Customization of Android programs on smartphones. Further improvement of programs in Android OS

Today we will try to expand with one menu item - Android retailer mode ( engineering menu Android). In retail Nalashtuvannya - « For retailers» Placement of functions for flexible customization and deep customization with your device on Android.

Must be included Android mode The retailers are carried out on a Nexus 7 tablet of another generation, which works under the Android 6.0.1 OS controls. The commentary of the skin menu item is based on the description.

Don't forget, change everything in this mode and bring on your fear that risk!

How to disable Android retailer mode?

  • We go to " Nalashtuvannya» ta vybiraemo divided « About phone (About tablet)».
  • Let's scroll down and bachimo " Order number”, Topaєmo on a new sіm razіv.
  • After the first tap, the system will tell the koristuvach that he has become a retailer. So mikaєmo (otherwise vіdkrivaєmo) mode for retailers on Android devices.

Menu « For retailers»Show up in the gadget's patches. On Android 6.0, the item is listed in the category « System».

Now let's take a look at the list of commands and possibilities, so let's give us the Android retailer mode.

  • « Call about pardon» - the button is inactive when normal robot outbuildings.
  • « Backup password» - the ability to defend again backup copies danih smartphone or tablet PC. The password must be entered manually and created as a password.
  • « Do not wimify the screen» - activation of the cycle will bring up to a constant display of the screen for an hour of charging, I will add it.
  • « Choose Wednesday» - There are two working environments available for selection: Dalvik and ART. The rest is new and called to increase the productivity of the supplements and the outbuildings with a burn.
  • « Upload HCI Bluetooth Operation Broadcast Log» - command to save all HCI Bluetooth packets to the file.
  • « HDCP Revalidation- this command is used to select the order of re-verification of HDCP
  • « Process statistics (Practical programs)- vykonannya tsієї operatsії allow you to keep statistics of running processes.

  • « USB setup» - turn on the power-up mode when connected to the computer with an additional USB cable.
  • « Reserve access for taxation help usb on all computers, on which you entered before the oblіkovogo record».
  • « Speak about pardons- the button is inactive in normal mode. When activating attachments, it will be displayed in the menu the option to increase the power of the call about pardon.
  • « fiktivne roztashuvannya» - marvelous function, so that you can mask more precisely the place of roztashuvannya vlasnik with a gadget and see the pardon coordinates.
  • « Choose a program for wellness» - you can install the songs of the program for the possibility of their improvement.
  • « Check, docks connect nalagojuvach» - additional points for connecting the owner in the normal mode. The button is inactive.
  • « Installed via USB» - the function allows you to check for security programs that are installed via ADB / ADT. The button is inactive.
  • « Buffer expansion to the magazine- the function allows you to select the size of the buffer for the log.

  • « Certification dartless monitors » - display the parameters of the certification of the droneless monitors.
  • « Wi-Fi report magazine» - the function is allowed when choose Wi-Fi check RSSI log for skin SSID.
  • « Switch to mobile» - when the button is activated, the function allows primus to switch to the mobile line, thus wifi signal weak.
  • « Make sure to turn on the joke merezhe Wi-Fi » - the function allows you to increase or decrease the number of Wi-Fi messages at the time of data transmission in the future, depending on the traffic.
  • « Victory of an old DHCP client- the function is enabled to enable DHCP client for Android 5.0, but not for the new version.
  • « Don't Wimick the Data Transfer» - enabled function allows not to enable data transfer via mobile measure navigate with active Wi-Fi connected (for shvidkogo chime between measures).
  • « USB configuration» - select the mode for the promotional hour of the USB connection to the PC.

Android Retail Mode - Text Intro

  • « Show onslaught» - when the button is activated, the dots will be displayed in the places where they are pressed onto the screen.
  • « Visualize the torso» - visualization is carried out on the screen of the onslaught of gestures.

  • « Show. they. surface» - zdіysnyuєtsya pіdsvіchuvannya vіkon povnіstyu at їkh novlennі.
  • « Show between elements"- ensure the fermentation between the clips, the fields are thin.
  • « Written in right hand- display texts written in right-handed way for all language.
  • « Animation vikon» - setting the animation scale from 0.5 to 10x. You can also turn the animation off.
  • « Animation of transitions» - setting the transition scale from 0.5 to 10x. Visual animation is also possible.
  • « Trivality of animation» - you can set the animation speed of the gadget in the interval from 0.5 to 10x. Animation can be turned off.
  • « Emulation of additional screens- option for emulation of additional screens on the main physical screen of the extension. Having turned on this option, turn on one more screen, which duplicates the main one. The expansion of the additional screen can be adjusted independently.

  • « GPU rooted» - you can check the box and start by yourself to win the GPU for the two-world painting.
  • « Show screen updates» - the checkbox is checked to ensure the screen area is switched on for the GPU wake-up hour.
  • « Show hardware updates» - set the function to see the hardware level in green at the time of the update.
  • « Consignment note» - this paragraph contains three possible options for selection: 1) vimk.; 2) show overlay areas; 3) see the areas of the song color; 4) show the number of objects.
  • « Improving the operation of indirect shortening- at this stage it is possible to carry out three activities: 1) turn on the option; 2) indirect cut; 3) testing team painting in green.
  • « Upload 4x MSAA- by ticking the box, koristuvach (otherwise a retailer) includes 4x MSAA in OpenGL ES 2.0 add-ons.
  • « Disable hardware overlay» - activation of the item postyne vikoristannya GPU for the hour of screen layout.
  • « Simulate anomaly» - choice of the mode of changing the color of the interface for people with problems of accepting colors.

Android retail mode - Multimedia

  • « Disable Audio Transfer (USB)» - this function will automatically route audio to external USB devices.

  • « Strict mode disabled» - this mode is under the control of the Android screen for an hour of three operations.
  • « Show CPU usage» - when activated, the smartphone will be displayed on its screen additionally at the end with a graphical display of the in-line CPU occupancy.
  • « GPU hour recording”- The name of the paragraph speaks for itself.
  • « Enable OpenGL tracing» - maє chotiri possible option development of podіy: 1) no data; 2) logcat; 3) Systrace; 4) List of wikis for glGetError/

  • « Don't Save Die» - this menu item is brought to the program, the activation of it will be brought to the next step after it is completed.
  • « Limit of background processes» - core function. Won building a large number of practical programs in the background mode.
  • « All ANR"- a bird, placed opposite the point, to provide a reminder of the koristuvach about those that the program contains (auth.) or does not show.
  • « Inactive programs"- wake up the manager of active programs with the possibility of closing.

This is how the menu "For retailers" looks like. Place a screenshot of the chosen tablet on Android 6.0.

How to disable android retailer mode?

  • We go to " Nalashtuvannya» ta vybiraemo divided « Programs».
  • In retail " Programs» it is necessary to know the addendum « Nalashtuvannya».
  • From the menu, select the item “ shovische.

  • Wu " shovische» click on the button « Erase data».
  • At the vikni Can you see these programs? pressing " OK».
  • Veil! The Android retailer mode is switched off and stuck in the patch. Ale be-yakoy mitі you can turn on yoga again.

If you have instructions for removing root rights and modifying firmware, you need to enable USB charging. What is the USB setup and why is it needed and how to turn it on, you can find out from the statistics.

What is USB charging for?

Configuring via USB to serve in order to vindicate the service of configuring add-ons and devices on the Android OS (verify how the program works and the system as a whole and how it is blamed for failures) as it is called ADB.

How to increase USB charging?

Absolutely in all Android devices, regardless of whether it is a smartphone or a tablet, USB-enabled Menu -> Settings

Possible options

No matter what, the USB setup can be found in the settings, but the options for expansion in the menu can be different and mothers of the options how to know! Let's look at 7 possible options.

Option number 1:

Menu -> Setup -> Rozrobka -> USB setup - check the box

Option number 2:

Menu -> Setup -> For Retailers -> USB Setup- put a tick

Option number 3:

Menu -> Settings -> Programs -> Rozrobka -> USB charging (Android 2.2 - 3.0)

Option number 4:

Menu -> Settings -> More -> Retailer Parameters -> USB setup- put a tick

Option number 5 for Android 4.2 and more:

Menu -> Settings -> System -> Pro smartphone/Pro tablet -> Customization -> For retailers -> USB customization- put a tick

Option number 6 for Android 4.2 and more:

Menu -> Settings -> Pro smartphone/Pro tablet ->Folding number and typing on the new one approximately 7 - 10 times, after which turn to Customization -> For retailers -> USB customization- put a tick

Option №7.1 for Xiaomi (new versions of MIUI)

Menu -> Settings -> About Phone-> MIUI Versionand press on the new about 7 - 10 times, after which turn to Customization -> Dodatkovo -> For Retailers -> Custom USB- put a tick

Option №7.2 for Xiaomi (old versions of MIUI)

Menu -> Settings -> Zagalni -> Pro smartphone/Pro tablet ->Folding number and typing on the new one approximately 7 - 10 times, after which turn to Customization -> For retailers -> USB customization- put a tick

After raising the USB charge, computer authorization!

(For Android 4.2 and above)

The first hour of the first connection to the computer and introduction of commands or other commands Root rightsyou have to show up for approval computer to which Android is connected! Denmark will ask you to apply for any new computer or laptop! Check the box ta press OK button. USB charging noted.

USB charging upgraded and added to Android
do not show up?

Perche what will you need to believe presence installed drivers to the computer or reinstall / update їх. Details about the installation of drivers, as well as sending to fresh drivers you can find in the article how to install a USB driver. One more problem, What Android does not show, what vin is in blocked campunblock your smartphone or tablet! Do not untick the port USB 3.0 only USB 2.0.

If you still can't install USB with a computer, then try to change the way to connect to a PC. At the moment, if you have already connected a smartphone or a tablet to a PC, pull the upper information bar "curtain" down -> select USB connection that activate PTP mode.

If you want to connect via WI-FI

After adding this option on Android, you can connect your smartphone to a PC

At created Android Additions to more retailers are supported by different emulators. It’s handy, you don’t need to save a bunch of different devices from the drawers of the table, you don’t have a headache with connecting attachments to the computer, you can’t buy darts on the table. Klatsaemo bear and bachimo to the robot its programs on the computer screen. Just so elegant. Tim is not a mensh, the emulator is not a phone. Vіn obmezheniya y svoіh possiblities. As your program has some specific hardware functions, for example connected with the camera robot, Bluetooth or USB connections, with a robot for an hour to receive a telephone call, with great intelligence we can say that you cannot do without a salary on a real extension. Fortunately, Eclipse will do everything necessary for the accomplishment of this task.

Phone connection and program launch

First, connect the phone to the computer for help USB cable the transfer of data is necessary to vikonati kіlka pіdgotovchih dіy. On the right, in the fact that Eclipse is locked to the robot with the emulator, and we need to configure the setup mode. Tse is simple. We select the menu item Run > Debug Configuration, and then DroidDebug. On the Target tab, in the Deployment Target Selection Mode, you need to set the jumper to the Manual position and click Apply. With such a rank manual mode platform selection. Now, at the start of the program, a dialogue window will appear, where you can choose an emulator or one of the connected telephones.

So that the phone is instantly put into the charging mode, it is also necessary to change it to a higher rank. Perebovayuchi on home screen, just click on the Menu button and know the "Settings" program. For this program, open the section "Programs" (Applications), and then the item "Development" (Development). On the screen, you need to check the checkbox for the item “USB Debgging” (USD Debgging). This sequence is used on most telephones, but it is possible that on your extension the UBS charging mode is turned on here in another place.

Connect the phone to the computer and press the Debug button on Eclipse. You have two lists for the dialog box: “Chose a running Android device” and “Launch a new Android Virtual Device”. The first one has a telephone connection to the computer, the other one has emulators. Choose your phone number from the first list. Eclipse will install the programs that are installed on the phone and run yoga. You can tweak your program.

Monitoring will become DDMS (Dalvik Debug Monitor Service)

All information about the phone is available through a special tool, which is called the DDMS (Dalvik Debug Monitor Service) monitoring service. To launch it, click the button from the android image at the top right corner of Eclipse.

The DDMS window is made up of several panels. The Devices panel displays a list of available emulators and connected phones. There is also a list of launches at Narazi processes The skin process is started by the authorities virtual machine. Streams are displayed on okremіy depositor threads. The File Explorer tab is recognized for robotic file system phone. You can copy files from your computer to your phone and back. Help button Screen capture You can take a screenshot of the phone screen. The button with a green beetle allows you to enter the owner to the selected process. For vikoristannya tsієї mozhlivostі nebhіdno mother vіdkritiy exit code what process.

It also indicates the LogCat logging utility and the visible panel, as it may appear even browner for an hour to ask for pardons. The robot from the log is created through the special class android.util.Log. The following methods are most commonly used:

Log.e() - for pardon logging,
Log.w() - for early logging,
Log.i() - for logging informational notes,
Log.d() - for logging improvements,
Log.v() - for log reports,

As parametric methods, it is necessary to pass two rows. First - a tag, which can then be selected for a search and filtering in LogCat. The other is clear information, as it should be entered in the journal.

Most people win their tablet or phone in the “like є” mode, without compromising the other handicaps of the robot, or just put up with them. However, dosit large category of coristuvachіv namagaєtsya doopratsyuvati pіd their own needs, or take the opportunity to freely manipulate dannymi and nalashtuvannyami. Another category - practitioners service centers. USB setup is a method for those who want to get to know a tablet or a phone closer. Carry out adjustments, change, diagnose problems quickly.

You know a little about the principle of encouraging the operating system. It is up to you to be clear that you need to turn on the power supply, as you need to turn on the USB power, it is necessary in the “Settings” item of the main menu. However, the roztashuvannya and the way of inclusion are strongly perturbed. Tse, and also I will add a picker. Let's take a look at how you can turn on the USB charging mode yourself.

Standard option

In firmware, the devirobnik did not try to make it easier to access the possibilities of rooting and flashing, as well as on attachments without the possibility of fine diagnostics, Android USB setup is enabled. At the item "Nalashtuvannya" of the main menu, there is a section "Rozrobka", in which case it is necessary to check the box next to the item "USB setup".

New firmware version

Similarly, the expansion looks similar for firmware from the “close” version. For example, you can use the same item "Nalashtuvannya", but the submenu will be called "For retailers", and you need to check the box next to the option of taxation.

Operating system versions 2.2 - 3.0

Here you can open the menu more, the opening point is located behind the address "Parameters" - "Programs". Dali charging mode via USB Android turns on in the same way as described above.

Other firmware

It can be an option if the "Programs" submenu in the "Settings" menu is called "Sche". Otherwise - similar to point 3.

Operating system versions 4.2 and newer

Here, the Android USB charging option is hooked. To make the activation checkbox available, you need to go in, select the "About tablet" item and click on "Inventory number" about 10 times. After that, the sub-item "For retailers" will appear in the "Setup" menu, when the "USB setup" option becomes available.

Other rotashuvannya

The item "About the tablet" can be ripped right in the menu "Nalashtuvannya". However, there are versions of the operating system selected, if you need to additionally go to the "System" submenu or "Zalni". In the other hand, like in point 5.

Connection to PC

The first step is to install the program for the installation via USB or the utility for removing root access, you need to correctly connect the device to the computer. The first thing you can do is to cross over to the chosen path - the presence of drivers. However, this problem can be overcome. For branded attachments with non-standard exchange protocols, everything you need can be found on official websites. Besides, programs phone books, pictures, music from the collections I will add sounds are completed with sets of drivers. Enough to install a separate utility.

Yak garniy option You can recommend the MOBILedit Enterprise program, as it shows a great choice of drivers for all types of ownership. chi smartphones from Chinese manufacturers based on MTK processors. However, all the same, you can’t try to install the driver, search for them on specialized sites for the model, I’ll add it and the version of the firmware of the operating system.

If the driver is installed, the first connection to the PC will require confirmation. Once the checkbox is set for the payment on the tablet, the exchange of data will be allowed.

Need more remuneration?

Briefly review the deeds of the zavdannya, yakі you can virishiti for help USB charging:

  • , and razdіlіv, vіdpovіdalnyh for the improvement of the operating system;
  • easy file transfer, bypassing the recoding system;
  • repair work after incorrect installation of add-ons;
  • change the version of the operating system to the new one;
  • zmina microprograms for otrimannya access to okremih funktsіy I will add an absolute package;
  • otrimannya root (rut) is right.

Video about those, how to increase USB charging on Android:

At the rest of the point, there is a report, shards of routine, the reason for the inclusion of USB charging in approximately 99% of cases.

How to root your tablet or smartphone?

Root access - tse, rudely seeming, maximum rights operating system. They allow you to backup all contacts, in addition to keeping track of your phone history and information.

For promotions, Android is not propagated. Also, root access allows you to change the design: change the icons of add-ons, system sounds too. But the most important thing that can be done with such access is to regulate the processes, like they are entangled in a riddle.

The operating system is prompted in such a way that AfterStart can go. A new one can have a lot of changes, right up to the launch of other processes. Often the display of advertising, the collection of statistics and other types of “necessary” speeches. For the help of root-rights, that small additions can be hacked by a robot like Android zagalom, and so are other programs.

Nalashtuvannya, like vikoristovuyutsya for nagodzhennya that rozrobki programs, zahovani at your phone - zahovani in the literal meaning of the word. Some of us go to the menu, to start the USB setup, or go to the ART working module, or else, here is the whole list. You don’t need more, but if you don’t want to know what is in the depths of your building?

"Unblock" the functions of the retailer in the phone

As it was said above, the function of the heart is attached. Tse maє sens, it’s easy to know them, and most people simply don’t need stench. In order to get to them, let's go to the section "About attachments" and look for the item "Choice number" there. After five swedish tapes are announced in a dialogue window - now the attachment is in you as a retailer. Just try not to say anything, harazd? Well, or to work what you want is also an option. So chi іnakshe, the possibility of zmusiti your phone stop pratsyuvati zavzhdі є.

And now let's look at the proponated functions more importantly.


  • Create a song about pardons. You are stupid here, so you can get the right advice wherever you want. Priya getu need files for correction, which borrows a couple of credits, after which you need more information. If you throw off yoga, the process will swell, and if you tap, remind you to recover.
  • Backup password. Allows you to use ADB to create a backup and update programs that bind data to them on your computer. Backup data must be entered password, and without new data it is impossible to redeem.
  • Active Mode. Selecting this item allows you to trim the screen permanently when the phone is connected with a cable to charger outbuilding or to the computer via USB. Do not varto vikoristovuvat tsey item without consumption, oskіlki tse vіrny sposіb vipality screen.
  • Selecting a working module. Here you can choose between Dalvik and ART. Still, as before, to be in test mode - they are clearly not the ones that we can use in Android L. With some phones, there is a right antagonism, so I’ll check it out on a different forum and add it to your model.
  • Upload HCI Bluetooth Operation Broadcast Log. It is also necessary for a retailer or facsimile to safely interrogate and analyze Bluetooth HCI packets. Note this item by placing it in a file that is in the memory of the attachment (/sdcard/btsnoop_hci.log) for updating. Any of them can be analyzed by a program like Wireshark.
  • Process statistics. Everything you need to know about the running of your process. You're dumb here, and then we'll go to one of the points. For an outstanding coristuvach, it’s just a matter of dialing numbers, but for a retailer, we can do it even more.
  • USB setup. Those that allow the phone to communicate with the computer using the Android Debug Bridge (ADB). It is necessary for using DDMS or ADB.
  • Retrieve Authorization USB charging . If you need help with the help of your computer, you need to authorize it and install a couple of keys. Tse nalashtuvannya skasovu dana diya that proponuє repeat yoga again.
  • Speak about pardons. Turns on the option, which becomes visible, if you press the life button to collect that forced call about pardons. Even more easily, as if you were testing.
  • Fictitious roztashuvannya. This setup allows you to manually set information about the medical bill, confusing your phone to think that there is a fault, there really is nothing. Crimium reading for Forsquare, useful for supplements, as a summary of information about the local economy.
  • Supplement for well-being. Adjustment allows you to select a program for adjustment. You don’t need to effectively connect to the guardian, but if you raise it, then you won’t take a reminder about the pardons, if you are on the points of the teeth. If you do not understand what it means, then you will not need or need this setting. It was created for robots with the help of a retailer, which allows you to change the way the program works correctly.
  • Check it out while the owner. This item will remain inactive until you get the upgrade program. If it is set and selected, then the setting simply does not allow the selected add-on to start up until the feast, until the charge is restored. One more point, which is necessary for retailers, but not corny for more coristuvachiv.
  • Convert to USB. Allows Google to scan the programs you installed via ADB for misbehavior. Good speech.
  • Show torsional. Selecting this item, you bachitimete visual effect, which confirms the registration of the screen toggle.
  • Roztashuvannya pokazhchika. This installation is located near the upper part of the screen in a row, in which the coordinates of the points on the screen are displayed, which are stuck to the rest.
  • Show screen update. Primushue the edge of the vіkna spalahuvati, if it is necessary to update the context. Playing crazy.
  • Show borders on layout. Indicate the edges of the elements at the beginning of the dialogue, so that you know where you need to press to activate yoga. Try it and vim in a negligent way.
  • Written in right hand. Change screen orientation to support mov from right-hand writing
  • Animation of the window: scale. Set the speed of the creation of the animation in the window. The smaller the number, the better.
  • Animation transition: scale. Set the speed of the creation of the animation at the hour of the transition. I know, what is less, then better.
  • Emulation of advanced displays. This setting allows retailers to simulate different screen sizes. Not a founding river.
  • Primus rendering. I will use the programs to hack hardware dual-world rendering, as if they were written in such a way that they don’t hack for the mind. One can create a diva. Somebody rules everything to the encore. Be drunk.
  • Show the latest news. With this setting, be it a painting, viroblen by a graphic subsystem, omitting a red light.
  • Show hardware updates. Seeing the equipment lines in green at the hour of renewal. Needless to say - you can read here (English).
  • Consignment note. The overlay will be displayed immediately if the program asks the system to draw something on top of something else. Tsya setting allows bachiti, if it is necessary, then bachiti, what is the problem.
  • Upload 4x MSAA. The cost of finishing primus includes a multiple choice of smoothing (MSAA). As if it were some other graphic scribbler, the more smooth, the more beautiful everything looks. Ale shvidkist work at his own fall.
  • Suvori regime. Tsya installation zmushuє screen blimati, if the program vikoristovuє head flow for vykonannya trivaloї and Іntensive operation.
  • DisplayWiki CPU. There is a small window with information about central processor that yoga vikoristannya. Funny toys.
  • GPU processing profile. Tsya installation can draw a graph on the screen, or write it to the file. Graph - visual display of the robot graphics adapter. Another rіch, yak tsіkavo marvel.
  • Enable OpenGL tracing. Nashtuvannya, scho allows you to pardon OpenGL and help them special file log to your choice. There is nothing like that, that the varto would have been a big hit and a lot of koristuvachs.
  • Do not save the operation. Tsya installation does not exist, be it a program, just like you close it all. We didn’t see anything good, so they didn’t write on the forums there.
  • Background processes. Allows you to set the number of processes in customizations, so that you can work on aphids at once. Another rіch, yak bіlshostі z us not varto chіpati nadto often. Yakshcho vzagali vartuє.
  • Show all ANR. If the system shuts down all the processes and show the notification “The addendum is not confirmed”, as if the program has hung, including background processes, yakі are launched by a koristuvach. Corisno, that one program is able to work normally in another.

It dawned on me that most of the coristuvachiv usi cі nalashtuvannya didn’t give up. In addition, crawling around and hitting the menu items for the sake of the process itself is not the best idea. Ale zavzhd varto nobility, scho zagali can be robbed, if only for the sake of not robiting anyone.

We hope that our rozpovid enlightened you a little bit about how to improve these options and options, written in incomprehensible words. To the point, depending on the selected mov system, vibrator and version of the Android OS, typing points can be divided into sections with their names.