Troll Gumki in Pyaterochka. Dream works trolls eraser - “trolls in Pyaterochka. do you have the whole collection? What does a skin troll sound like?! secret code on the package »Plush troll Tsvetan

Hello, shovny dads, we are sure that your children want to buy trolls from Pyaterochka. Bagatioh sing the entire collection for numbers and names, like the sound of trolls, and until a certain number the stench will be in Pyaterochka. Therefore, especially for you, we give advice on all nutrition about trolls in this article.

A bag of visvitlimo head food, for such goods to give trolls to Pyaterochka, and how many trolls of all? Remember, in total there are 15 trolls in the booth, and give them for a leather check, in which there are no less than 555 rubles. Well, are you ready to get to know them?! And all the children scream, so!

It's important!

For those who don't know how many trolls in Pyaterochka! The promotion is extended until 24th July 2017!

We present your latest list of trolls by names, numbers, pictures and descriptions of their sounds 😀

1 - Topolok

2 - Baby

3 - Little Rose

4 - Health

5 - Granny Blossom

6 - Mister Khmarka

8 - Tsvetan

9 - Giraffe Cooper

10 - Rosette

11 - Diamond

12 - Dj Sounds

13 - Rozhevy King

14 - Dancer

15 - Pod

Can I buy 1 trollstick for skilki?

Good news, you have the ability to buy one Troll, but also others, as if it’s acceptable, you don’t get anything for a new collection. So you can bring the whole collection of trolls at once. The cost of one is 49 rubles, and all collections are 735 rubles.

List of products for the Troll sale in Pyaterochka:

And the axis and lanes of the purchase of the Pyaterochka store, the stench is relevant until 10 August inclusive. So yak to what term is trivatime the Troll action. By the way, if you buy from this list, you can take gumki free of charge.

Opening hours for the store, ask the sellers about the presence of these goods. The variety of such goods, for which they can be sent to trolls without a cost, may differ in different parts of our country. Do not forget to take with you and Ryatui cards, for the possibility of writing off balls.

Budinochok pencil case for Trolliv Pyaterochka

Pick up the whole collection of gumoks by names and numbers, and roll a boisterous evening in them! You can buy a pencil case for Trolls in any Pyaterochka store, obviously, it’s in the present.

You can buy a card game just like that at the Pyaterochka box office, for a total of 99 rubles. This is a quiz on the Uvaz, a fun party for friends, like choosing cards Trolls and turning around, like those Trolls, like getting on the cards. They have their own distinctive features and extraordinary character, play with friends, have fun!

Free Troll Contest in Pyaterochka

To participate in this quiz, collect creative photographs with a collection of humoks, and publish them in social media, naming them with the tag # trollinvole. To successfully capture your sign and take the fate, go through the strength: Now you are in the game for the prizes!

List of quiz prizes:

  • Apple iPad 9.7 inches diagonal, with Wi-Fi 32 GB.
  • 10 bags with Troll belt.
  • 30 certificates for 1000 rubles, for purchases in the Childish World.

In case of failure in the drawing of prizes, you can raise your spirits in the Troll developer: Here you need to submit your photo, and take on the attributes of the trolls. Let's see what kind of troll you can see.

Featured on the most popular food about Trolls Pyaterochka

For yakі goods give Trollіv in Pyaterochka?

For food for what, we already vіdpovіli, marvel more in stattі razdіl, commodities for the share Trolі.

How to recognize a Troll in Pyaterochka?

Specify this information from the sellers and cashiers of the store, in advance. Chantly food, how to know Troll in Pyaterochka, we can see here.

Until what date Trolls in Pyaterochka?

How to take Troll in Pyaterochka?

It is necessary to make a purchase, not less than 555 rubles. For the purchase of promotional goods, you can take them as a gift.

How to recognize Troll in the Pyaterochka package?

And the axis is really good nutrition, and we have a secret trick for you, how to recognize Troll's code. Look at the central pair of numbers on the packaging with an eraser, on the reverse side. Tse and є zapovitny number of the Troll, and now you have no more to know than you can not. Rarely. So 1, 8 and 11 numbers stray, but it's not critical.

How to get into trolls from Pyaterochka?

Pyaterochka has two types of game products with trolls:

  • Kartkova gra.
  • Budinochok pencil case.

If you know how to take a card game, then everything is simple. On the skin map with Troll, there are some special features. For the cob of gris, you need to give out tsі cards to your friends, and it's your responsibility to sell all the feats of Trolls in the gris.

Yakshcho vy maєte on uvazi pencil case budinochok with trolls. Then you just need to rule in their house a cheerful evening.

To the fate of the beginning of the river, having begun to merrily, sound lower. Specially for the 1st of spring, Pyaterochka launched a hoary action, dedicated to falling in love with the rich cartoon "Troli", like a three-dos.

For a skin of 555 rubles per check, you can get cool hums from looking animation characters. Tse bright, cute toys, like a mitte, lift the mood of the skin. The more money you make, and the more you shop, the more trolls can settle in your house.

However, there were other ways to acquire a toy. "Trollasts" are sold at the box office for everything for 49 rubles, and are also seen for the purchase of goods marked with a special stopper. The most active buyers can pick up the entire collection of humoks, which add up to 15 fun trolls.

Already rich lads and girls "trollastik" fell to the soul, to the one who reads about them. You can write, draw, prat and start back. You can also carry erasers with you. Exchange them, take care of whoever picks up the collection better, cherish the fathers and friends. Before that, if you put on toys on olives, you will become smart, but then you will be on your way to the reception room.

More than that, the toy trolls can become chips for the gamers, and for the right shakers of the cartoon and the flat games, Pyaterochka was preparing one more trick to wind up in the supermarket - the Trolls card game. At the store її sell for only 99 rubles.

Do you want to learn more about promotions? Look at the site Here you can not only get to know the rules in detail, but also know for yourself and your own sіm'ї chimalo rozvag. At the same time, for example, a photo contest is being held - it is necessary to create a photo with your trolls and viklasti її in a social measure with the hashtag # trollinavole.

Let's guess, the cartoon "Trolls" has become one of the most popular among Russian TV viewers. In our country, 4 million people marveled at yoga. The collections collected $13 million, not including the sale of licensed products. This is a story about enchanting things that live in an atmosphere of constant happiness, sleeping, dancing and hugging for a whole day.

Does your child still have no Trojans or Health? Todi pokvaptesya - the trolls will check you in "Pyaterochka" until 10 o'clock.

There is still plenty of time to pick up such marriages for a new collection of humok-trolls. Complete the chain of Pyaterochka stores with the promo action on July 10, 2017.

Having bought any product (cream for alcohol) in the Pyaterochka supermarket for the sum of 555 rubles, one new troll is added to the collection. Eraser, before the speech, you can also buy for 49 rubles or take it off, buying the auction goods. But what a cartoon character will be unknown until you open the package. I gave buvaє chagrin - such a troll in the collection already є.

Ale, don’t be embarrassed. Behind the code, which is located on the back of the package, you can quickly indicate which eraser is in it. About tse say 3 and 4 digits in a numerical code, which is an overcharge on a barcode.

Wash shares

Products that I take part in the action

Be-yak products, presented \u200b\u200b in a number of shops "Pyaterochka", cream of alcohol and tyutyun.


An eraser in the shape of a figurine in a bag with the hero of the cartoon "Trolls" for skin 555 rubles per check.

Action organizer

TOV "Agrotorg"

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In total, there are 15 erasers in the collection of Trolls from the store "Pyaterochka". Let's take a look at their reporter, who they call and how they look.

1 Hmark eraser

2 eraser Dancer

3 eraser Rose

4 eraser

5 eraser

6 eraser Granny Blossom

7 eraser Health

8 eraser Diamond

Action Trolls in Pyaterochka on April 2017. For the whole hour, already a lot of buyers in a number of shops in Pyaterochka got their own collections of trolls. And for those who have not yet caught up with the brothers of the little trolls, for the sake of squabbling, the one who gets the end. it's ending October 24, 2017, That's why you still have time to participate. Trolls gumki in Pyaterochka - an original collection of 15 heroes in the cartoon trolls, who can play like small toys or rubber bands that dress up on an olive. Trolls from Pyaterochka can be placed in a pencil case, which can also be brought to the store.

Trolls from Pyaterochka - the whole collection

As we have already said, Trolls are gumki - 15 small rubber bands, skin of such a small character. We will describe them, but you can count which "malyuki" you still do not have for the collection. How do you know, how are all the trolls relatively packaged? One tricky way. The skin troll was attracted to his number - we were ordered to order with the names of the heroes. On a skin sachet with a troll 6 digit code. Marvel at the third and fourth digits on the packaging. Tse i will be the number of your troll. For example, we have a package with a troll in the middle. Above the barcode is my bachimo code, which consists of 6 digits. We only look at 3 and 4 numbers. tse 02 . So, we can admit that the Troll with the assigned number is checking us in the bag 02 - Baby.

We open the packaging, and change our minds, we won’t!

And on this package third and fourth digits - 14. So, in the middle there is a Dancer.

Calculate which numbers are not given to you. We guess you can charge trolls for checks more than 555 rubles, or you can get it for a price of 49 rubles apiece.

Let's get it right:

1. Mister Khmarka(06) - troll number one in the collection of Trolls from Pyaterochka. This is one of the most mysterious heroes in the gloomy landscape. Vin loves shaking hands and if you give “p'yat” to you! To love jarring over Tsvetanov and always help in bidi.

2. dancer(14) - view of Volodarka's house to the dance floor. Vaughn vmіє vіdrivatisya on stage and dance for the whole cat. A heroine with a cheerful and dancing character.

3. Rosette(10) - good troll-optimist! You will always believe in luck, encourage your comrades to new feats and achievements. I love to sleep and always know for whom I will have a good time!

4. Krykhitka Rosochka(03) - a small rozhevy troll with great vocals. Vaughn learned to sleep and dance, before she learned to move around the booth on all fours. Even more funny and positive character.

5. pod(15) - a hero for all troll girls. If it were not for you, I would not have become a yoga companion. Vin butt for inheritance to all other trolls. Zіbrany, sensible, accommodating!

6. Granny Blossom(05). Every day is a place, let's find a place of trolls, you can't do without a grandmother. Granny Blossom loves to tinker with the growing generations of trolls, teach them goodness, help you choose your own colors in life.

Other heroes of the Troll collection

7. hello(04) - a troll, driven by his extraordinary dimensions and a great kind heart. The new one has a small twist - a worm, which one carries everywhere with oneself and loves to take photos of yoga, choosing for photo shoots.

8. diamond(08) - self-singing troll, star of all evenings. Vіn love zalyuvati, have fun, and wear the clothes of wine on your body with millions of bliskitok.

9. Tsvetan(01) - troll-viewer, with a foldable character. Vin often thinks about the future, and especially about those who are the only intelligent inhabitant of the town of Troll.

10. Guru Sibil(07) - at the same time give advice on the latest food. A lot of the inhabitants of the village of trolls turn to her for joy, and there, madly, let's say, that they will respectfully hear.

11. baby(02) - one of the smallest trolls in the village. I love to sleep with a baritone, lift heavy things, sing a hack and hear important rock. In a word, to love to see each other.

12. Topolok(11) - a cheerful and life-radius troll, which loves to lift the tops of trees, rozsikati on your dosht between the trees and leaves, loves to collapse and “hug”!

13. rozhevy king(13). As if in the city there is a grandmother of trolls, then, consciously, I will. The rozhevy king in the presence of the battalion of his children, zavdyaki to which in the place panuyut the world and bliss. Some people suffer from forgetfulness and rob wondrous things, but the inhabitants of the village love all the same.

14. DJ Sounds(12) - in the mix of motives, be it folding. She has a fluffy revolver, as if it is made up of flowers and other commas, for help, she goes on to create naming hits.

15. cooper(09) - special troll with chotirma legs. Vin is kindly, who does not admire the great cunning. Then you will miraculously play the harmonica and you can create the most beautiful dance moves.

Trolls gumki from Pyaterochka - how to take it without cost?

Where can I buy a pencil case for Trolls?

Budinochok-pencil case is also sold in Pyaterochka stores. Yogo vartist to become 249 rubles. Representing yourself as a pencil case-case, the middle of such an okreme space for the skin inhabitant of "Trollland".

Competition "Trolls in the wild at school and at home"

Please tell me for food, and you know that you were a troll in the town of Trolls.

One more cicava memory training game: Memory. Grati in the Memory Trolls group is possible for the help.

An online game for logic and respect is coming. It's called out " Fit in the labyrinth". Choose your favorite troll character using the arrows on the keyboard, try to lead yoga out of the tangled maze. Grati online can be here.

For a skin of 555 rubles stained in Pyaterochka, you can take one eraser, scribbling at the look of the hero from the cartoon "Trolls". The final day of the action “Choose a collection of trolls” has already begun in the Pyaterochka store chain. You can come to Yaskravih heroes up to 10 years inclusive.

Respectfully, not everyone knows how the heroes look like and how they look in the bag. Apparently, there are fifteen erasers in total.

Varto say that it is far from a fact that in the gift package you will find that hero, who is not yet in the collection.

It is significant that it is possible to recognize which eraser is in the middle. For whom it is necessary to look at the six-digit code, the charges on the back of the package. If you add two numbers each from the cob and from the end, then two are left in the middle and they will designate the hero who is in this package.

Among the characters, you can choose: Rosette and Tsvetan, Baby and Strumochok, Diamond and Grandmother Blossom, Rozhevy King and Crikhitka Rosochka, Dancer and Cooper, Guru and DJ Sounds, as well as Health, Poplar and Mister Khmarka.

How do trolls sound?

Behind the catalog, all the figurines are imaginary, let's look at them in order with photos and a small description.

1. Mister hmarka

Cool gloomy character. Even love the hand-waving and don’t mind giving a p’aterik.

2. Dancer

The heroine of the dance floor, love to dance and the breeders are all on the lookout, there is nothing to lose on the sidelines, just stand.

3. Rosette

A positive hero, an optimist, who gives strength and inspiration, is one of the leaders of the trolls.

4. Little Trojan

Gifted with positive, which encourages and attracts to himself - everyone wants to be with him.

6. Granny blossom

Nanny malyukiv, zavdyaki vyhovannyu kozhen nabuvaє svіy kolіr.

7. Health

It dawned on me that I was the greatest of my brothers, I could do great good, my heart. With a new postіyno yogo, a friend is a worm on im'ya Druzhok.

Samy vpevneniy at his own, the king of the evening. Only tie others on a new robe, so that you cover your body with blisks.

The right philosopher-viewer, if I accept my right, I will allow you to fill in your quotes.

Wise teacher of the village of trolls, he knows a lot of sayings, how to give positive vibes and harmony of life.

Naymensha, but to love an important rock, Volodya in a strained voice and heavy burdens.

12. Poplar

A lover of climbing tall trees and riding on his own doshtsi, he can only climb if it is necessary to hug someone.

13. Rozhevy king

Vatazhok, under such a pan, peace and tranquility in the village. The troch is strange, but it can be attributed to old age if there are symptoms of sclerosis.

14. DJ Sounds

A cool modern figure, vykonu beats and fires on a live DJ machine with zvirkuniv and different sound commas.

Invisible chotirinogiy dancer, coolly flickering in the dance, bewitching the movement, playing the harmonica on the lip, not richly able to pick up thoughts for a long time.