Gmail to whom the mail is entered. Google (Google) mail - login (registration). To get out of the mail

In order to get to your public record and look through the list of sheets, you need to go to the address gmail com and enter your personal login and password. To view more mail services, here you need to enter the correct address, including @ gmail com. This is due to the fact that Google believes it can cost-free create gmail com email for a domain.

Whether you are a bugger on your domain, you can win the gmail like a mail for corporate sponsors or for your website creation of postal screens for coristuvachiv. In such a situation, the domain of the koristuvach was assigned to the symbol of the dog.

Zapovnivshi login and password, press the "Submit" button. Qi dії allow you to open a folder, so you can insert it for display for promotion. For promotions, the folder "Inputs" is used.

What cream can you change your electoral lists, type Outlook or Bat. Fahіvtsі company Google did their best. IMAP settings take up no more than 5 lengths. And smut, you won’t have to enter your login and password right away. The stench is saved from the program, and you enter them for you on your own.

Gmail is the product of the worldwide Google company. Officially, the government lost access in the distant 2004 roci, and from this moment create a mail on gmail com any moment.

Few people believe that the mail will be like this, as they presented in the press release. Summed up the date of the announcement about the launch of the first, after the push-to-talk system, the great project of Google. The first day is like-not-yak. About those that the giant of light is going to send a service without a cost of mail, it became known the day before the start. The New York Times wrote about it on March 31, 2004. The new one said that you can create a post absolutely cost-free.

Vіdminnoy rice of the innovative postal service becoming expansion of postal screens. 1 gigabyte at that hour was just a fantastic figure. The price was 500 times higher than that of a competitor Hotmail, which at that time, compared to one American giant Microsoft. The same tse and asociyuvalo novelty pershokvіtnevim heat.

Prote, on the first Thursday, Google presented a press release. But not all journalists and coristuvachiv overshot the veracity of the news. Such a revolutionary boulder. Ale, everything turned out to be true. Product instantly see your competitors(Yahoo mail, Hotmail) from the market. It's not surprising, even if you create a mail on gmail com, you want a practical skin for active communication with the Internet. With this product, Google has created a trend for the development of the Internet in the nearest world.

In addition, everyone who wrote a mail to gmail got an innovative feature. send a mail. At that time, Google was the first to do this, and I already called the function for us. And the axis for a dozen rokіv to that was a right break. The mail gmail com, the registration for which is so lost, is absolutely free of costs, it is developing dynamically and today.

How to send mail to gmail com?

The process of creating an account on jimail maximum forgiveness. Postal screenshot of gmail, the registration of which is the way to the site gmail com and the onslaught of the button "Create an oblique record" - this is your entry into the new world.

Another option: you can go to the site google ru and at the top of the menu select "Post" and already there click on the button " Create an account».

The form of registration, yak vіdkriєtsya, stіlki nіneobkhіdnіshi podnіshі, vіdpovіsti on yakі not dvoroshchiv. Fahіvtsі korporatsії podbali about new koristuvachіv and prescribed the most zrozumіli podkazki. Key, what you need to remember unique login and personal password.

Since the mail service has been in use for more than ten years, it will not be so easy to come up with a unique login. If you are already busy, then the system I will tell you the holidays from the baggage login, yakі at the same time vіlnі. You can choose from the proposed options, or choose a new variation.

Also, when registering, it will be necessary enter your mobile phone and reserve mail. Don't be afraid to provide specific data. This is necessary, first for everything, for the safety of your mail order. If you forget your password, you can easily transfer it either to your phone or to an alternative mail screen.

Until then, if you try to break the postal screens by the evil-doers, you will be more richly folded. However, the phone cannot be dialed. The replacement of the new one will be enough reveal secret food that spy on the new one. From the method of safety, choose food and food so that only you know them. After filling in all the fields, press the “Dalі” button to create your first Google mail.

Basic customization of google mail

In order to fix your mail order, personalize yoga, that create a comfortable mind for further operation, please check the details described in the mail-google entry section.

Here you can create your own address book of contacts, for the Swedish writing of lists, adjust the language itself, choose the theme of the design, set the style of the text and a lot more.

Zkavih and unique features:

  • Lanciuzhki- Listuvannya mіzh some obsessives with the same topic are grouped to the list of conversations. Tse give the opportunity not to show the home page from the listing and start being in the know.
  • Confession- on top of all vicons, let's add a note about those who have a new e-mail. Even more relevant, if you don't want to miss an e-mail and do other work on your PC.
  • Importance markers- the system displays a special badge instructed from sheets, the manager of such notes is more important.
  • Categories- Sorting lists by song categories. This gives you the opportunity to create the most important sheets, mark them for the song parameters and share them in folders.

Well, obviously, standard, but even more colorful features, so you can know the correct google mail in your custom mail: automatic notification, signature and filter.

Insanely, all these add-ons will help you to be as comfortable as possible with the mail service provided by Google.

Okremo varto describe the service, which is the integration of the mail. Manager". Tsei, it would seem, is a great electronic organizer, not so simple as at first glance. Vіn the building will tell you by e-mail, or at the sight of an SMS notification that in a song hour you have planned, for example, zustrіch. Having put the task ahead of you, be sure that the service will not forget about the new one. If your plans have changed, you can see the task. I don’t lose track of it.

In these articles, in all details, there is a registration of electronic mail on the service. Registration mail to is absolutely cost-free, this service is supported by the portal and is available to all correspondents on the Internet. The email is famous for its superiority, daily spam, Google add-on services, and Google AdSense contextual advertising service. Below, in all the details, we will briefly analyze the process of registering an account on

Now you have a full-fledged email with and other Google services.

Addendum services to Google

For registering correspondents, at once from electronic mail, we hope to be able to corist with additional services directly from your physical record. For this, log in to your e-mail with your login and password, and click on the box in the upper right corner.

You will appear before you, in which you will see all the additional services, with which you can show up.

List of grant services at

  • Google+
  • translations
  • calendar
  • YouTube
  • karti
  • poshuk
  • blogger
  • documents and others

You can find out the latest list of all possible services by clicking on the "More Google services" button. For this purpose, on the okremіy storіntsi, you will indulge in all the productive services available to the koristuvachіv.

Services for the Internet

  1. poshuk
  2. browser toolbar
  3. Google Chrome browser

Services for mobile devices

Here you can find special products for quotation on mobile phones. Poshuk for mobile phones and service cards for mobile devices.

Google services for business may offer low services designed specifically for those people who are doing business on the Internet. These services are like:

  1. AdWords- for the help of this service, you can request contextual advertising, as well as to place it on a Google search, as well as on partner sites on the Internet.
  2. My business— for the help of this service, you can share information about your company on the maps, with the Google Plus service, that Google search is absolutely cost-free.
  3. AdMob- appointments for earning money on your supplements, as if you were a retailer.
  4. Google Apps for Work- All documents, disk, e-mail and other services. recognized especially for companies.
  5. adsense- Contextual advertising service, which allows you to earn money on the Internet for site managers.

Google multimedia services

  1. YouTube— all-world watch service for captivating and reviewing videos. Here you can get excited, so you can watch the video on the Internet.
  2. Poshuk pictures- Purpose service for searching for images on the Internet.
  3. Poshuk video- for help of which service you can know if there is a video on the Internet.
  4. Books- Appointments for poshuk books.
  5. Novini- a string of novelties, so you can find out about all the rest of the news.
  6. picasa- Appointment service for publishing and editing high quality photos.


At the moment there are 3 services in this column:

  1. Karti- Here you need to lay down the water routes.
  2. panoramio- here you can look over and add good photographs from the earth.
  3. Planet Earth- service of appointments to the world, without leaving the house.

For home and office

  • nadіyna e-mail with a misinterpretation of spam.
  • Documents - You can create and share your documents with others.
  • Presentations- allow you to create, edit and show your own presentations.
  • little ones- now all the koristuvacham in the Internet - the creation of diagrams and the drawing of block diagrams.
  • Calendar- Here you can plan your hour, divide by visits. and also send a message about them to your e-mail.
  • Google Cloud Print- for the help of this service, you can help yourself, be it and be it, I will build it.
  • Disk- Here you can save files, and also give access to other people.
  • table- Creation and editing of tables. At tables, you can give access to other correspondents on the Internet.
  • Formy- appointments for the creation and conduct of experiments on the Internet.
  • Website- Service for creating powerful websites.
  • Translation— allows you to transfer texts and sites on the Internet to different languages.
  • Google Keep- if you have ideas, you can write them down and save them here.

Social services

  1. Google Plus- Widely seen social media like Capture your photos, publish and visit posts, share them with your friends.
  2. groupie- Here you can create lists of extensions and different groups for discussion.
  3. Blogger- Cost-free service for creating a personal blog on the Internet. Be-yaky koristuvach with two clicks, you can get your own blog absolutely free of cost.
  4. Hangouts- Interactive communication without cordons. You can chat on the Internet absolutely free of charge.

Login to e-mail

Entrance to the electronic mail is available only to registered coristuvachas. If you haven’t taken away your own e-mail yet, then you need to work out, scurrying through the instructions, what to avenge in this article.

To register a correspondent, enter to, please send a simple message:

Now you can log in to at any time, and review that email list. If you have checked the checkbox next to the “Forgotten in the system” item, your login and password will be recognized automatically, you will not need to prompt yourself once when entering an e-mail.

There are no other mail services, on which you can get an electronic mail screen (e-mail). Gmail is one of the best mail services on the Internet, you can register and create a new screen in a new one without cost. Logging in to is available on both computers and phones.

This postal screen can be of great importance, simple and easy robotic interface, good protection and superiority of your sheets and information that is saved on new. Also, after registering a mailed screenshot, you will have access to other services such as Google: YouTube, Google Docs, remote disk and much more.

Registration via - short instruction

To register a Gmail mailbox in Russian, go to the official site for messages: The new window has a mail service, so that you can register correctly, look at the prompts on our website, and then fill in all the fields:

Let's take a look briefly at the following writing to the skin field:

  • What is your name - here you can tell the right name, even if this box, better for everything, will be your main one.
  • Come up with the name of the koristuvach - the name of your postal screen and login for the entrance to the oblіkovogo record. Choose the same name, as you will easily remember. Such names, like ivan, alex, irina, are already taken. The system seems to take it for granted. For the creation of the name, you can victorize the letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and dots.
  • Come up with a password - the password can be forgiven, like letters and numbers, and at least 8 symbols. The system suggests you have created an easy or foldable password.
  • Confirm password - repeat your password for the next row, which you have created.

  • Mobile phone number (neobov'yazkovo).
  • Reserved email address (neobov'yazkovo).
  • Date of birth.

To capture a profile photo, click on the letter at the top right corner and on the change button, as indicated on the little one:

How to install Russian language in gmail

The interface of the oblіkovogo record of Google, you can remember it in any language. If you installed an English language, you can change it to Russian language without any problems. At your oblіkovomu record, press the button Nalashtuvannya (reboot out at the upper right corner)

Login to gmail (gmail)

If you've already registered, then press the button to enter Gmail.

At the end, enter your login and password and go to your side in the mail service.

Access to Google services

Having registered on the mail, you can use your login and password to access any Google service.

Click on the button as shown in the picture, and see the most popular services on Google: , youtube, news, maps, etc.

In front of a person, as if they were consuming it on the Internet, there is a task for the first time - to register your electronic postal screenshot. Services that promote similar services are anonymous, but one of the most popular ones is Gmail from Google. The mail system has been functioning since the spring of 2004 and overgrown with skin rock with millions of happy coristuvachi. Why is the post better for others? Let's look at the main advantages that allowed Gmail to take a leading position in the market:

  • postal screenshot with a capacity of up to 10 GB of information;
  • a system of mittevikh reminders and video calls was introduced;
  • shvidky poshuk for the given word mid-reminder;
  • strained anti-spam system;
  • high rіven zakhistu;
  • availability of mobile programs for all popular operating systems;
  • one public record for decal services (YouTube, GoogleDisk, GoogleMaps etc.)
  • all lists and contacts can be marked and structured;
  • vbudovaniya control over spelling pardons;
  • shohvilini backup copies to protect against the loss of data in different Internet access.


First, to speed up the descriptions, you will need to go through a small registration process. For this, we go to the website.

Click on the button "Create a face record" and go to the side of filling in these profiles.

We enter the necessary information. Respectfully postavtesya until the password is sent. Do not select the combination that is formed from the date of the people or the mobile phone number. For short security, the password is responsible for both letters and numbers.

After that, as all the points have been completed, we press the button "Dal". Please vindicate yourself so that you know about the privacy policy of Gmail. Having read it, embossed "I accept."

Since everything is spelled out correctly, I will transfer you to such a window with hospitality.

The next time you create, you will automatically be authorized in the mail. Navigate as soon as you close the site, and you will return to the new one in a couple of days or later, then your mail screen, as before, will be open. There is no need to enter a password. However, it is like a huge computer or a piece of mailed screenshots at once, leaving the oblіkovogo record is inevitable. For such situations, let's take a look at the authorization procedure and tell you how to get to the Gmail email.

Sign in at djimail mail

We go to the side of and enter the address of the electronic screen. Tisnemo "Dali".

Gmail mail enter

Important! Do not enter data on other sites. One single address for mail

It turns out that you have to enter a password.

If the password is correct, then you will spend it on your postal screen.


In order to get out of the oblique record, emboss on the icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

At the vikni it’s pressing “Viit”.

Work with sheets

Zavdyaki zvdyakovu іnterfejsu ї ї poshtoї skrinki, the robot with sheets pretended to be on the right of satisfaction. All mail can be structured, marked with different markers, saved in black and mixed with masses.

To start writing a reminder, emboss on the red button at the top left corner of the screen.

One of the main features are those that are visible for typing support at the visible tab. In this manner, you can write a new sheet at once and interact with the box.

The bottom panel allows you to add files to a list of different files from your computer or virtual GoogleDisc, insert emoticons, and also mitte text.

Various installations of postal screens

Gmail is not just the most popular. For a comfortable download, Google software provided the mail system with a whole bunch of brown patches. Briefly, let's talk about the most important.


Possession service for the possibility of saving the required e-mail addresses. You no longer need to remember the mail of a work colleague or an old friend. Moreover, you can independently fill in information about the person (name, date of birth, phone number).

Adding a contact is incredibly easy. For the first time, you need to go to the main mail page and know the Gmail tab in the upper left corner.

Click on it - a small menu appears.

Press the "Contact" button and let it go to the list of additional addresses. With whom you see people, with whom you most often interact. If there is no need for a person on the list, then it is embossed on a red yarlik at the lower right corner of the screen.

Vіdkrivaєtsya vіkno, you can know the needs of the people. It's enough just to enter your name and name, and then let's know for the photo.

Import from other mailing screens

One more important function, as we will become in good time, who won the victorious copy of the mailed screenshots at once. To transfer a contact or an important sheet from one mail to another, there is no need to copy all the information. The whole process of forgiveness to a few clicks of a bear.

For this, at the "Contacts" page, press the "More" button at the left side.

The menu is displayed. Click the "Import" button.

We select a service, for which it is necessary to import contacts.

Everything is now important addresses or information that is in other mailing screens available on Gmail.

Friends, I cherish you, on my bliss!

Let's take a look at this article Pokrokov's way.

Google is the world's largest search system. You can use the Gmail mail service, on which you can send an email address free of charge and at the same time gain access to a number of other services, such as YouTube.

Gmail mail registration Russian

To open the registration, you need to go to gmail site. Now press "Create an account" profile login.

To appear is a simple form, it is necessary to remember.

In the fields of the name and title, it is better to indicate the correct data. You can also use it to find other services, and if necessary, turn access to the screen, so you enter the password. You can take your tribute, don’t worry about it, no one will know more about you, please.

Im'ya koristuvacha (nick) - this is your login. It will appear at the name of your screen. Login needs to be done independently. Vin can be formed from Latin letters, symbols and numbers.

The password should be chosen in such a way that the vin will be as foldable as possible. In addition, if you go to your mail for help, we will also protect your screen in the face of evil. In combination, you can change the Latin letters (you can add small and large letters) and numbers.

! The password can be written down at the right place, so don't forget it.
! Otherwise, you will not be able to access your mail.

Phone, country, and spare address can be left out - no stench is needed for registration.

Yakshcho after that, how you pressed " Dali, as if from a field of chervonyms, it means that they missed the most or they entered it incorrectly. Correct the pardon and press again "Dali".

After all the fields are completed, you will be asked to read "Wash the Whiskers" .

Points about those who are for sale, there are no slaves there, it is bold to emboss "I accept" - without which registration cannot be passed. Now they will show you a window, where the address of your screen will be written. Write down yoga, so don't forget.

To go to your mail, you need to click on the button "Go to Gmail Service" .

Yak vigadati im'ya koristuvacha for gmail mail

For the creations of the name of a koristuvach, deacons of folding can be blamed. On the right, the fact that such a login in the Google system is guilty of being unique, so you cannot use two of the same address.

As soon as you enter your login before hiring, the system will remind you (under the field a black text will appear) and ask for a few unique options, so you could win.

The stench is created on the basis of the introduction of a name, a nickname for that login. If you don't want to choose from what the system propagated, come up with another nickname.

An additional parameter for the name of a koristuvach is yogo dozhin. It is not guilty to be short for 6 characters and last for 30.

It is not possible to change the name after the opening of the box, think about it kindly, first choose the remaining option. How mail is needed for you only for registration on some resources, the name does not matter.

Your name is koristuvacha at Google mail

As it was said above, I will be shown in the name of your screen, and it will be your electronic address. After the creation, send it to the new “”. Your matime address looks like this:

Come out, what the name of the screen is formed from the name of the coristuvacha and the name of the postal service, z'ednah among themselves "dog" . Addresses are written at once, a dot is placed only before "com" .

Qiu address you can give to friends, know chi clients to contact you.

How to recognize your Google mail address

Check out your profile, keep up the good work, tell me why Google mail is the best, and so on.

You can easily fix it all, you won’t be shown more.

To find out your address, send it by clicking on the icon with the letter of your name near the upper right part of the window. There will be a small hint, where the address will be written.

How to get to your Google mail

If you want to go to your mailbox, you need to make some simple manipulations. As a rule, browsers remember our data so that we don't have to type it in.

Therefore, to enter you will need to simply go to google site and right-handed click on the icon with squares.

From the menu that has been dropped, select the Send icon and that's it. The screen is visible, and you can shrug it off.

If the browser does not save your data, or if you access from another computer, you will need to enter your password. And why do you enter your login, then the password

Possibility gmail mail

The most obvious possibilities of post - tse otrimannya that overstrength of leaves. Tse mozhe buti as a roboche listing, so friendly. You can add various files to the sheet, for example photos or documents.

Krim posti, registration is hopeful that you can use other products. The axis of what is available to you after the creation of a public record in Google:

  • Disk . You can safely save files up to 15 GB. Here you can zavantazhuvat data from a PC for a mobile add-on, and then you can zavantazhuvat їx from your other computer for a add-on. Damn it, you can work so that others can look at your files.
  • Documents . Service is an online editor. Here you can create documents, tables, presentations, etc. The stench is saved to disk. Whether it be mitі їх you can zavantazhity, send it and re-read.
  • Youtube . Tse nayvіdomіshiy vіtі vіdeohosting. You can watch videos without registration, but through the address of Google mail you can log in to the site, subscribe to different channels, leave comments and publish your videos.
  • Google play . Tse maydanchik for mobile attachments, from which you can install programs, get music, movies, etc.
  • Google+ . Social network, on Facebook and other projects.

Together with your email address, you will immediately deny access to a number of services. Tse great perevaga Google mail.

Good luck, Oleksandr.