Work with documents “small purchase. Software complex “web Torgi-ks” Pos_bnik koristuvach Kerivnitstvo of the head inspector of budget funds

general director


"___" ______________ 2011

Pos_bnik koristuvach


"___" ______________ 2011

Inv. N double

In return. Inv. N

Head of UTViS

_________________ oniv

"___" ______________ 2011

Project Manager


"___" ______________ 2011

Signed date

Inv. N pad

Software complex"web - Torg-ks"

Pos_bnik koristuvach

Administration of municipal authorities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

R. KS.01130‑01 34 01 (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))

Signed date

Inv. N double

In return. Inv. N

Signed date

Inv. N pad


This document is a reference document for the software complex « WEB-Torgi-KS" and comply with the procedure for the work of the Administration of municipal bodies of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Kerivnytsia consists of two sections:

Preparation before work.

Description of operations.

Rozdil " Preparation before work» provide information about the storage and storage of data distribution media, the procedure for installing the software package, as well as further launch and verification of the feasibility.

Rozdil " Description of operations» place a description of all functions and instructions that are required when working with the software complex.

Entry.. 4

1. Preparation before work.

1.1. Adjusting the work environment.

1.2. Zagalni principles organization of the interface.

1.2.1. Basic principles of robotic interface of the correspondent. 7

1.2.2. Description of standard toolbar keys in the list. eleven

1.2.3. Description of standard buttons on the editing tools panel. 13

2. Description of operations.

2.1. Login to the system.. 14

2.2. Adjusting the registration data of the koristuvach on the OOS at the System. 15

2.3. Purchase planning... 16

2.3.1. Working with the document "Forecasting assessment of implementation." 16

2.3.2. Formation of the document “Forecast purchase plan”. 17

2.3.3. Formation of the document "Change of sovereign needs." 19

2.4. Working with plans and schedules for the placement of municipal regulations. 22

2.4.1. Formation of the document “Schedule of contract placement”. 22

2.4.2. Usage of the document “Schedule for placement of agreements”. 23

2.4.3. Formation of advance purchase requests. 25

2.4.4. Formation of purchase applications. 26

2.4.5. Intensification of purchase applications to clarify the amount. thirty

2.4.6. Waiting for orders for purchase. thirty

2.5. Work with attached files.

2.6. Oblik purchased small goods.

2.7. The placement of the agreement with the way will be followed by quotation.

2.8. Conducted in conjunction with the competition. 40

2.9. Conducting an open auction in electronic form.

2.10. Formation of reports for municipal contracts and control over their execution. 48

2.10.1. Formation of the contract. 48

2.10.2. Enhancement of information about the contract for registration at the environmental protection system. 51

2.10.3. Making changes before the contract. 53

2.10.4. Work with documents "Viconnary to the contract". 53

2.11. Glossary.. 56

Change registration sheet. 58


The automated information system of government procurement of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (hereinafter referred to as the System) provides wide municipal authorities functional capabilities In part, planning, forming government contracts for the supply of goods, military operations, provision of services, as well as forming government contracts and monitoring their government.

Galuz zastosuvannya

Software complex « WEB – Torgi-KS" allows you to automate the processes of placement of municipal contracts, coordination of purchases, control in the area of ​​placement of contracts, and also include them into a single Information space planning processes and budgeting for close integration with the software complex "Budget-KS".

Functional capabilities

The software package for the viconics of the offensive commands:

Formation of documents for planning and contracting;

Formation of documents regarding placement of contracts;

Confirmation of funding limits from the budget planning system “Budget-KS”;

Automation of processes for conducting critical auctions;

Automation of front-end selection processes and purchasing from a single supplier;

Automation of the process of document review of participants in the placement of transactions;

Inspection of records and contracts;

Automation of maintaining the register of contracts;

Formation of analytical results

Washbasin designated

The document has its own steps umnі designated:


Functional buttons.

Keyboard keys.

Names of processing objects (modes).

Name the elements of the customer interface.

baby 5

1. Preparation before work

1.1. Adjusting the work area

For work in the closed part of the System, an Internet browser is required. Internet Explorer version 6.0 and above.

It is necessary to add the address to the Portal to the list "Nadіynі vuzli" To ensure successful robotic functions, we need to use them in a complex ( Malyunok 1).

Malyunok 1. Adding the address to the Portal to the list of reliable nodes

It is necessary to allow vikoristanya vikon to be poured out. Why open the Power of the Internet browser browser and go to the tab Confidentiality (Malyunok2 ) and press the button [Options]. With this, we move on to adjusting the parameters of the drain windows ( Malyunok 3).

Figure 2. Privacy tab

Figure 3. Adjusting the parameters of merging windows

It is necessary to add the address to the Portal to the list of websites that may allow you to access leaking windows. You also need to enable ActiveX Controls and Internet Explorer 6.0 Connectivity Modules, for which you need to go to the tab Safety shapely "The power of looking around" press the button [Inshiy] and in the form that appeared "Security Options" Find ActiveX controls and select “Allow” for everyone ActiveX elements (Malyunok 4).

Malyunok 4. Setting up separate parts of the web browser

1.2. Basic principles of interface organization

1.2.1. Basic principles of robotic interface

Table 1. Terms and descriptions of the elements of the customer interface.


A tree-like list of documents, evidence, and answers available to the correspondent.

The navigator opens once the user has successfully logged in.

List of documents

A screen form in which a list of documents of any type is displayed.

The list of documents can be sorted and filtered instead of the list.

A toolbar appears at the top of the list of documents. Dial available tools depend on the type of document and the role of the accountant in the system.

Editing mode

A screen form with available control elements for entering the details of the document being edited.

The toolbar is displayed at the top of the editing window. The set of available tools depends on the type of document and the role of the account manager in the system.

Control element “Dovdnik”

Forms for editing rich documents have a control element of the “Dovidnik” type:

In this case, it is possible to freely enter into such a control element - in this case, when the element loses focus, the input value will be detected in the corresponding adviser.

Either by clicking on the button on the right side of the element, or by pressing Enter (with input focus), the browser window will appear, where you can select the required value.

If, after entering filtering values ​​or prior to setting up access to the client, only one value of the adviser is available, it will be selected automatically, and the selection will be closed.

In the browser window, filtering is available for the column values ​​that are displayed.

Control element "Grid" (tabular part)

Forms for editing a large number of documents have a grid element of the “Grid” type:

Buttons for adding and selecting rows of the grid (images on the baby) are displayed in the form of an editing window on the toolbar.

The middles of the table part can be one of 4 types: additional text values, date, number and text middles.

When entering dates and numbers, it is allowed to enter only digits and corresponding separators.

The proxy is operated in the same way as the “Advisor” control element: when you lose focus, the proxy is clicked on after the entered values ​​are filtered, and the proxy is also clicked on by clicking on that proxy.

Other elements of ceramics

Editing forms also have kernel elements for entering additional text values, dates, amounts, and the value of the entry mask.

When you hover the mouse cursor over a cursor element, a tooltip is displayed in most cases.

Control over savings

When saving documents from the editing form, you can control the completeness of the necessary details.

Caravan elements with such details are shown with a green frame.

Whenever such control is successfully completed, it is necessary to control the correctness of filling in the details (for example, compliance with the official legislation on terms or necessary sums of money).

1.2.2. Description of standard toolbar buttons in the list

Malyunok 5. Toolbar list, standard buttons

Table 2. Description of standard toolbar buttons in the list



Click the window to edit a new document.


Clicks the window for editing a document displayed in the visible (not ticked, but simply active) row of the list of documents.


Deletes visions (as there are no entries) or assigned documents.


The primary sorting is based on additional pressing on the heading of the required item.


Allows you to configure filtering of the list for additional values.


Clicks on the updated list of documents from the database.

Adjustment of folding sorting and filtration are saved.

“Customization” Clicks on the robot with files attached to a specific document.

“To the front side”, “To the front side”, “To the next side”, “To the remaining side”

Serve to remix the pages of long, rich lists.

general director

TOV "Keysystems"

A. A. Matrosov

"___" ______________ 2016

Pos_bnik koristuvach

Arkush is confirmed

R.KS. 01130 03 34 00 LU

Signed date

Advocate of the General Director

TOV "Keysystems"

O. S. Semenov

"___" ______________ 2016

Inv.N duplicate


Kerivnyk DIRIDZ
_________________ V. G. Dimitriev

"___" ______________ 2016

Signed date

Inv.N pidl


Litera A

Software complex “web – Torgi-ks”

version 13.3.0 folding 2320

Pos_bnik koristuvach

Administration of the software complex

R.KS. 01130 03 34 00 LU

Sheets 120

Signed date

Inv.N duplicate


Signed date

Inv.N pidl


Litera A

This document is part of the content of the WEB-Torgi-KS software complex version 16.04.00 and contains a description of the operations involved in the administration of the software complex.
Kerivnytsia consists of two sections:

  • Description of operations.

  • Non-standard situations.

Rozdil "DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS" contain a description of all functions, instructions, and descriptions of the technological process of data processing necessary for their execution.
Rozdil «» provide a description of possible difficulties and ways to overcome them during the adjustment of the complex.


1.1. Setting up System 6 correspondents

1.1.1. Creation of a new correspondent 7

1.1.2. Creation of the Koristuvach group 8

1.1.3. Administrator group 10

1.1.4. Carrying out the reorganization procedure when changing the name of the organization 14

1.1.5. Synchronization of reports about deputy officers 15

1.2. Setting up workers 16

1.2.1. Distribution of access rights for clients to the assignment of function 18 Setting up access 18 Assigning access rights to System 20 documents Creation of koristuvachs 22 Package creation koristuvachiv 24 Coordination of cloud records of clients after updating the database 27

1.2.2. Differentiation of access rights for clients to System 28 data Inclusion of koristuvachs at the election 28 Interchange with the list of records of witnesses 29

1.2.3. ARMY 30

1.2.4. System and cleaning filters 33 Filtering the list of documents by field values ​​in the list 36

1.3. Adjusting the software package 42

1.3.1. Automatic robot z ECP 42

1.3.2. Electronic signature 44 Key server 45

1.3.3. Setting up documents 46

1.4. Formation of a working database 48

1.4.1. Transferring the database to another server 49

1.4.2. Transition to work with the program from the middle of the rock 50

1.5. Service maintenance of the data base using the software complex 50

1.5.1. Golovne menu “Nalaštuvannya” 50 Installations 50 Parameter 51 Pool of associations of koristuvachs 53

1.5.1. Main menu “Service” 53 Planuvalnik zavdan 53 Installation and launch of the service planer 59 Document processing period 69 Magazine 70 Template Manager 70 Manager of server 71 Database management 74 Pardons journal 77 Formation of files adjustment 77

1.5.2. Golovne menu “Orobka” 78

1.5.3. Service modes 79

1.5.4. Work with primary documents 79 Installation and adjustment of the service of primary documents 79

1.6. Setting up notifications and notifying deputies for additional postal notification services 83

1.6.1. Opening the DB for postal notification service 83

1.6.2. Bookmark "Post" in the explorer group 85

1.6.3. Notify the postal checker to the planner 87

1.6.4. Reorganization of the postal notification service database 88

1.6.5. Power settings will be notified to external mail 89

1.7. Dovidniki "Derzhzamovlennya" 90

1.7.1. Guide to descriptions of published files 90

1.7.2. Documentation template guide 92

1.7.3. Guide to standard contract designs from ЄІС 97

1.8. Description of the adjustment of root documents “DERZHZAMOVA” 99

1.8.1. Description of the training of minds between foreign postal customers in the document “Purchase Application” 99

1.8.2. Automatic filling of the “Additional information” field 102

1.8.3. Creation and adjustment of the functionality “Vimogi until the end of the day by the body it supervises” 106 Creation of a new director and organization in the role of a responsible body 106 Work with vimogs until the weather of the organ that is in charge 108

1.8.4. “Help” button for the list of documents 110

1.8.5. Document search form 111

1.9. Description of setting up an asynchronous service (BOTA) 114

1.9.1. Extraction of xml files for the document that is sent to EIS 114


1.10. Increased reliability of robots 119

1.11. Problems installing the client part 119

1.12. Problems launching robots 119

1.13. Registration problems for the complex 120

1.14. Problems with visualization of the Navigator window 120

1.15. Problems with work with lights 120




The Danish customer service provider will provide information about the work in the “WEB-Torgi-KS” software complex (hereinafter referred to as the “System”), which is used for automating government and municipal procurement management systems and for ensuring effective control of purchases budget costs at all stages of planning, placement of state (municipal) agreements, conclusion of contracts in view of integration from the Zagalnorossiysk Official Website (hereinafter referred to as OOS) for posting information about the placement of word of mouth

A complex of assignments for administration of tasks for a customer service manager, which includes the functions of an administrator in the System.

Program administration includes all the actions necessary to organize the work of computer users with the system at their workplaces, as well as a description of the procedures that the administrator follows in the process of maintaining programs. The administration of the work place of the Internet is responsible for controlling access to the system and functions that are related to the subsections of the financial authority.

Washbasin designated

The document has the following meanings:


Important information about the influx of flow operations of the koristuvach and the addition of other functions assigned to the software complex.

In advance

Important information about the possible negative consequences of the activity of a koristuvach.


Critically important information, such ignorance can lead to pardons.


Korisny Additional information, please, behind-the-scenes facts and facts


Functional buttons.

Keyboard keys.


Name the elements of the customer interface.

Vikna => Navigator

Navigation through menu items and modes.

clause 2.1.1


Postings on structural elements, drawings, flow document tables, posting other documents.

System administration is configured by a user with administrator rights. The administrator can:

  • less than an administrator of the complex;

  • or even a system administrator;

  • complex administrator and system administrator simultaneously.
The functions of the system administrator are the creation, management and group of clients and the change of their attributes.

The functions of the administrator of the complex are the assignment of access rights for clients, groups of clients to objects in the complex and the setting of modes, adjustments that are not available to other clients.
1.1.Setup of System correspondents

At the stage of PC installation " WEB-Torgi-KS“In the region there is an automatic demand for correspondents who are planning their future work in the System. The latest directory of correspondents is available from the directory “Correspondents (all)” by age (Malyunok 1)

R.KS.01130 01 34 01 LU

Software complex “web – Torgi-ks”

Pos_bnik koristuvach

Kerivnytstvo of the head manager of budget funds

R.KS.01130 01 34 01

Signed date

Inv.N duplicate


Signed date

Inv.N pidl


Litera A

This document is a reference document for the software complex « WEB -Torgi-KS" and describe the procedure for the operation of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Kirov Region in the System.
Kerivnytsia consists of two sections:

  • Preparation before work.

  • Description of operations.

Rozdil "Preparation before work" provide information about the storage and storage of data distribution media, the procedure for installing the software package, as well as further launch and verification of the feasibility.
Rozdil "Description of operations" contain a description of all functions and instructions that are required when working with the software complex.

Entry 5

1. Preparation before work 6

1.1. Setting up work area 6

1.2. Basic principles of interface organization

1.2.1. Basic principles of robotic interface 9

1.2.2. Description of standard toolbar buttons in the list 13

1.2.3. Description of standard buttons on the editing tools panel 15

2. Description of operations 16

1.3. Login to the system 16

1.4. Basic setup of System 16

1.4.1. Adjustment of the developmental period 16

1.4.2. Adjusting the registration data of government deputy officials on the OOS at System 17

1.4.3. Setting up bank details 19

1.5. Registration in the Decryption System up to a cost of 20

1.5.1. Formation of the document “Change of sovereign needs” 20

1.5.1. Various purchases for long-term contracts 23

1.5.2. Changes have been made to the document “Change of Sovereign Needs”. 24

1.5.1. Working with the document Change in needs due to plant reorganization 25

1.6. Working with plans and schedules for placing the sovereign agreement 25

1.6.1. Formation of the document “Schedule of contract placement”. 25

1.6.2. Date of the document “Schedule for placement of agreements” 30

1.6.3. Making changes to the document “Schedule of contract placement” 32

1.6.1. The appearance of planning and re-placement of procedures for placement of orders that have not been implemented 32

1.6.2. Working with the documents “Schedule of placement of contracts”, which were found on the basis of the sub-house installations 33

1.7. Formation of applications for placement of contracts 33

1.7.1. Formation of advance purchase orders 33

1.7.2. Formation of purchase applications 37

1.7.3. Intensification of purchase applications to clarify the amount. 41

1.7.4. Waiting for orders for purchase. 42

1.7.5. Working with the “Purchase Request” documents, which were received as of late from the subcontracting installations 44

1.8. Conducting special auctions 45

1.8.1. Formation of a completed application 45

1.8.2. Formation of contracts on the basis of a submitted order 46

1.9. Working with files 47

1.10. Placement of the sovereign agreement 48

1.10.1. Formation of a purchase order for independent procurement 48

1.10.2. Placement by the method of asking price quote 50

1.10.3. Placement of the agreement in the form of the competition 54 Making changes before the draft notification 60 Changes made before the notice published on OOS 60 Vidmova during the procedure for placement of contracts 61

1.10.4. Placement of agreement in the form of an open auction in electronic form 61 Making changes before draft notification 64 Changes made before the notice published on OOS 65 Vidmova during the procedure for placement of contracts 66

1.10.5. Placement of agreement with a single postal owner 66

1.11. Work with lots of orders 67

1.12. Procurement of small goods 69

1.13. Formation of records of sovereign contracts and control of their government 72

1.13.1. Formation of the contract. 72

1.13.2. Illustration of budgetary savings in the layout of industrial premises 76

1.13.3. Strengthening the records of the registration contract for OOS 77

1.13.4. Making changes before the contract. 79

1.13.5. Work with documents “Viconnary to the contract” 79

1.14. Contract financing 83

1.14.1. The procedure for entering into the Contract System is based on the procedures carried out in 2011 for the 2012 cash market. 83

1.15. Formation of analytical information 84

1.16. Instructions for completing the financial cycle and transition to 2013 86

1.16.1. Creation of the document “Overflow of Consumption” for 2013 86

1.16.2. Formation of the “Schedule Plan” document for 2013 financial market 87

3. Glossary 90

Perelik soon 92


Automated information system sovereign purchasers of the Kirov region (hereinafter referred to as the System) gives the main budgetary purveyors broad functional capabilities for planning, forming sovereign agreements for the supply of goods, contracting work, providing services, as well as forming sovereign contracts and control over their viconry.

Galuz zastosuvannya

Software complex « WEB - Torgi-KS" allows you to automate the processes of placing state (municipal) procurement, coordination of purchases, control in the area of ​​procurement, and also include them in a single information space for planning and budgeting processes closely ї integration with the software package "Budget-KS".

Functional capabilities

The software package for the viconics of the offensive commands:

  • forming documents to plan transactions;

  • forming documents to place agreements;

  • confirmation of funding limits from the budget planning system “Budget-KS”;

  • automation of processes for conducting closed auctions, open competitions, and requests for quoted prices;

  • automation of front-end selection processes and purchasing from a single supplier;

  • automation of the process of document review of participants in the placement of transactions;

  • type of information about the signing of contracts;

  • automation of maintaining the register of contracts;

  • formation of analytical results
Washbasin designated

The document has the following meanings:


Functional buttons.

Keyboard keys.


Names of processing objects (modes).


Name the elements of the customer interface.

clause 2.1.1

baby 5

Postings on structural elements, drawings, flow document tables, posting other documents.

  1. Preparation before work
1.1. Setting up the work environment

For correct work in the System, it is necessary to add the address to the Portal to the list of “Reliable Universities” to ensure successful work of the functions that are used in the complex ( Malyunok 1).

  1. 1. Adding the address to the Portal to the list of relevant nodes
It is necessary to allow vikoristanya vikon to be poured out. Why open the Internet Browser Browser and go to the Privacy tab (Malyunok 2) and click on the button [Options].In this case, we proceed to adjusting the parameters of the merging windows ( Malyunok 3).

  1. 2. Privacy tab

  1. 3. Adjusting the parameters of merging windows
It is necessary to add the address to the Portal to the list of websites that may allow you to access leaking windows.

It is also necessary to enable ActiveX controls and Internet Explorer connection modules and set parameters for automatic attraction files. For this you need to go to the tab "Safety» shapely "The power of looking around" press the button [Inshiy] and in the form that appeared "Security Options" Find ActiveX controls and select “Allow” for everyone ActiveX elements (Malyunok 4), at the section, at the point "Automatic requests for file acquisition" install an ensign at the point "Knock it down"(Malyunok 5).

  1. 4. Adjusting web browser permissions

  1. 5. Setting file privacy settings
1.2. Basic principles of interface organization

1.2.1. Basic principles of robotic interface

  1. 1. Terms and descriptions of the elements of the customer interface.




A tree-like list of documents, evidence, and answers available to the correspondent.

List of documents

A screen form in which a list of documents of any type is displayed.

The list of documents can be sorted and filtered instead of the list.

A toolbar appears at the top of the list of documents. The set of available tools depends on the type of document and the role of the account manager in the system.

Editing mode

A screen form with available control elements for entering the details of the document being edited.

The toolbar is displayed at the top of the editing window. The set of available tools depends on the type of document and the role of the account manager in the system.

Control element “Dovdnik”

Forms for editing rich documents have a control element of the “Dovidnik” type:

In this case, it is possible to freely enter into such a control element - in this case, when the element loses focus, the input value will be detected in the corresponding adviser.

Either by clicking on the button on the right side of the element, or by pressing Enter (with input focus), the browser window will appear, where you can select the required value.

If you enter filtering values ​​or, depending on how you configure your access, there is only one value available from the Adviser, which will be selected automatically, and the selection will be closed.

In the browser window, filtering is available for the column values ​​that are displayed.

Control element "Grid" (tabular part)

Forms for editing a large number of documents have a grid element of the “Grid” type:

Buttons for adding additional rows of the grid (images on the small page) are located on the toolbar in the main tabular part of the document.

The middles of the table part can be one of 4 types: additional text values, date, number and text middles.

When entering dates and numbers, it is allowed to enter only digits and corresponding separators.

The proxy is operated in the same way as the “Advisor” control element: when you lose focus, the proxy is clicked on after the entered values ​​are filtered, and the proxy is also clicked on by clicking on that proxy.

"Add a row"

Adds a row to the active lower grid

"Vidality row"

I see a row of visions on the grid

Other elements of ceramics

Editing forms also have kernel elements for entering additional text values, dates, amounts, and the value of the entry mask.

When you hover the mouse cursor over a cursor element, a tooltip is displayed in most cases.

Editor will become Grіda

If necessary, you can adjust the visibility of columns on the grid. To do this, you need to click on the menu of one of the items in the table and at the “Stocks” item, see/remove the designation of the required details.

Control over savings

When saving documents from the editing form, you can control the completeness of the necessary details. Control elements for such details are shown with a green frame and are named in red.

Whenever such control is successfully completed, it is necessary to control the correctness of filling in the details (for example, compliance with the official legislation on terms or necessary sums of money).

Software complex “web – Torgi-ks”

Pos_bnik koristuvach

Forming a robot with documents” Small purchase

Listiv 10

  1. Work with documents “small purchase”

    1. Procurement of small goods

Purchase of small goods- Tse rosemannia shook (ragged) without the procedures of vidpov is up to paragraph 4 of that paragraph 5 of Partni 1 Statti 93 Federal Law No. 44-FZ, Yakshcho Delivery Products, Viconnya Robit, Nadannya for the powers of the municipal consumption to be healthy, not exceeds one hundred thousand rubles (clause 4, part 1, article 93 44-FZ) or does not exceed four hundred thousand rubles (clause 5, part 1, article 93 44-FZ).

Before the cob, the creation of a small purchase is transferred, which the manager has created and published "Plan - schedule"(the schedule document is available in the filter "Published").

To purchase small goods in the Purchase System, a document is created "Small purchase." Purchasing specifies a warehouse of products to be purchased, manufactured work, services according to budget classification codes for additional selection of items from a specific procurement schedule plan.

For forming in the Document System "Small purchase" you need to go to the list of documents “Small purchase” - "In Robot"(Malyunok 1) press the button [Create].

Malyunok 1. Go to the documents “Small purchases”

In the form that has opened, enter in the document header (Malyunok 2): "Item purchased", "Type of purchase".

Malyunok 2. Document "Small purchase"

On deposit "Goods (works, services" To add a purchased item, you need to press the button [Add a row]. In the middle "KBK from plan" select the required BCC, confirm to the lot "Plan-graphics".

After selecting the required PDA, all fields will be automatically filled in, including:

    “Od. vimiryuvannya";




    "Rakhunok PBS" - Fill in the following fields manually.

The purchase price is automatically insured for added fields "Vartist"».

On deposit "Postachalnik" Slide to indicate the correspondent, with whom the agreement will be settled by the choice of the representative of the correspondents in the middle "IPN" (Malyunok 3).

Malyunok 3. Select the postal owner under the IPN column

Before the document "Small purchase" Next, attach a copy of the agreement (to name). To work with attached files, press the [ button Attached file].

After successfully forming the document "Small purchase" transmitted to "Register of small purchase" the pressure of the button [Send to the Register of Small Purchases](Malyunok 4).

Malyunok 4. Enforcement of small purchases to the Register

The document goes to filter "Small purchase" - "Register of small purchases"

Z "Register of small purchases" documents must be submitted to "PC Budget-Smart" for forming a budget goiter . For whom is it needed? see the entries and press the button (Malyunok 5). PC "Budget-Smart" in the documents:

Malyunok 5. Formation of BO in BCS

You can identify the document format using the “Analytical Signs” field ( Malyunok 6)

Malyunok 6. Analytical signs

    1. Verification of the document into the work of the “Register of Small Purchases”

To make changes before “I’ll buy small ones”, which was transferred to the Register of Small Purchases, or for which a budgetary obligation was already formed PC "Budget-Smart" you need to see the entries and press the button [Turn to robot]. The document goes to filter "In Robot" i will be available for editing and work with attached files ( Malyunok 7).

Figure 7. Rotate the robot

After changes are made, the document is again transferred to the Register of Small Purchases.

According to the document, a budget was formed PC "Budget-Smart", then this budgetary burden must be removed from PC "Budget-Smart" .

On the PC “WEB – Bidding” press the button [Form BO in BKS (55-n)] - retransmit to PC "Budget-Smart" budgetary goiter'yazannya.

    1. Making changes before the “Small purchase” document

To make changes to a small purchase, see the entries in the document "Register of small purchases" press the button [Formulate a change for a small purchase](Malyunok 8).

Malyunok 8. Form changes

The system will create New version document "Mala-purchase". This version will be displayed in the filter "In Robot" h “Change your number” It will be available for editing and work with attached files ( Malyunok 9).

Malyunok 9. Versions of the document Mala-purchase

After changes are made, the document is transferred again to "Register of small purchases".

Z "Register of small purchases" documents are transferred to "PC Budget-Smart" for forming a budget goiter . For whom is it needed? see the entries and press the button [Form BO in BKS (55-n)]. Transferred to the budget, crops can be improved PC "Budget-Smart" at the document: Chernivets - News about the praise of the budget goiter.

    1. Dovidnik “Postchalniki Servants”

Dovidnik "Postalnik Servants" assignments for the organization, which includes employees, will stagnate in the face of government agreements and budgetary demands : Navigator - "Dovidniki" - "Postalnik Servants" (Malyunok 10). To create a new postal owner, press the button [Create].

Malyunok 10. Creation of the postal owner

When registering postal services, the document header will be filled in:

    IPN- Identification number of the tax payer.

    Date of registration with the tax authority – obov'yazkova for storage

    Quick hire- Brief name of the organization

    Name- name of the organization.

On the deposit " Basic details" be introduced ( Malyunok 11):

    Mіstse znahodzhennya– legal address of the organization.

    Postal addresses- Postal address of the organization.

    Legal form- Organizational and legal form of organization, the meaning is selected from the adviser "Organizational and legal forms of organization."

    Code of territorial municipal coverage (OKTMO).


    Fax machine.

    Contact email address.

    Addresses of the organization at the Internet– addresses of the organization’s website.

    Contact person.

    Code з OKPO - organization code according to the Russian classifier of enterprises and organization .

    Type of physical appearance - select from the list

Figure 11. Window for entering data to the postal owner

On the deposit " KPP/OKATO" argue ( Malyunok 12):

    checkpoint- Reason code for installation on the device.

    OKATO code– code of the territory following the Russian classifier of objects of the administrative-territorial division, selected from the data provider "OKATO".

Malyunok 12. “Gearbox/OKATO” tab

On the deposit " Derzhzamovlennya" such details are indicated ( Malyunok 13):

    Registration date- Date of registration of the postal owner.

    OKSM code– code for the location of the postal employer, selected from the provider "OKSM.

    Status– status of a postal manager, selected from a supervisor "Status of government support".

    Additional information– registration field with sufficient additional information about the postal owner.

Malyunok 13. Tab “Derzhzamovlennya”

change registration sheet

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  • Version number


    PIB Vikonavitsia

    Pochatkov's version

    Likhach E.V.

    Added clause 1.2 and clause 1.3

    Likhach E.V.