The speaker for the wake-up call is a pressing system. Notes from the factory, derob Arslab acoustics. Vibration of acoustic acoustics

Understand the essence of this and that other techniques can be used in different ways. Read press releases, equipment documentation, protest against them. Everything is just a piece of the mosaic. To pick them up, you need to get involved with people who spoil them. Ideally, start the business rather than pay it off. Learn to expose the workers, go around one of them, have lunch in their other places. And just think to yourself: why would you want to work here?

The recipes for successful market entry have long been known. The most obvious thing is to sell the product at a lower price than your competitors. The method is used in all areas, including the production of meat and dairy products, automobiles and AV equipment. It seems borderline obvious and forgivable, so they go into even more detail and... often recognize failures.

Because it is written in a different font under this recipe: adding extra flavor/price needs to be consumed not just for a long time, but also steadily. It will take an hour for them to believe you. Therefore, it is necessary to create a clear product, and begin to produce it with minimal expenses, the investors’ money will quickly run out. Accurately develop a business plan, select logistics, organize distribution, ensure people’s daily routine so that the stench does not go away.

The pride of the factory is the CNC manufacturing center.

This is especially important if we are not talking about budgetary mass-produced technology, but about equipment that is insured for powerful music lovers. They are ready to pay for the sound that they should, rather than worry about endless financial possibilities.

« High End acoustics at a priceHi-Fi"

The motto may sound self-indulgent to anyone, but in fact it definitely defeats his philosophy. Having transferred to the factory, where the acoustics are assembled. The trip there for a group of journalists was organized by the Russian company “Audiomania”, which is the Arslab brand and the factory itself.

The essence of Arslab's idea is to stay on the "linear distribution of the curve", without going beyond the point of older models, after which there is a sharp increase in costs that are not adequate to the added strength.

What is possible in principle – high-class technology at an average price? Over the years, we have been taught that the High End is not a region where price matters and where compromises are unacceptable. What people who deal with it are seeking secret knowledge. It’s easy and acceptable to believe, until you feel like you’re missing one more element - prudence. Many famous sound gurus have intense charisma, but what does it mean that their creations will immediately make you happy? By the way, of course, you can afford them.

The main part of the body is turned on a working center.

It appears that after achieving a sweet and sweet level, insignificant improvements are achieved at a disproportionately high cost. The problem is not in the ephemeral accumulation of exorbitant expenditures, but in the fact that the difference is noted. There is little hope among experts of such a faulty hearing, but among unprepared music lovers and preparations. What do we really feel: the thoroughness of this phantom has been discovered, what is the wine in our brains under the influx of the enemy price tag? From time to time I set myself a meal, otherwise I can’t give a confirmation to a new song.

However, it is also necessary to understand that the increase in unit prices reduces the level of sales, and this inevitably increases expenses, since the availability of components is related to the purchase obligation. Dealing producers, for example, dynamic heads have decided not to sell their samples in separate lots. As a result, the integrity of the equipment begins to grow like an avalanche.

Often, High End speakers increase the cost of sound without adding sound - including in order to enhance the status of the product. For example, a speaker lined with rosewood or ebony wood will sound no better, but the acoustics are the same with pea veneer, and at the price the stench can be even worse. I want to persha, madly, matime vidlyad “rich.”

These speakers and their folding body are subject to special requirements.

The essence of Arslab's idea is to stay on the "linear distribution of the curve", without going beyond the point of older models, after which there is a sharp increase in costs that are not adequate to the added strength. Theoretically, this principle can be followed by any vibrator, but at the same time, in order to optimize the development, production, distribution and may have his ordered necessary faculties. In reality, everything turns out to be more complicated. Any knowledge and information can only be obtained in good faith, and Arslab does not.

Way to the factory

“Audiomania” has been thinking about creating its own vinyl acoustics for a long time. Following the words of the founder and general director Artem Firemark, more than 2,000 people became acquainted with Yuri Fomin, who already owned his own design bureau F-Lab, also known as the “Fomin Laboratory”. The idea and capabilities of a great distributor had an engineering basis. It was impossible to know the base for the field.

Maintaining control over production in China is extremely important and expensive, the logistics are even complex, and it is impossible to produce very small batches of clear acoustics there, since most Chinese enterprises are orientated. Go to the extravaganza.

Everything turned out to be more complex, it was transferred less, and the idea could only be implemented in 2007, if the connections with two Chinese factories were established (one with the dynamics, the other with the housing and folding). It went to the right, and Arslab acoustics began to be exhibited at prestigious international exhibitions, and their mother began to drink.

Body adhesive.

However, it became clear that controlling the production in China is extremely important and expensive, the logistics are very complicated, and it is impossible to produce small batches of high-quality acoustics there, except for most Chinese companies. The population is guided by the Masovka movement. As a result, before 2011, fate saw the decision to transfer production to Europe. Initially, there was a partnership with the Latvian company Baltic Audio Box (BAB), which began producing enclosures, but in 2012 the company went bankrupt, and had to take over production from Rizi, which was requested from the 2013 company.

People and cars

Almost all qualified personnel from BAB moved to the new factory. The head engineer and technical director Viktor Lagarpov had worked at Radiotekhnitsa for a long time, and after that legendary enterprise he had already worked for serious electronics companies, such as Samsung and Toshiba.

The qualifications of workers here are even high, many of them have worked more than once in the production of acoustics, and not only in Latvia, but also in Scandinavia. Recently, an old soldier from Denmark returned to the Danish factory, who fatefully went to work for one of the same companies. So, the salary there was often higher, but the high cost of living (taxes, rent, etc.) brought all the advantages back to nothing.

Sanding before applying varnish.

Most of the collection and finishing operations are done manually - for acoustics, which are produced in small quantities, but this is optimal. Naturally, the company uses specialized equipment, including pharmaceutical and drying chambers with a temperature and moisture that is precisely controlled. The wood is chipping away on super-surface verstats. The special pride of the factory is the German production center HOMAG, which produces panels for cases of the most unique shapes. The most difficult thing to use is preparing programs for the processor, and factory workers can handle it successfully.

Recently, an old soldier from Denmark returned to the Danish factory, having unfortunately gone to work for a certain company.

A special verstat, also from Nimechchini, fills the empty packaging with foam, which self-hardens - which allows the finished product to remain dry during transportation. The original design of plywood boxes for stackers and stands (they can be cut here) was divided by the factory workers. When replacing cardboard boxes, it is worthwhile and can be used in large quantities. Everything has been thought out down to the last detail.

Farbuvannya chamber.

We can talk about the high level of enthusiasm of the enterprise and the fact that even serious European companies trust us to produce cabinets and finished speakers. I want to call someone not to advertise. And the Finnish Penaudio axle doesn’t welcome anyone - Rizi has to try to point out the most expensive models of his brand. Sometimes there is a special purpose for rich music lovers - to separate and create exclusive acoustics from the given characteristics.

Vilne misto Riga

Riga was a free place for a long time and not for long, from 1561 to 1582, but for the commercial business it represents great freedom at once. Admittedly, there are no such problems as Russia has with the imported and distributed imported components and components. Wood, natural birch veneer are purchased locally (postachalnik - literally on Susidnaya Street), glues and partial varnishes are also purchased from the local varnish plant, grown nearby. And the high-density MDF (HDF) axle, which is the basis of the cabinets of most models, is imported from Germany. Naturally, speakers are imported (most importantly SEAS and Wavecor, and ScanSpeak, Morel, Jensen and others), inductors (Jantzen), capacitors (Mundorf, Audiocore), terminals (WBT, Audiocore) and other components. For example, a non-woven packaging material that does not burn the speakers and does not leave traces on the piano varnish is supplied from China, no longer available anywhere.

All routine and even important work (such as purchasing, logistics, etc.) is handled by the Latvian branch of the international group of companies World Audio Distribution. These include the Rizi factory, Arslab brandy, Audiocore, Cold Ray and OneTech, as well as large parts of Penaudio and Ceratec.

Polishing piano varnish.

However, all these “virobni-gospodarskie vydnosini” are not particularly useful for lovers of music and clear sound – as the stench flows onto the final product, then it is mediated by the main rank – at its price. This is, of course, an important parameter, but the time has come to move on to what is most important for us - to the one who creates the acoustics, who makes noise.

Getting to know the dads

Equipment of the High End class (meaning “affordable”) is an original product. Of course, teams of like-minded people can take up this development, otherwise the ultimate influx to the sound may be one person. High-end has always had a nickname. Arslab has Yuriy Fomin. They had heard about him before, but were especially aware of him only at the factory in Rizi, where he often visits and has his laboratory, where new models are created and experiments are carried out with new designs.

Most of the collection and finishing operations are done manually - for acoustics, which are produced in small quantities, but this is optimal.

This particular person has a personal page on Wikipedia. I won’t repeat it (you can go there yourself), but I’ll highlight what the sound of Arslab acoustics means a lot.

The filters are assembled manually, all their elements are connected with a 1 mm thick copper dart. Such a crossover will sound better than on the original other board.

He is a trained engineer (having graduated from MAI) and a student of classical principles of acoustics design. An amateur musician, who played the guitar in his youth and sang in large ensembles. A professional sound engineer who has worked with a lot of popular pop groups. Engaged in the development of concert equipment and multimedia sets. An excellent organizer, who created the F-lab design bureau and removed a number of patents related to the production of Guchnomov workers (one of them describes the original technology for the production of paper diffusers in a vacuum). Nareshti, being one of the first cooperators: In 1988, we organized the production company “Sound Master”, so that we know well the realities of business and think within the limits of what is possible.

The Latvian laboratory has two active projects at the same time. The first one is a double speaker with a passive diffuser and an 8” head in the mid/bass section. Due to the conventional wisdom of acoustic engineers, such speakers cannot correctly handle the mid-frequency range and practically produce overload. Required drivers with a caliber slightly larger than 6”. However, one of the private clients of the factory, having asked for a compact acoustic system with a low and yet clear bass, and Yuriy Fomin became interested in these unusual tasks. A high-diameter speaker with a large diameter allows for deep bass, a clear passive radiator, and two speakers to be separated by a small body. On those same days, when we went through our press tour to the factory, we conducted an audition of a single completed sample. These observations and auditions yielded encouraging results, so it is entirely possible that as a result one of the commonly accepted stereotypes will be abandoned, and a new useful model may appear in the Arslab assortment.

Here speakers and crossovers are mounted near the column.

Another project is an active subwoofer, which will be developed for specific clients and will be released in more than two examples. Design: create a system with tight and as smooth bass as possible. To make my dream rich. That's why it was collected, close the design and choose 5" heads. Regardless of the high frequency resonance of such drivers, the lower limit frequency of the subwoofer may be low due to a smooth decline in the closed screen and overall characteristics of the DSP. As it turned out, Yuri Fomin’s team was on the right track: the miniature police officers sounded completely spluttering and at the same time earthly and effective.

High-end has always had a nickname.

Where is the bass machine in the series? The reliability of this, according to Fomin, is low in the minds of many people, and as long as drivers choose roads, the price at the end will be prohibitively high. Also, the world is created only for those who love you. However, since World Audio Distribution will quickly turn its attention to such a model, it can soon be put into series. Everything is lost to us, lovers of sweet sound, from our plateau-promo drink, from the desire and ability to buy good technology. Let's hope for something better.

Riga - Moscow, leaf fall 2015

Viktor Lagarpov shows the company's packaging, divided into parts at the factory.

Artem Firemark with SEAS speaker. I would like to point out that the Wavecor drivers are not worse, but in fact they are better.

Yuriy Fomin shows a prototype of a speaker with an 8” midrange/bass driver

Testing the subwoofer with very strong bass.

Viktor Lagarpov and Yuriy Fomin.

The technical director and developers are discussing a prototype housing for new acoustics.

Finished products:

Coaxial acoustic systems.

...and monitor shelves

Hi-Fi and Hi-End class acoustic systems are called speakers intended for home use. Acoustic systems of this type are suitable for use in stereo systems, 2.1 complexes or home cinemas 5.1 and 7.1 as front-facing satellites. Such acoustics have proven themselves well, as they have good technical characteristics and a sufficient reserve of tension. These speakers also have a stylish design that complements your home interior and have a front frame with a dry mesh for a more aesthetic appearance. The set with underlay acoustic systems comes with metal studs. The smells are inserted or screwed in like legs to delimit the binding to the substructure in order to eliminate deep resonances. Various manufacturing companies (,) equip their systems with additional supports.

Vibration of acoustic acoustics

Choosing acoustics for Hi-Fi and Hi-End classes is a sensitive process, in which it is necessary to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of the system and correctly select the power supply. The acoustic system is in the same class as the booster, and also corresponds correctly to the pressure and support parameters. For a high-acid system, it is better to give priority to over-testing generators, such as and others. The tension of the columns must be selected such that the system operates in nominal mode, so that the robot’s shaft does not trip at the limit of tension. I pay special attention to the parameters of the frequency response. The wider the displays (the numerical values ​​of the lower threshold are smaller, and the upper threshold is larger), the wider the range of frequencies that are generated, and therefore the system sounds better.

When connecting Hi-Fi speakers, use high-acoustic speaker cables before powering up. Among music lovers, it is important to note that speaker cable is worth 30% of the sound. The diameter of the cable should be adjusted with a large cut, which ensures minimal support, and therefore reduces signal transmission. High-quality acoustics are connected to the substrate both in the traditional way and by the Bi-Wiring/Bi-Amping type. This type of speaker cable requires twice as much, since to connect one speaker, two cables are needed, so the bass and mid/treble sections of the system are switched separately and independently. To make this type of connection, there are metal jumpers on the switching terminals of the column, which must be removed before making connections. The type of acoustics connection can be seen on the following models: , .

Buy acoustics podlogi

You can buy Hi-Fi and Hi-End class acoustics in this section, in which case you can make an order either online via a cashier or by calling one by one. By the way, if you can’t find a model to contact you, or you have lost your food, or are unsure about your choice, be sure to contact our representatives for the same contact numbers. We will be happy to help you choose, consult with the package, select the manufacturer, select the peripherals and help you protect your assets by choosing the best solution for your task.

Our company is no stranger to the market and has won the trust of many wealthy investors. All products offered for sale are supplied by official dealers and come with a quality certificate, as well as an official guarantee from the manufacturer. By returning to us, you are guaranteed to snag the finest goods for reasonable pennies.

Home acoustics have long become an essential part of everyday life, and the diversification of the proposals of various audiophiles often confuse buyers. A high price does not always guarantee the clarity and realism of sound. The largest columns are selected for specific placements based on their characteristics. All systems in place at the place of installation can be divided into field, frame, wall and built. The rating for the version of the portal presents the finest acoustics, divided into price groups. The skin of them is seen to be the best in its class model.

To correctly select the best sound system for your home, you need to consider the following:

  1. Features of the location. This is the area, shape, arrangement of furniture and interior items, significance. For rooms less than 18 square meters. m vikoristuyut polichnu acoustics. For larger spaces, it’s better to use acoustic acoustics. If you are buying a sound system for a bathroom or living room, then the best solutions will be the heat-resistant or heat-resistant acoustics that will arise.
  2. Amplitude-frequency response. Often buyers are introduced to a frequency range that can be wider in cheap models than in the highest quality systems. What is more important is how clearly the frequencies are created. The speaker will have a graph before acoustics that displays these characteristics.
  3. Sensitivity. The indicator reflects the possible thickness in the position under the applied tension.
  4. Real sound. What is written in the documentation does not always correspond to reality. In addition, the sound is individual, and you may simply not be able to enjoy the sound of your favorite music in the most branded hi-fi acoustics. Be sure to check the sound before purchasing.
  5. Number of channels. The vibration is determined by the purpose of the acoustic system. For music, 2-channel stereo systems are better suited, and for a realistic immersion in the plot of a film, it is better to use 5.1 systems and even better.
  6. Designer designs and materials. For some hi-fi acoustics, including part of the interior, a new look, especially for expensive models, is important. Just remember that the materials of the best-sounding acoustic speakers are not necessarily natural. It is important to note the sound effects on the surface of the material.

Budget options

The rating of the finest home speaker systems according to the portal starts with budget models ranging from up to 10 thousand rubles. For a fraction of the price, you can choose incredible-sounding acoustics both for a home theater and for listening to music in any style.

1. SVEN HT-210

These panels are from the Finnish vibrator and can be mounted on the wall. The finest 5.1 speaker system in the budget category is ideal for a home cinema, including 5 satellites and a subwoofer.

The delivery set includes an optical cable and mounting bracket for wall mounting.

Main technical characteristics of the system:

  • є 2 front, 2 rear speakers, center channel and subwoofer;
  • speaker power for the central channel 15 W, subwoofer 50 W;
  • solid closed body;
  • acoustics active;
  • frequencies that appear to be 40-20 thousand. Hz;
  • There is a slot for a memory card, bluetooth, radio.
  • functionality: ability to save settings in memory, read files from USB drives and memory cards;
  • the presence of a large number of connectors that allow you to connect to different equipment;
  • good ACh performance, especially at mid frequencies;
  • є remote control;
  • compactness with high sound intensity, ease of installation.

Cons: not revealed.

Price: 7540 rubles.

Prices for SVEN HT-210:

2.BBK MA-970S

Inexpensive active 5.1 acoustics with large speaker cabinets.

A decoder is used to convert stereophonic sound into multi-channel sound.


  • Guchnomovts are made from MDF;
  • consists of two front and rear speakers, a central channel and a subwoofer;
  • speaker output and center channel 40 W, subwoofer 80 W;
  • dual front and center speakers;
  • frequency range from 20 to 20 thousand. Hz.
  • high-quality subwoofer with clear bass;
  • remote control;
  • Possibility of connecting to a computer's sound card;
  • presence of a stereo input and a built-in decoder.
  • short wires for connecting speakers.

Price: 9580 UAH.

Prices for BBK MA-970S:

An acoustics set for multi-channel systems consists of two main speakers and one central speaker.


  • excellent acoustics with the ability to mount on the wall;
  • range 80-30000 Hz;
  • passive type;
  • body material: MDF;
  • sensitivity of the loudspeakers is 90 dB, loudspeaker sensitivity is 91 dB.

  • compactness;
  • double columns with magnetic protection;
  • manually mounted on the wall;
  • nasty sound for price.

Cons: not revealed.

Price: 7780

Prices for:

Average price category

More serious models are presented here, the prices of which range from 10 to 40 thousand rubles. This category of selected acoustic systems will satisfy all lovers of clear sound. However, the price for them is quite affordable.

Passive acoustic system with front speakers under the hood of an external sound source and electronics.


  • folds into two front, two rear speakers and one in the center;
  • sensitivity to the front is 83 dB, to the background is 81.5 dB, and to the center is 88 dB;
  • frequencies from 40 to 30 thousand Hz;
  • cases are made from MDF;
  • 3-colored front columns and 2-colored central ones.
  • the clear sound of the front speakers with nasty low frequencies;
  • fastening for installation in the kit;
  • compact size;
  • high flexibility of folded materials;
  • stylish design.
  • low-acid darts that come with the kit;
  • daily subwoofer, which leads to insufficient bass development;
  • weak loudspeakers and center.

Price: 20990

Prices for:

5.1 bookshelf speakers with an active subwoofer are ideal for a home cinema in a small space.

The system has a stylish design and is finished with white glossy varnish.


  • includes two front speakers and an active subwoofer;
  • frequency 45-20 thousand Hz;
  • 2-smuga columns;
  • subwoofer power 200 W;
  • sensitivity 86 dB.

  • high sound intensity for compact sizes;
  • wall mountings included in the kit;
  • The set has gilded roses;
  • Vikonanny's high level of vigor;
  • magnetic shielding.

Cons: not revealed.

Price: 35,990 UAH.

Prices for:

Excellent acoustics for the home with an active subwoofer.

It is possible to adjust the level and bass boost phase, which allows you to increase the bass by 3 dB.


  • in the warehouse there are two 2-layer and front speakers, a center and a subwoofer with a power of 200 W;
  • polychkovy type of columns;
  • frequencies from 35 to 20,000 Hz;
  • sensitivity 86 dB;
  • black gloss finish.

  • the sound is clear;
  • easier connection due to color-coded cables;
  • manual brackets for wall mounting included in the kit;
  • economical energy saving;
  • center channel with a secondary driver for clear voices;
  • magnetic shielding.

Cons: not revealed.

Price: 14800 UAH.

Prices for:

Purposeful acoustics with compact speakers and a subwoofer. Bose speakers are the most expensive in this price category.

However, with great intensity, low frequencies are produced by the subwoofer without noticeable interference.


  • 4 single-smooth compact columns for a little more per kilogram;
  • decorated with black or white glossy plastic;
  • Excellent acoustics due to the possibility of wall mounting.

  • magnetic protection;
  • tighten the drivers to ensure sound;
  • Possibility of mounting on the wall or special stands;
  • compactness.
  • To achieve a clear, clear sound, require correct settings from the accumulator and booster.

Price: 39990

Prices for:

Acoustics are first class

In the final section of the rating of the finest home speaker systems, the portal presents a model with a price tag of 40 thousand rubles. If you are not very limited in features and want to achieve a hi-end class, you will be surprised at such models.

This active soundbar can be used to create 3.1 and 5.1 systems in combination with satellites and a subwoofer of the same brand. Or you can just use it as a stand-alone soundbar for your TV. The acoustics are oriented towards watching films and are not suitable for listening to music.

Wi-Fi support and 2 Ethernet ports allow you to connect the system with the help of a mobile add-on, combine devices into a group, configure both the system and the add-on speakers.


  • more conveniently or on the wall;
  • digital optical input;
  • separate strengthening of the skin and dynamics;
  • Internet radio support;
  • automatic sound equalization.

  • easier connection and setup;
  • can be connected to Sonos speakers and subwoofers via wireless connections;
  • Great for gaming and watching movies.
  • does not produce low frequencies; for better sound, use a smaller subwoofer.

Price: 71,000 rubles.

Prices for:

2.KEF E305

System 5.1 with an original design and unique speaker shape.

The use of original technologies, for example, an aluminum diffuser and a high-level magnetic system, which changes the ventilation openings of the high-frequency dynamics, and new versions of the high-frequency speaker allow є achieve the most natural sound and presence effect.


  • passive system with active subwoofer;
  • frequency range 33-45000 Hz;
  • pole mounting with the possibility of installation on special stands;
  • sensitivity 86 dB;
  • insertion into a Class-D subwoofer power supply of 250 W.

  • High-tech system with realistic sounds;
  • compactness and original design.

Cons: not revealed.

Price: 88200

Prices for KEF E305:

Another acoustics from Bose for home cinema with tight compact speakers.

The latest sound system from Bose with new speakers creates rich sound volume, suitable for spacious rooms.


  • passive 5.1 system with active subwoofer;
  • power of front and rear speakers 50 W;
  • powerful 200 W subwoofer with two low-frequency drivers;
  • single-smooth dynamics;
  • pole mounting with the possibility of installation on special stands.

  • high pressure for compact sizes;
  • Possibility of adjusting the level of low frequencies;
  • Possibility of fastening against the wall.
  • the number of fasteners in the kit;
  • It is difficult to install a lot of wires manually.

Price: 89990

Prices for:

4. Jamo S 628 HCS

Premium 5.0 acoustic system from a Danish brand.

The model has a Bi-Wiring connection, which directly connects the high and low frequencies. This allows you to achieve greater detail in the sound.


  • passive system;
  • body material MDF, different colors available;
  • 3-layer front speakers;
  • Polichkovi 2-smogovi tylovi dynamics;
  • sensitivity 87 dB;
  • power of front stoppers 150 W;
  • power of the power and central speakers 80 W;
  • frequency range 37-20 thousand. Hz.
  • sounding clear;
  • Possibility to use in spacious rooms up to 50 sq.m.
  • The kit may be mounted on a wall;
  • For the best sound of low frequencies, add a subwoofer.

Price: 64990

Prices for Jamo S 628 HCS:

Choosing the best home audio system is not easy due to the wide range of prices and indifferent offers from different brands. You don’t want to unnecessarily overpay and, at the same time, you need to find an option that allows you to create a more realistic and intense sound in your home cinema. Be sure to rate the version of the portal, which presents the finest acoustics in every price category.