What is the pardon of the SSL connection, how to correct it. Fixing SSL connection pardons on Android phones

The robot, whether it's a browser or another, has problems. Don't blame Opera, for which you can blame the SSL pardon. Before that, as we rise to the occasion, let's marvel at what is out there.

Cause pardon

In most cases, the pardon of ssl opera means that there are problems in the system. Tsya problem sounds to talk about those who do not know how to install a connection from the server. Often a pardon is easy to finish. You can winknut through the anti-virus program or the firewall. The stench can block the connection, through which it will not be restored. At this time, pardon will be blamed not only on Opera, but also on other Internet browsers, for example, Google Chrome. Report about the reasons for such a pardon in Google Chrome and how you can solve this problem.

In addition, the problem is blamed in another way, for example, when the computer is infected. In such a situation, it is necessary to simply install an antivirus and scan the system. Also, the reasons for the pardon can be zbіy in the wrong hour, or the version of the browser is outdated, we'll let you know.

Respect! Often the pardon of SSL hangs in the window, if you want to see the site with a stitched or inappropriate certificate. In principle, you can go to the resource, however, such a crochet is more likely to infect a computer with a malicious program.

Ways to use

After that, as the problem was diagnosed, the next wonder, how її pozbutisa. So, pardon ssl opera yak correct - tse dosit often food at the pochatkіvtsіv. If the problem is caused through the anti-virus program, then, to check it, turn it on and restart the browser. As everything is safe, it is necessary to change the settings for the antivirus. The skin program stinks differently, but the main thing that needs to be done is to add an Internet browser to your computer and reduce control over incoming and outgoing traffic. At the firewall, it will also be necessary to change the rіven zakhistu.

Often the reason for the appearance of an SSL pardon is the date that was stored in the computer. In order to correct it, you need to click in the tray on the date and insert the correct one. Now let's look at what needs to be done in the browser. You can fix the SSL pardon by going to share the cookie and set the instruction to save local data. Krіm moreover, robimo is the same. Open Opera and go to the main menu.

  1. After that, select the Nalashtuvannya item.
  2. At the vіknі, scho vіdkrylos, we turn to the expansion section.
  3. In the left part of the list, Bezpeku is selected.
  4. Press the Security Protocols button.
  5. We put an order to clear SSL
  6. Tisnemo OK and restart the browser.

Windows XP SP2 may also have a similar problem. You can ask yourself if you want to upgrade to SP3. It is still necessary to add, what, what to change the risk, the appearance of a pardon. Also, sometimes you can run a scan of the system for the presence of viruses.

Like Bachimo, pardoning SSL in Opera, like in another browser, it’s easy to get used to. Golovnya, to know the reason, through the yaku, she showed up. You can also change the date on the computer, as well as change browser settings. In some cases, the simplest way is to set the parameters for the lock and check that the pardon has been lost. If there is one thing, it is necessary to turn on the antivirus, even if it often blocks the connection to another site. In some cases, the pardon is announced through the infection of the computer with shkidlivy programs. In such a situation, it is necessary to re-verify the files, and remove the infected ones or place them in quarantine.

Practically leathery coristuvach stuck with no problems with the browser. One of these problems is the SSL connection, which does not allow you to look over the needs of the parties. Let's take a look at the usual ways to solve a similar problem.

First stage

Otzhe, for the cob it is necessary to be recognized, scho for the problem, the stars are taken out, and then we will tell you how to get used. As soon as on your computer for an hour try to connect to whether there is a side on the Internet through a browser, an SSL connection is cleared, to be aware of those that there is no problem with the connection in the system. Otzzhe, tse need to correct, but, as a practice, it is not so easy to work, as you can get at first glance.

Most of the time, browsers are installed. The only exit is the same as the standard IE, which 90% of the exits do not see such a pardon. Which browser can be tweaked, the docks will not be found to solve the problem. In simple words, the SSL pardon is about those that cannot be installed on the server for some reason. Let's take a look, through what the problem is blamed.

Cause an SSL pardon

Otzhe, most often, there are only a few ways to find out, which you yourself need to normally go to the Internet. So, it is necessary for us to change the configuration of our antivirus, the shards of the wine itself can block the connection, through which all the problems are blamed. Perhaps you will need to add a browser to your computer and install less control over incoming and outgoing traffic. It is also recommended to reconsider, as it is necessary, to reduce the rіven zakhistu.

Also in Google, the SSL connection pardon can be blamed only if you have an anti-virus program that is infected on your system every day. At the principle, ce virishuetsya either by reinstalling the OS, or by scanning the system for the search for infected files. So give respect to those who, perhaps, you have beaten the clock. Also, on the server, the inconsistency appears, and the connection appears as not appropriate or not protected. Another typical reason is the old browser.

Pardon connection SSL origin

If you like to play good games on your computer and buy them via the Internet, then most of the time this product will require activation. Regardless of what the process is, it can be a pain in the ass to overcome the SSL protocol. The report text of the pardon may look different. For example: "required client authentication certificate" or "SSL_ERROR_PROTOCOL". Everything can be corrected in this way.

We go into the antivirus, yakscho, zvichayno, wine. Let's go to the next step, just to be more precise, we need the "https protocol filtering" line. Here it is necessary to tick off the checkbox, to turn it off. Reboot the computer and try to install origin. If everything went well, then if it didn’t, it’s better to install the load from the disk and try it out just to change it. What else can help, then use another browser, for example, not Chrome, but Opera.

Pardon SSL connection: we fix the problem

Let's figure it out, why bother, like a similar problem. Nasampered, it is not necessary to panic. Everything is not so scary and you are afraid for the sprat of whilin. The main reason for the blame for the pardon is due to the fact that, as it was appointed more, there are a number of reasons. One of them is the battery, what is the power, in the BIOS. You can change, cost 40-50 rubles.

So much respect for the antivirus and the list of programs that are on the black list. Connecting these programs to the blocking time. Varto designate, which is often the cause of the blamed problem and may be registered. Most of the koristuvachs lamayut head over the top of the problem, but in other cases, scho is not a pardon. On the right is that most browsers allow you to enable the imic and imic support of the SSL files. It is enough to know the required parameter in the settings and put a tick, then the problem can be solved.

Enable SSL and Cookie in the browser

In some cases, the presence of which protocol is not necessary. If you want to promote Adsense-sides, this parameter can be marked. Cookie files are required. In principle, for normal work, that information is displayed, incl. that goloshen, working SSL is required. Again, let's move on to the browser setup. Nasampered, it is necessary to go to the menu, and then we choose to adjust.

There you are to blame for the tab "Additional adjustment", we need it. The next step is to select the "Content Adjustment" item, and then you need to go to "Data Features". Before us will be the "Cookies" menu. We go there and install the ensign opposite the point "Saving local data". Close the tab and switch to HTTPS/SSL. Here you need to work similar to the robot. Check the box next to the row “Check if the certificate is not received from the server”. If you do not stand as an ensign, the SSL robot will be incorrect. Axis and everything, restart the browser and proceed to work.

More simple ways to solve the problem

Since you don’t have time to sort out the browser settings or scan the system, you can try a few times to try to find out how you need to go. It is possible that the next information will be frequently displayed. However, they gave you the need to work everything for the instructions. One more exit - just reset the browser to Default, that's standard. Allow to enable/disable all necessary plugins and scripts. It is also recommended to clear the cache, which gives a positive result. You can also go to the Windows folder, then system 32, after that - in drivers, to find the "etc" file there. The remaining row may look like this: Everything that was written below for this one needs to be seen. For some reason, Google pardoned the SSL connection.

Decal of important moments

Catch your respect that some sites without superscripted or stitched certificates are a kind of virus dealer. In this case, it's normal to end up with a pardon for the SSL connection.

So work, if it’s still necessary to see the resource, feed it. For whom it is necessary to continue the day, confirming your decision. In your case, you can remove the virus on your computer, which is not good. If you have it installed, then you will see a prompt notification and will automatically block the robot with a scrambled site.

Now you know what an SSL connection pardon is. How to correct її, we also sorted out. It is necessary to say a couple of words about those who need to periodically clear cookies from your browser. Let me not only speed up the advancement of the sides, but also relieve you of the above-described problem. Bazhano would like to carry out external scanning of the system for the presence of viruses and suspected files.


You are guilty of understanding that you are guilty of such a pardon, then it is not so with the computer. Nasamper, turn the hour. Yakshcho r_k, month chi hour dobi do not show activity, you need to fix everything. For every single working table of your operating system, it is necessary to press a few times a year and set real values. As a rule, I immediately solve the problem. As if nothing happened, let's go and wonder if support for the SSL protocol is enabled. If everything is so, if it can be, then, nayimovіrnіshe, on the right in the anti-virus program, or to the shkidly file, which blocks the connection. Vidalennya or moving to quarantine can help.

A pardon to the SSL protocol (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR) is blamed for the authorization of a corruption user on sites that cryptically encrypt data. For example, a koristuvach is trying to get to his public record on Vkontakte, Mail.ru or Google, but on the other hand, we take a pardon 107, but the need for a page does not show up. There is nothing critical here, so let's talk about it in the article, what it means and how to use it.

What does pardon mean?

Pardon 107 shows that the attack is being blocked. Let me tell you, it’s hard to say that the pardon for the SSL protocol is not specified, but if you follow the recommendations, you’ll be spared її.

Usunennya method

There are no specifics about ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR, let's look at the best possible solutions to the problem.

Checking with antivirus

Windows 10 could be penetrated by viruses or poor software security, which disrupted the stable operation of the OS. I recommend using standalone scanners, for example, Dr. Web CureIt or Kaspersky Rescue Disc.

Invisibility of the date between the computer and the site server can bring up to pardon 107. On the remote server, its own date parameters are set for that hour, and when connected, the data icon is displayed. In times of inconsistency, the server respects the unsafe connection probe and blocks it. To check the date of that hour, go to the BIOS settings, change on the current and restart the PC to save the changes.

OS update

Problems with connections can be blamed on those that the OS has not been updated for a long time. Please stop updating Windows and turn over the robot. The older versions (Windows XP, Vista, 7) are especially appreciated.

Please! Redirect the entrance to the website you need through another browser. Internet Explorer didn't have this problem.

Implementation of the encryption protocol in antivirus

The problem can be caused by blocking the SSL connection with anti-virus packages. To use it, turn on SSL and HTTPS protocols in antivirus and try to visit the site.

List of firewall faults

If you are stuck with the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR problem with Google services, the browser system or in the browser itself, check out the list of faults for personal security tweaks. Add an Internet add-on to the list of allowed sites.

Important! Clear the cache and cookies from a web browser (for example, Google Chrome), when working with this winkla pardon 107.

If the problem is not solved yet, write to us. Tell me, if there is vinyl and what kind of operations you have already checked, so that we could help.

Absolutely be-like the program can give trouble. There is no fault with the Google Chrome browser, which is famous for its stability and high speed of work. In this article, we will try to look at the reasons why the SSL connection was pardoned in the Google Chrome browser.

Varto indicates that the problem may occur not only in the Google Chrome browser, but also in another browser based on the Chromium engine (Yandex Browser, Mail Browser, Comodo).

Cause an SSL pardon.

The reasons for the blame for this pardon can be different and often in no way related to each other. Among the main reasons for the pardon of SSL varto can be seen:

1. Blocking the Internet with an anti-virus program.
Often, an antivirus installed on your computer may take the SSL protocol as a potentially unsafe process of blocking yoga. In order to verify that the antivirus is not the cause of the pardon, close all browsers, go to the antivirus section in the branch of the security file and uncheck all the checkboxes in the encrypted password. Save installations and open Chrome to override the browser's practicality.

2. Inadequate (outdated) version of the browser. Often the problem lies in the fact that koristuvachs do not update the browser hourly. In the upper right corner of the Chrome browser, open the menu and select the item "About the Google Chrome browser". Vіdkryєtsya vіkno, de system will automatically revise the presence of the update for the streaming version of the browser. If an update is found, check it out and restart your browser.

3. Wrong date and hour set on the computer. The biggest reason for the SSL pardon in Google Chrome. If in the lower right corner on the toolbar you find that the date or hour is set incorrectly, click on them with the right mouse button and select the menu “Set date to that hour”. At the end, remember the date and hour and save the change.

4. You are using an unlicensed version of Windows. Install a licensed version of Windows on your computer. If you don't have that ability, try speeding up with another browser, such as Opera or Mozilla Firefox.

5. Your browser is wrong. These steps are not only suitable for the Chrome browser, but also for other browsers based on the Chromium engine:

1. At the top right corner of the browser, open the menu and select the "Parameters" item.

2. Select "Show advanced settings", and in the "Merezh" branch, select "Change the settings of the proxy server".

3. Vіdkryєtsya vіkno, in which case it is necessary to set up such a setting:

- Security tab. "Riven Bezpeki" - "Middle".

- Tab "Confidentiality". "Riven Bezpeki" - "Middle".

- Tab "Zmist". Select "Clear SSL".

— Restart the browser and try again to enter the site.

These are not the only reasons for the vindication of the pardon of SSL, however, there are some. I spodіvayus, tsya statya bouldered to you. If you are out of food, please put them in the comments.

SSL is a secure protocol, which wins every hour when resources are available, the addresses of which are based on HTTPS. Data is transmitted in an encrypted way, and you can not worry about confidentiality. Also, if the term of the certificate is passed, or if it was made by an improper rank, the web browser, when you try to open the site, will show the pardon of the SSL connection.

Cause a vindictive

It can be called by the server, for which the information about the site is requested, or by the computer on which the browser is running. Sound pardon for browsers that work on the basis of Chromium: Google Chrome, Yandex. Browser, Opera, Comoda Dragon.

In Mozilla Firefox, a similar error is displayed as "Certainly not trusted".

As if the certificate is processed in a proper rank, when you press on the lock, entrust the address with the following picture:

If a pardon appears in the assigned SSL protocol, part of the address will be crossed (https//), and in the additional information you will read that the identification data for the site is not converted, the data is encrypted with the help of outdated technologies.

This situation is repeated on all sites, so you try it out.

Important: if the SSL connection is pardoned only on one web resource, then the reason for the failure is on the side of the site, so the side may really have problems with encryption.

Zastosovuvat such ways to improve the pardon connection followed only in that case, as the computer does not show the site, which is the HTTPS protocol.

Correction of the pardon

If you receive additional information about the connection, and if you are aware of those that the certificate is / is no longer valid, reverse the date on the computer. If it is serious about reality forward and backward, then the protocol is not practicable, apparently, when you return to the site, a pardon will appear.

Sound the hour and date via the CMOS battery. You can also replace it yourself by buying a new life jacket from the store. And first of all, change the battery, wonder if it is installed at the same time in the system block of the laptop. If you have a battery with wiring, it is necessary to bring a similar life expectancy.

Browser overhaul

If the date on the computer is set correctly, if not, when it is connected, everything is the same, you should pay attention to the browser's setting. You may still have the latest version of your web browser. As soon as you win Google Chrome, go to the settings and open the “About the program” section. In other browsers, version checking is carried out in the same way.

Sound the browsers are updated without the participation of a koristuvach. Ale, for example, on XP and Vista new versions of Chrome are not supported. Apparently, you can’t spend an hour working with old OS on deaky sites.

Another reason for pardoning the connection can be diya expansion. The stench will not be obov'yazkovo shkіdlivimi: as many legal supplements can conflict with sites.

To reverse this hypothesis:

  1. Open the settings, go to the list of extensions.
  2. Turn on the extension for an hour, and then try again to enter the site.

If the problem persists, reset the proxy server settings. The stench can get through those that you connected to the Internet through a proxy, or through other programs. How to reset proxy settings in Chrome:

As in other browsers, the sites open normally, but the pardon of the connection is only in one browser, discard it. Tse brought before the end of all data, prote to help solve the problem.

Installed antivirus

Let's see if there are incorrect dates and problems with the robot browser, pardon the connection, you can call the overworld anti-virus and firewall. Zahisne software security reverifies the connection behind the SSL protocol. Deyakі sites can signify such a reverification as a test of vtruchannya and close access to information.

To reconsider whether the antivirus or the firewall is to blame for the appearance of a pardon, turn on the timchasovo zahist of the computer. Robiti tse lest in that case, as if you were entrusted to the safety of the site, on which you are trying to spend.

In order to keep the web side running without a hitch, set the https rechecking mode in the antivirus.

In Avast, for example, you need to go to settings, open "Active spyware", click "Settings" and remove the checkbox for "Enable HTTPS scanning".

At Kaspersky Internet Security, the installations themselves have been upgraded in the Merezha distributions with additional upgrades.

Similar options are available for all antiviruses, so you don't need to know how to disable HTTPS.

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