Manifest section php. PHP files include include and require. section element stall

Creating sites on self-written (without using fremworks, CMS, those other fashionable things that make life easier for web retailers) we stick with the problem of making edits to the site, if the sides become too rich.

In order to prevent us from changing the same part of the site in the skin side files, we can put in manual PHP instructions, to give the ability to connect files with the necessary code from all sides for the help of literally one row of code. Then, changing instead of the attached file, we change the code on all sides of the site. It's fine, don't look.

Now let's look at the ways to connect files in the report:

Whiskers include and require

Principal difference between two and two instructions for you to show not to give in for the whole thing, but the nuances are present:

At the same time, the parser will cancel the fatal error and it will become a warning to the side code, and then include will see more warning and the file will continue to fail (the file will simply not be connected).

Let's take the simplest example for a brief overview.

We have our mini-site, in which case the header and footer are the same on all sides, but the body of the document is changed.

We create the header.php and footer.php files in a way that we use code that will be the same on all sides, and for the index.php and newpage.php files, we can connect static parts. At the result we take:

In header.php

< header> < nav> < a href= "newpage1.php" title= "menu item" >menu item < a href= "newpage2.php" title= "menu item" >menu item < a href= "newpage3.php" title= "menu item" >menu item

In footer.php

< footer> < p>crushed by us

Instead of other sides of the site


Rich brown information

As a result of the entanglement of our side, we will come to a picture:

Yak mi bachimo, everything miraculously works.

I would like to respect that the butt was launched on the local Denwer server, the shards for PHP work require the presence of a server with support. It's not practical to create a website for a simple dad on a PC.

In this application, we hacked for the inclusion of the require header, and the include footer. What to show up on your sites - tell you. As already mentioned, there is no special difference between them. Whatever the requirement is, it's important to follow the exact instructions.

Behind the fact just copy the entire file, the way to what we want, inside the document, where to know.

Whiskers include _once and require _once

When working on the site, problems can be caused due to the fact that one and the same connection code connection to one file is not one-time.

It is acceptable that it happened through those who worked on the site a bunch of people, and if it became common codes, then such an incident ...

To turn off the possibility of such problems, retailers often use the include _once and require _once instructions. They have the same principle, like include and require, but if the file for such an instruction is already connected to ours, then it will not be reconnected.

To a small extent of this method, you can add those that are more practical and with greater amounts of number of resources, lower ones include s require, shards of wine, it is necessary to remember all the key files and remove the duplicate codes.


  • So it would be easier to separate the files of the sides of the site and the files of their fragments, so that we include files in them that are connected to add a part of inc to the name. Looking at the data pіdkhіd on our application, we took the file from the header.php file, and so on. This kind of building inspiration is a glimpse of the structure of the site in the future.
  • The code from the file, which is connected to, decreases the scope of the row, in which way it is connected. It's just that in the middle of the side of the math is the global area, and in the middle of the function is the local area.
  • We can twist include with require de zavodno. Navigate to the middle of the scripts.

). leather tag (section) guilty mother couple (/ section). Obov'viscosity parameters є nameі loop. Im'ya cycle (section) can be like that, which is composed of letters, numbers and signs of an undersignment. cycles (section) Can be nested and the names of the nestings (section) can be unique among themselves. Zminna loop(Sign - array of values) sets the number of iterations of the cycle. Under the hour of the friend of the changeable middle sections, they may be ordered to order from them the changeable middle of the square arms. (sectionelse) win over at that point, as a parameter loop do not avenge the meaning.

I'm attributing Type of Obov'yazykovy For zamovchuvannyam Description
name string So n/a Section name
loop mixed So n/a The value that determines the number of iterations of the cycle.
start integer Hi 0 Position index to start the cycle. Even if the value is negative, the postal position is counted in the whole array. For example, if you change the cycle of 7 elements and the value of the start attribute is equal to -2, then the initial index will be 5. Invalid values ​​(value, array) are automatically reduced to the nearest valid value.
step integer Hi 1 The value of the cut, which is victorious for the passage in an array. For example, step=2 specifies to bypass the array by elements 0,2,4... As a negative result, the array will be bypassed directly.
max integer Hi 1 The maximum number of iterations for a loop.
show boolean Hi true Show, show chi ni tsu section


Starting with Smarty 1.5.0, the session authority syntax has been changed from (%sectionname.varname%) to ($smarty.section.sectionname.varname). The old syntax is still being promoted, but please try to apply the new syntax.

index is selected to display the streaming array index, starting from zero (or from the start attribute, which is the same as the value of the input) and increasing by one (or the value of the step attribute, which is the value of the value of the input).

Technical respect

If the step and start attributes are not specified, then the index is similar to the iteration section attribute, except that it starts from 0, not from 1.

iteration wins to display the iteration flow number of the loop.


The value of the value to lie in the power start, step and max, on the power index index . On the other hand, iterations start from one, and not from zero, like an index. rownum - tse synonymous to the point of iteration, the stench works the same way.

Report 7.38. authority (section) iteration

assign("custid", $id); ?> (section name=cu loop=$custid start=5 step=2) iteration=($ index=($ id=($custid)
(/ section)


Iteration=1 index=5 id=3005
iteration=2 index=7 id=3007
iteration=3 index=9 id=3009
iteration=4 index=11 id=3011
iteration=5 index=13 id=3013
iteration=6 index=15 id=3015

This butt of victorious power iteration for displaying the header of the skin table five rows (vicory (if) with the mod operator - a redundancy in the rozpodіlu).

(section name=co loop=$contacts) (if $ % 5 == 1) (/if) (/ section)
view ($ ($contacts.home) ($contacts.cell) ($

Article, in which HTML-element section is viewed from the sectioning category.

The purpose of the section element

The section element is chosen to create a section in a document as a group of thematic content at once. For the skin section, the document should have a її name (subject). Please call for additional headings (elements h1 - h6).

Section heading

Vm_st section.

The section element sings to stop in the upcoming jumps:

  • for rozmіtka rozdіl_v seredinі її. For example, for the layout of divisions in the article, tabs in the dialog box, divisions in the thesis, then.
  • for grouping several sections one thematic group. For example, for grouping the rest of the news on the site, comments to the article just.

In this way, the section element can be blocked for any content only in the same way as the heading can be and part of what else.

section element stall

For example, let's take a look at a fragment of the side code, which can be used to avenge the article from the comments. The skin of the comments, devoid of shorthand on the side, to avenge the song of the completions of the content and, then, can be seen as an article element. Prote, at the same time all the comments represent a thematic group, and you can also place the section element, then. This element groups all the comments on the side at once.

Article name


Comment title

Comment text...

Comment title

Comment text...

Name of the article Comments Subject of the comment Comment title

For example, let's look at the section elements in order to create the divisions in the middle of the element:

book title

First chapter

Other division

Third division

Addendum A

Appendage B

Hovering over the butt matima will step on the structure (outline):

Title of the book First section Other section Third section Addendum A Addendum B

Fringing at the end of the section element

The section element in HTML 5 is a general-purpose element for grouping together. yogo is not a slid vikoristovuvaty for wrapping whatever content you deserve. Basic purpose - adding semantics to the document and creating a new structure (outline).

If the author needs to group the content, just to get to the new style or improve on it in the JavaScript script, it's best to group the content in the div element. The div element on top of the section element, does not add semantics to the document and takes part in the creation of the outline structure.

Visibility between section and article elements

The elements of section and article are supposed to be similar, but may have different semantically meanings. The article element is intended for grouping content that can be complete, self-contained, and that can be viewed as a side-by-side decision. And the section element has its own semantic sense, including assignments for grouping content, which is the warehouse of what else.

How can the author know what is the singing content on the side? Let's take a look at the butt of a fragment of the article. Fragment is the only part of the article, and, therefore, for grouping content, it is necessary to block the section element. And yet this fragment, already redundant as a commentary, will be completed. Also, in any context for your grouping, you can highlight the article element. Ale mirkuvati, of course, you can navpak. To that, which element of victorious grouping of content, in most cases, lies in your subjective thought as an author. But the most important thing is to choose the chosen position. To the extent that the author will be the last in the creation of the structure, he will be able to add more sensation to it.