Special office of the provider “Leleka. Leleka special office How to change the tariff plan

special officeAist. net. en- confidential space, creations for corystuvachs of the great Internet provider. The company has been operating for over 15 years, which confirms the reliability and confidence of the clients. The service guarantees the savings of the necessary and lucrative new partners, and the presence of the official site and access to the personal zone makes it easier for the robot.

Important information:

  • Resource on the Internet - http://tlt.aist.net.ru.
  • Entrance to the special office - https://my.100megabit.ru/auth.php.
  • Contacts - 20-20-20, [email protected].


special officeAIST (Togliatti) provides access to information about the services, how the organization is supposed to be. After entering the closed zone, there is an access to the information about the connection of new options, about the tariff plan and the extra money for the rahunka. In addition, there is a path to personal documents - a copy of the paperwork, paperwork invoices, as well as the folding of papers for a forward payment.

An important moment is to report on the statistics of how much the current traffic will be, information on how much the fees for the work of the service, as well as information on the weekly (by local or international). But not all. At the personal zone, clients have access to a call from the spivrobitnik (manager) of the company and there is a chance to strengthen the sheet to the general director of the organization (with a kind, scary recommendation).

Entrance to the special office of Aist.net.ru

To gain access to the opportunities you have, you must go through a simple authorization process. To enter the special office of AIST (Tolyatti), you need to complete the following:

  • go to the side http://tlt.aist.net.ru;
  • from the left side of the mountain, press the button "Specials office" (otherwise, I’m going to demo for the request https://my.100megabit.ru/auth.php).
  • enter login or line number, and then enter password;

  • press the exit button.

Varto designate that access to the personal zone is restricted for subscribers who have joined the service. Under what circumstances, such statements should be made:

  • Login - a parameter that is written in the service agreement (line number).
  • Password - personal account.

Online Help Guide AIST

The company didn't succumb to the creation of a special office of Aist.net.ru, but it made a better job. Clients took away the right of remote access for the help of the special AIST Online program. Through the program, you can adjust the settings, check the flow and take the information from the provider. The program is released for the standard operating system on Windows and for mobile phones (Android and iOS). In addition, after the entrance to the program koristuvach otrimuє access to the main functions, about yaki guessed more.

How to change or reset your password?

The system creates the first password for promotion, it is recommended that you change it (for greater confidence). The algorithm is:

  • log in using your parameters;
  • go to the "Administration" section;
  • click on the change password section;
  • indicate old, and lower new data;
  • Save information.

If you forgot your password, you need to click on the confirmation message at the end of the authorization and access the assistance to the site.

Can you join the special office of AIST (Tolyatti)?

Entry to the personal side is given to all subscribers, and it is not necessary to pay for the service. Access is closed after the application is made between the client and the telecommunications company. In order to please you, it is necessary to come especially to the office and fill out an application with a special request. The agreement is broken at that moment, if the parties in the world have succumbed to the goiter one before the other.

Access to telephony, television communication and the Internet has become a phenomenal phenomenon. At the skin daily booth, chi office is connected to such services. The company "Leleka" works in the field of digital services for the population of the city of Samaria and the Samara region.

About the provider

The company has been operating on the market for over 20 years. For this term, the technical security has changed dramatically, the number of services has grown. Leleka delivers a kіlka vidіv services:

  • Digital television;
  • maintenance of stationary telephones;
  • Broadband Internet access via fiber optic connection.

One of the company's most recent innovations is Llek's special office. Subscribers took away the opportunity to charge services, tariffs, balance all the way. If so, it is not necessary to contact the provider especially: call the office, call the customer support service.

aist.net.ru- official website of the Internet company AIST

Registration and entrance to the special office from Aista

Technically, it is not necessary to register a new physical record with the Lelek system. Subscribers, after making an agreement with the provider, automatically remove access to the remote self-service service. The company has created a single special office for all types of services.

Registration data is written in special columns of the service contract. As a rule, the login and password are the number of a special account and a secret combination of letters and numbers. You can get to Lelek's special office using a clumsy algorithm:

  1. Go to the official website of the provider - enter the address row of the browser aist.net.ru;
  2. Choose the place of registration of the subscriber;
  3. In the right-handed menu, select the type of client - services for the home, office, or already registered subscriber (as an agreement with Aistom was laid, then the third option should be used);
  4. In the login form, enter your login and password, click the "Submit" button.

my.100megabit.ru- Entrance at special office of Llek

You can change the password in your personal account. At the time of entering the password into the contract, you can redeem the data on the official website. The login form has a confirmation message “Forgotten your password?”. By clicking on it, you can go directly to the distribution, where you can change your login data. For renewal, you need a login or a number of a special account. If you have entered the correct number of entries, on your postal screen or mobile phone you need to confirm with a new password or send a new combination to the login page.

If the subscriber does not remember the password, but the login, you can update the data through the technical support service. It is necessary to call the Aista hotline, or write a facsimile at the return call form on the official website of the operator. Spivrobitniki ask to name a nickname, I'm that passport data of a hulk, on I'm'ya I've laid down an agreement.

Internet Helper (AIST On-Line)

Opportunity for a special office

Leleka gives subscribers a handy special office with an intuitively understandable interface and thoughtful functionality:

  • Revision of information about the tariff plan and camp;
  • Knowing and retrieving the receipt from the history of payments and the client's official accounts;
  • Reimbursement for additional payment systems and bank cards (no commission);
  • Changing and adjusting the tariff;
  • Vіdstezhennya that part in promotions, bonus programs;
  • Revision of the provider's news;
  • Changing the special cabinet, password;
  • Online consultation with a technical support specialist.

The appointment of a special office, service at the subdivision and consultations are given to registered subscribers free of charge.

What is "leleka"? The price of a free internet for the price of a primal, the price of a connection, the provision of services and services for a call, a wide range of tariffs for private businesses and businesses. The company was founded in Togliatti in 1996, and since 2007, its activities have expanded to Samara, and this year, more than 100,000 employees are employed throughout the Samara region. The main directives of the activity of CJSC "AIST":

  • Internet (width up to 100 Mb/s);
  • telephony (Smart TV);
  • DPC (data processing center).

Through the special office "AIST" you can control the write-off of bills, select the most viable tariffs, or check the quality of the traffic.

You can regulate the services of an Internet provider and choose the optimal tariffs through the official website. I gave you instructions on how to get to the special office "AIST". For whom you drive into the search row of the browser to the address aist.net.ru and open the page. Then at the menu it is necessary to choose the place of your residence and correct it for the message “I am a subscriber”. At the top right corner, an icon of a special office will appear, it’s pressing. Before you see the authorization side. At the end of the day, you are typing your login and password. The functions of the personal login will show the number of your seen line (assignment in the service agreement). The password is the number of the special account.

Take advantage of the Internet helper "AIST On-Line"

Remote service service – price format of services from a provider. Through special cabinet you can:

  • to control your balance, to withdraw excess money for a special account;
  • popovnyuvat rahunok;
  • collect better tariffs for services;
  • add new services or vimikati uncommon.

As a dodatkovu pіdtrimku you can zavantazhit Іnternet pomіchnik "AIST On-Line". The supplement is to take on the management of the nalashtuvannyam, to help you to spend money (moreover, not only for AIST cabinets, but also for mobile numbers or cards of the NCC payment system), as well as to give new news to the company. "AIST On-Line" is available both in a standard format and in a mobile add-on for iOS and Android.

Tariffs "AIST" special office

The new list of opportunities for the special office "AIST" includes:

  • Detailed information about all current services. You save a surplus of pennies for your rahunka and a new transfer of labor services from current prices. You can change and connect new services or change the main tariffs for the start of the service "AIST special office".
  • Completion of supporting documentation. Here you can register a special rahunka and issue a rahunki for payment.
  • Statistics and zvedeniya analysis of activity. The service monitors the flow of traffic (Internet), archives the history of payments, creates details of local and international calls (telephony).
  • Dialogue from the support team. You can contact your personal manager and clarify the details of the service.

Special office "AIST" telephone

Innovative technologies and individual solutions for small and medium businesses to talk about the professionalism of an Internet provider. Depending on the purpose of the client, the traffic is secured both by digital ADSL lines (8 Mbit/s) and by FastEthernet fiber optic channels (up to 100 megabits per second). For consumption (daily wired communications) the company will provide the organization with a wireless call. Fahіvtsі company їzabezpechyu tsіlodobova tekhnіchnu and іnformatsiynu podtrimku kliєntіv. Whether or not you can put the power through the special office "AIST" or by phone.

"AIST" how to get to the Special Cabinet

Vlasniki business evaluate special propositions from AIST.

  • The service of IP VPN is to allow combining geographically distant offices and representative offices into a single corporate entity. Now spіvrobіtniki can exchange money and vikoristovuvat svіlnі programs in real time with the protection of channels.
  • The connection and installation of rich-channel telephone lines is a guarantee of uninterrupted work of the office. Now it is easier for clients to contact the manager. And for virtual presence in the judicial area, you can use the number that will be automatically forwarded to your office phone.

This is not the whole list of the company's services. Varto would have been fine to describe the installation of IT-systems and international communication, the services of the Data Center and the virtual office. For a skin company, the provider distributes an individual program, for the treatment of all AIST products, it is enough to get to the Special Cabinet.

Special office of Lelek

Functionality of a special office

The Internet provider "Leleka" gives its customers the opportunity to receive the same information about any service and to improve the necessary regime for hiring services. Lelek’s convenient and functional special office is the ability to conduct all necessary operations online, without having to call the company’s office and call to a hot line, including submitting an application for a connection. The main services available to the subscriber in a special office:

    pereyad I will become a rahunka;

    more control;

    vitrates control;

    online review of statistics for any period;

    change of tariff payment;

    payment for services without commission for an additional payment card;

    keruvannya with a set of additional services;

    editing a special profile;

    otrimannya new type of provider;

    Password change;

    online help of the company's helper.

To access the special office, you need only a computer or a mobile device, connections to the Internet.

Password change

After the first entrance to the office, it is recommended to change the password for the entrance. For whom it is necessary to log in and go to the menu "Keruvannya". Here select the "Change password" option, the system prompts you to enter the old password, and then the new password. After hitting "OK" the new password will be saved. If the password is forgotten or wasted, the system will allow you to restore it online. For whom on the third party authorization, it is necessary to select the option "Forgot your password?" and enter the information that the system will be queried.

Review of statistics in the special office of Lelek

The Special Cabinet allows you to review the statistics of active services for the remaining 3 months. To review the information, you need to log in to the special account and go to the “Statistics” section. The following options are available here:

  • mіstsevі dzvіnki - here are shown data about mіstsevі dzvіnki;
  • MG/MN calls – to send information about international and international calls;
  • intra-zone telephone call – statistics of intra-zone telephone call;
  • replenishment of a special rahunka - information about the replenishment of a rahunka;
  • vitrati of a special rahunka - information about vidatkovі operations from the rahunka;
  • active sessions - statistics of work on the Internet.

Customer support through Lelek's office

For the prompt resolution of problems and the need to supply the koristuvach, in the middle of the office, additional assistance was implemented online. Also, you can take a consultation with the health care service center at the number 20-20-20. To improve the Internet and other technical power, you need to dial the telephone number of the technical support service 20-01-55.

leleka Online

AIST subscribers may be able to win a special program "AIST Online" for access to a special office. The program can be downloaded from the official website of the provider, which works on the Windows operating system. The Internet helper allows you to easily connect to the Internet, control your balance at once, take care of new provider types, and have a lot of additional functions. The main advantage of the program is a handy interface, a kind of intelligence to instill incompetent shorthanders that high functionality. All the basic functions of a special office are available to the subscriber at the time of the "AIST Online" channel.

How to turn on Llek's special office?

The special office of the company Aist is absolutely cost-free and enters the complex of services that the company hopes. Vіdklyuchаєєєєєєєєєєєє ін one hour іz rozirvannyam contract for nadannya servіvіd provider. For whom it is necessary to return to the nearest office and write a statement. Razirvannya agreement can be less for the mind, as the parties do not toil alone in front of one goiter.

Security and privacy policy

When working with a special office, the coristuvach is guilty of complying with the strict rules of safety. Tse allow to secure confidentiality and defend against illegal miscreants:

    give respect to the site address, beware of resources that imitate official sites;

    do not give the password to third persons, as it is suspected, that having spent the password from a third hand, it is negligent to change it;

    to minimize access to a special office from other people's computers, do not allow the browser to remember the login password;

    be protected by licensed anti-virus programs, update them in your own time.

Signing the offer, koristuvach confirms that you are familiar with the rules of safety and goitre to reach them.

Lelek's special office - a system was installed on the official website of Lelek's company, which helps to carry out the necessary operations and request services on a remote basis. Leleka individual cabinet has a short interface with a set of tabs and options. Zdіysnennya be-yakої dії possible in a sprat of clicks. Also, the profile has a wake-up call for a direct connection with the operator of the support service, which will immediately respond to all the subscriber's requests without a call.

In order to get to Llek special office, you need to go to the official website of the postal manager of telecom services, and on the left side of the head press the key for access with the inscription "Special office". The system will automatically redirect the client to the authorization window. An easy way to get into Llek's account is to click on the password on the side of the entrance.

After the entry is made, the block will appear with empty fields for filling. The top field has the login and line number, and the bottom field has the password. After re-verification of the data assignments, the “Remove” option is clicked. Under the block with authorization parameters, messages are also placed on the access panel. The first camp will be in favor of the koristuvachs, forgot the password.

After the victorious keys "Forgot your password?" service to zavantage a new side with a block, it is necessary to sequentially vikonati chotiri kroki. The first key is to indicate the name of a single oblіkovogo record or the number of the seen line, the password for the confirmation. The leather crock is confirmed by the pressing of the "Dali" button.

Krim password recovery system for a special rahunka . Having clicked її, the subscriber will stop at the block, where it is necessary to enter the required line number and save the amount of the replenishment. By clicking on the "Dalі" button, you will be redirected to the side of the payment system. Payment can be made with bank cards Master Card, VISA and SVIT.

Masters of smartphones with the iOS operating system can go to a special office mobile addendum "AIST Online" . With this help, all the functions of the visual recording are available, without borders. Download and install the utility is recommended on the official App Store. Logging in from the program is displayed as it is, like from the computer - the login or line number is indicated, then the password.

The entrance to the special office is also possible computer program "Leleka Online" . On the mobile version, you can switch to a stationary PC or a laptop and work without interruption in 24/7 mode. In the utility-helper, there are the same operations that are used in the online version of the special office.

Leleka special office, the possibility of an online office

Zayshovshi in Lelek's special office, interface mittevo swedish access panels . They will be signed as follows: "Profile", "Internet", "Telephone", "Bonuses and promotions", "Information", "Support service", "One special account", "SoftPhone". Under them there are tabs with additional options for the tariff plan, so you can turn on or change other options for the bazhannyam.

By clicking on one of the main panels, new color tabs with their characteristics will appear. For example, if you select the Internet tab, the system will immediately show the line number. Under the name, the tabs are shown with the name of the tariff, the next tariff, special account, description statistics. Additional tabs - support service, the number of sessions, and a single oblique record. In this rank, the functional of Lelek's special cabinet of wisdom.

Opportunities for AIST online account:

  1. Additional information about service packages.
  2. Changing the regime of vikoristannya services.
  3. Submission of applications for connection services.
  4. Distance review will become a rahunka.
  5. Controlling the schedule for replenishing the balance.
  6. Review of statistical data.
  7. Tariff change.
  8. Management of autonomous services.
  9. Correction of data in a special profile.
  10. Otrimannya new type of company.
  11. Possibility to change the password.
  12. Registration of rakhunkiv and registration of rahunka-invoice.
  13. Otrimannya qualified online support for fakhivtsya contact center.

Connecting a special office AIST

Listova sobisty kabіnet vіdkritiy іlki іlki fіzichnyh i juridical osіb, yakі earlier zamovili podklyuchennya servita sluzhby provider. If a person or a company has taken a decision to connect, they can come with documents to the office of the Leleka company, or apply for connection directly on the site (click on the “I want to join” tab). Then the system will show a list of the company's services:

  • Internet - free of charge up to 100 megabits per second;
  • Phone - a local number with a low rate call;
  • Internet + telephone - two services on one line;
  • Local network of booths - the Internet on several computers;
  • TV set-top box - TV-equipped with Full HD Elitex technology;
  • Video warning pid key;
  • Data center;
  • Virtual office;
  • MG-MN call;
  • IP VPN.

After selecting the service, a block will be displayed on the site, it is necessary to write the connection address or confirm the presence of the home Internet. Next, a prayer is being made. The application form is an online form, where special and contact details of the correspondent are required. After this, the AIST company's caller sends an incoming call to the phone, and the connection date is later. After registration in the document, the line number, login and password for entering the special office are given.

Smart TV broadcast by Aist company, video:

Safety rules in a special office

All of the information is reserved for personal data, it is encrypted and logged. All details are confidential and are not transferred by the company to third parties and partner organizations. The clergyman of the special cabinet is not guilty of ignoring his own wash the safety , to prevent unauthorized access to a special profile.

  1. Before entering the special office, enter the correct data in the authorization fields. The purpose is to give a sample sample, after which the service can block access.
  2. In a row of the browser, change the address of the site or hyperposal to the special office. Unify web resources, imitate the official web portal.
  3. Do not share your login, No line, password with access to third parties.
  4. If the subscriber suspects that his password has been revealed to the evildoers, it is recommended to change it immediately.
  5. Intermediate authorization in a special office from other people's outbuildings, do not allow saving the password in the browser of another computer.
  6. Koristuvatisya with licensed operating systems and antiviruses, constantly updating their data base.
  7. Signing an agreement with the company, it is important to read this paragraph and the safety rules.

Llek's special office is cost-free, both from a computer and from a mobile supplement. Inclusion of Lelek's special office - The whole procedure is real. The government office is being deactivated, as if the coristuvach is breaking the contract with the company.

Another way to get a special initiative is to come to the office of the organization with a passport, write an application for a contract. For a long time, a few oblique records will be seen and will not be available. However, there is a trace of the nobility, that rozіrvannya can only be pleasing on the minds, as the parties do not mumble the goiter one before one.

Internet company Aist, video about the provider:

Chi vouchsafed a site? Tell friends:

Leleka is the Internet provider that connects subscribers on the territory of Samaria and Togliatti. Vіn є dosit popular, to that scho naє vigіdnі and yakіsnі services, and also allows clients to cherubate with their facial hair through the mesh behind the help of a special office.

In the 21st century, the ability to be able to be valued by the helpless. Really, now it’s time to spend your time in the office and go to the office regularly, if you can make all the meals on your own, staying at home with whom?

How to register Lelek's special office

Registration is required by the specialists of the provider Lelek. Therefore, in order to create an oblique record, it is necessary to come to the nearest office of the company and issue a connection. You can also cancel the application for connection to the remote mode by using the option on the official website.

After registration, you can see the login and password in a special office, the possibility of which you can win.

Entrance at special office of Lelek

In order to open the door to the entrance to Llek's special office, it is necessary to speed up the messages to the official site, which we were told to distribute. This side has a form with fields for entering a login and a password. After the introduction of that push of the button "Uviti" authorization will be carried out for ten seconds.

It’s more convenient, on the other side there is a password recovery function.

Entrance at special office of Lelek- https://my.100megabit.ru.

Possibility of Lelek's special office

Llek's special office includes a wide range of opportunities. We deserve for respect the tools for managing a special rachunk. For example, for an additional service, you can be sure of knowing, what is the cost of any services, if the next payment is due, with some minds, you will have a streamlined tariff plan.

In a special office there is also a function of fast online payment for services from a bank card, connection of new services and options without the need to go to the office, review statistics, payment history and a lot of others. It's wonderful, but all the possibilities are given to registered subscribers free of charge.