Automatically change the keyboard layout of windows 10. How to change the language on the keyboard

Your layout on the keyboard can be different styles of language, but you can change your style. Zasobi operating system allow others to be my own, and the designation on the keys is easy to remember manually. You can change the language of the keyboard in a number of ways: hot keys in a new operating system. Also, you can get the movie you need through systemic adjustment without victoria third-party programs. At this article, you learn how to change the language entered by the keys on the keyboard, you know how to change new language and how to change the symbols on the keys with your own hands.

How to change language on the keyboard with hot keys

First of all, give respect to the lower right corner of your computer. Here, on special panel, split data about the date, hour, running additions that my your keyboard. As a rule, all koristuvachs have only two modes of language, so you did not change the language: RU - Russian and EN - English.

Marvel at how the language is posted in your place.

To change my language, hurry yourself swedish way- hot buttons on the keyboard. This is a combination of keys, which allows you to quickly vikonate in the system. There are two ways to change the language, it looks like other computers. Try insults.

  • The first transmission is an hourly zatyskannya of the Shift and Ctrl keys. Press on the wrong keys at once and take a look at what has changed on the jumpers on your screen.

  • Another option for more extensions: press Shift and Alt at the same time.

Vikoristovuyuchi either the first or the other option, you obov'yazkovo remember the language layout of the keyboard.

The screen itself looks like this, if the layout of the English movie. Work out and you will see everything.

How to change my keyboard, as it is not selected in the system

So, if you want to write a sheet to your friend in German, Chinese or Russian, but in the operating system you have chosen only two: English and Russian. You will have to bring the language to the panel on your own. It’s worth doing it quickly and not foreseeing problems, as if you were following the given instructions.

  • Press the icon of the movie on the panel below. There is also a small vіkno with a list right there. It is necessary for a new one to select the section "Display the current panel".

  • A small panel will appear on the screen, usually at the top of the screen. Find out її.

  • Here you can also choose my own keyboard, but for help bears. You need to open the menu by pressing on a small tricoutnik at the right side of the panel.

  • Select the section "Parameters" from the list.

  • Check it out, the docks on the screen won't show up again forever. New will have all the movies, like on Narazi available to you. Press the "Add" button to add new movies to the list.

  • You can check out a really great list of movs, in which you can definitely choose the right ones for you. Know yoga and press "OK".

You can also change the number of hot keys in the "Keyboard Switching" tab, changing it to a bigger name for you.

If you add new languages, you can add some new layout, prote on your keys so that English and Russian letters will be left out. What is the problem it is easy to cheat by buying stickers from a store. You may want to know the stickers you need and stick them carefully on the keys. So richly easier to orient.

The typical Russian koristuvachev PC changing the keyboard layout in Windows 10 may need to change the text from Cyrillic to Latin and navpaki.

In lonely vipadkah, there are more songs, which can be installed in two to ten dozens - if you want to change them, it will be unhandy, and the optimal number of sounds will not exceed three.

To simplify the process of switching between the layouts of the current operating systems in Microsoft, you can call hot keys - combinations that change the language of the introduction.

For lockdown, in Windows systems 10 installed such a change for the help of Shift+Alt or Win+trial. Another option is to click the left button of the mouse behind the movable narrator (sound the roster in the lower right part of the screen) and select what you need.

Ale, it’s more convenient to use other keys like Shift + Ctrl, or to strike a sign in the voice (letter E in the Russian layout), but you can now recognize it as an investigation. Sposobіv for tsgogo not rich, and їhnє vykonannya loan no more than 2-3 hvilin.

Changing keys through the keypad

The easiest way is to change the combination of keys in Windows 10, by switching to the necessary settings for the additional keying panel. Here the “Mova” icon is selected (with this method of displaying) or the item “Changing the input method” (as “Category” is selected).

At the window, select additional parameters. When a new tab appears, open one of the possible activities:

  • The movie is installed, as it will be the main one in the list, and it will be installed once the PC or the program is turned on.
    І, like a coristuvach, constantly stagnant, for example, English (more often Russian, what you might need, for example, with part of the robot with foreign speakers and clients, as well as with the programming process), next to choose the language itself.
    In other situations, the Russian layout will be more likely to be automatic, which allows you to switch more easily;
  • Change of keys, as they will be played for shvidkogo chime with one mov іnshoy. For whom they press a strong text, visions in blue color.

Come on, let's show you how the buttons will turn to switch the layout at the given hour. Now, having seen the item "Switch my input", click on the button at the bottom of the button to change the keys.

The final stage is the selection of the required “hot keys” from the requested list. Windows 10, like previous versions, has less than three.

After saving the change with the onslaught of “OK”, you can remembrance the mov for the help of a new day, when the coristuvachev comes. Sometimes here you can choose and change the layout. Ale, oskolki most often zastosovuєtsya one layout of one mine, raznitsa nesutteva.

Change keys on the login screen

The next window needs to select the "Copy parameters" button. Wanting for її onslaught, you need the rights of an administrator.

Now, when you enter the system for entering a password, an automatic keyboard layout will be installed, which will automatically open the lock. And the remembrance of my own can be set by installing the keys.


Independently for the purpose and task of typing commands in programs similar to the command row, enter as in Latin letters, so i in Cyrillic. For the shortcuts of such a skin utility, there are standard keys to change the layout of the keyboard, tk. special hot keys are not transferred.

For operating systems of the Windows family, the main ones are two options for using keys: Ctrl + Shift and Alt + Shift. It is enough for you to choose one of the suggested options in order to switch the layout to the command in a row. However, there are different programs that can add functionality to your system, for example Punto Switcher.

In some situations, you can get stuck with the problem movie at the visor's addendums. To solve the problem, it is necessary to alternately change the left Alt+Shift (English layout) and the right Alt+Shift (Russian layout). You can also change these parameters by opening the applet "Mova and regional standards".

Open the "Start" menu and click on "Control Panel". At the vіknі, scho it appeared, double click on the icon "Mova i regional standards". Go to the "Movie" tab and press the "Report" button. Let's press the buttons "Keyboard settings" and "Change keys".

At the vikni Additional parameters Keyboards” Change keys for all layouts installed in the system. You can also insert your own for the skin layout, as it is not hacked by other programs. Go to the required row, press the "Change due" button. Put a tick on the item "Victory..." and select the required keys. Let's try a few times to press the "OK" button.

For operating systems of the Linux family, these are the same rule, but the number of options for each key is significantly larger. To change the keyboards, you need to open the "System" menu, select "Parameters" and "Keyboard". At the top, press the "Parameters" button and open the "Keys for changing the layout" list.

Porada 2: How to change Russian language in Photoshop into English

Acting authors of lessons Adobe Photoshop get more comfortable to your readers and, in order from the mysterious English names of the buttons and commands, guess and Russians. But what else? To be brought to change the language from "Photoshop" in English.


The first way you can win is by first installing the English "Photoshop", and then putting on the new Russifier. Click on the menu item "Editing" > "Setup" > "Main" (otherwise press the hot keys Ctrl+K), select the tab "Interface", find the field "Parameters for the text of the interface of the koristuvach" and select "English" from the menu "Mova_Interface". To change the chivalry, press OK. however, is there any way not to fall into victoriousness in the same Adobe installations Photoshop by entering Russian language. Vtіm, z tієї situatsії tezh є vyhіd - you can go around the interface and dig into the system files.

If you have Adobe Photoshop open, close yoga, run Windows Explorer And open the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Locales\ua_UA\Support Files. Please note that the program can be installed in a different location (not on disk C) and a different version (not CS5), so edit the path, there are more indications, depending on your situation. Create at my directory new folder I'll call you something. Find the file tw10428.dat, edit it and paste in the newly created folder. Now open Adobe Photoshop and watch how the interface is adorned with English letters.

If you want to re-Russianize the program, close it and transfer the tw10428.dat file back to the folder C: Program Files Adob ​​Photoshop CS5 Locales Ru Support Files.

Video on the topic

Return respect

Have pіznіh versions of Adobe Photoshop, for example, in CS2, you happen to manipulate not one, but two files: tw12508 and tw10428. Offending the stench is located in directory C: Program Files Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit) Required. To change the language of "Photoshop" into English, type in a way, there are more descriptions: create a new folder and transfer files there.


  • how to change english to russian

Would you like to work your personal computer unique, so the same, like you? If so, then it is necessary for us to change melody yoga launch. On the right, in the fact that all of them have the same version of the operating system, it is the same for locking.


Click once on the "Start" button. At the menu, find "Control Panel" and also click on it once. Before you z'appear vikno. For the new one, choose “Sound, language and audio system”. Double click on the end icon. Look over the list ahead of time. Select "Change sound scheme".

Go to the "Sounds" tab in the window to change melody launch. Go to the list. Find out about "Software Software". For a newcomer, you should know "Enter at Windows". Click on this item once with the left mouse button.

Here you can find the item "Sounds". Be sure to name the sound file that was locked into the system startup. Vin is in the list of other files that you can put on launch. To listen to them, it is not necessary to retransmit launch be computer fast. Press the button "Listen to the file" on the court with them. If you are not worthy of them, you can install your own melody launch. To do this, press the "Look" button and go to the directory where the file is located, which you want to install to start the operating system of your personal computer.

Lie, what is it to do for a long time, then you won’t be able to get out again. Tobto, so that it would not be a surprise to you, that you won’t be able to enter. You can, for the help of any sound editor that is convenient for you, view your favorite fragment and insert melody launch.

Look for options on the Internet, as you don’t have a lot of singing thoughts of anything. Without a doubt, having already added a lot of respect to that food and clawing a large number of accessories for launch melodic systems. Zavantage їх i rozmіstіt from sruchnіy for them launch folder. Let's try all the ones that are described above. Listen to their skin at the melody setting menu launch and choose the best. Let's press the "Stop" button.

The layout of the keyboard is called the table of types of keys recognized by them - the introduction of letters and numbers to the alphabet, non-directed symbols, commands. The most common way to change the table is to introduce letters of different alphabets - Russian and English. Changing the layout of the keyboard is a very simple operation, as it can be implemented in a number of ways or to automate.

Windows 8 is known to be a new operating system, through which you can change your power supply. Tse pov'yazano z tim, scho new OS may vіdminnіst vіd earlier versions. One of them is how to change the keyboard layout on Windows 8.

On the right, in the fact that the majority has a different interface, although at the same time the services were lost the same, as in the family. It’s not worth talking about those who lost all their services in large numbers, changing the process of their launch. Also, how do you change the keyboard layout in Windows 8? Everything is simple.

We should say before that, speaking about the layout, varto understand the language of introduction. In other words - choose to move the text, how to enter the time in documents, games, chats, the Internet, and so on. It is not worth talking about those that for yoga change in the system may be installed at least two dialects. But for other purposes, you may need more, for example, English, Russian and Ukrainian. Of course, in different situations, you may need other options, such as French, German and many others.

So first, go down to the methods of yoga change, let's see how to install a new one. How tse robiti? There is nothing complicated here.

How to change keyboard layout on Windows 8: Video

How to install mov for keyboard layout

To install additional input methods, click on the layout icon in the tray, which displays the currently selected option. When pushing against a new one, it will appear all the time, in which it is necessary to choose “Nalashtuvannya movi”. The next time a menu appears with layouts installed on the PC. Above them is the button "Add MOV".

We press on her. At the vіknі it’s only left to show the layout, it’s necessary to add it. Press "Add". Now we are going to the menu, in which you can insert the dialect option. On the right, in the fact that in rich lands there is one and the same mova, mothers of deacons of power and specialness. The rozrobniks of the operating system were handed over, giving the koristuvachs the choice of the dialect that they needed.

Next, press the "Add" button. All now the introductions of the dialect are in the middle. You can see the yoga menu at the menu. We select the option that is necessary to clean up, after which the Vidality item will light up a little more. Now you can freely install and see different dialects. Let's go to the main power supply of the article, how to change the keyboard layout in Windows 8.

How to change language in Windows 8: Video

Changing the entry method

Also, as it was said above, the input method appears in the tray (lower right corner of the desktop). When you click on the icon, all files installed on the computer are displayed to enter the text. To switch them, simply click on the icon in the tray and select the options you need.

Varto indicate that when typing the text, in quiet situations, if you need to constantly change the input method, click the bear without hand. For such environments, retailers provided a special combination of keys. As a rule, for promotions, the combination Shift + Alt. So you just need to press two buttons at once.

You can change. If you are unable to manually press Shift_Alt, you can insert, for example, Shift + Ctrl, or other buttons. For which turn, at the menu, adjust and select "Additional parameters". It is necessary to know the item “Change the current keys” in the window. At the beginning, it is necessary to press "Change the last key". If so, you will be offered impersonal options for your taste. Choose whether one of them and press "OK".

Now, the keyboard layout change on Windows 8 will be triggered after pressing the selected key combination. Varto designate that the mobile interface does not need a single hundredth. The method of entering the text into text documents, chats, jokes, games and so on.

Windows 8 keyboard not working: Video