Creating a new folder on Windows. How to create a new folder in Windows XP Create a folder for igor

Hello! Today we will talk about the basics, and how to create a folder on your desktop. Rich newcomers often suffer from nutritional problems, so today I will try to get as much information as possible on this date. For those who know how to work, you can skip the information in this article, but I also want to point out that there are subtleties in it that you may not have realized.

The most common and often used option among users is to right-click the mouse on the desktop and select the “Create” - “Folder” option from the drop-down menu. You, please, have a new folder, I’ll call it this. Rename it and press Enter.

An important point for you to gain respect: go to what you click on the right place on your desktop, and not on any file, shortcut or other folder. This drop-down menu will contain a completely different set of functions that can be placed right next to the object you clicked on.

Another feature: if you still wanted to change the name, then a folder with the same name will be created with its own serial number, starting with the number 2 (“New folder 2”, “New folder 3”, etc.) .

Another way is to create a folder on your desktop. Go to the “Start” menu, select “Computer”. Finally, a list of local disks and other devices appears. We are called the Zliv region. In the “Select” section, click on the “Desktop” item. All the icons and other files that are on your desktop appear. At the top of the window, just below the navigation buttons “Back” and “Forward”, you can access a small menu of functions. Find “New folder” there and click with the left mouse button.

How to create a folder on your desktop without a mouse? Do you think it’s not real? In fact, to do this, you need to quickly use the hot keys. This method can be used in any secret father. If you want to create a folder when pressing hot keys, then the axis is “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “N”.

This is all I want to tell you. These are the three most basic and simple options for creating new folders on your desktop. In other versions of the operating system, everything is exactly the same, so don’t worry if you don’t have Windows 7, just follow the instructions, we’ll describe it here.

Folders are designed to store objects in one place and organize a good file structure of specific documents, photos, files for easier searching. Find out how to create a new folder on the desktop and in Explorer Windows 7, 8, And also other versions of the OS.

The statistics vary from classic methods of creating folders to more non-standard methods. Powerful koristuvachs may be subject to change of status.

Create a new folder using the context menu

To create a folder on the desktop, right-click on the empty space. In the menu, move the mouse arrow to the “create” section, then select the “folder” section, which will appear next to another menu. For the explorer (my computer), follow the same principle.

Note: If you access other menu items, it is clear that you have clicked on another folder or file.

As a result, an element with the name “new folder” will appear. Enter a name and press Enter. Raju, or a standard icon, as the catalog is displayed on the desktop.

There are a couple more ways to create a new folder in Explorer. In the left area, go to any directory and do the following:

1. On the horizontal menu, click the “new folder” button. Write its name, click Enter. For example, I selected “catalog” on drive C (see the image) and created a “Windows” folder in it.

2. With Explorer open, press Alt to see another menu appear. Click on “file”, point to “create” and click on “folder” (as in other words).

Quick access for folder folders

Chant, which the knights often joke about, How to create a new folder on your computer desktop or in another place. Everyone knows that the use of hot keys significantly improves the speed of the work. At the place where you want to create a directory, press the 3 buttons Ctrl + Shift + N in succession. Write the name and press the Enter key.

Not all symbols in the folder name can be edited. Axis list of unknowns:

/ | \ : *? “ < >

It is not possible for us to solve the gap in the name of vikoryst, but we can do it in a cunning way. Now I detect the error by creating a new folder on the desktop, in Explorer through the command row, read further.

Create folders in cmd

І enter the next commands:

MKDIR new path and folder names

For a desktop, I would say:

MKDIR C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\folder

In addition, “Alex” is the name of the correspondent, so please write your name instead. The “Desktop” section is the directory of the desktop, after the slash the name of the folder “folder” is already specified, write yours and press Enter. Behind such a scheme folders are being created in other cases, you need to register the new way and name.

To create directory entries, add the following structure:

MKDIR C:\novoe\name\papka

In this arrangement, the main folder is created, in this “new” box, then the folders after the slash are created. By registering, the catalog in the catalog is now approved. The first alternative is to shorten the MD command, and similar actions will follow.

As a result, in the ways described above, you can create a new folder on your desktop, In Explorer and any other place on Windows 7, 8. You can rename or delete them at any time. This is done in a couple of steps, either through the context menu or by pressing the Del key.

Let's look at 4 options for how you can create a new folder. Everything is simple and does not go beyond simple computer literacy.

I option. To create a Windows folder, you first need to select where it will be located: on your desktop or in the middle of any other folder. Obviously, we go there ourselves, where there will be “wake-up calls”, so that a new Windows folder will be created.

How to create a folder on your desktop

1) To create a folder on the desktop, press the right mouse button on an empty (empty) place on the desktop.

Context menu "Create folder"

2) This will open a contextual menu, then click on the “Create” option.

3) The window will have a list of what you can create, requiring you to select “Folder”.

4) You will see a small window with the inscription “New Folder”, in which the cursor will be hovering, asking you to enter a name for the folder.

Names for the new folder

If you do not enter a name, the folder will be called “New folder”. In principle, at any moment you can change the name below.

In admiration of those, I respect that “” means that the creators of the software thought and thought and decided for the mercenary (that is, for you and me), that in a particular situation it is possible to do as it should be. In this case, it is recommended to wait for “getting ready” under the name “New Folder”.

Well, I’ll call it trash, because after a dozen hours it’s hard to guess what’s stored in a dad with such unostentatious names. Therefore, instead of choosing “behind the procedure”, it is better to enter “before” the folder name.

Having entered the name, you need to press the Enter key or click the bear outside the frame to enter the name. If there was a mistake when entering the name, it can be easily corrected. To do this, click on the folder name with your mouse to see the name, and then press the F2 key and you can edit the folder name.

What is required create a folder in the middle of the main folder(), Click on the free place in the old folder with the right mouse button, then click on the “Create” option and then proceed with everything exactly as described above.

Other options to create a new folder

Option II:

Another option for creating the Windows folder. In the menu row at the top right there is a “File” option. Click on it, then click on “Create” and find “Folder”.

Option III:

open conductor(Start - Programs - Standard - Explorer), go there and create a folder. Then in the upper right corner go to the menu File - Create - Folder.

Or you can click on the right place with the right mouse button and select Create - Folder in the context menu.

Explorer creates a new folder in the place where you gave the command to create it, and call it New Folder. You can enter another name, just like what happened in the first option.

The option with Explorer is easy, if you dare to put things in order in your files and folders, since here is a catalog of everything you have on your computer. You can sort by new or old folders, see what is needed.

IV option:

This option transfers the creation of new folders at the moment when you save a file. It’s important to save your files “in order” so that you can easily find them later.

For example, you create a file and edit the existing one. The resulting file can be immediately saved in a new folder (so to speak, “without leaving your account”). For this, in the “File” menu (at the top right corner), select the “Save as” option.

In the window, click on the “Create Folder” button, as a result of which a folder named “New Folder” appears. You can immediately enter a different name for the folder, after which enter the name for the file. This procedure step by step (1st step, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) is shown below in the example of saving a file in Notepad:

1st shortcut - Click on the "Create folder" button

2nd step - Enter the folder name and press Enter. A new folder has been created.

3rd step - Click on the “Open” button, which is located on the right hand side of the “File” field. In this manner we put it into a new folder.

“How can I create a new folder?”

Hey, let's get started!

Krok 1.

shob create a new folder, "Create" "Folder" And press the left mouse button.

Div. Malyunok 1.

Let's go!

first method Enter

Another way: Enter

Div. Malyunok 2.

The third and easiest way:

hot keys push at onceShift + Ctrl + N

Dear reader!

With respect, site teamwww. sysitplus. ru

From the My Computer folder window, you can select your existing files and folders in a number of ways. To create a folder or file, first of all, indicate how to move between folders or disks, and you will create a new object.

first method

The first way is in the context menu, move the indicator to a large area of ​​the panel and press the right mouse button. Next, click on the row to close this menu, an additional menu with commands for creating objects will appear, after clicking the command, the object icon will be displayed, and under it the input row for the name, after the name has been entered, press the Enter button on keyboards and the object will be creations.

another way

Another way to create it is by selecting the top menu of the window. Open the File menu item, from there open the Create submenu, then select the Create folder command and click on it with the left mouse button, a creation element will appear, for which you need to enter a name.

To create a file using an additional menu, you need to select one of the programs in the create list, and then create a file using an additional selected program. Once the files or folders are created, you can perform various operations with them.

Copying and moving files and folders

Most people copy and move files using a method called retightened. First, open the folder you want to move the file or folder you want to move. Then open the folder in another window where you want to move the file or folder. Place the window on your desktop to accommodate both folders.

Then drag a file or folder from the first folder to the other. That's all.

To copy or move a file, drag it from one window to another

When using the drag-and-drop method, you may notice that some files or folders are copied, and some are moved. When dragging between folders on the same hard drive, items are moved. In this way, two copies of the same file or folder are not created in the same backup. If you have dragged an item into a folder that is otherwise in storage (for example, in a folder), or to a storage device such as a CD, the item is copied.

Creation and storage of files

The easiest way to create a new file is to quickly use the program. For example, you can create a text document in a text processing program or a movie file in a video editing program.

Some programs create a file when they start. For example, when you launch the WordPad editor, a blank page opens. This is an empty (and unsaving) file. Start typing, and when you are ready to save your work, press the button save. In the dialog box, enter the name of the file that will help you find it in the future, and click save.

Typically, most programs save files in typical folders, such as “My Documents” and “My Babies,” which makes them easier to find in the future.

An unnecessary file can be deleted from your computer to save space. To delete a file, open your folder or library and view the file. Press the DELETE key, and then in the dialog box view file press button So.

The file appears to be deleted and saved to the file. Please take special care to ensure that files and folders are automatically deleted. To clear space on your hard drive that is occupied by unnecessary files, you need to clean it every hour.

To rename a folder or file, use one of these options.

§ Click on the file or folder icon with the right mouse button and select the Rename command in the menu.

§ View a file or folder and select a command in the window menu File>RenameWater.

§ View a file or folder and press the key .

§ Click on the file or folder icon once with the left mouse button, then take a short pause and click on the new one again with the left mouse button.

After this process, you will no longer be able to enter a new name from the keyboard.

It is not possible to rename Windows XP system folders such as ProgramFiles or Windows.

The descriptions are perfectly suitable for renaming one or two files or folders, but what if you have 200 files and need to rename them all?

How to create a new folder on the desktop of a computer running the Windows operating system.

The main problem lies in the fact that one of the files needs to specify the same name, and all other files from the visible group automatically remove the names that are added to the name of the first file and order number in the temples.

So, how can you rename a bunch of files?

1. Click on the icon of the file, which will result in renaming (it is not obligatory for the file to be added to the list of file groups). The file will be visible.

2. See the group of files that need to be renamed. How to press the key , The file icon will be shown with a dotted frame.

This is a confirmation of the fact that the file is saved, and it will begin to be renamed.

3. Press . Now I’ll instruct the file name to appear with a blinking cursor.

4. Enter a new name for the active file and press the key , After which the file will be assigned a new name. All other files in the group will be automatically renamed.

In this case, since the result of renaming a group of files does not control you, it can be saved. Why press the key combination? or in the window menu row, select the command Vipravlenya>Skasuvati. Unfortunately, this operation will have to be repeated for the skin problem.

axis of the deck Features of file renaming, About what it is worth remembering.

  • Before pressing the key , Can be pressed And in this way, rename and return the file to its original name.
  • Windows does not allow you to give a file a name that is already assigned to another file. No files or folders can have new names.
  • If the extended file names are not visible, then you think that Windows has allowed two files to be created with the same names. In fact, there are files of different types, and they are represented by different icons.
  • You can rename a file or folder by pressing a key combination or by selecting Edit - Skasuvati in the menu. This applies only immediately after renaming.
  • This is the name of the hot key for renaming files - . I prefer to use it better because you still have to use the keyboard to enter a file name.

Computer owners often ask us: “How can I create a new folder?”

Today we will look at a number of options on how to create a new folder on the desktop in the Windows operating system /

The process of creating a new folder is very simple and does not require a lot of trouble.

How to create a folder on your computer desktop

You only need to create the folder once and you will remember this easy procedure for the future.

Hey, let's get started!

Krok 1.

shob create a new folder, Do everything with one click by pressing the right mouse button on the desktop or on the disk partition you need, and release the button. In the window we translate the cursor of the computer bear to the word "Create" , In any case, the button is not to blame but is jammed. Then we move the cursor to the word "Folder"

Let's go! Your folder has been successfully created! How can I attract the name of my father?

first method : To do this, press the right mouse button on the shortcut of the desired folder. Then move the cursor to the word, change it and press once on the left mouse button to enter the desired name. Then press the key on the keyboard Enter Or click on an empty area, otherwise you won’t be able to save the folder name.

Another way: Click once on the desired new folder and press the F2 key. Then enter the name and press Enter In this case, your folder changes its name to a new one.

Div. Malyunok 2.

The third and easiest way:

You can create a new folder using Vikory hot keys For whom it is necessary in a free area push at onceShift + Ctrl + N

Yak Vi, you can create a new folder very simply.

When you create a new folder, you can use it in a number of ways. Choose the simplest and most convenient one for yourself!

Create new folders, update them with information and don’t forget about order :)

Change the name of the new folder carefully so you don’t get lost in the future!

Dear reader! Perhaps you should add the following statistics:

o How to set or change a password on your computer

o Yak vidality program or gro windows 7

o How can I take a screenshot (copy) of the screen?

o Ways to save hours when working on a computer and the Internet

o How to turn it off, close the program or

With respect, site teamwww. sysitplus. ru

If you marked a note, see a fragment of the text and press Ctrl + Enter

How to create a directory on your computer

Creation or re-creation of the catalog

When you open a Windows® image file (WIM file), Windows Installation Manager (Windows SIM) automatically creates a catalog file (CLG file). If the directory file already exists, Windows SIM re-creates the directory file using the same method. When the file is created in the directory, it will populate the Windows image with a list of all parameters in that image.

A directory file is a double file that saves a list of all parameters in a Windows image file (WIM file). Directories are more compact and portable, lower than Windows image files. For example, the size of the directory should be less than 1 MB, while the Windows image file can be as large as GB. Due to their small size, directory files can be easily copied to a portable device, placed in a secure folder, or sent in an attachment via e-mail. Files in the directory can also be opened by users, but not by administrators. A number of koristuvachs can immediately open a file to a directory.

A separate copy of the Windows DVD is placed behind the creation files in the directory for the Windows skin image in the install.wim file. These directory files are located in the Sources directory on the DVD and can be used to create a support file for the Windows image from the install.wim file, which has been matched for the purpose. If you need to create a directory for a customized Windows image, to re-create a directory for that customized Windows image, you need to use Windows Installation Manager.

  1. Open Windows Setup Manager.
  2. Open the Windows image. Additional reports of miracles.

    How to create a folder on your desktop

    in the section Using the Windows method or file directory.

  3. From the Tools menu, select the Create catalog command.

    A dialog box will open using the Windows method.

  4. Select the Windows image (WIM file), then click the Open button.

    If you select a Windows image file to include multiple Windows images, the Select Method dialog box will open.

  5. Select the image type (for example, Windows® 7 Ultimate), then click OK. The catalog of works will be in the same place where the WIM file is located.

What is a folder and a directory of folders?

You may have already downloaded graphic elements on your computer, and when opened, which may contain other files, you should know that this is the original computer folder. This is not all the basic information you need to know to understand what a folder is.

A folder is a place in which information is structured.

A folder is a file in which there are other files with any typology of general topics.

This is not necessarily the case - the logic of placing files in a folder may be valid, since this folder was created by a correspondent. You can align the folder with Motherboard to place other folders with files. With a large number of different folders, nested one within the other, you can end up with a whole tree of information interconnected. The substitution of the folder as an archive means that there is no possibility of compressing and unpacking files. In a word, the founder of the term Folder is English. word Folder.

From the first folder to the remaining folder there is an address path that shows the entire number of adjacent folders in which the remaining subfolder is contained. All folders in the address are separated by a trailing slash or a forward slash, depending on the installed operating system.

The address path is the directory that the installer of various programs often asks for, this directory is called the installation directory.

C:\Program Files (x86)\XMind

Folders can be created automatically or created manually. Creation is carried out again using the right click of the mouse in any space that allows you to create folders, as well as select a folder row in the assigned menu.

Create system folders with their own subfolder tree. On the basis of such a structured operating system, it distributes its information resources, which it will operate on the software level. This folder system is called a directory.

Catalog system for organizing work

What is the folder that was selected earlier, and what is the directory? Behind this directory (a system of one-to-one folder nesting) the operating system is organized. In one directory folder, files are structured according to the assigned functions. Such an organization speeds up the work of the entire system, quickly searching for files in a single functional group. There are a number of types of catalogues.

  1. The root directory, which is the main folder system, contains all other folders and other directories to ensure the operation of the file system.
  2. Stream directory, the directory in which the operating system is running at a particular moment, and is designated by a single dot “.”.
  3. Batkivsky catalog, this catalog, in which there is a current catalog and this catalog of meanings with two dots “..”.

In different operating systems, directory robots are organized according to different principles

UNIX - directory

Such a catalog of organizations, instead of several index descriptors (inodes) of data structure. These descriptors contain meta information about those that include a standard file and directory, and other information objects of the file system. Such directories in modern operating systems, such as Linux, are organized according to the FHS standard.

This standard defines a distinct structural hierarchy of files in the catalogue. Then, you register in which folder the other folder will be located, and that folder itself. For example, with such a standard, the database will always be located in the folder “/etc/passwd”. And so on, each folder is given a name, a location in the catalog and a list of functional files. UNIX, this can also work with other methods of organizing directories.

Windows Directory

This OS will remove the root directory. What makes it special is that it is not a subdirectory, but nevertheless, everything starts from there and there are subdirectories. A special feature of the directories of the Windows operating system is that the skin disk contains a separate root directory. Catalogs are divided into root, service (system) - OS creations, purposes for koristuvach - koristuvach creations.

A folder is not a file, that is why it has power

The skin folder has its own power. Folders may be stolen, they may be stolen by copying or changing. When you right-click on the folder, select the folder and view additional information about the allocated disk space of the folder (the amount of information in megabytes), the number of attached files, about the number of places I lost on the disk, about access rights to the folder (individual or hidden resource), You can also make changes in the settings.

You can create a private folder, or you can also open secret access to it through a barrier. You can create a hidden folder for hemorrhaging. It is possible to determine access rights to a folder for different users of the same computer.

Folder options allow you to change the current appearance of the folder by installing any image and you can change the icon that will replace the old icon. These same templates for popular Windows folders are available for modification. Templates can be changed for each folder or a different template can be installed for all folders of the client.

What is a folder, and also what is a directory and directory were discussed in the article materials. When you bring your bags, you can come to the conclusion that the folder is a similarity or in other words a container for information, and most often it is used for the clerk, and the structuring of accumulated information.

Creation of official catalogs

You can create catalogs in a similar structure to your products. The best way to create a catalog is to use a structured Excel file.

Here's a catalog that you can download on your own, maybe a catalog of oils in the demo version

To add a directory with attributes, you need to prepare a zip file of a special format. Zip files (at first - not in subfolders) are likely to contain such objects

  1. The images folder contains images associated with the purchased products.
  2. The file data.xls is located in the elements of the directory

The data.xls file is responsible for the mother's structure Row No. 1 to remove the headers of the columns, in which case from 1-5 to remove the obligatory data, from 6 and further attributes are configured

service stations

  1. name of the image from the images folder, for example 96545705.jpg
  2. Name of the virobnik
  3. Part number
  4. Part name
  5. Opened description of details


Tree of categories. In the middle of the attribute columns, you can specify a service column with the category heading, and instead of this column it will be interpreted as linking the part to the specified category. For example, if you specify the name of a squeegee brush for a given item, then the product will be created with a link to this category, if the category is not found in the task when the category is added, then it will be automatically created. You can also create a category tab if the name of the category is specified by the current Filter / Refurbishment option, in this option the Filter category will be created and its Refurbishment category will be created.

To include additional attributes in the article header, you must include @ before the attribute name

To select multiple attribute values, you need to separate them with a straight line | VAZ stock | GAZ

Manually editing catalogs

All tools for manually editing catalogs are located in the menu Services - Products, the main ones

  • Products - here you can create any product, add its description, photograph, characteristics - they will be displayed as if by search for the given part number, and in catalogs as you include them
  • Categories - using additional categories you can create the structure of your catalogue, for example Oils - Motor oils.
  • Attributes - you can add standard characteristics to further select and filter products by them. Create a new attribute, uncheck Additional values, save. After this you can insert a list of values ​​for this attribute. For example, you can create the characteristic “Commitment” and add possible values ​​of 1,2,3,4,5, etc.. For products that belong to the same category as the attribute, select the value of this attribute.

To update filters in the catalogue, you must simply run the indexation of attributes Services - System - Index

Upload the demo file to upload the catalog

Installing watermarks

With this additional function, you can install watermarks on catalog photos that you create yourself.

For this purpose, let’s go to the section Site->Foreign settings.

It is well known that the section “Vikorist watermarks” is installed on the new checkbox.

We admire the images that we want to display in the context of a watermark.

Now everyone is newly fascinated by photographs, which will be due to the stagnation of the water seal.

The following may be affected by these functions:

  • Select directories when loading catalogs

Computer owners often ask us: “How can I create a new folder?”

Today we will look at a number of options on how to create a new folder on the desktop in the Windows operating system /

The process of creating a new folder is very simple and does not require a lot of trouble. You only need to create the folder once and you will remember this easy procedure for the future.

Hey, let's get started!

Krok 1.

shob create a new folder, Do everything with one click by pressing the right mouse button on the desktop or on the disk partition you need, and release the button. In the window we translate the cursor of the computer bear to the word "Create" , In any case, the button is not to blame but is jammed. Then we move the cursor to the word "Folder" And press the left mouse button. Div.

How to create a folder on your computer

baby 1.

Let's go! Your folder has been successfully created! How can I attract the name of my father?

first method : To do this, press the right mouse button on the shortcut of the desired folder. Then move the cursor to the word, change it and press once on the left mouse button to enter the desired name. Then press the key on the keyboard Enter Or click on an empty area, otherwise you won’t be able to save the folder name.

Another way: Click once on the desired new folder and press the F2 key. Then enter the name and press Enter In this case, your folder changes its name to a new one.

Div. Malyunok 2.

The third and easiest way:

You can create a new folder using Vikory hot keys For whom it is necessary in a free area push at onceShift + Ctrl + N

Yak Vi, you can create a new folder very simply.

When you create a new folder, you can use it in a number of ways. Choose the simplest and most convenient one for yourself!

Create new folders, update them with information and don’t forget about order :)

Change the name of the new folder carefully so you don’t get lost in the future!

Dear reader! Perhaps you should add the following statistics:

o How to set or change a password on your computer

o Yak vidality program or gro windows 7

o How can I take a screenshot (copy) of the screen?

o Ways to save hours when working on a computer and the Internet

o How to turn it off, close the program or

With respect, site teamwww. sysitplus. ru

If you marked a note, see a fragment of the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Computer owners often ask us: “How can I create a new folder?”

Today we will look at a number of options on how to create a new folder on the desktop in the Windows operating system /

The process of creating a new folder is very simple and does not require a lot of trouble. You only need to create the folder once and you will remember this easy procedure for the future.

Hey, let's get started!

Krok 1.

shob create a new folder, Do everything with one click by pressing the right mouse button on the desktop or on the disk partition you need, and release the button. In the window we translate the cursor of the computer bear to the word "Create" , In any case, the button is not to blame but is jammed.

Then we move the cursor to the word "Folder" And press the left mouse button. Div. Malyunok 1.

Let's go! Your folder has been successfully created! How can I attract the name of my father?

first method : To do this, press the right mouse button on the shortcut of the desired folder. Then move the cursor to the word, change it and press once on the left mouse button to enter the desired name. Then press the key on the keyboard Enter Or click on an empty area, otherwise you won’t be able to save the folder name.

Another way: Click once on the desired new folder and press the F2 key. Then enter the name and press Enter In this case, your folder changes its name to a new one.

Div. Malyunok 2.

The third and easiest way:

You can create a new folder using Vikory hot keys For whom it is necessary in a free area push at onceShift + Ctrl + N

Yak Vi, you can create a new folder very simply.

When you create a new folder, you can use it in a number of ways. Choose the simplest and most convenient one for yourself!

Create new folders, update them with information and don’t forget about order :)

Change the name of the new folder carefully so you don’t get lost in the future!

Dear reader! Perhaps you should add the following statistics:

o How to set or change a password on your computer

o Yak vidality program or gro windows 7

o How can I take a screenshot (copy) of the screen?

o Ways to save hours when working on a computer and the Internet

o How to turn it off, close the program or

With respect, site teamwww. sysitplus. ru

If you marked a note, see a fragment of the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Let's look at 4 options for how you can create a new folder. Everything is simple and does not go beyond simple computer literacy.

I option. To create a Windows folder, you first need to select where it will be located: on your desktop or in the middle of any other folder. Obviously, we go there ourselves, where there will be “wake-up calls”, so that a new Windows folder will be created.

How to create a folder on your desktop

1) To create a folder on the desktop, press the right mouse button on an empty (empty) place on the desktop.

Context menu "Create folder"

2) This will open a contextual menu, then click on the “Create” option.

3) The window will have a list of what you can create, requiring you to select “Folder”.

4) You will see a small window with the inscription “New Folder”, in which the cursor will be hovering, asking you to enter a name for the folder.

Names for the new folder

If you do not enter a name, the folder will be called “New folder”. In principle, at any moment you can change the name below.

In admiration of those, I respect that “” means that the creators of the software thought and thought and decided for the mercenary (that is, for you and me), that in a particular situation it is possible to do as it should be. In this case, it is recommended to wait for “getting ready” under the name “New Folder”.

Well, I’ll call it trash, because after a dozen hours it’s hard to guess what’s stored in a dad with such unostentatious names. Therefore, instead of choosing “behind the procedure”, it is better to enter “before” the folder name.

Having entered the name, you need to press the Enter key or click the bear outside the frame to enter the name. If there was a mistake when entering the name, it can be easily corrected. To do this, click on the folder name with your mouse to see the name, and then press the F2 key and you can edit the folder name.

What is required create a folder in the middle of the main folder(), Click on the free place in the old folder with the right mouse button, then click on the “Create” option and then proceed with everything exactly as described above.

Other options to create a new folder

Option II:

Another option for creating the Windows folder. In the menu row at the top right there is a “File” option. Click on it, then click on “Create” and find “Folder”.

Option III:

open conductor(Start - Programs - Standard - Explorer), go there and create a folder. Then in the upper right corner go to the menu File - Create - Folder.

Or you can click on the right place with the right mouse button and select Create - Folder in the context menu.

Explorer creates a new folder in the place where you gave the command to create it, and call it New Folder. You can enter another name, just like what happened in the first option.

The option with Explorer is easy, if you dare to put things in order in your files and folders, since here is a catalog of everything you have on your computer. You can sort by new or old folders, see what is needed.

IV option:

This option transfers the creation of new folders at the moment when you save a file. It’s important to save your files “in order” so that you can easily find them later.

For example, you create a file and edit the existing one. The resulting file can be immediately saved in a new folder (so to speak, “without leaving your account”). For this, in the “File” menu (at the top right corner), select the “Save as” option.

In the window, click on the “Create Folder” button, as a result of which a folder named “New Folder” appears. You can immediately enter a different name for the folder, after which enter the name for the file. This procedure step by step (1st step, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) is shown below in the example of saving a file in Notepad:

1st shortcut - Click on the "Create folder" button

2nd step - Enter the folder name and press Enter. A new folder has been created.

3rd step - Click on the “Open” button, which is located on the right hand side of the “File” field. In this manner we put it into a new folder.