iOS work desk. How to set up a manual desktop on iPhone: tips for properly organizing your home screen. iPhone trellises and iPad trellises

Creative and extraordinary people will always have to marvel at the unique design of their device. Grab your everyday attention to the beautiful trellises that will elevate your work desk! We regularly publish on our website a selection of wallpapers for iPhone and iPad, which are highly popular among readers.

One of the key visual innovations of the desktop operating system is . The background changes depending on the hour of arrival for which geolocation service is used. Everything would be fine, except that the standard set of OS contains only two options for dynamic wallpapers. Today we understand how this overflow can be expanded.

One of the key visual innovations of the macOS Mojave desktop operating system is. The background changes depending on the hour of arrival for which geolocation service is used. Everything would be fine, except that the standard set of OS contains only two options for dynamic wallpapers. Today we understand how this overflow can be expanded.

One of the key visual innovations of the macOS Mojave desktop operating system is dynamic desktop wallpaper. The background changes depending on the hour of arrival for which geolocation service is used. Everything would be fine, except that the standard set of OS contains only two options for dynamic wallpapers. Today we understand how this overflow can be expanded.

One of the key visual innovations of the desktop operating system is the dynamic trellises on the desktop. The background changes depending on the hour of arrival for which geolocation service is used. Everything would be fine, except that the standard set of OS contains only two options for dynamic wallpapers. Today we understand how this overflow can be expanded.

The desktop operating system macOS Mojave has added a number of exciting innovations. Among them are dynamic trellises on the work table, which change depending on the hour of production. Such screensavers look both effective and hostile. It’s true, on the other hand, it presents only two such screensavers to the players. Especially for our readers, we found a few more dynamic pictures.

The desktop operating system has introduced a lot of interesting innovations. Among them are dynamic trellises on the work table, which change depending on the hour of production. Such screensavers look both effective and hostile. However, one thing is true: Apple offers customers only two such screensavers. Especially for our readers, we found a few more dynamic pictures.

The new smartphone has also released dynamic wallpapers in an updated version - iPhone users can now decorate the desktops of their newly purchased gadgets with them.

The new Apple smartphone is in a hurry to introduce 6 original LIVE skins. The first 3 are available in a format that can be printed on the gadget’s packaging, and also supplied together with it. 3 - iPhone x wallpapers, see a lot more from the presentation. At this time, only the standard iOS 11 wallpapers are available in the beta version.

Regardless of the fact that the beta version is still at the stage of testing by registered retailers, simple traders can marvel and get their own iPhone x iOS 11 wallpapers on various Internet resources, click on my website, you know go as far as possible.

New wallpapers for iPhone X

These variants of dynamic trellises are released in green, yellow, orange, red, violet, black colors, as well as in a rich color version. Animated wallpapers of the iPhone X are the first relaunch of the format since it was first introduced in iOS 7 stock.

For the protection of the dark background in the area of ​​​​the status bar of the iPhone X trellis, they help to enter with a visor for the microphone and camera, which is noticeable when choosing different color trellises and draws. The dark edges with the rounded ends of the iphone x nibi tapes are shining from the top panel of the screen, which tends to eliminate the signs of unevenness.

Varto note that many people have previously added such a panel and edited the image in Photoshop. Regardless of the fact that the Apple iPhone x screens have caused this problem, viruses can still be detected if you highlight the animated elements of the screensavers.

iOS programs with HD wallpapers for iPhone (including X, XS, XS Max) and iPad - allowing you to install beautiful and seamless wallpapers on a variety of themes on your gadgets.

The iOS operating system has a visual adjustment to the desktop and interface that is less flexible than the same Android - for smartphones, tablets and players from Apple on the remaining version 11 of the OS, the curtain with widgets is changed ( where you can admire the weather and quickly find out more precisely position on the card, and in one click, launch the remaining track from Apple Music) and a control point where you can add buttons - from light to magnifier and notes.

It is not possible for owners of the iPhone or iPad - it is not possible, for example, to change the size of shortcuts and the position of buttons on the iOS screen, place widgets directly on the desktop, or add any animation (what's wrong?). Therefore, you will lose the only way to interact with the interface - change the Home screen saver or display the desktop image.

The idea, by the way, is not new, sites with pictures under the song of the screen appeared at the beginning of the 2000s, changing the way of implementing the plan. You will no longer have to spend years scrolling through sites with wallpapers for iOS, closing ads every time and manually selecting options for the screen of the desired model of smartphone or tablet, depending on the available pixel. Now you can trust professionals - special iOS library add-ons, which store a whole collection of pictures on various topics to fit any screen. I forgot to look at the App Store and select a useful tool:

Tapestries and themes for iPhone 8 iPad

As an additional plus - the ability to add a program menu to the iOS widget curtain and change pictures in the same way as the first time you ask. Too tedious to select images? Retailers are allowed to play background music in their favorite genre. Not enough free space on the internal memory of iOS? If you have previously saved your wallpaper, you can clear the iOS cache and save those important megabytes.

Well, where would we be without modern design? The program has been brought to stylistic perfection, works miraculously on iOS 11 and is completely ad-free!

Everpix – Garni HD trellises

A large collection of exclusive wallpapers for the iOS desktop: iPhone, iPad and iPod, a forward view mode and a kind of “sample” even before choosing, the ability to select specific topics, and then select recommendations according to your preferences oh, and also – major updates and all sorts of systemic improvements .

Retailer Robert Snopov, although he doesn’t want to destroy the bike, clearly brought the competitors’ ideas to the right level – hot advertising, paid subscriptions, careless notifications and technical faults – and it works miraculously on iOS: iPhone 4s and on iPhone X with the rest of iOS.

Trellis for me

An aggregator of wallpapers for iPhone and iPad, quickly gaining an audience, and thematic pictures for the iOS desktop. Another plus is the ability to select different categories (from cartoon characters to movies, sports and political leaders), the forward viewing mode in iOS (if you don’t need to admire anything, but you can admire "pump"), the ability to enchant special "combos" "languages" with a number of trellises that harmoniously complement each other on the "Dodoma" screen and in the "Block" mode.

Researchers and social interaction have not forgotten, and at the same time the system of return and history - whether the pictures you have looked at are stored in memory, and then the search for a new picture changes greatly, and it becomes much easier to remove recommendations (I What do cars and landscapes already look like? , then the menu will have a place for such new items). From the shortcomings there is a sea of ​​advertising. And when looking at each other, when being attracted, and when transitioning between categories. Vitrimati such an influx without disintegration is very important.

Live tapestries for me

Another iOS addition from the Apalon Apps studio, with just a few clicks you can change the appearance of the lock screen of Apple smartphones (suitable for models older than 6s). Then select the picture you want (or rather, live wallpapers that come into play, press and place your finger on the screen) and you can follow the magic.

Access to the entire collection of animated trellises is open absolutely cost-free and for everyone who needs to endure a significant advertising flow.

iPhone trellises and iPad trellises

From a technical point of view, the project is very different from its competitors described above, and the collection of tapestries as a whole is very broad, and the themes are thought out to a great extent. And yet – the distributors told us in advance about a competent system for reviewing the available content. You don’t need to spend years staring at the main menu on your iOS gadget and constantly jumping between available menus in the heat of the moment. It’s much simpler here - just select the appropriate section, and then use the re-look method. One picture at a time, either with a mesh or with the bottom of the screen into as many pieces as were suitable.

Unfortunately, there were some shortcomings again - every potential buyer of mystique is forced to look at possible advertising propositions ten times a day. Moreover, you cannot interact with the interaction sections until the stream of on-screen videos and pictures ends.

Cool trellises 20,000 arkushes

Before the speech, the publishers put into operation a useful slideshow mechanic - with hour-long intervals in non-stop mode, different images appear on the screen that can be marked with likes, and then attracted and vikorized.

Living Tapestries – HD Themes Screensavers

A unique intelligent service for selecting trellises for the iOS desktop. The collection is updated every day and, moreover, we select from the most relevant and respectable pictures. Again, the collection is available, divided into thematic categories, which allows you to find the desired scene with cars or mountain ranges of Western America in a few seconds.

As an additional plus - the system of tastes and propositions (effectively works as needed!) and the ability to find the required concepts through search, with the help of thematic and further significant tags.

Wallpapers & Backgrounds X

Tens of thousands of wallpapers for every taste, total support for iOS smartphones, tablets and players (and more recently, Apple Watch!), a properly organized library with different categories and links of pictures (DoDome and Blocked screens nya") , the ability to select permissions, share your discoveries with friends and manually organize your favorite “playlists” for each day

The pluses of the collection are access to special iOS subscriptions for thematic updates - for example, the week before the New Year you can see Santa Claus in all available poses and with different backgrounds, and on St. Patrick's Day - all the necessary paraphernalia, including the famous stable .


Bringing to technical and visual perfection a catalog of trellises for the desktop, which stands out from its competitors and above difference), and miraculous optimization. The collection is downloaded in just a few seconds (this is due to an unstable connection due to older versions of iOS and obsolete technology), and the pictures are burned out without delay.

However, the main disadvantage of the project is practically not visible to competitors - the same problem with advertising that appears in the appearance of banners, like notifications on the entire screen.

Living tapestries and screensavers

A nasty, albeit unprecedented, catalog of images for the iOS desktop with high detail and a bunch of available “bells and whistles” - the forward look function is available, and the “History” and “Selected” folders are available, where you can save or have already looked at the wallpaper and, and the topic is Possibility of Swedish social interaction.

The App Store renews iOS with add-ons that allow you to know the background or the trellis - you will never need to know!