Asus zenfone 2 smartphone parameters

Watch your smartphone to reach the tsikavo. But at once it was not suitable in design - large frames, both from the sides, and from above and below. The back kryshka is famous, it’s won in decilkoh kolory. It’s possible to buy an okremo, but in Russia it’s impossible to leave it (the information is relevant at the time of writing, I’ll look around). As a sign, the first from the sides of the buttons were seen by LG, and they were transferred to the back of the attachment. Asus repeated the same in all smartphones, however, it didn’t come with a copy, the harvesting button went up the hill. Remember earlier, because of the fate of that, the button for grabbing in the mountains - the whole thing is true. Infectious, from looking at the majestic dimensions of the attachment, the button in the mountain is absolutely inaccessible. The smartphone is great, the diagonal of the display is close to the phablet, plus the frame. Controlling with one hand is actually uncomfortable, since the problem is programmatically updated, as the problem is important to the accessibility of the harvesting button, let's talk about it below.






The smartphone has a \ u200b \ u200b32 bitna (as a test benchmark) version of the Android OS 5. ZenUI shell. Tell me, go lick the bugs in the obolonts. In addition, Asus thinks about the information about the terms of the development of nicholas, which is not published. Problems є, ale the stench, it takes more than an hour, pookyuvat trocha obolonka. Ale tse does not mean that it is not functional, navpaki. Functions and tricks here are simply unrealistic. For example, a mobile tap can be used to block and unblock a smartphone, I will look at those with a live button far away, a plus. Krym, a mobile tap on the button "dodom", changing the size of the screen, so it’s simpler to use a smartphone with one hand, so you can see the problem of the great screen. The screen shot is not afraid to use a combination of keys, but to push a list of additional data on the button. Even wide functionality of the curtain, even more richly nalashtuvan. I was pleased with the manager’s presence of autostart, in which it is possible to turn on all unused programs, and the stinks didn’t pick up the operative memory and didn’t power up the smartphone. The system for controlling the smartphone with gestures has been implemented: a small letter on the locked screen, the program is displayed, you can adjust the action when the smartphone is destroyed. Even more important for lіtnіh people is the Easy mode, which will transform the interface into an analogue of Windows. Okremo, by the way, the program can record a phone call, here you go, the thing is just as good as it gets.

Technical characteristics

  • processor

    Intel Atom Z3580, 4 cores 2300 MHz

  • video processor

The link for the current market is exotic, the processor is 64-bit, the same frequency is rather big 1800 MHz. Viyavilosya, so the decision of vicoristovuvati the same couple viyavilosya virnim. The smartphone is correct, if there are no victories of any freezes, I would like to call the fullHD screen. The productivity of everybody has played.


Our model has 32 GB of main memory, adding micro SD to 64 GB. Programmingly, the presence of the possibility of installing the igor that program on the memory card made me happy. Now, nigolovnishhe. Tsey smartphone, specifically our test model - Persha in the light, de-size of the operative memory of the whole 4 GB! Think only, I have less style in a laptop, boys, and a smartphone. On one side, tse, zychayno, marketing. In principle, a smartphone і 3 GB of "RAM" with a reserve, and from the side, 4 GB - the number of mails from the Maybut, є, to the pragmatic virobniks і "zaliza" і software.


Yak all modern flagships, a wonderfully inexpensive smartphone for modern worlds, we will adapt all the standard calls. The smartphone has a total of 2 radio modules, it's just wonderful, there is a lot of beauty on the market. There is a negative moment, the prominence of them is two times more obvious. If you are not afraid of a vi, then the whole moment will not embarrass you. It’s easier to overhaul those who don’t use a smartphone. The IK port is mute. All, navigate the FM radio, navigate the GPS, how wonderful it’s wonderful, we were testing, we were singing.

they will be updated with appropriate new information and will be published for retaliation

Infected in the quality of the main smartphone, I have the Asus ZenFone 2, which is less flexible. Pochnu, mabut, with a small front, and ASUS is not a newcomer in smartphone construction. Everything has gone back a long time ago, the whole world of Windows Mobile was tied with ASUS, and then the company in the big world was busy with computers. After the Garmin experiment was conducted, it didn’t go well. Turn around in the range of smartphone building, the company went to transformers, de smart were inserted into tablets. Before the speech, boules in the middle and even the most common representatives, and not just warehouses of matrioshkas.

Video Viewer ASUS ZenFone 2

It is pertinent to act like historical moments and go straight to 2014 rock. At the last ear, the company showed the line of Zenfone smartphones, which were given a good filling for really smart pennies. If I’m looking around the most, I’ll come to the end, but for a penny, I’ll get the best vibe. Before the word, the representatives of the line are on sale as more available, relevant, but not less balanced by the annex. We've already had a trivial hour getting to know ZenFone 5 victories.

Well, smut, why should I know - a whole lot. So it was that you can get an affordable flagship smartphone in a decalcom way. The first one is to catch up with China. Tse of non-repudiation options, є even the most popular and central solutions, like OnePlus. Along with the skin rock of the available Chinese flagships, the older ones are older, so the no-name will be transformed into a good name, the appetite and variability of gadgets will increase.

Another way can be a good one - you can look at the flagship smartphone of the past. Navigate the models of 12-13 rockies are still topical. You can marvel at the same Nexus 5, at SGS4 ...

Alle yakscho ci options do not come, є wihid. Zychayno well, I'm talking about zenfon 2. Variety of my model - 300 Euro. For a penny, get a top-end mobile processor from Intel, 2 GB of RAM, 13 MP main camera and 5 MP front-facing, 5.5 "IPS-display with full HD split-screen design, Android 5.0, two slots for SIM-cards from two houses (! ) radio modules, and everything is in the receiving case.

Design and ergonomics

The smartphone is made of plastic, і, as they were bucked і chuli at the drop from the LG G3, the body - "metal bow". In short, plastic pid metal. Head - everything is on the spot, do not play or squeak, I want my copies to be lightly crunchy. I am happy, so it will be so, so will the case be opened.

Yak and in the already guessed LG G3, the key for regulating the muckiness is rocked backwards with the camera. Vaughn doesn’t look at the body, it’s important to namatsati, it’s demanding to sound until it’s roasted. The blocking button (another clickable element) is located at the top. Vona is not handy, because it’s not just a short time, for which I immediately brutalize respect. In fact, with such a size of the smartphone, it is not easy to comfortably stretch to the upper boundary. In a different way, go to the central part. On-tertє, there is to finish a tight onslaught.

Ale є і two pluses - if you give a smartphone to someone, it’s not like blocking key. So buvaє, if it is sideways. The other - in the company, clearly zoosuly, so that the need to proponate more simple solutions for blocking / unblocking and making a doubletep. Yak in Nokia, HTC and LG. Pratsyuє tsya funktsіya kindness, only for blocking demand tapa on the status bar, or even on the unoccupied mission on the work table. Before a word, it is possible to unlock it with a mobile connection between touch control keys.

Moreover, є tin are available directly from the blocking screen. For example, after painting letter C, view the camera. Moreover, you can vibrate, yaku, as long as you have їkh decilka. That vzagali, for whatever is available from the gestures, and їkh 6, it is possible to hang up, be it a supplement, to navigate a third party.

Everything is standard in the rostashuvannya. Odin surprises - for krishkoy. Here is the joint stock bank, ale substitute independently, viyde. There are also slots for memory cards and two SIM cards. Cool, those are, two radio modules are installed in smartphones, the first slot is available for standards, right up to LTE CAT4, the other - only 2G. After an hour, you can call another number.

By hand, the smartphone can be finished with a garnier, but don't forget it - it’s a 5.5 "display. If you don’t use a phablet, try a little bit. In the back of the phone I repeat the shape of a dolony, but the material is not slimy, you don’t try to whisk it out of your hands.


I’ll think it’s a little bit - the camera is not sunk into the body, you need to be careful, you don’t need to mess things up. In general, for our part, we have a very good option for photo lovers. With the maximum allowance in 13 MP, the photo should be taken with the correct ratio of sides - 4: 3. The quality of the photo during the day \ u200b \ u200b is not acceptable. I am happy to take pictures with ZenFone 2 in Paris for a very special photo collection. The camera has a lack of adjustment and regimes, happy, so that you can feel it yourself at the moment you need it. For example, if you є tense back light, the camera will turn on HDR. Win, before the speech, the great Orthodox, so how to rob up to 5 characters in the new expositions and gluing them into one photo.

Apply without HDR and with it

At the presentation, they talked about a different regime - they were moving, here they were dumb. Yak bi was not there, you won’t get a beautiful photo, if there’s a lot of noise, it’s alright, there, de іnshi, you just show a black screen, here it’s є. Maybe someone doesn’t have such functionality and will be in the present.

Attach a photo from the main camera

Attach a photo from the frontal camera

Butt video in 1080p

Butt video in 720p with stabilization


As I said at the entrance, the 5.5 "IPS-screen with a separate building of 1920 x 1080 pixels was installed. The width of pixels is 414 per inch, which is more beautiful than in the iPhone 6. The matrix was handled by the Sharp company. Well, I can't say It's a nice display, like I'm bachy, ale vin is good. More beautiful, not a big one in the flagship LG G2, and more - not in Nexus 5. But it’s far from so, as in the guessing models. Asus seemed to want the stench to see the display at a minimum - 60 ms. It’s a pity, for Android there are no normal drums, so to test, only for Samsung in the ‘store’ store.

If I’m hungry for IPS-displays, I try to focus on the issue - pushing through and pouring out the separation. For such a diagonal it is especially relevant. Here at the zenfon all the good. I cleaned it up, and when I was pushing it, I could drink some of the smogs, ale dumb, everything is fine. Before the word about hope - I will not carry out the crash test, but the Zenfone 6 on my side will turn more painfully straight onto the asphalt.

Technical characteristics

This is where the main features of the Asus ZenFone from their flagships are crooked. In the middle of the installation, the Intel Atom Z3560 processor and the PoverVR G6430 graphics. The operative memory in my copy is 2 GB, but also the version with the same processor and 4 GB of operative memory. Built-in memory - 16 GB, can be up to 64. Є memory card slot. All at once, allowing you to work with your smartphone, everything is safe. Tanks, for example, go even more smoothly, ale the graph is not like that, yak on iOS. It's a pity, I'm not bachin 'for one android.

Asus Zenfon 2 buv broadcasts in 2015 At the same time, there was a hope for store shelves. The device is used before the distribution of mid-priced smartphones, and one of the different solutions of the device є Intel processor... At that moment, the svitovy wyrobnik of chipsets intends to go to the market of mobile annexes and proposes a number of brands of their processor at a price. For the rakhunok of a wide range of devices, we used more competitive phones on the processors of the same companies. Insight into the Asus Zenfone 2 The technical parameters of the model and the special features.

The Zenfone 2 phone is from Asus є not a smart phone, but rather a low one. For its price, the device proposes the ability to use LTE fences, a Wi-Fi antenna for more stable connection to a mouthless framing, as well as an IPS matrix with FHD or HD permission. Detailed characteristics of Asus Zenfone 2 are provided in the tables.

Asus Zenfone 2 ze551ml

Keep in mind! Asus Zenfone 2 ze551ml and Asus Zenfone 2 ze500kl are one and the same model, as you can modify the processor and allow the screen. The first pristіy work on the Z3560, there is an HD matrix and 2 gigabytes of operative memory. Another option is equipped with a larger productive processor Z3580, FHD matrix and 4 gigabytes of memory. Offense to add 32Gb of main memory can be expanded up to 128Gb.

Zovnishny viglyad

Asus Zenfone 2 phone can be opened per hour plastic cases... The face panel is secured by a slope, and a screen on the bottom panel is in the form of retail promenades, which are attached to the phone before the Zenfone line. There are also touch buttons with standard features. Above the screen dynamik, camera, proximity sensor.

The zvorotny bik of the device is represented by a bulky cry, as it appears from the casual models. Yearly, all rear panels are flat, and small bevels are located closer to the ends. Zenfone 2 has a whole lot of krishka, and for a rakhunok price be built massive... Decorating the back panel of the Viconano in such a rank that the phone is built with metal, ale deluded on the whole rakhunok is not varto - the body is broken from plastic. On the new, in the center, a camera was swung, sleeping and an oval button for adjusting the filthiness with vertical swatches. For that hour, the position of the keys was also a novelty, and a lot of koristuvachiv in the vidguk were placed on those that were not so easy to sound. Also in the lower part of the rear panel of the retractable dynamics.

The little ends of the device are overwhelmed with any kind of keys or slots.

Keep in mind! A memory card and a cm-picture will be installed on the screen. Have a look at the model, and the ability to remember the battery.

On the top end there is a live button and a rose for the headset. The delivery set includes earphones є, І to finish the unadulterated quality. At the bottom end, a rose was sent to the microUSB format and a microphone.

In general, the zbirka is unpolluted, the buttons press on with a characteristic clatter sound, do not float in the grooves, everything is cracked competently. Ergonomics for annexes, Do not care about the back panel of the phone by hand to lie in the valley or not.


The Asus Zenfone 2 smartphone is presented in two modifications, such as the processor and memory of the display. The first one has a 5.5-inch matrix that can reach 1280 * 720 pixels, in another 1920 * 1080 pixels. The IPS matrix in Zenfon on May 2 of the prodigies, which is indicated on the transfer of the color - won in this vypad not beautiful. The luster is just as good as it gets. Temryavi want to change at the minimum, but with a bright illumination, navpaki, dodati, ale between, it is already reached. Automatically adjusting the quality of the work is not reduced by the rank, but more and more the given parameter is regulated independently.

I’ll look around as much as possible, as if I am amazed at the device even by the great kutom, it’s hard to fall, but it doesn’t turn into a color. Attach equipment technology robots in mittens, є oleophobic and antiglare ball... Staying on the sun is not strong. Look out, hto call, or write sms to finish smoothly. In general, it is a display of confusion. For its own hour and the price segment, it will take on a whole year.

In robot

Asus Zenfone 2 views in two versions for memory and processor. The youngster is rooted in people who do not plan on grates in іgri and strongly navantazhuvati pristіy. Another option of insurance for vimoglivy koristuvachіv, so yak here і operational memory 4 gigabytes Good luck with a processor with a frequency of 2.33 GHz. The chipset is chotiro-nuclear. The older model at the time of the exit without assistance was coping with the games and at the same time not too much warmed up. The younger version without pratsi did not launch additional supplements and behaved in an unbearable way with robots in the Internet.

Keep in mind! Unimportant on non-destructive parameters, Intel-based chipsets were still available to Qualcomm-based processors, for good reason, Asus has a lot of work.

For the new hour, there is also little trouble, the battery capacity is 3000 mAh. With such a figure, it’s not good for anyone, it’s practically the norm for any phone. Pritrіy vіzhivaє a working day, video vіdvoryu is close to 6 years, and at 30% charge with the inclusion of wi-fi you live close to 12 years. є fast charging technology, For 40 quilins, the battery will be charged by 60%. Indicators of autonomy are good.

Adjustment of equipments with two cameras in 13 and 5 megapixels. There is no way to tell anything tsykav about them, all of them are representatives of the market. є super resolution mode, I will change the details of the signs, the new mode will change the brightness of the photo, and at the same time I will not greatly fade the picture. Also, at that moment, there was an effect of the background image, it was a bit of a mistake to sacrifice that it could be done in a funky device, but for the time being, it was a bunch of tsikaviy. Another plus is the quick autofocus. Video znimaє in FHD with 30 frames per second. Good quality. For the robot camera, for its own hour, it is possible to evaluate it on a daily basis.

childless standards

Okremo wanted to mean the robot has no mouths. The smartphone is working with two SIM cards, with a single radio module for the skin. In other words, you can speak on one of the SIM cards, with a friend you will also be able to do it, and not connect, as in the transition to a large number of other attachments. Another welcome point pidtrimka LTE... The third feature is two Wi-Fi antennas. model pіdtrimє router mode, so that you can distribute the Internet on your extension from the phone. The cold start of navigation will be healthy in 5 seconds, even more quickly, but also one plus.


At the time of entry, the attachment price varied from 15 to 20 non-refundable incomes of the community. Today's buy a phone is foldable, ale kostu vіn is much cheaper. The model came out brightly in any of its versions, and with a small supply, you can vibrate that version, which is the most beautiful. Yak and at once, the brand will be promoted to people of different types of smartphones in the middle of the same line.

It's joy! Tim, hto bazhaє otrimate a great camera, it is recommended to be brutal with respect to the Asus Zenfone 2 Laser, the emphasis is on how much more photography is possible. Zokrema, in the whole device є laser focusing, as well as additions to expanding the number of adjustments.

In 2014, Asus introduced a new line of Zenfone smartphones, which were at a reasonable price. Judge I will drink on such an annex, the idea has appeared in the distance, and the line has neglected the logical advancement: Zenfone 2 ZE551ML, released in 2015 - “alive” is proof of this. The smartphone can boast of decent characteristics, garnished design, and an adorable price: the youngest version can be bought for a price of 187 USD. And ask the axle for the older version up to 390 USD. All are stored in the configuration (and the store cheats). The assigned prices are approximate, and they are relevant at the time of opening.

The design of the attachment is adorable, and at the same time of learning. On the face of the part under the screen, a plate with a gradual malunky was flashed. The rear crush is familiar, slightly curved for a larger grip, and with a grasp, scho metal. A number of kryshka colors are available on the vibir: black, white, gray, red and golden. There are no buttons on the side edges: the goydalk of food is on the long side, and the button on the top edge. Case dimensions: 77.20 x 152.50 x 10.90 mm. Waga: 170 g.

Features Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML

The settings for the possibility of vibrating the configuration of the hardware part, the skin can be used as a suitable option, for the needs and financial capabilities.

Processor and memory

The smartphone is sold in two main options. The difference between them is the processor, the exchange of the main and operational memory. Any configuration of the settings has a Power VR G6430 graphics chip, as well as the ability to expand memory for an additional MicroSD (up to 64 GB).

The more simple version of Asus Zenfone 2 discarded the prefix in the name of ZE550ML. Smartphones have an Intel Atom Z3560 processor (4 cores, 1.8 GHz). The storage of the RAM is 2 GB, and the ROM is 16 GB.

The older model with the ZE551ML prefix is ​​equipped with a 4-core Intel Atom Z3580 processor, clocked at 2.33 GHz. RAM upgrade up to 4 GB, and storage can be up to 32 і 64 GB.

The gain in productivity with an indefatigable eye is easy to finish. The offense of the attachment pratsyuyut duzhe shvidko, hiba scho in the version with 4 GB of RAM will be marked with more visoka shvidkit change between add-ons. On the other hand, the Intel Atom Z3560 / Z3580 processors do not reach the top-end ones, so they are more comfortable with hardware resources without spending FPS on lower graphical adjustments.

Autonomous robot

The battery capacity is set to 3000 mAh. Uninvolved on kryshka, the accumulator is ignorant. Virobnikov, in the distance, in the distance, draw the battery pack with a tighter, more energy-efficient hardware warehouse, and also optimize the program for securing. In sum, everything gave the power to power uninterruptedly for 24 years, with the addition of active assistance. In practice, this means 2 light days of robots without recharging. In the parameters є, the power saving mode is configured, in which case you can vibrate over the power saving mode, allowing you to continue the hour of the autonomous robot for a few years.


The main 13-megapixel camera is equipped with a mobile sleeper with cold and warm lights, as well as laser autofocus. The interface of the camera programs is simple and functional. At adjustments є adjustment of manual zyomka parameters, such as exposure, white balance, ISO. The presence of image stabilization, albeit on the programmed level. The light-strength matrix allows you to reject garnishing marks in case of insufficient illumination. An annual result is published in the afternoon, and the photographs are not accepted for the details of the marks, broken down on the top flagships of the A-brands in 2015. The camera is in the background, quickly focus.

Video can be recorded in the maximum resolution 1080p (1920 x 1080). The quality of the video is acceptable, protest, stabilization, to cope with its not the most beautiful rank: the image during the last hour of walking is all one to see, to be visibly humble.

The front camera is 5 megapixels for a photographer even better: for taking self-portraits, it is ideal.


5.5-inch display with IPS matrix, FullHD resolution (1920 x 1080) with Gorilla Glass 3 flap. Oleophobic ball is efficiently bright; The stock of lightness is high, with sleepy light, the visibility of the image is acceptable. The transfer of color and the contrast of the image is good, the look is maximal. You can individually adjust the color mode, including the contrast and the intensity of the image, or vibrate one of the preset modes.

Merezhev_ junior

There are 2 slots for SIM cards on the front of the smartphone, one of them can be used in 3G and 4G LTE framing, the other - in 2G fences. Ale nytsіkavіshe - two radio modules were installed in Asus Zenfone 2! If you actively use two SIM-cards, you can easily switch between them for an hour of telephone conversation. So that you can call your relatives by a special number, you can easily receive calls from a client or a boss by a work number. Smartphones have an NFC module. GPS navigation pratsyuє shvidko, without addiction.


The main dynamite is gooey; The same can be said about the sound in the headphones. The roaring dynamo will delight the owner of the owner with the ability to slightly finish the thick and clear voice of the spy.

program partin

The operating system is Vikoristovuvan - Android 5.1, with the shell Asus ZenUI. The interface of the shell allows you to fine-tune the working tables, wipes, sorting and add-ons in folders or prikhovuvati їkh. Ale, at the same hour, the launcher looks beautiful and minimalistic, very smart, and not overwhelmed by the elements. In the midst of Asus ZenUI's capabilities, it is possible to see the appearance of the autostart manager, which can also be used to fence off the independent launch of the software in the smallest area, and thus to continue the hour of robotics from the battery.

Plus and minus Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML


  • an annual indicator of autonomous robots;
  • two power radio modules;
  • presence indicator;
  • good camera;
  • Acceptable price.


  • no more zruchne roztashuvannya live button;
  • The quality of knowing the video is not the most obvious.

Our review about the Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML smartphone

Earlier, in the segment of affordable flagships, there were fewer brands from China. The Asus company has outdone the initiative, and to build, it has no way to go. It’s so trivial, and the company doesn’t follow the path of greed, and smartphones will become even more popular. Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML is a price-conscious phablet at a reasonable price; Obviously, there are more available Chinese counterparts, protest, they cannot boast of Dual SIM Active.

Android 5.0 platform
- Operational memory 2/4 GB
- Built-in memory 8/16/32 GB
- Display 5-5.5 ", HD / Full HD

Description of ZenFone 2 2015 (other generation)


There are three modifications from the other generation of ZenFone:

  • ZenFone 2 ZE551ML - Full HD screen 5.5 inches, Intel Atom Z3580 @ 2.3 GHz or Intel Atom Z3560 @ 1.8 GHz;
  • ZenFone 2 ZE550ML - HD-screen 5.5 inches and Intel Atom Z3560 processor with a frequency of 1.8 GHz;
  • ZenFone 2 ZE500CL - HD-screen 5-inch, Intel Atom Z2560 at 1.6 GHz;

Zovnishny viglyad

Zenfone 2 has a stylish and completely new design, which along with the ASUS brands, conveys the style of the Zen family, with luxurious displays of metal grinding and vivid details in the view of concentric keels. The elegant vignutius body with a width of 3.9 mm around the edges is even more flexible. The rounded edges paint the quickness of the victorian, and the intuitiveness of the victorian was polished, including for the opening of the rearward-displaced mucousness regulator, ideally designed for the victorian with the thumb.

It is clear that the ZE500CL model is visually small in size, so it can be used for sleeping.

Zenfone 2 is equipped with a 5.5 (5) -inch Full HD screen (for the top model ZE551ML) IPS with clear and easy-to-read images. I called the door 430ppi, and I’ll look around to get to 178 degrees, and I’ll turn my eyes on the photo and video and to the robot with the add-ons. The Asus TruVivid technology made the color look even bigger and bigger. The display has an ultra-thin 3.3-millimeter frame, which increases the size of the screen and body up to the hostile 72%, and Corning Gorilla Glass 3 guarantees an excellent view of the display and changes in the display.

It will take more than an hour of robotics from one charge of the charger. The high-capacity battery 3000mAh (2500mAh), which will keep the robot on one charge up to more than one day. The fast charging technology allows you to recharge the battery up to 60% in total for 39 quilts.

ZenUI interface

The Zen UI interface is also evolving and is now more stylish with a new configuration, which is more efficient and effective in terms of space and information in the center, prompting the robot. Zenfone 2 is the best smartphone in the world, which gives you the flexibility to adapt the settings to your liking, including changing the launcher, those, fonts, icons, etc.

ZenUI is low on new features such as ZenMotion, SnapView, Trend Micro and ZenUI Instant Updates, which will improve the speed of a victorious woman and give her special tributes.

ZenFone 2 2015 Specifications (Other Generation)

processor 64-bit 4 cores Intel Atom Z3580 2.3GHz, graph. PowerVR G6430 processor, with OpenGL 3.0 support or
64-bit 4 cores Intel Atom Quad Core Z3560 1.8GHz, graph. PowerVR G6430 processor with OpenGL 3.0 support
display 5.5 inches, 1920 x 1080 (Full HD), 403 PPI Gorilla Glass 3 pixels
the memory is awakened 16/32/64 GB microSD slot (cards up to 64 GB)
Operational memory 2/4 GB LPDDR3
Number of SIM cards 2 Micro SIM
battery 3000 mAh Li-pol, unknown
Internet access GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 4G (LTE)
Wireless connection
Sensori G-Sensor / E-Compass / Gyroscope / Proximity / Ambient Light Sensor
colir siry, chorniy, chervoniy, biliy, golden
Rosemary 152.5 x 77.2 x 3.9-10.9 mm
wag 170 g
platform Android 5.0 Lollipop with new ASUS ZenUI shell
processor 64-bit 4 cores Intel Atom Quad Core Z3560 1.8GHz, graph. PowerVR G6430 processor with OpenGL 3.0 support
display 5.5 inches, 1280 × 720 (HD), Gorilla Glass 3
the memory is awakened
Operational memory 2GB LPDDR3
Camera 5-megapixel front, 13-megapixel main
Number of SIM cards 2 Micro SIM
battery 3000 mAh Li-pol, unknown
Internet access GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 4G (LTE)
Video video file format: mpeg4, 3gp
Wireless connection WLAN 802.11a / b / g / n / ac USB Bluetooth V4.0
Sensori G-Sensor / E-Compass / Proximity / Ambient Light Sensor
colir black, chervoniy, biliy
Rosemary 152.5 x 77.2 x 3.9-10.9 mm
wag 170 g
platform Android 5.0 Lollipop with new ASUS ZenUI shell
processor Intel Atom Z2560 1.6GHz
display 5 inches, 1280 × 720 (HD), Gorilla Glass 3
the memory is awakened 16GB microSD slot (cards up to 64GB)
Operational memory 2GB LPDDR2
Camera 2-megapixel front, 8-megapixel main
Number of SIM cards 1 Micro SIM
battery 2500 mA Li-pol, unknown
Internet access GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 4G (LTE)
Navigation GPS / GLONASS / AGPS
Video video file format: mpeg4, 3gp
Wireless connection WLAN 802.11 b / g / n USB 2.0 Bluetooth V4.0 + EDR + A2DP
Sensori Accelerator / E-Compass / Proximity / Light Sensor
colir black, chervoniy, biliy
Rosemary 148.1 x 71.5 x 3.9-10.9 mm
wag 155 g

Look around ASUS ZenFone 2 2015 (other generation)