Programs for downloading music from classmates. How to download music from classmates: the best ways Program to attract classmates

I welcome all readers to my blog! Today we will talk about those things that exist, and we will also look at their history.
The hours have passed when social networks were used only for the collection and exchange of photographs. Today's social events offer a lot of opportunities, for example, you can create and join various partnerships and groups, play online games, watch videos and listen to music. Many people log into their account specifically to open a playlist and listen to their favorite music.

Unfortunately, it’s not forever that we have access to the Internet and, obviously, to online music. If this problem is solved, we can download the music on your computer, and we can help you with it programs for downloading music from classmates. As a matter of fact, you can download the programs absolutely free of charge! pomichnik

First on our list of programs for downloading music from classmates is a handy add-on from, which is integrated into the browser.
After you have downloaded the file with the program, launch it and select the following settings:

For correct installation, you must close all browsers before installation.

Before the installation is completed, the following screens will appear:

In the first window you need to press “OK”, and in the other – “Add”. Finally, the additional installation is complete.

How to download music from classmates using

After installation, open the browser, log into your account and go to the “Music” section.

When you hover the cursor over the appropriate track, a green area appears with information about the size and track the track. Remember, what is the most important bit rate, the brightness of the composition will be the most important thing. In order to share a song with your classmates, you just need to left-click on the green area, and then select a place to save.
This program does not require you to enter a login and password for your profile, which increases the security of your account. Also, an undoubted advantage of is the enormous ease with which it takes one click to save a track from classmates.

Then we click on the “Install now” button, then you need to ensure that the plugin is installed, and then we proceed directly to install OkTools.

How to download music from classmates using OkTools?

To download the track, go to the “Music” section in our account and click on the green arrow, highlighted with the name.

Then, we also select a place to save the song on the hard drive. In addition to saving music, this plugin is absolutely cost-free for providing a large collection of statuses, greetings, and thus arranging a collection of sweet games. You can find all this in the Odnoklassniki menu item, under the name "OkTools", which will appear after installing the extension.

In this article we looked at 2 who deserve the greatest respect programs for downloading music from classmates. Before this article was written, a lot of viruses of this kind were tested and, as it turned out, many of them were major viruses. The main purpose of such programs is the destruction of your accounts and the theft of special information. Therefore, be extremely careful, before entrusting your data to any program, think carefully, and even better, use only the most overused methods for downloading music from classmates. I hope you enjoy listening to your favorite music, and enjoy it on SoftHardWare!

Hello, friends! In this article I will tell you different ways that you can download music from your Odnoklassniki page.

Most people who are interested in the social network immediately go to the “Music” section and click on the create button. Even when looking at Pages, other different entries, or scrolling with friends, you won’t notice that different compositions are playing in the background. I would like to just turn on the music louder and do my homework.

But you will no longer be able to access the Internet and your page on Odnoklassniki. So let's take a look at what you need to do if you want to download music to your computer or save the flash drive.

If you are using a specific browser, for example, Google Chrome, then select it from the menu and follow the instructions to download. Having chosen any of the methods, you can download music from Odnoklassniki absolutely cost-free.

How to download music to your computer

In this paragraph, we will figure out how you can download music from Odnoklassniki without programs and extensions, vikoryst or only a browser. I will show it on the application of two popular web browsers Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

This is a good way to download a small number of songs. If you call and everything goes smoothly, then you can download as much as possible. Another plus is that there is no need to install any extensions or add-ons.

Vikorist Google Chrome browser

Descriptions of the method of downloading music are suitable for those users who use the Opera browser or Yandex Browser.

  1. Open your browser and go to your Odnoklassniki page. In the top menu, go to the “Music” section.
  1. Find the composition you want to captivate. Then click on the right mouse button on the left side of the page and select “Review code” from the context menu.
  1. In the browser console, go to the “Network” tab.
  1. Now we press on the created songs that you want to captivate (1). Additional fields will immediately appear in the console.
    Find a field for which “media” (2) will be indicated in the “Type” section, and the number will be written MB (3) in the “Size” section (this is the size of the song, and it can be 10 or 20 megabytes).
    In the selected row, use the right button to click on the entry in the leftmost column (4).
  1. Select from the context menu “Open in new tab”.
  1. Therefore, be sure to adjust your browser, otherwise you will immediately start downloading, or you will need to specify the folder on your computer where to download the file.
    If you have a song downloaded automatically, and you don’t know where the Vanished folder is on your computer, click on the small black arrow next to the Vanished file and select “Show in folder”.
  1. Next, the folder with the desired files will open. You can find out the order of the track by the download date. See this row, and then click on the name again to go to the next edit. Change the song, adding the extension .mp3 at the end, and press “Enter”.
  1. Now you can listen to your favorite music and transfer it to another folder on your PC.

Vikorists Mozilla Firefox

If you use the Mozilla Firefox browser, you can download music on Odnoklassniki without programs as soon as possible.

  1. Press the “Music” button (1) again, select a song (2) (no need to start listening) and click in any place with the right mouse button (3). In the context menu, click “Trace element” (4).
  1. A console will appear at the bottom, where you can go to the “Merezha” tab (1). Then press on the desired song (2). Then find the row where:
    “File” will begin with “stream” (3);
    "Type" is guilty of buti "mpeg" (4);
    in the “Transferred” column there may be values ​​in MB (5) (in the example 7.79 MB).
  1. Click on the file with the right mouse button and select from the context menu “Open in new tab”.
  1. The new deposit window will open with progress. Click on it with the right button and select “Save audio as ...” from the context menu.
  1. In the Explorer window, select the folder where to save the song. “File type” is obviously responsible for MP3, and “Im...” can be specified either way. Only “Save” is missing.
  1. Now open the folder where you saved the track, and you can start listening to it again.

Program for downloading music from Odnoklassniki

In this section, we will look not at just the programs, but at extensions or, as they are called, extensions for browsers, with the help of which you can safely download music on Odnoklassniki.

The method is even more manual: after installing the extension, you will press the button for the desired track to select it. If the extension is no longer needed, then it is better to turn it on so that the browser does not freeze. utility for Yandex browser

The most popular extension among koristuvachs is assistant. You can install it in any browser. Now let’s look at the robot on the Yandex Browser application.

You can use the extension itself, turn it on and download music from OK. I wrote about this in detail in the article: Follow the instructions and read the article.

We will now tell you about the program that you will need to install on your computer.

  1. Copy the following address into the address bar of your browser: The download page will open. Click on the green “Enchant” button.
  1. Next, open the “Locations” folder on your computer, look for the Vantage installer and run it.

During installation, it is important to check the boxes for certain items. If you decide to install an antivirus, browser, etc., check the boxes in such fields.

  1. Restart the browser, and an extension icon will appear in the upper right corner - a green arrow points down. If it is not available, then open the “Add-ons” page and enable
  1. Go to your Odnoklassniki profile in the “Music” section. Find out the desired track and point the bear at it. A green download button will appear in the row - click on it.
  1. A blue tick will appear on the right side - this means you can download the song. Click on the file with the right button and select “Show in folder” to open the folder on your computer where you save.

OK Music extension for Google Chrome

  1. Using the OK Music extension, you can download music from Odnoklassniki through the Google Chrome browser. Go to the Chrome Online Store, search for it and install it.
  1. A glitch may appear on the right side of the browser. If you go to your profile on OK, you will see an orange color - this is the extension icon.
    Open the “Music” section and press the button with the open button on the text with the arrow. It will feel like downloading the collected song. After downloading, you can find them on your computer in the “Love” folder.

OkTools extension for Opera

  1. The OkTools add-on can be installed in Chrome and Yandex. For example, I’ll show you all the action in Opera. Find and add it to your web browser.
  1. The OkTools icon will appear on the right side of the browser, looking like a little man on an orange aphid.
    Open music in Odnoklassniki and find the track you need. Instruct the open button to click on the green arrow to download.
  1. When you want a track to end, right-click on the arrow and then on the folder icon. On your computer, you will see where the song was saved.

Expanded Video DownloadHelper for Mozily

  1. For those who struggle with Mozilla Firefox, check out the Video DownloadHelper plugin. We add something to the list and install it in the browser.

Odnoklassniki and other social networks save what is not available anywhere else - rare musical content. You know, you look, you look for the composition - and, you know, you know from someone in the world “OK”. Your joy is infinite, you try to find the “Enchant” button... but there is none.

Don’t you want to be satisfied with just listening to your favorite songs? I'm here! Today, in continuation with those, let's talk about how to get music from Odnoklassniki onto your computer.

How to download music from Odnoklassniki with a couple of mouse clicks

OkTools - additional features for “OK” clients

OkTools- this is a cost-free universal plugin for working with the Odnoklassniki website, equipped with the function of downloading multimedia content. Installs as an extension in Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers - Yandex.Browser, Amigo, Orbitium, etc.

After installation, OkTools adds its buttons to the “OK” playlist:

  1. For one-hour downloading of several tracks to your choice.
  2. To capture one track.

The button for downloading multiple tracks is indicated on the screenshot above with the number 1. Behind it there is a small menu. Click on it and click on the item “ select songs", Number 1 in the screenshot below. After completing the skin track, a checkbox will appear (number 2 below) - at the very end, where you can put a checkmark.

Select the song you want to download to your computer and click “ Remember my choice"(3 - below). The songs will be moved to the “Love” folder.

To download one composition, simply press the green button with the arrow indicated by the number 2 in the first screenshot.

OkTools, of course, is good, but not to spare the shortcomings. The head and the most patient - this is a leaking window with the desire to write a video and other “important” news. In addition, it fills the page with elements that you may not need. If you are looking for a simpler tool, you will be surprised at Skyload.

Skyload - attract content with social media and more

Skyload is also a cost-free extension for browsers that support Opera, Google Chrome and Yandex.Browser . Mozilla Firefox, it’s a pity not to be included in their number, those who are interested in “vognelis” can install instead of Skyload, which we learned about in the article about downloading music from VK. The same misfortune exists.

After installing Skyload, a download button will appear for each track in the playlist. When you hover the cursor over it, the size and bit rate of the composition will appear. Clicking on this button will send the song directly to the “Customer” folder.

How to download music from “OK”, not vikorist programs

This option will help those who are unable to install programs on their computer, for example, while working at work. We have already looked at 2 ways to download music from VK with “bare hands” - they work in OK. Anyone who has forgotten can turn around and marvel, but I won’t repeat myself too much, but I will tell you about the nuances of downloading songs directly from the Odnoklassniki website.

  • So, open the playlist and right-click on the song. Selectable in the context menu " Review of the element code" Instead, you can press the hot keys Shift + Ctrl + i.

  • At the top panel of the window, the code is imprinted “ Network»I go to the one-menu tab.

  • Next, we’ll emboss the “” button in the playlist Play", Let the song begin to appear.
  • During the process of engraving on the deposit “ Network»The table will be forgotten. Dochekaemosya, if in stovpchiku “ Type»Appear significant« audio/mpeg“- this is why we need a row with direct instructions. The request for the track is in the first place.

  • Right-click the context menu of your message and select “ Openlinkanewtab"- the file that is associated with it will go to the "Customer" folder.

  • If you lose one krok, change the composition. Let's go to the folder, click on the file with a mouse and press the F2 key to open the name change field. Let's add extension.mp3 to the file. You can immediately change the name, or even replace it while the numbers remain blank.

After renaming, the file icon will change to the music player icon. With less AIMP, yours may be different. Let's start and recheck what kind of song we need.

The method of transferring music to a computer without programs is a little more complex than the previous ones, and it’s also very bad. Heads up - it works in all browsers and on any operating systems. And it helps those whom the “evil admin” has severely deprived of their rights, depriving them of access to Odnoklassniki.

It’s just a small amount that gives us the ability to pay for crossings and defenses. What are your favorite ways to download music from “OK”? Well, tell our readers about them in the comments!

Unfortunately, there is no way to import mp3s and videos from social media using this powerful functionality. We can also help you correct this in a way that is unclear and understandable, such as importing music from Odnoklassniki to your computer using additional third-party programs or using your own browser. You can also read below how to use your phone.

Program for downloading music to computer

In order to capture media content from this social network, you can use the following programs:

  • OK Saving audio;
  • OkTools;
  • Skyload.

There is also a way to download the song in OK without third-party software - the procedure is also simpler. Let's figure out how to get content from social media onto your computer using other programs.

OK Saving audio

This plugin can only be installed on Google Chrome. Entertain your view of the store, expand your view. Robimo is on the move:

  1. Open Google Chrome, click on the three dots on the image, then select the item "Additional tools" and “Expansion”.

  1. Next, scroll down the page and select the item.

  1. Enter OK Saving audio and press Enter.

  1. Click on the button.

  1. Confirm the installation of the plugin by clicking on the button indicated on the screenshot.

  1. The extension is installed. Let's move on to downloading music.

  1. Go to the audio recordings page and see that a button with a floppy disk icon appears here. Printed її.


This extension will not only capture songs from Odnoklassniki, but also videos from other social networks. Below is a step-by-step instruction to teach you how to properly play music with OK through There is also a button here where you can download the remaining version of the program.

  1. If the program is downloaded, extract it from the archive and run the installer. You need to work as an administrator. In the future we will have the opportunity to accept a license.

  1. Now we need to arrange the proportions as we did in the screenshot. Otherwise, you will end up with a lot of fun on your computer or laptop.

  1. Installation is complete. The program window has “Finish” stamped on it.

  1. The browser (in our case, Chrome) will prompt you to enable the installed extension. Robimo tse.

  1. Now you can go to the music side and enjoy any song. When you hover the mouse over it, a green arrow and information about the brightness of the composition appear.


This is another effective option for downloading songs from Odnoklassniki. Let's take a look at the installation of the extension and work with it.

  1. Go to the official Oktools website and press the button indicated on the screenshot.

Depending on the browser from which you came to the site, you will be automatically redirected to the store of your browsing on the Oktools download page. Emboss the button.

  1. Confirm the installation of the extension by clicking on the indicated button.

  1. Now you can go to and download music. Each song will have an arrow for attraction.


Another extension for downloading music from OK. Let's take a look at the report and how to work with it using Google Chrome.

  1. Open the expand menu (how to do it - we described a little more) and enter the search string in the search bar: “Skyload”.

  1. From the list of found results, select the one we need and press the installation button.

  1. Confirm the installation by clicking on the button indicated by the arrow.

Ready. Now you can play music of anything in one click. With the name of the skin composition, a green arrow of interest will appear.

How to bring music to our desktop

In order to download songs directly to your desktop, just change the saving path in your browser. However, once you start working, it’s not just the music, but all the other components for entertainment that start to be saved on the desktop.

How to download music without programs

So useful. You can play music with OK in just one browser. Moreover, be it anyone. Try it like this:

  1. Go to the music side, but don’t play that song yet. Next, right-click on any place on the page and select the item "Trace the element"(In the case of a victorious browser, it may be called something else. For example, in Google Chrome it is - "Revise the code").

  1. Now we need to go to the “Merezha” tab and, having launched the song we need, arrange the files by size. The mp3 itself will be larger than others.

  1. Next, you need to right-click in the row with the largest file size and mpeg type, then open it in a new tab.

  1. The song has opened in the browser. Press the right button and save them manually. After this, the mp3 file will appear on your computer.

How to play music on your phone

If we talk about downloading music on iOS and Android, it can be said that the rest of the world was much more fortunate. You can also download music to iPhone via iTunes, but on Android you can download any music files at once.

You can transfer songs to your phone in three ways:

  • via PC;
  • for help cache;
  • Vikorist program on your phone.

Let's take a look at these methods in the report.

Pretend on Android via cache

This method works on the Android OS due to the fact that you can install programs on it with access to the file system.

In the same way as on a computer, when listening to music online, the file is still downloaded to the phone in a cache. We can easily find this cache and enchant it like a song.

For this purpose, follow our step-by-step instructions:

  1. To get started, let's install the X-Plore file manager on our gadget. You can enchant Yogo on Google Play by typing in the following question.

  1. Now open the mobile app Odnoklassniki and listen to the new song you want to save. Then go along the road:
I'll add memory / Android / Data / / cach / music-iles-cache / temp-file-dir

The tracks we need will be available here.

  1. Place your finger on the road and thereby click on the context menu in which it is embossed “Copy to clipboard”.

  1. Let’s go to the directory that will become the destination for mp3, and the “Insert” stamp will appear.

  1. The file that we have downloaded from the cache is still without extension. Let's rename it after adding it. mp3. To do this, click on the context menu by placing your finger on the file name.

  1. Ready. Our mp3 file can be processed. What kind of music player is it for?

After we have learned how to download music from Odnoklassniki, we can move on to another method. We will be no less useful.

Program for phone

With additional programs, you can listen to songs in OK or listen to them, and you can work there without an Internet connection. You just need to press the green plus sign and access the mp3 cache.

If the addition does not suit you, you can solve the problem differently. Just download music from Odnoklassniki to your computer and transfer it to your phone via a cable, infrared port, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. In exactly the same way, you can transfer music from Odnoklassniki to a flash drive.


Kozhen has been denied food, because everyone was tsking so much: “How can I download music from the Odnoklassniki website without costs to my computer from my site?” To top it all off, look at another thematic video.

Often having admired a video or music video on Odnoklassniki, we want to save it to your computer or mobile device so that you can watch it without connecting to the video or add to your video collection. However, installing unreliable programs from the Internet is very risky, so you can get a lot of food, as painlessly and safely from Odnoklassniki by sending online.

  • through a special resource;
  • via browser extension;
  • through the online service.

Important! All of the above methods are universal and are suitable for downloading videos not only from, but from other resources (Vkontakte, YouTube, Facebook).

How to copy the message for downloading

In any method, you need to copy the instructions to download the video file from Odnoklassniki in advance in order to try this method:

Dovidka! If there are difficulties with the created video, you can copy the message through the address row: open the video, press the left button on “http ...”, then press the “Ctrl” and “V” keys.

For additional special resources

Among the most popular methods is downloading video through the cost-free media converter “TelechargerUneVideo”, which allows you to save the file in MP4 or MP3 format without registration. It’s easy to use the site quickly:

Through an online assistant

You can download videos from classmates online without a program and with the help of the online assistant “”, and the saving procedure is similar to the previous method. You just need to paste the previously copied message into a special field on the site and click “Enter.” True, you will have a chance to find a similar video on YouTube through Search Engine.

Via browser extensions

For those who regularly save video files on their computer, it is better to use the appropriate browser extensions. After installing it on the web browser on Odnoklassniki and all other related sites, the “Enter” button will automatically appear in the program.

To set up this function in the Google Chrome browser, follow these steps:

No additional steps are required - immediately after installation, the download function will be built into the browser interface, and the format and size of the downloaded video file will be available for selection after pressing the “Download” button.

Dovidka! Some extensions have a different principle: you need to click on the program icon and select a downloadable video from all the files found by the system.