Look for hotkeys in Windows 10. Let's speed up our work at the computer using the red keys. New key combinations

The Windows operating system is complex, but also very functional. With a lot of speeches to finish, it’s easy to hesitate to help the bear. You can also get to frequently accessed items using hot keys on your keyboard, bypassing all menus and without clicking. Below you will learn about the 10 best hotkeys for Windows 10 that you need to speed up your daily work on your computer.

Win– a button on the keyboard with images of the Windows logo. After pressing this, the “Start” menu opens, you can launch programs, set up the system, or restore your computer’s life (restart, unmute, activate sleep mode).

You can also find files, folders and programs on your computer, so that immediately after clicking you will begin to write the name of the file, program or folder.

Win+D- Please note that when everything is on fire, open the window and show the desktop. This is a very interesting combination when you often have a large number of accessories open, and you need to find out what documents are on your desktop every now and then.

Consistently close all open windows or go to the bottom right corner, which is not an option. And pressing the Win+D axis is very easy. Repeated pressure turns all the burnt windows, as if the stench had been dissolved until then.

Win+L- The easiest way to block your computer is by going to the blocking screen. If you need to go somewhere, you simply click on it and a splash screen will appear on the screen, after which you will need to enter a password to access your account.

Performing similar actions through the Start menu is far from the best way, and pressing the Win + L key is as easy as shelling pears.

Win+E- “Explorer” opens. I have already written to the statistics that I was encouraged by the use of third-party file managers, so that the functional capabilities of the regular “Explorer” have become no longer sufficient for completing my tasks.

So, to quickly launch “Explorer” from the keyboard, simply press Win + E.

Win+R– When you open the “Viconati” window, you can enter commands or name the program to launch. This will help you to manually launch various programs or commands for selecting any specific tasks.

For example, after pressing on Win + R, entering regedit and pressing Enter, the Windows Registry Editor opens (up to the point, if you use the Reg Organizer program, you can open it by entering three Latin letters P in this row - rrr).

Win + Tab– a combination for opening an interface that allows you to switch between virtual desktops as you interact with them.

After clicking, a special screen will open, showing all your desktops and the programs running on them.

Win+I– a new update of Windows 10 is opening, so you can replace the old Windows Panel, even if it’s 100% gone. Essentially, Windows 10 now has two panels – new and old.

If you ever sing about this problem... But you can start a new adjustment in one push.

Ctrl+Win+←/→- Combination for mixing between work tables. If you have a number of desktops and want to switch between them in one click, this combination is for you. Before speaking, the chatter between work desks itself will be accompanied by very cool animation.

Depending on which desktop you want to go to, you need to press the left or right arrows using the Ctrl and Win keys.

Ctrl+Shift+Esc– a combination that launches the Windows 10 task manager, which has been completely changed from Windows 7.

Now it is an even more powerful tool for monitoring running programs that are launched when the system starts, as well as monitoring computer resources. Really cool, actually and manually!

Win + →/←//↓ Another miraculous combination that allows you to change the position of the active window on the screen with one click. In this way, you can display the windows of various programs on the desktop in such a way that you can see their positions. This is a useful procedure, as you work directly from the desktop add-ons or from the desktop windows of the same programs.

If you press Win + Left Hand, the active window will expand on the left half of the screen. If you then press Win + Up, the active window will be moved to the top left corner (quarter) of the screen.

To quickly manage the operating system and not get tired of working with it, it helps to use such skills as effective interaction with the keyboard. Who benefits from the hotkeys of Windows 10. By adjusting for efficiency, you can learn how to use the buttons, which will help make the work of people who work at the computer much easier. We already know what is happening with the latest generation operating systems. It is not difficult to learn such combinations in one day, it is enough to write down the most necessary ones, and then the whole world will begin to learn new ones. All information is typed on the keyboard, either the Win button, or Win, or Start, or Start - the key with the Windows logo. In the article, we call them differently for the sake of clarity, because they call for any one option. But essentially it’s the same thing.

Window management

This section describes the corresponding keys for working with Windows 10 windows.

  • Win + left arrow - this way you can reach the end of the program to the left side of the screen.
  • Win + right arrow - this way you can open programs to the right side of the screen.
  • Win + up arrow – with this combination you can display programs on the entire screen.
  • Win + down arrow - these keys will light up at the end of the program.
  • Win + D – these keys either display or select the desktop.
  • Win + Shift + M – this way you can resize the burned-out windows.
  • Win + Home - this combination burns everything in the end, in addition, in which case it is used.
  • Alt + Tab - this combination interrupts running programs.
  • Alt + F4 - this one closes the current one at the end.
  • Win + Shift + arrow left-handed (or right-handed) - moves the window to another monitor.
  • Win + T – with the help of this connection, you can go through the icons displayed on the task panel one by one. When you press the Enter button, the program starts.
  • Win + 0...9 – launches from the panel the specified programs that are assigned to a specific serial number.

Working with a guide

  • Start + E – with this help you can launch the file manager.
  • Ctrl + N – this combination opens a new ending.
  • Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel - indicates changing the type of elements (tables, icons, etc.).
  • Alt + up arrow – goes up one level.
  • Alt + left arrow - look at the first folder across.
  • Alt + right arrow - look at the folder as you go through.

Work tables

  • Start + Ctrl + D – adding a new virtual desktop.
  • Start + Ctrl + left arrow – using this connection, we switch between work tables from right to left.
  • Start + Ctrl + right arrow - for this purpose, we switch between work tables at the gateway.
  • Start + Ctrl + F4 - this is how you close the working table, which is immediately vikorist.
  • Start + Tab - view all work tables and their status.


Hot keys significantly speed up the work at the computer. Once you have read them, the time will come when the interaction with the computer reaches the area under your control. So you don’t have to worry about clicking on the song button or window. Of course, you won’t remember everything right away, but the more you practice using the keys, you’ll soon forget the smell. The moment will come when you won’t need to look at the keyboard. The age of information technology has even worse skills. Only specialized programs can help you set up hot keys, but you can spend an hour before you have a solution ready?

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Nothing makes working at a computer easier than shortening the keyboard. By clicking - there is no need to navigate through the menu, opening tab after tab in search of the necessary action.

As functional capabilities increase, so does the number of tasks available to control hot keys.

Windows 10 has the same keyboards as in “seven” and “all”, plus new ones have appeared. Let's get to know them more closely and figure out how to train them "below ourselves."

New in Windows 10

Virtual desktops

One of the new products of the “ten” is these virtual desktops, where you can place open documents and running programs.

This additional space helps you to reorganize your work area by spreading open windows across a number of screens.

Virtual desktops can be created and controlled using an additional mouse or keyboard very quickly.

Hot keys for switching, opening and closing desktops in Windows 10:

  • Windows (key with the same name icon) + Ctrl + D – create a new table;
  • Windows + Ctrl + arrow key with right or left arrow – switching between desks;
  • Windows + Ctrl + F4 – close the active desktop.
  • Windows + Ctrl + Tab – view all windows on open desktops.

Placement of open windows one by one

Another advanced feature of the “tens” is the Snap function - placing two open windows on the opposite halves of the screen, which is handy when editing documents and copying files from one directory to another.

In Windows 7 and 8, it worked only with an additional mouse, and in Windows 10 - with both the mouse and hot keys.

Axis of this combination:

  • Windows + right arrow – moves the active window to the right;
  • Windows + left arrow – moves the active window to the left;
  • Windows + up arrow - remove the active window up;
  • Windows + down arrow - move the active window down.

Command line

Explorer, search and program

Here are a selection of keyboard accessories that provide search functions, utility programs, game bar, etc. These are those that first appeared or changed in Windows 10.

  • Windows + G – opens the Game Bar in Xbox programs to record video from the screen and take screenshots.
  • Windows + Q - opens the sound module window, the same one you click on the “magnifying glass” icon in the command panel.
  • Windows + S – launches the virtual assistant Cortana, which the Russian version of Windows does not work with. The pressure of this combination opens up the search.
  • Windows + I – opens the “Options” program – new “ten” items.
  • Windows + A – expand to the center of the notification, which can also be opened by clicking on the icon in the tray.
  • Windows + Alt + G – increase background screen recording.
  • Windows + Alt + R – background screen recording.
  • Windows + plus on the numeric block of the keyboard – more images behind the help of the on-screen magnifier.
  • Windows + minus on the numeric block of the keyboard – changes the image using an additional on-screen magnifier.

Setting up hot keys

"Ten", unfortunately, does not allow you to reassign the keyboard at your own discretion, behind the scenes of the main panel.

Tim, who is wondering where and how to change hotkeys in the Windows 10 registry, it would be better to use the tool for any third-party software. For example, the cost-free utility MKey.

This program was created to assign processes to the additional keys of multimedia keyboards, and also supports standard ones.

MKey is now equipped with new functions such as single keys and synergies with Shift, Alt, Ctrl and Windows.

In addition to MKey, you can assign the following actions to the keys:

  • control multimedia functions: turn down programming, change volume, etc.;
  • folder folders;
  • launch of add-ons;
  • quitting and restarting the computer, switching to hibernation mode and deep sleep, ending the session of the correspondent;
  • changing the size and moving the working windows, closing the windows onto the panel, opening and closing the windows;
  • opening, closing, saving and other documents;
  • connections to and from them;
  • changing the trellises of the working table;
  • copying, pasting, PC locking, PrintScreen, task completion and much more.

This is the small part that the program contains.

The procedure for setting up Windows 10 hotkeys with MKey:

  • click the “Add” button in the lower left corner of the window;
  • press 1-2 keys that you want to recognize as action;
  • give the name of the new combination;
  • Open the “Activities” tab and select the activity that you want to select.

To remove hotkeys or change their settings, right-click next to their name and select “View” or “Adjust.”

All the functions in MKey are in full swing.

Hotkeys Windows 10

Hotkeys of Windows 10 OS - list, settings and functions

So that you can work more quickly and easily at your computer under Windows systems, Microsoft's representatives have introduced a keyless entry system into the system, which can be used much more quickly, without losing sight of the memory. In this article, I tried to collect the most frequently abused Windows 10 hotkeys, since most of them are used in earlier versions of Windows.

For example, copying part of the text with a mouse and then pasting it takes a lot of hours, so you need to use the key combinations ctrl+c – for copying text, and ctrl+v for pasting. Here you will need to use the same keys, which are used for almost everything. At the same time, there is still no hot keys on the keyboard of a computer or laptop. In our article we present all these combinations, including combinations with a special windows key

First of all, I want to express your respect for those hot keys 10, which I use almost every day.

Associated keysWhy bother
ctrl+cCopy video text, file, folder, etc.
ctrl+xVirize your vision text, file, folder, etc.
ctrl+vInsert video text, file, folder, etc.
ctrl+fSearch on the page. It is easy to edit in text editors, browsers, etc.
ctrl+zSqueeze the front part. For example, editing parts of the text in a text editor, the rest in a graphics editor, etc.
ctrl+pSend a document to a friend from the keyboard
ctrl+aSee everything. For example, all the text on the Word editor page, or the entire Excel table, all the elements in the graphics editor, or all the objects on the desktop
Win+L keyLock your computer and screen
Win key + TABShows the presentation of tasks in Windows 10. It’s very handy for reviewing the current current windows and history of work on the computer
Win+D keyThe work windows are lit and lit. This is even more useful if you need to quickly clean the work table
Ctrl+Alt+DeleteOpens Windows Task Manager
Ctrl+Shift+NCreate a new folder in Explorer

Basic information

There are additional keys for basic actions: copying, pasting, etc.

Associated keysWhy bother
CTRL+XVirizable by selecting an object
CTRL+C or CTRL+INSERTCopying the object
CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERTInserting a selected object
CTRL+ZSqueeze the front part
ALT+TABGo to the front open accessory
ALT+F4Exit from active programs
Windows key +LLock the device
Windows key +DAll the windows are lit and all the windows are lit
F2Rename the selected object
F3Find a file or folder in Explorer
F4Go to the address row in Explorer
F5 or CTRL+RUpdate active window
F6Select an accessory on the screen of the window or on the desktop
F10Go to the menu in the active app
ALT+F8The password will be displayed when you log in to the system
ALT+ESCInterchange between the elements in the order in which the stench was detected
ALT+chaired letterThe command is displayed, which indicates the support of the letter
ALT+ENTERShows the power of the seen object
ALT+PASSOpens the menu of the selected window
ALT+LEFT ARROWBack command
ALT+PAGE UPMoves to the side uphill
ALT+PAGE DOWNMoves one side down
CTRL+F4Closes the active document (in those programs where several documents are opened in one work window)
CTRL+ASee all or Vibrate all
CTRL+D or DELETERemoves the vision element or moves it to the box
CTRL+YRepeat this
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMoves the cursor to the beginning of the leading word
CTRL+LEFT ARROWMoves the cursor to the beginning of the last word
CTRL+ARROW DownMoves the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
CTRL+UPRIGHT ARROWMoves the cursor to the top of the first paragraph
CTRL+ALT+TABWith this key combination, you can move between open programs using the keyboard arrows, selecting programs using the Enter key
CTRL+SHIFT+arrow keyWe see some text
CTRL+ESCOpen the Start menu
CTRL+SHIFT+ESCLaunch Windows Manager
CTRL+SHIFTPeremikannya movie introduction
SHIFT+F10Open the menu for the visible object
SHIFT+any key with arrowWe can see elements in the window, on the desktop, as well as text in any document
SHIFT+DELETEVisibility of the seen object "past" the cats
ESCWe’re going to forget the exact order, but we’re getting out of it completely

Windows key

For starters, where is the win key located on the keyboard?
It's simple - the win key is the key with the logo, most often it is in the other row, the other is left-handed - for computer keyboards, and the third is for laptop keyboards.

Marvel at the photo of the retouching:

The table can be accessed using the Windows key

Associated keysWhy bother
Windows keyOpen and close the Start menu
Windows key +AOpens the support center
Windows key+BFocus area inform
Windows key +C
Cortana's voice assistant opens.
Restore respect:

  • This key is stuck behind the covers. To squeeze it, press it Start -> Settings -> Cortana and install the switch in position Withdrawn, in the section Allow Cortana to listen to my commands when I press the Windows logo key.

  • The voice assistant is not available in all countries and regions, and some of its functions may be limited. If you are faced with this problem, vikorist Search.
Windows Key + Shift + CClick on the charms menu
Windows key +DBurn and burn all the windows
Windows key + Alt + DOpen/close dialog box with date and hour
Windows key+EOpen Explorer
Windows key+FTake a screenshot and open the Access Center
Windows key+GOpens the menu of the running game
Windows key + HStart dictation
Windows key + IOpens the "Options" section
Windows key+JLet's focus on the Windows leaking prompt, if it is available
Windows key +KClick on Swede for "Connect"
Windows key +LWe block the computer or change the cloud record
Windows key +MThe windows are lit
Windows key +OWe fix the orientation of the building in the open space
Windows key +PSwitching between presentation display modes
Windows key +RView of the "Viconati" window
Windows key+SWe open the search on the device
Windows key +TSwitching between open programs
Windows key +UOpens "Center for Special Opportunities"
Windows key +VMixing between friends
Windows key + SHIFT + VInterchanges between messages in another box
Windows key + XOpens the menu with special options
Windows key + YMixing between inputs in Windows Mixed Reality and the desktop
Windows key+ZDisplays commands available for programs in full screen mode.
Windows key + period (.) or period followed by (;)Opens the panel with emoji (emoticons)
Windows key + coma (,)Timing hourly shows the work table (Show active windows with clear eyes)
Windows key +PAUSEDiscover the authorities of the system
Windows key +CTRL+FSearch for computers near the edge (With an active connection)
Windows key+SHIFT+MRenews lit windows (Only active on the desktop)
Windows key + numberLaunches the program assigned to the specified number on the task panel (under the serial number). If the program is already running - switch to this program
Windows key+SHIFT+digitLaunches a new instance of the program assigned to the specified number on the task panel (under the serial number)
Windows key + CTRL + numberSwitching to the currently active program is assigned to the specified number on the command panel (under the serial number)
Windows key + ALT + numberOpens the list of transitions for the task assigned to the specified number on the task panel (under the serial number)
Windows key + CTRL + SHIFT + numberLaunches the program assigned to the specified number on the task panel (under the serial number), under the administrator name
Windows key + TABShows thumbnails of current open programs, as well as the history of open programs for a month.
Windows key + UP ARROWOpen the window
Windows Key + Down ArrowLight up the window
Windows Key + Left ArrowMaximize the desktop window or program to the left edge of the screen
Windows Key + Right ArrowExpand the desktop window or program to the right edge of the screen
Windows key + HOMEAll windows are lit, except the active window; when pressed again, the windows light up
Windows key + SHIFT + UP ARROWExtends the active program window to the top and bottom edges of the screen
Windows Key + SHIFT + Down ARROWRenews or burns all active desktop windows vertically, saving width.
Windows key + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWMoves a desktop window or program from one monitor to another
Windows key + SpacebarInterchanges the language keyboard layout and input (a dialog box appears with the choice of language using the SPACEBAR key)
Windows key + CTRL + SPACEBARTurn the language to the front
Windows key + CTRL + ENTERLaunches Narrator
Windows key + plus sign (+)Launches Magnifier
Windows key + rice scythe (/)Starting IME reconversion
Windows Key + CTRL + VShows direct connections

It is possible that you are looking for a key combination to lock the keyboard on your computer, but such a combination does not work. You can block the touchpad on your laptop, so you can save it. key Fn+ F1-F12, in which case the other button will be one of F1-F12. Different printers vary, you can find out from your contactor on your laptop.