About security when using a bank card outside the border. For what reasons can a card be blocked and what to do? iPhone spills

In advance of the holiday season, RBC found out in what situations the bank can block the card from the foreign train and then work, as it happened

Photo: Andriy Arkusha / Global Look Press

RBC has examined the top 10 banks for terms of deposits (Frank Research Group rating) and other experts to identify the greatest reasons for the unilateral blocking of bank cards outside the border. As it turns out, the rules governing the blocking of plastic cards are established independently by each credit institution. For example, Oschadbank, if suspicious activity is detected, may at other times be responsible for the transaction being carried out, and in some cases block the card. Alfa-Bank takes its own approach to this problem - it does not trust ATMs that read data from cards through money, and not through a bank card. The principles by which banks follow when blocking cards are avoided. For what reasons can banks save their clients the ability to complete transactions overseas?

Cause blocking

According to the director of Visa's risk management department in Russia, Evelina Nechiporenko, the blocking of a card initiated by a bank may lead to suspicion of a fraudulent operation. "An algorithm that analyzes all transactions automatically identifies non-standard and suspicious transactions: for example, a large number of identical write-offs in a short period of time, or write-offs from atypical places, in which the card owner cannot “Don’t overdo it,” says Nechyporenko. In this case, the expert will respect that the payment system does not block cards - so you can create an issuing bank.

“The reasons why the operation is considered suspicious are always complex,” says Oleksiy Golenishchev, head of the electronic business monitoring directorate for Alfa Bank. One of the most widespread is the use of a chip card at an ATM designated for cash cards. From a security point of view, such ATMs are considered untrustworthy, and the stench is widespread in the USA, Latin America and parts of Asia. “In other words, if the operation takes place at an ATM that can process chip cards, but where the transaction is carried out in another way, such operations will be thrown out,” explains Golenishchev.

A representative of the press service of Oschadbank also confirmed to RBC that payment systems are bringing to the extreme the advanced risk of 11 powers. This is Venezuela, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Ukraine, Sri Lanka and Japan. Director of card technologies at Promzvyazku Bank Oleksandr Petrov adds that the risk of card blocking lies with the level of life and the development of payment infrastructure in the country. “It’s the fault of the United States, which has been stalling for a long time with the transition to chips, because there are far fewer chip terminals than in other guilty countries,” says Petrov.

In high-tech Japan, the situation is similar. “In these countries, in which they previously introduced unprepared payment, more than the old one, we are closing ATMs with lines,” explains the defender of the laboratory of computer forensics and tracking of the corrupt code of the Group -IB Sergiy Nikitin.

Depending on the type of purchases, then, according to bankers, among retail outlets - jewelry boutiques, stores selling equipment and expensive brands - this is the place to sell high-quality goods for large sums. “Shakhrayev, as a rule, scrapes pennies, so since the amount of the operation is high, the greatest risks fall,” explains Golenishchev.

Senior lawyer of the legal company "Yurpartner" Denis Kovalov also expresses respect for those who are surprised at the fact that they are often withdrawing preparations or purchases on the card, which have been recorded in various countries for short periods of time, which remains the same popular schemes of shahrays from translation into cooking koshtivs from stolen cards. . “You can withdraw a maximum of $300 at a time from an ATM, and the cards begin to make one transaction after another for that amount, which can lead to problems,” says Nikitin.

How to prevent blocking

The bank can block a specific transaction and a card with a seal. If the system detects that the operation is as risky as possible, then it is eliminated. In this case, the monitoring service provider can call the client to verify whether he or she performed this operation or not. Once the client confirms the operation, it will be successful if performed again.

The bank can also block the card initially, and then call the clients back. “As a rule, the client is informed about the blocking of the card after the fact of the transaction,” like Maria Tochilova, bank card service officer at VTB Bank. “When a card is compromised or there is a suspicion that unauthorized transactions have been carried out, the bank will contact the client and clarify that this operation was carried out.”

At Alfa Bank, the card may be blocked if the operation is considered risky, and the client cannot be reached by phone. In this case, the client immediately rejects SMS notifications and email notifications. In addition, the authorized bank offers communication options: call center, Internet banking, Internet chat, mobile app, with which you can confirm the operation for further unblocking of the card.

To avoid blocking your card, bankers can inform them about your planned trip: call the number indicated on the back of your plastic card, cancel the listing on the website, or independently insert the card area into the online bank. “Now we understand that if there is any unusual activity on the card or the client’s security and avoidance of stolen funds, the bank can still block the card until the transaction is confirmed,” says the head of the bank’s support department ivskih cards of the Moscow Credit Bank Valery Gomanov.

What's wrong, the card is blocked

Whenever there are any problems, experts recommend that clients contact the bank first, so that the bank's accountants can provide options for the most pressing problem. “It is possible to immediately unblock the card for unblocking the preparation or promptly issue a new card,” says Evelina Nechyporenko. Thus, banks VTB24, Oschadbank, Gazprombank and Alfa-Bank offer the opportunity to unblock the card by calling the contact center for a few minutes in order to prepare or pay for a purchase with a compromised card.

Some credit organizations are also introducing the issue of emergency cards. Over the course of one or two days, the client obtains a new card from the bank closest to the hotel. However, this service is often paid. For example, for Alfa Bank emergency clients (over 72 years), re-issuing a card once spent outside Russia will cost 6,750 rubles. If a card of the Gold category or higher has been used, it is cost-free. At Tinkoff Bank, clients can reissue a card and send it abroad by mail. This service is cost-free; delivery of the card by mail can cost you one or two years.

Banks also often provide this service as a supplier of goods outside Russia. For example, clients of Oschadbank need to contact the support service operator - he transfers the money to the local bank. However, the sum cannot exceed $5 thousand. Tinkoff Bank also allows you to make emergency withdrawals, either from a local bank or from a Western Union branch. Payment can be made with Mastercard cards through Western Union offices, and with Visa cards at branch local banks.

From Citibank, these services are available only to clients of the Citigold and Citigold Private Client categories. The client can quickly get an emergency cooking service and save up to $10 thousand. per day at foreign branches of Citibank. Costs can be seen for obvious reasons from the client of the currency exchange with obvious sums. In addition, you can process the term re-issue of the card through Citigold CitiPhone - the card will be delivered to the client’s location by courier.

If the client recognizes the material damage and, in his opinion, the bank is at fault, Golenishchev should collect the necessary package of documents to confirm the fact of the damage, and after returning from the trip to the bank, submitting a certifying claim. If the bank does not admit that it is guilty and does not resolve the problem, it is required to go to court, the expert argues.

The story is about a long and winding journey, in which the humble Guardian of the First Rank transformed into a mighty warrior, ready to go on the most complex Raid. Oh, and I still have the chance to defeat the Legion of Reds - all the same.



The story is about a long and winding journey, in which the humble Guardian of the First Rank transformed into a mighty warrior, ready to go on the most complex Raid. Oh, and I still have the chance to defeat the Legion of Reds - all the same.

Povolі povse ravlik according to the Fuji shilou

Insufficient completion of the Destiny 2 story campaign will take you about 12 years. Theoretically, you can level up to level 20 faster: farming on critical runs or constantly hanging out in PvP will bring more rewards, less plot quests.

In practice, talking about speed is not good: to access most of the end-game content of Destiny 2, you will have to go through the campaign. Don’t rush and dismiss your satisfaction from Ghaul’s inconsistencies - Bungie has pulled off a wonderful campaign.

The campaign is boring, I want to get excited. What's in me?

Depending on the progress of the campaign, the activities available to your Warrant may change. For most campaigns, the list of side quests will look something like this:

Lost sectors: Completing the Sectors is a great way to get excited, earn a lot of information and (to spare) get decent deals. On the maps of the skin planet Destiny there are icons that indicate the underground arch - this also means the ruined sectors.

At the locality, the entrance to the Sector is indicated by the same symbol: it can be applied to the stone or to any stone. Do you know the symbol? Start searching for the entrance and getting ready for battle. At the end of the day, Sektor is checking in with your opponent and the screenshot of his reception.

Search Screen for region: in Destiny 2, there are lots of treasures just lying around and checking on your new ruler - you just need to go and pick them up. On the map, Screens are indicated by an empty white cross with a dot in the center.

As a rule, in the Skriny Region there are no particularly valuable items - then there are emblems that promote the reputation of the main NPC of the region. We’ll talk about the importance of reputation later.

Come in open: a reserve for several people in the open world. Sometimes diamond-shaped numbers with a timer and a progress bar next to the icon appear on the map - this means that the next time the axis-axis will be different. At the entrance, all the graves that were traveling nearby can share the same fate, and then they pass them more efficiently.

It is either impossible or even difficult to go through one person. We were getting wet. After completing the entry, a screen with a city appears, and if you go to the city, you reject the threat of failure. Friendly and welcome.

Additional benefits: full-fledged side missions especially for those who are not tired of the story campaign. It will be useful to help you learn a little more about the world without the Light and have a good relationship with other Destiny 2 characters.

On the map, Prigodi is indicated by an orange icon of a shield with a white sword in the center. Always use the minimum level of strength that is recommended, otherwise the benefit may freeze your blood.

Patrols: This is a minor activity that appears after Cayde-6 is turned, and it is not the easiest activity in the open world of Destiny 2. One problem: Patrols do not appear on the game map.

You will have to prank them on your own. As you travel, it is important to keep an eye on all sides and periodically press the navigation mode depending on which mode displays nearby Patrols. The stink looks like this.

PvP at the Furnace: first from the multiplayer excitement of the main world of Destiny 2. The Arenas of the Crucible will become a miraculous reversal of your reflexes on the world: even now, in PvP, good clan teams are regularly gathering, ready to make life more fun for the extreme citizens. Before going to the Crucible, you need to talk to Lord Shax - this can be done immediately after first appearing on the Farm.

Naglioti: as in the Crucible you were trying to bring down other graves, and in Nalyotakh your opponents are bots familiar from the single campaign, and there are three problems: first of all, there are a lot of bots. On the other hand, while with initial bots it’s so easy to get in, there are tactics in the final boss that you need to know. Thirdly, your comrades may even be unaware of this tactic.

If we don’t go to Nalyoti as soon as possible, we would like to know as a group, so that after the final restart of the boss, it would be possible to explain to our colleagues on the team where and what the stinks were created wrong. Seriously, learn about tactics, first and foremost, go after the loot.

You can go to Nalit after you have spotted Zavala during the story campaign and turned him to the Farm. Talk to the commander and he will be happy to send you to your exploits.

Death is nothing but a cob

Have you leveled up to level 20? Exciting news: Destiny 2 help is just starting. After completing the campaign, you will have approximately 190 rubles of Strength - which is even less, the Leviathan raid allows at least 260 rubles.

Pumping up the river Sili on the right is not a bad thing. The strength of the rhubarb is the arithmetic mean of the equal of all the arrangements added to your wart. Now your favorite words will be “engram”, “reputation” and “frontiers”.

What does engram do and how does it work?

Engrami is one of the main ways to catch legendary and exotic items or spoils after completing the story campaign. In fact, a whole lottery ticket: activation of engrams will provide the Guardian with one or more items from the set of the character from whom you took the engram.

You can see in advance which items drop from previous engrams - all engrams allow you to look directly into the game interface. However, no one and nothing guarantees that you will get the item you need.

And a bunch of speeches that you need to know about Engrami:

  • Engrams have a Strength rating, which means the maximum rating of the item that drops.
  • The Rhubarb of Power is assigned to the game at the time the engram is picked up.
  • With the level 240 engra, the level 240 item will not necessarily drop out.
Restore respect: When the level of the item that drops is determined, the game is guided by the level of the item of the same class from your order and a little advances it. In other words, if you have a 240 lvl breastplate and a 260 lvl engram, then the new breastplate will be approximately 245-250 lvl, and not the maximum 260 lvl.

Why is reputation important?

Destiny 2 has a guaranteed way to get rid of engrams - increasing reputation with the main NPC regions. For example, when you are about to defeat the enemies and go through the mission at the European Dead Zone, you will take away the EMZ Signs, which will help improve your reputation with Devrim Kay.

After leveling up your reputation to the maximum level, the NPC sees a special city - a power engram with a unique set of items that drop out. In this case, the reputation will be reset to zero, in order to remove the upcoming engram, it will need to be upgraded again.

In addition to the main NPCs of the regions, the reputation will be upgraded with the characters on the Farm in Bashti: you will be pleased to see the Engrs Commander Zavalu, Ikora, Banshee-44 and Lord Shax.

On the protection of cordons

Destiny 2 has the so-called Frontiers: rich and powerful meta-tasks, for which there are legendary disputes and bonuses to reputation in the singing region.

The towns of Vikonanny Rubezh are connected with the town of Vikonny activity itself. For example, after completing two infusions, you will earn a bonus legendary item regardless of how many legendary items were (or were not) taken from the infusions themselves.

Active attacks Frontiers and cities for their passage are shown directly on the game map.

Inconsistency does not exist

For additional engrams, infusions and other already overloaded types of activity, you can raise the level of strength to approximately 260: this is the maximum level of combat that comes from NPC engrams and emergency infusions. Ale gra won't end there.

After leveling up to 260 level of Strength, the time has come for end-game-end-game content - here you can enjoy the best defenses that clans usually have. This is a list of activities in which you can limit your efforts up to a maximum of 300 rubles.

Pokhmuri nalyoti: Do you remember how important it was for your first Nalyoti? This Pokhmura version will be even more complex: to go on such a Raid you will need to select a team from afar (selecting a group is not yet available here) and have a Strength level of 240. Pokhmura Pokhmura will be required to fight.

Doruchennya: decorate the folding lances in advance, at the end of which you will take off even the coolest part. Destiny 2 has four more missions: one each on Earth, Io, Titan and Nesi. To conquer Doruchenya, you may need to go through Nalyot, go to the Patrol and then go to the Crucible - the city of that wart.

On the map of the game world, Doruchenya is indicated by an icon that looks like a blue shield with a white crown. The stinks appear after completing the campaign and reaching level 20, with a level of Strength less than 240, Doruchenya will not roll faster.

Hot spots: this is a good idea, a version of Patrols from Cayde-6 has been pushed in. In hot spots, you will need to check the required number of critical entries. You can just stand in one place and go through the same exit again and again, without even saying a word to you.

Call before the end: This is a great idea for PvP representatives. Lord Shaxx is pleased to show you a special task, for the completion of which you will have to visit a special place in the Crucible.

Trials of the Nine

Iron Banner: PvP seasonal. Not running yet.

Raid "Leviathan": Ultimate use for six Guardians Not yet launched.

I marvel at the future

All of them will help you upgrade your Guardian to level 300 Strength - if not in the next few years, then in the next few months for sure. What will happen next? We don’t know yet, but one thing is clear – Bungie plans to support Destiny 2 for a long time.

The game will have two additional additions, apparently called – Curse of Osiris and Gods of Mars – the Guardians will once again be given the ability to create hurricanes in new worlds. Who knows, we're going through the river raid "Leviathan" with one Guardian in level 500 equipment. Tags: Destiny 2 Guide

1. Unlocking maps The addition of an in-game map is one of the most important changes in Destiny 2. The ability to open a map regardless of where you are or what you are trying to look at all the options, search for the Lost Sectors or look at the available benefits - at a very high cost. Not to mention that you won’t have the chance to go into orbit to change the planet. However, do you know that there is another way to open a card? Instead of holding the Select button for a few seconds, simply press Start and Select at the same time, and your card will immediately open. Of course, this does not fundamentally change the game, but in the long term it will help save hours.2. Increase in price to strength 260+ If you start to explore EDZ and other planets, then, of course, you will start to remove different tokens and other materials. You may be able to spend more money on them, but you don’t need to work so hard. You can gain 260 strength, vikory and only blue engrams and this becomes a priority for you. In fact, whatever your activity in the game will be rewarded with blue engrams, and in the shortest possible way, they will be taken away from the public sector and the farm of the Lost Sector. In addition, once you build your path to strength 260+, continue collecting tokens, and then you can spend them. This will give you a huge boost that will remain due to how many siblings you have encountered. 3. Loot from the Lost Sector When talking about the shape of the Lost Sector, you need to understand that it is not about a single entry. After the singing hour, after the clearing, you will be able to turn there more than once. This will be needed to upgrade to strength 260. You can switch from public areas to the Lost Sector to quickly get new equipment.4. Requiring subclasses As soon as you play, you can unlock special relics. It will be at a different hour, otherwise ring at 8-9 and 14-15. They allow you to unlock another and third subclass of course. You will need to complete the PvE and PvP missions to charge the relic to 100%, and then complete the special mission to unlock the subclass. You are to blame for this assignment, as in order to unlock the third subclass, you will need to unlock the other one.5. Deciphering the legendary and exotic engrams ASAP In the first part, it is not enough to decipher the engrams in order to eliminate the maximum value from them at high levels. In Destiny 2, this no longer makes sense, as the power of the engram is calculated at the moment of its removal, and not after decryption. This means that you need to open the chains as quickly as possible in order to eliminate the maximum cost from them. There are also concerns about exotic engrams that may appear in the early stages. There is no need to save them until level 20, even though the strength of the item will not be reduced. If you have removed the engram on the 3rd level, then go and open it on the 3rd level to advance your final strength indicator.6. Save your explorer's guints for an exotic quest. If you play Destiny 2, you will have accumulated a lot of different equipment. Almost everyone immediately dismantles the entire application in order to remove the materials, and in this there is certainly a sense. Also, at the early stage of the game, you will have to make wines for screws of a variety of rare and legendary yakness, as you will find. The reason for this is an exotic quest that will reward you with a miracle guint. To do this you will need to remove 5 high quality screws. Vikonnnya Svikonnya Zavdan before they are 260+tsia of rejoicing є non -bogs, ale Yakshcho, you want to have a fiction of their own by some, with the same, then the viconnia svitovich Zavdan until 260+ is painfully widen. With these missions conquered, you will be able to remove exotic armor, which will increase your strength to 270 and more, if your level will be high. Exotic equipment is one of the main ways to further increase strength.8. Treasure cards from Kayd-6 Once you complete the campaign and complete the Patrol quest, which is Kayd-6, you can buy treasure cards from him for the EDZ. Behind them you can find special boxes where various items are stored. These screens show loot for strength 260+, so if you want to optimize your development, then don’t buy these cards until you reach 260 strength. Again, only if you want to optimize the strength of the tabletop as much as possible. Smarter Evil The evil system is making its way into Destiny 2, and fortunately it works in such a way that you take 100% of the effort away. However, there is one catch: there are modifications to your armor that add +5 before your armor is spent. For example, if the base attack is 260, then after using the mod you will get 265. So it’s better to add these modifications myself. Also keep in mind that if you choose to merge the mod you installed into another install, you will not deduct the bonus. 10. The importance of the farmer Vipadkov’s fashion can be taken away from the farmer. Once you select three new types, you can turn them into legendary modes, which can then be broken down into legendary tricks. Legendary tricks are an important currency in Destiny 2, which is used to organize and purchase exotics on Xur. 11. Gorobets for a new character After you have completed the campaign and unlocked the Gorobets (vehicle) on one character, you can transfer it to others. Now you no longer need to go through the task again in order to discover it again.

In the age of high technology and the Internet, whether a person keeps up with the times, he or she is the holder of a bank card, either a credit card, a debit card or a payroll card, but the most important place in this list rightfully occupies a salary card, and even on it beware pennies. fruit" our ancestors. Over the years, plastic substitutes for “live” pennies have become an invisible part of our lives. It’s easy to go to the store with her, knowing that the cashier is not asking for 15 kopecks, but to go beyond the border and rest assured that you are saving your hard-earned money. It may happen that when you pay at the bar for a business lunch, the waiter will bring back the bag and even the card will not go through. Here we ask what could have happened to our lover.

We do not see in the format of this article the appearance of voluntary blocking of the card by the cardholder himself through waste, breakdown or change of bank. Or these are rare occurrences, if they occur mildly, for example, becoming a technical failure. Well, why did the bank block the card and how can you earn money?

There are close to a dozen reasons for this, but the most widespread are:

  • for violating the service contract by Vlasnik
  • on the stand 115-FZ
  • suspicions in Shakhrai operations
  • for the fact that the operation was carried out by Russia
  • PIN code entered incorrectly several times
  • when the bank has a license
  • bailiffs

NOTE! So the very reason may be the end of the term of this card, but it is necessary to understand that the piece of plastic cannot be locked behind the fact, it is released to the frame, as soon as the stitching has been cut, then you won’t be processing just the card, with the frame everything will be fine. Call the bank and have already issued you a new one, so you can pick it up immediately.

And now everything is fine.

This is the most popular reason for blocking. All banks have agreements for servicing all types of plastic cards, but they are based on proper legislation, please read it carefully to know exactly the reason for the sanctions, for example, for failure to promptly inform about a change other than special data provided by the client. This includes replacing your passport, registration information for your place of residence, or your contact phone number.

The current problem will not take much time - when you go to the bank office, the operator will tell you what is wrong, perhaps at the end of the passport, you will provide the necessary information and within a year, the maximum will be denied. You have access to your accounts.

Federal Law 115

The offensive point is the blockade on the base 115-FZ. Everything here is complicated and ambiguous, because the bank, subject to the law, has no right to notify the client about the transactions that are carried out in Galuzia against the legalization (diversion) of income, seized by evil methods, and the financing of terrorism. It’s not good to shout out such a cunning name; naturally, no one calls us anything like that, but I suspect it.

If there are a lot of problems that occur with your card, then the bank is obliged to comply with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

  • regular re-insurance by the client of costs to one or more counterparties when purchasing goods (work, services) through the Internet
  • Regular delivery of transactions to you from the accounts of other credit institutions
  • protection or transfer of funds to accounts that belong to organizations or individuals, based on any information about their affiliation with extremist activities or terrorism, or legal entities, which are directly indirect are in power or under the control of such subjects

The bank would like to inform the client about the need to comply with 115-FZ, otherwise it is responsible for blocking the cards. In these cases, unblocking can only be achieved in one way - ask the bank to provide documents for the operation, which can confirm that everything happened legally.

RISK! If you have decided to transfer the costs of a legal entity, then it will be enough to enter into an agreement on the provision of services and arrangements between you. If you are in a situation without documents, it is not possible to establish legality, so if you call the bank’s security service and informs you about the imposition of a sanction, please clarify through what operation the service has been reduced, and What kind of adjustments need to be made to renew the activity.


Below are operations that have a shahrai character. Under this, a lot of things are lost, in a closed operation, which is to be done without evil intentions. For example, shopping on the Internet and dealing with them on the side of the bank may be regarded as cheating, which will immediately slow down such a transaction. I will try to contact the owner of the card. And if you can’t reach the client by phone, you will block them. Unblocking is not a lot of work, since the specialist was able to talk to the client and clarify the situation, if someone was not caught, the department will not disappear.

Decision! If you are not guilty of anything, go to the nearest office where you sell your bank, listen to what they have to tell you. For everything, ask for proof of your mischief. If you don’t have enough of them, the minimum you risk is a pittance at stake, the maximum is a prison term. Since you have always carried out Shakhrai activities in your shell, then you better not go to the department. Aje on the right is criminal.

Shopping outside the border

Now let's look at the operations that take place behind the cordon. First of all, if you don’t go beyond the borders of the Russian Federation, please inform your Bank about this trip, and you will avoid the usual problems, such as being deprived of access to pennies behind the cordon, especially if you go straight to the country, How do you not take part in the international spіvrobitnіstvі in the sphere against the legalization of income acquired by evildoers. In the same way, you need to work out what you indicate or remove the costs from the legal and physical characteristics of those who have cards issued in a non-friendly bank from the viewpoint of the Russian Federation.

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Energy credit card from Uralsib Bank

So the most important aspect of this is that the credit system is very important to control the operations of your salary account, as you will often rise in price “without advance” or carry out external transactions. And in this there is a simple logic that is relevant to the client himself - you, for the idea, are guilty of being in the Russian Federation, and the operation is behind the cordon. This is an obvious sign of someone else's handing over your finances.

Particularly respected by the banking structure of Russia are such countries as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ethiopia, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Vanuatu, Yemen.

IMPORTANT MOMENT! If you want to earn a penny transfer to your relatives, which was carried out, for example, in Tunisia, and not be punished by the bank for it, then it is better to inform your credit institution beforehand, and prepare that you may be asked for documentary evidence disputes with such prevailing payment .

Wrong PIN code

Another reason for the bank blocking the card may be the incorrect entry of the PIN code. This may only happen if you entered the pardon code later or later. But it’s not too turbulent here, and you don’t need to work any crazy tricks - the card will automatically start working for free. There is only one of the unexpected approaches from the side of the organization - someone else is trying to gain access to your finances.

View license

Now let's talk about what will happen to our card, since the bank is not willing to ask for a license. Tim more at once, if we can hear about it every other day. It’s important to put food on the table, as this share feeds the bank where your money is saved.

Z 173-ФЗ “On the insurance of the deposits of the FISIB OSIB at the Rosiysko federal” Kosty, the Zbergaygaykah, the zokremas on the salary cards, and the Sumy 1,400,000 ruble inclusive, Pidlyagayut Vidshkodvanny. After all, the bank should enter the deposit insurance system. On the day of the insurance claim, the salary card will be blocked, and an amount in the range of 1.4 million rubles will be subject to deduction.

The existence of such a loan problem is not less than two years old, the remainder of the payment must be made no earlier than 14 days from the day of the insurance claim and no later than 3 days from the day the card holder submits the necessary documents to the Deposit Insurance Agency . There is no need to collect a lot of documents - just a passport, and an application for registration, which is submitted directly to the DIA office, or to a bank that is required to bear the obligation to pay. Refrigeration is carried out by cooking or by re-warming the meats on your shell.

If the amount on the card exceeded the insurance limit, then after payment the card holder reserves the right to recover the amount that was lost, but in practice it is not realistic to achieve positive results.

The topic of British Prime Minister Theresa May's letter related to the Salisbury incident is being reviewed today. The meeting will be attended by the Russian side. Earlier, the Skripals were discussed at Gaza at a meeting of the Supreme Organization for the Protection of Chemical Excavations. Russia, Iran and China presented a project based on joint research with Britain. Prote London has done its best to block the much-vaunted document.

As the meeting progressed, the level of the discussion increased. It got to the point where Russian diplomats did not capture emotions. Behind these words, they were bombarded with tumultuous streams of nonsense, amounting to extreme Russophobia. The British are afraid of being held accountable for their hardenings, which is why they were tempted to cooperate with Russia. 15 out of 41 countries voted against the draft resolution, with decisions such as China and Iran either in favor or in opposition.

“The British and Americans spoke out against them, then, following their example, the powers shackled by NATO and the European Union - members of the European Union, members of NATO, as well as American allies in Asia - voted Russian Federation official at the Organization for the Control of Chemical Waste (OPCW) ), the most important and most important Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Netherlands, Oleksandr Shulgin.

The British called the proposal about dialogue and thorough investigation anti-natural cynicism, including themselves in the role of a victim, and Russia in the role of a cat. And despite the fact that the lack of evidence to cross colleagues blindly pursues this absurd logic becomes more important, London diligently continues to bend the dead-end line.

“Russia’s mindless proposition in Haazi has become clear - to compromise the independent, unstoppable work of the international chemical weapons guard. “There was only one goal - to seize the truth and save the population,” says the head of the Ministry of Health of Great Britain.

It is only the enormity of the story that British scientists say that there is no need for scientific evidence of Russia’s guilt, and Johnson’s hasty attempts to erase before writing the answer, hiding behind even more mindless lies. The Russian Ministry of Defense advocates hiding from the facts - they could have been rejected.

“In view of Theresa May, I am far from thinking that I need to call anyone, but I want to say that the words of these structures have been present in world literature since the beginning of the 90s,” said the head of the chemist Lytic laboratory. Ministry of Defense Igor Ribalchenko.

Both in the USA, and in the same British laboratory at Porton Down, where they also carried out spectral analysis, and then the samples were analyzed. Testing of samples is carried out immediately by the chemical waste management organization. The results of the work of the OPCW experts will be published at the beginning of this year, after which the organization will once again convene for an emergency session, or at the initiative of London, which is still before the completion of the official meeting Iduvanya has already recognized their culprits.