How to send attachments sheet to Yandex by mail. Shading or planning the hour of strengthening the electronic sheets. Vikoristannya as a fortune-telling for others about zustricha

Send the sheet to yourself on May Day or immediately means that you send the sheet to yourself to the same e-mail address. For example, from the email address Nadezda you send the sheet to the same address Nadezda You take away this sheet either immediately, or when it comes to the future, or rather, when it comes to the planned river, month, day and year.

So you can just send an electronic sheet to your relative, friend, acquaintance, or colleague to your e-mail. This is handy, for example, for new saints, if you want to get better, but you don’t want to fix them yourself. Let the postal robot work.

You can send your sheets practically from any mail: Yandex.Post, (, Google mail (, Rambler.Post, etc. Ale is a “simple” diet:

Is it time to write leaves?

There may be a lot of options, I’ll list 5 (five) of the most extensive ones that you can still use:

  1. Leaf-nagaduvach

Tell yourself about the story or about those that you need to do a lot of work by opening your mail and getting a sheet of fortune telling there. Anyone would like this kind of fortune-telling.

  1. Checking the validity of your mail

Apparently, the leaves are waving:

  • send by e-mail
  • get in touch by e-mail.

I would like one of them basic functions If the post is destroyed, then you can take it in, since you don’t have any post. The sheet, written to yourself, will help you check the work of your mail (be it your own mail screen): whether you are trying to get out the leaves and whether there is a stench.

On this site, journalists choose to contribute, not comments. And it is understandable that it will be covered if you write a long statement on the sheet of paper, including inserting an explanatory message, and as a result you will cancel the notification: the sheet cannot be delivered through those that the postal service does not accept leaves. In this case, if the post office does not accept the sheets, the correspondent will have a chance to get my confirmation from the comments on the site, but he will check for the sheet from his post office.

  1. Checking what to get from the sheet of your sheet

You can check which person is cutting off the leaves of another person. The verification will be as correct as possible for the fact that other people (receiving the sheet) are using mail of the same type (for example, the directory and owner of the sheet are offended by using Yandex.mail).

  1. Transferring your own files

To send the file to yourself:

  • You need to write your own sheet, for example, from the email address Nadezda,
  • whose sheet is
  • send the sheet to the same address Nadezda

It’s easy, since you sent the sheet while you were at home, and opened it on your work and read or saved the attachment file. Or the sheet was sent to yourself from the laptop, and then opened on the tablet, and the attachment file can then be viewed and saved on the tablet. In this case, you don’t need a flash drive, you don’t need junk, really, you need the Internet. The method of transferring files may be a little old, but for some people it’s important.

  1. Sobi sheet at maybutne

Why is such a sheet needed?

Like I already guessed, for the nearest future Your sheet will be brown as a fortune-telling about any event, for example, your birthday on your birthday, or a fortune-telling about those who need someone else to greet and create another brown right.

For from the distant future The sheet will sing in a sing-song manner in order to check and review plans, dreams, forecasts, etc. Then, when you reach your singing age or the days that have taken off their leaf of power, you will be able to guess, compare with the times that have passed, please, think, perhaps, make some new ideas for yourself.

You can send the sheet to another addressee, which is entered in the “To” field, not only to yourself. For example, you can celebrate your birthday so that you can immediately win it, no matter what.

How to send a sheet to yourself on May Day

6 in Fig. 1 - click on the date that is located next to the “Add” button,

7 in Fig. 1 – click on the command “today”. A calendar opens to select a valid date for uploading your sheet:

Rice. 2. Set the date, hour of delivery and notification of delivery on the sheet.

1 in Fig. 2 - After pressing the “today” button, a calendar will appear.

2 in Fig. 2 - Using the calendar, by consistently clicking the little trikutnik, you can select the month to send the sheet to the next day. Then click on the number. This will set the date for the sheet to be applied.

3 - You can vibrate the hour of pressing the sheet.

4 - If you click “notify about being ripped off”, then after delivery (at the hour when it is delivered) you will receive a notification that the sheet has been ripped off.

5 in Fig. 2 - The “guess” button is red, because there is a need to guess about those that did not find a answer to the sheet you sent. By clicking on the “Guess” option, you can adjust if you guess yourself: if the type is not removed from 1 year to 2 years.

When all the arrangements for removing the sheet in the future will be completed, we press “Nadishlate”. Find the notification “List of successful submissions”.

How to delete and edit your sheet in the future

Rice. 3. The sheet will be in the “Weekend” folder until the scheduled date of delivery.

Yak Bachimo in Fig. 3, the sheet will be saved from your postal screen, and from your dad “Weekend”.

Another advantage is that you can go to the “Weekends” folder to edit or delete a sheet from the next day.

There is a real disadvantage to the fact that you need to follow your mail: through spam, additional and other reasons, mail can and then the sheet from the future will never be wasted before you.

Rice. 4. How to delete or edit your own sheets in Mayday in Yandex.Post

To view the sheet from Maybutne, you will need:

1 in Fig. 4 - Go to Yandex.mail, go to the “Weekend” folder,

2 - put a tick next to the sheet of yours on the next day that you wanted to delete,

3 in Fig. 4 - think and type “Vidality”.

The sheet itself has been removed.

Where are the folders in

Nutrition is not entirely on the topic of statistics, but it is more relevant for uninformed Yandex users. Є the “secret” button in Yandex.Post, everyone knows what folders are in Yandex.

Rice. 5 Secret button for attaching folders to

The situation “there are folders in Yandex.Post” arises when button 1 in Fig. 5. Align them with button 4 in fig. 4. One click on this secret button will select (hot) folders in Yandex.Post, another click will rotate folders on the site.

Do you write your own pages? I ask you to vote, and in this way I will reject you Gateway link:

I ask you to watch another short video lesson on the topic Electronic mail . Mi rozbero new function of the Yandex postal system, which is called the “delivery sheet”.

In general life, we don’t think about those who can strengthen the leaves to singing hour. Be aware of the situation if you attach any document to your care and do not want this document to be lost in the purchase of other electronic sheets.

Make sure that if you come to work and open your mail screen, you will need to download a whole series of sheets that were “attacked” in the early hours of the morning. If your sheet is on this list, they can simply be accidentally removed from advertising, especially if you want to click on the sheet without those.

It’s completely different since your electronic sheet arrived, for example, on the 11th anniversary. The addressee has already learned from the terminology on the right, a little bit more and more than everything, to get to your sheet more respectfully and politely.

Let's understand how you can write a sheet of paper "right away" and send it "if required."

Video tutorial: Email, sending sheet attached

Distance courses by Kashkanov. These email addresses are collected by various spammer search robots. You may have JavaScript enabled for review.

To clarify, your screenshot is available on Yandex, why do you want to distribute the leaves, and what are the screenshots of your distribution?

If you want to massively distribute lists to your partners or clients, use special distribution services for them.

If your screenshot currently contains a large number of pages, it will be considered spam by our security system. In order to avoid this, Yandex.Post has installed technical support for uploading sheets for delivery. It is not possible to bypass or change the exchange.

What happened? uploading sheets from your mail screen will be blocked. If the sheets are blocked, you can enter before the Post and remove the sheets. The blocking will end automatically after 24 years, if you do not try to send a sheet for that hour, otherwise the blocking will last for another 24 years.

To ensure that your distribution reaches the users on Yandex and does not end up in the Spam folder, be careful. Unnecessary outlets should be separated from the honest ones. Yandex.Post reserves the right to send to Spam or not to accept mailing lists that do not comply with the mandatory clauses of this document. Dotrimannya neob'yakovyh could significantly reduce the likelihood of your leaves being wasted to Spam.

How do you work the outlet on mailboxes on Yandex, these sheets were processed by the Yandex mail server, you receive an automatic response from the Mailer-Daemon service, which indicates the reasons for non-delivery of the server name, which sent further mail to the server.

Bonding to the strengthening of sheets

  • Obmezhennya near Poshti
  • Exchange in Posta for domain

You can pull out 500 sheets from one box. Since the leaves are very powerful, the leaves are treated with a strong leaf.

By pulling, you can send 3000 sheets from one box. Since the leaves are very powerful, the leaves are treated with a strong leaf.

It has been additionally established to limit the number of powers:

Number of powers Obmezhennya
3000 *
5000 *
Number of powers Obmezhennya
Total for all sheets per piece (from one box) 3000 *
Total for all sheets per item (from all mailboxes of one domain) 5000 *
In one sheet sent via the site 50
In one sheet, sent via mail program or behind the SMTP protocol 35

* Get insurance from outsiders; Vlasniki screenshots on this domain are not covered by insurance.

Vimogi Yandex to chesnyh rossilok

This document reflects the statements of the Yandex company about honest distribution services. This is not an offer and does not entail any demands on the side of the company and the postal service in front of the services that operate mass outlets.

A document documenting the practice of the largest providers and postal services, complies with the standards and recommendations of ASTA, as well as “The norms of koristuvannya to the measure”. The algorithm for distribution and spam is the company's know-how, which is not published or discussed.

    Subscription process:

    • When added to the mailing list, the owner's address is required to undergo validation.

    The process of withdrawal from prepayment:

    • (Zobov.) Each person will be given clear instructions on how to sign up for the outlet. In this case, the registration process does not involve complex actions such as password renewal, registration or authorization. The owner is responsible for the ability to sign up for a 10-kilin outlet.

      The address of the prepayer is clearly indicated on the bottom of the sheet.

      (Zobov.) The list may have a different header list-unsubscribe, formatted according to the RFC standard. When switching to the message from this heading, the buyer is obliged to immediately sign up for the outlet.

      (Zobov.) To subscribe, you must indicate any additional information.

    Sheet title:

    • The topic of notification is guilty of understanding the koristuvacheva and is not guilty of misleading him.

      The topic of the message may be the same for all pages of the same outlet.

      (Zobov.) The Whomist field indicates that it is really clear email addresses, associations with jerel rossilki. If notifications to your address are generated by a robot, then the responsible party will have clear and precise instructions on how to contact your support service.

    Correctness of intermediate identification:

    • (Zobov.) Software security If the outlet is working, you can check the output. If the server confirms that the designated customer is not available, then the delivery for that address must be assigned.

      For correct identification domain name May be a substitute, and not an automatic address for the image x.y.z.w-in-addr-arpa or

The Gmail menu contains standard functions, with one exception. I don’t know how to send the sheet by electronic mail to indications hour.

With a standard mailer, we press the “Send” button and the sheet goes to the addressee. We save the sheets in a tray and check at the appointed time. How can I write a sheet and add a submission?

For me, this function is important because you can expand the list to MyLifeOrganized. It was possible to bring the information to the information behind the additional sheet in the instructions.

Google me for help. There were a lot of proposed options, but they were clever and costless:

  • number of sheets per month no more than 10
  • interconnections functionality

For full-fledged versions, you would have to pay for a lot of money. The function of inserting sheets is required, but not for laying, in order to pay for money. Having continued the search and knowing the catless option and the wise one in Vikoristan.

My discovery was the SndLatr extension, which is still called a beta version and is completely free.

Technical points You can see how to install and use SndLatr in this short video:

I'm learning about the nutrition of this tool in full with MyLifeOrganized.

Options for using SndLatr to upload a sheet by electronic mail at the indications hour

1. For further assistance, you have previously registered with MyLifeOrganized and followed up with additional warrant officers.

It takes as much time to create a deposit sheet as it does to write down an assignment with MLO. It’s much easier to just write a sheet of paper and put a line underneath, making a fortune about the next sheet of paper. In another case, we still need to react to fortune-telling.

Now MLO records what we notice from people after tearing off the sheet. All is said goodbye.

Vikoristan butt:

An application for money for government spending is submitted to the accounting department. There is no sense in sending the sheet another day, as the sheet fragments will be ruined.

Having previously written down with MLO:

  • Submit your application on Mondays
  • I check for pennies on Tuesdays

I immediately write the sheet and put it in for Monday. At the MLO I give myself a fortune about recovery.

2. To tell your own fortune.

If you don’t make a decision right away and want the list of the best options later.


Remove the latest sheet from the announcement of the upcoming entry. I want to discuss this at home with my friends this evening. I put it in for a few years and remove it from the output. In the evening I will come again and guess what is best for this sheet. Everyone is timid for help 1-2 push.


  • Vidkrivav MLO
  • Having written down the task
  • Having set a fortune-telling - choosing an hour.

3. Vikoristannaya as a fortune teller for others about zustricha.

At MLO you can learn fortune-telling of power to send to other people.

Everything is great, but there are some minuses:

  • Difficulties with setting up emergency mail (I was only able to connect to the email profile on my site)
  • To edit the software, the program must be enabled on Windows (with the development mobile add-ons MLO for Android and iPhone, vikory program on Windows mainly for data processing)

For the help of the enclosed delivery sheet, please contact us regardless of whether or not.

I respect the vikorystyannaya extension of SndLatr to the special additional system of efficiency


  • Shvidko
  • Bezkoshtovno
  • It’s a good idea to spend time on planning such fortune-telling


  • It takes an hour to verify the certainty and hopelessness. I want not a minus, but additional control.

If you use a tool for inserting sheets that you think is short, below SndLatr, write about it in the comments. Let's marvel. Let's sort it out according to the rules. We vibe the best.

For reading this article, I spent a lot of time creating it for you. I will be happy if you give me your turn signal. Without information from you, this blog cannot exist. So let's get lost for the call!