Windows movie maker program overview. Correctly Wikoristannya Windows Movie Maker

Many people want to use their photographs or video recordings to create a full-fledged video clip or film, without compromising on professional videos. For this purpose, it is absolutely necessary to use complex programs, as they will stop during the recording of films or clips. Finish using the Windows Movie Maker program. How to benefit from this program, we will look further at the statistics.

It is important to note that this utility is included in all versions of Windows operating systems except for the eighth and tenth modification. If you work with the program and transfer it yourself in these environments, the program will initially have to be downloaded and installed on your computer on your own.

What kind of program is Movie Maker?

As a result of introducing into the system or additionally installing add-ons, Movie Maker is the simplest video editor that allows people, who are completely far from creating clips and films, to create a small video from a photo. walking, and pictures of video material shot on camera with overlays of sound track and visual. effects.

Of course, there is no talk about professional editing right away. So, for the great rakhunko, the primary koristuvacheva is not needed. It's really easy to use Window Movie Maker. The program is currently uninsurable.

Getting to know the interface first

So, before us, how to use this program, we will look at it on the basis of version 2.6. Well, it’s important to know that you should upgrade to the standard set of Windows 7 or XP.

First of all, let's go all the way to using the Windows Movie Maker 2.6 program and understanding its interface. Here are a few basic elements:

  • main panel with menu sections;
  • the area of ​​divisions is determined by the operation;
  • storyboard scale;
  • Vіkno vmіstu (elements to insert into the video);
  • Look forward to watching the finished video first.

Basic capabilities and initial adjustment of programs

Among these features, which are explained in the addendum, we first note the possibility of adding graphics, video and audio of almost all available formats (with rare exceptions) with the possibility of synchronization.

The main tool here is a special hour scale, located at the bottom of the main program window. The panel, as it is known, has a large number of operations available that can be used for importing, applying effects, adding sound, titles, etc. In principle, most likely, you can use the Windows Movie Make program r, the menu on the head panel can be And do not open the fragments, all the main commands that transmit one another are always at hand and all menus are simply duplicated (the same as with all other Microsoft editors). Now let's move on to the process of creating the roller.

How to use Windows Movie Maker 2.6: additional video and graphics

Now, in order to create a full-fledged video, you still need to add elements that are going to be vikorystuvat. In front of the command panel, you can choose to import video or image.

How can I use the added files to install them?

The trick is to drag the skin element onto the frame scale (it is not possible to drag all the files at once, so you will have to add them to the scale of the next video one at a time). If necessary, the order of your selections can be changed on the scale.

Once a video is added, again, in the scale, it can be edited for triviality. For example, to change the time at which clips are inserted, you can shorten the clip separation point. Next, left-click on the frame, after which two red arrows will appear on the screen. Over-dressing them on different sides can enhance and shorten the roughness of the skin part.

Sound track overlay

Inserting an audio soundtrack can be done using the same import method as in the case of images, but at the moment you select to import audio. Selected audio files also need to be placed on the hour bar.

Of course, the sound quality of the audio and video fragments may not match. The audio is edited by shortening or increasing the sound quality. You can add a new audio file at the end of the previous one (the sound quality is also displayed on the hour scale). Ale navіt tse smut.

In fact, if you want to create a properly attractive video, we first need to pay attention to those so that the meaning of the image is conveyed to the musical accompaniment. Wait, we're looking at a completely relaxing video with wild nature and a soundtrack from some "important" band.

Status of effects and transitions

Well, the next steps are over. Now, in order for the video to become more attractive, and the pictures not to change abruptly, you need to insert transitions (crossing or transforming one image into another when changing them).

For this purpose, there is a row of video transitions in the clip menu (including the service section) on the head panel. The selected transition must be dragged onto the scale and placed between two adjacent fragments.

For which there is a corresponding row on the assignment panel. Vibrations of effects, again, you just need to drag them to the required frame on the scale. With this to the skin frame (or broken parts of the main imported element), your moisture effect can become stagnant.

Adding titles

Come on, you can add a title and name for the fruit. Many journalists like to sign their clips or insert information, say, describing the place where the capture took place.

For this operation, in the same taskbar, a row of titles and titles is displayed, after which you will need to specify the insertion program (for example, the title - at the beginning of the video, and the titles - at the end) and edit the text.

Change the pouch

The axis is short and everything that is involved in Windows Movie Maker programs. How to profit from this supplement, it seems, has already become clear. The whole process, as can be noted, comes down to drawing on the scale of required elements. This kind of video and audio editing, of course, cannot be brought to a professional level, except for the quick creation of a simple video with any powerful set of graphics, video and audio (especially for beginners who only delve into the work with clips), come as beautiful as possible.

Sometimes situations come up when you need to make a video, and not just from simple photographs. How to make videos from photographs and music on your own without singing knowledge and skills? At first glance, it’s a complicated process, but it’s still possible to heal the skin. So, if you want to share your numerous photographs with colleagues and friends, or even look beautiful, you can quickly use special programs. You can earn money with this help wonderful video clip, with comments, music, credits and special effects

For the cob varto say a few words about photographs. They need to be processed first, for example, in Photoshop or any other photo editor. Since it is not recommended to insert images directly from the camera into a video due to their large size (about 2-3 MB), they need to be changed, reducing them to a size of 70-150 KB (approximately 650x500 pixels). You can have a little less, you can have a little more. Keep in mind that the energy of the skin image is the greatest value of the entire video, and in the new one there will be music, titles, and special effects, and this will be additional information.

Having collected the photo, you need to select the required music or song, think about future comments (they can be entered into the program during editing) and special effects that are available in the program. Whose voice can be recorded comments before photo, just mirkuvannya and God forbid, What's wrong with these photographs?.
You can experiment with all these steps to ensure that the result is a successful video.

How to make video from photos and music using additional utilities and programs with your own hands? Wonderful video lesson for beginners.

After this, mastering the program will begin. Where do I know and how to make video from photos and music using other programs? It’s very simple - every computer already has the same thing for the industry. There you go to the Windows warehouse - it is installed automatically right away from the system. The program is called Windows Movie Maker.

The program is remarkable for its simplicity in operation, and is also completely Russified. intuitive and user-friendly interface. The principle of this work can be stated as follows: “Grab whatever you need with your bear (photos or music files) and pull.” It’s simpler - just take the required ingredients and mix them in the required order. The axis is the whole principle of the robot.

It is very easy to find a program on a computer. For example, in a Windows XP system, you need to log into the system, click on the “Start” menu and in the submenu that appears, select “All Programs”. Having carefully looked at their list, you need to find Windows Movie Maker and launch it. And then - turn on your imagination and experiment.

How to make a video from a photo and music using additional programs, which, as it turns out, was lying peacefully in the file system of my operating system? :))) Let’s take a quick look at the entire technology of creating a video clip with photographs and music accompaniment.

Video editing - on the right, is laborious, without special knowledge and has the right to talk about a serious product at the end of the day. Professionals specialize in installing specialized programs that are difficult to master. But for basic people there are simpler analogues, one of them is Windows Movie Maker. For current special effects, this program is not suitable, but you can cut or merge videos and add simple transitions to it. In this regard, we know how to use the Windows Movie Maker program.

Windows Movie Maker is Microsoft's leading video editor. The program is known for its simplicity and ease of use, which is a major plus. The effects of the cinematic structure on it, obviously, cannot be created, but rather disseminated on the slide show circuit or glued together a number of clips into one - the same ones. The program is not installed on all operating systems, but only on three: Windows ME, Windows XP and Windows Vista. If you don’t have access to one of them, you can simply download the installation file on the Internet and install the program, fortunately it’s only about seven megabytes.

The version of Movie Maker -live or “Windows Movie Studio” has also been updated. This is a significant amount of processing of a product that primarily focuses on simplicity and ease of installation for the most unsophisticated user. In this version, the timeline was cleaned up, additional configuration and audio adjustments were cut. Many users have seen the updated interface through the timeline itself, so you can choose which version is right for you. Note: the program runs on operating systems not older than Windows Vista.


We'll figure out how to work with the Movie Maker program a little later, but for now let's go through the interface elements. We can see the classic interface, and all instructions will be based on the new one. In the live version, installation is carried out in a similar manner, except for the difference. Let's go in order, let's say a few words about the skin module interface.

IMPORTANT. If you are using a program with an English interface, but don’t even know the language, then install a Russifier or use a screenshot to get your bearings.

Golovne menu

Vikno program

Everything is simple here - a simple main menu panel, just like in any other Windows program. “File”, “Edit”, “View”, “Service”, “Clip”, “Creation”, “Add” - all these are alternative ways of interacting with the project, and not the most manual ones. We won’t hesitate here for long and let’s move on to the offensive point.


Let's go through all the keys in order, starting from the right.

  1. Creation of the project.
  2. In support of the project.
  3. Saving the project.
  4. For that.
  5. Move forward.
  6. Adjustment of the display panel in advance.
  7. Configuring the display of the collections panel.
  8. The list that appears with the possibility of mixing between video transitions, video effects and collections (imported files).
  9. Additional keys for navigating the list.
  10. Adjusting the appearance of selected elements.

Let's move on to the most important element, which gives the program extreme handiness and ease of use.


In addition to this panel, we will add new files to the project, video effects and transitions. There is no single way to perform such actions, but it is much easier and simpler to navigate, search for these functions in the main menu or toolbar.

Import files

The points speak for themselves, we’ll just overexpose them and say a few words about the skin.

  • Import video
  • Import image
  • Import sound of chi music

Import means copying a file from the external storage of your computer to the project program. As a matter of fact, you can select the desired video or image and add music. After importing, all selected files will be added to the Collections window, where we can process them further.

  • Image collection
  • Review of video effects
  • Review of video transitions

In essence, this is analogous to the list that appears on the toolbar, which is transferred to windows with video transitions, video effects and collections.

  • Creation of names and titles
  • Creation of a car film

All the functions that add beauty and handiness are evident. For a small home video clip, it will not be at all obvious to add the title of the film at the beginning and credits at the end, such details and to break the clip in plain and simple terms. The “Create Auto Movie” function will import all imported files into video and audio tracks in order. The function is suitable if you have downloaded the files in the required order, otherwise its rudeness is not important.

  • Saving on your computer
  • Powering up a digital video camera

Primary functions of saving and visualization of the project.

Here you can see all the downloaded files, videos or videos you select. Switching through the toolbar or the task panel.

Vbudonovy progravach

Everything, like the default player, has a very handy function for re-watching. You can rewind, pause and play, all of which are related to the position of the button on the timeline, which we’ll talk about later.

Bottom panel

The bottom panel can be used in two modes - framed and hour scales.

The storyboarding mode is manual when adding transitions and video effects. The hour scale allows you to cut and resize video fragments with great precision, which is ultimately necessary during editing.

Installation process

How to buy from Movie Maker? To get started, you need to open the program, located in the “all programs” Start menu. After starting the project, all the required elements are transferred from the collector to the additional import module on the task panel. After moving the elements in the required sequence on the timeline, the skin sensitivity is adjusted and different effects are created between frames and elements. To add an image, video or sound, just “shop” the object in the project window and drag it to the bottom panel. To lengthen or shorten an object, you need to “grasp” one of the edges of the fragment and pull at the required side. After all the manipulations with gluing, cutting and adding effects, it would be impossible to add titles, all the necessary buttons are located on the command panel, you only need to complete the master's inserts. We save the project or visualize it as a finished product.


Now that we are familiar with the interface of the Windows Movie Maker program, as we are using it, we have also realized that we have lost the ability to gain enough knowledge, and this requires practice. If you experiment with the program's capabilities more often, you'll end up spending a lot of money editing a clumsy video.

The numbers indicate the buttons for switching areas in different modes:
1-operations/collectors (collections); 2 - hour scale/rozkadruvannya.
You can also set the required mode in the menu item View of imprints according to the required option.

The process of working on the film lies with the creator
- I’ll give the project a go, in which all the changes will be carried out. This can be saved (at the same time with all the output materials, especially in the vicinity of the father) and changed indefinitely;
- then SAVE THE FILM, which can no longer be changed using the program. The finished film does not require the presence of output elements and can be transferred to a sufficient location.
The following table shows the importance of the project and film.

The operation/collection area in the Operations mode (switching to this mode using the button or the menu item View - Operations/Taskbar) displays all the actions that can be performed while creating a movie.
Collection (or Collection) – this is a collection of clips, images and audio files for a created film, grouped into separate names in a folder. The collector will not store copies of these files unless they have been sent to them. Tse means that
1. when copying a project to another folder, it is obligatory to copy all output materials there,
2. When changing, instead of the output files, the clips in the project are changed.
In the operation/collection area in Collection mode, you can create, delete, copy, rename output collections for films. Sets of effects and video transitions are also included in the collections.

In the area the following are displayed instead:
- or output images, clips and audio for film editing,
- or options for effects that are superimposed on frames,
or options for transitions between frames.

In the Overview area, you can review clips, effects, and transitions by clicking on them in the Overview area. And also the film in the process of editing from a streaming frame, the vikorist buttons - open and pause (as in basic programs for playing media files).

The hour/frame scale area is used for film editing.
Scatter mode is required for insert operations:
- personnel,
- effects,
- Transitions,
- name a movie on the cob,
- titers for example,
- called between frames.
The HOUR SCALE mode is vikorized when
- insert music,
- audio recordings,
- Change the hassle of showing the footage,
- Inserting text onto a vibration frame.

Preparation for making the film.

1. Create a separate folder for the project where you can copy all the necessary film and output materials: images, video fragments, audio files.

2. If necessary, edit the output images (shrink to the required dimensions, add the “red eyes” effect, crop, adjust brightness/contrast, etc.) using any graphics editor. Audio and video files are available in other programs.
To this point you can return to the process of working on the project.

Stages of work on the film.

I. Launch Windows Movie Maker:
Start - Use programs (Programs) - Windows Movie Maker

II. Create a new collection for the output clips that contain the movie:

1. Switch the Operations/Collectors area to the Collectors mode (the button on the toolbar or the View - Collectors menu item)

2. Right-click on the Collections folder, select New Collections, give it a name (or the Tools menu - Create collections folder)

III. Switch this area to the Operations mode (using the button or menu item View - Operations/Taskbar), and also at the bottom of the program window, switch the hour scale/framework area to the Frame mode

IV. Add photographs and other graphic files before collecting

1. In the Operations area in the Import section, select Images/Import Import

2. In the window, open the folder with output materials created during the preparation stage.

3. View required files:
- when clicking a bear while pressing Ctrl, a bunch of unnecessary files are visible
- click the mouse on the first file, and then press Shift - all the files between them are visible on the remaining file

4. Click the Import button

V. Audio files can be added in the same way - in the Operations area, select the Import sound or music item. And also video fragments - in the Operations area, select the Import video item

VI. Before editing the film or at any time during the process of forming a video sequence, you can change the severity of displaying a static image in the film: menu item Tools - Options... - Additional parameters tab - Image content. The new hour will be shown until the frames that are inserted after the change.

VII. Images in the framed frames are drawn in the required sequence. The frames will be replaced sequentially, the empty ones will not be lost - they will be automatically deleted. Replaced frames can be dragged to another place in the video sequence, deleted, and images inserted between existing frames (this will automatically add a frame between existing frames).

View frame from sequence:

VIII. We add video effects on ten frames:

1. In the Operations area of ​​the Editing (Film Editing) section, select Video Effects

2. Show sketches of the effects in the area, and then click on the desired effect in the area to view on the monitor. The effects can be static (for example, “grey shades”, “posterization”, “knock the beast down”) or dynamic (for example, “knowledge in black”, “weakness of the name”). You can look back dynamically by pressing the button - open under the monitor in the look back area.

3. The vibration effect is transferred to the required frame. With this, the eye near the corner of the frame becomes bright.

4. On the same frame, you can add a number of effects so that you can’t print one to another. For example, it is possible to “posterize”, “change the evil to the right” and “weaken the name”, but it is not possible to “weaken the name” and “weaken the middle”. In this case, either the effects do not work, or the frames may not appear.

5. By clicking the right star key on the frame, you can remove all effects.

IX. We can create transitions between frames:

1. In the Operations area of ​​the Editing (Film Editing) section, select Video transitions

2. In the area, there are thumbnails of transitions, when you click on the desired thumbnail, you can look at it in the area on the monitor after pressing the button - open under the monitor.

3. The selected transition is dragged onto the rectangular frame between frames. There may be only one transition. If you tighten another one at the designated transition, then replace the first one later.

X. Add the title of the film at the beginning, credits at the end, and, if necessary, captions before the selected frames. For all these types, additional frames with text will appear at the designated place

1. In the Operations area of ​​the Editing (Film Editing) section, select the Title Title item. Next, select a row that indicates the position of the name (on the cob, for example, before the selected clip)

2. Type the name text. The title can be formatted by selecting menu items under the title text: Change title animation; Change the font and color of the text.

3. To complete the work with the name and insertion of the films, click “Done”

4. In this way, titles are inserted at the end and between the frames, but in the end you will first need to select the frame before (or after) which the caption is inserted.

5. You can apply effects to frames with text that appear and insert transitions before the next frame.

XI. Inserting a title into the frame is no longer necessary because after pressing “Done” you will be taken to the Hour scale mode. The program may indicate: - press OK. Captions on frames are displayed in the Hour scale mode in the lower part of the editing line next to the Title Overlay row.

All names can be rescheduled, deleted, changed - for example, using the context menu (by right-clicking on the name). Or see the name, menu item Edit - Change name.

XII. Music is added more in the Time scale mode. Switching to a new frame mode - click on the Time scale button in this area

1. In the Operations area of ​​the Editing/Movie Editing section, select the first item (Importing media clips/Displaying collections) - in the area, imported images and audio files are displayed instead.

2. Drag the audio file onto the Hour Scale in a row Sound or music to the beginning of the row or under any frame that should start the sound of the file.

If music appears to be a significant addition to the video sequence, it requires encouragement. Using additional buttons you can change the hour scale on the hour scale. To trim long music, the scale can be changed. Click on the sound histogram in the sound track - it is visible as a black frame with knitted markers at the beginning and at the end. When the mouse pointer is pointed at them, it looks like a red arrow. This means that when the mouse button is pressed, play the music until the required length from the end, or cut off the beginning of the musical fragment.

4. You can add the effects of smooth appearance or understanding of the sound to a sound fragment (especially if it was teased). Right-click on a sound fragment in the hour scale and click to put a tick in the desired effect.

5. You can insert a bunch of musical fragments.

XIII. The rest of the editing is the video sequence until the music starts (or just like that).

1. The severity of showing the skin frame can be changed:
- See the frame of the bear clicking
- place the mouse's mark on the tri-knit marker on the right border of the visible frame
- while pressing the key, drag this line, orienting along the division at the top of the hour scale (in the format H:MM:SS,00)

2. Click on the first or second frame and press the View button in the review area. If the music and video availability is not controlled, continue changing the hour scale

XIV. The last step is to save (publish) the film. Before publishing the film, it is obligatory to save the project (from the same father who collected the output materials for this project). The finished film can be published (saved) as a file in any folder on your computer or a portable disk, created as a DVD video, posted on the Internet or sent by email. One project can publish a film in a variety of formats.
To save money on your computer:

1. In the Operations area of ​​the Publishing/Completing Movie section, select the Saving option on your computer

2. The Movie Maker window will open, where you need to enter a name for the file, click the Browse button, and select the folder in which you want to save the movie. Press the Next button at the bottom

3. At the next step, you need to select the parameters of the film that you want to save.

4. After completing the created movie file, you can immediately watch the movie without unchecking (or checking) the box next to “Create a movie” on the remaining page. press the “Done” button

Sequence of work on the film:

1. Prepare a folder with output images and sounds

2. Launch WindowsMovieMaker, create a new compilation or clear the area instead

3. Import output images and sound

5. In the storyboard mode, drag the images onto the editing line in the required order. Save the project

6. Drag the effects to the required frames. Save the project

7. Add transitions between frames. Save the project

8. Add titles, titles, captions to the frames, if necessary. Save the project

9. In Time Scale mode, drag the sound file from the Sound or Music row. Crop the file. Save the project

10. Adjust the display of frames to match the music. Save the project

Points 5-10 can be repeated more than once in any sequence.

If you need to edit a movie, export sound from a video, or perform other activities from video, you can quickly use a variety of utilities, as retailers recommend. However, Windows uses a tool for these actions, and the Movie Maker program itself. Since this is a standard program in any version of Windows OS, you don’t have to be afraid to spend it if you spend. It has an intuitively sensible interface and is simple to use. Let's take a look at the main activities that you can do in the program.

Movie Maker Tools

Well, after launching, we are presented with a program window. Intellectually, here you can call a bunch of parts. First of all, the tools are completely stagnant. In another way, the hour scale is either, otherwise seemingly, framed. I, find a screen that allows you to view the latest video result.

The panels that are selected in the program depend on the location in front of you. The Management section contains the main steps that need to be taken to process files. In order to start working, you need to drag the video, music or images you want to create into the work area. You can write the title in front of you. For which the Title and Title section is used. In this case, before speech, you can work with titles, as you can see from the name. It will also help you create the remaining frame.

You can add music or sound effects to a video or photo presentation created by Movie Maker. They can be taken either from the collection of the program itself or from the computer. For what purpose do you need an hour scale? Next to the Video row there is a Music item, where the file with sounds is located.

Bottom tool Overlays the name for creating text that appears on a video or picture. Please note that by moving the cursor to the buttons displayed on the hour scale at any point, you can adjust the hour of display on the screen of the song effect. In addition, you can adjust the volume of the sound.

Speaking of how Windows Movie Maker handles videos, it is important to note that it is entirely possible to work with images. In addition, you can insert static pictures directly next to the films. Don’t forget to periodically review what appears on your screen in the future. This will help you quickly edit the video so that it guides you. After finishing, the movie will be displayed in the specified folder. It is possible to work in several types of formats, the choice of which depends only on the seller himself.