Like a program for autosurfing WMmail. Main types of earnings on Wmmail

Hello friends! Today there will be a report on one of the largest and most popular projects on the Russian Internet for making money on your clicks and clicks, the Wmmail website. Let's take a look at how everything is organized here, what to do, where to push, etc., all with pictures that look like instructions. And finally, there will be one great bonus, don’t miss it! Let's see.

Description of the Wmmail website:

The postal distribution service, or in other words “postal service” Vmail, is considered one of the largest in Russia (Runet) and today the most popular and popular service for earning money on the Internet!

Wmmail is sure to be able to make payments from 2004!

At this time, the number of active traders exceeded 500,000 people. And the total amount of payments exceeds $6,000,000 (6 million dollars).

What does Wmail offer to earn money?

  • Payment for registration of various tasks - in 0.01$ to 10$(Sometimes there are plans for $20, $30 and more).
  • Payment for reading paid sheets - 0.0015$.
  • Payment for reviewing sites for surfing and autosurfing - in 0.0009$.
  • 5-tier referral system 10%-5%-2%-1%-1% (which means you know a little bit lower in the statistics).
  • Minimum amount until the end of the day 0.1$ . Payments can be made both in dollars and in rubles on the WMZ system of Webmoney, Payeer, Yandex.Groshi.

How to make money on Wmmail?

It’s easy to start making money on Vmmail; to get started you only need to go through an easy and cost-free registration, which takes no more than 3-5 minutes!

If you are having problems with registration, then check this out!

Immediately after registering, you must confirm your email (you will receive an activation sheet on it) and write down your password for operations! Once the registration is completed, please log in to the project and find “Domestic Post” in the menu, where you will receive a notification about when you will be sent a report on instructions from your earnings.

You can also enter the payment details that will be used to re-insure the collected money in the menu: “My account” → “Data details” → the “Payment systems” column.

I choose the payment system to withdraw money, especially for you, but for myself I chose .

Earnings on Wmail (Vmmail):

Now I will tell you about all types of Wmmail earnings, and finally, I have prepared a small bonus, Few people provide information about this, so read the article to the end!

I’ll try to find out the time and make a video about how to make money on Wmmail?, but in the meantime, follow these instructions (pictures are clickable):

Main types of earnings on Wmmail:

The Wmmail project offers 4 types of income:

  1. Leaves,
  2. Surfing,
  3. Zavdannya,
  4. Referrals.

Let's talk about each of them and I'll show you step by step what it involves to work and make money on Email!

1) Lists - Earnings on clicks, Vmail sheets:

For reviewing sheets, pay from 0.0015 to 0.005 $. After registration, 30-60 sheets are available at once, and then we receive 5-10 sheets each day.

Krok 1) We go to the “Sheets” section, where you will see all the available sheets.

Croc 2) Click on the sheet name and the sheet will open instead:

Important! It’s not difficult to read - it’s immediately embossed on the blue lettering, the site opens in a new window.

Croc 3) At the top of the page there is a timer with a return scroll, after finishing each time you need to confirm the review with a number.

After which you will read “Pennies are insured.”

Krok 4) We close the site and read the same pages.

Before speaking, if you need a program, an autoclicker or an autobot for email, you won’t find it on any website. And in the meantime, I recommend that you do not bother with such programs, in 99% of cases the stench does not work at all, and is created by scammers with only one method - to steal your logins and passwords and buy all the money. Be careful!

2) Surfing - How to make money surfing/autosurfing Vmail?

Earnings are the same before reading the sheets. Surfing is divided into 2 types:

  1. Surfing- you need to confirm the look by pressing the number on the picture again.
  2. Autosurfing- without confirming the review (open the window and skin for 60 seconds, the page itself will be updated and there will be interesting sites for review).


  • Surfing sites will appear at the beginning of the day (12-00, 13-00, 14-00, etc.)
  • The more and more often you read and look at sites while surfing, the more of them will be available further.
  • Did the leaves stop coming? The surprising section “Special data” is checked so that the “strengthen sheets” checkbox is checked.

It’s very difficult to get rich on sheets and surfing, so I recommend that you finish the easy tasks; having completed 1-2 tasks, you can cancel the payment for the equivalent of reading 20-30 sheets. And look at the lists and surfing to improve your rating and just for good statistics.

3) Zavdannya – How to earn money from Wmmail zavdannya?

Yak shvidko and earn a lot on Wmmail?

Don’t let it be a secret to anyone, but the main earnings on the wmail website are a secret. There are currently close to 10,000 active tasks on the project. The minimum payment for 1 task is $0.01. You can generally find jobs ranging from 1 to 10 $, sometimes they sell for 20, 30 $, so you can make money here!

For this job, you don’t need any special skills – this type of income is ideal for beginners!

Krok 1) Go to the “Management” section, select any type of command, then open the command as you like.

Croc 2) We read the description of the plant, as soon as everything is clear, we press “Start the crown of the plant”, after which we press “Confirm the crown of the plant”

Croc 3) In the column “Verification of assignment”, enter the data required in the description and click “Add”

Axis and everything is so easy. Requests are paid over a period of 5 days, or even over a period of 1-5 years.

4) Referrals - Earnings from Wmmail referrals:

Who are the referrals? – these are the people you ask for the project.

Why give referrals? You will receive a commission - 10% for your work! For example, if a referral earns $10, then you take away $1 for that.

In addition, the postal sponsor Wmmail (Wmmail) promotes a 5-tier referral system 10%-5%-2%-1%-1%. And this means that you will receive income not only from the referrals that you yourself have requested, but also from those that your referrals have requested. Therefore, having recruited a great team, you will be able to earn a decent amount of money from the work of your referrals.

Here, read it clearly: , and in this article about those!
In addition, in this article I have described, in addition!

Oh my God, this is a Bonus!

In addition to all these types of earnings, the main section of the “Altanka” can be used only to relax, but also to collect “freebies” in the topics, as you can see below, they are indicated by an orange color. Freebies are given out either in $ or in credits.

In order to get a freebie, you need to go to the topic and write a message of more than 6 characters. I always write “Dyakuyu”, and since it’s people’s day, I write “Vitayu”.

However, in order for you to be able to collect freebies and create new ones in Altanza, you may have a rating greater than 10!

How much can you earn on Wmail? Vidguki:

Making money on the Internet is just as important as in real life. If you think it’s okay to earn money for $100, $500, $1000, then you will have mercy! If you are told that you can earn such money in 1 year or day, DON’T BELIEVE IT!
They are trying to lure you with such a way so that they can extract money from you! There are no easy pennies on the Internet; you have to work and earn a lot.

Friends, very soon there will be new looks at projects and ways of earning money, which you can do, don’t miss, for whom it’s a must!

How much can you earn on the Wmmmail website?

If you are active on Vmail, already in the first few months you will easily earn an income of $30-100, but for this you will need to work in a job. These are the correct numbers!

If you don’t want to go out of your way, you won’t be able to get into trouble and give up right away, because someone gives up on the job without reaching the minimum before payment. Get the most out of it and the results won’t last long!

Sometimes you ask me: how can you earn money in hryvnia on Wmmail? - No, the project is to pay only in dollars and rubles per choice, but you can now easily exchange them for hryvnia or other currencies, or directly transfer them to your bank card.

Friends, those projects that you would like to know below I respect the most, I have been working with them for a long time, I will gradually refuse payments, I recommend them!

Russian websites:

1) VIP– This unique project has been running since 2003! Let me emphasize the main feature: here a variety of different tasks, surfing, lists and clicks are carried out using a specially developed program, it shows everything that needs to be done - it’s very easy. Pennies can be withdrawn in either rubles or dollars:

Detailed instructions for working on this project. 1) NeoBux- I’ll put it in the first place, the site has very great capabilities, it has been working steadily since 2008. To complete your work, you need to log in from a foreign IP address. It’s a pity that the site still lacks a hint of Russian language, the interface is simple and intuitive. In extreme cases, you can quickly use Google translation. Vipay in dollars ($):
Detailed instructions on how to work on this project will be available soon. After registration, in order to log in to your cloud account, leave the “Secondary Password” field blank. It is necessary to review the orange messages after registration immediately, so I will explain why.

2) Ebesucher- This is a very unimportant project, its main feature is to make money from autosurfing (browsing sites in automatic mode). Also for work there is a section with clicks/sheets. Perhaps this is one of the “most recent” projects in this sphere, you won’t believe it: it dates back to 2002! I will use Russian mine entirely. The main currency is euro (€), payments are available in rubles:

Detailed instructions for working on your project.


Earnings from postal workers | 2017-02-27

Koristuvachs who have already registered onWmmailIt’s wonderful to know that this postal service offers three main ways to earn money – surfing, leaflets and assignments. In today's article we will talk about surfing, scraps that do not care about their simple process of earning money, many newcomers do not understand how to work in this department.

How to earn money Wmmail surfing

The “Surfing” section is located in the left navigation menu “Earnings”:

Once in New York, you may notice that you are surfing onWmmailis divided into two types:

The first view of surfingWmmailcall it “tame.” The robotic process is extremely simple - once you have a site, you click “Start surfing”. A new tab with an advertising site will automatically open, and then a closing timer will appear. You just go to the entry site for an hour, and then solve a simple captcha:

If you are unable to view the site until such time, new advertising will automatically start launching.

With “automatic” surfing, you will see approximately the same things. There is only one difference - you do not need to confirm the review. Immediately after the timer ends, an automatic review of the current site will begin.

For replacement with other postal services,Wmmailsurfing is not forever. When advertisers launch their sites into surfing, you can look at them as soon as possible (9:00, 14:00, etc.). If you really want to make decent money forWmmailYou will have to use other methods - lists, appointments, getting referrals.

The project administration has developed a program specifically for this method of earning money.Wmmail Agent. Surfing is much easier with it, and the number of sites here is greater.

Payment for surfing can be charged either in cents or in credits (internal currencyWmmail). With cents, everything is clear, and you can exchange loans for pennies through the credit exchange or the loan section (the type of loan is the transfer of loans).

The WMmail active advertising system has several main ways of earning money. These include: reading sheets, surfing and autosurfing sites, research and sales of articles. Let's take a closer look at the simplest ways to make money, and reading sheetsі surfing sites.

Reading sheets on WMmail

You will be presented with a list of sheets that, by looking at them, can be taken away from the penny wine town. In order to start earning money on read lists from WMmail go to the "Leaves" section. Then select one from the given sheets and press it on it.

After clicking on the selected sheet, a window will open with the text of the sheet and sent to the advertiser’s website. Press on the mark.

Having reached the end of your life, you give away a penny to the wine city.

Number of available sheets for reading on WMmail depend on your activity. The more pages you read, the more of them will be available to you.

Surfing sites on WMmail

In order to start surfing sites on WMmail go to the secondary section. If in the surfing menu the column “Number of sites for surfing” is greater than zero, you can start manual surfing. Click the "Start surfing" button.

You will be redirected to the advertiser’s website. A timer will appear at the top of the screen as the pages are being read. Wait until the end of the round. After which the picture from the treasure appears inverted. Having given the correct answer, you give away a penny of wine to the city.

If there are no available sites for surfing in WMmail, then proceed to another method of earning money. Most often, surfing sites appear on the cob of the skin.

Autosurfing sites on WMmail

Also available on WMmail automation of surfing sites. To get started, click the “Start autosurfing” button on the pop-up menu, there are no available sites.

The browser will open a window where there are new sites available for autosurfing, then you will be attracted there and you will take away the wine from the city. Autosurfing will continue until the dock is open in the browser.

Filter 18+ on WMmail

When surfing sites and reading WMmail, you don’t want to go to sites that contain erotic or pornographic material, for which there is a special filter. To activate it, press the message “on”, as shown in the picture.

There are no such people who, making money on the Internet, would not know the legendary WMMail mailer. He emerged as one of the first, and over the course of his many years of existence, he gained a baseless reputation among the koristuvachs. There are plenty of Internet businessmen who today make large sums of money from the world's borders; they made their first money there themselves. On the WMMail website, any person can easily and simply, without additional information.

How can you earn money on WMMail?

There are many ways to make money on WMMail. This includes reading sheets, surfing and autosurfing, writing, writing articles, trading on the exchange, receiving referrals, etc. Let's take a look at the most popular ones.

Earnings on WMMail by reading sheets.

The easiest and most accessible income - by reading the sheets, it is clear - even officially VMMail is respected by the postman. Well, to be honest, this is the least profitable way to make money on a project. You won’t earn much in this way, although, as was said earlier, the site pays in dollars. Reading sheets is paid for in credits, which can then be easily exchanged on the exchange, in a few minutes. Paid sheets are accumulated in the account, under the control of other mailers, whoever managed to read it and paid for it. The distribution of paid listings is carried out by advertisers who solicit advertising. This kind of spam is for pennies, and for the idea, it is correct if advertisers pay for their advertising not only to the advertising agency, but to those for whom the advertising is intended. Like, everyone will see mail screens as unnecessary advertising and not pay us for a single penny. On the WMMail mail service everything is different - koristuvachevi. Please pay attention to the fact that in the settings of your account you can choose where to receive paid sheets. You can select an account entry on WMMail or an electronic screenshot. If you ever notice your email being advertised, you can add your settings to your account record.

Surfing on WMMail.

Surfing on WMMail is not as rich as, for example, on . Available sites for paid viewings appear on the cob of the skin. Є autosurfing, that is. Paid sites scroll automatically without your participation. Launches in the same browser tab.

One of the most profitable ways to make money on this site is important. You can earn up to several dollars per day. Є filter tasks by parameters, for example, you can select tasks related to registration, posting, accessed files, games, subscriptions, . There are a lot of them. Such duties can be added in good faith, so that you don’t joke about them for a long time, especially since they are simple and well paid. Doing a lot in advance with automatic payment is based on what you receive immediately after finishing the test, having checked the food control.

Exchange of articles on WMMail.

An equally popular method is selling articles on the stock exchange. If you know how to write well and write correctly, and are considered a good fakhiv by any galusi, then such income for you can be supplemented by income. On the exchange of articles, there will always be good texts.

Other ways to earn money on WMMail.

As for referrals, the system is on Pyatirivneva’s website. It is even more obvious in terms of income. Recruit freelancers for the project and get hundreds of dollars from their earnings. This can be called passive income on the Internet. After announcing your referral message, use the vikoryst sending option to receive referrals immediately on the registration page, otherwise the referrals may not be sent to you!

Earnings on the credit exchange are very specific, although also profitable. The exchange rate there is not high, and a huge profit can be achieved in just a few cases. It’s better, first of all, to get a loan for a large amount and check for a good exchange rate in order to sell. As a rule, it lasts for several days.

Viplati on WMMail.

Postovik WMMail.Ru pays the earned money to the electronic payment system WebMoney; for payments you need to create a WMZ dollar account. A wonderful site, you can use it on the Internet without a deposit. One payment for payments is very small, but it is difficult to create a payment system with the WebMoney system, and other systems can be used with additional exchangers.
The minimum amount for payment on WMMail is $0.10. Pennies are paid over 3 business days. For clients who first request a payment and have a rating of up to 10, all payments are subject to moderation. Once you reach a sufficient rating on WMMail, autopayments become available once every 24 years.

Who benefits from earning money on WMMail?

The site for making money on the Internet WMMail will be useful for beginners who want to make money on the Internet. It will be beautiful for students, homeschoolers, everyone who is in the middle of the day. This project can be called the first step into online earnings. Here you can find out and discover a lot of potential for more serious earnings. Earnings on WMMail- Simple earnings in the margins without deposits.

In contact with

Not everyone who makes money on the WMmail mailer knows that it is not obligatory to sit at the computer all day in order to save up at least 1 dollar, and sometimes less. The creators of the WMmail resource wanted to make the process of surfing and autosurfing easier, for which the WMmail agent program was created.

    • How does the WMmail Agent autosurfing program work?
    • Other useful programs that are victorious at WMmail

If you are no longer registered with WMMail, go through this simple procedure here, and then turn back to read

How does the WMmail Agent autosurfing program work?

In order to view the insurance website, you need to check the hour provided by the advertiser, and then confirm your review on the control picture. If you do not complete this process, you will not be able to obtain insurance and payment will not be sent to your account.

The WMmail Agent program automatically checks for an hour for review, after which you enter control digits, and as a result, surfing is respected by the username, and the user ultimately withholds payment. The cream surfing program can control the stock market and the activity of referrals.

And that’s not all - the agent has one important plus: here the sites for browsing appear continuously for a year, and not for the first time, as when surfing in a browser. You can activate the WMmail agent from the WMmail resource itself.

How to earn money in the Surfing section on Wmmail

Other useful programs that are victorious at WMmail

Cream for surfing the WMmail mailer є Other ways to earn money: reading sheets or reading books. A number of programs have also been created for them, which makes it easier for the robot. For example, to read payment sheets and surfing, you often use the WMmail autoclicker, which is even easier for the vikoristan and you can read the sheets from the captcha. Wmmail AutoTask can select easy tasks, just ask and enter your data.

There are a lot of programs that help WMmail users automate their earnings and protect their OS from viruses that are often leaked into your computer from sites that you look at, etc., just look for them on the Internet.