Combining doc files into one online. Combining PDF documents. How to combine PDF files

If you have a lot of documents in Word that you need to process, it will be much easier if you put them in one room. Or you need to create one of the many created in Microsoft Word. Another option is for those who want to know this, or for students who need to complete the main part of the diploma with special sections and notes.

Let's figure out how to combine a bunch of Word files into one, either by copying or using the optional insert function. We will also tell you how to identify two similar texts so that all the details of the amendments and changes can be seen.

Vikoristic copy

For this purpose, it is necessary to first copy the text from one and paste it into another document. This method is easy to use if you have a number of files that need to be combined.

Open them and select the one you want to add everything to. Place your cursor where you want to insert the fragment.

Then go to something else and see everything about it - press “Ctrl+A”. The entire text in Word can be seen in a different way, after following the instructions, read the report.

We turn to where we wanted to add, and press “Ctrl+V” to paste.

As you know, two documents have been combined. Moreover, using this method, you can choose where to insert the required fragment - starting from a new side or here in the middle, and the formatting of the inserted part is saved.

Via the Insert menu

Everything can be done without using copyright copy-paste. If you have a lot of files, for example, 100 or 200 pieces, then you will be copying them for a long time. It is better to get tired quickly in an offensive way.

Place the cursor at the place you want to add. Go to the “Insert” tab and click on the small arrow next to the “Object” button. Continue to select from the list "Text from file".

Before doing this, add everything that needs to be combined into one folder on your computer.

The Explorer window opens. Find a folder on your computer where all the Word files you need are saved. See one with a bear or click on it and press “Insert”.

To immediately see a number of pieces afterward, see the first one, press and release the Shift button and click on the remaining ones you need. If you need to see them, for example, after one hour, then press “Ctrl” and see what you need from the list.

At the butt I got three pieces. Please note that before Word they are inserted in the order in which they are arranged in the insertion list (shown in the screenshot above). For example, I have a “Meta” document (the words “Get Started...”) added after the main part (“Trying...”).

Since the things you combine may be in strict order, then before adding them, open the folder on your computer with them and number them - put a serial number before the name.

This is a good way to deal with a large number of documents. The formatting of each page is preserved, but there is no separator between them, since the text is simply overlaid on the sides, then it will be necessary to figure out where one ends and another begins.

Combination of two different versions

Now let's look at what to do if you have two different versions, on which, for example, two people worked, or you changed one or another file.

Open the Word text editor. Click the "Start" button and in the "Microsoft Office" folder, click on the "Microsoft Word" item.

A new empty file will open. Go to the new tab "Review" And click “Unify” in the “Add” group.

In the window, click on the “More” button and check the required fields. Then at the field "Exit document" Click on the folder images.

Find the released version on your computer, go to it and click “Open”.

Then, clicking on the folder images in the field "Change document", add another one to the box and press “OK”.

Now you will always look like this.

The left area is “Education”, which shows all the detailed inserts and other items. In the middle "Information document". On the right you can see the output and changes.

Place the cursor on the cob and click the “Accept” button.

The first change is highlighted.

When you type “Accept”, the text will change to a different color and the accent will disappear. In which case such a change is indicated.

In this way, all changes in the document are visible and either accepted or rejected - a button with a red cross. As a result, you select one file in which all changes will be stored.

Let me end here. I suspect that you will need at least one of the methods that I have discussed in order to merge the various files collected from Word into one file.

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The Word program is the most popular and most extensive text editor in the whole world. These are all computer scientists who use: from schools when writing abstracts and evidence, from writing various scientific papers to copywriters who write articles on the topic. making money on the Internet . Sometimes it happens that documents turn out to be too large and we divide them into a number of different files, or sometimes we have to work with different Word files. Which type requires additional information from different files.

How to combine a bunch of Word files into one document? The simplest way to solve this problem is to copy and paste the data. For the file you want to insert, all the text is visible ( Ctr+A) and pressure to copy ( Ctr+C), and in the file where you want to insert information, press insert ( Ctr+V). However, with a large number of pages of text or with a significant number of files, it can take away an entire idle hour. It is much easier to create a special message in a Word document to move to other documents, and you can also use a special function.

Combining Word documents

Merging Word documents can be done in two ways:

The file that is handy for you is overpowered. To do this, use the right mouse button to select the menu item we need:

In my opinion, this is not a very simple method, so that the documents will open in another window and you will have to gradually move between them. But, in principle, it is possible to connect Word documents, so that in one document you will have messages for another.

2. Vikorist special functions of Word.

In a Word document, click on the tab Insert and selectable Story breakdown:

It is important to ensure that the document that is inserted appears from the front page. On this very deposit Insert under pressure Object And we will import into our document any object or text you need from another Word file:

We press Text from file, and from the window we select the document we need. The required text from the selected file is automatically inserted into the output document on a new side. Also connect with other Word documents that require integration.

In this way I by combining a bunch of Word documents, when writing an articlemaking money on games about miracle games for winning real money і Money Birds .

Combining Word documents this way is much easier It's easy to copy and paste data. If you have files that need to be combined and have a different text formatting style, use the Format by paragraph function. And then everything will turn out even better. It’s quite difficult to combine a bunch of Word files into one document, so when finishing any serious work, first break them up into a bunch of small steps and work on your skin. And after completing all stages, simply combine them.

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When working with text documents Word If you need to insert something into one document instead of another, the user will open the original file, copy it instead of another, and then paste it into the first file. To be sure, copying instead of a very significant task is a method that is unproductive and not very handy. That's right, but if you eat a bunch of Word documents anyway, maybe what is this program for?

Yes, this is such a utility Okdo Word Merger, but it is paid and completed without a guarantee of correct work with office documents created in Microsoft Word 2016. Alas, something foreign to us PZ How can you merge documents using a text editor? In all popular versions today Word There is a special function that allows you to insert one document instead of another without changing Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + V.

Open the document Word, in which you are going to insert instead of another file, place the cursor at the required place, go to the tab "Insert", find it on the block "Text" icon "Object"- a small, inconspicuous icon in the window with a black title. Click on the impromptu arrow next to the jersey, right-handed icon, select the option "Text from file".

І show the window to look at the path to another file or to navigate to several files Word. This, including images and other objects, will be inserted into the first document.

Instead of another file, you can also insert the entire document as an object with the same editing capabilities.

For this, click on the icon itself "Object" Open the window for inserting a new element, go to the tab and select the path to another document.

The data will be inserted as a single scaled block, in which the content that fits in the new block will appear uneditable.

To make a new edit, you need to click on the block RMB Then select the option in the menu "Object Document" -> "Vidkriti".

Hover method can be used for inserting into documents Word instead of files in a whole range of other office and text formats, including TXT і PDF , without forgetting, however, that in the process of transforming them together Word The format of this data can be used, but the office editor will definitely beat you to it.

Today's transmission systems are blurring their boundaries. Possibility of transferring different data and files even combined. If there is a need to send the data to someone, we are encouraged to work in small parts. There are different options for how you can separate files of different formats. Let's talk about this today. So how do you combine the files into one file?


The best and most sensible way to divide data into parts is to create large-volume archives. You can download and install the WinRar program on your personal computer. It supports all types of compression formats, and also includes a tool that allows you to split the required file into small parts.

For example, you need to send a film via internal work email. Maybe with a service badge, or maybe not. It doesn't matter. The only problem is that its size is close to 8 GB, and the mail service supports files up to 1 GB. What's timid? Let’s add our video to the archive, thank you so much. In this manner, we will respond to the number of small files that we can transfer.

Now the receiving side needs to combine the files into one file. For this purpose, all important small archives must be placed in one folder and begin unpacking any of them. As a result, the files will be merged into one file.

Text and picture

This problem is much simpler. If you need to combine files into one file, and in this case they are text files, you will need some kind of editor - Notepad, WordPad, Microsoft Word. In order to work, you need to open the offending files in different windows, and then work next.

  1. In the first document, a cursor is inserted wherever the text is located.
  2. Press "Ctrl+A". You will see how the entire text appears.
  3. Type "Ctrl+C". This action copies information.
  4. Now we go to another window and put the indicator at the end of the file.
  5. Press "Ctrl+V". Copy text is pasted.
  6. Now we press “Save as...” and create a new file that will be shared by the first two.

It's more complicated. The more vivid the picture, the more complex programs you can use to create a better image. Of course, if you are not interested in the results, you can simply vikorize Paint. Looks like this.

  1. To combine the files into one file, open the first one in the editor.
  2. After getting ready, there will be a lot of visions. This is copied using the same combination that the text is attached to.
  3. Opening another file. We stretch the working area. You will see how a white field appears. Increase it until you have prepared an area large enough to insert the copied little one.
  4. We insert the baby. It will be placed on top of what is already there. Don't touch anything. Just point the bear's cursor at someone and press the left button. Tighten the baby near the white area.

This is the simplest way to combine graphic files into one.


As you know, in PDF, information is presented more quickly in pictures than in texts. You cannot see it with the cursor otherwise, and the fragments in this format are saved without documents, then combining PDF files in one process for richness. Let's try to dissolve this oxidation episode. There are two ways to carry out this operation.

  1. Online. So, there are services that allow files. You simply capture documents online, and then capture the result. Unfortunately, this method is not always effective, the fragments of the file format can be quite large, and if one of them has nearly 50 pages, the process may take a long time.
  2. Offline. You will need to download and install the latest version of Adobe Acrobat. Follow the instructions below:
  • Click “Create” on the head panel;
  • then "Combine PDF into one file";
  • add the required files from your computer and sort them;
  • press "Combine";
  • That's it, you can save the finished file on your computer.

Creation of viruses

Well, not really viruses. On the right is that there are programs that allow you to “glue” files of different formats. For example, you can write a program and save it in the ".exe" format, and then paste it into a graphic file. The same person who opened the picture will automatically launch your utility. In fact, most antiviruses have long been capable of such gluing and neutralize them. So, you can earn as much as possible, so don’t hesitate to read your friend, who, based on your data, is 100% not a vikorist’s greedy protector. For example, to combine the files into one file, you can use the HJ-Split program.

It is very common to work on a project with a team or a group of colleagues. And nutrition is to blame. Of course, you can simply open these files, copy them together, and paste them. Or find a service where you can get a bunch of Word documents online. This is a way to automate this process in Word. Let us look at this statistic, How to combine a bunch of Word files into one, a special tool that is part of Word.

How to combine a bunch of Word files into one

By hovering below you will find out, How to combine a bunch of Word documents into one file , which is already open. You can specify retouching in the first document if you want to insert information from multiple files. Our application we combine a number of files such as a flow document.

  1. Open the first file you want combine a bunch of Word files.
  2. Place the cursor at the location of the document where you want to insert it into multiple Word documents.
How to combine multiple Word files into one - Cursor on the place where you want to insert other files
  1. Go to the “Insert” tab at the top of the window.

How to combine multiple Word files into one - Insert Tab
  1. In the “Text” section, click on the arrow of the “Object” menu and select “Text from file”.

How to combine a bunch of Word files into one - Combine a bunch of Word documents
  1. In the window, select all the files you want combine into one. І click the "Insert" button.

How to combine a bunch of Word files into one - See a bunch of documents to combine in a streaming Word file
  1. The selected files will be merged into one document.

How to combine multiple Word files into one - Example of multiple combined files in one document

Axis, How to quickly combine a bunch of Word files into one. With this method, you can specify the place in the document as you wish combine a bunch of documents.