More icons on iPhone 10. How to turn on a larger screen on iPhone. Shvidke's muttering between programs

A couple of days ago, while I was wiping the iPhone screen with my fingers, I noticed that the images on the phone’s display seemed to have gotten larger. The first thing that came to mind was to re-enable iOS, but after re-enablement nothing had changed and the work desk was still blocked. I didn’t know what to work and was already thinking about working, discounting the factory settings. Alas, this is the end of the day! The idea was to search for the answer on the Internet - ask for the sake of the all-knowing Google.

The answer did not bother to check for long and the solution was found after several minutes. Getting ahead of myself, I would like to clarify that the enhancement effect may not appear on all iPhone users, but only on those who enable the Enhancement function in their universal access settings.

So, what needs to be done to make the screen on the iPhone look like before, and not become bigger?

Tap 2 times simultaneously with three fingers on the iPhone display and the image will immediately change. And if you instead of two dots create three, then an enlarged menu will appear on the iPhone screen by clicking on the button Change the image on the display to become normal. This can also be done by pulling the increase/change slider to the left, which is located at the very bottom of the menu.

As it turned out, the result was a larger screen, not a software glitch at all, but one of the functions of the phone, intended for people with limited abilities. To speed up or turn it off, go to the Settings program and select the Main menu → Universal access→ Increase and add or subtract increments from the increase function

If for some reason you are unable to get a larger screen on your iPhone, then use your computer with iTunes installed.

Procedure 1 Connect iOS devices to your computer

Krok 2 Launch iTunes and restore your gadget

Lesson 3 In the Settings menu, click the Customize Universal Access button...

Croc 4 Check the Don't vikorize box and click OK

iPhone X, having lost not only its advanced design, but also its special functions, makes it much easier to use as a smartphone. 9to5Mac has compiled a collection of 15 positives and joys for all Apple flagships.

Manual access

The iPhone X is smaller than the iPhone 8 Plus. It’s no less true that across a large diagonal, reaching the upper edges of the screen can be problematic, as you use the smartphone with one hand.

However, the top icons can be adjusted to a manual height. What is needed for:

  • Go to Settings => Main => Universal access;
  • and allow manual access, which is necessary for washing.

Now, you can pull your home or any other screen down and the top programs to the center of the display.

When Manual Access is activated, the Service Point or Notification Center can also be accessed from the middle of the screen. To do this, just pull your finger down at the bottom of the display, and then slide it down along the left or right edge of the screen.

Check battery charge

There are a number of ways to determine the level of battery charge in mobile phones. The best way to do this is to pull the top right corner of the display and click Control Points.

Shvidke's muttering between programs

To switch between programs, just pull the bottom tap of the screen up and take a short pause. The instructions say that the pause may be troublesome, but, in fact, to switch between the add-ons, a split second is enough.

Click on the remaining programs from the main screen

To access the remaining programs, such as opening the screen, you just need to swipe your right-handed finger along the bottom edge of the screen. In a similar way, you can clear two recently opened programs and switch between them.

Virtual “DoDoma” button

Users who have clicked on the physical “Home” button can create a virtual button and remove it from their hand on the screen.

For whom:

  • go to Settings => Main => Universal access;
  • activate the Assistive Touch option.

A virtual button will appear on the screen that can be moved across the entire display. Clicking on it allows you to deny access to Siri, Control Center, Notification Center and set a special gesture for the operator.

Message “Hello,Siri» thatFace ID

With the help of the “Hey Siri” and Face ID capabilities, you can easily launch the programs you need. For whom it is enough to say: Hello, Siri. Open [program name]” and install it on the iPhone X, so that the smartphone can recognize the owner for the help of Face ID.


In order to take a screenshot on the iPhone X, you need to simultaneously press the main button on the right side of the smartphone and the zoom button located on the left side.

VimknennyaiPhone X

The release of Apple's flagship smartphone works differently than the iPhone. There are two ways to unlock iPhone X:

  • immediately press the button and one of the sound control buttons until the “Turn on” slider appears;
  • go to Nalashtuvannya => Main => Viknuti.

gateAnimoji-video, lasting more than 10 seconds

In standard mode, you can record an Animoji video of just 10 seconds. In order to increase the video hour you need:

  • Allow - open Settings => Control Center => Screen Recording;
  • Vibrate Animoji in iMessage;
  • click on “Record Screen” from Point 2 and click on “Record”;
  • Click on the red indicator at the top left corner of the display to end the video.

The recording will be saved in the Photo program. It can be edited using iMovie or LumaFusion, which allows you to remove any other elements from the video, in addition to the Animoji itself.


Animoji videos can be used as stickers. To do this, just drag the entry to the selected iMessage notification.

Watching video in full screen mode

When placing the iPhone X horizontally, make sure that the video does not reach the edges of the screen so as not to crop the image. However, if you don’t want to bet that part of the image will be overlapped by the protrusion under the camera, you can click on the full-screen mode to look at it for additional editing.

Decreased brightness

To make your iPhone X more comfortable in the dark, you can change the brightness of the screen and increase the sharpness of the whites.

What is needed for:

  • go to Settings => Basic => Universal access => Display adaptation;
  • reduce the low white point;
  • set the slider to 100%;
  • click on control point;
  • reduce brightness.

After this, staring at your smartphone screen in a dark room will become much more comfortable. The display will become so dark that it will be difficult to read in daylight.

You can change the white point by pressing the side button three times. To do this, you need to go to Settings => General => Universal Access, find “Sweep Commands” at the very bottom of the screen and select the “Reduce White Point” option.

Pseudo-dark mode

You can change the white color of the background by going to Settings => General => Universal Access => Display Adaptation => Color Inversion, and turning on the “Smart Inversion” mode.

This is not a good dark mode, but it looks bad in some programs.

Vimknuti "Vimoga uvagi" forFace ID

To do this, you need to go to Settings => Face ID => Access code and enter “Vimog uvaga”.

This parameter will reduce the security of access and will help unlock the iPhone X if it has new eyepieces or other accessories.

Shvidko close all programs

If you go to the center of the bottom edge of the screen, you can click on the Peremikach program. You can close an unnecessary program by scrolling up the display. To close the program, just press the red minus sign, which will appear in the upper left corner of the skin card.

I'm flying. Today we will look at a rare problem, but there is no less possible problem associated with Zooming in on the iPhone screen. This does not apply to the iPhone model, nor to the iOS version.

The image on your iPhone has become a obscene increased, and the phone has become impossible to spend money on, for everything, you have an active function Zbilshennya (Zoom). Read below to see what to do and how to turn it on.

As I already said, " Zooming in on the iPhone screen» NOT a breakdown because I think it’s a problem that can’t be overcome. This is a function of the iPhone that you simply haven’t mastered yet.

And this function is called “ Zbilshennya» and it’s over there: Settings > General > Universal Access > Extension.

So, what needs to be done in order for the iPhone screen to look like it did before:

  1. KROK 1 - Touch two fingers with three fingers Changing the scale up to 100%. So, it’s (de) activated function "Additional". It also happens that when you put the phone down to your ear, it becomes more obvious by itself.
  2. CROK 2 - Now let's turn on this stupid function. Let's go to Settings > General > Universal Access > Extension And turn on the switch in front of the word Zbilshennya.

If you are having problems connecting to the Biggest on iPhone, this operation can be performed on another computer (iTunes). For whose sake it’s like this:

  1. CROK 1 - Get the device to any computer with iTunes.
  2. CROK 2 - Click on the device when it appears at the top left part of the window.
  3. KROK 3 - In the Parameters field, click on the button Set up Universal access...
  4. KROK 4 - Select « Don't vikorist» and confirm OK.

Well, that's how it is! Isn’t Aja feeling comfortable? If this article turns out to be boring, please feel free to share with others on social media (buttons below). І do not forget to pre-pay for renewal...

Who knows what other problems may arise in the future with your “apples”, but here again I am smart, kind and beautiful!

More screen means more capabilities. It would seem that it would be a shame to accept the increased diagonal of the display of the computer and for the sake of those who are turbocharged by the ergonomic side of the power supply. However, there are those who are not overwhelmed by the display of too much information on one screen.

It is difficult to identify an objective reason why a person may not be able to control 24 icons on the screen instead of 20 or three fewer swipes when working with Customized. Is it not for nothing that Apple retailers implemented a function for displaying icons on the desktop and all the content of standard programs for 4-inch format devices? Instructions for setting up Display Zoom are given.

1. Launchable Setting up and go to the section Screen and brightness;

2. In separate Zbilshennya pressing on the row "Viglyad";
3 . Above there are two possible options - Standard"ta" Added«;

4. Pereishovshi on "Zbilsheno", you can scroll to the right of the screenshots and see what icons and programs will look like in 4-inch display mode;
5. Having chosen the option, we press "Ready" in the upper right corner.

iPhone X, having lost not only its advanced design, but also its special functions, makes it much easier to use as a smartphone. 9to5Mac has compiled a collection of 15 positives and joys for all Apple flagships.

Manual access

The iPhone X is smaller than the iPhone 8 Plus. It’s no less true that across a large diagonal, reaching the upper edges of the screen can be problematic, as you use the smartphone with one hand.

However, the top icons can be adjusted to a manual height. What is needed for:

  • Go to Settings => Main => Universal access;
  • and allow manual access, which is necessary for washing.

Now, you can pull your home or any other screen down and the top programs to the center of the display.

When Manual Access is activated, the Service Point or Notification Center can also be accessed from the middle of the screen. To do this, just pull your finger down at the bottom of the display, and then slide it down along the left or right edge of the screen.

Check battery charge

There are a number of ways to determine the level of battery charge in mobile phones. The best way to do this is to pull the top right corner of the display and click Control Points.

Shvidke's muttering between programs

To switch between programs, just pull the bottom tap of the screen up and take a short pause. The instructions say that the pause may be troublesome, but, in fact, to switch between the add-ons, a split second is enough.

Click on the remaining programs from the main screen

To access the remaining programs, such as opening the screen, you just need to swipe your right-handed finger along the bottom edge of the screen. In a similar way, you can clear two recently opened programs and switch between them.

Virtual “DoDoma” button

Users who have clicked on the physical “Home” button can create a virtual button and remove it from their hand on the screen.

For whom:

  • go to Settings => Main => Universal access;
  • activate the Assistive Touch option.

A virtual button will appear on the screen that can be moved across the entire display. Clicking on it allows you to deny access to Siri, Control Center, Notification Center and set a special gesture for the operator.

Message “Hello,Siri» thatFace ID

With the help of the “Hey Siri” and Face ID capabilities, you can easily launch the programs you need. For whom it is enough to say: Hello, Siri. Open [program name]” and install it on the iPhone X, so that the smartphone can recognize the owner for the help of Face ID.


In order to take a screenshot on the iPhone X, you need to simultaneously press the main button on the right side of the smartphone and the zoom button located on the left side.

VimknennyaiPhone X

The release of Apple's flagship smartphone works differently than the iPhone. There are two ways to unlock iPhone X:

  • immediately press the button and one of the sound control buttons until the “Turn on” slider appears;
  • go to Nalashtuvannya => Main => Viknuti.

gateAnimoji-video, lasting more than 10 seconds

In standard mode, you can record an Animoji video of just 10 seconds. In order to increase the video hour you need:

  • Allow “Screen Recording” - open Settings => Screen Recording item => Screen Recording;
  • Vibrate Animoji in iMessage;
  • click on “Record Screen” from Point 2 and click on “Record”;
  • Click on the red indicator at the top left corner of the display to end the video.

The recording will be saved in the Photo program. It can be edited using iMovie or LumaFusion, which allows you to remove any other elements from the video, in addition to the Animoji itself.


Animoji videos can be used as stickers. To do this, just drag the entry to the selected iMessage notification.

Watching video in full screen mode

When placing the iPhone X horizontally, make sure that the video does not reach the edges of the screen so as not to crop the image. However, if you don’t want to bet that part of the image will be overlapped by the protrusion under the camera, you can click on the full-screen mode to look at it for additional editing.

Decreased brightness

To make your iPhone X more comfortable in the dark, you can change the brightness of the screen and increase the sharpness of the whites.

What is needed for:

  • go to Settings => Basic => Universal access => Display adaptation;
  • reduce the low white point;
  • set the slider to 100%;
  • click on control point;
  • reduce brightness.

After this, staring at your smartphone screen in a dark room will become much more comfortable. The display will become so dark that it will be difficult to read in daylight.

You can change the white point by pressing the side button three times. To do this, you need to go to Settings => General => Universal Access, find “Sweep Commands” at the very bottom of the screen and select the “Reduce White Point” option.

Pseudo-dark mode

You can change the white color of the background by going to Settings => General => Universal Access => Display Adaptation => Color Inversion, and turning on the “Smart Inversion” mode.

This is not a good dark mode, but it looks bad in some programs.

Vimknuti "Vimoga uvagi" forFace ID

To do this, you need to go to Settings => Face ID => Access code and enter “Vimog uvaga”.

This parameter will reduce the security of access and will help unlock the iPhone X if it has new eyepieces or other accessories.

Shvidko close all programs

If you go to the center of the bottom edge of the screen, you can click on the Peremikach program. You can close an unnecessary program by scrolling up the display. To close the program, just press the red minus sign, which will appear in the upper left corner of the skin card.