The method of spacious encoding of the mimo signal allows. MIMO data transmission technology in drone-free WIFI networks. MU-MIMO is best suited for rugged Wi-Fi devices


Chantly, who already feels about technology MIMO, The remaining fate is often explained in advertising brochures and advertisements, especially in computer stores and magazines. So what is MIMO and what is it about? Let's look at the report.

MIMO technology

MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output; multiple inputs, multiple outputs) is a method of spatial signal encoding that allows you to increase the bandwidth of a channel in which two or more antennas are used to transmit data and a similar number of antennas for reception. Send the appropriate antennas apart from each other to achieve minimal mutual influx between each other on the vessel antennas. MIMO technology is being used in drone-free Wi-Fi, WiMAX, LTE connections to increase throughput and more efficiently distribute frequencies. In fact, MIMO allows one frequency band and a given frequency corridor to carry more data, then. increase fluidity. The system can be reached by selecting a number of transmitting and receiving antennas.

History of MIMO

MIMO technology can be extended to reach young children. Our history begins in 1984, when the first patent for this technology was registered. Corn development and research took place at the company Bell Laboratories, and 1996 rock company Airgo Networks The first MIMO chipset was released under the name True MIMO. MIMO technology saw its greatest development at the beginning of the 21st century, when drone-free Wi-Fi networks and 3G satellite networks began to develop at a rapid pace. And now MIMO technology is being tested in 4G LTE and Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/ac.

What does MIMO technology provide?

For end-to-end devices, MIMO provides a significant increase in data transmission speed. Depending on the configuration of the equipment, the number of vicorized antennas can be increased by a factor of two, three, or up to eight times. However, in dartless lines, the same number of transmitting and receiving antennas is determined, and a chain is recorded, for example, 2x2 or 3x3. Tobto. When recording MIMO 2x2, two antennas transmit the signal and two receive. For example, with the Wi-Fi standard One channel with a width of 20 MHz gives a throughput of 866 Mbit/s, while the MIMO 8x8 configuration combines 8 channels, which gives a maximum throughput of approximately 7 Gbit/s. The same is true for LTE MIMO – the potential for increased speed across a number of times. For full-fledged MIMO coverage, LTE layers require , because As a rule, the antennas are insufficiently spaced and give little effect. And therefore, there may be MIMO support on the side of the base station.

An LTE antenna with MIMO support transmits and receives a signal in horizontal and vertical planes. This is called polarization. An important feature of MIMO antennas is the presence of two antenna connectors, and two wires for connection to the modem/router.

Despite the fact that a MIMO antenna for 4G LTE networking is actually two antennas in one, it’s hard to think that with such an antenna there will be a doubling of the speed. This may be true only theoretically, but in practice the difference between the primary and MIMO antennas at 4G LTE does not exceed 20-25%. However, what is important in this case is a stable signal, which can be provided by a MIMO antenna.

April 9th, 2014

At one point, the IR connection seemed to go quietly and unnoticed, then they stopped using Bluetooth to exchange data. And now the time has come for Wi-Fi...

The system has been developed into a richly complex system with anonymous inputs and outputs, which allows you to exchange data with more than one computer at the same time. The creators confirm that if the same radio frequency band connected to Wi-Fi is removed, the exchange speed can be tripled.

Qualcomm Atheros has developed a multi-system system with dataless inputs and outputs (MU-MIMO protocol), which allows users to exchange data with more than one computer at the same time. The company plans to roll out technology demonstrations over the next few months, first rolling out to customers early on.

However, in order to eliminate this high exchange rate, merchants will have to upgrade their computers and routers.

Under the Wi-Fi protocol, clients are served sequentially - within a single hour interval, more than one device is involved in transmitting and receiving information - so that only a small part of the network's throughput is consumed.

The accumulation of these last steps creates a drop in fluid exchange rate, as more and more devices are connected to the limit.

The MU-MIMO (multi-user, multiple input, multiple output) protocol ensures one-hour transmission of information to a group of clients, which provides an efficient use of the available bandwidth of the Wi-Fi network and speeds up the transmission.

Qualcomm understands that such capabilities will be especially useful for conference centers and Internet cafes, as long as many users are connected to the same network.

The company also appreciates that it is not only about increasing absolute fluidity, but also about more efficient airtime timing to support the growing number of connections of devices, services and Danish

Qualcomm's MU-Mimo chips are going to be sold to manufacturers of routers, access points, smartphones, tablets and other devices with Wi-Fi support. The first chips can be processed instantly despite the flow of data; Support for the technology will be included in Atheros 802.11ac chips and Snapdragon 805 and 801 mobile processors. A demonstration of the robotic technology will take place soon, and the first deliveries of chips are planned for the 1st quarter of the current year.

Well, now anyone would like to delve deeper into this technology.

MIMO(Multiple Input Multiple Output - multiple input multiple output) - this is a technology that is used in drone-free communication systems (WIFI, WI-MAX, steel edge coupling), which allows you to significantly improve the spectral efficiency of the system, maximum data transfer brush The capacity of the boundary. The main way to reach the most important values ​​is to transmit data from the device to the recipient through a radio connection, as this technology has lost its name. Let's take a look at the history of this technology, and the main reasons that led to the expansion of MIMO technology.

The need for high-speed connections that provide high quality of service (QoS) with high durability is growing exponentially. This is significant due to the emergence of such services as VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), video conferencing, VoD (Video on Demand), etc. However, most drone-free technologies do not allow providing subscribers with high service levels at the edge of the coverage area. In the case of steel and other droneless systems, the connection speed, as well as the available data transmission speed, drops sharply from the remote base station (BTS). At the same time, the brilliance of the services decreases, resulting in the impossibility of providing real-time services with a high yakity throughout the entire radio territory. To solve this problem, you can try to install the base stations as tightly as possible and organize internal coverage in all places with low signal strength. However, there are significant financial costs, which ultimately lead to an increase in job performance and a decrease in competitiveness. Thus, to solve the problem, you need an original innovation that will, if possible, cover the exact frequency range and will not require the creation of new interconnection objects.

Features of the expansion of radiokhvil

To understand the principles of MIMO technology, it is necessary to look at the underlying principles of expanding radio coverage in the open air. There are many different systems of drone-free radio communication in the range above 100 MHz, which are widely used as light exchanges. If the radioactive substances are exposed to a wide surface, then depending on the size of the material, some of the energy is absorbed, some of it passes through, and the lid is knocked out. On the surface of the clay, beaten and passed through the elements, energy flows without any external officials, focusing on the frequency of the signal. Moreover, the energy of the signal that has been broken and passed through can be changed directly to further broadening, and the signal itself is broken into pieces.

The signal, which is distributed everywhere according to the stated laws, from the dzherel to the point of contact after a collision with numerous transcodes, is divided into a meaningless hvil, some of which are not within reach. The skin of the hvil, which reached the destination, creates the name of the route to widen the signal. Moreover, through those that have different paths that cross different paths and pass through different routes, different routes have different hourly delays.

In the minds of many people, through a large number of transitions, such as trees, cars, etc., a situation often arises between subscriber units (MS) and base station antennas (BTS) There is direct visibility every day. In this case, the only option for reaching the signal is to break the needle. However, as stated above, a high-energy signal no longer has any output energy and can come from delays. Particular complexity is created by the fact that objects do not always lose their integrity and the situation can significantly change over time. This is due to the problem of rich signal broadening - one of the real problems with dartless communication systems.

Is widening wider a problem or a problem?

To combat the wide variety of signals, a number of different solutions are put together. One of the most advanced technologies is Receive Diversity. The essence of this lies in the fact that in order to receive a signal, there is not one, but several antennas (or two, or even two), arranged on one side of the other. In this way, he possesses not one, but two copies of the transmitted signal, which arrived in different directions. This allows more energy to be collected from the output signal, because Contents received by one antenna may be received by another at the same time. Also, signals that are in phase with one antenna can arrive in phase with another. This scheme for organizing the radio interface can be called Single Input Multiple Output (SIMO), as opposed to the standard Single Input Single Output (SISO) scheme. There may also be a reverse approach: if several antennas are selected for transmission and one for reception. As a result, the extraneous energy of the output signal is also rejected by the receiver. This circuit is called Multiple Input Single Output (MISO). In both schemes (SIMO and MISO), a number of antennas are installed behind the base station, because It is easy to implement dispersal of antennas in a mobile device that fits a large stand without increasing the dimensions of the end equipment.

Finally, we come to the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) circuits. In this case, a number of antennas are installed for transmission and reception. However, in contrast to the designation of more circuits, this diversity circuit allows not only to deal with the rich signal amplification, but also to eliminate certain additional advantages. Due to the combination of several antennas on the transmission and reception of the skin pair of the transmitting/receiving antenna, a separate information transmission path can be established. In this case, the antennas that were lost will be removed, and this antenna will also lose the functions of an additional antenna for other transmission paths. As a result, it is theoretically possible to increase the speed of data transmission as many times as the additional antennas are used. Protean exchange is applied to the skin radiopath.

MIMO robot principle

As stated above, the organization of MIMO technology requires the installation of several antennas on the transmitting and receiving sides. Always install an equal number of antennas at the input and output of the system, because This type provides the maximum data transmission speed. To show the number of antennas for reception and transmission at the same time from the name of the “MIMO” technology, you must guess the designation “AxB”, where A is the number of antennas at the input of the system, and B is at the output. Under the system there is sometimes a radio connection.

For MIMO technology to work, the necessary changes in the transmission structure are similar to those of other systems. Let's look at just one of the possible, simplest ways to organize MIMO technology. First of all, on the transmitting side there is a necessary flow distributor, which is divided into data, intended for transmission to a number of low-speed feeds, the number of which lies under the number of antennas. For example, for MIMO 4x4 and speed, the need for input data of 200 Mbit/sec will create 4 streams of 50 Mbit/sec each. Further, the skin of these streams is responsible for transmissions through its antenna. Please note that antennas on the transmission are installed at various spatial separations to ensure that there are as many extra signals as possible that interfere with the results of the transmission. In one of the possible ways of organizing MIMO technology, the signal is transmitted through the skin antenna with different polarization, which allows it to be identified upon reception. However, in the simplest case, the loss of signals from the signals that are transmitted is marked by the middle of the transmission itself (a delay in the hour, extinguished and other events).

On the front side, a number of antennas receive the signal from the radio broadcast. Moreover, the antennas on the front side are also installed at various spatial separations, for which the separation of reception, which was previously discussed, is ensured. The received signals arrive at the receiver, the number of which indicates the number of antennas and transmission paths. Moreover, it is necessary to receive signals from all antennas of the system. The skin from such summators sees the flow of energy to the signal along the tract, which is related to the vein. To pay attention to either the behind-the-scenes sign, which will protect the skin from signals, or the analysis of delays, extinction, and phases, etc. a set of pottery or "vіdbitku" middle of the day. Due to the operating principle of the system (Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time - BLAST, Selective Per Antenna Rate Control (SPARC), etc.), the signal can be repeated every other hour, or transmitted with little delay through other antennas.

A system with MIMO technology may experience an unexpected problem, which suggests that the speed of data transmission in a MIMO system may decrease when there is a direct line of sight between the receiver and the receiving signal. This is intended for us in advance of changes in the severity of the problem and creating too much space that marks the skin from signals. As a result, on the primary side it becomes problematic to separate the signals, and they begin to merge one on one. Thus, the greater the intensity of the radio connection, the less advantage can be taken away from MIMO.

Multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO)

The most important principle of radio communication organization is the so-called Single user MIMO (SU-MIMO), where there is only one transmission and reception of information. This type of transmission and reception can clearly please their activities, and at the same time there is no factor of insecurity, since new players may appear on the airwaves. This scheme is entirely suitable for small systems, for example, for organizing communication in an office booth between two devices. It has a large number of systems, such as WI-FI, WIMAX, and telecommunications systems, which cover a large number of private customers. They have a single center and a number of distant objects from which it is necessary to organize radiocommunication. Thus, two problems arise: on the one hand, the base station must transmit a signal to many subscribers through the same antenna system (MIMO broadcast), and at the same time receive a signal through the same antennas from several subscribers (MIMO MAC - Multiple Access Channels) .

In a direct uplink – from MS to BTS, the operators transmit their information simultaneously on the same frequency. Sometimes the base station suffers from complexity: it is necessary to separate the signals from different subscribers. One possible way to combat this problem is also with linear processing, which forwards the encoding of the signal that is being transmitted. The output signal, in this way, is multiplied with a matrix that consists of coefficients that reflect the interference effect of other subscribers. The matrix consists of the flow situation in the radio broadcast: the number of subscribers, transmission speeds, etc. Thus, before transmitting the signal, it is subject to a gateway that is in place during the time of radio transmission.

In downlink - directly from BTS to MS, the base station transmits signals simultaneously on the same channel to up to several subscribers. This means that the signal transmitted by one subscriber merges with the reception of all other signals. appears to be interference. Possible options to combat this problem are the use of Smart Antena or the use of dirty paper technology. Let's take a look at dirty paper technology in the report. The principle of this is based on the analysis of the radio stream and the number of active subscribers. A single (first) subscriber transmits data to the base station without encoding or changing his data, because There is no interference from other subscribers. Another subscriber is Koduvatime, tobto. change the energy of your signal so as not to interfere with the first one and not allow your signal to flow into the first one. New subscribers that are added to the system will also follow this principle, and will be reflected in the number of active subscribers and the effect that the signals give.

Zastosuvannya MIMO

MIMO technology has been one of the most popular ways to increase the throughput and capacity of droneless communication systems for the past decade. Let's take a look at the application of MIMO in different communication systems.

The WiFi 802.11n standard is one of the most powerful applications of the wireless MIMO technology. Of course, it allows you to maintain speed up to 300 Mbit/sec. Moreover, the latest standard 802.11g allows more than 50 Mbit/s. In addition to increased data transmission speed, the new MIMO standard also allows for superior service performance in areas with low signal strength. 802.11n is used not only in point/multipoint systems - the most common type of WiFi technology for organizing LAN (Local Area Network), but also for organizing point/point connections like network is for the organization of main sound channels The language speed is hundreds of Mbit/sec and allows you to transfer data over tens of kilometers (up to 50 km).

The WiMAX standard also has two releases that introduce new capabilities to users using additional MIMO technology. The first – 802.16e – provides services for mobile broadband access. It allows you to transfer information at a speed of up to 40 Mbps directly from the base station to the subscriber's equipment. However, MIMO in 802.16e is seen as an option and is supported in the simplest configuration – 2x2. The new release of 802.16m MIMO is seen as a carrier technology with a possible 4x4 configuration. With WiMAX, it is already possible to secure connections to legacy systems, even the fourth generation (with the help of high transmission speed), because There are a number of powerful policy measures: roaming, handover, voice connection. Theoretically, any mobile internet connection can reach speeds of 100 Mbit/sec. A fixed Wi-Fi connection can reach 1 Gbit/sec.

The greatest interest is in the development of MIMO technologies in steel bonding systems. This technology is well established, starting with the third generation of steel bonding systems. For example, in the UMTS standard, in Rel. 6 won is fully supported by HSPA technology with speed up to 20 Mbps, and Rel. 7 – with HSPA+, where transmission speeds reach 40 Mbps. However, 3G MIMO systems have not yet seen widespread use.

The systems, and LTE itself, also transmit variable MIMO in configurations up to 8x8. It is theoretically possible to transmit data from the base station to the subscriber at over 300 Mbit/sec. Another important positive point is the stability of the connection at the edge of the stilnik. If you point at a significant distance from the base station or if you are in a remote area, you will beware of a slight decrease in data transmission speed.

Thus, MIMO technology is widely used in all drone transmission systems. Moreover, its potential has not been exhausted. New antenna configuration options are now being released, up to 64x64 MIMO. This will allow us to achieve even greater data transmission speeds, measuring capacity and spectral efficiency.

MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output, multi-channel input - multi-channel output) - a method of coordinated transmission of multiple radio antennas in wireless communications, extensions in current home broadband routers and within the network of LTE communications WiMAX.

How does this work?

Wi-Fi routers with MIMO technology vicorist the most edge protocols, as well as the original single-channel ones. They will ensure greater productivity by increasing the efficiency of transmission and reception of data along the direct link line. In addition, edge traffic between clients and the router is organized around streams that are transmitted in parallel to their further receiving devices.

MIMO technology can increase transmission capacity, range, and reliability when there is a high risk of transmission from other drone-less equipment.

Zastosuvannya near the edges of Wi-Fi

MIMO technology is included up to standard version 802.11n. This depends on the productivity and availability of edge connections between existing routers.

The number of antennas may change. For example, MIMO 2x2 transmits the presence of two antennas and two transmissions, resulting in the reception and transmission of two channels.

To speed up this technology and realize its benefits, the client device and the router must establish a MIMO connection between themselves. The documentation prior to ownership, which is being vicorized, may have a designation that supports such possibility. There is no other simple way to check whether this technology is stuck in the boundary line.


The first generation of technology, represented in the 802.11n standard, supported the single-source (SU) method. Similar to traditional solutions, if all router antennas are coordinated to communicate with one client device, SU-MIMO allows them to be distributed among different devices.

MIMO technology was developed for use in Wi-Fi 802.11ac networks at a frequency of 5 GHz. Since the latest standard requires routers to handle their connections one by one (one at a time), MU-MIMO antennas can secure communications with desktop clients in parallel. improves productivity. However, an 802.11ac router does have the necessary hardware support for MIMO technology and other connections:

  • A number of one-hour client connections (2-4) are supported depending on the antenna configuration;
  • antenna coordination is ensured in only one direction - from the router to the client.

MIMO and steel link

The technology is being used in various types of dartless lines. It is becoming increasingly common to find stasis in a stitch bond (4G and 5G) in several forms:

  • Network MIMO – signal transmission between base stations is coordinated;
  • Massive MIMO - vikoristannya of a large number (hundreds) of antennas;
  • millimeter waves - the influence of high-frequency bands, which have a higher throughput, lower in the ranges licensed for 3G and 4G.

Richly insured technology

To understand how MU-MIMO works, take a look at how a traditional wireless router processes data packets. He handles the sending and receiving of data well, rather than directly. In other words, you can communicate with more than one device at a time. For example, if you are addicted to video, you cannot simultaneously broadcast an online video game to the console.

The user can launch a number of devices on the Wi-Fi network, and the Wi-Fi router forwards data bits to them. However, at the same time, only one device can be switched, which is the main reason for the decrease in connection speed, since the Wi-Fi throughput is too low.

If the fragments work, then you lose little respect for yourself. Not less, the efficiency of the router, which transmits data to a number of devices at the same time, can be increased. In this case, it is more practical to ensure a greater efficiency of the hemorrhage configuration. This is why developments similar to MU-MIMO appeared, which were included in the current standards of dartless linkage in the terminal pouch. These developments allow advanced routers to communicate with a wide variety of devices.

Brief history: SU vs MU

One of the most widely available MIMO systems is a variety of ways for routers to communicate with computer devices. The first of them is the eldest. The SU standard allows for the transfer and extraction of data in multiple streams depending on the number of antennas that could be used with different devices. SU will be included in the 802.11n 2007 update and will start rolling out the new product line.

However, SU-MIMO is limited to additional antenna. Although you can connect a number of devices, they, as before, are located on the right side of the router, which can only work with one at a time. The speed of transmission has increased, overload has become less of a problem, and the transmission has lost a lot of capacity.

MU-MIMO is a standard that develops from SU-MIMO and SDMA (multiple access with a wide range of channels). The technology allows the base station to interact with computer devices, creating a strong flow of chemicals to the skin of them, so as to stink up your moisture router.

Zreshta, MU support was added to the update to the 802.11ac standard in 2013. After several developments, manufacturers began to include this function in their products.

Advantages of MU-MIMO

This is a wasteful technology, and its fragments flow seamlessly onto everyday Wi-Fi networks without directly changing the bandwidth or other key parameters of drone-free connection. Measures become more effective.

To ensure a stable connection with a laptop, phone, tablet or computer, the standard does not require the router to have many antennas. Devices may not be able to share their MIMO channel with others. This is especially important when streaming video or other complex tasks. The fluidity of work on the Internet is subjectively improving, and the connection is becoming more reliable, although the organization of the network actually becomes more reasonable. The number of devices that need to be serviced simultaneously is also increasing.

MU-MIMO exchange

The technology of multiple access is covered by a wide range of resources and has a number of connections that you can guess. The same standards are supported by both devices, but they allow more to be added, and they have to share the stream, which leads to SU-MIMO problems. The technology is mainly used in the lower channels of the connection and is interconnected, if on the right to reach the output ones. In addition, the MU-MIMO router requires more information about the device and channel settings than previous standards. This complicates the procedure and eliminates the malfunctions of dartless lines.

MU-MIMO is also a direct technology. This means that 2 devices, separated by instructions, cannot simultaneously connect different channels. For example, if a person is watching an online broadcast on TV, and his friend is transferring a PS4 game to his Vita via Remote Play, they will still have to share the bandwidth. The router can supply discrete streams to devices that are distributed in different directions.

Massive MIMO

Around the world, the current fifth generation (5G) of drone-free smartphones has increased in the number of smartphones and new ones have led to a 100-fold increase in their required bandwidth compared to LTE. The new Massive MIMO technology, which continues to receive a lot of attention, can significantly increase the efficiency of telecommunications measures to unprecedented levels. When there is a shortage of available resources, operators have the opportunity to increase capacity in frequencies below 6 GHz.

Despite significant progress, Massive MIMO is far from complete. The technology, as before, is actively pursued both in academic circles and in industry, where engineers strive to achieve theoretical results through additional commercially acceptable solutions.

Massive MIMO can help solve two key problems - throughput and storage. For mobile telephony operators, the frequency range is a scarce and expensive resource, which is also the key resource for increasing the fluidity of signal transmission. In some places, the interval between base stations is about capacity, and not about heating, which requires a great deal of larynx and leads to additional costs. Massive MIMO allows you to increase the capacity of the network that is already running. In areas where the base stations are located in the background, the technology makes it possible to increase the radius of their activity.


Massive MIMO radically changes current practice, using even a large number of 4G service antennas (hundreds or thousands) that operate coherently and adaptively. This helps to focus the transmission and reception of energy to the signal in smaller areas of space, significantly increasing productivity and energy efficiency, especially in the case of a large number of koristuvach terminals (dozens or hundreds) combined with immediate planning. The method is initially used for duplex transmission with time division (TDD), but it can also potentially stagnate in the mode of duplex transmission (PDD) frequency division.

MIMO technology: advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the method are the wide availability of inexpensive, low-power components, reduced latency, simplified access control (MAC), and resistance to faulty and faulty overloads. The capacity of the building has been identified to lie in the middle of the expansion, which will ensure asymptotically orthogonal channels to the terminals, and experiments have not yet revealed the same boundaries.

At the same time, as many problems have been eliminated, new ones appear that will require urgent attention. For example, in MIMO systems it is necessary to ensure efficient operation without the use of inexpensive low-precision components, collect data on the channel and distribute resources for newly acquired terminals. It is also necessary to use additional freedom stages to ensure that there are too many service antennas, to reduce internal energy consumption to achieve external energy efficiency and to identify new scenarios for combustion.

The increase in the number of 4G antennas that take part in the implementation of MIMO requires the removal of the skin base station to change the configuration and wiring. Pochatkova Rozlartannya Merezh LTE Vimagalo installation of a new equipment. This allowed the configuration of MIMO 2x2 output to the LTE standard. Further changes in base stations occur only in extreme cases, and implementation largely lies in the operational middle. Another problem lies in the fact that the MIMO operation results in completely different behavior in the middle, lower-front system, which creates a completely unimportant planning. Therefore, operators are more adept at spotting other problems from the start, especially as they may be flared up by software upgrades.

One of the most important and most important innovations Wi-Fi in less than 20 years – Multi User – Multiple Input Multiple Output (MU-MIMO) technology. MU-MIMO expands the functionality of the drone-free 802.11ac “Wave 2” standard that was recently announced. Absolutely, this is a great opportunity for a dartless team. This technology helps increase the maximum theoretical speed of a wireless connection from 3.47 Gbps in the original specification to the 802.11ac standard to 6.93 Gbps in the updated 802.11ac standard Wave 2. This is one of the most advanced Wi-Fi functions today .

Let's figure out how it works!

MU-MIMO technology raises the bar to allow multiple devices to receive multiple data streams. It is based on Single-Circle MIMO (SU-MIMO) technology, which has been introduced for almost 10 years by the 802.11n standard.

SU-MIMO increases the speed of Wi-Fi connections, allowing a pair of drone-free devices to simultaneously receive or boost multiple data streams.

Figure 1. SU-MIMO technology supplies multiple channel input and output streams to one device simultaneously. MU-MIMO technology ensures one-hour communication with remote devices.

In fact, revolutionary changes for Wi-Fi will come from two technologies. This technology, called beamforming, allows Wi-Fi routers and access points to efficiently use radio channels. Before this technology appeared, Wi-Fi routers and access points worked like light bulbs, boosting the signal in all directions. The problem was that It is important for the non-focusing signal to reach client Wi-Fi devices.

Using additional beamforming technology, a Wi-Fi router or access point exchanges location information with the client device. Then the router changes its phase and the intensity of the formation of the short signal. As a result, radio signals are detected more efficiently, data transmission is speeded up, and the maximum communication distance may increase.

The capabilities of beamforming are expanding. Dosi Wi-Fi routers and access points were inherently single-tasking, working hard or only receiving data from one client device at a time. Early versions of the 802.11 family of wireless data transmission standards, including the 802.11n standard and the first version of the 802.11ac standard, had the ability to simultaneously receive or transmit multiple data streams, but previously there was no method What allows a Wi-Fi router or point to access one and This is the time to “sleep” with a large number of clients. Now, with the help of MU-MIMO, such a possibility has appeared.

This is a significant breakthrough, as the ability to transmit data one-hour to multiple client devices significantly expands the available bandwidth for drone-free clients. MU-MIMO technology inserts drone-free lines over the old method CSMA-SD, if only one device is being serviced at the same hour, the system allows several devices to talk at the same time. For greater accuracy of the butt, be aware of the transition from a single-car route to a wide highway

Today's droneless routers and access points of another generation using the 802.11ac Wave 2 standard are actively conquering the market. If you use Wi-Fi, understand the specifics of the MU-MIMO robot technology. We present to you 13 facts that will speed up your learning in this direction.

1. MU-MIMO"Downstream" stream (from the access point to the mobile device).

In addition to SU-MIMO, MU-MIMO technology is currently only available for transferring data from the access point to the mobile device. Only drone-free routers and access points can simultaneously transmit data to several users, be it one or several streams for each of them. The drone-free devices themselves (such as smartphones, tablets or laptops), as before, are required to directly route data to the drone-free router or access point, although in this case they can also use SU-MIMO technology for transmission how many streams .

MU-MIMO technology will be especially useful in these areas, where investors are more interested in data than they are.

Perhaps a version of Wi-Fi technology will be implemented in the future: 802.11ax, where the MU-MIMO method will be used for “Upstream” traffic.

2. MU-MIMO is faster than the 5 GHz Wi-Fi frequency range

SU-MIMO technology operates in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency ranges. Droneless routers and access points of a different generation using the 802.11ac Wave 2 standard can simultaneously serve a few customers on a mix of frequencies 5 GHz. On the one hand, of course, it’s a shame that with a stronger and more widespread mix of 2.4 GHz frequencies, we cannot use the new technology. On the other hand, there are more dual-band droneless devices on the market that support MU-MIMO technology, which can be used to develop productive enterprise Wi-Fi networks.

3. Beamforming technology helps strengthen signals

In the literature of the USSR, you can get a clear understanding of the Phased Antenna Array, which was divided for military radars in the late 80s. A similar technology was used in daily Wi-Fi. MU-MIMO is a technology for forming a direct signal (in the English technical literature it is known as “beamforming”). Beamfiorming allows you to direct signals directly to a refurbished drone-free device (or devices), and not to force them in a random manner in all directions. This way you can focus the signal and therefore increase the range and speed of your Wi-Fi connection.

Although beamforming technology became optionally available under the 802.11n standard, most vendors implemented their proprietary versions of this technology. These vendors will now introduce proprietary implementations of the technology in their devices, but now they will have to enable a simplified version of the directional signal shaping technology, if they want to support MU-MIMO technology its product line to the 802.11ac standard.

4. MU-MIMO supports a large number of one-hour streams and devices

It’s a great pity that routers or access points with implemented MU-MIMO technology cannot simultaneously service an unlimited number of streams and devices. A router or access point may be limited to a number of streams that can be serviced (often 2, 3 or 4 streams), and a number of wide-area streams also surround a number of devices that the access point can serve simultaneously. Thus, an access point with the support of four streams can simultaneously serve multiple devices, or, for example, send one stream to one device, and aggregate three other streams to another device (increasing the flow rate Nanny channels).

5. The presence of many antennas is not expected from commercial devices

As with SU-MIMO, drone-free devices with added MU-MIMO support can aggregate streams (fluidity). However, due to the situation with SU-MIMO technology, droneless devices do not necessarily need to replace multiple antennas in order to receive MU-MIMO streams from droneless routers and access points. If a droneless device is equipped with only one antenna, it can be accepted Only one MU-MIMO data stream from the access point, using beamforming for enhanced reception.

More antennas allow a drone-less device to receive more data streams at once (result in one stream per antenna), which will have a positive impact on the productivity of the device. However, the presence of many antennas in the device is negatively reflected in the strength and size of the device, which is critical for smartphones.

However, MU-MIMO technology provides less hardware access to client devices, and SU-MIMO technology is less technically complex, so it can be assumed with success that device manufacturers are more willing to equip their laptops and tablets supported by MU-MIMO technology.

6. Access points are important

Forgiveness was possible until the installation of end-users, the developers of MU-MIMO technology tried to transfer most of the signal processing work to access points. This is one more step ahead of the advanced SU-MIMO technology, which means processing the signal of the richest people lying on the devices. And again, this will help developers of client devices save on effort, size and other costs when developing their product solutions with the support of MU-MIMO, which can have a positive impact on the popularity zatsii tsієї technologies.

7. Low-cost devices benefit greatly from one-hour transmission through a limited number of high-space streams

Similar to link aggregation at the Ethernet edge (802.3ad and LACP), aggregation of 802.1ac streams does not increase the fluidity of a point-to-point connection. Tobto. If you are a single user and you have only one program running, you are using more than 1 space stream.

However, it is possible to increase The maximum throughput of the limit for the rakhunok is given to the ability of a service point to access several devices at the same time.

If all the devices installed on your network support the work with only one thread, then MU-MIMO allows your access point to service up to three devices at a time, instead of one at a time, at the same time as others The (thrust) koristuvalnitsky devices will have to mint their drawers.

Malyunok 2.

8. All computer devices are supported by MU-MIMO technology

Regardless of the fact that at this time there are still not many routers, access points or mobile devices supporting MU-MIMO, the company that manufactures Wi-Fi chips confirms that some of the manufacturers have installed the device in their manufacturing process There are many ways to support new technology for certain devices for terminal equipment there are still a lot of risks to this. For such devices, it is possible to simply update the software to support MU-MIMO technology, which can also accelerate the popularization of this technology, as well as stimulate companies and organizations to modernize their corporations active drone-free measurements for additional support with support for the 802.11ac standard.

9. Devices without MU-MIMO support are also supported by the game

Regardless of those that Wi-Fi devices are obligated to use MU-MIMO support in order to use this technology, those client devices that do not support such support can be rejected indirectly year, robots in the drone-free zone, de router or Access points support MU-MIMO technology. It is important to remember that the speed of transmission of these data must depend on the hour when any subscriber devices are connected to the radio channel. And because MU-MIMO technology allows you to service some devices faster, this means that the access point will lose more than an hour to service other client devices.

10. MU-MIMO helps increase the throughput of drone-free surveillance

If you increase the speed of your Wi-Fi connection, you also increase the throughput of the drone-free network. Since devices need to be serviced more quickly, the network has more regular service hours for a larger number of client devices. Thus, MU-MIMO technology can significantly optimize the operation of drone-free networks with intense traffic or a large number of connected devices, such as large Wi-Fi networks. This is a wonderful new thing, a number of smartphones and other mobile devices, with the ability to connect to a Wi-Fi network, will continue to increase beyond everything.

11. The width of the channel must be adjusted

One of the ways to expand the capacity of a Wi-Fi channel is to link channels, when two connected channels are combined into one channel, which is twice as wide, which actually doubles the speed of Wi-Fi connection between the device and access point. The 802.11n standard transmits support for channels with a width of up to 40 MHz; in the original specification for the 802.11ac standard, the channel width supported was increased to 80 MHz. The updated 802.11ac Wave 2 standard supports 160 MHz channels.

Figure 3. Today, the 802.11ac standard supports channels up to 160 MHz wide in the 5 GHz frequency range

However, it should not be forgotten that the use of dartless channel boundaries of greater width increases the likelihood of faulty distortion in crowded channels. Therefore, such an approach will never again be the right choice for clearing the throat of all Wi-Fi connections. Tim not less, MU-MIMO technology, as we can transfer, can be used for channels of any width.

Please note that your drone-free network has larger narrow channels with a width of 20 MHz or 40 MHz, MU-MIMO technology can still help it perform faster. And the axis is much wider, depending on how much it is necessary to service client devices and how many skin flows from these devices are supported. Thus, modern MU-MIMO technology without wide communication channels can significantly increase the throughput of a drone-free output connection for a skin device.

12. Signal processing promotes safety

An important side effect of MU-MIMO technology is that the router or access point encrypts data before sending it through radio channels. It is important to decode the data that is transmitted using MU-MIMO technology, because it is not clear what part of the code is in what space. Although in the future there may be special tools that allow other devices to intercept the traffic that is being transmitted, today MU-MIMO technology effectively masks data that is transferred near listening devices ovuvannya. Thus, the new technology helps to improve Wi-Fi security, which is especially important for sensitive wireless networks, such as large Wi-Fi networks, as well as access points that operate in personal mode or use simpler authentication mode for users ів (Pre-Shared Key , PSK) based on Wi-Fi measurement technology WPA or WPA2.

13. MU-MIMO is best suited for rugged Wi-Fi devices

There is also one caveat about MU-MIMO technology: it does not work well with devices that quickly collapse, since the process of forming a direct signal using beamforming technology becomes more complicated and less effective. Therefore, MU-MIMO cannot provide you with significant benefits for devices that often use roaming on your corporate network. However, it should be understood that these “problems” of the device have nothing to do with MU-MIMO data transmission to other devices, which are less disruptive, or their productivity.

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We live in the era of the digital revolution, anonymous. We haven’t yet reached the threshold of any new technology; And while we need to think about whether this technology is effective and will really help us to break away from the Internet or else we will simply be cheated out of money for the next time, designers are at this hour developing yet another new technology, so that we can introduce the monotony of online streaming in literally 2 years. MIMO antenna technology is becoming popular.

What is MIMO technology? Multiple Input Multiple Output – multiple input, multiple output. First of all, MIMO technology requires complex solutions and does not involve antennas. For a brief understanding of this fact, it is important to take a short excursion into the history of the development of mobile communications. Investigators are faced with the task of conveying a large amount of information in one hour, then. increase fluidity. By analogy with the water supply system, deliver more water to the water supply in one hour. We can achieve this by increasing the “pipe diameter”, or, by analogy, by expanding the range of frequencies. From now on, the GSM standard is limited to voice traffic and the channel width is 0.2 MHz. It was completely enough. In addition, there is the problem of ensuring richly insured access. You can divide divided subscribers by frequency (FDMA) or by hour (TDMA). GSM gets stuck in two ways overnight. As a result, we have a balance between the maximum possible number of subscribers and the minimum possible amount of voice traffic. With the development of the mobile Internet, this minimal amount of money has become a medium of choice for increased fluidity. Two technologies based on the GSM platform – GPRS and EDGE have reached a speed limit of 384 kbit/s. To further increase speed, it was necessary to expand the capacity for Internet traffic as soon as possible using the GSM infrastructure. As a result, the UMTS standard was fragmented. The main contribution here is the expansion of the frequency range up to 5 MHz, and to ensure the rich access available to the public, the adoption of CDMA code access technology, in which a number of subscribers simultaneously operate in one frequency channel. This technology was called W-CDMA, adding to the benefits it has in a wide range of applications. This system is called a third-generation system - 3G, and therefore it is above GSM. So, we removed a wide “pipe” of 5 MHz, which allowed us to initially increase the speed to 2 Mbit/s.

How else can we increase the fluidity, since we cannot further increase the “pipe diameter”? We can parallelize the flow into several parts, let the skin part flow around the edge of a small pipe, and then fold the edges of the flow on the front side into one wide flow. In addition, the liquid can be stored due to the reliability of the snacks at the canal. Changing this consistency with the path of overworld encoding, which avoids correction of damage, using more thorough methods of modulating the radio signal, we can also increase the fluidity. All these procedures (including the expanded “pipe” to increase the number of carriers per channel) were consistently based on the further advanced UMTS standard and were called HSPA. This is not a replacement for W-CDMA, but a soft+hard upgrade of the main platform.

The international consortium 3GPP is developing 3G standards. The table summarizes the features of different releases of this standard:

3G HSPA flexibility & advanced technological features
3GPP releaseTechnologiesSpeed ​​Downlink (MBPS)Uplink speed (MBPS)
Rel 6 HSPA 14.4 5.7
Rel 7 HSPA+
5 MHz, 2x2 MIMO downlink
28 11
Rel 8 DC-HSPA+
2x5 MHz, 2x2 MIMO downlink
42 11
Rel 9 DC-HSPA+
2x5 MHz, 2x2 MIMO downlink,
2x5 MHz uplink
84 23
Rel 10 MC-HSPA+
4x5 MHz, 2x2 MIMO downlink,
2x5 MHz uplink
168 23
Rel 11 MC-HSPA+
8x5 MHz 2x2/4x4 MIMO downlink,
2x5 MHz 2x2 MIMO uplink
336 - 672 70

4G LTE technology, in addition to the greatness of 3G networks, which allowed it to climb the mountain above WiMAX, has the potential to develop even greater speeds, up to 1 Gbit/s and higher. Here, even more advanced technologies for transferring the digital stream to the radio interface, such as OFDM modulation, which integrates well with MIMO technology, will be introduced.

So, what is MIMO? The parallel flow to a number of channels can be sent in separate ways through a number of antennas “in the opposite direction”, and received by the same independent antennas on the front side. In this way, we remove a bunch of independent “pipes” behind the radio interface do not expand the dark skin. This is the main idea MIMO. When the radio frequency of the radio channel is widened, selective fading is avoided. This is especially noteworthy for the minds of the great Moscow oblivion, since the subscriber is located in Russia on the edge of the service area of ​​​​the ironworks. The disappearance of the skin's expansive "pipe" does not occur overnight. Therefore, if we transmit the same information over two MIMO channels with a slight delay, by first pressing a special code on it (the Alamuoti method, superimposed on the code in the form of a magic square), we can restore the loss of characters on the primary side, which is equivalent to reducing the signal/noise ratio to 10-12 dB. As a result, this technology will again lead to an increase in speed. In fact, Rx Diversity has long been known to organically integrate into MIMO technology.

We are sorry to realize that MIMO can be supported both on the base and on our modem. Set the number of MIMO channels in 4G to a multiple of two - 2, 4, 8 (Wi-Fi systems have an expanded three-channel 3x3 system) and it is recommended that this number be the same on both the base and the modem. Therefore, to fix this fact, MIMO is assigned to receive/transmit channels - 2x2 MIMO, 4x4 MIMO, etc. While we are on the right, it is important to use 2x2 MIMO.

What antennas are suitable for MIMO technology? These are the same antennas, there are just two of them (for 2x2 MIMO). For the subchannels, orthogonal so-called X-polarization is established. In this case, the polarization of the skin antenna is placed at 45° between the vertical and 90° at the same time. Such polarization places the offending channels at the same level, fragments with a horizontal/vertical orientation of the antennas, one of the channels will inevitably remove more extinction through the influx of the earth's surface. At 90°, the polarization between the antennas allows the channels to be separated from each other by at least 18-20 dB.

For MIMO, you and I will need a modem with two antenna inputs and two antennas per antenna. However, the power supply is lost, which is supported by this technology at the base station. For 4G LTE and WiMAX standards, such support is provided both on the side of subscriber devices and on the base. For Merezha 3G, not everything is so simple. The network already has thousands of devices that do not support MIMO, for which new technologies have a reversal effect - the throughput of the network is reduced. Therefore, operators are not yet in a hurry to introduce MIMO everywhere in 3G networks. So that the base could give subscribers high speed, it is their fault that they have good transport, then. There is a “pipe” connected to it, along with optical fiber, which is still in place. Therefore, in 3G networks, MIMO technology is currently at the stage of formation and development, undergoing testing by both operators and suppliers, and the rest are not always successful. Therefore, you can’t rely on MIMO antennas in 4G applications. At the edge of the service area, high-powered antennas can be installed, such as mirror ones, for which MIMO is already on sale.

In Wi-Fi networks, MIMO technology is included in the IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11ac standards, and is now being adopted by a variety of devices. Until we anticipate the arrival of 3G-4G 2x2 MIMO technologies, consumers should not sit still. 64x64 MIMO technologies with smart antennas are now emerging, which provide an adaptive directivity diagram. Tobto. As soon as we move from the sofa to the armchair or go to the kitchen, our tablet will mark this diagram of the directness of the installed antenna in the required direction. Who will need this site at that time?