Original photo jokes about Johnny Catsville - funny pictures and memes. Johnny Catsville (kit blogger) Who is Johnny Catsville

The twenty first century can be boldly called the era of cool cats and intestines. This genre of humor has been explored in our century itself, hostilely lighted by cheerful demotivators, as well as possible and impossible photographs and video files for the fate of tails. The appearance of the character of the cat Johnny Ketsvil residually hardened the tails of the heroes in the first place of humorous sites. What is so special about Johnny Catsville's photo? The age of Johnny Catsville's pictures is getting bigger. Let's get it together.

Image by Johnny Catsville

Who is this cat Johnny Ketsvil, pictures of how to blink here and there? Meme Johnny Ketsvil - this extraordinary ruduvaty cat with an even funny face, which he took a picture of himself, after which yogo lord posted the photo on the Internet. Image by Johnny Catsville take your own cool photos of the cat in the foreground, funny photos behind the scenes and write no less fun.

Basically, Johnny Catsville's memes themselves wrote zmushuє trematis for life, shards are formed of hostility, that the rudenkiy kitt has his own blog, in which he shares his warnings with his mustache readers. At the same time, the phrase "Hello everyone, Johnny Catsville is with you."

Jokes about Johnny Catsville

First of all, if I sighed at Johnny Catsville's photo, I couldn't help but look at the laugh. In the background was a photograph of two "glamorous" girls with lips pumped with silicone, folded into a laugh. Keith Johnny Ketsvil, saying, what are they going to do to these girls today. Wrote the flooring when I came up with a photo, what I did next jokes about Johnny Catsville. The originals of Johnny Ketsvill were known for a long time and in the middle of them there were no funny photomatrices, building a new mood.

Mami Johnny Catsville

Hello everyone, Johnny Catsville is with you - a standard phrase, which is practical in all jokes related to a feral cat. Tsim i v_drіznyayutsya meme Johnny Catsville to solve similar jokes. Sometimes the sly muzzle of a cat is not taken into the frame, but jokes about Johnny Ketsville do not become the best. Navpaki, deyakі from them to instill funny. Especially, if in one of the photos of Johnny Ketsvil the owner of the ore cat joined in, how do you choose to celebrate today!

Funny Johnny Catsville

It's wonderful, how many people can guess funny situations, from which you can work funny Johnny Catsville. You can find direct confirmation of this on our website. A great number of Johnny Catsville's originals and a lot of cool cartoons online check you out in the world.

Johnny Ketsvil - a charming red whale, which stretches its paws to the lens, takes a silent photograph of itself. The blame for the Internet has changed the price of a meme, changing the background behind Yogo's back and adding different amusing writing. The original image was first published in March 2013 on Tumblr, and then turned into a meme. In 2014, the wave of popularity reached the Russian Internet.

Who is Johnny Catsville

The owner of the cat tried to take a picture of yoga, but at the same moment the creature rushed to the camera, and as a result, the picture appeared to be in the distance. In the photo, the whale marvels right at the lens and trims its paws in such a manner, start taking selfies. The American koristuvachs of the Internet caught the similarity of the creature with the leader of the comedy show "Jackass" Johnny Knoxville and turned the photo into a meme. This program was broadcast on MTV until 2002, and began forever with the same and those phrases: "Hello, Johnny Knoxville and we will be with you today ..." - and then on the screen were shown such funny tricks, often even more unsafe.

Popularity in Runet

Starting from September 2014, the picture of the cat Johnny Catswill began to appear on Russian sites, after which it gained fantastic popularity in Runet. Behind the cat's back, the coristuvachi added different landscapes, photos of naked girls, marching soldiers and reminiscent of Darth Vader from the saga about star wars. The signatures read:

  • "Hello! I'm calling you Johnny Catsville, and today I've come to Russia!"
  • "I am with you again, Johnny K., and today we will try to make acquaintance with the beautiful ones."
  • "Hi, tse Johnny Catsville, and I'll tell you what to do, so don't close the session."
  • "Today we will try to switch to the dark bik!"

Mami with Johnny Catsville began to be regularly published on various sites, and then the baton was picked up by a lot of VKontakte spins.


Memes are spontaneously and spontaneously expanded by popular Internet channels among a large number of koristuvachivs. The basis, as a rule, is a comedy image, or a short video clip, to which we then add a text on the topic. Cats are superb extensions of the material for similar creativity, that photo of Johnny Catsville on the cob was destined for popularity. This sweet creature is a parody of popular bloggers, who, with a camera in their hands, take a short video and play it at Merezhu, trying to turn the respect of the peeps. To the objective, sing the clink tricks and tricks, funny tricks, or just everyday tricks, beaten in a funny manner. Often the author's comments become more interesting than the video itself. Lovers of cats vikoristovuyut photo of Johnny, to illustrate the jokes about traditional cat curls: send the muzzle, unwind the toilet papyrus, tumble down the new yalinka.

The popularity of the cat gradually subsided, but hour after hour, bloggers still win this image in their robots. This enchanting rudimentary lad of the building is ridiculous to navit naybanalnіsha podіyu and obov'yazkovo to smirk at the spectator to laugh.

Johnny Catsville (kit blogger)- Rudy whale, like a nibi paws at the camera, marvel at the objective and say: "Hi, today with you Johnny Ketsville and today with you ..." Parody of TV presenter Johnny Knoxville. A meme to win for jarting about the typical behavior of cats.


In 2013, a photo appeared on Tumblr with an rudim cat, which rushed to the camera at the moment when the Lord knew him. Wiishlo nacha tailed himself directly on the camera and blogging.

The English koristuvachs succeeded that the whale looked like the leading TV show Jackass (“Divini”) Johnny Knoxville. The leather edition of the TV show, which aired on MTV from 2000 to 2002, the presenter began with the words: “Hello, Johnny Knoxville is with you. We kindly ask you to "Chudakiv". And then it was divine: the actors of the show performed various tricks and were marvelously deprived of their numbers.

The Runet meme came in 2014 roci. At the same time, the picture of the cat that yalinka appeared on Pikabu. A new meme with Johnny Catsville started publishing MDK and other information on VKontakte.

Behind the cat's back, photoshop if it were more rotten and change those writings, but the stench will inevitably repent: "For you, Johnny Catsville and today ..."


Johnny Catsville is a parody of a typical blogger who tells the camera about the skin rash of his life.

Often a picture of a cat is used for jokes about the typical behavior of domestic lovers: grizzle darts, use speeches, respect the master's pilososity or work on a computer.
