Increased RAM in Windows XP.

Browser Windows 10 In information about the computer msinfo32 you can find out the riddle of the term

"Virtual memory"


Expansion of wines in the OPP section, and the importance of such memory is divided into real operational duties.

What's on the right?

Swap file Virtual memory includes not only RAM, but also the swap file. This is the name given to the acquisition of a computer system resource, in which information from RAM is removed from “important” processes. Some versions of Windows XP are disabled at first. In other cases, the system automatically determines your size based on the computer configuration. Ale koristuvach mozhe vistaviti nashtuvannya manually. Adjusting the swap file Ale koristuvach mozhe vistaviti nashtuvannya manually. Close menu


. Hover over element."My computer"

and press RMB.

From the context menu, select the power of the object.

Now go to the section


and open the settings for the speed code. We need a section again ..

Important: whoever thinks that the more virtual memory on a computer, the better it is.

In reality everything is different.

The Win XP swap file should not be thoughtlessly enlarged.

This will lead to a reduction in the amount of space available on your hard drive, which is often needed for everyday needs.

Also, Windows XP has the ability to use this function again.

To do this again, go to the virtual memory parameters and set the remaining option to select.

Changes will be made at the time of PC startup.

The paging file in Microsoft Windows XP expands the space available to memory services programs, allowing them to not be limited by the RAM physically installed on the computer.

Since the swap file is added to the RAM, its optimization allows you to significantly increase the system speed.

This article provides recommendations for combating paging file fragmentation, choosing the optimal size and size to ensure security, and managing the paging file from the command line.

Click the “Close” button to close the “Analysis Report” dialog box.

To improve the productivity of the system, remove the fragmentation of the swap file and create it again, and in such a way as to prevent its fragmentation.

For this you need to create a static swap file with the same minimum and maximum size.

This prevents the system from changing dynamically and thus avoids fragmentation.

You can defragment the swap file in two ways: immediately move it to another disk/partition, or use a third-party utility, such as Diskeeper.

This program allows you to perform offline defragmentation of the swap file after restarting - while the system is running in emergency mode, defragmentation of the swap file is not possible.

A report on Diskeeper can be read in the article “Diskeeper Professional: A Brief Look”.
After this, the “System Settings Change” dialog box will appear and you will need to restart your computer right away.

Close all running programs and press the “Yes” button.

After re-downloading, open the Start menu and type dfrg.msc in the Windowsati dialog box to select disk defragmentation again.

In the window, click the “Defragment” button to ensure that there is enough uninterrupted free space for the new swap file.

After defragmentation is complete, click the “Close” button, and then close the defragmentation utility.

Open the “Virtual Memory” dialog box again and move the paging file to the output disk, entering new values ​​in the “Output Size” and “Maximum Size” fields that reflect the RAM usage computer.

From the other disk, delete the hourly swap file, changing it to zero.

Click the “OK” button several times to close all dialog boxes, and then click the “So” button in response to the option to restart the computer.

You should not save the swap file on RAID volumes, since the write speed of such volumes is low.

RAID 5 arrays provide high read speed, and writing to them is no less effective, even on primary partitions.

And since the swap file is constantly being used for reading and writing data, the speed of the operation is maximum.

Vibrating productivity

There are no formulas for developing the optimal size of the download file.

Most of them rely on physical RAM, are of an orientation nature and do not guarantee optimal performance for any particular system.

The best way to determine the most appropriate size for the swap file is to analyze the system's speed code using the Performance Monitor, which has two special cleaners for moderating the activity of the swap file: % VIC oristanya (% Usage) and % vikoristannya (peak) (% Usage Peak) .

The first one indicates what part of the swap file is being corrupted at the moment, and the second one indicates which part of the swap file is being abused at peak pressure, when the system is revived to a new maximum.

How many days will it take to read the extinction journal?

To do this, click the “Report View” button on the toolbar.

If the paging file becomes less than 90% at peak demand, there is no need to change it.

Since this indicator exceeds 90%, then read the session report to see how often hundreds of times the memory swap file reaches the peak.

If you want to use it regularly, you can increase the size of the swap file and conduct another session of the virus.

Swap file security

In addition, it is possible to delete the swap file when the system is shut down and handle it using an additional command line utility.

In certain situations this is relevant. You can set up cleaning of the paging file when the system is closed using the additional console “Local Security Policy”, which is located in the “Administration” section of the Control Panel | Administrative Tools. Open the section “Security Settings |

Local policies “Security Settings” (Select Security Settings | Local Policies | Security Options) double-click on the “Shutdown: Clear Virtual Memory Pagefile” policy and select the “Cleared” option (Enabled). This option is only useful because it is visible on the computer of several operating systems, since in this case it is really possible to read the swap file of one system from another.

If there is only one operating system on the computer, the swap file on it is always blocked and inaccessible for viewing.

Windows XP automatically creates and configures the swap file when the system is installed.

The standard configuration is not bad, but in the future it can be optimized depending on the characteristics of a particular computer.

The recommendations contained in this article allow you to improve the settings of the paging file and thereby significantly improve system productivity.

A swap file is a system file used by the operating system to “extend” the RAM and to save data for inactive programs.

As a rule, the swap file is modified when the amount of RAM is used is low, and a file the size of which can be used for additional adjustment. How to deal with the operating system swap file So, today we’ll look at how to use the standard features of Windows XP to change the settings for the swap file. Here you can see what equipment is currently being used, what is recommended to be installed, as well as the minimum size..

In order to change the size, it is necessary to enter two numbers with the jumper position ."Special size"

. The first one is the maximum amount of megabytes, and the other one is the maximum amount. To enter the parameters and set the level, you must press the button


How to set the remix mode

Then you can regulate the file directly in Windows XP. Well, finally, in order to completely turn on the pumping, you need to set the jumper position to"

So what, we’ll try to get married.

First of all, this is a file that is saved on your computer’s hard drive.

It plays the role of frequent replacement of data files of different programs, when the RAM is full, it transfers this information to the swap file itself in order to free up the place of new processes. Here you can learn about Virtual Memory. > Generally speaking, this means that the RAM is combined with the swap file. > What you also want to know about swapping is the process of inserting additional data into the RAM so that the software can perform much better. People often watch different things on the screen. It’s not surprising that you are trying to abuse resource-providing software for the very low parameters of your computer configuration. In order to avoid such situations, you should increase the amount of RAM, preferably up to 3 GB, which is the approximate standard today, although it will not be enough if Windows Seven is used. Ale for XP just right (more system and no more). You can also try increasing the load on the swap file. Therefore, the system independently regulates the required file, but often these sizes are not available for the replacement of important programs, so you can manually increase the swap file, or, if your computer is old, has a much more difficult configuration Yes. For those who don’t yet know how to change the swap file, you can look at the following instructions. In the Windows XP operating system, follow this procedure - go to .

Start Ale for XP just right (more system and no more). Control panel System . At the window that opened up " ».

Power of the system find the tab " Dodatkovo ", further "».

The skin operating system is stored in the swap file, so it actively uses it for its own purposes.

Naturally, the larger the file, the larger the size of your computer.

In Windows, Microsoft has added parameters for the swap file.

This should be done dynamically, so that you can change your work according to the needs of your computer, and more precisely, the RAM.

It offers a wide range of products that will revamp your system and give it new features.

The parameters for processing are suitable for the skin, but to reduce its fragmentation, it can be made static so that it can work even faster.

— There are plenty of people who are vicorists of Windows XP.

This operating system supports the current standard of 3 GB.

If you have more than 1 GB of RAM installed, you can use the swap file as it is essentially not required.

If you want, you can turn your robot back on again.

If you are using Windows Vista, you will not be able to work with this file.

So, after making any changes, you can cancel the notification at startup about those that you do not have enough virtual memory to start.

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Non-productive systems with little physical memory will require a higher cost per share of virtual address space on the hard drive.

In Windows XP, the swap file appears on system volume C. You can easily access it by installing the Total Commander program.

This file manager miraculously displays system objects.

The swap file is located in the same way as the Windows system folder and is called pagefile.sys.

Access to pagefile parameters is granted through system authorities.

The configuration of the paging file is controlled by parameters specified in the system registry.

It indicates the minimum and maximum size, as well as location.

These parameters can be changed, but it is not recommended to work directly in the registry.