How to properly connect the router to the Beeline. How to set up a Beeline Smart Box router: report instructions Smart box one flashing

Technical characteristicsSetting up the Internet TV setup WiFi setup Change MAC TR-069 setup Software update

Technical characteristics of the Smart Box One router

Verify that you are checking the current firmware version, if not, then update it. Information about the current version of this model can be found on the Beeline website by searching for the model in the search row on the website, or by following the instructions: https: // /beeline-smart-box-one/

First, connect the Internet cable to the WAN port, it is recommended to go to the CPE and reset it to factory settings.

With these complex settings ( PPPoE , IPTV etc. - all at once) on the router, use the “Save” button on the page where you change the parameters, press the “Save” button after completing all adjustments, so every time after pressing CPE does not restart, but remains inaccessible for 20 seconds. Such a visit will help to speed up the hour of relaxation.

If for some reason the provider blocks your access to the Internet at the MAC address, there is a need to change this address. The reasons may vary, such as the replacement of the boundary equipment, or the frequency of connection to several accounts.

It is recommended to change the MAC address immediately before setting up TV and Internet connections, as this option may not be available later. If the need to change the MAC appears even when the router is configured, you will have to reset the factory settings and start the setup process again.

Setting upPPPoE.

Let's go to the router settings. To log in, you need to enter the IP address in the address bar of the browser, the system will ask you to log in. Under basic access with administrator rights (admin / admin), only DHCP + L2TP will be available to you. In order to configure PPPoE and TR069, you must log in as a superuser. Login: SuperUser Password: Beeline $ martB0x. In remaining versions of the Smart Box router firmware, the superuser is required to enter the serial number of the device in the password section. The numbers are in the sticker on the back of the case, under the barcode - SJxxxxxxxxxx. The authorization page is presented on Malyunka 2.

Malyunok 3. Expanded settings.

Now you need to go to the Other -> WAN section.

In this section, you will learn the basics on the WAN router - connections that you can change, adding new ones and deleting old ones - every day. For correct operation of CPE under PPPoE, it is recommended to first configure the first connection #1, in this category - “Iternet-DHCP”. If you plan to connect only the Internet, uncheck the ✓ “Enable” checkboxes for other WAN connections other than the first one. Such entries will help you to understand the additional setup of “Client TR-069”.

Malyunok 4. WAN connections.

For an Internet connection via PPPoE, the following parameters can be changed:

  • Connection name - “Internet-PPPoE”;
  • service type - “DATA” and “MGNT”;
  • connection type - “Routing”;
  • IP mode - “PPPoE”;
  • cloud account and password - provided by the provider;
  • trigger: "Keep Alive";
  • DNS substitution - “Enable”;
  • vikorystuvati NAT - ✓ (enable);
  • VLAN ID - is specified according to the region.

Malyunok 5. Setting up the WAN connection profile.

Setting up TV

From the menu, select the “Advanced settings” item, as shown in figure 3.

Now divided into Others -> WAN:

Malyunok 6. WAN connections.

Select to set up a WAN connection under a different number #2, as shown in Figure 6. If you unchecked the “Enable” option next to the WAN connection, you must put it back. Click the “Save” and “Save” buttons.

To set up IPTV, change the settings for WAN connection #2:

  • Connection name - “TV”;
  • service type - “IPTV”;
  • connection type - “Bridge”;
  • IP mode - “Static IP”.

Next, select the “LAN” item in the menu.

At the very bottom of the page there is a section “IPTV Port” , opposite LAN4, put a tick ✓. Click the “Save” and “Save” buttons. Butt of indications for baby 8.

Malyunok 8. TV connection

Adjusting the dartless lineWiFi

From the menu, select the item “Advanced settings”

Now section Wi-Fi -> Basic settings.

In this section, you adjust the parameters of the drone-free range, it operates in two modes (2.4GHz and 5GHz), for both modes the settings are similar.

To set up Wi-Fi in 2.4GHz mode, change the following parameters:

  • Wireless Mode - “2G”;
  • Merezh ID (SSID) - “RT-WiFi_2G_F51159”;
  • Robot mode - “11n + g + b”;
  • Channel - "Auto";
  • Reverb signal - “High”;

Butt of indications for baby 9.

Malyunok 9. Adjustment of dartless range with 2.4GHz mode.

To set up Wi-Fi in 5GHz mode, change the following parameters:

  • Wireless Mode - “5G”;
  • Turn on the droneless network (Wi-Fi);
  • Merezh ID (SSID) - “RT-WiFi_5G_F51159”;
  • Robot mode - “11a + n”;
  • Channel - "Auto";
  • Smuga bandwidth - “Auto 20MHz + 40MHz”;
  • Reverb signal - “High”;
  • The number of connected devices is not interconnected.
  • Then click the “Save” and “Save” button.

Butt of indications for baby 10.

Malyunok 10. Adjustment of dartless range with 5GHz mode.

Setting up safety measuresWiFi

From the menu, select the item “Advanced settings”

Now divided Wi-Fi -> Security.

For registration, the password for the drone-free line is indicated on the gate device along with the barcode.

  • Wireless Mode - “2G”;
  • select the network ID (SSID) - “RT-WiFi_2G_F51159”;

Malyunok 11. Adjusting the safety of the 2.4 GHz drone-free range.

To configure network security in 2.4GHz mode, the following parameters can be changed:

  • Wireless Mode - “5G”;
  • select the network ID (SSID) - “RT-WiFi_5G_F51159”;
  • authentication - “WPA / WPA2-PSK”;
  • password (PSK) - 8 to 64 characters.

Malyunok 12. Adjusting the safety of the 5GHz drone-free range.


In order to change the MAC address, you need to log into the device under the administrator account (admin / admin).

From the menu, select the “Advanced settings” item.

Now let's go to the Other -> WAN section.

On this page, in the “Clone MAC Address” field, you have the option to either hack or clone the MAC of your PC.

Malyunok 13. Side change MAC address.

You can see the exact MAC address by selecting the “Advanced settings” item in the menu. Butt of indications for baby 14.

Malyunok 14. “Advanced settings” page.

Client customizationTR – 069

If you configured the first WAN connection under PPPOE, then the appearance of CPE on the ACS will not cause any problems; otherwise, you will need to check the configuration of the client TR-069.

From the menu, select the “Advanced settings” item, as shown in little 3.

Now you need to go to the Other section -> Client TR-069:

To connect the CPE to the ACS server, the following parameters can be changed:

  • WAN connection profile “Internet - PPPoE”,
  • ACS URL: “”,
  • They gave the “Save” and “Save” buttons.

Indicators of a successful connection include the following fields:

  • Cloud record Connection Request;
  • Connection Request Password;
  • Periodic Inform interval - “28054”.

The butt of the connected Client TR-069 is presented to baby 15, and not connected to baby 16.

Malyunok 15. Butt of the connected Client TR-069.

Malyunok 16. Butt of a not connected Client TR-069.

Updated PZ.

Before updating the software, you need to check the model and firmware version of your router, since this process is quite simple, you can damage the device if you try to install the wrong firmware from another model, which will everything will lead to negative consequences.

View the model and the current version, in the WebUI menu select the “Advanced settings” item, as shown in little 3. Next, a page will open in front of you, in the lower part of which there is the “System Information” item. Butt of images for baby 18.

Verify that you are checking the current firmware version, if not, then update it.

Malyunok 18. Model and software version.

From the top menu, select the item “More”.

The page with the main settings of the router will open. In the left menu, select the item “PZ Update”.

Click the “Select file” button and choose to uninstall the file with the firmware that you downloaded earlier.

After this, press the “Visit Update” button. Butt of images for baby 19.

Malyunku 19. Item “Updating the PZ”.

Check in while the router is updating the firmware, this process takes approximately 5 minutes, after which the router must be reset before it is ready to go. Butt for baby 20.

Malunku 20. Renovation process.


1. When connected to an older PC, the router can function properly with the network, displaying its status as “Unknown network”, but the presentation on the little 18. The problem occurs when the CPE is reset, reset to factory settings. To solve the problem, you have to restart the PC, or put it into “Hibernation Mode” and back.

Malyunok 18. The border is unimportant.

  1. If several accounts are frequently accessed on this device for PPPoE connection, the CPE may be blocked by MAC address for an insignificant hour. To resolve this problem, it is recommended to select one cloud entry for the work; if there is a problem with Windows blocking, you need to change the MAC address.

3. Changing the MAC address can only be done from the administrator account (admin / admin) and under SuperUser, the initial WAN connection settings have not been changed, otherwise you will need to reset to factory settings Uvan.

Look again 1 497

Changing your Internet provider is not often the case, but sometimes it is not necessary. Beeline subscribers are especially in demand at this time. Having at this time accumulated a large client base, the volume of services gradually began to fall in line with the countries that are being developed by competitors. However, when changing the operator, one problem arises. On the right is that Beeline, together with the tariff package, expanded everywhere its great evils at that time of the branded Smart Box One routers, which are installed on the victorious Internet only in their midst. However, there is a way to save money - flash the Beeline Smart Box router for all operators. Yak? We'll let you know soon!

Setting up the Beeline Smart Box router for all operators

Today you can buy a lot of money on Avito for sale Smart Box - at reasonable prices and in the standalone version with a complete set and box. On the right, few people know that the Beeline router can be easily configured to work with any provider. There is no need for complicated firmware for beginners.

The secret is that if we log into the control panel under the cloud administrator account with the login and password admin / admin, as indicated on the sticker, then the WAN port setting, which just indicates the choice of connection type not connected to the Internet, blocked on L2TP for Beeline.

To unlock it, simply log into the router as a super-user.

For this purpose, open the login page and the vikory pair in the browser:

  • Login - SuperUser
  • Password - Beeline $martB0x

If this data does not fit, then we try to enter the serial number of the router in the password box, as indicated on the sticker - it will look like “SFXXXXXXXXXX”.

If you do, then read our other article, which examines possible amends and suggests options for correcting them

After authorization in the “Other parameters” section in the “Other” menu, new access to all configurations, including the Internet, is granted, without any firmware. There are now all types of connections, including via a 3G modem.

I'm flying, friends. In this note I will gradually provide a short supply of common power and supplies for the Beeline Smartbox router.
In your opinion, it is necessary to add here the dirty food in the comments.
Do you want to power up? Make sure you don’t misplace this post as a reply to the new one.

food: What is the Beeline Smartbox device?
proof: Beeline Smartbox - a branded router from the Beeline provider and is primarily intended for use only within the Beeline network.
The router itself is manufactured by Sercomm in Taiwan under contract from Beeline. The router is based on a reference board based on Realtek 8197D .
The router has IPTV support (by route, the port can be selected in the settings) and the ability to use it as a border guard

Technical characteristics:

Chip: Realtek 8197D (600 megahertz)
RAM: 64 MB
Wi-Fi: 802.11b/g/n 300Mbps, 2 internal antennas: 2 × 2 MIMO
Interfaces: 5 RJ-45 sockets with an automatic cable type, USB 2.0 port.

food: Chi varto kupuvati danish router?
proof: Everything depends on your needs, but I wouldn’t be happy to buy a router at the official price of Beeline (1200 rubles), since for the same money you can get a more technically efficient and trouble-free Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2. In this case, the router works poorly and is good for the indomitable koristuvachev .
Buy a sense that the router is much cheaper for you official price

food: Is it possible to purchase a router from another provider?
In a number of situations, if the provider supplies the Internet directly via DHCP (without any tunnels, “inserting the wire - it works”) or with a PPPoE tunnel, setting up a click is more complicated and you have to work with a cloud recording of a super-correspondent.
Instructions for withdrawing privileges.
Detailed instructions for setting up the Internet with another provider are described.

food: The router has a USB port. Why can you be a vikorist?
proof: via USB to the router, you can connect flash drives, external hard drives (for additional storage purposes) to give access to them through a network (for organizing a network network, for example), as well as the rules for usb modems.

food: Is it possible to get a router with 3g modems?
proof: So, starting with the version 2.0.25 The firmware has added the ability to work with 3g mode in Wi-Fi distribution mode. To install, you need to log in to your super account and go to:
Advanced settings - Other - Wan, select item from 3g and complete the necessary settings, and also mark the interface as active (check the box)
The list of working routers is still unknown, but we will find that it is similar to that for Zyxel. Please note that if the 3g modem does not work, do not forget to switch it to “only modem” mode (check out the instructions on the Internet).

food: Wi-Fi connection is unstable and unaffected high zeal for the signal. What should I do?
Tip: Change the Wi-Fi channel in the router settings and also try to reduce the Wi-Fi strength (paradoxically, high strength does not always give a satisfactory connection) and also change the router.

food: Wi-Fi is unstable. The signal level is low. What should I do?
proof: This has expanded the problem of routers with built-in antennas (especially those with a low power factor).
To begin with, try moving the router and changing the code between the router and Wi-Fi clients.
Then, if the result is previously unsatisfactory, try replacing the installed antenna on the current one.
For whom is it necessary
0) :
1) Replace the wires that go to the antennas with a U-fl - SMA wire (on one side there is a ufl connector for connecting to the wi-fi payment, on the other side there is a sma for connecting an external antenna) and it looks like this:

Its price on Ebay is in the range of 30-100 rubles, depending on the price, the cost of war and the seller’s impudence (I got it in the region of 70 rubles). It’s also more common in Russian online stores, but very rarely
2) Insert the connector on the body and connect if you have a Wi-Fi antenna. You can purchase an antenna from any popular router, for example dlink, or you can get it in a computer store for 100-400 rubles.
The antenna looks like this (for those who don’t know)
If the signal you receive is not satisfactory, then all you have to do is change your router to a stronger one.

food: How can I use the router in repeater (repeater) mode?
Confirmation: So useful. To do this, switch the hardware jumper on the router case to REP mode and make the necessary settings.

food: I want to help / tinker with the firmware. What rank can I earn?
proof: Excellent. Let's advance quickly.

food: Is it possible to install alternative firmware on the router?
proof: So, you can install OpenWRT firmware on the router, but for this, at the moment, you will need to disassemble the device and solder it to the UART connector (for connection you need to use a USB-Uart adapter).
There is also a risk of “hammering” the device. Think about it.
Detailed instructions will be available on the website a little later.

food: One USB port is not enough for me. You can add another USB to the device.
Confirmation: Yes, it is possible, but it emphasizes the singing intelligence and straightness of hands. (Not easy and precise soldering) The board is initially designed for the use of 2 usb ports, with one device to reduce the cost.
You can solder it and vikorize it.
Instructions will be provided later.

For information about the remaining two points please contact your reader Maxim

The Beeline company has been in the home market for a long time, offering its clients a clear connection, different services, different prices, and it’s completely budget-friendly, let alone those who don’t profit from purchases , promotions and bonuses. Recently, the company began to produce clear technology, and one of these creations is a router: Smart box one- private Beeline router!

First of all, the most important thing that everyday people need is to keep up with the times and the price, in this case, do not splurge on a smart router, even the prices are even cheaper, especially if you take the new “all in one” tariff, which is cheaper at 600 rubles. per month, includes: payment for a mobile phone (including Internet), and the most additional for active customers is “all in one 5” 2500 (and this includes payment for 5 numbers, a TV station and the Internet!), in other words, connection. For this purpose the Beeline smart box is required.

Connection. It is necessary to connect the cable carried out to the apartment to the WAN Wi-Fi port, and the computer to the LAN port. You can navigate without wires, if you are a beginner and don’t know how or don’t know, it will be faster to do it the other way.

Setting up Wi-Fi - on the Beeline router

  1. Connect the computer cable to any port on the router. (Їх 4, called LAN) And the cable that was brought into the apartment is connected to the WAN port in the same router.
  2. Open your browser and enter: Once you have entered everything correctly, you will put it into practice, then press and continue.
  3. Enter login - account name and password. To make it simpler, you can enter, without inventing your own, in the first and second fields bilain. Continue button.
  4. Vibrate the item “Shvidka settings”.
  5. It starts to be more difficult to cope with everything, but if it doesn’t, Beeline operators will be happy to help:

Go to the section - “home Internet”, enter any number or letter in the “login” and “password” fields just like that.

In the “Wi-Fi-router router” section, a drone-free network is set up.

  • If the frequency of the network is 2.4 GHz: enter a name in the field Name of the network (this will be the same for everyone, including you) so that the Beeline router will now be called, then enter a password of at least 8 characters.
  • If the network frequency is 5 GHz: enter the network name, for example, ali_wifi70G and create a password.
  • “Guest Wi-Fi limit” - setting up a drone-free limit (not obligatory).
  • - If a TV station is connected, you need to select the router port for the TV. Dali “save.”
  • Pochekati close hvilini until you get ready. Sure, the setup of the Beeline smart box one router is complete!

Where to buy a smart box router?

The smart box can be purchased at any electrical store or in Beeline stores. It's 2500 rubles. To be aware of all the products, this brand and product, you can watch the video, most of them on YouTube. So the most obvious is the beeline smart box one forum, participants of which share problems, help resolve them, and finally buyers have not changed anyone yet, axis, which will truly help you get started with the product.

Videos about “wi-fi router Beeline smart box one”

Mikola from Tver: (Apparently, Beeline is a very large company and promotes its services in all places in Russia) “suitability: compact, lightweight, attractive in appearance. Not enough: none);

Natalya from Kaluga: “+ Price, design, reliability, availability of bright light indication, the seller is a friendly woman, who is worried - it’s not easy to adjust to other providers. We connected, but after 4 months the Internet began to glitch - “the connection was disconnected.” The magic of trying to re-enchant, works for 15 minutes, and then starts again. Beeline operators told me to flash it, but it didn’t work, I had to call the fakers, and oh, amazingly, I made money! ";

Arthur from Khabarovsk:“Disadvantages: Two wifi bands, good speed of wifi work, does not freeze, compactness, not strong light indicator, no inputs.

shortcomings: It’s a pity that the connection is blocked only under Beeline, other operators cannot be connected. If you go into the router setup using the SuperUser and password, series - router number - all functions can be unlocked and you will get a great router that works with any provider.