How to upgrade your smartphone. How to upgrade an old Android phone How to upgrade android better

also No. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17/09

Smartphones. If in 2007 firm Apple started launching your smart style phone ( iPhone) - an iPhone, then I’ll make a sensation by destroying the yoga touch screen.

Tsey device was used only by a non-dart local network of an American company AT&T, and providers of other services have begun to conjure scammers in their mobile phones in a better way. Distillation began, as a result of which in 2008. a lot of options for touch displays appeared, in the middle for a price of 200 dollars. having ensured the whole set of operations of the Crimea, just a telephone connection and the transfer of texts, as well as the operation system, as a rule, of the third generation. Smartphones dedali functioned more with such titles 3G-local borders (3rd generation borders) that provide advanced browsing, receiving and overriding electronic notifications. However, the touch screen is still the main trump card. Now the skin provider has an "advertising" version of the smartphone, but all the stench is important to compete with the iPhone. The small body of the smartphone is crammed in richly: there is a digital camera, a video camera, a music player. Nezabarom vin to pretend to be on a crhitniy computer with a purse - so the titles of a netbook. netbook). Smartphones can provide a range of functions, including email notifications, web browsing, GPS-Navigation, and, especially, telephone call. And how many new ones will appear from the transition to the fourth generation!

Smartphones, so Apple iPhone(uphill) that Blackberry Storm(Bottom) are a stack of eight boards.

Displays smartphones from companies Apple, і Storm vikoristovuyutsya єmnіsni ( projected, mutual-capacity) touch screens. On the core electrodes, molded on the plywood pad, pass the strum from the battery. Qi electrodes are placed across the signal electrodes, molded on the side pad. If an electrically conductive object, for example, a fingertip, touches the surface of the display, the interelectrode capacitance changes * and the signal that is read correctly. Most of the touch screens are used in case of torsion only in one point, and in the case of negotiation - in two.

You know what?..

The accelerometer was turned on to the warehouse of the smartphone, so that we could see the change from the "book" to the "album" station. Ale, with whom, other settings appeared. For example, as a gadget, you can, roz'zhzhayuchi mist, "refresh" the landscape of adjacent restaurants. Navpaki, after fixing the smartphone well, you can take a photo with poor lighting.

Mobile mini-computers ( Mobile Internet devices – MIDs) call for more interest, which means you get a bigger touch screen. At the same time, they are optimized for one function, for example, video capture, which can be taken in a measure, or video games, moreover, two can play, playing one type of one on a be-yakіy vidstani in the boundaries of roaming. The concept was propagated by the firm Intel, out and prosuvaє її. Already rozroblen processor under the name atom What will secure the netbook's robot with a measure.

By changing the position of the smartphone from vertical to horizontal, the accelerometer sends a signal to the processor, the image on the display also becomes horizontal. Smartphones of firms STMicroelectronics micromechanical attachment, which includes a free movement on the springs, changing the position. The plate of the condenser is tied with a roar around it; Xі Y. Similarly, for the help of another voluntarily moved mass, there is movement near the flat Z.

When pressing the buttons of the display of the company Storm the microcontact is blinking. If the finger is let in, the contact will open.

Dali be

scientific american, 2009, February, p. 80-81.
Prov. from English N.D.Kozlovo

* Div, for example, "Physics" No. 21, 23/2008. - ed.

We download Android

    9-05-2014, 08:53

    Mobile phone

The main reason, through which buyers give priority to Android mobile devices, is the ability to change a large number of standard and system platform options. Let us become aware of the head capabilities of the “green robot” as an independent solution.

In addition, let's look at the khaki, for the help of those it is possible to fully interact with the outbuildings.

"Live trellises

Add widgets

Vіdzhet є vіkno small rozіrіv, yak roztashovuєtsya on the working screen of the electronic annex. In this manner, you can easily look at the current information about that other development. As a result, you have access to a music player, calendar channels, Twitter feeds, and more.

Behind the help of widgets, a light flock of robots with Android-attachments that show impersonal possibilities.

Vikoristovuemo new keyboard

We know the insertion of the device

Protecting passwords

From the same time, we worked out with the most famous methods of “pumping” that personalization of the wet Android device. In this way, you can take away the unique possibilities of the platform.

Stop wondering why you should be surprised at your gadget in a different way.

We download Android

    9-05-2014, 08:53

    Mobile phone

The main reason, through which buyers give priority to Android mobile devices, is the ability to change a large number of standard and system platform options. Let us become aware of the head capabilities of the “green robot” as an independent solution. In addition, let's look at the khaki, for the help of those it is possible to fully interact with the outbuildings.

Deyakі vlasniki Android-appliances are reconsidered, that editing the options of a mobile annex is foldable and risky for occupations, with which a group of koristuvachivs can get stuck. Needless to say, it is absolutely not true. A large number of retailers in third-party programs have made this process easier to forgive and safe. A lot of options for locking are available in Android. Let us know about the capabilities of the Google operating system. Tse allow us to take away attachments from individual qualities.

Creation of a wet ringtone

Not long ago, the ability to set your own melody on a call was considered a single function of a mobile extension, as it was possible to redaguvat the coristuvachas. There is nothing surprising in the fact that modern smartphones can be so capable. Vlasniki Android devices can easily edit the melody. You can use hundreds of programs in your mind, but for the sake of it, you can turn your attention to the Ringdroid utility. Go about the simplest version of the task set.

"Live trellises

Vіdminnoy mozhlivіstyu Android, yaku love is great kіlkіst kіlkіst koristuvachіv є live trellis. "Green Robot" allows you to install on the "Robot Steel" of your device not a static picture, but an animated image. At the moment, one can easily find a large number of such embellishments for the "Working Table" at the All-Sveta Merezha.

Personalization of the "Desktop"

The working Android screen allows you to get access to the main functions of the mobile device in one hour. It is also possible to customize, vicarious icons, or you can re-edit the cool look of the Android main panel. Popular utilities for manipulating from Android "Desktop" are launchers. A lot of such software can be found in the Google Play catalog. For additional launchers, you can customize the “Robot Style” with special similarities: edit notes, highlight new shortcuts, a large number of other options are available.

Add widgets

Vіdzhet є vіkno small rozіrіv, yak roztashovuєtsya on the working screen of the electronic annex. In this manner, you can easily look at the current information about that other development.

As a result, you have access to a music player, calendar channels, Twitter feeds, and more. Behind the help of widgets, a light flock of robots with Android-attachments that show impersonal possibilities.

Install file manager

A lot of people do not know what modern mobile gadgets are not enough to program on desktop computers. It is often necessary to save your own files saved on the memory card, or at the internal memory of the mobile extension, you can work by installing a special program. Let's expand the file manager for the "green robot" - the Astro program. In some way, functions are available like Finder for Mac OS X and "Explorer" for Windows. To put it simply, you can see, move, roam in the archives and download files from your mobile phone for help with electronic mail.

All in all, the Android device can work like the FTP protocol, transfer / receive files for the help of Wi-Fi connection. It would be better to take advantage of a special program.

Information about Internet traffic and available software

The battery of the Android device is the main energy source. Through tse it is important to vrakhovuvat її camp. The main reason for discharging the battery is active programs. It should be noted that the programs are running in the background. Tse means that it is not easy to complete this work. And here it is necessary to use a special tool - a manager of add-ons. This utility allows you to see different programs that are not victorious. Also, through third-party security software, it is not possible to determine the exact information about downloading files from the Internet. As a last resort, it would be easier to assign a charge for the Internet traffic of your own mobile operator.

Vikoristovuemo new keyboard

Through those that are practical in all modern mobile outbuildings, there is a touch screen, so it’s easy for some koristuvachs to enter text behind the help of a gadget. Solve the problem with the help of a third-party keyboard. You can download the app from the Google Play store. For example, the most popular keyboard for the "green robot" is called Swype. This program is standardly installed in various modern Android devices. For help, Swype can enter text in an uneasy way: you need to spend more time behind the letters, like a word. After that Swype in automatic mode will show you the required options.

We know the insertion of the device

Having spent mobile attachments, the koristuvach has a few negative emotions. The food is not only in the fact that the device was used, for which they paid a lot of pennies. In this way, the person has insinuated special information, as if I was in the memory of the attachment. The Google Play software store offers different tools. Z їhnoy help to get to know the use of a smartphone. For example, the widest program can use Prey. Apparently, it's a cost-free utility. Її can be installed on Android gadgets. If you happen to steal a mobile annex, the big sackmaster will be able to help you with the help of a personal computer to unlock your smartphone and turn it back.

Protecting passwords

Through those who at this moment in the world have separated a large number of Internet shakhraiv, the stench is able to gain access to special data. It is possible to please yourself with the same passwords and do not save them from simple places. If you work with the lack of web services and services, it will not be easy to remember the passwords that you win. In this situation, it is necessary to be quick to be like any other password manager. 1Password and Lastpass are the most popular hacks to save your passwords.

Manipulations with the system options introduced

By default, Android has no other options, but there are third-party programs for robots with modern system settings. You need to download the Spare Parts utility from the Google Play catalog. In this way, go ahead to edit the font, increase the speed of the animation too much.

We will take away the rights of a supercorrier on a mobile device

Vrahovyuchi the fact that Android - vіdkrita operating system, not surprisingly, the retailers zrorobnikov tsyu platform as far as possible safe. Undoubtedly, plus, if the audience is stuck in, you can take root access to Android. In this way, a large number of advantages will be available, for which options are significantly put forward, the ability to increase the security of a robotic device and so on.

Install and modify Android

You can always install the firmware on your Android smartphone, as third-party retailers have done. Such modifications of the Android vision, basically, are based on reduced design, advanced options, and a great number of improvements, like in the most powerful versions of the "green robot". For the most popular Android devices, you can install the Cyangen Mod firmware. On this day, maybe two millions of vlasniks in mobile outbuildings are covered with this firmware.

From the same time, we worked out with the most famous methods of “pumping” that personalization of the wet Android device. In this way, you can take away the unique possibilities of the platform. Stop wondering why you should be surprised at your gadget in a different way.

Today we need a whole worker, we want to get a simple functional plan, a mobile phone.

The axis of the change of quiet functions, yakі pіdtrimuvatime our phone:

  • - Take that robiti dzvinki
  • — Receive that nadsilati SMS
  • — Save the note
  • - Show hour
  • - Wake up in tasks hour

The phone will be tested in GSM networks and replaced with a different SIM card. It will be designed on the basis of the hall and the Arduino GSM Shield software, which is included in the kit (you can buy it on Amazon, ~$90 for a new one, and $70 for a used one). However, the Arduino GSM Shield is just a collection of bare boards, they have little fun, we need a right phone, with an interface, buttons, a microphone, a display, and so on. A detailed description of the release of this software can be found on the open source project hosted on GitHub (Zalizo and Soft)

How am I working on this project now? Partly because it’s fun, and partly because if you want telephones, they became ubiquitous for the rest of 10-15 years, even a small number of people will guess and understand how they stink, and how they stink. At first glance, the stench is foldable, but in fact they are picked up the same way as an electric kettle or a micro-hvilova pich. Oskіlki telephones are all present and popular, the world has a lot of companies that produce the necessary components for us.

After spending a couple of evenings at the computer, I came across the month where I could buy all the elements for a low price in a small amount, and for their storage it was not necessary to have additional possessions, only yours, I support my hands. I can ask, and I’ll be able to report the trochs of zusil for folding by phone, but turn me, pick it up more simply, lower the steps of physics.

For a short time, I have chosen a small version of such a phone and have chosen its main device. Plus, I spent time with other electronics amateurs, for which we also chose different options for the phone. You won’t have a mother with special knowledge in electronics, and the axis of smart configuration of software, soldering of other components, mothers of newbies in laser cutting - all you need. If you don’t want to be timid earlier, try everything, but prepare until you’re a little more foldable. However, I would still like to start the project just as long as you already have some skills in soldering and in robotics with speeches like Arduino, otherwise you can know someone from the dosvіdom.

Krok 2: Solder electronics

Wanting a lot of other components in the phone, they are mounted to pay, prote troch got the hang of it, you can solder everything with your hands.

If you want to process the solder more components are not foldable, there are moments, for which you need to take care:

Capacitors: be careful with the polarity of the great capacitors (1000 uf), the stench can vibrate, as if soldering them with the reverse side. For guidance, pay attention to the orange smuga.

Polarity: Other components with polarity: including super capacitor, diode, ATmega1284P microcontroller, M10 GSM module, SIM card socket, microphone. Components without polarity: microphone, buttons, small capacitors, resistors.

Krok 4: We solve problems with the sound

The phone has a lot of components, which are indispensable for the operation of the grid, and improperly configured can cause problems with connections to the grid. If Connect does not appear on the display, you can be sure that something went wrong.

Below I will point out some of the most common reasons for such behavior. If you don’t see anything on the screen, then it’s necessary to reconsider the place of soldering of components, and change the fact that the software has become like a trace and without pardons.

What needs to be reviewed:

Did you remember to insert the SIM card?
Chi correctly soldering the socket of the SIM card? And a 22 ohm resistor (the one that connects the SIM card socket and the GSM module)? Chi all garazd іz GSM module?
Is the antenna properly soldered?
Resistor at 0 ohm correct chi soldering? (The one on the included M10 GSM module and antenna)
Try to find a place in a place with a strong signal.


You can continue to set up a telephone communication with a GSM module from a computer, a microcontroller as a proxy. For this connection to the phone via the SerialProxy cable, enter it on the computer and enter the speed of data transfer equal to 9600, and as the end of the row - “carriage return”. After a couple of seconds, you can chat: “READY
OK". Tse talk about those that the GSM module is ready to accept AT commands. A detailed description of the commands can be found in the documentation for the GSM module.

Basic commands:

AT- Test command, turn OK.
AT CREG?— check the registration status in the measure. Type: "CREG 0,N", de N can be 0 (registration not registered), 1 (registration passed), 2 (requested), 3 (request for registration approved), 5 (registration passed, roaming)
ATCPBS="SM"- Select phone book sim card.

Krok 5: Tick the phone

Axis and it’s still that radio moment, if you can start calling friends and friends 🙂
Accept, I am convinced that everything is in you! Prote literally lost a few more moments.

Phone unlock.
At the first successful start, the phone will be blocked, and the screen will be empty. To activate, press the button, the date and hour will appear on the screen, now press the top left button - cheers, unlock phone.

Phone blocking.
To block the phone, press the left top button. At such a station, as before, we will accept SMS and calls.

To make calls, simply dial the required number and press Call (everything is the same as on a mobile phone), to dial numbers press the * button.

Krok 6: Robimo corpus

I made the case from veneer on a laser cnc. It is necessary to be more respectful of the openings, so that a board was placed near the hull and there were places for openings on the back and front parts. The scheme for the corpus can be found on GitHub (available for download).

Well, we’re getting a device for dialing for a month, ready 🙂

find out about the best instructions every day, share your own and take part in the draws!

18.08.2017 Frank 0 comments

Can you fix your android phone? Tse pitanya ts_kavit mayzhe all vlasnikіv smartphoneіv chi tablets.

Sounds help improve your productivity in games, camera, sound, internet, gps reception, graphics, microphone, speaker, video, battery, photo, wifi reception, location, color transfer, antenna, record from voice recorder, phone, processor, charger, task and so on .

Do not lie in the phone model: Chinese, prestigio, samsung, nokiya, prapor, mts, linovo, like and in versions of android 5.1, android 4.4 2, android 6.0, android 4.1 2 and all others.

Here, from the very beginning, it is necessary to show that android is not badly optimised, and obviously not everything can be improved, but it is still possible to improve it.

NOTE: this record will have more support for the remaining versions of android 6.0 and 7.0, so not everything can work with your interface.

I have set three parameters to improve my smartphone samsung galaxy s android 7.0 (for android 6, change is available exactly, on others without rechecking).

First - I stopped the “Easy Mode” screen and saw all the blocking screens, which increased the workability and changed the focus on the battery.

You can do it in settings (and android 6 - go to the "Easy mode" section, on android 7 to the "display" section).

6 great icons are left on the main screen, so you can win, like you can change for other great years with the weather and date.

Utrici that I robbed - having protected the robot from all background processes (divided the parameters of the retailer), which, without a doubt, added speed to my smartphone and increased the life of the battery.

The third thing I did was to turn on the "Energy Saving" mode. Chi is not the maximum, if the battery works for a long time, but the interface is filthy, but the middle one (you can turn it on right on the head screen).

How to improve the quality of the camera in smartphones or tablets android - photo and video

If you have a cheap phone, then the quality of the camera, obviously, is the shortest. Some things can be improved through the engineering menu, but not too much, and the axis of the front camera can be significantly moved, so just wipe the lens, and forget about it all the time.

In order to improve the quality of the video and the quality of the photo, obov'yazkovo in the improved obov'yazkovo, show the maximum razdіlnu zdatnіst.

The number of MBs will increase significantly, but the number of photos from the front camera will be richer.

So, in order to improve the quality of the image of that video, I recommend trying to install the HD Camera for Android program.

You will know a lot of things about them, to improve the graphics - it's best to experiment with them on your own.

Yak on android improve the quality of the sound

To ask a lot of people, how to improve the volume of the sound on the android phone - the volume of the sound on the phone (it also adds the sensitivity of the speaker's microphone), the sound of the speaker, the headphones, or the recording from the voice recorder.

Fortunately, the solution is simple and, perhaps, one, but only s, if virobniks often underestimate it on their own, then you can increase the sound through the engineering menu.

Well, if your phone can ruin the audio system, it will lead to a meaningful creation, since the intensity of the output signal is too small, so that a better audio stream is produced.

Let's get down to the specifics and wonder what we see. For which install a file manager, which allows you to enter the SDCard directory.

I vikoristoy "Es File Explorer" (free on the play market). Then go to the root directory of the system and open the Mixer_paths.xml file.

After that, simply change the value of the skin parameter of them. I put myself on 93 instead of the standard 84.

Save the file and reboot the system. Now the thickness of the sound, that strangeness can be improved.

NOTE: you can also improve the sound on video, phone recordings, but for which you need a computer and .

How to improve the Internet signal on Android

Width of 3g, 4g, mobile internet or wifi reception is practical to lie in the provider, for example, in the countryside, in the countryside, it is practically impossible to improve the internet - providers in these areas do not hurry up to update the measure and the speed of the internet is bad.

You can try to improve the reception of the Internet signal by installing the "Signal Booster" add-on, but even if it's filthy, then it's unlikely that you will see it.

As soon as you receive the signal of the link via the mobile Internet, you can improve the connection (communication with the Internet) by switching to another antenna, which allows you to add the “Signal Booster” add-on.

How to improve the reception of the signal in the gps navigator on android

If you want to improve the work of the gps navigator on your android smartphone, then the way is, more precisely, to type a spear.

As you noted the glitch in the GPS robot, you are responsible for diagnosing the problem. One of the best solutions for the need is the cost-free add-on GPS Status & ToolBox.

This tool helps to improve the search for companions and allows you to review information about possible pardons and problems.

"GPS Status & ToolBox" allows you to view all data from your smartphone and reset GPS to factory settings.

In this rank, the gps signal after the re-advancement is to blame for the pratsyuvati nabagato shvidshe. It’s not possible to add additional supplements to the antenna, but to improve the signal’s value and the usefulness, as much as possible.

Yak on android to improve the battery of the robot

Regardless of the version of android, the term of the battery service is unfortunate for all the masters of mobile devices, for the rest.

Navit flagmanskie smartphones, like mayut battery saving mode, do not last long on a single charge.

If you win the mobile Internet on the phone, review the social media, if you want to take away all the information, then you should call those who will not work the phone more, less than one day on one battery charge.

To make the battery smaller, you will need to reduce its functionality. If you don't need it, turn off the Internet, Bluetooth, GPS, NFC, Wi-Fi, data transfer.

You can also install the "Greenify" program, as it will help you download the programs, which will speed up the expensive battery hour without any reason.

On the main screen, put trellises without animation and dark shades. Barvisty, dynamic trellis quickly hangs the battery.

Adjust the brightness of the screen manually - great brightness will not spare the life of the battery.

Vimknіt vibratsiї - the speaker is living less lively, lower function of vibration.

Descriptions of other things, at least by 50 Vdsotkiv, can improve the battery of your phone.

A simple way to improve the productivity of your android smartphone

Want to improve the productivity of your android smartphone? It's unlikely that the processor will be damaged, but the axis of the swidcode on the phone is whole. I'll show you a simple way to improve your robot without installing any programs.

Tsya little trick to help improve the security of the phone. For whom, go to the settings and go to the "Parameters of the retailer".

There you can find a lot of options, connected with extensions to the phone. You maє tsіkaviti - "Turn the animation"

Repeat this process, docks won't enable all animations again. When you finish, you can turn to the main screen, and you will immediately notice how the phone's service has improved.

How to improve android productivity in games

Do you have a weak android smartphone and all the games go bad or some games don’t want to be installed, so why should the Tegra GPU be affected?

Games on android run trohi otherwise, lower on PC. For computer games, you can change the graphics settings - theoretically there is no such possibility on android, but the GLTools program allows you to reduce the settings for skin acne, as well as launch games written in Tegra, for example, The Adreno.

GLTools is available on Google Play. Once installed, run GLTools and choose to install the plugin for texture decompression and recompression.

Then select all the fields in the lower part of the screen and confirm the installation, press "Install". The phone will automatically reboot.

When a new program interface appears, check the list of available games installed on your phone.

For skin them, you can install unique graphical options: smoothing the screen, changing permissions, tweaking 16-bit rendering, optimizing shaders.

After zastosuvannya you can run a group to improve the productivity difference. Success.


Just like computers, smartphones fix galmuvati with good luck.

And here are some simple ways to improve the speed of your iOS and Android devices.

The chi axis is simple:

How to speed up a smartphone

1. Update your operating system.

If your smartphone works better, lower earlier, then it is possible for the operating system to be on a new one, not the remaining version. New versions of iOS or Android allow your smartphones to improve their performance in terms of swedish work.

Ale, before updating the varto, connect your phone to Wi-Fi and save all your data. Damn it, change your mind that your smartphone supports a new version of the operating system, shards of too old devices, as well as ultra-budget smartphones cannot be optimized.

For iPhone

"Parameters" (Settings) - "Zalni" (General) - "Updating the system" (Software Update).

For Android add-ons

"Settings" - "About Phone" - "System Updates" (System Updates) or "Software Updates" to check if there is an update.

2. Turn off or surround the animation in the phone.

Animation of the windows on the phone (if you switch from one screen to another or from one add-on to another), obviously, it looks beautiful and effective, but other details can improve the smartphone’s robot, the screens require additional system resources.

For Android add-ons:

Option 1: "Nalashtuvannya" - "Screen" - "Animation", after which we select "No animation".

Option 2: "Nalashtuvannya" - "For retailers", find out the points, how to qualify for animation and select "Visual animation" or "Without animation".

For iOS add-ons:

"Settings" - "Basic" - "Universal access" - "Change traffic". If so, try to turn it off or close the program and then go to the taskbar. Animation was not included, but became different.

3. Try to install unnecessary programs.

At the stores of supplements, you can find out the great number of whether there are any programs and tools, and you know what a lot of them you need. Ale varto think, chi varto you install that chi іnsu program, and chi you will be deceived by it often koristuvatisya.

Be it a program that uses the resources of your smartphone, and the less it is, the more pratsyu your pratsiu.

How to speed up the phone

4. Take care of non-victorious programs.

See programs that you don’t need, otherwise you rarely see them. You can also start by opening the list of programs. If there was any addition, you can confirm, but you still failed to turn it around. Programs and games take up the memory of the attachment, the less, the smaller, the more practical.

5. Check out the widgets on the screen of your smartphone.

Programs that you install on your home screen can be dark, but stinks can seriously tamper with your phone. A lot of widgets are regularly turned on in the background mode, prompting for new information or updates. If you don't care about that or another widget on your phone's home screen, just see it.

6. Don't tag "Live Tapestry".

The whole function, but, like widgets on the screen of a smartphone, it won’t only ruin the operative memory, but also the battery. With the help of "live trellis" you can seriously tinker your smartphone. So varto utrimatisya in vikoristannya yaskravih raznokolorovyh pictures on the screen - ideally the screen can be black.

How to speed up a smartphone on Android

7. Disable autorun of non-essential programs.

For Android: "Parameters" - "Programs" - "Practical Services" or "Parameters" - "Program Maintenance" - "Practices". Wonder if the programs didn't want you to start automatically - ring them up and reboot your phone. For the support of various services on the telephone, you can select one of the process managers at the software store.

If you turn on the autorun of the downloaded programs, the productivity of your smartphone will increase.

8. Automatically clear your messengers after 30 days.

Most of the correspondent smartphones in the world do not think about clearing messages in other programs for exchanging notifications. If you have accumulated more than 1 gigabyte of text messages, if you need to improve the phone’s work, then you need to think about clearing the messenger.

Fortunately for iPhone owners, the iMessage program can enable the function of cleansing skin rejuvenation for 30 days ("Settings" - "Messages" - "Keep messages" (Keep Messages)). And if you want to save all the information, save them better in an archived view in the dark (iCloud).

At the annex based on Android, you can see the notifications manually. However, there is a function in the phone, which allows you to get rid of the old ones, if there is not enough time in the phone.

9. Enable automatic software update.

For attachments toAndroid

Google Play has a mechanism that automatically checks the versions of installed programs. If you know the new version, then automatically (in the background mode) upgrade that program to the new version. Such an update service will require some resources in operational memory.

Auto-updating can be enabled and updated all or the same programs manually. To do this, you need to: go to Google Play - "Nalashtuvannya" and uncheck the box "Advice" and "Update automatically".

For attachments toiOS

"Nalashtuvannya" - "Basic" - "Renewal in place".

After that, start all the programs that are running in the background. Look over the list of programs and select programs that you do not need. Such a crochet is not only to speed up the robot phone, but to spare a little bit of the battery charge.

How to speed up the smartphone robot

10. Enable GPS and geolocation.

For attachments to iOS

E programs, yakі mozhut pratsyuvati, seldom yakscho uninterruptedly inform the spymaster's help on the phone, call if that їх not vikoristovuє. Stinks can strongly tamper with a smartphone, and turn it off, go to "Nalashtuvannya" - "Confidentiality" - "Geolocation Services". So you can see the list of used programs, which are related to the sensors of the local environment. For the programs you need, activate the option "When asked" or "Nicoli".

For Android add-ons

If you don't want to twist your phone as a navigator, turn on GPS instead. For whom it is necessary to go to "Nalashtuvannya" - "Coordinates" (or "Misstsenakhodzhennya") and uncheck the boxes.

In order to improve the speed of the iPhone, you can just hard reset the device. Such a re-advancement will be allowed by the phone in the form of time and cached files. To start such a reboot, press and hold the Home button for a certain hour (until the Apple logo appears). On the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus models, for which there is a hardness key.

How to speed up a phone on Android and iOS

12. Head manager.

With a skin smartphone, you can know the manager of the manager, which allows you to close any practical programs that you do not need at that moment. Closing the program means that you need to take it out of the operational memory, so the smartphone is more practical. Ale, you can get an okremiya manager of a job, creations by a third-party retailer.

13. Cleaning the cache of add-ons and the browser.

For Android add-ons

To clear the cache, go to "Parameters" - "Programs" - "Keruvannya programs". After that, as you clicked on the program, go to your authority and find out "Clear the cache". In this rank, you are spared the sight of old data, which hastened your work of supplements.

Google Play has a large number of managers, for the help of which you can cheat with your programs, turn on programs that do not win, and clear the cache. You can take advantage of the Clean Master add-on - smart wine, for that in the new Russian language, wisdom wine and wine can win impersonal different functions, like Swiss low.

For iOS add-ons

The iPhone does not have the function of clearing the cache in singing programs, which means that it’s easier to get and install third-party add-ons. The recommended option is the Battery Doctor program (also available on Google Play), which is, to say the least, cost-free. Once you have installed the program, open the pictogram on the smartphone screen and you can start cleaning up.

Go to the tab, clear the cache, and confirm the exit. Warto also means that Battery Doctor allows you to see the riddle about the smartphone, and you can follow it, as the free space is restored. Krym tsgogo, you can see the programs, they haven’t won for a long time.

It’s not too often to run the program too often, since iOS itself can cope with more active processes.

How to speed up the robot on the phone

14. Work around resetting to factory settings.

Even though you have tried all the methods, and nothing has given the desired results, turn the device back to the factory settings. Tse allow the phone to turn to the cob mill (if it was let out of the factory). But know that it’s a matter of reloading all the data on the phone, so it’s a good idea to save all your photos, music, contacts, programs and important files. Ale, such a way is also to call the phone of a zayvogo smitya.

For iOS devices

"Parameters" (Settings) - "Zalni" (General) - "Reset settings" (Reset). Press "Erase All Content and Settings" and confirm your password. You can also reset the factory reset via iTunes: "Upgrade" - "Basic" - go to the "Download" tab. Dali either "Throw off the update" (viewing all data, crim files), or "Drop the content that update" (viewing all the information).

For Android add-ons

"Menu" - "Settings" - "Resetting and resetting" - scroll down to the item "Settings resetting" (for some smartphones, the wines are called "Remove the resetting phone" or "Resetting the phone" or "Erase all data").

Brightness to the screen

The screen shows the left part of the battery charge. In order to increase the adaptive brightness control, as such a function has been transferred to your smartphone. For the number of features, I will manually set the fidelity at the minimum acceptable price for you.


Guess the battery has been trimmed down? Then again, say “no” to animated tapestries.

Like a smartphone with an OLED display, it will take an extra hour to work, and the installation of black trellises will help. Read about those why she works like that.

Hour to wake up display

You can leave your smartphone on the table, and your screen still has a small amount of hvilin pracyuvatime marno, costly battery charge. Change the hour until the display flashes. Ring out for 15-30 seconds. Experiment and find out the best hour for yourself.

The order of the appendices

Taking a black smartphone up to your hands, you can see a lot more in the future. Remember the correct sequence of the programs:

  • First option: having installed → not worthy → uninstalled.
  • Another option: having installed → not vicorous → uninstalled.

The problem is that the rest of the paragraph is often ignored. As a result, attachments are transformed into the right place. What's so bad about it? A lot of programs love to live their lives. The stench hang out at the background, run their own processes and make expensive memory, through which the energy supply increases and the system's swidcode drops.

In addition, programs that are not victorious are updated and exchanged with data to increase mobile traffic and increase battery life even more.

Come up with a schomisyachny Day to defend the smartphone. Spend three hours on those to analyze the current collection of programs, see outdated ones and search on Lifehacker for more advanced analogues of essential ones.


Today, the smartphone’s shortcomings stick with routine. Dribnі, but nebhіdnі dії, yakscho їx rich, take a lot of time and fight. Send it somewhere, copy it, correct it, add it, and so on.

The problem is behind the IFTTT (If This Then That) automation service. What do you know? Mustache. At the moment, in IFTTT, it has been created that it has been made available for free access to over a million applets (recipes) - ready-made tools for automating other tasks.

Physical zahist

Staying all the tricks, smartphones are spending on the mentality. Just like the old Nokia 3310 can play football and score flowers, the new iPhone or Google Pixel is richer lower. It’s necessary to take care of saving your expensive electronic pomіchnik and bring a zahisny chohol. This is especially true with active recovery and more expensive.

Vtrati Plan for Vipadok

The loss of a smartphone is a real tragedy. And yet such a situation is accompanied by another important and private information. For every occasion, Lifehacker recommends victorious shady collections. At once, the stench is miraculously optimized for mobile applications and it implements all the necessary functions in automatic mode.

We believe that we can help you improve your smartphone efficiency.

Depending on what kind of tablet computer you buy: Samsung, Digma, DNS or Prestige, if you need a portable attachment, you will be productive when you are victorious.

And for whom you need a tablet, it’s easy to pump it, or it’s easier to seem, install the necessary add-ons to improve your productivity, shards of basic settings are not enough for the most comfortable use of your Internet tablet.

Well, and naturally, the skin of the coristuvach pragne has adjusted your personal electronic device for yourself, whether it be a tablet, a smartphone, a laptop or an electronic reader.

As your tablet works under the Android operating system, you can download it with the help of cost-free add-ons, which are easy to install and do not take up a lot of space.

Swedish browser

Well, perhaps, with the help of code on the Internet (downloading files, watching videos online, sharing in social media, etc.), and for which you need to install a good web-browser. From the most popular browsers for android, we can recommend: Opera that .

Security on the Internet

Another no less important task when pumping your tablet is to install cost-free security programs. Even if you surf the Internet, you can “catch some kind of guide”, as it negatively affects the work of an electronic appliance with a blast, including the battery charge.
Three of the most popular android security programs can be named 360 Security Antivirus + cleaning and an addendum for the security of special data (it is recommended to install offensive programs).

If you install more cost-free programs for Android, you will change your tablet in a more efficient and smarter way. And that means that there are already a few pumpings and only an ear of pumping! Well, the programs are specially created for maximum efficiency with the best gadgets.
Before speech, these programs can be installed on your smartphone, for you know what works with the Android OS.