Script: guess the melody for people of advanced ages. Script for the last day with a competition program. listeners of the music of Uncle Marina Volodymyrivna

(Music sounds. Words are on the music)

Let fate not rush

Don't hurry your run,

Golden leaf fall

Memory of past fates.

(number without confusion)

(“A new day has come”, Anastasia Rodionova, Russian Song Ensemble “Sunitsa”)

(Fanfari sound, leader exits)

Veducha: I hasten to tell you, hello,

May I wish you good health.

I hasten to tell you, hello,

May I wish you new happiness.

I hasten to show you kindness

It's holy in the bright autumn

Joy, good luck, success and good luck.

And so that the hall was filled with pandemonium

Today's miracle mood!

Our Christmastide program is dedicated to you, dear friends!

The Arabian Dance Studio “Bellydance” is visiting you

(Arabic dance studio “Bellydance”)

Veducha: “Summer” – as politely as “non-living”

Weak hand, dull look,

Thoughts in the past are straightened back.

How can we know if people are old?

Is it seventeen, forty clear?

May you live long into this century,

And in life I die.

The fates are not recorded in the passport!

And how to live without plans and twists?

Those whose soul, as before, is young,

Happy People's Day, NEVER AGE!

On this day, the Studio of Rhythm and Choreography “Strumok” gives you its gift.

(“Boogie-woogie”, rhythm and choreography studio “Strumok”)

Veducha: Dear friends, many of you have wonderful memories and you have probably had the opportunity to tell them fairy tales more than once.

Veronika Trofimova floats above the name of all your children

(Veronica Trofimova “Virsh about Grandma”)

Veducha: Vopiyashina Darya sings for you

(“I grow as a spivachka”, Vopiyashina Dar’ya)

(The sound of the sea, the cries of seagulls. The old one comes out from the old one. The old one, please spinning, the old one starts cleaning)

Stara: We lived with you for 300 rocks and 3 rocks, all at sea, then at sea, and I’m still at home, then at home. How much can you do? I’m bored, I can, I want something fun, I want something holy!

Old: Why is she old, foolish in her old age of fate, as cheerful as they are, take care of the right thing, and forget about the foolishness

Stara: You fool, I’ll just say it, go to your fish and ask the merry holy ones

(The old man stares at the aquarium and flocks to the fish)

Old: Dear little fish, help me, the old one took me, she’s completely done, holy hell, cheerful, and where are you little fish?

(the old man notices that there is no fish, but a note floats. He snatches it, lights it up and reads)

Old: Dear grandfather! Right now I’m staying at the guesthouse, if I need to pay off my food and drink, then I’ll get back to the wired program.

Old: Mila Veducha, Vikonai my old lady

Veducha: I'm happy!

The contribution of Mikhail Sergeev will definitely lift your spirits.

(“On the prize”, Sergeev Mikhailo)

Old: Well, are you old, did you deserve to be cheerful?

Stara: So good!!!

Old: Oh, granny is good, then good, next hour, quiet time, spinning requires mercy.

Stara: Grandfather, my dear, I have a new banana. I want you to sleep on your own and for everyone to help me.

Old: Wow, don’t you want anything else? Well, go ahead, sleep, then sleep. I know that on the ham TV station there is a wonderful game “Guess the Melody”.

Stara: I also know this, and this is my kohana. Let's try to guess the songs together from the audience. And you, dear guests, do not forget to sleep with us.

Guess the melody

Stara: In my opinion, it was a miracle that we turned around at the time when we were young

Old: Grandma, you sing the song well, but can you dance?

Stara: Dance? Well, let's do it!

Old: Can you speak Spanish?

Stara: Spanish!? No, I can’t speak Spanish.

Old: And the girls' axis is Rhythm and choreography studio "Strumok" maybe. Hang on!

(Rhythm and choreography studio “Strumok”. “Spanish dance”)

(The old one comes out with the old one, the old one has a parasol in her hands)

Stara: Well, the weather is sunny, then snow, then rain. I don't like autumn.

Old: Oh, grandma, don’t tell me to break all my bones in this weather.

Stara: Oh, what a bore, I tortured you. You don't love me, old man. You don’t give kudos to everyone.

Old: I see, the old woman is up to no good

Stara: I want love, I want love

Old: If you want, be kind On stage is Maria Zinevich.

(“Who told you”, Maria Zinevich)

Veducha: Today we cannot help but guess that our region of whose fate means the 69th river of the Arctic Circle under the Nazi-German armies.

Every day, throwing on our jackets, walking to school and to work, enjoying the bright forests of pristine nature, walking through the endless hills, we often don’t care about the fact that on every centimeter of the Pechenskaya land blood was shed, lives were cut short for the sake of it, so that today we don’t know, What is war?

We cherish the memory of those who perished during the war.

(Khvilina Movchannya)

Katerina Titova sings for you

(Katerina Titova “Ballad about a soldier’s mat”)

I’ll be back on stage Mikhailo Sergeev

(“Sailor”, Mikhailo Sergeev)

Veducha: This has long been the belief in Russia, among the holy circle of shauns
guests, it is not their fault, with great satisfaction I present to you the members of the “Veteran” and “Countrywoman” clubs. Whose club has a choir “Severyanochka”, which I, with great satisfaction, would like to ask for here. It stinks that we need 2 numbers. Let's keep it up.

(Speaking to the choir “Severyanochka”)

(Sound of similar music. Leave the old house with a tray, go up to the grandfather, grandfather’s birthday.)

Old: Baba, what the hell, she turned pale, completely stupefied by old age

Stara: It’s not paleness, but I drank tea right away. This kind of tea delights the soul, cleanses the blood of the veins and judgments, and helps with the sun in all veins. Grandfather, my dear, you are staying at this hour, settling down in that land where they are preparing wonderful tea.

Old: So be kind.

Similar beauties from the Arabic Folk Dance Ensemble "Bellydance"

(Arabic folk dance ensemble “Bellydance”…………………………………….)

Veducha: Dear friends! Let the warmth, kind words and devotions of this day warm you up on cold evenings, instill hope and joy in the coming day, help you in troubled times.

Veducha: On stage Rhythm and Choreography Studio “Strumok”

(“Nathnennya”, Rhythm and Choreography Studio “Strumok”)

Veducha: Accept wisdom from Natalia Andryushchenko

(“The Seagull”, Andryushchenko Natalia)

Veducha: Our dear grandmothers and grandfathers!

May there be sparks of fire in your eyes,

The vitality and joy of life, that soul will forever be deprived of its youth!

Don’t let yourself fly for an hour, but don’t grow old.

Let your children grow up and stay young at heart.

Good health to you, great growth

And our most important cry: - Live healthy to a hundred!

Receive a similar dance from the gift

(“Dance With Veelas”, Arabian Dance Studio “Bellydance”)

Veducha: Dear our friends!

Thank you for everything! Shana and honor to you!

What did you say? Be young at heart,

Get old early...

So be healthy, live richly!

What do the students of the vocal association “Raiduga” tell you?

Let's decorate all the planets", vocal ensemble "Raiduga" )

(The old one comes out with the old one, the old one has a bouquet of flowers in his hands, he turns back to the old one)

Old: (old gives old life and sleeps) I am so young, my grandma. We’ve lived with you for 300 years and 3 years, and we’ll live as many more as you want.

Veducha: It's your glorious day

Heart beats.

Here's what to earn

You have had a chance in life.

I repeat it again and again

“You lived to trim the entire earth!”

Veducha: Happiness, health, goodness and peace to you and your families

Good luck to you! Good bye! Be healthy!


The text of the presenters will sound on the background of the music.

Veducha1: Enchanting autumn circles, the triumphant tabir of bright days,
And my heart sank as I swore in the candles of the peacock flames.
The melody sounds simple from the core of my soul,
The gloom is so dark, the water is playing in the middle of the sea.

Veducha 2: The leaves are sleeping, autumn is dancing at the striated fire fair,
Having babbled through the tedious streets, take a chord from my soul.

Veducha 1: Good evening, dear friends!

Veducha 2: Hello, dear guests!

Veducha 1: We are happy to welcome you

Veducha 2: And with a wide heart, greet the beautiful, warm, kind, autumnal saint -

Together: Happy summer people's day.

Veducha 1:(Returns to the present): Do you like autumn?

Veducha 2: maybe so. And there is something so destructive in it: a variety of colors, a slight cold and the farewell warmth of the summer that is passing, the cloudy sky in the bright colors...

Veducha 1: and I love hearing the leaves fall.

Veducha 2: Yak tse?

Veducha 1: In my opinion, there is a special music in the circled leaves. Kozhen arkush tse notka. If you put the leaves in an autumn bouquet, you will get a melody or a song.

Veducha 2: Today at our party there will also be a lot of music and songs, as well as autumn bouquets of notes. You will receive competitions and musical gifts.

Veducha 1: Well, as soon as there are competitions, there will be teams.

Veducha 2: We already have: 6 tables – 6 friendly creative teams.

Veducha 1: Every team has a captain, who, if necessary, takes responsibility for the decision. Let's kill this guy right now.
For a few seconds the commands rob the captain.

Veducha 2: Captains, kindly, consider raising your hand to the top. I ask the assistants to go to the teams and hand over the necessary attribute to the captain.
The assistants distribute captain's whistles to everyone, necessary for holding competitions.

Veducha 1: And one mind - for the help of your whistle beep Served only by the captain and no one else!
Veducha 2: And as a warm-up before the musical “battle,” we invite you to go to sleep with our artists.

Together: The mustaches are singing!

1. Musical number.

Veducha 1: The musical mood of the tasks and we begin the competition program “”!

Veducha 2: The first competition is “Guess the Melody”. Here are 3 music categories:
Presenters will display the categories on the stand.

Veducha 1:“Kvitomuzika” is a whole series of songs, with any color present in the text.

Veducha 2:“Everything about kohannya” - the text of these songs contains the word “kohannya”, or they just sing about it almost.

Veducha 1:“Russian folk songs” - the meaning of this category, I think, does not need to be explained.

Veducha 2: The skin category has 4 songs.

Veducha 1: The team, having guessed the song, gives a signal with a whistle. Our assistants indicate who has earned more.

Veducha 2: First, from the commands that you guessed, she sings a phrase from the song that sounded. Based on the melody you guess, you will be able to select the next category, and most importantly, this note (shows the participants a note in the shape of a wedge sheet, cut from a paper).

Veducha 1: The team that collects the most notes from their autumn bouquet will take part in the Super Game and may win a super prize!

Veducha 2: The command, as the answer was shouted, is switched off from playing two melodies. If the answer is incorrect, the possibility of answering is given to other participants.

Veducha 1:

Competition 1 – “Guess the melody.”

Veducha 2: Competition to reach the end. The first autumn bouquets have already appeared on the tables. And we have a dancing pause.

2. Musical number.

Veducha 1: How nice it is to come to the park one of the warm and sunny days of autumn, sit on the lava and listen to the sound of falling leaves just about to die. Thus, the music of leaf fall brings thoughts and good fortune to people.

Veducha 2: Our upcoming competition is completely tied to guessing, which is why it’s called “Guess and Drink.” The rules are simple: on given food you need to write in rows from the song.

Veducha 1: For example: “What kind of trees does a lad hunt for his khan?”

Veducha 2: The team, having first guessed which song to go to, gives a signal with a whistle, after which it confirms: “I asked the poplars, where my kohana, the poplars threw me aspen leaves...”.

Veducha 1: For the correct answer, the note is picked.

Veducha 2: The command, as the confirmation screamed, turns off from the game for two meals. If the answer is incorrect, the answer can be transferred to other participants.

Veducha 1: Have the rules been cleared up? Then let's begin!

Competition 2 – “Guess and Drink.”

Nutrition of the Leaders:

This old tree not only knocks at the window, but also cries out for a walk. (“Old maple, old maple, old maple knocks on the slope...”)

They sing about this tree, wary of a dark-skinned Moldavian woman picking wine berries. (“Rosy green maple, leaf of fissures...”)
The girl knew the character of her little sap when she saw the teagarden. (“Kalina chervona, viburnum vizrila, I recognized the character of the little girl…”)

The color of which tree is adored by the heroine of the song, which solidifies what greatest moment. (“It’s more beautiful than that color, if the apple tree blossoms...”)

Like a tree grows under the end of a girl who stayed at home. (“A white cherry blossomed under the end…”)

In Odessa, a fountain is curved with the color of this tree. (“The fountain is crooked like a bird cherry tree, the French boulevard is all along the color…”)

In every song, one tree of its own is ready to move to another, so as not to force the closure. (“If only the little peacocks had crossed the oak tree, I wouldn’t have started bending and hitting...”)

A song about a tree whose flowers keep you going all night. (“White acacia trees have always made us crazy…”)
Where did the heroine of the song go after drinking alcohol? (“Brought me a stitch away from the cherry orchard...”)

Whom we can’t figure out the names of the white vorit, because we’ve been wandering all hour. (“They brought you in, they brought you in, they brought in you bright Nastasyushka...”).

Veducha 2: Friends, I want to proudly declare that you have miraculously escaped from your misfortunes!

Veducha 1: And now the time has come to enjoy some sweet music.

3. Musical number.

At the hour of the number, the assistants play a number of notes on the skin table and indicate the command that was lost.

Veducha 2: What makes people of the older generation different from the younger ones? Well, of course, it’s true, wisdom and deep knowledge.

Veducha 1: You will be able to participate in the upcoming competition, which is called the “Song Battle”.

Veducha 2: We prepared cards with different song themes. Your manager is the viconati team row or verse on the vibran theme.

Veducha 1: The teams sing according to the rules. For obscuring – no more than 5 seconds. Songs are not to blame for repeating themselves. The note is taken by the command, which has finished the song given by those.

Veducha 2: Then the topic changes and the competition begins immediately.

Veducha 1: Let’s start a song battle, perhaps, from the team that still has the fewest notes.

Competition 3 “Song Battle”.

Themes for the competition: “Creatures and Birds”, “Mista”, “Names”, “Pori Roku”, “Trees and Teacups”, “Songs with Vikoristan Colors”.

Veducha 2: Friends, the competition is over and we invite you to listen to the song again.

4. Musical number.

Veducha 1: Autumn is an amazing time for rock, which infuses the creativity of artists, musicians, and poets. This is the time when I especially want to create, write, create...

Veducha 2: Today our evening was filled with songs from various poets and composers. All smells are distinguished by their character, or brand, that they convey a sense of joy, charm, love and spiritual warmth.

Veducha 1: So, if it seems that emotions can no longer be expressed in words, gestures and facial expressions often help us. Our upcoming competition is called “Without words, it’s clear.”

Veducha 2: Learn the competition: represent a phrase from a song wordlessly, with the help of pantomime, then. facial expressions, gestures and plastic hands. I will give the teams cards with the lyrics of the songs, and you will have 2 hours to prepare before showing the song.

Veducha 1: Once the team is ready before the show, we ask the participants to come before us and show their song to the other teams.

Veducha 2: The citizens, having guessed which song is about, give a signal with a whistle.

Veducha 1: If the answer is correct, then the offending commands are played out according to the note. However, the right to report passes to the attacking command. (After three incorrect answers, the song is announced by the presenters and the team comes on stage to show their song.)

Veducha 2: So, in front of your eyes, I will mix up the song options and ask the representative of the skin team to select 1 card.
Commands to steal cards.
Leader 1: Time to prepare for dinner!
Over the course of two ridges, instrumental music can be heard.
The teams are getting ready to explain the given song.

Variants of the song: “Don’t hang on the wound”; “The last train flowed past me again”; “Why are you standing there, sneaking around, a thin pea”; "Call me, call me"; “By the forest at the junction”; “Two cheerful gooses lived with grandma”; "Valyanki, valyanki"; “There was a birch tree near the field”;

Competition “Without words - understanding”.

Veducha 1: The time has come for the coming musical gift.

5. Musical number.

Veducha 2: Friends, the competition is over! We ask the team to honor the received notes.

Veducha 1: Are you ready? I ask you to announce the results.

Supply of pouches.

Veducha 2: Well, team #__ prevailed.

Veducha 1: We ask all participants to come before us to the impromptu stage under stormy splashes!

Sound fanfare as the team exits.

Veducha 2: Our dear supporters, experts in song culture, we welcome you - you will become participants in the Super Game.

Veducha 1: In Super-Gri you will be assigned three tasks, for which you will have two bonuses: “Help” and “Right to one pardon”.

Veducha 2: Having overcome all three tasks, you will win a super prize.

Veducha 1: Allow no more than 30 seconds to clear the skin.

Veducha 2: Zavdannya PERCHE. The melody of three songs of one Viconavian will sound. After 30 seconds, having rejoiced, give confirmation of who signed this song.
Three melodies of Vikonavian Alla Pugachova will sound.
Then a 30-second screensaver starts, after the completion of any command, the confirmation date is displayed. Because the team cannot, leading the way, promote vikorystvuvat bonuses.
Variants of Vikonavians: Nadiya Babkina, Alla Pugachova, Valentina Tolkunova.

Veducha 1: Zavdannya FRIEND. Three different songs will sound, the words written by the one who sings - the songwriter. After 30 seconds, having rejoiced, confirm who is the author of the texts for these songs.
Play 3 songs by Oleksandr Zatsepin.

Variants of poets - pesnyars: Larisa Rubalska, Oleksandr Zatsepin, Illya Reznik.

Veducha 2: I remain, the THIRD TASK Super - games. Play three songs, music written by the same composer. After 30 seconds, having rejoiced, confirm who is the author of the music for these songs.
Three songs of Igor Krutoy will sound.
30 second screensaver. The leaders work behind this very scheme.
Variations of songwriters: Vyacheslav Dobrin, Igor Krutoy, Oleg Gazmanov.

Veducha 1: Well, team No.___ is becoming a winner of the Super Game! Splashes!

Veducha 2: Dear friends! Thank you all for your fate and once again we celebrate this holy day - the Day of the People of the Old Age!

We wish everyone good health, vigor, optimism and a wonderful Christmas mood!

Veducha 1: May your life forever be beautiful and sweet, like this autumn pie!
Participant sharing pies.

Veducha 2: And at the end of the evening we were shocked by retro - a disco!

Veducha 1: Dance, have fun and let the fiery rhythms of the melodies take you to the wonderful world of dancing!

Post Views: 38,197

Rozrobka I'm going in" "Guess the melody"

listeners of the music of Uncle Marina Volodymyrivna

Entry scenario

"Guess the melody"

Leading : Hello, dear guys. Today we have gathered with you in order to guess our favorite songs from cartoons, as well as our favorite films and their heroes. Tse sacredly pass in sight of the two teams.

1 Competition “Guess the Melody”

Presenter: Our first competition is called "Guess the melody". You will listen to small samples of melodies from cartoons. Whoever guesses the name of the cartoon first raises his hand. For the correct names of the cartoon, the team removes the star. The team that wins the most points moves forward. Respect! It’s your fault to guess the correct name of the cartoon. The jury follows those who were the first to raise their hand and help us with all the difficult meals.

2 Competition “You Can’t Vicine Your Songs”

Presenter: Our upcoming competition is called “You can’t remember words from a song”. You will immediately feel the words from the songs that the cartoon characters sing. You need to name the character and the name of the cartoon in which this song is sung. For a correctly guessed song, the team removes a star.

    “There’s water in the middle, so why bother with me?” (Vodyany film “The Flying Ship”).

    “But I don’t want it, I don’t want it! And I want to go for kohannyam, I want to go for kohannyam!” (Princess Zabava from the film “The Flying Ship”).

    “Bones walked on the ground, maples splashed on the shoulders” (Leopold from the film “The Summer of Leopold the Cat”)

    “I’m lying on Sunny, I’m marveling at Sunny, I’m still lying and lying...” (Levenya from the film “How Levenya and the turtle sang a song”).

    “Do you want your dough, do you want your frosty…” (Vovka from m “Do you want your dough, do you want your frosty…”) (Vovka from the m/f “Vovka at the Far Far Away Kingdom”).

    “Oh, my poor Trubodurotochka, marvel at how thin the little figure is! I'll shower you with turbos! (the king from the film “Traces of the Bremen Musicians”).

    “Don’t bother me, I sing when I want!” How joyful I am, and my little song! (Target from the film “Pisenka Target”)

    “I can’t think with my straw, even if I ask Goodwin for reason.” (Feared from the film “The Enchanter of the Emerald Place”).

    “Neither the trees nor the wind bark for me, I float to the only mother in the world.” (Mammoth from the film “Mother for a Baby Mammoth”).

    “All the worlds will come true, my greatest gift to you.” (Vovk from the film “Well, bastard, cut your hair!”).

    “It doesn’t matter what you do, as you won’t lose weight, and you won’t lose weight at all! So!" (Winnie the Pooh from the film “Winnie the Pooh”).

    “You made an oversight, apparently Vovk entered the place of residence” (Goat from the movie "Vovk and the Seven Little Goats").

    “We are sailing on the Krizhyn as on the brigantine in the wild seas.” (Vedmezha Umka’s mother from the film “Umka”).

    “If there had been no winter in the towns and villages, no one would have known these happy days” (Mom Uncle Fedora from the film "Winter in Prostokvashino").

3 Competition “Guess who is guilty!”

HOST: You will immediately feel the description of the cartoon character. You can guess who it is. Every correctly guessed hero of the team gets a star.

    A little thing with a very good ear, she is a great green friend. (Cheburashka).

    Sniper, wait a minute, little friend of the great honey
    Veduchi. (Piglet).

    The little furry cunning and deserted man spends the whole hour
    your enemy "with a nose". (Hare change/f “Well, rabbit, cut your hair!”).

    Little white child, great white mother, I hope to know
    friend. (Vedmedic Umka).

    Peace to the world boa constrictors. (Papuga from the film “38 Parrots”).

    A very honest sailor. (Captain Vrungel).
    7. A mischievous woman, she has a squint like human beings.
    (Old Shapoklyak).
    4 competition.

Presenter: From the description of the song, you have to guess what movie it's from and who it's based on.

    A song about the trip of a little girl in a bright hat (“Like a long time, a long time” - Song of the Red Cap)

    A song in warehouses about a wooden man (Bura-ti-ale)

    A song about the future, how it is not wrong to be cruel to our present-day people.

    A song about a land plot where it’s okay to live, but good people. (“Island of Trouble” from the film “The Diamond Arm”)

    A song about creatures with long ears that mow down the lewds (A song about hares from the film “The Diamond Arm”)

    A song about the creatures with which our planet tilts on its axis.

    The song about joy is sacred, as it happens once every river. (song of the crocodile Genya)

5 competition: "Take the name of the group"

Presenter: The skin command stretches 3 times and bends the names of musical groups.



6 Competition : “Take him from Viconavian”

Presenter: participants are asked to choose their names before calling them known Russian Vikonavites. The hour of Vikonannya Zavdannya is 3 hvilini.






7 competition: "Musical screensaver"

You all love to watch TV, and you know a lot of programs. Once you feel the musical intro, you already know how the show will start. We will verify how important you are (in the early days of writing a TV show, musical intros will sound).

    Forecast wait a minute

    Field of Dreams

    Dance with stars

    Dobranich babies


    The docks are all at home

    Who wants to become a millionaire?

Presenter: The jury beats up their bags, calls out the teams.

Scenario of the musical saint “Guess the melody”

Presenter: Good day, guys! Today we will play with everyone in my opinion"Guess the melody." With you the entire program will be a practical copy of Vladislav Pelsh - Olga Petrivna.

Today, 10 graves take the fate of the people. We ask them to take their place!

We are blowing with thick splashes of music experts!

The time has come to publish our show! Musical program “Guess the Melody”!


(Music "Guess the melody" sound)

Presenter: The game consists of 4 rounds.

Let us know the rules of the 1st round: The 1st round takes the fate of 10 graves. Each category of music is presented with five melodies each. Variety of skin melody – 1 point. Melodies moon without words. The people need to be the first to guess what the melody is, to raise a sign and announce it. For the correct answer, the ball will be insured by the graver. Whenever a gravel has mercy, he is “fined” - he skips two melodies and stops playing. The maximum sound duration of a melody is 40 seconds. The tour will continue until all 20 melodies from the first round have been played. Those who have collected the most points will go on to another round. Behind the balls of the graves, the court of honor is Olga Oleksandrivna and Svetlana Anatolievna.

Oh dear, we’re done!

1 - I am a merman

2 - Dance rocking

3 - Wheel of the witch's medicine

4 - Parts of Babok-Izhachok

5 – Say, mi byaki-buki

1 - On the birch of the sky (Bilan)

2 - Kohannya, like a dream (Pugachova)

3 - We kiss you in the car (Svitlana)

4 – I won’t rap you

5 – Lyubov-krasunya (Zorya)

1 - Two - two

2 – When we go to the school yard

3 - Start talking at school

4 – School, school, I’ll get around

5 - There will be more

1 – Little mammoth song about mom

2 - Mom is the first word

3 – My dear mommy (ringtone)

4 – Oh mommy, mommy, I’m wicked

5 – Mama Lyuba

Presenter: The first round will end with this wonderful melody. Let's once again support the brave and brave soldiers of the first round with loud splashes!

The jury will immediately announce the results.

As stated, according to the rules of our show, participants who have collected the fewest points leave us. It’s a pity, we are hesitant to say goodbye to our present participants………………………………………………………………

(stunned gravers as they leave the game)

We say to you a majestic “sweetheart” for your sweetness!


Victor: Rules of another round: take the fate of the Chotiri Gravtsi. You can listen to four categories of music with five melodies each, accumulating points. Eyepieces collected from another round are added to the points of the first round. Two participants who have collected more points will go through to the final round.

1 – People's dogs are friends

2 -33 cows

3 - My bunny (Kirkorov)

4 – The black whale is alive

5 – It’s all the same for us

1 - The fox gave birth to a yalinka

2 - Little Yalintsi cold winter

3 – New River rush to us (Disco Accident)

4 – Tell me, Sniguronka, de bula

5 - Clap, clap, firecrackers (Bliskuchi)

1 – And friends, and for them friends don’t miss the weekend (Barbariki)

2 - There is nothing more beautiful in the world

3 - A great secret for a small company

4 – Dolphin and mermaid

5- Have fun at the same time

1 – Black boomer

2 – Song of the Musketeers

3 – Three white horses

4 – Titanic

5 – Yakbi ya buv sultan

Presenter: Another round has reached its end. We applaud the participants!

Svetlano Anatolievno, we are checking the results after the other round.

Presenter: Behind the minds of the other round, two participants who have collected the least amount of points will win. Z gri vibuvayut……………………………………..

(the stunned Gravians are about to leave the game).

Thank you for admin group splashes.


(Music "Guess the melody" sound)

Presenter: Let us know about the rules of the final: Take part two graves. The final round consists of bidding, where the participant with the most points starts. You are given a hint - what is the song about. Play 5 variations of the sounding melody: 15 sec, 12 sec, 9 sec, 6 sec, 3 sec. A citizen of any kind can enter into a “bidding” and give the right to guess the melody to the opponent. The trades are also accepted, having said that the melody can be guessed in a minimum number of seconds. The phonogram of the melody appears in travail, where the bidding has begun. After this, the participant needs to guess the melody. If the answer is correct, one point is deducted. Yakshcho no – the score is taken away by the supernik. This round has a score of up to 3 points. Gravets, who has scored 3 points, proceeds to the final.


    A song about those sweet and dear-skinned people (Why does Batkivshchyna begin...)

    Song of Optimists (Unacceptance of what we experience - Song of Leopold the Cat)

    Song - prokhannya (Don’t deprive me, kokhany – Viagra)

    Song about the profession (Accountant)

    Song about grandma's friends (Two cheerful geese)

Presenter: The axis and the end of the final. Alas, it’s a pity, at this stage we are afraid to say goodbye to ……………….

(Result, hto vibuv) I am glad that you were on the grid and showed a high musical fervor! The sound of splashes will sound once again especially for you!


(Music "Guess the melody" sound)

Presenter: We have reached the finals. Vіtaєmo participant……………… You can overcome it!

Let me give you the opportunity to compete for a super prize!

In general, you need to guess 7 melodies in 1.5 hours.

1 – Like a long way along the road (Little Red Cap)

2 – About God, what a man

3 – A million red Trojans

4 – Sleep tired toys

5 – Airport (Vaenga)

6 – Beautifully far away

7 – everything for you

Leading: - yakscho vigrav: Today they proved that you are a leading expert in music. We are playing with our show. These stormy splashes will sound at your address. And, of course, your deserving super prize!

- after heating: May you not win the final, but you will still be able to play “Guess the Melody”! You are rightfully considered an expert in music!

- come what may: We are hosting the finalist of the music program “Guess the Melody”! Thank you to everyone who took part in our show today! I wish everyone respect and good luck!