A plethora of problems. Possible requests Incorrect format of client bank data

  1. The file is created automatically at the time of completion of the skin import operation
  2. The file is created in the same directory where the file being imported is located. The file name is the same as in the imported file. Expansion – “err”.
  3. Skin row to the file - about the information about the payment
  4. If critical errors are detected during the import process, the output will be removed from the entry in the err file. As a result, the compilation file may not be able to recognize all possible modifications in the import file, since the download “did not reach them.”
  5. The file row is displayed in the following format:

    <Номер ошибки>, Row<Номер строки>, <Описание ошибки>


    9, Row 2, Incorrect version "2.00" of the exchange file format.

  6. Possible mercy:
Pardon number Pomilka When he blames I’ll describe the example in the file
1 The end of the fileThe end of the file was detected, in which the processing of the thread section was not completed.Inconsistency ends the file. Not completed section "SectionRozrahunok"
2 Invalid keyThe section has an assigned identifier for details that this section is not responsible for. (Div. “Structure of exchange files”)Invalid key "ReceiptDate" for the section "SectionRozrahunok".
3 No value insertedThere is no value set for the key that is set to “Language File Structure”.There is no value set for the binding key "PlatnikOKPO" in the "SectionDocument" section.
4 Incorrect date formatThe date is not in the format dd.mm.yyyyInvalid date format for the "Date" key in the "SectionDocument" section - "2.12.01". The date may be in the format "dd.mm.yyyy".
5 The dowzhina is too greatThe number of characters in the selected key value is greater than is possible for this type of dataThe double value of the key “MFI Owner” in the “Document Section” section is 6 characters - “2143213”.
6 Very high accuracyThe number of symbols “after the coma” for numeric values ​​exceeds the permissible valueThe precision of the value for the "Amount" key in the "Document Section" section is 2 characters - "123.456".
7 Unable to open fileVinyl reset when the file is openedRepair when opening the file D:\Users\Foxx\Vykhidniki\Vykhidniki 77UaP\1c_to_kl.txt
8 Incorrect file formatIncorrect file exchange format. The first row has the daily identifier “1ClientBankExchange”The file D:\Users\Foxx\Vykhidniki\Vykhidniki 77UaP\1c_to_kl.txt is in the wrong format.
9 The file version is incorrectAt the moment, only files with version format "1.00" are being collectedVersion "2.00" of the file exchange format is incorrect.
10 Incorrect codingThe encoding of the file is expanded depending on the selected file at the time of import. For example, the file has “DOS”, the import procedure has “Windows”Incorrect encoding of the "DOS" file.
11 Incorrectly otrimuvachThe owner of the information is responsible for matching the internal identifier 1C configuration in which the acquisition is carried out. Tobto. The “Client-Bank” system can “know” this identifier for forming the file. During the period of development in the “Otrimuvach” detail of the header, there may be only one entry - “Accounting for Ukraine”. This configuration is where all test robots are carried out at once. In the future, the range of possible values ​​will be expanded.Incorrect extraction of information "Program 1C". Only files addressed to the “Accounting Office for Ukraine” are processed.
12 R/s is not in the titleThe row “Rozrahunok” has been added to the header: In line with the “Exchange File Structure”, the skin rozrakhunok may have clues at the header of the file in the row “Rozrakhunok” and for the skin r/s there may be a section “Section Rozrakhunok”.Rozrahunkovy rahunok "12353212452332" is not written in the heading of the row "Rozrahunok".
13 Chi doesn’t escape “pretty much.” too much"surplus cobThe cob surplus (123456.78) from the file assigned to the file (876543.21) is not kept behind the rozrahunkovym rakhunkov "12353212452332".
14 Chi does not avoid “kin. too much"The end surplus on the account, the instructions in the section “Section of Rozrahunok” in the exchange file are not matched with the data in 1CBehind the divergent structure "12353212452332" the end surplus (123456.78) assigned to the file (876543.21) is not avoided.
15 Don’t avoid “everything has happened”The total amount of money that was found by e-mail is indicated in the section “Rozrakhunkok Section”; the exchange file does not match the data in 1CBehind the rozrakhunkovy shell "12353212452332" there is no hidden amount of money that was found (123456.78) from the file (876543.21).
16 Don’t avoid “everything is written off”The total amount of debits for r/r is indicated in the section “Section of Accounts”, the exchange file does not match the data in 1CThe separate account "12353212452332" does not contain the total amount of written-off funds (123456.78) from the file (876543.21).
17 Invalid period from r/sThe period for which documents are transmitted according to this account does not coincide with the period assigned to the file headerFollowing the divergent structure "12353212452332" the period that is being processed (01/01/2002-01/31/2002) is not avoided due to the file header (01/01/2002-02/28/2002).
18 Duplicate documentThis document can be guessed from the fileDuplicated video document Payment order N234 dated 03/01/2002.
19 Incorrect currencyAt the same time, payments in hryvnia are also subject to payment. currency code is "980"The acquisition of documents from currency with code 410 is not supported.
20 Invisible rakhunokRakhunok maintains or payer daily in the 1C information database.Invisible rozrakhunkovy rahunok 12455474356543.
21 Missing obligatory keysThe flow section was missing one or a number of obligatory details. (div. "Structure of exchange files")The section has the Section Document with daily obligatory details: MFO Payer, OKPO Payer.
22 Incorrect document appearanceProcessing of the document type specified in the file is not supported.The document type specified is "Application for Letter of Credit". It is possible to become less interested in the documents “Payment arrangements” and “Payment arrangements”.
23 There is no section “Section of Roses”Daily section “Rozrahunok Section”: Similar to the “Exchange File Structure”, the skin rosrahunok is responsible for the guesses at the file header in the “Rozrahunok” row, and for the dermal r / s the “Rozrahunok Section” is responsible.For the rozrahunok "12455474356543" daily section "SectionRozrahunok".
24 Incorrect number of documentsThe actual number of documents in the file is not saved and is indicated in the header in the “Number of Documents” row.The number of documents assigned to the file header (34) is subdivided into the actual number of documents (33).

Know us: daily row section document, Compliance with file format, amendment to the format of the daily row section of the document, amendment to the format of the exchange file in 1s, amendment to the format of the exchange file in 1s 8 2, amendment to the format of the exchange file in 1s 8 2, ectny file format 1C: daily section of the document , Invalid payment document details, row 41: Code=, File 1c_to_kl txt has an unacceptable format

To set up the exchange with the client-bank in 1C Accounting 8.3, you can contact our specialists or set up the setup yourself, starting from the “Bank and Bank Statements” section.


Here, next to the list of documents, it is embossed “SHE-Set up an exchange with the bank.”


Setting up an exchange in 1C with a client-bank for a skin r/r company transfers the completion of fields:

  • Organization;
  • Servicing bank rakhunok;
  • The name of the program. Here you need to select the program that you identify. If the designated list does not have such a name, then you need to select someone from the given list;
  • We assign a name to the file, which allows you to enter transactions from the account, and to the file in which to enter;
  • Koduvannya. 1C 8.3 can be exchanged between DOS and Windows formats, this is indicated by the coding that corresponds to the client-bank.

Group of details that can be entered for transactions:

  • Group for new counterparties
  • Statti DDS.

Below is the window:

  • It is specified in the archives which documents will be sent to the file and will be controlled when imported (the correctness of the document number and the security of exchange with the bank).
  • At the covers of the right -handed, the right -handed is the barrier of the uninhabited Elementiv (Tobto, when the Probe's VICAMM is automatically, the counterparty, agreement, rh, did not know in the milkmaids), but this is the demonstration of the “man -to -bank” in front of the covers.
  • It means that after securing the documents, they need to be processed automatically.


In order to secure or visualize documents from the client-bank, the magazine “Banking Statements” is embossed with the title “Exchange with the Bank”.


Another option is to type “Zavantazhiti” there.


We go to the “Exchange with bank” window.

We select the “Dispatched to the bank” tab, we find the organization for which we require documents to be collected, the bank account and the period for which we are to collect documents.


After this, the tabular part is filled with documents, and the dark font means that either it was not filled out correctly, or the payment is invalid. Black color to talk about those that are filled in correctly, you can work with the bank-client file.


Selecting documents that need to be transferred to the Client-Bank, put a check mark next to them. In the field “File Vivantage to the Bank” you can indicate the path of Vivantage and embossed “Vivantage”.

small 9

Vivantage file.


The tabular part is filled with data from the file, in which the rows in dark font indicate that the program did not find the data in the documents (p/rakh, counterparty for breaking the IPN and checkpoint), so it is necessary to separate the documents of receipt or write-off. The black color indicates correctly divided documents.


If in the exchange with the bank client you have set “Automatically creating unknown documents”, the program will automatically create unknown objects, if “Automatically creating unknown documents” - the “Create unknown” button will be active. How accessible is the journal “The Creation of Unknown Objects” "


Here, by clicking the “Create” button, you can create all objects or select the objects you want to create.


Having created an object that has not been found, we select to tick the documents from the register that we want to collect. Embossed "Zavantazhiti".


After falling in love with us, we can watch “The Sound of Love.”


You must remove information from both the documents you want and those you don’t want from the program.



You can see the desired documents at the “Bank and Casa-Bank Statements” section.


The requested documents will be displayed in the “Banking Statements” journal and will be marked with a green tick.


Those who, in order to set up a direct exchange with a bank, need to use the DirectBank* service. The robotic brain fragments are installed on the side of the jar; you must ask your jar for settings.

*DirectBank is an alternative technology with the organization of interaction between the enterprise and the bank. A total of 40 banks support this technology and a number of major changes to 1C.


The value of the field Indicator Type has been changed (field 110 of the Payment Arrangement) valid until the Central Bank Indicator dated 5 June 2017. N 4449-U.

In the field of Indicator Type, when transferring funds to individuals for the purpose of making payments for the transfer of funds from the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, enter “1”. In other cases, the relevant details are not specified.

Below is a list of possible service rows, rows of sections, the identifiers assigned to them, and their obligations when exchanging data.

Document details
service details for the file
z 1C
at Kl.
iz Kl.
in 1C
Type, max.
File header
Internal file exchange symbol 1CClientBankExchange
Zagalnye Vidomosti
Version number of exchange format So So VersionFormat row 1.02
File code So So Koduvannya row Possible values:
Guide program So neither Director row
Program-obsessed neither So Oderzhuvach row
Date the file was created neither neither Creation date dd. mm.yyyy
An hour to form the file neither neither Opening hour hh:mm:ss
Information about the selection of data that is transmitted
Date to the beginning of the interval So So Date on the cob dd. mm.yyyy
Interval end date So So DateKintsia dd. mm.yyyy all other documents
Rozrahunkovy shell of the organization
So So Rozrahunok 20 Rack values ​​are synchronized at the specified intervals
Document type
(a row can be a sprat)
neither - Document row Possible values:
Payment order
Letter of Credit
Payment fee
Entrusted to Inkasova
Section for transferring surpluses behind the frame
Sign of the cob section Section Rozrakhunok
Date to the beginning of the interval - So Date on the cob dd. mm.yyyy At whose intervals are transmitted
Interval end date - neither DateKintsia dd. mm.yyyy all other documents
Rozrahunkovy shell of the organization - So Rozrahunok 20
surplus cob - So Cob surplus rub[.kop] What is the meaning?
Turnover of input payments - neither Everything arrived rub[.kop] to check with cloud data
Turnover of exit payments - neither Everything written off rub[.kop] that for control otrimanikh
Kintsevy zashishok - neither Kintsevy zashishok rub[.kop] registration documents
End of section sign KinetsRozrahunok
Section of the payment document
Payment document header
Sign of the cob section
change document type
Section Document = Possible values:
Payment order
Letter of Credit
Payment fee
Entrusted to Inkasova
- other documents for transfer from the client’s account to the bank, for example, Bank order
Document Number So So Number row
Document date So So date dd. mm.yyyy
Payment amount So So Suma rub[.kop]
Receipt for payment document
Receipt date - neither ReceiptDate dd. mm.yyyy The receipt is sent
Hour of receipt generation - neither ReceiptHour hh:mm:ss only from Client up to 1C
Receipt replacement - neither Payment receipt row
Payment details
Rozrakhunkovy platnik rakhunok So So PlatnikRakhunok 20 The bank account of the payer at his bank, regardless of which one, the direct charges of his bank.
Date of write-off of cash payments - So DateWritten off dd. mm.yyyy Indicated when debiting funds from the client’s account to the bank
Platnik So neither Platnik row IPN and hiring a payer
Payer's IPN So So PlatnikINN 12 The value of the tax payer identification number (IPN) of the Payer is indicated
Name of payer, side. So neither Platnik1 row Name of payer
Name of payer, page 2 neither neither Platnik2 row Rozrakhunkovy platnik rakhunok
Name of payer, page 3 neither neither Platnik3 row Payer bank
Name of payer, page 4 neither neither Platnik4 row Place for bank payer
Rozrakhunkovy platnik rakhunok So neither PlatnikRozrahunok 20 Korrahunok bank paynik
Payer bank So neither PlatnikBank1 row RC bank payer
Place for bank payer So neither PlatnikBank2 row Misto RC bank payer
BІK bank payer So neither PlatnikBIK 9 BIK RC bank payer
Korrahunok bank paynik So neither PlatnikKorrahunok 20 Korrahunok RC bank paynik
Details of the owner
Rozrahunkovy rahunok otrimuvacha So So Oderzhuvach Rakhunok 20 The rozrakhunkovy shell is in possession of this bank, regardless of which one, the direct expansion of which bank is not
Date of receipt of funds for payment - So DateReceived dd. mm.yyyy Indicate upon receipt of the required amount on the client’s bank account
Oderzhuvach So neither Oderzhuvach row Obsessed with one row
IPN is possessed So So OderzhuvachINN 12 Indicate the value of the Submission Payer Identification Number (IPN) of the Provider
In cases of indirect disorders:
Name of otrimuvach So neither Oderzhuvach1 row Name of otrimuvach
Name of the possessor, stor. 2 neither neither Oderzhuvach2 row Rozrahunkovy rahunok otrimuvacha
Name of the possessor, stor. neither neither Oderzhuvach3 row The owner's bank
Name of the possessor, stor. 4 neither neither Oderzhuvach4 row The place of the bank is possessed
Rozrahunkovy rahunok otrimuvacha So neither Oderzhuvach Rozrakhunok 20 Korrahunok banku otrimuvaca
The owner's bank So neither Oderzhuvach Bank1 row RC bank of the owner
The place of the bank is possessed So neither Oderzhuvach Bank2 row Mіsto RC bank of the owner
BIK bank is the owner So neither Oderzhuvach BIK 9 BIK RC bank owner
Korrahunok banku otrimuvaca So neither OderzhuvachKorrahunok 20 Korrahunok RC banku otrimuvaca
Payment details
Type of payment neither neither Type of payment row Possible values:
By mail
By telegraph
Another meaning is given by the bank.
When ordered electronically, the value is indicated in the code inserted by the bank
Type of payment (type of transaction) So neither Type of payment 2 The intelligent digital significance of the document is indicated, due to the establishment of the Central Bank of Russia, a transfer of digital significance (ciphers) of documents that are carried out behind the files in credit institutions
Unique payment identifier neither neither Code Max. 25 A unique payment identifier must be specified for each payment assigned to the holding or 0 (zero)
Assignment to payment neither neither Assignment to payment row Assignment to payment in one row
Attributed to payment, side. neither neither PurposePayments 1 row Attributed to the payment, split into
Attributed to payment, side. neither neither PurposePayments 2 row rows ourselves
Attributed to payment, side. neither neither Assignment to Payment 3 row koristuvachem, yakscho
Attributed to payment, side. neither neither PurposePayments 4 row The directory program allows
Attributed to payment, side. neither neither PurposePayments 5 row introduction of a large order
Attributed to payment, side. neither neither PurposePayments 6 row text
Additional details for payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation Enter the INFORMASIA, the MINI -History of Rosiyskoja Zvatkiv I Zborsky, the fedance federal federal federal agent of the Minite KomiTet Rosiyskoi federal
Status of laying out the rozrakhunk document So So Officer Status 2 Possible values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 2 , 25, 26
Toll checkpoint So So PlatnikKPP 9 Reason code for registration (checkpoint) of the payer or 0 (zero)
Otrimuvaca checkpoint So So OderzhuvachKPP 9 Reason code for registration (checkpoint) of the owner or 0 (zero)
Indicator of budget classification code So So PokaznikKSK 20 The values ​​of the indicator for the budget classification code (BCC) are consistent with the classification of budget revenues of the Russian Federation, which consists of 20 characters (digits), in which case all the BCC signs cannot be assigned at the same time null("0")
OKTMO code of the territory where funds are mobilized for payment of taxes, collections and other payments So So OKATO 11 The value of the code assigned to the territory of municipal information (inter-settlement territory) or the settlement that is included in the warehouse of municipal information in line with the Zagalnorossiysk classifier of municipal territories work or 0 (zero).
Indicator for submitting tax payment So So ShowcasePost up 2 Enter payment indicator or 0 (zero)
Indicator of the tax period / Code of the tax authority So So IndicatorPeriod 10 Enter: tax period indicator or 0 (zero) / tax authority code
Document number indicator So So DisplayNumbers row Document number indicator or 0 (zero)
Document date display So So ShowcaseDati dd. mm.yyyy Document date indicator or 0 (zero)
Payment code (field 110 Payment Arrangement) is valid until Vkazivka CBR dated 5 June 2017. N 4449-U
The payment code is indicated when transferring funds to individuals using the method of making payments for the transfer of funds from the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation neither neither ShowcaseType When transferring funds to individuals using the method of payment for the transfer of funds from the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, transferred in parts 5.5 and 5.6 of Article 30.5 of Federal Law N 161-FZ, enter “1”. In other cases, the relevant details are not specified.
Additional details for other types of documents
Lack of payment neither neither Blackishness 2
Term of acceptance, number of days neither neither Term of acceptance number Term of acceptance
Type of letter of credit neither neither Type of Credit row
Payment term (letter of credit) neither neither Payment lines dd. mm.yyyy Term of letter of credit
Umova pay, stor. neither neither UmovaPay1 row
Umova pay, stor. 2 neither neither UmovaPay2 row
Umova pay, stor. 3 neither neither UmovaPay3 row
Payment for taxes neither neither PaymentByRepresentation row Externally and precisely the name of documents against which payment for a letter of credit will fail
Dodatkov's mind neither neither Dodatkov's mind row Dodatkov's mind
No. of the postman's rakhunka neither neither Number of Rakhunka Postalnik row
Date of document verification neither neither DatePosilannyaDoc dd. mm.yyyy
End of section sign End of document
End of file sign EndFile

I press the button "Dali".

I press the button "Install".

After starting, select a place from the list to open your accounts, place the icon next to the item “Installing/reinstalling systems” and press the button "Dali".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Maistra work, exit the system from the shortcut that appears on the desktop.

After starting, select a place from the list to open your accounts, place the icon next to the item “Installing/reinstalling systems” and press the button "Dali".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Maistra work, exit the system from the shortcut that appears on the desktop.

How do you vikorize eToken:

After starting, select a place from the list to open your accounts, place the icon next to the item “Installing/reinstalling systems” and press the button "Dali".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Maistra work, exit the system from the shortcut that appears on the desktop.

Compromises when generating new keys

Troubleshooting (Code: 128) Troubleshooting the initialization of the cryptoengine / Error on initialization cryptoengine for MessagePro

    After starting, select a place from the list to open your accounts, place the icon next to the item “Installing/reinstalling systems” and press the button "Dali".

    Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX components" and press the button "Install".

    After completing the Maistra work, exit the system from the shortcut that appears on the desktop.

After starting, select a place from the list to open your accounts, place the icon next to the item “Installing/reinstalling systems” and press the button "Dali".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Maistra work, exit the system from the shortcut that appears on the desktop.

Payments per hour of operation in the Client-Bank system

Files are not imported into the Client-Bank system or files are not extracted from the system (when importing documents, exporting statements, adding files to an additional document to the Bank, etc.)

    After starting, select a place from the list to open your accounts, place the icon next to the item “Installing/reinstalling systems” and press the button "Dali".

    Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX components" and press the button "Install".

    After completing the Maistra work, exit the system from the shortcut that appears on the desktop.

After starting, select a place from the list to open your accounts, place the icon next to the item “Installing/reinstalling systems” and press the button "Dali".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Maistra work, exit the system from the shortcut that appears on the desktop.

After starting, select a place from the list to open your accounts, place the icon next to the item “Installing/reinstalling systems” and press the button "Dali".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Maistra work, exit the system from the shortcut that appears on the desktop.