Standard games for windows 7 name exe. How to rotate standard gray in Windows

Most early versions of Windows are famous for their standard games, which include Kosinka, Minesweeper, Pavuk and many others. Shut up with the day of these days can be like a daily Windows 10, in which case standard gris not peredbacheni, so koristuvachі Windows 7, in a way, according to the idea, standard gri due buti.

Further details of standard games for Windows will depend on the version of the operating system you have chosen.

If you see Windows 7 and you can't know on your computer the standard gri, it's entirely possible that stinks were enabled in the OS settings.

To activate the standard gri for Windows 7, click the menu "Control panel" , For clarity, set the upper right area parameter «Dribni badges» , And next, create a letter of distribution "Program and save" .

At the left part of the window, you need to go to the point "Enable or enable Windows components" .

Through a sprinkling of mittevests on the screen, a window appears, in which you need to know the point "Igri" , Put a new checkmark, and then save the change. The system is quite busy and the installation of standard games, it will take an hour until the procedure is completed.

As you see Windows 10 is too short, then your standard mode of operation is no longer transferred to operating system However, there are two ways to allow them to turn.

Launch the Windows Store and, search for a row of searches, enter the name of the search engine. For example, in our mind it is necessary to know Kosinka. In this way, you can know and install other favorite writers and sing: Minesweeper, Pavuk, Soliter, Chirva, etc.

It’s a pity that Microsoft tried to support Windows 10 standard games, however, the problem with the love of games in the new OS was solved by third-party retailers who implemented Windows addon 7 games for Windows 10.

You can grab a package with games for we will instruct you after the completion of the statistics. During the installation process, you can install all standard games, as well as choose songs. As a result, the following will be installed on your computer vіdomi igri, Yak Minesweeper, Solitaire, Kosinka, Internet Checkers, Pavuk, Chirva and other games, yak allowed to pass an hour.

Active components and operating programs Windows systems timeless. With the exit of the skin new version retailers didn’t just fill them up, but they improved them, and supplemented them. Up to one of these components can be seen as standard games in Windows 7.

But let me tell you about the situation: You bought a brand new laptop or a computer and found out that there are no standard games in the operating system. Sometimes, however, it can be so, but even in Windows 7 Starter and Home, the basic Grid is not installed. But if you have another OS, then you don’t have to worry. As a rule, for such versions of the OS, both Professional and Corporate stench are simply turned on.

And what is turned on - you can turn it on. Tim more scho retailers polіpshili old look igr she added some new stuff.

For the cob, go to the "Start" menu and go to the tab "Control panel".

A new window is being opened, in which the “Programs” item is selected.

Now in distribution "Program and save" let's move on by force.

We check for a few seconds and in the end, put a tick next to the “Igri” item. Clicking on the “+” order, you can wonder if the games will be turned on, as if you don’t need them, just uncheck the box next to the undesirable gri, and it won’t turn on. The appearance of a blue square opposite the item "Games" means that the games were often selected. To save money, emboss on the "OK" button.

Check out when Windows finishes installing.

You can turn on the standard grey in Windows 7 in one more way, as it is easier and faster for me.

Press "Start" and in the field for the search we type "Turn on or...", At first the phrase is sufficient, then we select the item "Enable or enable Windows components".

We already know it, in which we put the necessary checkmarks and press the “OK” button to save the mess.

On whom is everything - how to enable standard grey in windows 7 we got divorced. Now in the "Start" menu you will see the "Igri" folder.

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Having installed the proponated game on your computer, you will be deprived of your satisfaction with the reception design of the playing field, which imitates the greenish sea wind. The cards are simply miraculous: stylized for the old days of the lady and the face, smart monograms on the shirts. Before the speech, the design of the shirt can be changed to be a little baby, savings from your computer. Having ventured solitaire, you take away the possibility of saving unfinished deals, keeping a table of records in the list of gravity, earning points in the "dollar equivalent". A lot of new options have been added, such as: turning to a saved position, as well as possible moves in the process are too rich and you want to know the optimal one; the possibility of sorting the names alphabetically, by folding, by groups and subdivided. Navit zvichni solitaire play in a different way, varto you zavantazhit and install the "Encyclopedia of Solitaire" selection. Notes on graves about the best ones. The rules of the igor are described in a descriptive and easy way, available at some point in the morning and may look good. Adjustments allow you to change sound effects or turn them on. Є function of prompts and automatic viewing of available walks. Navit with solitaire games you didn’t know before and you’ll figure out for the treatment of whims (with the rules, over the games themselves, you’ll have to beat your head).