necessary in order to inform you that this e-mail is due to you.

To confirm your e-mail, check the mail and find the list:

Well, that’s all! Your electronic subscription has been confirmed. This means that now you will always be aware of the remaining updates!

Subscribe to RSS for more help Google service Reader and Yandex.Subscriptions

Before the speech, for help Readeriv is easier to subscribe to RSS. Where are you going next?

Let's do it Google Reader

1) Go to head side Reader.

  • If you have a cloud account for any of Google services, you do not need to create a new one.

on Narazi Reader does not have a daily subscription. Next, I will show you how to overpay RSS on your blog.

4) Move the cursor over the “Subscriptions” text in the left sidebar.

5) Click on the button that appears right-handed and select action. Our vipadka “Add a new advance payment...”

6) If everything is completed correctly, a pop-up window may appear in which you need to enter the address of the site or blog:

9) Press the “Subscribe” button. All feeds to one RSS feed.

10) Well, the axis is all! Subscribe to my RSS feed. Now you can quickly update your blog!

Subscribe to RSS for help Yandex.Subscriptions

I appreciate that it is easier and more convenient to use Yandex.Subscriptions compared to Google Reader, according to Y.P. connected with Yandex mail. Tobto. By checking your email, you can check updates on your favorite sites and blogs.

Let's look at the process of subscribing to RSS on our blog.

1) Open Yandex.Mail.

P.S. If you don’t yet have an account record on Yandex, .

4) I forgot to enter the address of the site or blog and click on “Subscribe”

Well, that’s all! The advance payment has been processed! I think that you have no problems today.

This is where I might end the post. So, without forgetting, you can overpay for RSS for additional special reader programs:

  • FeedDemon
  • RSS Reader
  • Abilon
  • Newz Crawler

I won’t write about those who profit from them, because they are simple and intuitively understandable. I recommend using FeedDemon, as it has more capabilities against other programs.

Discussions and agreements about Google closing their RSS feeds are not available. Some are looking for a good alternative, while others are waiting for the emergence of new services due to the hype.

Previously, I published an article about the service. After reading this article, you will know how to read RSS feeds using Gmail.

For the most important problem, you can use it unexpected ideas. If you like fresh and unconventional solutions, then you should try setting up your mail service to remove and read new items from RSS feeds. This approach has already been used in the past postal programs Oh, now you can set up reading pages from any of the mail services: Gmail,, and others. Of course, when adjusting, minor inconsistencies may arise, but in general the idea of ​​adjusting is the same.

Croc 1. You can use it instead of feeds to your mail screen

To set up mail to interact with RSS feeds, you must enter the feed for other external services. For this you can use Pipes, Blogtrottr, IFTTT or other services. For example, let's take Blogtrottr - this service has a lot of different functions, in addition to what is most useful for our information - directives instead of feeds to the postal screen.

We are registering and adding an OPML file with all the addresses of your subscriptions. Then you can adjust the update frequency, turn up the filter, change the name. Before speaking, the frequency of updates is important, since the service updates RSS feeds according to technical capabilities either in real time or once a year. As a rule, this is enough. Well, since there is no need for such a frequency of updates, you can set another interval: two, or six twelve years, or once per day.

Step 2. Install the filter.

Installing the obov'yazkov filter in this section, so that after registration and adding feeds to your screen you will be promptly notified, there is no need to do so. That's why we adjust your filters postal service. For example, Gmail’s filters work even better, and when you customize them to your advantage, you get an even better reader that can be easily compared to Google Reader. The first thing that comes to mind is the creation of folders with names, topics, what to write, or new items. Ideas for filtering and dividing by anonymous folders.

Before speaking, Gmail is already a popular service, so there are so many options for this service. It’s a pity that Gmail cannot process SMS notifications. If you need an SMS service, you can request this service on the indicated website.

After adjusting the internal filters of the mail service, you will see all the new items in one menu, which can be highlighted so that they do not take up too much space on the screen. For example, if you have Gmail, you can configure the client in such a way that new messages are not displayed in the “Inputs” folder, but are sent directly to a separate folder, without interfering with the sheets and notifications.

It makes no sense to see more precisely the process of adjusting the filters - for your skin postal customer, and their ideas to the division of information.

Lesson 3. Sorting the information that has been removed.

Then, after adjusting and filtering, we can read the relevant information from the RSS feed. Now, looking through the information, you can divide it according to importance: some will be sent to “Noted” or “Important”, others – to the cat. If you need to add notes or your thoughts to the drive or other information, you just need to click “Notes” and enter the text. From now on, the information will always be linked to the comment and will be in the “Chernetki” folder (for Gmail and similar services).

If you set up the sorting correctly, you can save a lot of time. And an hour is worth nothing. Before speaking, nasty pennies can be earned from.

Before speaking, to get a better understanding of the sorted sheets in Gmail, I recommend watching this video.

Lesson 4. Vikorist’s additional capabilities.

Email your details to Gmail or Yandex in admin additional possibilities are bound to other services of these companies. If you need to share the new news with your friends, using Gtalk, if you have received information about this topic and want to make a fortune, then add it to the Google calendar, if you need to process information, visit the Google task manager.

For a wide range of services of postal programs, it is necessary to spend a few hours learning all the capabilities of the available services. Let's see the benefits of such a non-standard Gmail blog: the idea is to have a lot of positive aspects and few negative ones. Among the advantages of the search engine: it is more convenient to use filtering and customize settings, there is no need to switch from one site or service to another, there are plenty of possibilities for similar services, and for Google, other great servers There is still interaction with social measures or else popular add-ons. Moreover, it is possible to work with mobile devices, select the page design. Well, it’s absolutely constant - and it’s absolutely incredible that Google has become a Gmail.

There are not a lot of shortcomings at all: first of all, with the recent adjustment of the sheet, the new items will be mixed, which will lead to an increase in discord with postal screenshot, in other words, for active koristuvachs such a vikoristan service is simply uncalled for. In other words good decision food replace Google reader, without any special problems or technical difficulties.

I have already written about RSS feeds many times. About those manual mechanisms for keeping up with updates on your favorite places on the Internet. Today we will tell you how to receive RSS feeds by email instead of these and others.

Let's take it as a butt Vanich, whoever wants to start writing his wonderful messages on LIRA, is more familiar as a LJ user pesen-net(And the information has stopped publishing on LiRu). To get started, we need the addresses of the RSS feed. Where should I take it? There are so many ways to earn money. For example, for our butt you can take it here (for the little one, which is framed in the screenshot below):

If you point at this writing or picture of Misha's vkazivnik, you can be shown this address:

How about copying it? And I would like the axis to be like this: " ". Especially for those who do not read the notice, sent in English. First of all, hover over the “RSS” sign to show your mouse. In other words, press on law Misha. Thirdly, there you select the type “Copy to email address”:

If you can’t go out, then you still have to go to the emergency room, having been sent a message.

Well, yak? Copied? No? Well, okay, you need the following addresses (for the butt): .

Now you are about to start tormenting your food: “Well, oh, the addresses of the rss page are already in me, but what can I do with it?” I want to crush Chernishevsky at your root, and you will be forced out of his diet. I will say more, you need to insert this form on the site :

As you may have noticed, next to the address of the RSS page, you also need to indicate your address by e-mail. І vibrati, as often leaves on qiu address overpower:

For those who are not aware: add updates literally in “real time mode”, update one sheet for 2 years with all updates, for 4 years, for 6 years, for 8 years, for 12 years and once upon a time. Choose the option that suits you the most. Vibrated? Well, that's it, the advance payment is completed.

I just lost pressing this button:

The axis is now exactly everything. The site checks your RSS page for validity and informs you that a confirmation sheet has been sent to you:

Now you need to write to the post office, the address you indicated, and get something like this:

This one will have a lot of text, but the most important one will have a lot of text (the list will have a little bit of text, just one):

Axis, power, and that’s it.

We will soon let you know how to pay in advance for the renewal of the blog on LiRu, available for review by anonymous people, at the email address.