Long-distance connection Internet provider. A distant sound. By ceasing to process the input connection from the place, or the internal and output connection, you begin to work

A distant call across the edges







The Law “About Links”, which was adopted on 1st June 2004, but was actually requested to begin in 2005 (if necessary legislative acts were adopted), the Ministry of Communications adopted a horizontal model of liberalization telecommunications market. To obtain an alternative license for long-distance calls, the telephone company can provide access points (and be present) in all regions of Russia.

Kodi select operator call

At this time, code the selection of the operator when selecting the remaining one to ensure subscribers’ access to international and international services telephone call, recognized to the following companies:

Operator Mizhmi code International code Universal code 8-15-XX Category CPC
1 VAT "Rostelecom" 55 10 55 1
2 VAT "Mobile TeleSystems" 23 28 23 2
3 VAT "Vimpel-Communications" 51 56 51 3
4 TOV "Ekvant" 54 59 59 4
5 JSC "TransTeleCom Company" 52 57 57 6
6 CJSC "Sinterra" 22 27 22 7
7 VAT "ARKTEL" 21 26 21 8
8 VAT "Interregional TransitTelecom" 53 58 19 9
9 LLC "O.S.S.-Telecom" - - 14 -
10 VAT "Megafon" - - 15 -
11 CJSC "OptiTelecom" - - 16 -
12 TOV "Mobіfon-2000" - - 17 -
13 TOV "KONEKT" 24 29 20 -

Dialing procedure

March 1st, 2006 In Russia, the procedure for dialing an international or international number has been changed from the old ones.

In the old order, international and international calls were made by dialing the number 8 (at telephone exchanges with automatic interconnections, for most of them), and dialing through the Rostelecom operator. For the new procedure, it is not enough to dial “8”; you must select the operator through which the call (two-digit number) will be sent, and then the number. In addition, you can switch to one of the operators on a permanent basis (Pre-Select mode), in which the order of dialing the number is old simply through “8”, and the operator is calling the whole hour. In this mode, you can make calls through other operators by simply selecting code 15 after “8”, and then continuing with the new schemes.

In a number of regions, subscribers can select the Pre-Select mode without visiting the company’s office by calling a special automatic number. This is possible in the companies MGTS (Moscow), Dalzvyazok (all subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District), Uralsvyazinform (all subjects of the Urals Federal District), Bashinformsvyazok (Bashkortostan), Tattelecom (Tatarstan).

Alternative operators are running a campaign to call subscribers, encouraging them to switch to their services right during the call - for which they can complete their selection through an automatic number. Also, any subscriber can make long-distance calls by immediately selecting an operator for that call (Hot-Choice mode).

In mode Pre-Select, if a subscriber chooses to use one operator and is deprived of his services, the dialing order is preserved:

  • 8-beep-АВС-ххх – when the phone rings, (de: АВС – location code, ххх – subscriber number)
  • 8-beep-10-country code-xxx - when international call(de: xxx - location code and subscriber number)

In mode Hot-Choice The subscriber selects an operator using a skin call:

  • 8-beep-mizhmyskogo operator code-ABC-xxx – when you ring (de: АВС – location code, ххх – subscriber number)
  • 8-beep-international operator code-country code-xxx - for international calls (de: xxx - location code and subscriber number)
  • 8-beep-15-universal operator code-8-АВС-ххх – with a ringing call (de: АВС – location code, ххх – subscriber number)
  • 8-beep-15-universal operator code-810-country code-xxx - for international calls (de: xxx - location code and subscriber number)

When you call mobile phones from stationary units from federal numbers There are the same rules.

  • 8-beep-international operator code-xxx-xxxxxxx (xxx-xxxxxxx - mobile phone)
  • 8-beep-15-universal operator code-xxx-xxxxxxx (xxx-xxxxxxx - mobile phone)


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  • Distant sound- article from the Great Radian Encyclopedia.
  • Far connection (Russian market): Statti: Far connection (Russian market)

The lesson that characterizes the Distant Link

- Whoa?
- I'm an officer. “I need you,” said the Russian and gentlemanly voice.
Mavra Kuzminishna took a bite. And there are seventeen round-faced officers with a similar appearance to the Rostovs.
- We're gone, father. Yesterday evening we were allowed to go,” Mavra Kuzmipishna said kindly.
The young officer, standing in front of him, couldn't help but click his tongue.
- Oh, what a shame!.. - after drinking. - Meni b uchora... Oh, how bad it is!
Mavra Kuzminishna at that time respectfully and sensitively looked at the familiar Rostov breed rice in the young man’s person, and the torn overcoat, and the worn out boots that he was wearing.
- Do you need the Count? - She asked for it.
- Why bother! - the officer washed himself in annoyance and took hold of the screw, no matter how he died. Once again, he began to sink into insanity.
- Are you bachite? - Raptom said vin. “I am a relative of the count, and he has always been kind to me.” So, you see (you marveled at your cloak and care with a kind and cheerful smile), and you wear yourself, and there are no pennies; so I want to ask the count.
Mavra Kuzminishna did not allow him to do his homework.
- You should check the hvilinka, father. “One little thing,” she said. And just as the officer let go of his hand, Mavra Kuzminishna turned and, like a smooth old man, walked towards the back door to her outbuilding.
When Mavra Kuzminishna ran to her place, the officer, lowering his head and marveling at his breakthrough in his work, laughed lightly, looking like a yard. “It’s a shame that I didn’t catch you, uncle. What a nice old lady! Where did she go? And how can I find out which streets will be the closest to catch up with the regiment that may now be approaching Rogozka?” - the young officer thought. Mavra Kuzminishna came out from behind the horn with a chanting and decisive appearance, carrying a burnt Khustin card in her hands. Without reaching the handful of crumbs, she, having flared up the hustka, pulled out a white twenty-five-ruble note from it and hastily gave it to the officer.
“If their lordship were in the house, obviously, the smell would definitely be like home, but maybe... now...” Mavra Kuzminishna began to earn money and laugh. Ale officer, do not wait and do not hurry, taking the papyrus and signing Mavri Kuzminishna. “Like a count at home,” Mavra Kuzminishna kept saying, shaking. - Christ is with you, father! God bless you,” said Mavra Kuzminishna, bowing and seeing him off. The officer, laughing at himself, laughing and stealing his head, might as well risk escaping through the empty streets to bring his regiment to the Yauzky Bridge.
And Mavra Kuzminishna stood for a long time with wet eyes in front of the filled wound, thoughtfully holding her head and feeling the indignation of the surge of maternal tenderness and pity for the unknown officer.

At the unfurnished booth on Varvartsa, downstairs of what used to be a drinking booth, one could hear drunken cries and songs. About ten factory workers were sitting on the benches and tables near the small dormitory room. All the stench, the drunkenness, the sleepiness, with creaky eyes, straining and wide-opening mouths, sang the same song. The stinks sang loudly, forcefully, loudly, obviously not because they wanted to sleep, but in order to make sure that the stinks were drinking and walking. One of them, a tall white lad with a pure blue sense, stood above them. Facing him with a thin, straight nose, it would be beautiful, as if he were not thin, bowed, lips that were constantly curled, and creased and wrinkled, and unruly eyes. Standing over those who were sleeping, and perhaps revealing themselves, calmly and unapologetically waving a white hand over their heads with a white hand rolled up to the elbow, the chest fingers of which were unnaturally tempting to be opened. His sleeve fell down perfectly, and the little one carefully pushed his left hand up again, it was especially important that his white, sinewy hand waved and was always bare. In the middle of the song, the sounds of strikes and blows were felt in the shade and on the ganka. The tall lad waved his hand.
- Sabbath! - shouting instructively. - Bike, boys! - And vin, never cease to roll up your sleeve, vyishov on ganok.
The factory workers followed him. The factory workers, who drank the tavern under the wire of the tall man, brought kissing skins from the factory, and for this they were given wine. The farriers from the court, sensing a party in the tire and respecting that the tire had been broken, the silomits wanted to make sure of the new one. The fight began on the gang.
The kisser at the door fought with the forge, and as the factory workers came out, the forger broke away from the kisser and fell into incrimination on Brooke.
Another farrier rushed at the door, piling his breasts on the kisser.
Maliy, with his sleeve rolled up as he walked, hit the farrier in the face, rushing at the door, and shouted wildly:
- Guys! our b'yut!
At this hour, the first farrier rose from the ground and, raising blood on his broken face, shouted in a voice:
- Guard! They killed!.. They killed the people! Brothers!..
- Oh, fathers, they beat a man to death, they beat a man to death! - The woman squealed that she had left the countryside. A crowd of people gathered around the crooked farrier.
“Having robbed a few people, taken their shirts,” said someone’s voice, brutalizing them to the point of kissing them, “what did you kill the people for?” Rogue!
The tall lad, standing on the ganka, casting his murmured eyes first at the kisser, now at the farriers, his eyes fading, with whom he now fights.
- Soul killer! - Yelling loudly at the commander. - Tie it up, boys!
- Well, I called one of these! - shouted the kisser, shaking off the people who attacked him, and, taking his hat, throwing it to the ground. As soon as this action is small, because of the hidden menacing meaning, the factories that surrounded the kisser began to huddle in indifference.
“Brother, I know the order like a miracle.” I'll go private. Do you think I won’t go? Now don’t tell anyone to commit robbery! - shouted the kisser, raising his hat.

telephone and telegraph communications via wired and radio relay lines between correspondents, which are practically not interconnected, one way at a time. For D. s. Multi-channel systems with strengthened line connections are used, and relaying is stagnated.

  • - 1939, 87th century, B/W. Genre: comedy. dir. Evgen Cherv'yakov, screenplay Boris Chirskov, opera. Svyatoslav Belyaev, art. Mikola Suvorov, Maria Fateeva, comp. Volodimir Shcherbachov, sound. Yuri Kurzner...

    Lenfilm. Annotated catalog of films (1918-2003)

  • - the warehouse unit of the Radyan Airborne Forces, intended for the destruction of military targets near enemy lines, both continental and oceanic theaters of war, as well as conducting operational and strategic air reconnaissance.

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  • - connections between the NKPS and roads and roads between each other...

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  • - province of Rome in Spain, established in 197 BC. Included a huge sum of money for Carthage for the people. Ebro ta south. district of the Perenean Peninsula...

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  • - Telephone-tel. connections with cable and radio relay lines between two points that are located at a distant distance, one way at a time. The term "D. s." VINIC at the electrical transmission technology. signals via wired communication lines...

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  • - one of the types of aviation that enters the warehouse of the Radyansky Air Force. Until 1942 D. a. was called long-range bomber aviation, and since 1942 - long-range aviation.
  • - telephone and telegraph communications via wired and radio relay lines between correspondents located at a distant location, one way at a time.

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  • - Roman province on the rainy coast of Spain.

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  • - KV-sv"...

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Between two points that are located at a distance (practically not interconnected) there is one view of one another. The term “long-distance communication” originates from the technology of transmitting electrical signals over wire lines.

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A distant call across the edges[ | ]

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In the old order, international and international calls were made by dialing the number 8 (at telephone exchanges with automatic interconnections, for most of them), and dialing through the Rostelecom operator. For the new procedure, it is not enough to dial “8”; you must select the operator through which the call (two-digit number) will be sent, and then the number. In addition, you can switch to one of the operators on a permanent basis (mode), in which case the order of dialing the number is old simply through “8”, and the operator is always on call all the time. In this mode, you can make calls through other operators by simply selecting code 15 after “8”, and then continuing with the new schemes.

In a number of regions, subscribers can select the Pre-Select mode without visiting the company’s office by calling a special automatic number. This is possible in the companies MGTS (Moscow), Dalzvyazok (all subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District), Uralsvyazinform (all subjects of the Urals Federal District), Bashinformsvyazok (Bashkortostan), Tattelecom (Tatarstan).

Alternative operators are running a campaign to call subscribers, encouraging them to switch to their services right during the call - for which they can complete their selection through an automatic number. Also, any subscriber can make long-distance calls by immediately selecting an operator for that call (Hot-Choice mode).

In mode, if a subscriber chooses to dial one operator and is deprived of his services, the dialing order is preserved:

  • 8-beep-АВС-ххх – when the phone rings, (de: АВС – location code, ххх – subscriber number)
  • 8-beep-10-country code-xxx - for international calls (de: xxx - location code and subscriber number)

In mode Hot-Choice The subscriber selects an operator using a skin call:

  • 8-beep-mizhmyskogo operator code-ABC-xxx – when you ring (de: АВС – location code, ххх – subscriber number)
  • 8-beep-international operator code-country code-xxx - for international calls (de: xxx - location code and subscriber number)
  • 8-beep-15-universal operator code-8-АВС-ххх – with a ringing call (de: АВС – location code, ххх – subscriber number)
  • 8-beep-15-universal operator code-810-country code-xxx - for international calls (de: xxx - location code and subscriber number)

When calling mobile phones from landlines with federal numbers, the same rules apply.

  • 8-beep-international operator code-xxx-xxxxxxx (xxx-xxxxxxx - mobile phone)
  • 8-beep-15-universal operator code-xxx-xxxxxxx (xxx-xxxxxxx - mobile phone)

Distant sound- telephone-telegraph connections with cable and radio relay lines between two points that are located at a distance (practically not interconnected) one way at a time. The term “long-distance communication” originates from the technology of transmitting electrical signals over wire lines.


A distant call across the edges


Main article: Contact in Azerbaijan






In the old order, international and international calls were made by dialing the number 8 (at telephone exchanges with automatic interconnections, for most of them), and dialing through the Rostelecom operator. For the new procedure, it is not enough to dial “8”; you must select the operator through which the call (two-digit number) will be sent, and then the number. In addition, you can switch to one of the operators on a permanent basis (Pre-Select mode), in which the order of dialing the number is old simply through “8”, and the operator is calling the whole hour. In this mode, you can make calls through other operators by simply selecting code 15 after “8”, and then continuing with the new schemes.

In a number of regions, subscribers can select the Pre-Select mode without visiting the company’s office by calling a special automatic number. This is possible in the companies MGTS (Moscow), Dalzvyazok (all subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District), Uralsvyazinform (all subjects of the Urals Federal District), Bashinformsvyazok (Bashkortostan), Tattelecom (Tatarstan).

Alternative operators are running a campaign to call subscribers, encouraging them to switch to their services right during the call - for which they can complete their selection through an automatic number. Also, any subscriber can make long-distance calls by immediately selecting an operator for that call (Hot-Choice mode).

In mode Pre-Select, if a subscriber chooses to use one operator and is deprived of his services, the dialing order is preserved:

  • 8-beep-АВС-ххх – when the phone rings, (de: АВС – location code, ххх – subscriber number)
  • 8-beep-10-country code-xxx - for international calls (de: xxx - location code and subscriber number)

In mode Hot-Choice The subscriber selects an operator using a skin call:

  • 8-beep-mizhmyskogo operator code-ABC-xxx – when you ring (de: АВС – location code, ххх – subscriber number)
  • 8-beep-international operator code-country code-xxx - for international calls (de: xxx - location code and subscriber number)
  • 8-beep-15-universal operator code-8-АВС-ххх – with a ringing call (de: АВС – location code, ххх – subscriber number)
  • 8-beep-15-universal operator code-810-country code-xxx - for international calls (de: xxx - location code and subscriber number)

When calling mobile phones from landlines with federal numbers, the same rules apply.

  • 8-beep-international operator code-xxx-xxxxxxx (xxx-xxxxxxx - mobile phone)
  • 8-beep-15-universal operator code-xxx-xxxxxxx (xxx-xxxxxxx - mobile phone)

Further communication is the transmission of telephone and other signals to a large area. There are links between channels that connect stations (units) together. A communication channel is a set of technical line and station devices that can transmit changes electric strum telephone, telegraph or other signal.
The telephone channel is organized by the tone frequency channel of the primary EACC network with a slight bandwidth of 300 to 3400 Hz. With the physical lancinar, the communication range is determined by the amount of attenuation of the signal. Since the intensity of the signal at the output of the microphone of the transmitting telephone is approximately 1 mW, and the telephone of a suitable device will provide sufficient sensitivity at a pressure of 0.001 mW, then when the telephones are constantly turned on in the line The signal may change no more than 1000 times. Range of connection when setting:
on a wind tunnel with copper wires with a diameter of 3-4 mm - 300-500 km;
on a wind tunnel with steel wires with a diameter of 4-5 mm - 70-90 km;
on a cable line, with middle cores with a diameter of 1-1.2 mm - 20-30 km.
The communication range can be increased by changing the extinction (for example, by increasing the diameter of the wires), by increasing the level of transmission or reception (the inclusion of boosters). The boosters that boost tonal frequencies are called telephone boosters. To increase the range of the connection in the ring, turn on the interim boosters through the singing parts. A plot of lancet, spread between two vessels, between the transmission and the reinforcement, or between the reception and the reinforcement, is called a reinforcement plot. The loss of the cutaneous strength is compensated by the strengthening of the thyroid perineal strength.
When calling the same phone telephone set In order to transmit and then receive information, the transmission of information in both directions requires the creation of two independent one-way channels. Since boosters only boost currents in one direction of transmission, they are connected to a double telephone station using a differential DS system. The two-way telephone channel, which consists of two one-way channels, is shown in Fig. 66. Signal transmission in different directions takes place behind two different two-wire physical lances. Such a telephone channel is called a channel of a single-layer wire system. The name “single-channel” means that transmission in both directions is affected by streams in the same mix of frequencies.
A two-way telephone call can be organized using the same two-wire physical network. For this purpose, it is necessary to install two differential systems and two boosters, which are called duplex boosters, at the skin pressure point. Such a channel is called a channel of the single-layer double-wire system. Differential systems suppress the flow the call of the bell In duplex boosters, there is a constant balance between the supports of the balance circuits and the input supports of the supporting sections of the lancer. However, it is not possible to completely suppress the striae of the ligament, some of them pass from one section of the lancin to another, forcing them under strength. As the sumar stream of the gateway link will reach the great, create the mind of self-awakening of any kind of duplex booster. To avoid this, I will see the number of duplex boosters that are sequentially switched on at the lances, there is no need to overextend the five or six that separate the long-range connection. Therefore, for the connection on the large surface, four conductive channels are stagnated, the fragments of only one lance of the gate connection (through the differential systems of the end reinforcements) are removed, regardless of the number of intermediate forces Yuvachiv included in the channel. With only a few wired channels, a secondary station is needed to organize four darts instead of two.