Upgrade key win7 home base. How to activate Windows7 so the activation did not work at all. How to reverse activation

Buying a computer with a front-mounted operating system is right and safe for those who are short-tempered, as it is not easy to learn how to independently install and configure operating systems. However, you should check the fact that most of the computers are installed on older versions of the Windows 7 system, up to which you can add Windows 7 Starter (Pochatkov), Windows 7 Home Basic (Home Basic) and Windows 7 Home Premium (Home Premium). Tsі versії in their own way mayyut obmezheniya funktіonal, which, іnоdі not dosit. You can buy a disk and reinstall the system, but in such a situation, you need an additional hour for profile transfer and installation of Windows 7. Special solution-Windows Anytime Upgrade (WAU), as it allows without reinstalling the system, by adding the necessary functions to upgrade the version of Windows 7.

First, you need to know how the version of Windows 7 is known to you and how possible it is in your version, and if you want to add it, for which you should learn from the article.

I will bring in the deeds of the upgrade and clarification of the changes in the change of the version of Windows 7 for the help of Windows Anytime Upgrade:

The Windows Anytime Upgrade program allows you to upgrade a 32-bit version only to 32-bit, and a 64-bit version only to 64-bit. Therefore, with the assistance of the Windows Anytime Upgrade program, it is not possible to upgrade from a 32-bit version to a 64-bit one.

Windows Anytime Upgrade is not available on Windows 7 Ultimate and Enterprise.

Changing the version in most cases does not affect the firmware of your computer, it is not necessary to take into account that the version of Windows is more expanded, to increase the firmware of your computer / laptop. Upgrading the version and adding only additive functions, no more. To speed up the robotic computer, I recommend reading the articles Optimization, speeding up the work of Windows 7 .

The Windows Anytime Upgrade program key allows you to upgrade only from one edition of Windows 7 to the next edition of Windows 7. There are no appointments for upgrading from an older version of Windows to Windows 7. Below, you can upgrade from any version to Windows 7.

Windows 7 Starter (Pochatkova)→ Windows 7 Home Premium or Windows 7 Professional or Windows 7 Ultimate.
Windows 7 Home Basic (Home Basic)→ Windows 7 Home Premium or Windows 7 Professional or Windows 7 Ultimate.
Windows 7 Home Premium→ Windows 7 Professional (Professional) or Windows 7 Ultimate (Maximum).
Windows 7 Professional (Professional)→ Windows 7 Ultimate (Maximum).

ATTENTION!!! Before you start upgrading Windows 7, you need to install the remaining Service Pack and all updates to Windows 7.

For an upgraded version of Windows 7, you need:


Windows Anytime Upgrade Naboothy Key (WAU). The WAU software key can be obtained from a retail store.

Also, on a computer / laptop, press the right button on the shortcut " computer", We choose" authority"Abo" Start "-" Control Panel "-" System"I push" Remove access to advanced features, install a new edition of Windows".

Vіknі choose " Enter upgrade key".

Then enter the next key. It is important to note that the key for licensing the Windows operating system and the key for Windows Anytime Upgrade (WAU) are different, and in this case you will need the key for WAU itself.

After reverification of the key, read and accept the license.

Next press the button " update".

After some time of installation, update and reset ... you need a version of Windows 7 (I'm close to average in the middle).

Those who know that the functions described in them are not available for the versions of "Pochatkov (Starter)" and "Home Basic".

And how to take to respect those that most of the same versions are installed on computers, how to stand on the police of shops, I began to have an impersonal food -?

Before speech, you can not hvilyuvatisya, data are saved on the computer, do not suffer.

But all the same, first of all, move on to practical ones, read the article to the end, and since you are all in power, proceed to the update.

How to update Windows 7 for the treatment of illness

The first thing you need to do is to know whether you have installed an update package.

For this, right-click the bear on the "Computer" icon (on or in) and press "Power". Vіdkryєtsya vіkno, in which will be presented vіdomosti about your computer.

We have to click on the top item “Visibility of Windows”, which indicates the version of the operating system and the update package.

If you have written "Service Pack 1", all is well, you can skip the next step.

Install the update package for Windows7

To the point of seeming, I downloaded yoga from various sites, and when I started my antivirus, I started to bark, but all the same, I seem to know a clean one, I will pronounce it to you.

Now go to "Start > Use Programs", and at the top find and run "Windows Anytime Upgrade".

Select another item "Enter update key"

Vіdkryєtsya vіkno z field for vіdnenâ

Axis now starts downloading the key generator.

The new one has three versions:

Home Expanded



Navpaki skin є button "Generate", pressing on yaki You will reject the key to update this version or other version.

Do not shoot the raja from the Pochatkovy version to the Maximal one, but upgrade it in order!

Enter the key in the field of the program Anytime Upgrade, and press "Dal".

If the key is not passed, then press the Generate button on the other one, and try again.

Let's accept the licenses

Tisnemo on "Renewal"

Checking the completion of the update, after any computer will be re-adjusted.

If everything turned out like this, then I guess, You have successfully upgraded Windows!

Rechecking activation after updating Windows 7

After the update, revert the activation of Windows! It’s even easier to work, we go into the power of the computer, and marvel at the activation station at the very bottom.

If it is written that the activation of the vikonan, then everything is great!


As soon as you upgrade to the “Professional” version, you show that you have lost 3 days, then upgrade to the “Maximum”, which is most often done!

As well as on the “Maximum” it is also the same day, then hurry up with the activator. Turn on the Internet and run the “w7lxe.exe” file, check for a few seconds, after which the computer needs to be restarted, if it’s your fault, a black screen will appear with the system selection, just press “Enter”, the activator will spawn everything you need and restart computer once again, after which the activation is due to be in order!


This update method is illegal, so please use it for updating your home computer! The choice of such an operating system in offices, cause a disaster! With the minds of the license policy of Microsoft Corporation, you can find it here: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_license_policy

Windows 7 Key- the ability to activate a new license of the operating system, not vicorist third-party software.

Even more often than not, as soon as a koristuvach is aware of the need to obtain a license, a black screen and a long time to take advantage of the system, then more do not know about this work. You can, obviously, bring the key to the store or win the activator of the 7-ki, however, for the cob it is necessary to try the activation for the help of a special key.

Which material is presented Windows 7 keys editions Maximum, So this is the most popular version of the medium koristuvachiv. Otherwise, you can get the serial number.

The activation process with such a code is even simpler and vikonuetsya in a kilka diy.

How to activate Windows 7 Ultimate with a key?

  1. We choose whether there is a suitable key;
  2. Copy yoga;
  3. We pass in the power of the PC and in the divisions " Information about activation»Tisnemo on« Change product key«;
  4. We insert a key there and emboss " OK«;
  5. Everything is ready.

Trochs lower refurbished fresh serials on 2019 rіk, tidy up all non-working and surplus only relevant and practical.

The keys themselves on Windows 7 Ultimate:


How much can you vistachiti, koristuєmosya for health!

I bring you my dear blog site!

If you want to update on your computer the licensed system Windows 7 Starter (Pochatkov) or Home Basic (Home Basic) to Ultimate (Maximum) without reinstallation, then you spent it yourself, where you need it!

Itself in this article is given your respect 100% working method for the help of which you can quickly upgrade Windows 7 to the Maximum version, moreover, on the official level and without payment.

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Use two methods to update the Windows OS re-installation, which means all the settings are recognized for correcting the settings and the files will be used, but wait a minute, I don’t need to manually re-install everything again.

If there is a lot of time for everything about everything, then this option will fall, and we won’t be able to look at it.

But let's look at another option and find out how to update Windows 7 to the maximum version without reinstalling the system. The hour will not be rich, but all the files and data of your computer will not go anywhere, everything will be lost, as it seems in the primordial appearance and it is not an unimportant fact!

I don’t want to describe all the advantages of the Ultimate version before others, and even more so, the mode that is in the Starter version is not used, and Home Basic is a little bit different.

If you rebuy on the other side of my blog, it means that you have a notification about the advantages, and you don’t want to know how to upgrade Windows 7 to the Maximum version, so without further ado, let’s move on to the technical part of the text of the article.

How to update Windows 7

For the help of the Win key, enter the Start menu in the right part of the PCM on the Computer item in the pink, select the Power item.

You can see the main information about your computer in the upper part of the computer, you can check the installed version of Windows, which we will need. At this stage, we need to know what is the package update what?

It’s your fault, but it’s written as shown in my Service Pack 1 screenshot, but it doesn’t, then it doesn’t just go to the next paragraph of the article.

Windows 7 Service Pack 1

In the row of the Start menu, enter the following phrase: “Windows Update Center”.

Run the found utility.

Guilty "split" approximately the same way, embossed on the button Restore update.

After the updates are installed, the yellow shield will change to green, as shown in me.

As a matter of urgency after the request for an update, the color of the shield is still not changed and left alive, it is necessary to select the tab Search for update ⇒ Install update.

Repeat tsі dії to tih fir, until there is a green shield. Do not forget to reset the computer after the skin installation is updated.

After a successful installation of the update in the main windows of the computer, Service Pack 1 is due to be announced.

Now you need to reconsider whether you can upgrade your computer to the maximum version? For someone interested in my direct tzim posilannyam to Yandex disk Radnik from the transition.

Having transferred for help, you can save the file in a ZIP-archive, or we will immediately unpack it, and also save a disk like this on your own, or share it with friends.

I recommend for security and clarity to choose the option with the unpacked file, but it doesn't matter. Golovna, about what I want to say in a moment, it’s necessary to be more respectful when the system is updated, follow the strictly written text of the article itself - for the disrespect and quarrelsomeness of the deacons, it’s not all right to go out the first time!

Run the download file of Windows7UpgradeAdvisorSetup.

After I write The installation is complete, close the window.

Now launch the shortcut of Radnik from the Robotic table and press the Start rechecking button at the window.

If the re-verification of the summancy is completed, you will be convinced that it is possible to update vikonati, or in a different way it is not possible, which is a little immovable.

Windows 7 upgrade process

Nareshti then dіyshli to the very tsіkavogo download G key generator, for Windows 7, run it and it will show up with three versions of the operating system:

Home Premium;



Upgrade the track system on a growing basis by setting it to Professional (Professional), then later to Maximum (Ultimate) and nothing else!

To generate a key, press the "Generate" button and the key will be generated immediately.

Leave it open for cooking, and see it yourself in the Start menu ⇒ Use programs ⇒ find the “Windows Anytime Upgrade” utility there ⇒ run її.
Select: Enter the upgrade key.

Give a copy to the next generation of the key and insert it into the input row.

Let's wait for the licenses and press the Update button.

If the upgrade process is completed and the computer is rebooted, the OS will be upgraded to the version you selected.

For reverification, it is necessary to successfully set Activation in the parameters of the computer's Main Data, as we already worked on the very cob of the stat. At the very bottom of the window, you are responsible for the check radixna wrote: Activation of Windows Vikonan!

But still, not all of you are still early. We know each other only on a pіvdorozі to the observable veil, the Professional was installed in us only for three days (it was the same for me), but we need “Maxi” on a permanent basis.

For whom we will need to repeat the steps described above to generate a new key ⇒ run the “Windows Anytime Upgrade” utility, well, I won’t repeat one and the same. I wish you good luck with all of you, like with the rich, who won the tse kerіvnitstvo!

The article was written in the knowing purposes and all the victories you make are viroblyayutsya on your fear and risk without further claims to the author of the article!

In response, I tell you as long as there will be food, but I will help you.
PS. Especially for those who seem that the method is no longer working, then I can admit the whole reason is in “crooked hands” to that as 06/10/2016. I turned my laptop for the first time to the standard settings.

Vikoristovuyuchi more descriptions of the update method went with a bang! I'm renewing Windows 7 Ultimate for days, having upgraded to Windows 10 without any cost, and without knowing anything, I will tell you for nothing that I didn’t speed up without cost, but I did it until 07/29/2016.

For "dessert" look at the video about secret hot keys in Windows.

Valery Semenov, site

The topic is not mine in Runet, having reviewed all the practices.

The Windows 7 Anytime Upgrade Keygen program is guaranteed for the owners of netbooks and other freebies with installed Windows 7 younger versions, for example Starter or Home Basic, but because of your temperament, you are greedy or you don’t want to pay for the upgrade. The program is easy to use - launch, click on the button against the version as you want with the mouse. A key for Windows Anytime Upgrade will be displayed. Windows Anytime Upgrade is launched (in any version of W7), while the installation of the system update is being carried out via the Internet.

At the exit, we will accept Win7 Ultimate (or whatever you chose).


The new system will have the same ranks as it used to.

Do not go out for the first time for some (not for everyone), try again!

You can start updating in the coming rank .

To open the Windows Anytime Upgrade program, press the Start button. Ask the field to enter Upgrade, and then select Windows Anytime Upgrade from the list of results.

Read the instructions on the screen.

Once the upgrade is complete, the computer will have installed a new release of Windows 7.


Good day to all!
Practically leather sticking to such nutrition, like a robiti s Windows 7 Starter - Windows 7 Ultimate ?
That one is simple! Without any payment Microsoft but who cares!
Rob everything yourself, with pens, you don’t need to connect to the Internet! Just need to enter the key and win to find out the maximum capacity of your computer!

The post version to the maximum can be upgraded only in 2 stages:
- Upgrade Windows 7 Starter - Pre-release Windows 7 Home Premium
- Upgrade Windows 7 Home Premium - Up to Ultimate
List of upgrade codes for the motherboard manufacturer:
STEP 1: HomeBasic, Home Premium
7 | homebasic | Acer | MB4HF-2Q8V3-W88WR-K7287-2H4CP
7 | homebasic | asus | 89G97-VYHYT-Y6G8H-PJXV6-77GQM
7 | homebasic | HP | DX8R9-BVCGB-PPKRR-8J7T4-TJHTH
7 | homebasic | Lenovo | 22MFQ-HDH7V-RBV79-QMVK9-PTMXQ
7 | homebasic | Samsung | 2P6PB-G7YVY-W46VJ-BXJ36-PGGTG
7 | Home Premium | Advent | 38JTJ-VBPFW-XFQDR-PJ794-8447M
7 | Home Premium | asus | 2QDBX-9T8HR-2QWT6-HCQXJ-9YQTR
7 | Home Premium | Dell | 6RBBT-F8VPQ-QCPVQ-KHRB8-RMV82
7 | Home Premium | Fujitsu | C6MHH-TRRPT-74TDC-FHRMV-XB88W
7 | Home Premium | HP | 4FG99-BC3HD-73CQT-WMF7J-3Q6C9
7 | Home Premium | Lenovo | 27GBM-Y4QQC-JKHXW-D9W83-FJQKD
7 | Home Premium | lg | 38GRR-KMG3D-BTP99-TC9G4-BBDJJ
7 | Home Premium | Packard Bell | VQB3X-Q3KP8-WJ2H8-R6B6D-7QJB7
7 | Home Premium | Samsung | CQBVJ-9J697-PWB9R-4K7W4-2BT4J
7 | Home Premium | Siragon | HWDFB-YVFG4-3TJ7F-Q3WMT-7B6PH
7 | Home Premium | Sony | H4JWX-WHKWT-VGV87-C7XPK-CGKHQ
7 | Home Premium | Toshiba | 6B88K-KCCWY-4F8HK-M4P73-W8DQG
STAGE 2: Ultimate
7 | ultimate | Acer | FJGCP-4DFJD-GJY49-VJBQ7-HYRR2
7 | ultimate | asus | 2Y4WT-DHTBF-Q6MMK-KYK6X-VKM6G
7 | ultimate | Dell | 342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27
7 | ultimate | Lenovo 2 | 22TKD-F8XX6-YG69F-9M66D-PMJBM
7 | ultimate | Lenovo | 6K2KY-BFH24-PJW6W-9GK29-TMPWP
7 | ultimate | Samsung | 49PB6-6BJ6Y-KHGCQ-7DDY6-TF7CD

The system update does not lie in the version - pirated chi, but it does not itself use the Internet and the exciting disk, all the files are already sitting in the system - just a maximum of blocking functions!

If you didn't know the name of your computer on V's list, then...
I tried like this: taking the first key from the list (necessary update) and setting. Everything went with a bang! There are no problems, if the key is not found, the yoga system simply will not be accepted.