How to monetize a VKontakte group. Monetization of public. From zero to the first million

I'm growing friends! Today we’ll talk about everything we love on VKontakte. The social network has grown, it receives the love of millions of wealthy people, and therefore has become an excellent source for additional income.

Kozhen navigates our VK page and constantly subscribes to a dozen different groups and partnerships. Marvel at how many koristuvachs averagely subscribe to such publics.

And it’s not important to realize that the administrators of such groups take away their income, and do not do it out of pure satisfaction.

So, today we will look at earnings on VK groups, and how to promote this group itself.

So, creating a group is as easy as shelling pears, these settings are available on the skincare website.

We have all the tools to create a profitable group, but the hardest step, which is the most difficult step to take, is to promote the site in order to obtain prepayments.

It is also possible to generate income not by the fact of your income, but by the number of prepayers. By following the rules of promotion and developing effective tools, you can ensure that the public becomes the main source of stability and achieve high earnings.

The first and simplest stage is the creation of a public. And if you plan to promote him to a decent level, then you won’t be able to face it alone.

Here you have the option of getting a few more administrators, having previously discussed their ideas, or hiring SEO specialists, copywriters, who will deal with the information aspects of the group.

However, it is really possible to protect vikoryst services such as those others that you can admire in.

Come up with a topic for the public. Obviously, the topic is likely to be controversial and appealing to a wide audience.

Develop the system, and this will determine how many posts and new items you will post. The material must be updated regularly and stably, otherwise people will start subscribing, rather than overdo it in another way, if it becomes too popular.

There are plenty of ways to “recruit” prepayers. I can name the most effective of them:

  1. Payment for advertising in already promoted groups. Next, select a public on a similar topic, which has more prepaid fees, contact the administrator and inquire about advertising.
  2. Payment for advertising on special exchanges.
  3. Advertising in other social media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklosniki;
  4. Conducting competitions and giveaways using an additional repost system. There is a small prize for becoming a trigger of interest and attracting people to join your public.
  5. Vikorize tools that demonstrate the same services as the same

Another sure-fire option that I became aware of not so long ago, having become a service Bosslike. This resource works to boost reposts, likes, and most importantly prepayers, Which is extremely important and useful for a quick start.

Naturally, this method also attracts a contribution, but such an investment will quickly pay off, even in addition to advanced methods, we do not advertise the product of current potential investors, but we give the job and pay for a high Effective drying.

And now, if there are a sufficient number of participants in the group, and the content is colorful and luscious, promotion will be a natural process.

People share news, repost posts, tell their friends and acquaintances about the group.

The group is ready, the audience has been assembled, it’s time to decide which way you want to make money from it.

Public in the online store

Thus, the primary group on VKontakte with a large number of prepaid subscribers is an ideal platform for opening a store.

It is not obligatory to follow a given topic; you can create a sales topic, carefully and with gusto, create a link to it and pin it on the wall of the page. It will be a much more effective and profitable way to form a full-value trading platform.

The complexity of such a process is the need to find a reliable supplier, organize the supply and storage of products, create a system of payments, applications and deliveries, as well as ensure a work schedule for timely processing and consultation with clients.

The income of such a business can bring from 250 to 10,000 rubles per profit. The amount will depend on the number of prepayers, demand and relevance of the product.

Earning money from affiliate programs

This method does not require any effort, especially if it is equal to the creation.

In this way, you will not have to act as an intermediary between the buyer and the seller, but only drop the advertising post and check the deal.

Income from such a combination has a wide potential, you can earn 50 dollars per month, or you can earn all 1000. Everything depends on the number of purchases, your activity and effortlessness.

group sales

One of the most radical, and most often the most profitable, types of monetization is sales of a finished group. The price of your group or public will depend on the cost of prepayments, and other factors will include the topic, material and content of the resource.

You can sell the group on special exchanges, I won’t overinsure - their strength is strong. And knowing a client is not at all difficult.

You can earn up to 100 non-qualified income minimums from selling public content.

So I say goodbye. I wish you all success and great results.

Subscribe to my blog, read the latest articles and share information with friends. Subscribe also to the telegram channel - See you soon!

The public is richer in a more popular format, less traditional groups. The VKontakte public is growing bigger and bigger every day, which is not surprising, but it’s also a very effective way to monetize VKontakte. Today's publics make money from advertisements, and, ultimately, this results in a lot of income. On the other hand, advertising may be different, but it may be advertising of other publics or affiliate programs. Such messages themselves are the main driver of monetization on VKontakte, since other publics are advertised primarily in order to further increase their audience and promote their affiliate messages. What is the partner doing? Let's point the butt.

Monetization of VKontakte for additional assistance from affiliates

Let’s say you have a book-related public (readers, science fiction fans, etc.). You register as a partner in an online store that sells books and gain the ability to publish affiliate messages. The largest online bookstore that has its own affiliate program LitRes. If you are a person who has come at your request to make a purchase, then you can withdraw up to 20 hundred rubles from the price of the book. And this kind of monetization scheme on VKontakte today works practically with all goods. However, the target audience is important, and recommending books to the public, which has no connection with this topic, has no meaning. This is not the case for the audience.

There is also a clear possibility of monetization on direct advertisers, for which a specific topic is needed. For example, local publics would be willing to place their advertisements for local companies. Especially if your public becomes one of the most popular. In places with a population of close to one hundred thousand, public advertising with a large number of prepayers in the region of 20-30 thousand can bring up to 2-3 thousand rubles per post.

The topic directly influences the size of your earnings and even greatly influences the minimal audience necessary for your earnings. If you have a public page in which banal quotes are published, then the expected earnings start at 70-100 thousand prepaid. Since the topic is already rich, the figures may vary greatly.

In general, monetization of public VKontakte is accessible to everyone, but it is necessary to take into account that there are no easy pennies here. It’s also not good to copy other people’s ideas, but no one cares and you won’t have a lot of prepayments.

Today's Internet projects allow you to earn money without having to worry about any inquiries. In the future, methods of making money on the Internet based on the principles of monetization of virtual Maidans are gaining popularity.

Unfortunately, monetization has stagnated even for newer personal websites. Today's information platforms have created a serious breakthrough in this direction, providing traders with the opportunity to earn money on any personal web platforms. Thus, having widely expanded the method of earning money, which is at the core of the virtual Maidans of social measures.

Social networks in their ongoing development provide registered clients with not only the ability to interact one-on-one, but also a wide range of tools for the implementation of a commercial Internet project. As a rule, all social media platforms already promote to their participants the possibility of registering a special relationship.

From this point of view, the most advantageous feature is the VKontakte social network, a toolkit that allows you to create virtual accounts of various types. In addition, VKontakte social media is characterized by the highest indicators of traction, the level of which significantly exceeds the values ​​of similar Internet services.

Introduction to earnings on VKontakte

Making money on VKontakte is not so difficult if you know all the key principles of work on the pages of this web service. First of all, it is necessary to say that the principles of monetization can be applied to many different types of virtual Maidans.

  1. special side of the koristuvach;
  2. personal page of the koristuvach;
  3. huge group.

As if the plan had not been prepared by the administrator, it is obligatory to register a special page on VKontakte, since all activities related to the management of the virtual Maidan, please contact for additional information Ogoyu regional record of the koristuvach. Here we can immediately say that you can earn money on VKontakte if you have a guilty marriage.

Regardless of the amount of functionality involved, many of these social media companies are interested in better monetizing their particular side, rather than their partnership. As a rule, this monetization option offers features with a high level of popularity in the field. This does not mean at all that a cross-border merchant cannot monetize his page, however, to achieve a high result, more and more expenses will be required.

While there is a set of available tools, which help monetize the profile assigned to the account user, then there is an edge - the features of the site are not supported by advertising exchanges, and their functionality restrictions are significant but it complicates the process of acquiring new prepayers.

A much simpler option for making money on VKontakte is monetization of income.

Currently, the VKontakte website offers the ability to register two types of accounts. The type of personal page ensures the adaptation of the personal account of the client under the new registration of personal status.

Regardless of the name of this type of Maidan, many web masters promote their personal page as a valuable alternative replacement for a group. Monetization of a personal page is accompanied by simpler development processes, so this type is optimally suited for ordinary clients.

Another type of community, such as transferring to social networks on VKontakte, is called a group. This version of the maydan has more functionality - there is a wide range of options both for draining sleepiness and for managing it. In most cases, the monetization of the VKontakte group is carried out by a large working team.

This fact is due to the fact that all work carried out by the group is deposited in its entirety in the warehouse warehouse, while on different personal pages part of the work can be transferred to the remittance warehouse. In simple words, the VKontakte group is a more reliable and powerful type of communication, a lower personal page.

How is the monetization of the VKontakte virtual platform controlled?

Without choosing any option of the Maidan koristuvach, you can still select the key methods of monetization from all of them. At the current moment, the advocates of the negotiated social measures are victorious the following monetization methods:

  1. sales of advertising records;
  2. earnings from CPA services;
  3. earnings from referral programs.

The main source of income for the rich virtual Maidans is advertising. This is the only way to earn money on VKontakte, which involves transferring the majority of the social network. This is a way to earn money sales of advertising records, What is located on the pages of the administrator's profile. Such records are an excellent way to get new clients to pay their dues, which means that advertising sales will be in high demand at this time.

Advertising can be advertised by both advertising administrators and the owners of special pages, but the rest may serve more targeted sales channels. So, today, sales of advertising records are available through special exchanges and direct subsidies. Directly, the sale option is the most profitable for both parties, since the payment transaction in this case is carried out instantly and does not require payment of additional commission fees.

If it is carried out through specialized advertising exchanges, they provide the Maidan operators with a full guarantee, however, such a service requires the payment of additional commissions for insurance. Kerivniki Maidanchik VKontakte can be quickly served by the services of the official and unofficial exchange.

Both options have an identical principle of operation, and the entire difference lies in the amount of the commission fee - the official VKontakte advertising exchange requires high-cost payments, but there is an unofficial alternative. Finally, it is important to say that the methods of selling advertising records can only be used in the outside world by only kerivniks spilnot - vlasniks of special pages on VKontakte, the only option available is direct sale without intermediaries.

How to make money on the Internet through social media?

Earning money on the Internet through an additional virtual platform in social media, opening up a new direction for the development of CPA services. Since previously the opportunity to earn money on CPA programs was available only to website owners, today such an option for withdrawing profits can be used by any client with a guilty account in social media.

Monetization of this type is supported by placement of special messages on the Maidan pages. In short, the administrator of the Maidan takes away a penny from the city in the event that a participant of his Maidan proceeds through the posted CPA message, after which the song ends.

How you can proceed with registration on the site, song activity, registration of orders and much more (specific actions depend on the type of affiliate platform). The most popular CPA services in RuNet are platforms i. This method of monetization can be achieved quickly by both the sellers of spilnots and the owners of special pages.

An equally popular method of monetizing the Maidan is via referral programs.

Current Internet services, as a rule, have a system of referral requests in their warehouse, which results in an influx of new clients. The social network VKontakte has a method of earning money, which is based on placing referral messages, which can be highly effective - users of sites with a large base of repayers can earn significant sums of money by taking part in federal programs of various web projects.

So, during the remaining hours on the pages of the affiliated partnerships on VKontakte, you can often get referral messages for the cashback service (,), as well as mobile projects for earning money (,). Koristuvachki, who have passed registration according to the posted instructions, bring regular passive income to the administrator of the Maidan. As with CPA programs, it is not only the administrators of the account, but also the owners of special sites who can quickly earn money on referral systems.


Methods of earning money on the Internet, relevant today, allow you to earn income through your social media accounts. Monetization of the VKontakte virtual platform can be an alternative option for withdrawing profits.

Today, VKontakte users can earn money not only through the help of personal accounts, but also through the use of special pages. In this article, we briefly looked at the key principles of monetization on VKontakte. On the basis of the information provided, you can find out about those:

  1. Customers can change the principles of monetization for groups, personal pages and special pages;
  2. The most effective methods of monetization are advertising sales, placement of CPA messages, and participation in referral programs.

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The boom of groups in contact began with a number of fates for those who quickly became wiser and began to develop their strength, who had long since become a millionaire.

In today's realities, the idea is that such hours have long ended and now it is no longer possible to make money on groups.

In fact, it is possible to make money on the public, and as will be seen from the applications, it is generally decent, and in some cases, it is worth a lot of money.

And so, let's look in detail at how you can make money on groups in contact on specific butts with numbers.

How much money is there in social media and how much money can you earn on VK groups?

On the Kommersant website, it is said that the revenue of publics, groups and various networks on VKontakte amounted to 250,000,000 rubles in 2017 alone.

This revenue was generated from the development of new tools called “Market Platform” and “Merezha VKontakte - RSVC”. We’ll get back to them a little later, but in the meantime, park the numbers.

If we take 250 million and multiply by 12 months, we arrive at a figure of 3,000,000,000 rubles per river.

Those at least 3 billion rubles per river can circulate in groups and public. Not bad, right? Moreover, there is no insurance for earnings that go through every exchange.

It’s important not to forget about the fact that there are pennies on the Internet - there are more and more advertisements. Great advertisers actively come here for advertising.

I think we’ve settled the matter, it’s a pittance, now we need to understand how everything works in practice.

In what ways can you make money on groups in contact?

You can see 2 main types of income that can be applied to practically all social activities.

  1. Creation of rozvazhalnyh spіlnots
  2. Special blog

Let's take a closer look at this skin type.

1. Creation of rozvazhalnyh spіnots

The easiest way to make money is in VKontakte groups through partnerships based on interests. Apparently, this is the most competitive way to earn money.

There are a lot of people here who want to earn some money, which means they have to work both with their heads and with their hands.

The broadest interests (topics) in social media are humor, cooking, sports, income, etc. All of them can be politely called “rozhazhalnye spilnots”.

In such niches there is no need to think or work hard, people just want to watch funny videos, beautiful pictures and read smart thoughts. There are fewer and fewer such people.

1. Select topics

This is one of the most important stages. Before choosing those you need to go very seriously. Even if the niche is properly selected, your income will lie.

Try to choose only the topic that suits you effectively. It will be even better if you understand this topic well.

For example, if you love cooking, then you can safely go to the cookery. So, you can provide your prepayers with very clear content.

With thousands of different recipes, you can give your audience some of the most delicious and original recipes for all types of life.

2. Relevance

At what stage is it necessary to understand this topic? While everything is clear with cooking, with other niches everything is not so simple.

Find all your competitors in VK and be sure to gain the respect of the number of prepayers, there are certainly few of them, otherwise you will take a long time to promote your group.

Row search VKontakte

This niche obviously benefits from popularity. Apparently I came across a dozen groups of millions of prepayers.

Please! Choose a broad topic. The more traffic there is, the easier it will be for them to get promoted!

3. For whom will the group be assigned?

Try to focus only on the woman or only on the human audience.

Women deserve one thing, but men deserve something completely different. And it is unreasonable to show the same advertisement to both people.

Even at the very start, you will have to think about how you will earn money for your group.

What will happen? Affiliate programs or will you provide advertising management to the automatic system of VKontakte?

4. Century

Let's not even think about it - what kind of audience will the group be insured for? The fewer prepayments your group has, the less you can earn from it.

The older your audience is, the more pennies you can earn. Students don't have a lot of pennies, and adults don't have any. It's simple.

5. Competition

There is no need to be afraid of competition in contacts. If it is, then it is a popular topic. I have already said: the more traffic, the more income (in addition to those).

But there is one very important detail. It is your responsibility to properly assess your financial capabilities in order to compete with others.

The largest prepaid groups earn more and more money in their topic.

If you really want to achieve serious financial results, then you need to become No. 1 in your niche.

6. Ideas for posts in the group

Many newcomers absolutely do not understand the stars and their content. It’s easy to do everything here.

The best way is to create content yourself. If there are no such skills, then you can take them from your competitors.

It’s amazing how everything works with a simple example. When a newcomer creates his first group, he tries to pour his whole soul into it.

He comes up with useful posts and selects beautiful pictures to accompany them. I've been searching for interesting information on websites and YouTube for years.

Why bother the great admin group? It’s good to know that newcomers are trying to “popularize” such content. Administrators simply recognize such donors and “get excited” about their posts.

This is such injustice, unfortunately. I never ask you to work like that. I am simply sharing valuable information with you.

Before speaking, VK has recently begun to value unique content as “copy-paste” and social media distributors are urging people to use their unique content in order to promote their retention and capture, and these indicators directly flow into earnings.

7. Group creation

As you have written down all the details that have been described, then the very hour.

Design it beautifully and fill it with the first content. Get at least 15 - 20 shortest posts. Remember, we chatter on our clothes.

8. Group promotion

The most difficult psychological stage for most people is investing pennies in the promotion of their group.

If you want to make money on VKontakte groups, then you can’t do without deposits. If you put in 0, you take away 0.

You can find out how to promote a group correctly and on a budget.

Remember! No matter how good or bad your group may be, without prepayments it means nothing.

At the initial stage, you will concentrate first on the set of prepaid payments, and only then can you start thinking about making money!

Avoid all kinds of markups! It’s too early for VKontakte to ban you, and then you’ll waste a lot of money, or even an hour.

Such markups are calculated very simply. Practice honestly and you will be happy with the results you see.

9. Earnings

The most important point for rich people is the best way to earn money on a group in contact.

There is no clear answer to this question of nutrition. Everything will depend on several factors:

  1. Niche and quantity of prepayers
  2. audience size
  3. monetization methods
1. Nisha and prepayers

With this, we have become less settled with you. If you have a Minecraft group, then you are unlikely to earn a lot of money here, even if you have 1,000,000 prepayments. Schoolchildren don’t have a lot of pennies, which means advertisers simply won’t be interested in your group.

If you have a group of special finances, then in it you can earn a lot of money with a small number of prepayments of 30 - 50 thousand prepayments.

2. Gaining an audience

A very important factor. VKontakte is gradually changing its ranking algorithms. For low-quality content, VK simply does not charge your posts to prepayers.

This is clearly visible in any kind of partnership. Go to any group and look under the post at the icon in front of your eye. This number will show the recording of the recording. How many people were inspired by Denmark's post.

For example, I paid 6,000,000 prepayments to the culinary group. I know the post that was published back and marveled at the accumulation of records. The total amount is 212,000. And where is the sum of 5,800,000 people? And the people who posted the news gained only 100 - 150 thousand views.

The group has more than 6,000,000 prepayers, but in total there will be 200,000

On the right is that VKontakte has an algorithm called “reasonable stitching”. So the axis itself means showing a specific post to prepayers.

Piece intelligence in action! If your posts receive few likes, comments, reposts and views, the system means that this content is worthless and has nothing to show to other people.

This algorithm has one more explanation. Everyone understands that VK makes money from advertising sales.

Obviously, VK needs you to spend money on developing your strength. You will buy traffic in order to promote recruitment.

All advertisers are sacrificing their respect for this show. It’s not enough to highlight the number of prepayers. Ignore the records.

As I already said, at the initial stage you will need to steadily invest money in buying traffic.

3. Ways to monetize the group

The VK administration has created very handy services “Market platform” and “Advertising network VKontakte”, which allow you not to think about the searches of advertisers and allows you to collect income on autopilot.

Earnings in automatic mode

All you need to earn is to submit an application for connection to these services. As soon as you connect, you will immediately start earning money automatically.

This is specially designed for those people who only want to focus on creative and unique content and do not want to think about those things and how to prank people who want to buy advertising from them.

Such earnings will directly contribute to the number of records in the group. I'll point the butt.

And my relative has a small group of 30,000 prepayers in an even small niche.

Remember, I told you, should you choose a broad topic? So we cannot physically separate the axis of this group, because there are not a great number of people there.

What are we expecting at the moment? 30 thousand prepayments, 10 thousand per day. Earnings are only 210 rubles per day. This income comes from advertising on VKontakte (RSVK).

An example of a group's earnings in contact with 30,000 prepayers

The market is a platform for small groups that is practically marginal, and an axis for large groups, which mainly results in income. The very result of such advertising was the figure of 250 million rubles in monthly revenue.

I showed you this butt in order for you to learn and understand. There are too many small groups in contact, but I pay very little for the stink. Why is it necessary to first put down the No. 1 article in the niche?

Earning money from affiliate programs

As you see, small groups cannot afford insurance on automatic income, so they can’t bring in very few pennies.

In such cases, come to help for help. Before speaking, there are groups of millionaires in contact who earn decent money for running affiliate programs.

This is what the axle looks like on a specific stock. The group has 1,200,000 prepaid advertisers placing advertising posts through affiliate programs. The group admin will charge 500 rubles for skin treatment.

Advertising a product with an affiliate program in the VK group

As long as you sign up in this group, you can only guess. In 1 day you can place up to 5 advertising posts.

An advertiser's joke

If you didn’t sit with your hands clasped, then you can start kidding people who want to buy advertising from you. May you not have a lot of upfront payments, and the price for advertising will not be high.

This method is more similar to spam, since you will have to write to a lot of people in a personal message and advertise your advertisement. Be careful, otherwise VK will easily block your page.

Over the course of the year, you will make new acquaintances with other group administrators. This is something that can be emphasized in the advertising space without fail. So, everyone will always need traffic and new prepayments.

group sales

The VKontakte administration does not support such resale. But in any case, a good group that can bring in pennies can be sold very quickly.

If you want to initially develop your income and then sell it, then register as a new accountant in VK and link it to another SIM card. We can now simplify the sales process.

Don’t forget that with such favors it’s very easy to spend money on the Shahraev. From now on, work through guarantees.

If they fool you, then VK is unlikely to help you. So, sales and purchases of groups are protected by the rules of social security itself.

Case: 370,000 rubles per month for a women-themed group

In contact is the group "Ranevskaya.LIVE". Veda is a simple girl. Net income from the total cost of living is more than 200,000 rubles per month.

The group invested over 1,500,000 rubles in traffic. Of them, 350,000 are their own. 1,150,000 rubles were deposited back. 1 prepayment costs 1.8 rubles.

The group brought in 370,000 rubles in revenue. Of these, 150,000 were spent on advertising. 220,000 came out clean in 1 month.

This simple girl rose from the 0 group and achieved nasty financial results.

2. Special blog

If you love publicity and want to be famous, and also earn a lot of money, then this format will definitely suit you.

People deserve to follow the lives of other people. We are so vlashtovani. That’s why the blog format has been so popular for a long time.

By running your own blog, you will, first of all, promote a special brand. You create a name for yourself in your niche and become a thought leader.

Your goals will be: content of the highest quality. This strategy can be summarized indirectly, yes. Otherwise, people have no reason to subscribe to you.

Here there is a direct staleness. The more prepayers in the group, the more money you can earn.

More and more such special blogs are appearing in contacts. If you choose this path, then it’s not easy to get insurance on a Swedish salary.

To start earning 1,000,000 rubles per month, you may need more than one week. Insure for a long period.

From the very beginning you will be able to gain trust from your audience and only then you will be able to monetize it.

A thought leader can make money in absolutely different ways.

1. Selling your services

For example, you can sell basic courses or consultations. This type of activity is also powerfully designated as “Infobusiness”. If you do everything correctly, then this way of earning money will bring you the most money.

Monster butt tsyomu, special blog. Having said more than once that he has achieved such great results on his special VKontakte blog.

He has his own VKontakte group, regularly writing tweets and posts about starting a business. And he managed to gain great trust from his audience, so that he could bring in millions of rubles at a time.

These prepayers are steadily buying up various trainings and franchises. His property costs 1,000,000 rubles, and the boys’ money costs only 26 rubles.

Only in the harsh year of 2018, this project earned 75 million rubles. This is an excellent example of the fact that a simple group in contact, divided into a special blog, can bring great profits to your ruler.

There are at least 600,000 prepayers in this group, which is the main topic of business and special development.

2. Sales of goods and services through an affiliate program

If you have your own audience and trust you, then your pleasure and recommendation will be accepted as authoritative.

If for any reason you don’t want to become information businessmen, then promote other people’s products, goods or services for a commission.

3. Advertising sales

The easiest way for a blogger to earn money is through advertising sales. If you become great + 300 - 500 thousand upfront payers, then a lot of people will flock to you who want to buy advertising from you.

Ale and here varto be extremely respectful. And for everything you will bear witness with your reputation.

At what number of prepayers in a group can I start earning money?

If you can’t get enough of 10 thousand, then get involved with affiliate programs. You can easily earn tens of thousands of rubles per month with them.


To make money on groups in contact, you need to formulate your strength. The more active and active you are, the greater your income will be.

Naturally, this will not happen on its own. In any case, you will have to invest pennies in the promotion of the group.

Such groups can be created without any boundaries. Administrators who earn up to 1,000,000 rubles per month, they usually have a lot of great posts on various topics.

Another butt for you. The administrator of this group earns 2,000,000 rubles per month. This number has a total of over 6,000,000 prepayers.